49:55 hasan joins 1:13:30 Destiny and hasan get into it on bloomberg 1:35:00 Destiny and hasan discuss black vote polling numbers and get into heated discussion 1:43:30 Hasan discusses destinys community and twitch clipping 1:44:03 Destiny claps back on hasan homophobia tweet dicussion going into heated conversation about intersectionality 3:23:00 Dicussion on bernie sanders and "establishment candidates"
destiny and hasan: *intensely screaming at eachother* zweback: on his phone slasher: literally not there manuel: trying to figure out what anyone is saying esfand: cooking train: asleep
from another comment (Skunk Works): 49:55 hasan joins 1:13:30 Destiny and hasan get into it on bloomberg 1:35:00 Destiny and hasan discuss black vote polling numbers and get into heated discussion 1:43:30 Hasan discusses destinys community and twitch clipping 1:44:03 Destiny claps back on hasan homophobia tweet dicussion going into heated conversation about intersectionality 3:23:00 Dicussion on bernie sanders and "establishment candidates"
felix would never resort to coming back onto this chatroom of children calling eachother names. dude made great jokes but no one got them because theyre all intellectually children
@@reckoner22 To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Felix. The humor is extremely subtle, and will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also his nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Felix truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Felix existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Felix genius unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools... how I pity them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have a chapo trap house tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
True, I think in this situation destiny is sasuke because he burned all the bridges with his friends and no one really likes him anymore. Whereas people actual like Hasan still.
1:25:30 Sanders sucks with black voters. 1:44:44 Oppression olympics 1:45:46 Cumtown? 1:48:58 Hasan and Destiny should FUCK 1:50:00 Destiny hits Hasan on the nepotism 1:52:56 Why does the left hate Obama 1:54:30 Cumtown? 1:54:54 The history of Hasan and Destiny 1:59:10 Hasan doesn't like Destiny 2:02:30 Hasan wants to move on
esfand is a PainsChamp... Oh ahaha I'll just randomly stand up and cook in a podcast and this'll be funny haHAA I'll randomly say shitty memes and laugh about random dogshit haHAA
Im Bory Steven crowder isn’t funny and isn’t conservative. He’s a libertarian, not the same thing. It wouldn’t be good or funny as destiny would just dominate him, crowder isn’t good at debating. Yelling at dumb 18 year old college kids isn’t hard or difficult
Sometimes I genuily think Hasan is a troll his opinions and takes during these "debates" are so awful and poorly argued. I feel like he just constantly gets dunked on for entertainment.
Eisenhower303 Yeah, the dude seemed like he was cross faded and a touch slow in the way he talked. Not gonna lie, he’s a real good representation of your average Bernie voter.
Felix fuck you. Zweback is awsome. I get it if yo dont like fifa but for people who are genuinly interested in football/soccer it is the only game available and for me its super fun. Dont insult zwe like that he makes good videos
@@maxatt1319 I don't really find soccer/futbol interesting, but I agree there's no reason to shit on someone because they like something that the other person dosen't like. It's just ridiculous and a waste of time to argue about what is "fun" or "entertaining" to another person, so pointless.
@@helbigshitachi486 comparing Bolivia to what happened in Iowa is literal conspiracy theory so I'm going to assume Hasan doesn't know shit about Bolivia outside of the Twitter thread about it
@@vvocal Esfand is known for "farming LULWs" (getting chat to spam LULW emotes any chance he gets) so he heard apolitical which he pretended to confuse with asexual, totally different word and meaning.
Destiny and Ben Shapiro should debate each other. When they debate they are basically the same just Destiny is a bit smarter. They will open a wormhole as they talk in the speed of light with their high pitched voices and talking over one another.
The sound waves of their voices will move to combine but simultaneously repulse due to opposite political speech, creating anti matter that rips open the space time continuum. They will make what no Hadron collider could.
