Mugabe against the white farmers - Straight through Africa | VPRO Documentary

  • Опубліковано 11 вер 2024
  • The government of Zimbabwe expelled thousands of white farmers from their country. Right or not?
    Zimbabwe is bursting with fertile soil and has an excellent climate for agriculture. Until about fifteen years ago only a few thousand white farmers benefited, because they had almost all the farm land in their possession. Now the situation is completely different. You will hardly find white farmers anymore. Most of the farms are divided into smaller units, where black Zimbabweans are allowed to grow their crops.
    For example, the young brothers Solomon and Tony. They grow tobacco, and hope to earn so much that they can afford a pick-up truck and later a good education for their children. The plants are flourishing, but the drying of the tobacco is not yet smooth sailing. They have never learned that.
    They are doing better than most new land owners in Zimbabwe. A lot of land is unused or hardly yields due to incompetence. With the white farmers also the knowledge of agriculture from the Zimbabwean countryside has disappeared.
    Bram visits a white family, who now lives in a house in the city, with a garden full of rusting agricultural machinery. The years before the departure of their farm were terrible, tell the ex-farmer and his wife. Livestock was slaughtered, the dogs poisoned, groups of men came to the fence to claim the land. A friend was murdered and with their own (black) foreman it also went bad. Other staff have fled with them and still work for the family.
    The ex-farmer finds it difficult to digest that he has lost his land. And if it had to be given to black Zimbabweans, then why not to the staff that already worked there? "At least those people know how to run a farm." But then, whoever worked for a white farmer was on the wrong side.
    The expulsion of white farmers was not only the work of groups of armed men. The Zimbabwean state carried out a deliberate campaign to expropriate the country and give it to veterans who had fought in the war of independence. To give back, in the vision of many Zimbabweans, because during the colonization was it not taken from their ancestors?
    The judge of the tobacco cooperative finds it right that the government intervenes, he says. "This land reform was necessary." He is less enthusiastic about the implementation: "The country was given to people who do not have the slightest idea of ​​how teams work. But they did want to own land. See how it is now. Here only grass grows. Sooner or later we will no longer have corn. We were the breadbasket of the region. But that is empty now. "
    Episode 4. The right of Mugabe
    The government of Zimbabwe evicted thousands of white farmers from their land. Were they right to do so or not?
    Director: Doke Romeijn and Stefanie de Brouwer
    © VPRO September 2014
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  • @andre3823
    @andre3823 4 роки тому +97

    And now they are starving!

    • @tfmkhonza5084
      @tfmkhonza5084 4 роки тому +11


    • @boitumelotshwenyego6922
      @boitumelotshwenyego6922 4 роки тому +14

      Not as the Western Media puts it. Its just that no one wants to Invest there. It may be a blessing in disguise.

  • @dk.650
    @dk.650 4 роки тому +121

    Well done to the Zimbabwean government. Not to different what Stalin did to the people. Just shows how greedy, divisive, ruthless and self serving politicians screw up countries. All the best with development Zim.

    • @catmandont100
      @catmandont100 4 роки тому +5

      It's OK to Name those who inspired the Slaughter and Enslavement of Russia....And their religion.

    • @bencrawshaw1227
      @bencrawshaw1227 4 роки тому +3

      I agree with you there . Politicians are vermin.

    • @geraldswain3259
      @geraldswain3259 4 роки тому +1

      I always gut shoot Corvids!.

  • @gordonblues843
    @gordonblues843 4 роки тому +72

    The idea that 'only a few thousand white farmers benefitted from the land' is very short-sighted. All of Zimbabwe benefitted from the land, because they actually had food to eat, they had a stable economy and employment! And now who is benefitting? Like the lady said at the end 'it's all to do with people\s ability to prosper'. Who is prospering?

    • @zat0076
      @zat0076 4 роки тому +21

      That is a stupid arguement....the blacks hv been farming and feeding from the lands for thousands of yrs

    • @boitumelotshwenyego6922
      @boitumelotshwenyego6922 4 роки тому +11

      hahahaha! Those controlling the means of production are the rich, not workers

    • @grahamt5924
      @grahamt5924 4 роки тому +8

      @@zat0076 16 million people in Zimbabwe is a new situation. They have never farmed enough food for this population growth. The numbers are going to need to go down for them to feed these numbers.

    • @gordonblues843
      @gordonblues843 4 роки тому +10

      We dealing with some low intelligence people here in the chat. Their reasoning leads to very negative outcomes like we have seen.

  • @andre3823
    @andre3823 4 роки тому +57

    Plant food not tobacco!!!!

  • @committosterbath8833
    @committosterbath8833 4 роки тому +44

    This is why we need to bring back Rhodesia

    • @teemandi6097
      @teemandi6097 4 роки тому +5

      Who is we?

    • @gororo14
      @gororo14 4 роки тому +3

      Edward it’s people like you who gave Robert and his cronies a reason to do what they did. Even your fellow Europeans didn’t do any to help you because they didn’t agree with you they of style racist sentiments. Why did the British, throw you white Zimbabweans under the bus? Then some of you talk about moving to New Zealand, in NZ they have a country where they are not racist like Rhodies and they would much rather have black migrants that’s racist cunts.

