History of Kabbalah: The Origin of Judaism, Christianity and Islam

  • Опубліковано 10 вер 2024


  • @RayShallBe
    @RayShallBe 2 роки тому +62

    Brother, im muslim i had a dream where Ishmael son of Abraham (my ancestor) told me to look into what qablah is. In islam it means a target or a way. Then i realized qeblah is the physical form and kabbalah is the spiritual meaning.
    I’d love to know more about this and im grateful for a group of you who decided to get together and educate people.
    Thank you!! Definitely subscribing

    • @jcool971
      @jcool971 10 місяців тому

      Fun fact original mosques faced Jordan and Petra, and Jesus also said he was the way, does that mean he's kabbalah?

    • @zebakhawaja
      @zebakhawaja 8 місяців тому

      The Kaaba'Lah is House/Throne of the One(God) that Abaraham re-built in Mecca called the House of God which was originally built by Adam and Eve ... the Kaaba is called the Black CUBE, The Black Throne of the ONE covered in a Black Cloth written with the songs of Abaraham in gold writing in Arabic and is the representation of the Kaaba'Lah (Throne of ONE) Lah translates to ONE in Armiac and Arabic.
      and praises of the al/the LAH, Al/The YUD of Compassion and Merci and Love..
      The Kaaba is the centre of the Earth which is the reflection of the Heavens Universe above... The white light radiates from the Kaaba in Mecca seen by the Astronauts from above
      Everything you teach is taught in Isa'lam in the Qur'an and specifically In Sufism.
      Peace be upon all followers of Abaraham Amen, Muhammad who practice the Laws of Moses called Mose'lim and religion or Jesus Isa (Isa'lam is the religion of Jesus co.pleted by Muhammad) Amen
      In the name of The LAH/ONE/YUD ❤
      The Qur'an says to read Zohar and the Zohar Prooves Isa'lam is the religion of God and the House of God in Mecca is The Throne of God called the Kaaba'La
      Kaaba translate to Throne.

  • @lynmer408
    @lynmer408 Рік тому +6

    Hello, I'm from the Philippines. Thanks to your amazing explanation about Kabbalah

    • @KabbalahInfo
      @KabbalahInfo  Рік тому

      Hi Lyn,
      Glad to hear your positive feedback!
      If you are interested in learning more about Kabbalah, we have different options for you. On the one hand we have our course Kabbalah Revealed bit.ly/cm-KabU-Kabbalah, which is for free all the way, during which you will also have access to our Exclusive Zoom sessions held on Sundays at 2 PM ET. This course is a fundamentals course that lays out the foundation of the wisdom.
      On the other hand, you have the option to sign up to Reveal Kabbalah's Secrets Guide bit.ly/cm-KabbalahSecrets, which is an amazing course, a blueprint of the spiritual method of the entire wisdom of Kabbalah, which helps us understand the strategies that are required to attain spirituality.
      Best wishes!

  • @sduck122
    @sduck122 Рік тому +7

    I’ve been studying ancient religious practices and all of them , so far, at their roots, are teaching this same general idea/truth. This will come together when we all come together and realize we are all connected. I understand why those who observe Kabbalah want to distance themselves from Christianity because the message has been so corrupted it’s nearly impossible to make any connection. I assure you it’s there if you seek it.

  • @mrcobbyism
    @mrcobbyism 2 роки тому +11

    To seek understanding and common belief between faiths is one of the truest expressions of human kindness, a stone on a path towards universal peace. Thank you and peace brother!

    • @zebakhawaja
      @zebakhawaja 8 місяців тому

      ❤The Kaaba'Lah is House/Throne of the One(God) that Abaraham re-built in Mecca called the House of God which was originally built by Adam and Eve ... the Kaaba is called the Black CUBE, The Black Throne of the ONE covered in a Black Cloth written with the songs of Abaraham in gold writing in Arabic and is the representation of the Kaaba'Lah (Throne of ONE) Lah translates to ONE in Armiac and Arabic.
      and praises of the al/the LAH, Al/The YUD of Compassion and Merci and Love..
      The Kaaba is the centre of the Earth which is the reflection of the Heavens Universe above... The white light radiates from the Kaaba in Mecca seen by the Astronauts from above
      Everything you teach is taught in Isa'lam in the Qur'an and specifically In Sufism.
      Peace be upon all followers of Abaraham Amen, Muhammad who practice the Laws of Moses called Mose'lim and religion or Jesus Isa (Isa'lam is the religion of Jesus co.pleted by Muhammad) Amen
      In the name of The LAH/ONE/YUD ❤
      The Qur'an says to read Zohar and the Zohar Prooves Isa'lam is the religion of God and the House of God in Mecca is The Throne of God called the Kaaba'La
      Kaaba translate to Throne.

  • @zch7345
    @zch7345 2 роки тому +42

    So glad you've put all these major monotheistic religion into one condensed teaching. May you be blessed with more wisdom.

  • @elizabethash4720
    @elizabethash4720 Рік тому +4

    Thankyou for being so caring and concerned for the lost and confused of whom we have become.

  • @kimberlybeaman9360
    @kimberlybeaman9360 11 місяців тому +1

    Hi, Kimmy here. I’m in Reno NV. Following Rabbi Manis Friedman… not Jewish , but believe there is Truth in ALL Religions. “Science of Mind”
    Im very excited to have found you. Thank you.

  • @rodericknalls1676
    @rodericknalls1676 2 роки тому +6

    I'm not religious but I respect scholarship & intellect it can only be helpful for some resolve for our quest to understanding our existence and finding truth in reality!

  • @ralud_ergus
    @ralud_ergus Рік тому +3

    Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a *falling away* first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of dissolution;

  • @arielkrugman2868
    @arielkrugman2868 Рік тому +5

    Thank you for your expertise and sharing your wisdom today.
    These are life changing topics that have been very inspiring.

  • @robinabner3118
    @robinabner3118 Рік тому +2

    I was born into the xtian culture but didnt seem to answer all my questions. I hope to learn from you and therfore expand my beliefs.