Hasan and Destiny had equal points on each other here but Hasan came off really weasily and unlikable (as a Hasan viewer) being unwilling to engage in hypotheticals and be good faith. I can see why he now tries to avoid talking about Destiny all together
Yea Destiny is just an edgy centrist who's good at being disingenuous during arguments. Theres no point debating the guy because he acts completely in bad faith to "win" every argument
Timemaster f Lol that’s the narrative you’re trying to push, but it’s not true. Marxists are much better read than centrists. Sit tf down and learn your place
Regarding the reclining flight seat story. Why doesn't ANYONE bring up the interviews of the people involved? I know it's the "scuffed podcast" but c'mon...
^ Worst of all Destiny repeatedly says other than his political views he has nothing against Hasan. Idk man while I can easily see why Hasan wouldn't want to be friends still, it's not nearly as bad as he and other people try to frame it.
@broccoli god Rude when speaking of Hasan and his political points and standing yes. Otherewise not for anything else that i have seen. Being dishonest how though? Cause i see that claim a lot and don't see the bases.
@broccoli god From what I see. Destiny makes a very hard attempt to stay on topic. People tend to pivot primarily because they wont answer his questions because they believe it's a gatcha. When I've seen Destiny have a lack of info on a subject he legit has said I cant and wont talk about that right now because I dont have enough info on the subject. Filibustering. You do understand that Hasan does that everytime he talks or debates about these things right? Now I'm under the impression thatbits cause english is his second language and he isnt very comfortable debating as much, which makes him ramble about related stuff but can be considered a pivot cause its no longer on the topic at hand. Looking at this video in a vacuum Hasan interrupted a lot and talks for so long. Everytime Destiny would provide his counter points Hasan constantly interrupts. Which as a viewer is very irritating.
@@Ryancamron3342 ooohh, good one, there! lmao. You are very clever hahahaahha Hasan is just to triggered, but destiny, is just a strawman machine, when it comes to the left. And in this podcast, he jsut tried to bait some irrelevant bullshit. Is too cringe for me.
Rodrigo Salgado What are you talking about. Everything destiny said turned out to be true. Bernie got crushed. How are leftists still this delusional. You’re ancient failed ideology isn’t popular. Stop deluding yourself into believing it is
aaa bernie got crushed because 2 progressives stayed in the race while all of the centrist candidates stepped out behind joe Biden right before Super Tuesday. So obviously this is going to be the result lmao. Also yeah how retarded of an ideology to suggest people should have healthcare especially when there are currently 40 million Americans without healthcare right now due to unemployment from Corona virus
Alex Wells Are you just ignoring the fact that Bloomberg stayed in the race and got MORE votes than warren. Bloomberg was a bigger spoiler to biden than warren was to bernie. Also if you’re doing the “Hurr durr socialism is just free healthcare” then you don’t even know what the ideology you believe in is
Destiny: "it's mostly insecure men who care about height and bring that up all the time blabla" 10min later Byyourlogic: "bloomberg 5.4 and really unlikable" "basically trump but shorter"
I feel like Hasan applied like 30 different political labels to Destiny's position here, lol. In fairness to Hasan, I distinctly remember him saying he didn't identify with liberal on a scuffed podcast back when Destiny and him was still friends so idk where the "u used to be for liberal positions if no one else" or whatever narrative Destiny is using comes from. Pretty obvious to people who know any actual socialists that they don't support reformism or any sort of non-socialist position like liberalism. "In Europe, reformism actually means abandoning Marxism and replacing it by bourgeois “social policy”" - Lenin on Bernie Sanders, but not really, just reformists in general. Well, I say that as most self-proclaimed rev. lefts in America are praising reformist on-the-fence-about-Israel Bernie like he's an actual revolutionary, not just pretending to be one while pushing plain old worse "social democracy". Literally engaging for some guy who voted for military action after 9/11, which is an imperialist position. American left is just strange to behold, no unity, constant infighting and the support of literal bourgeois candidates who turned "political revolution" into a bumper sticker.
well if youre joking about someone being a facist, ure not implying that hes actually a facist. but i dont know if this is what really happened didnt watch the whole thing, this is just based on ur comment
Joking about someone being a little fascist-ey and seriously claiming they're a fascist are two different things. Also he didn't even make the joke so it had nothing to do with him. Good job dgger
Hasan's cool and all, but I would've loved to see more of Felix and Destiny going at it (only about 2hrs in). Hasan + Destiny thoroughly hog the argument space.