    • @speakthetruth795
      @speakthetruth795 4 роки тому

      maybe in Britain I guess 😏

    • @CHrisG-ol3ei
      @CHrisG-ol3ei 4 роки тому +15

      “Bring back Rhodesia “ 😀😀desperate times call for desperate solutions ! At least then you had Food , Jobs , medical supplies , money, a proper currency that worked . Oh and a national airline that actually flew planes !

    • @rogerwilcoxii359
      @rogerwilcoxii359 4 роки тому

      @@teemandi6097 I'll do it

  • @donaldgray2128
    @donaldgray2128 4 роки тому +34

    And the rest of the world did jack about it

  • @Josh-wn5fu
    @Josh-wn5fu 5 років тому +64

    Aka the next South Africa

    • @thobanigelem1639
      @thobanigelem1639 4 роки тому +2

      Josh so true

    • @grahamt5924
      @grahamt5924 4 роки тому +7

      @@gororo14 there will be a war in South Africa. White supremacist is just a word that most people dont understand.

  • @dmd9160
    @dmd9160 4 роки тому +38

    Sad story all around for Zimbabwe. I don’t see racial integration at all, it’s about settling scores and perpetuating the issue with shoe now on the other foot. No wonder the country has failed itself. India brought into effect a land reform act of 1955, after independence from British rule, to solve similar issues, its clear headed and just and the thought process involved was not to carry the baggage of the past into the future. Some Zimbabweans might like to look it up. Indian for many years is a surplus food and grain producer and exporter despite being the second most populated nation in the world.

  • @jlhabitan50
    @jlhabitan50 6 років тому +49

    From what I've read about the land reform years in Zimbabwe, there was never a transition period to which would have allowed a smoother and bloodless distribution of land, considering how agriculture was one of the country's greatest economic strengths. If there are large-scale farms that employ hundreds of workers who do work on the land among other things, a sudden land seizure would render all of those people without a livelihood, especially if those properties weren't actually being utilized for production.
    Is it true that many farms were not given to actual black farmers but instead given to cronies and corrupt officials?

    • @skelm4978
      @skelm4978 5 років тому +17

      Yes, that is true. Everybody forgets president Abel Muzerewa. He was elected in 1979. But the communists (USSR and China) who were supplying the weapons, didn't want a moderate leader and the UN neither so the worldwide sanctions were not lifted.

    • @boitumelotshwenyego6922
      @boitumelotshwenyego6922 4 роки тому +4

      If you look at Botswana for example, there are a lot of small scale arable farmers who can produce enough sorghum and maize annually if rains are good. They are supplemented by commercial farmers who don't own much land like in South Africa and like was in Zimbabwe. Its morally wrong how the land was taken away from us as Africans to be a white man's slave even here at home. So its great that our people are trying with the little they have. They will grow from that.

  • @teemandi6097
    @teemandi6097 4 роки тому +43

    thank you for an objective representation of the situation on the ground

  • @abrown4414
    @abrown4414 4 роки тому +16

    It's so wonderful to see the success of the black farmers

    • @tmaclee2737
      @tmaclee2737 4 роки тому +3

      @Bear Xo tell me about it

  • @skelm4978
    @skelm4978 5 років тому +49

    In the Tribal Trust Lands and the Purchased Lands, there were African farmers. Given advice by the Ministry of Agriculture. This was over 50% of the land available. This was under the UDI. Rhodesia official was independent in 1923 when the British didn't want this land as a colony. They were almost a Dominion like Australia, New Zealand and Canada. Own government and the head was the Queen of England. Nobody stole the land. In 1890 there were only 400.000 in a country that was not a country before. The size was 10 x of the Netherlands. Before 2000 over 2000 farms were sold. The commercial farmers had 20% of the land. Tobacco grows on sandy soil and not on heavy clay soil. In nature, there is no bad or good land, to make into a farm, it is hard work.
    There were no farms, every farm has to be developed so how can they say that they want their land back? In the area of Wedza over 180 farms are gone and there is no production at all. A farmer can move and take his knowledge with him. The war vets didn't win the war. The Rhodesian army (70% were Africans) never lost one battle. They lost the war in London. Further what about the Ndebeles? In 1982 Mugabe's private army, the Fifth Brigade, left for Matabeleland and murdered over 20.000 citizens, wiped out villages. So Bram and VPRO, please go to Matabeleland and make a documentary about this crime.

    • @zog317
      @zog317 5 років тому +23

      I doubt Bram is interested in these details. Bram likes heartwarming stories that give Euro liberals warm feelings.

    • @donaldtelfer8468
      @donaldtelfer8468 5 років тому +5

      1923 was self-government, not independence.
      UDI was 1965. UDI stands for Unilateral Declaration of Independence. Check the meaning of self-government versus the meaning of independence, if you can't tell the difference don't worry, Ian Smith & Associates knew the difference between the two expressions.

    • @23GreyFox
      @23GreyFox 4 роки тому +2

      @thulani xxx As if i need a ok from primitive bushmen.