  • @garysykes5381
    @garysykes5381 Рік тому +4

    Wow!! Amazing, a few explanations in here is exactly what I needed, I already knew a huge amount but every days a school day, awesome info and gives me plenty of hope for desired change for the world, I still have my concerns with global ideology but knowing Kabbalists have been promised a major role in the new system this gives me hope and yes I feel the change and have done for 15 years

  • @renatejacobsohn7682
    @renatejacobsohn7682 2 роки тому +12

    Kabbalah. Not so words only love and transformation. Essence of life. Thank you Gil. 😊

  • @lameckngambi6923
    @lameckngambi6923 2 роки тому +22

    This is amazing, just a request, could you make a playlist of all your teaching on this channel? It would be to nice if you did. I love the way you present the information.

    • @KabbalahInfo
      @KabbalahInfo  2 роки тому +4

      Hi Lameck, glad that you enjoyed.
      Our channel contains many playlists. Please find Kabbalah Explained Simply that contains almost 100 sessions:

    • @MegaSnake001
      @MegaSnake001 2 роки тому +1

      @@KabbalahInfo Hi, is there a book detailing the history of the Kabbalah as you told it in this Webinar?

    • @KabbalahInfo
      @KabbalahInfo  2 роки тому +5

      @@MegaSnake001 Glad that you enjoyed.
      As for a book, we suggest Kabbalah for Beginners by Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman; The four parts of this book tell us exactly how the wisdom of Kabbalah came about, who discovered and developed it, and what they discovered. Afterward, the book tells us about the world we live in and finally, it explains how we can make our lives better for ourselves and for our children:
      Best wishes!

    • @MegaSnake001
      @MegaSnake001 2 роки тому +4

      @@KabbalahInfo I did. Thank you for the recommendation! I will check this book out. All the Best!

  • @VerdantJedi
    @VerdantJedi 2 роки тому +16

    When a person seeks to discover the true nature of reality they should do so "with the aim of religion, and the method of science". In other words seek unity with the First Cause, whichever path that was gifted to you from the beginning, yet believe in nothing. If something is true, it does not require belief to remain so. As Esotericists, when you break down all religions to their spiritual level, there can only be *One Universal Truth* ...

    • @sacredgeek
      @sacredgeek 2 роки тому +1

      "One universal" is a bit redundant, truth is only one true verse which continues and will do so for all time.

    • @berts558
      @berts558 2 роки тому +1

      Divisions are human unity divine thank you my brother

    • @berts558
      @berts558 2 роки тому +2

      @@sacredgeek but we all see it from our own unique subjective

    • @sacredgeek
      @sacredgeek 2 роки тому +1

      @@berts558 Amen brother

    • @flowgenge2547
      @flowgenge2547 2 роки тому

      @@berts558 The devil will come with marks of 666

  • @drdnazl8245
    @drdnazl8245 Рік тому +2

    Hey hope you're doing well. I have a question. Do you believe in the day of judgement? Or what do you thing about the day of judgement?

  • @arikantola2815
    @arikantola2815 2 роки тому +12

    Kabbalah is a phenomenon of syncretism between Greek monotheistic platonic school and Torah's teachings. It is not purely jewish.
    Adam was not a person but it is an a mythological figure -a person made of clay- not a man.
    If you want to sell myths just say it openly don't promote them as history.

    • @samdabhis4899
      @samdabhis4899 2 роки тому +2

      Platonic schools and Pythagoreanism.

    • @giladshir
      @giladshir 2 роки тому +1

      Hi Ari, it depends on who you ask and what your sources are. Mine are Kabbalists, and that is the history they describe.

    • @arikantola2815
      @arikantola2815 2 роки тому

      @@giladshir Shalom! I didn't ask anyone. I have done my research.
      Kabbalah has nothing to do with what we call now Judaism (a religion made up by rabbies on the so called written down of Oral Torah at 220 CE)

    • @arikantola2815
      @arikantola2815 2 роки тому

      Kabbalist sources are wrong. Scholars know the truth because they are not jewish-centricts.

    • @arikantola2815
      @arikantola2815 2 роки тому

      @@samdabhis4899 yes

  • @ivanmelicor5963
    @ivanmelicor5963 2 роки тому +5

    At 2:17 "Adam documented his findings in a book.." Wasn't Enoch, the seventh from Adam, the first to learn to write? Didn't Adam already know GOD, since he was taken to live in the Garden of Eden for a time? How can Adam be thinking of other "forces?" Also, how can there be Israelites before Israel (Jacob) was born? Abraham hated idols because they cannot hear, cannot walk. He destroyed Terah's idols. Yet, he worked in an idol store? I sense a lot of leaven here from the Pharisees/Rabbis.

    • @berts558
      @berts558 2 роки тому +1

      The definition of Israel that he put forward is only one another is wrestles with God anyone that wrestles with God is an Israelite anyone who pursues understanding of all these primal natural forces is an Israelite. While I totally disagree with his exclusion of Yeshua from the list of kabalists you should not fault the Hebrews for not wholly understanding the schism that displaced them at the beginning of the Common Era as it wasn't about them, it was about the state that the Western world would come to exist in, in this time, one of theist or atheist, a god that is and simultaneously is not it had to be this way to balance the polytheistic nature of the East the Jews have not come to accept the nature of his sacrifice tho Christians have yet to fully understand it peace my brother

    • @astonesthrow2o2o50
      @astonesthrow2o2o50 2 роки тому +3

      Yes.... Leaven is exactly what youre hearing. God Bless.

    • @NotLikeWhatYouThink
      @NotLikeWhatYouThink 2 роки тому

      Israel means servant of El refered to prophet yakov.You need to understand children of isreal(12 tribes)they never met abraham>issac>yaakov>12 tribes(greatgrandchild)the reason call arabs and bani isreal as semites people bcs they from sam ibn nuh(noah)..european they from japeth..ashkenazi they too from japeth.

    • @giladshir
      @giladshir Рік тому +1

      Ok let's clarify a few things.
      1. Adam of Garden of Eden - A spiritual force (not a person)
      2. Adam (which I talk about in this video) - A regular person named 'Adam' who was the first person to discover the hidden force of Nature. (You are correct that it is only one force and not multiple forces, but sometimes we refer to it as forces that describe the different aspects of that same force)
      3. Abraham is the founder of the group of people to later be known as Israel. The origin of that name comes from two Hebrew words. ישראל = ישר-אל. First word means "Stright" seceom word means "Creator". So this group got that name based on their desire to discover this force in Nature.
      4. Wheather or not Abraham worked in an Idol store is not really important. What is important is that he lived in a time and place where idol worshipping was the standard practice. A practice he did not believe to be true. He felt that there is in fact a single force in reality (one God) and not multiple forces (multiple Gods).
      Hope this helps.