Hasan is the compete opposite of cool. He's a brain dead moron who has different opinions depending on who is around him and all of those opinions are equally vacuous. He's borderline brain dead and 100% a grifter.
@@oliverlewis2359 You're right, he is consistent, consistently brain dead. There has never been a single time where I've heard him talk that I haven't wanted to end myself, regardless of if its the numerous times on Destiny's streams where destiny has made him look like a complete idiot, the clips I've seen of Hassan's on his own streams or any of his "debates". He's legitimately one of the dumbest people in existence but because he's semi good looking and a far lefty he has a following. 100% of far lefties are 30 IQ or less so it's not surprising.
@@krispyasfk2567 30iq or less? Am I 30iq or less? Am I a hottie too? I ain't trying to start beef, both have different ideas and that's ok. I just disagree more with Destiny than I do with Hasan. And Hasan isn't a debater, either way, Destiny often deflects and takes things out of context, which I personally really don't like because it makes him quite hypocritical. Either way, it's your opinion so whatever
Destiny seems to deliberately give some uncharitable or shit takes just because he dislikes Hasan, and I don't like Hasan, but shit like downplaying Bernie's activism/actions and general rhetoric towards gays/etc as paling in a time when such things were nonviable is ridiculous, especially since in most cases he would be the only person in a field of democrats who even supported these rights. It may not take immediate action because he's one person versus an entire political party but I would argue actions like this allow for us to legalize it with say Obama. Generally Destiny's takes on Bernie's just seem to be fueled by the internet culture he's embroiled in and he's willing to shit on anybody who's a Bernie supporter or go and say "Bernie bros" or "Bernie or Bust" nonchalantly. It feels like when people called Trump supporters Trumpist, or just labeled them all out as racist/bad. Plus he seems to dismiss any idea of media narrative or 2016 favoring. Same with his approach to the idea of elect-ability.
That's an amazing way to take what he says and change it to what you think he means. Yea, talk about Bernie online is lie talking bad about Trump back then, any criticism on Bernie online in any social media and people will go super aggressive against you (go make another account on any site and try that, have fun). Obviously nobody likes Bernie bros because of how stupidly they favor Bernie as if he is optimus prime and if we do not elect him we will lose planet earth and shit on every other candidate, BUT somehow you do not want to get shit back from the other candidates supporters ? Great. The Bernie or bust is the biggest example of toxicity that you can't even deny from Bernie supporters, do we have that right now for any other candidate ? probably most similar Trump when it comes to republican elections.
Destiny has no hard standing takes, only what will win him the argument/gain him content at the time. This is the same guy who believes in "might vs. right" when it came to the Vietnam war and he knows saying the n-word behind closed doors with friends is ok and won't perpetuate the slur because "they're his friends".
Sorry for no chat, we had issues with rendering and it kept crashing. Though we might as well upload it earlier with no chat.
Timestamps coming soon.
wrap it up domie
Most of the chat where just spamming shit so it's fine
cant watch without chat,ill just watch the twitch vod thanks anyway
Goddamn it dome ass.
49:55 hasan joins
1:13:30 Destiny and hasan get into it on bloomberg
1:35:00 Destiny and hasan discuss black vote polling numbers and get into heated discussion
1:43:30 Hasan discusses destinys community and twitch clipping
1:44:03 Destiny claps back on hasan homophobia tweet dicussion going into heated conversation about intersectionality
3:23:00 Dicussion on bernie sanders and "establishment candidates"
Ty friend
Skunk Works Hero!
Thanks my n
My nigga
Love you
destiny and hasan: *intensely screaming at eachother*
zweback: on his phone
slasher: literally not there
manuel: trying to figure out what anyone is saying
esfand: cooking
train: asleep
Esfand carried this Podcast, change my mind.
I can't
I agree but don't forget Devin he's also carrying the podcast a lot
“Me and Hasan were friends a long time ago” IT WAS ONLY A YEAR AGO
Feels like decades
Dude a year is a long time. You could get much stuff done
Loser yeah a year is like 365 days or somethin
Every minute in Africa 60 seconds passes
team destiny
devin not in the top left 4Weird
Commenting just cuz, hope your doing well, gang ❤️
Slasher looks like a movie review youtuber from 2008
so YMS?