    • @LuckyLucky-xp2sz
      @LuckyLucky-xp2sz 4 роки тому +5

      So what? Europeans did not bring a land with them. That is the point.

    • @LuckyLucky-xp2sz
      @LuckyLucky-xp2sz 4 роки тому

      @@23GreyFox oh how about primitive cavemen huh.

  • @umarabdullahi3089
    @umarabdullahi3089 4 роки тому +14

    There is no right way to describe this. In as much as my sympathy is limitless. The biggest question to answer though! should we punish the whites for the sins of their fathers? But one may say over 400 years of oppression is a pain that can remain for a long time. How does it feel when the oppressor is in the shoes of the oppressed? One aspect of the land reform act I personally hate is the violence and lost of lives. I feel that was not necessary. My condolence to the families of those who lost their love ones. I hope the whites find solace in other ventures because life goes on no matter what.

  • @mehwishasfand3247
    @mehwishasfand3247 4 роки тому +35

    White life in Africa also matters

  • @zat0076
    @zat0076 4 роки тому +12

    I think both black and white cld hv shared the land ...the problem was the greed...if u are a white farmer with 200 hectares of land then am sure u can give out some hectares for redistribution but keeping all d hectares when d war of independence was abt d land was a disaster waiting to happen

  • @gilldavis1656
    @gilldavis1656 5 років тому +49

    I don't believe this portrays the true situation of Zimbabwe. To say that farmers owned all the land in
    Zimbabwe is not true. What the people of Zimbabwe have been put through was inhuman and a very small elite owned everything after independence. Before independence Zim was a capitalist country. People looked after each other and no one ever starved. It's tragic really. The farmers thrown off their land had worked the land for hundreds of years. A disgrace really. Corruption was rife. But no word on that.

    • @thebigmoss4520
      @thebigmoss4520 5 років тому +15

      But why did they come here? Why? Before whites in Zim, nobody ever starved. so its not like people were starving before whites came to africa.

    • @vusumuzi_mathumo
      @vusumuzi_mathumo 4 роки тому +10

      @@thebigmoss4520 well they are starving now

    • @gooieboerseun
      @gooieboerseun 4 роки тому +1

      @@thebigmoss4520 ....Africa has always been a basket forget?

    • @lebozation1
      @lebozation1 4 роки тому +2

      Looked after each other by working for you. Go away.

  • @Hardrock4
    @Hardrock4 6 років тому +52

    Great documentary.

  • @23GreyFox
    @23GreyFox 4 роки тому +80

    Who did a better job? 6000 white farmers or 250000 black farmers? Remind me of china in the 50s and 60s, between 50 and 100 million starved.

    • @zat0076
      @zat0076 4 роки тому +4 report of Zimbabwean stfu

    • @arnoldhuman2856
      @arnoldhuman2856 4 роки тому

      You are still not a farmer when you were a slave. Same for all skin colour people, you are not one when you cant do the job. The racism part has been fought successfully in many parts of the world, performance and skills in a competitive surrounding remains for all of skin colours. This is what Mugabes Africa does not want to know. So is current South Africa not. And the world does not report on it.

    • @barneytsikai4478
      @barneytsikai4478 4 роки тому +3

      Thats not the point you failed to take heed and help distribute the land equally whatever it will be whether successful or not the land is back to its rightful owners it was all about anti colonialism make no mistake about that.

    • @speakthetruth795
      @speakthetruth795 4 роки тому +4

      23GreyFox thanks sir, but I don’t know if in your own brain you know that the people in the first place are British illegal immigrants and they occupied the land through genocide 😊

    • @arnoldhuman2856
      @arnoldhuman2856 4 роки тому +5

      @@barneytsikai4478 Before any settlers where there, people took, concurred and occupied the land from others. Land is land, not something to feel victimised about over 100s of yrs. Starvation is what should be the main topic instead of victimisation.. Nobody is a saint and it is too easy. Can you explain why blacks may posses property and land in the US, EU, Australia and whites not in Africa? Most likely settlers were more doing trading with tribe chiefs then people want to know nowadays.

  • @misterk3920
    @misterk3920 4 роки тому +21

    that woman at end,just a perfect speech she made

    • @cm2973
      @cm2973 4 роки тому +4

      Ah yes, delusional you are.

    • @maclectic
      @maclectic 4 роки тому +4

      Were her ancestors really anywhere near Zimbabwe prior to when it was called Rhodesia

  • @Del-Canada
    @Del-Canada 4 роки тому +12

    This is just a question, but did Europeans actually usurp land that was already being purposed, or did they give purpose to land that wasn't being used in any manner? Did they actually "steal" land from people that were farming it themselves?

    • @Smiirkwood
      @Smiirkwood 4 роки тому +10

      No, the people were mostly nomadic.

    • @gilltuiyot
      @gilltuiyot 4 роки тому +3

      Kascio GG fam u tried to sound smart with a lot of words but inconsistencies like black africans? U know anything u actually saying?

  • @cm2973
    @cm2973 4 роки тому +35

    This is what racism looks like. In case you think you have a clue, this video is what systemic racism is.

    • @cm2973
      @cm2973 4 роки тому +12

      Generally, Africans, it is a bad idea to run off those who are making your lives better.