  • @zhannagalperina7359
    @zhannagalperina7359 2 роки тому +10

    Great webinar! Thank you. 🌺

    • @giladshir
      @giladshir 2 роки тому +2

      glad you enjoyed it Zhanna

  • @berts558
    @berts558 2 роки тому +4

    Magick is the science we don't yet fully understand it is the perimeter of the circle of light that is understanding that continues to expands into the infinite Darkness

  • @dustygee5294
    @dustygee5294 2 роки тому +20

    “Adam was a regular person” two minutes later “Adam was different” 😂

    • @giladshir
      @giladshir 2 роки тому +14

      Regular person biologically speaking. He was not built any different than you or me.

    • @jbee9870
      @jbee9870 2 роки тому +1

      @@giladshir what u mean it wasn't giving to hymn 😂🌞😛

    • @Sethan777
      @Sethan777 Рік тому +3

      Adam was *is* a Human-Being, not a Person (a Mask)!

    • @Hock.Z.E.
      @Hock.Z.E. Рік тому +4

      Adam was like everyone else, AND then something awakened, which made him become different moving forward .
      Hope that alleviates the confusion.

    • @patrickcleveland
      @patrickcleveland 10 місяців тому

      @@giladshirthis comment was proof the laws of nature exist

  • @mykoal7475
    @mykoal7475 2 роки тому +7

    This is one of those mind blowing moments. You connected so many things for me. Thank you for sharing this video. But why don’t you consider Jesus a Kabbalist?

    • @berts558
      @berts558 2 роки тому +4

      Actually I believe that he was but the sensitivity Hebrew people have about this is you essentially tell them that you expect them to observe one of their relatives as God and if you were actually Hebrew you'd understand how horribly inappropriate that is it's really that simple he hasn't considered it reasonably or looked at it from an objective perspective because it's being jammed down our throat as the only acceptable way for us to see our God for 2,000 years

    • @mykoal7475
      @mykoal7475 2 роки тому +4

      @@berts558 wow, thank you for the reply. It seemed controversial, but I thought I would ask. This is all really new to me.

    • @berts558
      @berts558 2 роки тому +1

      @@mykoal7475 you're welcome happy to help

    • @giladshir
      @giladshir 2 роки тому

      I have not seen any reference or heard any Kabbalist refer to him as one. To learn more about this topic you can check out our video "was Jesus A Kabbalist" ua-cam.com/video/gCh9McnFYcI/v-deo.html

    • @lapskaus
      @lapskaus 2 роки тому +1

      @@berts558 Great stuff, learning alot. But how could jesus make it work as a kabbalist in his head and there havent been a workaround for this since? Whats the harm of prefering one to the other..

  • @dzet1000
    @dzet1000 2 роки тому +1

    I am curious. How to you know exactly that Adam lived 5 782 years ago? What is your source?

  • @MBiernat0711
    @MBiernat0711 2 роки тому +2

    Not just “forces of nature” but forces of Spirit, primarily. Spirit is not nature. Nature belongs to the manifested world. We are concerned with the un-manifested for the purpose of manifestation- that is true, and, in that sense only - we are interested in “nature”.

  • @MBiernat0711
    @MBiernat0711 2 роки тому +4

    The destruction of the second temple does not represent destruction and exile - it signals liberation and turning toward the Way. What is the liberation from? The attachment to ritual and belief that God requires sacrifice. Liberation from “offender-victim” mindset. The “temple” when build on sacrifice represents the ego - or the seeming force of darkness. The Temple of God is not a physical structure but a relationship, a community of people who chose to liberate from darkness and whose purpose is the return to God - AS ONE - that is, an a unified community.
    These have been the teaching of Jesus, whom them called the Messiah.

    • @briansonof
      @briansonof 2 роки тому +3

      Hallelujah to the King of Kings! God does not want you to sacrifice anything except your desire to sin.

    • @MBiernat0711
      @MBiernat0711 2 роки тому +2

      @@briansonof yes - because when you think - what is sacrifice? It is a belief that God barters. It is a belief that if you provide God with something- your provision will “purchase” the good will of our Creator. This belief stands in a way of the Faith that “God provides eternally” and that all you ask for is provided to us automatically- as far as we are willing to have faith, to actually BELIEVE that God provides. These are the teachings of Jesus - whom they called the Messiah.

  • @keithwilliamson1168
    @keithwilliamson1168 Рік тому +1

    I disagree with you that Jesus was not a Kaballist. There is evidence that he was an advanced teacher.

  • @martijnhaan
    @martijnhaan 11 місяців тому +1

    Hi, is this presentation somewhere to download please?

  • @arthurfirkins1031
    @arthurfirkins1031 2 роки тому +1

    help from a Guinean woman with her Australian husband in the sultanate of Brunei.god bless you .

  • @rachelyang2498
    @rachelyang2498 Рік тому +1

    What is the book of Zohar teach us about Humility? Are they same with the book of Creation?

  • @Mohammadparvazi
    @Mohammadparvazi 2 роки тому +2

    Just watched the first 5 minutes and I have a question, according to Quran Adam Adam was sent out from heaven cause he ate the apple this makes him and his generation special kind of human species but you described him as someone like everyone which just had a different question

    • @giladshir
      @giladshir 2 роки тому +1

      Hi, According to Kabbalah the story of Adam and Eve from the Bible differ from the person named Adam that lived 5782 years ago and was the first person to discover the spiritual reality. I can't answer re the Quran as I am no expert in that field.

    • @Mohammadparvazi
      @Mohammadparvazi 2 роки тому +1

      @@giladshir interesting,I didn't know that thanks for your time and bright explanation

  • @greyhoundlovesme
    @greyhoundlovesme Рік тому +1

    Honestly, with all the archeological evidence how can you possibly say the Bible is not a history book? Yes, it is entirely spiritual and written before time through YHWH - but it is most definitely a history book. Don’t be so spiritually minded that you are no earthly good.