Real and true
So he looks cool?
Alpha Omega Sin
Esfand literally spent 4:29:15 making/eating food.....
That's the only thing he does outside of twitch lmao
Lol wtf 😂
that's why he has the body type of the lunch lady from Simpsons
I like Felix being labeled as just ”Chapo”
Chapo Trap House is a bigger draw than Felix
Esfand is a gift to humanity
Watching this 1 year later is GREAT!
Any time stamps?
Any time stampers? HELLOOOOO?
skunk works
49:55 hasan joins
@@thecactus7950 no it doesn't work
from another comment (Skunk Works):
49:55 hasan joins
1:13:30 Destiny and hasan get into it on bloomberg
1:35:00 Destiny and hasan discuss black vote polling numbers and get into heated discussion
1:43:30 Hasan discusses destinys community and twitch clipping
1:44:03 Destiny claps back on hasan homophobia tweet dicussion going into heated conversation about intersectionality
3:23:00 Dicussion on bernie sanders and "establishment candidates"
Okay duuuuuuuudd okay dude get out of here
Hasan, Destiny and Chapo carried this podcast. It was probably one of my favorite ones of all time
6:59 Train looks very pleased about the insertion of homosexuality has entered into the political convo lol precious haha
such a lovable group of people, I will never get tired of this podcast
I actually liked the Destiny/Felix interactions quite a bit. It would be great if you could keep getting Felix on here
felix would never resort to coming back onto this chatroom of children calling eachother names. dude made great jokes but no one got them because theyre all intellectually children
@@reckoner22 To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Felix. The humor is extremely subtle, and will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also his nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Felix truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Felix existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Felix genius unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools... how I pity them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have a chapo trap house tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
@@reckoner22 you have a low iq
@@cuppedhands3122 dead meme
@@cuppedhands3122 unfunny + no one cares
Watching Esfand's stream while listening to Hasan and Destiny.
this reminds me of that episode of victorious where everyone was on video call and everyone was just doing their own thing while two people argue.
Esfand won this debate
ryan lockwood randomly being there not really contributing anything is kind of funny but im glad to see him
3:45:38 I feel like Train masterminded this to happen
Holy shit it's felix. This got a lot more promising. I was afraid this would just be Destiny and Hassan malding eachother.
Oh damn destiny is still here though
Oh shit I haven't listened to destiny in a long time this is bad
dude fuck destiny what an asshole
that's still what this episode is
@@GhoulishAdventure I love your comments, progressing through the video
1:20:54-1:21:25 very important
When Naruto fights Sasuke
True, I think in this situation destiny is sasuke because he burned all the bridges with his friends and no one really likes him anymore. Whereas people actual like Hasan still.
Who is Naruto and who is Sasuke in this story?
More like when baritone fights the random sound ninja because hasan is a dumb fuck
@@NaxipTV. unlike hasan destiny doesnt care for chats approval or streamers approval
@@NaxipTV. oh how the tables turn
1:25:30 Sanders sucks with black voters.
1:44:44 Oppression olympics
1:45:46 Cumtown?
1:48:58 Hasan and Destiny should FUCK
1:50:00 Destiny hits Hasan on the nepotism
1:52:56 Why does the left hate Obama
1:54:30 Cumtown?
1:54:54 The history of Hasan and Destiny
1:59:10 Hasan doesn't like Destiny
2:02:30 Hasan wants to move on
Destiny a straight Reddit hater sjw wokescold it’s so cringe
Destiny and Hasan = Malding
who's cock do u think is bigger
@@TheSethcast hasan has no cock omegalul
Jesus they TRULY h8 each other
@@TheSethcast The one that isn't a literal cuckold
@@TheSethcast Hasan.
This was basically the whole podcast. Shoutout to esfand for being the only content on that podcast.
esfand is a PainsChamp... Oh ahaha I'll just randomly stand up and cook in a podcast and this'll be funny haHAA I'll randomly say shitty memes and laugh about random dogshit haHAA
rokitup it’s funny sometimes but he definitely does try too hard to be funny.