  • @chepparmaps
    @chepparmaps 4 роки тому +16

    The greatest mistake/gift Mugabe gave his people. Food Insecurity, Poverty, Disease, Corruption name it!

  • @kiwidutch9778
    @kiwidutch9778 4 роки тому +27

    Disowned farmers should try to migrate to New Zealand as they still take in suitable applicants. New Zealand's main income is derived from Agricultural exports.

    • @zat0076
      @zat0076 4 роки тому +1

      New zeal and don’t hv d farmlands like Zimbabwe....why do u think d Europeans are there for.....the land of course

    • @boitumelotshwenyego6922
      @boitumelotshwenyego6922 4 роки тому +6

      I agree. These descendants of Dutch, British, French, German, Spanish and Portuguese people have caused us a lot of agony. Better they are adopted else where.

    • @paulochaves5827
      @paulochaves5827 4 роки тому +2

      Agony before we got to Africa you were wearing animal skins and living in mud huts

    • @Smiirkwood
      @Smiirkwood 4 роки тому +3

      It’s really hard to get into nz sadly. I know a lot of family and friends who are struggling to get visas in Spain or even Australia and nz. Everyone says get out of SA but you can’t even leave as the passport is worth nothing to other counties. We are not European anymore you know. As much as you’re white and hated in SA on paper you’re southafrican.

    •  4 роки тому

      Boitumelo Tshwenyego and yet without all these thieves from Europe , you wouldn’t even have tobacco to sell

  • @zionbonga6616
    @zionbonga6616 4 роки тому +9

    Let's try to put perspectives to scrutiny ,when reading and watching from the chronology of history. There is a lot of deep mistakes written on pieces of don't let hatred of deep degree prevail

  • @habtommebrahtu8283
    @habtommebrahtu8283 4 роки тому +8

    It is unfair even though these people’s grand parents did bad on Africans!!

  • @abongilezwe6763
    @abongilezwe6763 4 роки тому +11

    Thank you Mr President Mugabe for taking our land back and South Africa is next in the name of EFF✊✊

    • @lebozation1
      @lebozation1 4 роки тому

      Mayibuyeee, i Africa✊🏾✊🏾

  • @charlesjonesjr1262
    @charlesjonesjr1262 4 роки тому +11

    The lady at the end stated the African side perfectly.

    • @boitumelotshwenyego6922
      @boitumelotshwenyego6922 4 роки тому +5

      Yes she did. There is actually no legal basis of colonialism and there is no need either for us to recognise most of the inherited colonial structures. Decolonization is a process and it will take a while for former colonies to realise that they need to do more to overcome the deeds of the past. Zimbabwe is paying a heavy price, soon might be South Africa.

    • @grahamt5924
      @grahamt5924 4 роки тому +8

      @@boitumelotshwenyego6922 The west should mirror Africas policies that are celebrated. Once its Africans treated that way then people would call it racist.

  • @colint7743
    @colint7743 5 років тому +30

    Interesting documentary. I contrast the treatment of white farmers in post-colonial Zimbabwe with freed slaves who were promised and never given land in the American South. You think they would trade places!

    • @silverbullet2008bb
      @silverbullet2008bb 4 роки тому +14

      The freed slaves were given their own country in Africa, it's called Liberia.

    • @zat0076
      @zat0076 4 роки тому +3

      silverbullet2008bb which country...u must be stupid to think Liberia was just an empty land....

    • @arnoldhuman2856
      @arnoldhuman2856 4 роки тому

      You are still not a farmer when you were a slave. Same for all skin colour people, you arenot one when you cant do the job. The racism part has fought successfully in many parts of the world, performance and skills in a competitive surrounding remains for all of skin colours. This is what Mugabes Africa does not want to know. So is current South Africa not. And the world does not report on it. Also not VPRO.

    • @barneytsikai4478
      @barneytsikai4478 4 роки тому

      Please tell them i again

  • @geraldswain3259
    @geraldswain3259 4 роки тому +11

    When Mugabe died did they find any misappropriated funds in his post office savings account.

    • @steveliversidge7357
      @steveliversidge7357 4 роки тому +3

      Only from Bob Geldof and the others that supported Band Aid restocking bankrupt checker Stores via Mrs Mugabe plus the rest of the black market in Africa , I don't believe it my self after witnessing it first hand but it' was done over night . My heart goes out to these people that since the British Empire pulled the rug from under them just for wanting independent . Keep strong you Oaks

  • @tashasibanda6512
    @tashasibanda6512 4 роки тому +10

    People the land was taken from us and we took it back.The only right thing left to do was to by it back the right way.Either by the land or work for them.

  • @donaldtelfer8468
    @donaldtelfer8468 5 років тому +7

    An intro giving the history of Rhodes, Lobengula, mineral rights, a missionary, the subsequent Matabele uprisings / wars in the 1890s, taxes, confiscation of livestock, followed by land grants to white settlers would have helped put things in a fuller context.