    @JAMIL_TRADES 2 роки тому

    Sir MJ the great. From United republic of Africa “NIGERIA 🇳🇬🇳🇬🇳🇬”

  • @kellylie9052
    @kellylie9052 Рік тому +2

    I want to know..... What the different & the same in Christianity & Islamic about Kabbalah??? Thanks 🙏

    • @haneizadjamaabdillahi1139
      @haneizadjamaabdillahi1139 Рік тому

      In Islam we don't have kabbalah but we have a holy book called the holy quran and this the last testament to mankind and we believed the last prophet Muhammad pbuh was send to mankind but not to special group

  • @peterhook2258
    @peterhook2258 Рік тому

    reference for the people studying with Abraham were of no particular religion and also that the people of Israel are defined by desire and not lineage...anyone? this is so valuable. thank you

  • @FrankieGRAI
    @FrankieGRAI 2 роки тому +4

    The picture in the video in 24:24 of Baal Shem Tov is of Hayyim Samuel Jacob Falk (the Baal Shem of London) which was not the founder of the Hasidic movement. The founder of the Hasidic movement was the BESHT (Rabbi Israel ben Eliezer). If someone already mentioned it, please disregard. This is a very common mistake on the internet.

    • @giladshir
      @giladshir 2 роки тому +1

      yes, the picture is incorrect, but the name and info (Baal Shem Tov) are correct. Thanks for pointing this out.

    • @FrankieGRAI
      @FrankieGRAI 2 роки тому

      @@giladshir Yep. That's what is important. Thank you.

  • @MrKreinen
    @MrKreinen 2 роки тому +1

    Following the Santana wisdom tradition, some have argued that religion evolves from hygien, to morality, to philosophy, to psychological discipline (meditation). In Santana, they too see the trancendental meditaiton (the tool and study) as originating form a line of enlightened teachers tracing back to a mythic originator. I draw inspiration from the notion that they need not ever have actually existed; its the teachings that are important, not the alagories, metaphores or mythology. Krishna, Buddha, they need not have ever lived, cause it is the stories of their Satsang that teaches.

    • @indira5131
      @indira5131 9 місяців тому

      Merits a reply Gil Shir. N'est-ce pas? Am from India following the Kabbalah for decades off + on since I was 20+. A past life connect, for sure. Keep pedalling ..

  • @arI-Yabs
    @arI-Yabs 2 роки тому +3

    I wish you would also touch on Zoroaster and Zoroastrianism.

  • @lindabell6293
    @lindabell6293 2 роки тому +4

    Your words go through me like electricity.

    • @leekelso6680
      @leekelso6680 Рік тому

      That's really all there is is electricity... then there is the picture show, just like your TV. And it's scientific too.

    • @Hey_you_______x
      @Hey_you_______x Рік тому

      @@leekelso6680 Fauci did say, "trust the science..."
      So did gramps.

    • @leekelso6680
      @leekelso6680 Рік тому +1

      @@Hey_you_______x And was Fauci referring to The Science of Kabbalah? I don't think he was. And as far as gramps...??? I do see AMPS in gramps so you have a point.

  • @profbri.02
    @profbri.02 Рік тому

    I think many would disagree with your conclusion that Judaism, Christianity and islam are the only monotheistic religion. Zoroastrians and some periods of ancient Egyptian religions, for example.

  • @mkartmkart6335
    @mkartmkart6335 2 роки тому +3

    Thank you for a to-the-point talk about a history of a tradition we dont find much about around :)
    To me its all about the One and/or the Many

    • @giladshir
      @giladshir 2 роки тому +2

      Glad you liked it :)

  • @emilyrozell4148
    @emilyrozell4148 Рік тому +1

    Hi. I have a question. Has the code Adam wrote been translated?

    • @InstuctorKabU-ep2bx
      @InstuctorKabU-ep2bx Рік тому +1

      Hey Emily,
      Are you referring to the book "The Angel Raziel" if it's translated - or if the words have been broken down into simpler language?
      If you're referring to A - then yes.
      If you're referring to B - then, not really. It's not a book you'll see referred to often, not written for our generation and there's not a lot there that students these days can work with. This is why the emphasis for our times is on the Zohar :

  • @ghadeermousa3115
    @ghadeermousa3115 9 місяців тому

    Adam is the child inside each of us... our massager inside each of us ❤️❤️...if we give Us achance to sit alone you will reach The real meaning of all prophets in holy books 📚 it's all same resourc..

  • @321ssteeeeeve
    @321ssteeeeeve 2 роки тому +2

    Is the coming of the Mashiach and the merging of humanity to a higher point of evolution the same thing?

    • @giladshir
      @giladshir 2 роки тому +2

      That is correct Steve

  • @MBiernat0711
    @MBiernat0711 2 роки тому +2

    It sounds “Adam ha Rishon” is what Jesus would understand as the “Son of God”. Why would Kaballah reject Jesus as one of Kaballists? After all, Jesus didn’t think himself God, and clearly regarded himself as part of creation. Christianity evolved later, out of Roman influences.

  • @jamesthoithi6330
    @jamesthoithi6330 2 роки тому +8

    how old are you? This is amazing, just a request, could you make a playlist of all your teaching on this channel? It would be to nice if you did. I love the way you present the information.When a person seeks to discover the true nature of reality they should do so "with the aim of religion, and the method of science". In other words seek unity with the First Cause, whichever path that was gifted to you from the beginning, yet believe in nothing. If something is true, it does not require belief to remain so. As Esotericists, when you break down all religions to their spiritual level, there can only be One Universal Truth ...

    • @KabbalahInfo
      @KabbalahInfo  2 роки тому +4

      Hi James, glad that you enjoyed this session.
      Here are the requested Playlists:
      - Kabbalah Explained Simply with Gil Shir
      - Kabbalah Q&A with Gil Shir
      For more, please visit ua-cam.com/users/KabbalahInfoplaylists
      Best wishes!

    • @berts558
      @berts558 Рік тому +1

      & an infinite number of interpretations, from 1 many & from many 1 🤔

  • @PeterPan-ex2hm
    @PeterPan-ex2hm Рік тому +5


    • @zebakhawaja
      @zebakhawaja 8 місяців тому

      The Kaaba'Lah is House/Throne of the One(God) that Abaraham re-built in Mecca called the House of God which was originally built by Adam and Eve ... the Kaaba is called the Black CUBE, The Black Throne of the ONE covered in a Black Cloth written with the songs of Abaraham in gold writing in Arabic and is the representation of the Kaaba'Lah (Throne of ONE) Lah translates to ONE in Armiac and Arabic.
      and praises of the al/the LAH, Al/The YUD of Compassion and Merci and Love..
      The Kaaba is the centre of the Earth which is the reflection of the Heavens Universe above... The white light radiates from the Kaaba in Mecca seen by the Astronauts from above
      Everything you teach is taught in Isa'lam in the Qur'an and specifically In Sufism.
      Peace be upon all followers of Abaraham Amen, Muhammad who practice the Laws of Moses called Mose'lim and religion or Jesus Isa (Isa'lam is the religion of Jesus co.pleted by Muhammad) Amen
      In the name of The LAH/ONE/YUD ❤
      The Qur'an says to read Zohar and the Zohar Prooves Isa'lam is the religion of God and the House of God in Mecca is The Throne of God called the Kaaba'La
      Kaaba translate to Throne.

