CrossFit - "Killing The Fat Man: Episode 9" with Gary Roberts

  • Опубліковано 17 вер 2024
  • Nearly 50 workouts later, Gary Roberts has gone from being focused on his weight loss to being focused on general healthy living.
    "Now I'm (going) to concentrate on improving my fitness-not necessarily worried about fat," he says.
    In this episode of the Killing the Fat Man-called "we've had more sex in the past 7 days then we have had in the past 2 years"-Roberts is once again talking about bedroom time with his wife.
    "She's now spent the last seven days jumping my bones," he says. "She's been acting like I've never seen her before. Never. Not even in the early days."
    Roberts also reaches a milestone in his CrossFit career: getting the opportunity to redo his first WOD. When he started CrossFit, the workout took him nearly 10 minutes and the pull-ups were band assisted. This time-as his wife looks on-he knocks out the WOD in 4:31.
    "I tried to talk to her about what CrossFit is, what it feels like and ... you can describe it all you want, but until you actually see someone gettin' busted and cracked down and (being) as intense as possible (you don't understand)," Roberts says.
    For his wife's part, she notes how coordinated her husband has become.
    "It's kind of crazy to watch," she says.
    22min 41sec