    • @factandtruth1022
      @factandtruth1022 4 роки тому +1

      @@dudeman5234 no no no - you do. And call whites what you want. (Infact call me what you want, I really don't care) you can't achieve anything without "thieving whites" fact. ha ha ha

    • @Richard61200
      @Richard61200 4 роки тому

      dude man your a loser and a troll . I bet you live in the west . Bitter and pathetic .

  • @malasc12
    @malasc12 4 роки тому +24

    My my how the turn tables

  • @andre3823
    @andre3823 4 роки тому +30

    They are begging the white farmers to come back! LMAO!

  • @simonsays582
    @simonsays582 4 роки тому +3

    Why are they handing out American currency?

  • @judah7o7
    @judah7o7 4 роки тому +14

    land reform will forever be the greatest achievement mugabe has ever done ..................................

    • @gusyates1839
      @gusyates1839 4 роки тому +5

      dark angel Kaseke
      Are you joking?

    • @randall172
      @randall172 4 роки тому +4

      he bit the bullet, land is forever.

    • @factandtruth1022
      @factandtruth1022 4 роки тому

      No human could ever make a comment like that....
      Or is it that I have wisdom that others don't have...

    • @gooieboerseun
      @gooieboerseun 4 роки тому

      T@@randall172 .. .but we aren't.. ..thankfully

  • @WhoToldYouThatAtlanta
    @WhoToldYouThatAtlanta 5 років тому +41

    Wow 😮 this is a great video
    But I’m mixed in my feelings about these reparations 🤔
    Wonder how that would go down here in the USA if we all whom have Native American Indian in our blood told people to get off our land ! Times up ! 😜😝 nevertheless I feel the improper political power that was used to do this is deplorable nevertheless I gotta understand the wanting to right the wrong but I was taught 2 wrongs don’t make a right 😑

    • @yrubla
      @yrubla 5 років тому +11

      WHO TOLD YOU THAT!? I would have to disagree with you. Just because someone stole something from you a long time ago doesn’t mean it belongs to the theives. Just because their descendants invested in what was stolen it still doesn’t belongs to the theif. If the colonial went about it the right then I would understand. Right is right and wrong is wrong and what the colonials did was wrong.

    • @adrianfischer187
      @adrianfischer187 4 роки тому +9

      If that happens then whites would have to go back to Europe and blacks back to Africa. Only native American indians would stay like Apaches, Comanches, Navajos, Choctaw, Hopi, Pueblo etc etc only the true American indians. If that happens there won't be blacks or whites living in North America at all

    • @Richard61200
      @Richard61200 4 роки тому +1

      WHO TOLD YOU THAT!? I agree

    • @francoisfourie9008
      @francoisfourie9008 4 роки тому +4

      @@yrubla you definitely don't know your history 😂

    • @barneytsikai4478
      @barneytsikai4478 4 роки тому +5

      No don't have mixed feelings sister the land is for Africans not many Africans own land in Western world unless they bought it.Remember slavery those slaves were let out of slavery without anything after having worked so hard for years for the Whites without even any form of payment for their entire generations lets not sit on the fence on this one.

  • @sergeantcrow
    @sergeantcrow 4 роки тому +2

    Thank you....

  • @josephchitaro764
    @josephchitaro764 4 роки тому +7

    Good response from the Boka girl

  • @felixkuriaunage4283
    @felixkuriaunage4283 4 роки тому +4

    We blacks traditionally we dont own cargos we are cursed and are lazy to think differently and move forward may perhaps 100 years, otherwise. So to make the world move forward we have to share and learn from each other.

  • @michaeltodd8113
    @michaeltodd8113 4 роки тому +10

    I wish they would stick to one language!

    • @will6925
      @will6925 4 роки тому +1

      South Africa has 11 official languages... there’s subtitles btw

  • @gooieboerseun
    @gooieboerseun 4 роки тому +46

    Whats the weather like in hell Robert?

    • @markjones2872
      @markjones2872 4 роки тому +3

      Wait Hitler killed 50 million and Robert took land, who worse?

    • @mana6969
      @mana6969 4 роки тому +3

      He is actually in paradise!

    • @allblackallblackandmorr8888
      @allblackallblackandmorr8888 4 роки тому +2

      Shut your stupif mouths. The problem is White people. Go back to Europe.

    • @allblackallblackandmorr8888
      @allblackallblackandmorr8888 4 роки тому +1

      President Mugubi rest in peace

    • @gregorymalchuk272
      @gregorymalchuk272 4 роки тому +8

      Mugabe got in power and immediately began a genocide of 30,000 Matabele tribesmen. The great legacy of Mugabe was killing black people.

  • @thebigmoss4520
    @thebigmoss4520 5 років тому +10

    so fellows, do you really believe or want to believ the Rhodesian war of independence was just about a vote? fight for so many years just too make an X on a paper every 5 years? nope, it was really about land, that was actually occupied. but who gave the europeans that right to go around the continent and occupy land, regardless of whether it was unoccupied or not? That really cant be. Fact is, they came with their guns. if it wasnt for the gun, how else would they have occupied all the land? lets not make it like people were starving before europeans came to africa, nobody was starving. and when europeans came, people still ate. then when we want a piece of what was taken, there is some starvation. yes. but it will get better with time.