Who over the age of 12 thinks Esfand is funny?
Loser Says the guy with a Maximilianmus profile picture
Esfand really did a cooking stream on a political podcast 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
As a conservative I actually like destiny I want him to debate Steven crowder that would be great and funny
Crowder doesn't agree to planned debates. Wonder why
Im Bory Steven crowder isn’t funny and isn’t conservative. He’s a libertarian, not the same thing.
It wouldn’t be good or funny as destiny would just dominate him, crowder isn’t good at debating. Yelling at dumb 18 year old college kids isn’t hard or difficult
buck Buckley He is a conservative, Lmfao. What are you on about.
Too bad crowder doesn't debate anyone but children
Destiny should just show up at a Change My Mind.
Sometimes I genuily think Hasan is a troll his opinions and takes during these "debates" are so awful and poorly argued. I feel like he just constantly gets dunked on for entertainment.
I think the same about Cenk tbh.
I think the same about Turks.
Debate him
@@ce1474 💯
Not a troll, just legitimately a moron.
I think Destiny was expecting to get into a heated argument with Felix but he was chill and heaps likeable almost the whole time lol.
Because he can’t defend any of his dumb fuck views. Very chill!
Eisenhower303 Yeah, the dude seemed like he was cross faded and a touch slow in the way he talked. Not gonna lie, he’s a real good representation of your average Bernie voter.
cant think of anything less interesting than a fifa youtuber
Felix fuck you. Zweback is awsome. I get it if yo dont like fifa but for people who are genuinly interested in football/soccer it is the only game available and for me its super fun.
Dont insult zwe like that he makes good videos
@@maxatt1319 I don't really find soccer/futbol interesting, but I agree there's no reason to shit on someone because they like something that the other person dosen't like. It's just ridiculous and a waste of time to argue about what is "fun" or "entertaining" to another person, so pointless.
I can't stand the fact they're calling Felix chapo lol
every time hasan talks to destiny he gets dunked
Its the other way around Hasan dunked Destiny hard when he schooled him on Bolivia Destiny didn't know shit.
@@michael138 He said it was analogous, not exactly like it lol.
Let's give you that one. Out of all times Destiny and Hasan has talked, Hasan has only dunked on Destiny once. WOW
@@helbigshitachi486 comparing Bolivia to what happened in Iowa is literal conspiracy theory so I'm going to assume Hasan doesn't know shit about Bolivia outside of the Twitter thread about it
@@joel7342 You are only as good as your last at-bat.
you will induce brain-death if you give this podcast anything more than half of your focus
Y is there a WideHardo in the top left?
It's sub goals.
Interesting shedd45
Destiny’s STRONG TURKISH GENES were REVOKED in this debate
i feel dumb
Top left OMG I LOST 😨🥵🤯😳
Sexy brunette kreygasm
Top Left lesbian Kreygasm
1:40:00 funniest shit ever. I remember this live. Slasher got it (and chat of course) but everyone else had no clue what Esfand was on about it seemed
can u explain
@@vvocal Esfand is known for "farming LULWs" (getting chat to spam LULW emotes any chance he gets) so he heard apolitical which he pretended to confuse with asexual, totally different word and meaning.
Felix is good content
Destiny is the left wing Ben Shapiro
That's brain-dead
Hyped for this one!
Destiny and Ben Shapiro should debate each other. When they debate they are basically the same just Destiny is a bit smarter. They will open a wormhole as they talk in the speed of light with their high pitched voices and talking over one another.
The sound waves of their voices will move to combine but simultaneously repulse due to opposite political speech, creating anti matter that rips open the space time continuum. They will make what no Hadron collider could.
At least they won't dodge questions and then accuse each other of manipulating the conversation.
@@Ishmiester haHAA
Based on context, I'm assuming you combined the two names in an attempt to be insulting.
Hasan and Destiny had equal points on each other here but Hasan came off really weasily and unlikable (as a Hasan viewer) being unwilling to engage in hypotheticals and be good faith. I can see why he now tries to avoid talking about Destiny all together
Destiny was so desperate to go after felix lol, having no idea what Will's tweet was about and trying to attack him was pretty cringe.