  • @gregwalden1550
    @gregwalden1550 2 роки тому +6

    please teach hebrew class greg from temple texas love your teachings

  • @sbz666
    @sbz666 2 роки тому +4

    Good entertainment no doubt, Hollywood style or other way around...either way a good show 👍

  • @theawakenedyou
    @theawakenedyou 2 роки тому +4

    Question: How could Moses write the first 5 books of the Bible if he was born hundreds of years later?

    • @giladshir
      @giladshir 2 роки тому

      All Kabbalistic writings are not written based on history or a timeline but based on spiritual attainment. Every word written there talks only about the spiritual layer of reality and nothing of this world.

    • @Neilmaduray4165
      @Neilmaduray4165 2 роки тому +3

      Moses did not write Genesis...he edited Genesis

    • @theawakenedyou
      @theawakenedyou 2 роки тому +1

      Thank you! This is one theory that makes sense. However, if he only edited it then who wrote Genesis? How did Moses get his hands on it? And what references can you provide for me to research this for myself? Because if what you say is true, then this "game changer" definitely needs to be addressed.

    • @nonnieJ94
      @nonnieJ94 2 роки тому

      @@theawakenedyou maybe Adam or Seth or methuselah or Noah any of the people from before Moses

    • @esotericgnost
      @esotericgnost 2 роки тому

      @@theawakenedyou moses did not write genesis, which ive been heard befoee people that write genesis is ezra

  • @hychap
    @hychap 10 місяців тому

    5782 is my dob.. on my dob that year, all the planets aligned.

  • @ahmedtijanitanko2534
    @ahmedtijanitanko2534 2 роки тому

    We are in New Era of Awakening struggle to know yourself he God will reveal everything for you

  • @berts558
    @berts558 2 роки тому +2

    I'm just curious how do you feel about the concept that Abraham and zoroaster may have been the same person or interacted cuz from these two people the concept of a signal benevolent God as a singularity and duality emerged the 11 spherot (including Dath) what science knows as the dimensions it seems endless yet interconnected beautiful and terrifying how could you not study Kabbalah?

    • @giladshir
      @giladshir Рік тому +1

      According to Kabbalists, Adam, Abraham, Rashbi, the Ari and Baal Hasulam were the same soul. None else. It is possible that Zoroaster received his method from Abraham which was approx 800 years before.

    • @berts558
      @berts558 Рік тому +1

      @@giladshir what I find fascinating is how the world was polythiest and til between 2000 & 1500 BCE & then suddenly monotheism appear from nothing so amazing!

  • @bennywallyghabiliha7834
    @bennywallyghabiliha7834 2 роки тому +2

    Thankyou, I feel in my soul and spirit have BEING EMPTIED WITHIN meaning I have being EXPOSED TO REALITY OR NAKED. It is simple but KEPT SECRET TO BE REVEALED AT AN APPOINTED TIME WHICH IS 2022 or 5782 going to 5783 in THE FALL FEAST. waiting patiently to expect the REAL PURPOSE OF KABBALAH OR EVRNTUALITY OF REALITY. Love you and once again in million times thankyou.

  • @MBiernat0711
    @MBiernat0711 2 роки тому +2

    The “Jewish laws” have little or nothing to do with the laws of Kaballah - because the laws of Kaballah are the laws of Spirit, and the PURPOSE of Spirit can not be achieved by the means of the body. Therefore - when the laws of religion (ANY religion) assist Spirit for the sake of Spirit // they are the laws of Kabbalah. When the laws of religion do not assist Spirit in any recognized meaning - they are worthless. Thus - any rules on body is meaningless- washing, dressing - meaningless. Any laws based on gender, sexuality - meaningless. They don’t serve any spiritual purpose OR a spiritual purpose of equal greater value can be derived from rejecting those laws. This includes the “law of Shabbat observance”.

  • @eugenesokol3918
    @eugenesokol3918 Рік тому +1

    is there proof of "Adam's" existence? Is there historical or archeological evidence?

    • @KabbalahInfo
      @KabbalahInfo  Рік тому

      Hi Eugene, and thanks for the question.
      Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman; ''Any Kabbalist passing the knowledge of a spiritual reality to me is a system rather than a person.'' Read in full
      - laitman.com/2011/01/was-there-really-adam-harishon
      More about Adam laitman.com/2018/02/adam-and-his-book-the-angel-raziel
      Best wishes

  • @sharonraffanti3632
    @sharonraffanti3632 11 місяців тому

    A question - did Abraham not learn about the Almighty from Noah and Shem, after all Shem was still alive after Jacob was born?

    • @KabbalahInfo
      @KabbalahInfo  11 місяців тому

      Hi Sharon,
      Thanks for the question.
      It is important to understand that the Bible does not describe corporeal phenomena, but spiritual degrees, structures, and processes, which are ultimately degrees of love, bestowal, and unification. The correct study of the Bible should draw upon us the light that brings us closer to attaining those degrees.
      According to the wisdom of Kabbalah, the purpose of our lives is to reach a state of perfection by harmoniously unifying with humanity in a single integral system-our soul. This state is called “the revelation of the Creator to the created beings in this world,” and it is attainable while we are alive in our world.
      The Bible was given to us as a means by which we can correct ourselves in order to unify with others, i.e., to ultimately reach a level of “And you shall love your neighbor as yourself” (Leviticus 19:18). The word for “Torah” in Hebrew connects to two words, “Hora’ah” (“teaching”) and “Ohr” (“light”). That is, the Torah is a means by which we draw light onto ourselves, which corrects our intention from self-benefit at the expense of others to bestowal and love for others.soul. This state is called “the revelation of the Creator to the created beings in this world,” and it is attainable while we are alive in our world.
      Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman provides you with clarification to your question in the following talks from the series ''Bible Secrets Explained by Kabbalah'':
      -Who Was Abraham in the Bible?ua-cam.com/video/0GwYjZs36k8/v-deo.html
      -What Does Abraham Represent in the Torah?
      -Chayei Sarah Torah Portion
      If you are interested in learning more about Kabbalah, we have different options for you. On the one hand we have our course Kabbalah Revealed bit.ly/cm-KabU-Kabbalah, which is for free all the way, during which you will also have access to our Exclusive Zoom sessions held on Sundays at 2 PM ET. This course is a fundamentals course that lays out the foundation of the wisdom.
      On the other hand, you have the option to sign up to Reveal Kabbalah's Secrets Guide bit.ly/cm-KabbalahSecrets, which is an amazing course, a blueprint of the spiritual method of the entire wisdom of Kabbalah, which helps us understand the strategies that are required to attain spirituality.
      Best wishes