    • @sasvanwyk5886
      @sasvanwyk5886 4 роки тому +2

      But now the land is taken back and there it lies....mostly unoccupied. What did blacks want land for? All I saw is a small patch of tobacco. And where are the people that were there before the blacks? Those that built the ruins. White people went there like the Matabele but white is the wrong colour.

    • @grahamt5924
      @grahamt5924 4 роки тому

      The problem is far more complex than that. There is only so much land on this plant for food production and with a rapidly growing population, famine is going to be the tool to control this growth. There is going to be much suffering on this planet and it is going to get worse and worse. You will start seeing this more and more. 2020 and 2021 are going to be an eye opener for many people.

  • @ragnarandersson2866
    @ragnarandersson2866 5 років тому +15

    Today Zimbabwe economy is wery good 😂😂😁👍

    • @LuckyLucky-xp2sz
      @LuckyLucky-xp2sz 4 роки тому +2

      You can laugh for all we care. The Africans got back what the European Stoll. The European did not bring land with them while they were coming to Africa. Unfortunately, Australian natives can not take theirs back.

    • @johngreen2266
      @johngreen2266 4 роки тому +11

      @@LuckyLucky-xp2sz go back to school lucky

  • @thebigmoss4520
    @thebigmoss4520 5 років тому +17

    Lets face it, colonialism was never legal. let's not talk that it brought civilisation. the horrors far outweigh civilisation.

    •  5 років тому +4

      Moses Maropola I think the horrors the people experience now are worse

    • @thebigmoss4520
      @thebigmoss4520 5 років тому +6

      @SlypherSpoons i hear you . But i also have never heard of such shit. Fact is, who asked you to drag us 5000 years forward? look at China, they have never been colonised by your type, they did everything for themselves and they are doing fine. So even blacks would have done it without you. it will take us another 300 years to undo what you did. deny it all you want. this magical and myth whatever is a worldwide thing, its not limited to africa or blacks. face it, colonisation had nothing to do with helping anybody, it was about self enrichment and greed. the shit you are saying about blacks being less intelligent, its perpetuated by whites obviously, and its not a fact. if there is a myth, thats the myth. Colonialism was about greed, need for power, need to control. there is nothing wrong with being a hunter gatherer too. it's in your head. can you tell me what was wrong with Africa before you dragged us forward? so why not come and help us, as equal partners than try and rule us, disadvantage us, oppress us, confiscate what was ours, dispossess us? It cant be. so you should enslave me because you rare helping me? This thing of white supremacy is wrong. Thinking you are better than others, you are not, you are simply richer, that i agree, because of black blood sweat and tears. you are simply scared of equality, thats the problem. you want to remain superior, but you are superior in your head. in the world, you are not. and we will take back whats ours and do whatever we want with it. if its not european its not correct? thats repulsive and you know it.

    • @ThorstenVXO
      @ThorstenVXO 5 років тому +6

      So why are Africans and Arabs coming to Europe to colonise us?

    • @victoriatongun1775
      @victoriatongun1775 5 років тому

      Excellent explanation from a very intelligent and smart woman🤗

    • @victoriatongun1775
      @victoriatongun1775 5 років тому

      @Sharon Cato
      That's right sista🤣😂😘

  • @zionbonga6616
    @zionbonga6616 4 роки тому +4

    Every nation has their pride and shame revealed !!!

  • @NellyMoseki
    @NellyMoseki 4 роки тому +7

    I will never loose hope for my African people. Time will pass and Zimbabwe will rise again as the first independent African country.

  • @pdd60absorbed12
    @pdd60absorbed12 4 роки тому +4

    Fantastic reporting here, just sterling.

  • @danhill2543
    @danhill2543 5 років тому +2

    All is good now but let's see if they can sustain the gift their government has given them without running it into the ground I don't think they understand you have to give to get

    • @LuckyLucky-xp2sz
      @LuckyLucky-xp2sz 4 роки тому +5

      Gift? Do you believe the White man brought his land from Europe? Did you ask yourself how they acquired the land? Use your head, stop making people play on your intelligence. You have a brain of your own. The European never brought their European land to the African continent and therefore did not own the land in Africa.

    • @johngreen2266
      @johngreen2266 4 роки тому +2

      @@LuckyLucky-xp2sz lol you are crazy stupid without the white man you would be in a mud hut

  • @fwm146
    @fwm146 4 роки тому +6

    Just let the guy farm

  • @eddingtongambiza4696
    @eddingtongambiza4696 4 роки тому +9

    Land reform good but the process was bad.