Yea Destiny is just an edgy centrist who's good at being disingenuous during arguments. Theres no point debating the guy because he acts completely in bad faith to "win" every argument
@@inspace2439 *commie cope*
@Timemaster f I've literally never been on reddit, I don't even have an account
Timemaster f please shut the fuck up, when you turn 15 you can have an opinion about politics
Timemaster f Lol that’s the narrative you’re trying to push, but it’s not true. Marxists are much better read than centrists. Sit tf down and learn your place
Wow I feel bad for Zweback, I have no clue who he is and didn't hear him get a word in edgewise
Hasan was sent to the gulag in this debate
Regarding the reclining flight seat story. Why doesn't ANYONE bring up the interviews of the people involved? I know it's the "scuffed podcast" but c'mon...
Who's the hot girl on the top left?
shedd45 Thats slasher. he’s a guy.
Nah dude, that's Jesus!
Lmao everyone kept spamming in chat "who's the hot girl on the top left kreygasm"
@@ShimonYaqulu i know this was 11 months ago but WOOSH
To anyone new to Felix, you should check out his MMA doco he did with Jon Bois "Fighting In the Age of Lonliness". Its on youtube.
@Timemaster f you ever feel lonely?
@@oo0O08 Not lonely enough to listen to Chapo and pretend that they are his friends like how you cope
@@LetsGoGetThem you should listen to the show
I'd rather jab a fork into my balls.
Timemaster f Lmaoooo someone’s mad
Hope you have Felix on again. And not just to talk politics.
the look on Felix's face while being relentlessly punished by these horrendous men
Can't believe it but , Train predicted Trumps plan against Bernie
58:28 "Vote Poop-.Eh uhhh VOTE BUDDHAJUDGE!" 💩 😄 🤣 😂
I identify as Slasher
Don't make any points
Ask questions
Smile when Destiny talks
Fuck destiny
@@idontwantone132 Wow good argument, you totally didn't look like a moron here at all
NA politics PepeLaugh
Its funny cause usually Destiny might start the drama but this time Hasan definitely start the arguing and trash talking.
cause hasan will never forget what the shitstain called destiny did to him.
^ Worst of all Destiny repeatedly says other than his political views he has nothing against Hasan. Idk man while I can easily see why Hasan wouldn't want to be friends still, it's not nearly as bad as he and other people try to frame it.
@@jiriesqumsieh7182 Lol. Hasan is literally the worst, and he acts out like a child when he is called out on it.
@broccoli god Rude when speaking of Hasan and his political points and standing yes. Otherewise not for anything else that i have seen. Being dishonest how though? Cause i see that claim a lot and don't see the bases.
@broccoli god From what I see. Destiny makes a very hard attempt to stay on topic. People tend to pivot primarily because they wont answer his questions because they believe it's a gatcha. When I've seen Destiny have a lack of info on a subject he legit has said I cant and wont talk about that right now because I dont have enough info on the subject. Filibustering. You do understand that Hasan does that everytime he talks or debates about these things right? Now I'm under the impression thatbits cause english is his second language and he isnt very comfortable debating as much, which makes him ramble about related stuff but can be considered a pivot cause its no longer on the topic at hand. Looking at this video in a vacuum Hasan interrupted a lot and talks for so long. Everytime Destiny would provide his counter points Hasan constantly interrupts. Which as a viewer is very irritating.
Best podcast ep ever
i generally agree with Hasan but his takes on the trans homophobia as well as his n-word thing and the media against people were dogshit imo lol
Idk how I can watch all of these
what were they even saying i was too focused on esfand cooking
Esfand is Bigfoot confirmed
THanks, liked it for the bacon cam.
really good vibes
cozy stream
all this political flip flopping and im just here astounded at how much food Esfand cooked and ate over this whole shit show.
LOL wtf is felix doing here
He's friends with Hasan and Slasher, and Slasher invited him on
Timemaster f ok incel andy
It really annoys me how nobody gives affirmative opinions on shit half the time...
Devin 100% votes for Trump.
destiny is such a bad faith actor.
do you mean hasan?