  • @MubasshirAnsari-vn9ty
    @MubasshirAnsari-vn9ty Рік тому

    Islam last prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi❤❤❤❤

  • @josielsantos6463
    @josielsantos6463 2 роки тому +2

    Rav Ashlag wrote about a spiritual system that could bring the end of caos. Could that system do the unification of the existent religions?

    • @giladshir
      @giladshir 2 роки тому +5

      Yes in fact it already is to an extent. You can already witness people of all religions studying this wisdom together.

  • @ScottMitchell2
    @ScottMitchell2 Рік тому

    Awesome video as always. Were they consciously aware they were writing it for our time? Are they quoted as saying such? Thanks fam

  • @user-realahhnikka
    @user-realahhnikka Рік тому

    i can only find information claiming kabbalah was invented in 12th century ce. why is that?

    • @giladshir
      @giladshir 8 місяців тому

      Hi, it's quite common knowledge that the WIsdom of Kabbalah goes back long before that. See wikipedia e.g

  • @ivanhrndz7755
    @ivanhrndz7755 2 роки тому +4

    How did adam discover this? like was he meditating, standing or simply in a cave when it came to him?

    • @rodericknalls1676
      @rodericknalls1676 2 роки тому +1

      Your ? Is impossible to answer! Think about it! Who can accurately reveal what adam thought or did if he himself didn't write it down!🤔>

    • @giladshir
      @giladshir Рік тому

      I can't say the exact state he was in when it came to him, but I can say for certain that what led him to discover this was a desire to unlock these hidden forces in Nature.

  • @waltermosley9591
    @waltermosley9591 5 місяців тому

    Very interesting lecture!

  • @rutbrea8796
    @rutbrea8796 Рік тому

    I didn't know Christianity was a monotheistic religion, I thought it was of a "Trinity."

  • @michelleoliphant6838
    @michelleoliphant6838 2 роки тому +1

    Do kabalists also keep the 7th day as the Sabbath?

    • @Danielight
      @Danielight 2 роки тому

      Great question. I imagine definitely yes, they do keep The Sabbath.

  • @mohammeddambatta7563
    @mohammeddambatta7563 2 роки тому +1

    Very sad situation. Too many un answered situation without supporting detail. Why would the almighty not want people to worship him collectively? I find Islam to the only religion that has detailed evidence and information as how to worship the creator. It’s rules and regulations is that of inclusion. You have direct relationship with your creator without a middle man. Great video, but falls short in detail explanation and evidence. Shalom

  • @dubbelkastrull
    @dubbelkastrull 2 роки тому +2

    20:29 bookmark

  • @elhirba
    @elhirba 2 роки тому +1

    Abraham was called Abram first then Abraham.
    Concerning Sefer Yetsira i alway heard that it was Adam HaRishon who wrote it, not Abraham

  • @moktanproductions
    @moktanproductions 2 роки тому +1

    This is interesting and thanks for the talk. As a friendly tip - I think, if you want to be a teacher, you need to work on your intonation. Have a listen back and you may see what I mean. Your intonation is almost identical from sentence to sentence and it sounds as if you are somewhat bored with the material. Great content though!

  • @DmytroZinkiv
    @DmytroZinkiv Рік тому +1

    שלום ושגשוג לכל חסידי מדעי הקבלה הכנים. שלום

  • @thesoulmateconnection
    @thesoulmateconnection 2 роки тому +2

    I am a nonJew who is in love with the Jew. When we love the Jew we see with new eyes that see the other. There is only one Adam and one Jew. When the darkness desires the light, she becomes like the man, she becomes like Adam, she becomes like God because she becomes His image. He is birthed, our son, who is the greatest kabbalist-- Love the other and you will see too 🙏

  • @Super-Nova97
    @Super-Nova97 Рік тому

    Why notifications of this valuable channel stopped

  • @kellylie9052
    @kellylie9052 Рік тому +1

    Hey😁me from Indonesia, I want to learn & know about Kabbalah mystic Jewish.

    • @KabbalahInfo
      @KabbalahInfo  Рік тому

      Hi Kelly and thanks for the question. Kabbalah is not Jewish and not mysticism, but a science that aims to give you genuine, scientific answers to all the questions you've ever had about life, and most importantly, what you can do about it. In order to join the study, join KabU - Start your FREE 14-DAY trial.
      Gain access to ALL KabU courses, live events, and student forums. Start now to get the FULL KabU experience bit.ly/j31-KabU-Kabbalah

  • @LikTerrible
    @LikTerrible Рік тому

    Why Adam didnt introduce the monoteism at That age? And why the Kabalah comes First that Monoteism?

  • @humancommunitylab
    @humancommunitylab 2 роки тому +2

    Thank you !

  • @swebers77
    @swebers77 Рік тому

    Why are the Jewish kabbalah teachers wearing kippahs and keeping Shabbat whereas some Jewish teachers at KabU aren't. According to KabU, are we supposed to follow the 613 laws as passed down by Moses if we were born Jewish?

    • @giladshir
      @giladshir Рік тому

      Hi, the link between Judaism and Kabbalah dates back 3800 years ago to the origin of the people of Israel. Abraham opened his tent for all people that wanted to discover the hidden forces of reality (regardless of religion). That group later became the people of Israel. 1800 years later as the Jewish people went into exile, the Kabbalists of that time put together many of the jewish traditions that we know of today. They did so according to the laws of root and branch - to every physical action e.g putting on tefillin, is rooted in a spiritual action. The purpose of the physical actions was to keep this group on a level called “holy still”. The lowest level that still maintains a connection to the spiritual. In our times, we need to come out of that exile, and practice the wisdom of Kabbalah, the origin of Judaism (and all religions). In our time, anyone can study the wisdom regardless of background and religion. If you are of ANY religion and want to practice your customs in parallel to the wisdom of Kabbalah - there is no conflict however it is not a requirement today.