  • @chrissmith-td3iu
    @chrissmith-td3iu 5 років тому +10

    The war was about land, everbody knows this and it is a fact. In 1980 everybody knew that land had to be and would eventually be redistributed, this too is fact, the Africans won that land fair and square on the battle ground so there would be no going back, this too is fact.
    It is obvious to every government that modern nations with ever increasing populations require well trained and skilled farmers, also required is machinery and also industry like fertiliser, cooling facilities etc for the smooth functioning of successful farming.
    These are all obvious facts. The government of Zimbabwe failed to train and pepare future farmers. They had 20 years to do so. I am not disputing the concept of redistribution because it is justice served, however, the current government are incredible failers and losers. They prepared absolutely nothing during the twenty years from independance and I repeat nothing.
    Why exactly do Zanu blame whites for their problems when the government had adequate opportunity to plan and implement a smooth transition and subsequantly successful farming ventures in form of their people and machinery they prepared.
    Zanu are hopless planners to be honest and are a bunch of cry babies blaming sanctions.
    Zanu are anti black excellence. Look at how they treated their best and most brilliant black minds, why were they forced out of the country and why is it that they do not return to the country? Go to any english speaking country or to neighbouring countries and see the brighest and most brilliant individuals Zimbabwe was blessed with building not their home nation but foreign nations.
    There is no way these farmers will succeed, how under a government that fails to plan and implement successfuly? This is a sad fact, Zimbabwe will continue to sink to levels of foolishness, no watrer, no electricity, no food. The place is a joke where feaces and trash are pilling up on urban streets.

    • @chrissmith-td3iu
      @chrissmith-td3iu 4 роки тому +1

      @Kuda Manyangadze Wont be in our lifetime. How will Zim be in capable hands when villagers keep voting idiots into office just because they recieve free t-shirts and umbrellas every 5 years. But their local area does not have a fully functioning clinic.
      The truth is that illiterate peasants are the king makers in Zim, so another 2-3 generations or 70 years of stone age living for Zim.

    • @factandtruth1022
      @factandtruth1022 4 роки тому +2

      All about land.. fact. You are correct
      Won the war fair and square... fact. Sorry that is not fact. Who in southern Africa could ever ever ever win a war against the army at the time. One of, if not the best military in the world. Sweetness never base an argument on feeling from the heart. The land was given away. It was all about politics and never about them winning it outright.

    • @alexhayden2303
      @alexhayden2303 4 роки тому

      'where faeces and trash are pilling up on urban streets.
      Like L.A.?

    • @alexhayden2303
      @alexhayden2303 4 роки тому

      @Bear Xo
      These 6000 white farmers employed how many?

    • @factandtruth1022
      @factandtruth1022 4 роки тому

      @@alexhayden2303 probably better to say - how many did they feed ....

  • @benwil6048
    @benwil6048 4 роки тому +10

    Two wrongs do not make a right

    @YAHCHILD63 4 роки тому +4

    So who is making the money the mercedes man or the trying fellows there is always a catch hmmm

  • @alexhayden2303
    @alexhayden2303 4 роки тому +4

    He drives his Merc on a fine smooth road.

    • @geraldswain3259
      @geraldswain3259 4 роки тому +5

      Just wait till the Chinese want their payback, out comes the jambok!.

  • @totosiwa8066
    @totosiwa8066 4 роки тому +1


  • @ajasisemani5803
    @ajasisemani5803 4 роки тому +14

    Glory be Robert Mugabe for reedeeming our golden farmlands...the british can go farm their ice in regrets whatsoever

  • @samuelodonovan
    @samuelodonovan 4 роки тому +18

    Haha how is it all that land going for you now in 2020 guys? Still the bread basket of Africa?

  • @Illpayforpeoplestherapy
    @Illpayforpeoplestherapy 4 роки тому +5

    Wow this is a awesome movement!!! Happy to see my people take their land back!!!

  • @tafarasibanda1458
    @tafarasibanda1458 4 роки тому +6

    we do what we want withour land. Zim will never be a colony again. well done CDE RG MUGABE . WE will forever value the land , a precious heritage which you left us. we might not be that educated but from basic secondary schooling in commerce we know that land and labour are forms of wealth. these white guys didnt give us food for free afterall. we will learn to produce from our land as long as we for africans

  • @Erdogan-zi1ci
    @Erdogan-zi1ci 5 років тому +1

    What you think about Sri Lanka mahinda rajapaksa

  • @Del-Canada
    @Del-Canada 4 роки тому

    My mobile phone has a built in camera.

  • @ancianoviejo1711
    @ancianoviejo1711 4 роки тому +6

    Qus tristeza y saber que fueron los blancos los que hicieron de rhodesia la mejor nacion de Africa.

  • @girlybrownrose1721
    @girlybrownrose1721 4 роки тому +6

    So sad the white Africans have the knowledge to farm it's the land as much as the natives also build up the economy there is plenty land . we're all one

    • @DirtyEdon
      @DirtyEdon 4 роки тому +8

      They ain't no such thing as "white Africans', the same way there isn't no such thing as a black European.

    • @Richard61200
      @Richard61200 4 роки тому +4

      The legend of Timbuktu tell that to the
      1 millions Africans who live in London .
      They integrated nicely and have a good life .

    • @boitumelotshwenyego6922
      @boitumelotshwenyego6922 4 роки тому +6

      @@Richard61200 A black man is a second class citizen in Europe. They still face racial stereotypes and are being told to ignore the nonsense

    • @manqobakumalo8370
      @manqobakumalo8370 4 роки тому

      @@Richard61200 they dont own farmers

  • @ajasisemani5803
    @ajasisemani5803 4 роки тому +1

    Sister ndiri kuuya nekokora yenyu..murigamba

  • @valoriemillion8394
    @valoriemillion8394 5 років тому +3

    1:00 baby sneeze

  • @lrichard6371
    @lrichard6371 4 роки тому +6

    He is forgetting the Imbargo put on the country

  • @onthebeat4466
    @onthebeat4466 5 років тому +2

    Lands given to consumers who only know how to eat. There is USAID, NATO maise not for sale. Breeding poverty by the minute. They don't have the money, know how, discipline, longivity.