@@Ryancamron3342 ooohh, good one, there! lmao. You are very clever hahahaahha
Hasan is just to triggered, but destiny, is just a strawman machine, when it comes to the left. And in this podcast, he jsut tried to bait some irrelevant bullshit. Is too cringe for me.
Rodrigo Salgado What are you talking about. Everything destiny said turned out to be true. Bernie got crushed. How are leftists still this delusional. You’re ancient failed ideology isn’t popular. Stop deluding yourself into believing it is
aaa bernie got crushed because 2 progressives stayed in the race while all of the centrist candidates stepped out behind joe Biden right before Super Tuesday. So obviously this is going to be the result lmao. Also yeah how retarded of an ideology to suggest people should have healthcare especially when there are currently 40 million Americans without healthcare right now due to unemployment from Corona virus
Alex Wells Are you just ignoring the fact that Bloomberg stayed in the race and got MORE votes than warren. Bloomberg was a bigger spoiler to biden than warren was to bernie. Also if you’re doing the “Hurr durr socialism is just free healthcare” then you don’t even know what the ideology you believe in is
Hasan really has been using the "I never said that" into the classic backpedal "That was out of context" move forever hasn't he.
theres a hi pitched ringing noise every time chapo talks his mic fucked up
HASAN is so scuffed dude Jesus
Esfand was the only content on the podcast
Destiny: "it's mostly insecure men who care about height and bring that up all the time blabla"
10min later
Byyourlogic: "bloomberg 5.4 and really unlikable" "basically trump but shorter"
@GAMEHUB opposite actually. Byyourlogic is actually a volcel. Hes voluntarily celibate. And so am I
@GAMEHUB close but it actually means to prefer not getting laid
@Eddie C not even close to being edgy
Eddie C buddy you’re the only one being edgy here lol
Destiny. The expert on other people’s thoughts and intentions
Someone’s salty
While laughing really loud over them when they try to explain why that was in bad faith
@@sovietsandvich8443 about what lmao
Manuel’s leg comment 😂😂😂😂
I feel like Hasan applied like 30 different political labels to Destiny's position here, lol. In fairness to Hasan, I distinctly remember him saying he didn't identify with liberal on a scuffed podcast back when Destiny and him was still friends so idk where the "u used to be for liberal positions if no one else" or whatever narrative Destiny is using comes from. Pretty obvious to people who know any actual socialists that they don't support reformism or any sort of non-socialist position like liberalism. "In Europe, reformism actually means abandoning Marxism and replacing it by bourgeois “social policy”" - Lenin on Bernie Sanders, but not really, just reformists in general.
Well, I say that as most self-proclaimed rev. lefts in America are praising reformist on-the-fence-about-Israel Bernie like he's an actual revolutionary, not just pretending to be one while pushing plain old worse "social democracy". Literally engaging for some guy who voted for military action after 9/11, which is an imperialist position. American left is just strange to behold, no unity, constant infighting and the support of literal bourgeois candidates who turned "political revolution" into a bumper sticker.
lol I wanted to hear zweback talk.. oh well
Didn't expect seeing zweback here
"It's not a homophobic joke, it's a joke about Pete being a facist."
"What I never said Pete was a facist??"
well if youre joking about someone being a facist, ure not implying that hes actually a facist. but i dont know if this is what really happened didnt watch the whole thing, this is just based on ur comment
Joking about someone being a little fascist-ey and seriously claiming they're a fascist are two different things. Also he didn't even make the joke so it had nothing to do with him. Good job dgger
He said "mildly fascist" and he wasnt even the one who made the joke. Stop taking shit out of context mate
He said explaining the joke he did not make....
And destiny thinks chapo fans are smooth brained lol
Sheldon Cooper What a stupid ass take.
no chat 4Weird
I don't ever want to see those two in anything together
I was expecting a fight between Felix and destiny but Hasan took all the smoke and both him and destiny both made themselves look dumb for 2 hours
Listening to Destiny is brain death.