  • @aaroncontreras7576
    @aaroncontreras7576 2 роки тому +2

    I think what you are talking about are the teachings of the wise in the Bible there is nothing that describes what Kabbalah says I actually would say that everything that is in the Kabbalah Aligns more with modern science. And everything that the Bible describes science things it’s wrong . We can go back to how the world looks the Bible is very clear that the earth is flat and everything revolves around us the earth is inmovible. Yet science and everything says that the earth moves yet the Bible is very clear this and many other things in the Bible oppose the teachings of Kabbalah and science. If I’m being honest I don’t know if Kabbalah is teachings of the fallen angels or if it somenthing else I just know it is not what the Bible says. Listen o Israel the lord is one.

    • @1618927
      @1618927 2 роки тому +2

      You are right. Jesus is the way, the truth and the eternal life. Follow our King, our God!

    • @briansonof
      @briansonof 2 роки тому

      Yes, science and modern New Age occultism loves to enshroud the reality in lies. We live on a flat, motionless earth, not some stupid spinning ball thing with magic clinging water.

  • @Vina_Ravyn
    @Vina_Ravyn 2 роки тому +2

    It's far too bad that nobody knew of the teaching of Moses until the 3rd century. You can take the oldest hebrew prophets and while they worshiped Yahweh there was no Moses or laws of Moses. I mean you can make up any history you want to make up doesn't mean it's true. Like all jews at the time of Solomon were "special". That my friend is laughable I would have thought kabbalah would be far more scientific than this rot.

  • @davidantonacci9525
    @davidantonacci9525 2 роки тому +7

    You don't seem to ever mention a source for any of the exotic information that you so confidently proclaim. Is your presentation only for the gullible?

    • @AdamDylanMajor
      @AdamDylanMajor Рік тому +2

      Mentioning sources only serves the purpose of the argument of authority. Embodying what you teach is being entitled to what you think and not forcing others to accept what you consider true only because Einstein said it.

    • @davidantonacci9525
      @davidantonacci9525 Рік тому +1

      @@AdamDylanMajor So what you're saying is that your presentation is only for the gullible. Thank-you.

    • @Hey_you_______x
      @Hey_you_______x Рік тому

      @@davidantonacci9525 you sound angry, as if you're not in control of what others believe, yet you act as if you're entitled to such control.
      I'm sure that's brought you far in life. But to where?

  • @decoaisla
    @decoaisla Рік тому +1

    Thanks SO MUCH

  • @lindamckeown3198
    @lindamckeown3198 2 роки тому

    So what is going on when you get someone who was a Mother Of Darkness but they come to know Christ? Im just thinking out loud..they know this stuff inside out so how come they believe in Jesus? Ive just recently come out of christianity.

  • @aly3560
    @aly3560 Рік тому

    WOW! This is WAY OFF! Why would Adam need to ask “What is the meaning of life”? God (you left Him out) put him in charge, he got to name all the animals, he had the perfect mate created for him, he was to GUARD the garden! He was IN CHARGE and walked and talked with God in the garden! He failed to keep guard and the Serpent got in!

  • @godfreywilloams3036
    @godfreywilloams3036 2 роки тому +1

    Greetings from Atlanta Ga

  • @kafriendreejaytv880
    @kafriendreejaytv880 Рік тому

    Why was Jesus not mentioned as part of the history of Kabbalah? Is Jesus a figment of imagination of the enlightened ones? Had he lived on earth historically or figuratively?
    -From Reejay of the Philippines

  • @brandcjosh3347
    @brandcjosh3347 Рік тому

    Who determines that you get pleasure, when you give something to someone? Who created the forces of nature? Who maintains the order in the whole creation?

    • @ChrisJones-dn9hz
      @ChrisJones-dn9hz Рік тому

      Great questions. These are exactly the questions that a person with an awakened point in the heart feels are more important than anything, otherwise - "why was I created?"
      What determines that I get pleasure? This is exactly the mechanism in me that is my nature called "the will to receive [pleasure]". Just examine yourself any time you have a thought or desire even to rearrange yourself in your chair, it's only due to a change in where pleasure can be gained and suffering reduced. It's a simple formula that stretches infinitely into every aspect of our lives.
      Who created the forces of nature? That's what Kabbalists call "Creator"- since He created with a thought in mind - meaning there's a reason and an end goal. The maintaining of this system is that same thought, the system of nature with all the forces of bestowal acting on the force of reception causing gradual changes with the ultimate goal of leading it to lack connection with that system. The human degree developed and separated from that awareness and those same forces of nature which causes the inner and outer separation also work to awaken the conscious recognition of that state in humanity in order to inspire a need to have the force of nature rule us by our own desire and not like any other force in nature that acts "because it was told" - so to speak.

    • @brandcjosh3347
      @brandcjosh3347 Рік тому

      @@ChrisJones-dn9hz I want that you may find an easier and more accurate description to the concern.
      In the name of Allah (it's okay that you say the Creator, It's one of the Lord's names), the Gracious, the Merciful.
      1. Blessed is He in whose hand is the sovereignty, and Who has power over everything.
      2. He who created death and life-TO TEST YOU-as to which of you is better in conduct. He is the Almighty, the Forgiving.
      3. He who created seven heavens in layers. You see no discrepancy in the creation of the Compassionate. Look again. Can you see any cracks?
      4. Then look again, and again, and your sight will return to you dazzled and exhausted. (From Ch. "The Sovereignty")
      29. Yet the wrongdoers follow their desires without knowledge. But who can guide whom Allah leaves astray? They will have no helpers.
      30. So devote yourself to the (correct way of life), religion of monotheism-the natural instinct Allah has instilled in mankind. There is no altering Allah’s creation. This is the true way of life, but most people do not know.
      31. Turning towards Him-and be conscious of Him, and perform the prayer, and do not be of the idolaters.
      32. Of those who divided their religion, and became sects; each faction pleased with what they have. (From Ch. "The Romans")
      11. You warn only him who follows the Message, and fears the Most Gracious inwardly. So give him good news of forgiveness, and a generous reward.
      12. It is We who revive the dead; and We write down what they have forwarded, and their traces. We have tallied all things in a Clear Record. (From ch. "Ya-seen")
      Stay with (inner) peace (=what human desires), there shouldn't be any compulsion in one's own way of life. The way of Adam, Henoch, Noah, Abraham has always been Islam, which means full submission to the Lord, who created the forces of nature in the first place, and therefore peace. (So I'm sorry, it's not Kabbalah.) Trust me, this is the easiest way, bur requires practice, sometimes even scientific examination, since the entire cosmos is a masterpiece of Allah, your Lord and my Lord.
      For me, the answer is clear, would you like that the concern is clear from any doubt for you too? If this is the case, then;
      "Read: In the Name of your Lord who created. Created man from a clot. Read: And your Lord is the Most Generous. He who taught by the pen. Taught man what he never knew. In fact, man oversteps all bounds. When he considers himself exempt. But to your Lord is the return." (from ch. "Clot")