    • @LuckyLucky-xp2sz
      @LuckyLucky-xp2sz 4 роки тому +1

      Did you ask why the thieves had to steal the land from the "consumer " who owned the land before the thieves came in? .

    • @malasc12
      @malasc12 4 роки тому

      @@LuckyLucky-xp2sz Did you read the news of Mugabe begging the white farmers to come back? And his country is pretty much economically f*d because of that original policy?

    • @bibiayisi4191
      @bibiayisi4191 4 роки тому +1

      @@malasc12 still I'm happy those farmers were kicked out, their ancestors were doing fine before the whites moved there. Dignity, self worth is better than oppression

    • @Richard61200
      @Richard61200 4 роки тому

      Bibi Ayisi but Africans buy land in the west . So moving on if whites buy land in Africa now is that wrong in your eyes ?

    • @zat0076
      @zat0076 4 роки тому +1

      Idiot ...who do I think work d land ...the black farm workers...the whites are just managers on d farm....know d facts b4 opening ur mouth

  • @ngozaborigine1705
    @ngozaborigine1705 4 роки тому +6

    Expelled British farmer from colonial land. Land robbed from with the blessing of colonial law.

  • @Spacekriek
    @Spacekriek 4 роки тому +3

    13:07 Buy food, buy fertilizer... What is fertilizer ?!

    • @Smiirkwood
      @Smiirkwood 4 роки тому

      Spacekriek it’s usually decayed plants and animal feces mixed up as a nice food for the plants. Makes them grow extra strong 💪

  • @dennnisjames6489
    @dennnisjames6489 4 роки тому +6

    We will remember Mugabe forever

  • @lebozation1
    @lebozation1 4 роки тому +5

    I wonder why white people still watch and comment on this. Zimbabweans are happier. Let them be. Stop being obessed and move on with your lives. If you want to farm apply for a farm using the right chanels and you will get it, equality was long due. Listen to the lady at 39.45 on wards about land reform or else shut up and Go home. What compensation?? Were black Africans compensated?? Remember background - Was taking land by colonists legal?? .🤬🤬

  • @habtommebrahtu8283
    @habtommebrahtu8283 4 роки тому +1

    Really good explanation to this Colonial mind journalist!! Try to make documenteri to suffer of the Poor Zimbabwean

  • @tofiksiraj9702
    @tofiksiraj9702 4 роки тому +5

    Mogabe rest in peace hero of africa

  • @shoebil3412
    @shoebil3412 5 років тому +5

    Speak English it's, Rhodesia" not, South Africa lol!!

    • @romenhome5138
      @romenhome5138 4 роки тому +1

      rhodesia is dead just like cecil rhodes

    • @jamesbyrom9346
      @jamesbyrom9346 4 роки тому +1

      It’s a Dutch TV show you dumb fuck. Learn Dutch

    • @mubocha1
      @mubocha1 4 роки тому

      Rhodesia anunrecognised state is dead my man

    • @oumamuofhe9540
      @oumamuofhe9540 4 роки тому

      Not SA, Dutch

  • @siyambonaganu1373
    @siyambonaganu1373 4 роки тому +4

    All we must know that,the original life of africans is a land,not technology and money this are new things,as african we were fighting for our land not money this european countries they destroyed our lives☺

    • @dk.650
      @dk.650 4 роки тому +5

      You have the land do why is there so much poverty?
      One can only blame those doing nothing to improve it.
      No planning, no forward thinking, no discipline. Your government has failed the people. Sad!!!
      Look at Holland, a tiny country yet the second largest food producer on earth. Why so you should ask.

  • @mana6969
    @mana6969 4 роки тому +3

    Thank you Mugabe.

  • @ebonyeyesstrories
    @ebonyeyesstrories 4 роки тому +5

    mugabe great and strong

  • @user-fq8bc6xi3o
    @user-fq8bc6xi3o 6 років тому

    iki ucu boklu değnek :)

  • @misterk3920
    @misterk3920 4 роки тому +4

    very great. Mugabe a black heroe,just rest in peace

    • @gusyates1839
      @gusyates1839 4 роки тому +7

      He was a murderous, power crazed despot. Do you really think he cared about you?
      Then again by African standards he wasn’t too bad.

  • @nottyash100
    @nottyash100 4 роки тому +1

    English please otherwise you are wasting our time.

    • @will6925
      @will6925 4 роки тому +3

      they have subtitles

  • @ajasisemani5803
    @ajasisemani5803 4 роки тому +1

    Second wave of land grabe must come....

  • @xklantribe945
    @xklantribe945 4 роки тому

    One sad thing, they still rely on those white main's language, especially the Sister boss, she difenetely thinks she is white. Surprising.