Andrew Morgado lmao 90% of the people in these comments seem to disagree
@@xxmegagallade47 wow people with brain death in youtube comments no way
yeah i clicked because of felix but this shit is so cancerous why does he do this to himself lmao these dudes are dumb/disingenuous as fuck
Mostly of all the names being wrong is fucking hilarious for some reason
bruv, that's a lot of butter lmao
Hasan's cool and all, but I would've loved to see more of Felix and Destiny going at it (only about 2hrs in). Hasan + Destiny thoroughly hog the argument space.
Hasan is an abject moron. What are you smoking?
Hasan is the compete opposite of cool. He's a brain dead moron who has different opinions depending on who is around him and all of those opinions are equally vacuous. He's borderline brain dead and 100% a grifter.
@@krispyasfk2567 Yikes. Hasan is very consistent, has been since he joined the Young Turks and left the Young Turks
@@oliverlewis2359 You're right, he is consistent, consistently brain dead. There has never been a single time where I've heard him talk that I haven't wanted to end myself, regardless of if its the numerous times on Destiny's streams where destiny has made him look like a complete idiot, the clips I've seen of Hassan's on his own streams or any of his "debates". He's legitimately one of the dumbest people in existence but because he's semi good looking and a far lefty he has a following. 100% of far lefties are 30 IQ or less so it's not surprising.
@@krispyasfk2567 30iq or less? Am I 30iq or less? Am I a hottie too? I ain't trying to start beef, both have different ideas and that's ok. I just disagree more with Destiny than I do with Hasan. And Hasan isn't a debater, either way, Destiny often deflects and takes things out of context, which I personally really don't like because it makes him quite hypocritical. Either way, it's your opinion so whatever
Destiny seems to deliberately give some uncharitable or shit takes just because he dislikes Hasan, and I don't like Hasan, but shit like downplaying Bernie's activism/actions and general rhetoric towards gays/etc as paling in a time when such things were nonviable is ridiculous, especially since in most cases he would be the only person in a field of democrats who even supported these rights. It may not take immediate action because he's one person versus an entire political party but I would argue actions like this allow for us to legalize it with say Obama. Generally Destiny's takes on Bernie's just seem to be fueled by the internet culture he's embroiled in and he's willing to shit on anybody who's a Bernie supporter or go and say "Bernie bros" or "Bernie or Bust" nonchalantly. It feels like when people called Trump supporters Trumpist, or just labeled them all out as racist/bad. Plus he seems to dismiss any idea of media narrative or 2016 favoring. Same with his approach to the idea of elect-ability.
That's an amazing way to take what he says and change it to what you think he means. Yea, talk about Bernie online is lie talking bad about Trump back then, any criticism on Bernie online in any social media and people will go super aggressive against you (go make another account on any site and try that, have fun). Obviously nobody likes Bernie bros because of how stupidly they favor Bernie as if he is optimus prime and if we do not elect him we will lose planet earth and shit on every other candidate, BUT somehow you do not want to get shit back from the other candidates supporters ? Great. The Bernie or bust is the biggest example of toxicity that you can't even deny from Bernie supporters, do we have that right now for any other candidate ? probably most similar Trump when it comes to republican elections.
Destiny has no hard standing takes, only what will win him the argument/gain him content at the time. This is the same guy who believes in "might vs. right" when it came to the Vietnam war and he knows saying the n-word behind closed doors with friends is ok and won't perpetuate the slur because "they're his friends".
1:50:00 hasan looking petty
Ok why did Hasan just called Destiny a white boy when he’s white too? This whole thing on dissing white people for being white is getting dimb
the funny thing is that Destiny is halve cuban
And Hasan is turkish
East Mediterranean is not white
Clem Cubans notoriously identify as white
He's a white passing Turk, destiny is half cuban @TheVesper123
TriHard 7
Hasan micdropping after every argument was cringe af.
true lol. especially since he was clearly losing
@broccoli god Hasan's a Communist, winning is not what they do.
broccoli god hasan said Stalin is better than Nixon and calls everyone who’s not a communist a neoliberal
broccoli god so your just dishonest ok fine nick Fuentes isn’t racist at all he’s a moderate
broccoli god if hasans a soc dem them nick is just a moderate conservative I’m being just as honest as you
I used to like listening to Destiny but he's really becoming insufferable.