  • @GokhanCavdar91154
    @GokhanCavdar91154 2 роки тому +1

    Hi from Turkiye 🖐️

  • @bigdavidkekiug4524
    @bigdavidkekiug4524 Рік тому

    Hi brother I'm a jew from Uganda and am proud in my region

  • @saintnickyjk3936
    @saintnickyjk3936 Рік тому +2

    Good video 👍🏻🔥💕🙏🏻

  • @mohamedgure4465
    @mohamedgure4465 Рік тому

    Mohamed Gure from Kenya

  • @dajjalkillah186
    @dajjalkillah186 2 роки тому +2

    0:36 it my be better explained by removing time from the equation (and space as the coexist) -as HaShem-mostly, when dealing with us
    As a translation--sees us from Outside
    Therefore, Adam: does not need to explained as “evolving”
    As creation is manifest at the same time, according to His Will.
    Like a snap shot for Him
    Or series of slides
    Each one encompassing Moments
    Rather than pictures
    Could be an age of 1,000years
    Or a slide of 0.001 sec; we move inside
    He moves outside
    And in and through
    However and whenever

    • @jensherman2771
      @jensherman2771 2 роки тому

      I can’t answer the question to myself of how I could possibly understand what you wrote, except to say that I understood every word. A resonance of truth felt rather than heard. Thank you💛

  • @shapursasan9019
    @shapursasan9019 2 роки тому +5

    “5782 years ago Adam was born”. In other words, until “5782 years ago” there was no humans on earth. You know in this day and age, there is no excuse for profound ignorance.

    • @jiggerbrown2071
      @jiggerbrown2071 2 роки тому +1

      Adam wasn’t the first man on Eath

    • @shapursasan9019
      @shapursasan9019 2 роки тому

      @@jiggerbrown2071 It doesn’t matter - the whole ignorant belief that Adam (assuming he's not a ‘myth’) was born only 5782 years ago is downright silly.

    • @jiggerbrown2071
      @jiggerbrown2071 2 роки тому

      @@shapursasan9019 why? If I’m not mistaken, biblical timeline, aligns with this

    • @shapursasan9019
      @shapursasan9019 2 роки тому

      @@jiggerbrown2071 Well, ‘biblical timeline’ was created by very uneducated people - It’s ridiculous to say that humanity started less than 7,000 years ago… We have proof of civilizations that's much older than that. It’s like saying that ‘the earth is flat’.

    • @jiggerbrown2071
      @jiggerbrown2071 2 роки тому +1

      @@shapursasan9019 I just said earlier, Adam wasn’t the first man in the EARTH according to Kabbalah, but was the first to receive the knowledge.

  • @ramondiaz2851
    @ramondiaz2851 Рік тому

    Israel means IS = man ,RA = struggle & EL = God , which means the struggle between man & God!!

  • @haneizadjamaabdillahi1139
    @haneizadjamaabdillahi1139 Рік тому

    Asc thank you for sharing this information about kabbalah but Allah Swt told us that He gave to prophets Abraham pbuh a holy book so I wonder if this book is this kabbalah u are talking about it another book, if so is there any English translation of the book of Abraham pbuh so l can read it?.

  • @lourdessaravia7122
    @lourdessaravia7122 2 роки тому

    Hello, and thank you from Guatemala

  • @brendaceniceros883
    @brendaceniceros883 8 місяців тому

    So did the bible come before or after the Zohar?

    • @giladshir
      @giladshir 8 місяців тому

      According to Kabbalistic tradition, the Torah was written by Moses approximately 3300 years ago and the book of Zohar was written by Rashbi approximately 1800 years ago.

  • @julianajones4022
    @julianajones4022 Рік тому

    I would have thought The Ramban was significant on this timeline...

  • @irshadazeez4764
    @irshadazeez4764 2 роки тому

    But how is Abraham linked to the book of Raziel the Angel. How did he aquire that knowledge. Also, were they able to write information down 6000 years ago?

    • @giladshir
      @giladshir Рік тому +1

      All Kabbalists acquire that knowledge by attaining these forces. In the past, this was kept for a select few (while the rest of humanity was still in a process of developing). Today humanity has transitioned (the collective desire has reached the final stages of its development) and anyone who wishes can attain these forces.

  • @mrshankerbillletmein491
    @mrshankerbillletmein491 2 роки тому +3

    Jesus Christ is the origin of Christianity what you talking about

  • @solomonjohnson2628
    @solomonjohnson2628 2 роки тому +2

    So, you're saying that Kaballah is the foundation upon which all monotheistic religions stand, therefore, it is the science behind all of them, n this knowledge with its first author (Adam) is about 6000 years old. If this is fact, then how is it that the knowledge of archeology, biology, etc placed humanity's existence much longer than 6000 yrs n since this truth, what was the development of the mind of man n his outlook towards this idea concerning the "Oneness of God"? Aren't the Pyramids older than 6000 yrs, doesn't the Pyramid texts n the Emerald texts suggests understandings that equate to the "Oneness idea"? The Jewish mind today has lay claim to the "owners" of this knowledge called Kaballah n if one should consider, it would seem now that with the above info, they have placed themselves at the top of the intellectual pole because of this foundational understanding.....n maybe, that's why they see themselves as "chosen" n everyone else as "Cattle",.....just a tinker

  • @desertfox8438
    @desertfox8438 2 роки тому

    Where do you place “ Thoth” and his teachings ?

  • @tonyfoster5013
    @tonyfoster5013 2 роки тому

    I’m a Rosicrucian from the UK