Hungarian words that have roots in the Turkic words displayed, the Hungarian word first, followed by the Turkic root in the brackets: Mother: anya (ana), Father: tata (ata), Man: ember (er), Linen, cloths the bride brings into the marriage: kelengye (gelin=bride), To hear: hallani (halha=ear in Chuvash), I, me: én (ben), Wattle (tree): akác (agac= tree in Azeri), Blackthorn and Pasqueflower: kökény és kökörcsin (kök=blue), Full: teli (tulli in Chuvash). Kindest greets to all fans of linguistics and speakers of Turkic languages!
Mother: Ana Father: Ata or Baba, Man : Er or Erkek, Marriage : Evlenmek ( I think which means: Having a home together. So have a new tent(yurt) when you get married.) Bride : Gelin, I : Ben, Tree: Ağaç, (not blue, but sky is blue so) Sky: Gök. But in my village people are still use this word, means blue. They say ''Göy'' , Full means ''dolu'' in Turkish. Üdvözlet Törökországból Magyarországra
I am Kypchak, one branch from our family is called Madiyar! Many historians and anthropologists from Hungary came to Kazakhstan and found a lot in common! So, the fact that there is a similarity of languages is not surprising! Come visit Kazakhstan, we will be glad!
@@darknetforever5933 dravidan language from south india moughls don't ruled from south india.. They bahamani sultanate persain kingdom that ruled may be But these are baisc words not influence from any one
@@jsuisheureux1425 Dear, these kind of words can not be "loan words", eg. apa, anya, kökény, hallani... and the direction of the loaning is not clear most of the case....
I'm from Egpyt.Our tribe and family are of Cumania origin(Oughlasoglu). Today live in Egpyt many Cuman Tribe.Unfortunately we forgot our Cuman language but I visited many Turkic country.I speak Kazakh,Kyrgyz language and Learn Turkish.(Türkçe zor bir dil kardeshler)-
Eğer istersen öğrenebilirsin. Türkçe türküler dinleyebilirsin kanalımda. ( If you want to, you can learn. You can listen turkish folk songs in my channel.)
The Oghur are a branch of the Turkic language family. The only extant member of the group is the "Chuvash language". The first to branch off from the Turkic family. Languages from this family were spoken in some nomadic tribal confederations,( Onogurs, Bulgars, Khazars, Huns, Tuoba, Avar)
I am from Uzbekistan and I think that our pronunciation , a kind of , adopted more to persian pronunciation 'cause we have a lot of words from the persian language. For instance we say "odam" just like persian even though we are a turkic country while most of other turkic countries say "adam"
Отвечая на ваш вопрос: Чувашский язык отличается от всех тюркских потому что чувашский относится к Булгарской ветви тюркских языков, а все языки этой ветви вымерли, остался только чувашский
@@muradseferli7701get your fact straight. Azarbaigan is holy land of zoroastrians Iranians . Why is that Turks always scratching the walls to gain identity ?
@@Karaaslan_Fitness It depends on what language. Jurt probably kazakh/Kyrgyz, but Uzbek/Turkmen say yurt. (I don't know who says curt) source: am turkmen
@@RoyaMoyaSoya No, am Turkish; I have read "Curt" but now i couldn't remember where i saw it, really sorry. I'll just write what i could find (from Ercilasun 1991): Turkish: yurt (motherland) Azerbaycan Turkic: vätän Kazak Turkic: otan el-jurt Kırgız Turkic: curt meken Türkmen Türkic: yūrt
@Kerem Açıkel Söylediğiniz zaten videoda var ama şimdi dikkatimi çekti, Eski Türkçede genelde "eb" ve vatan için elim görmüştüm. Daha öncen batı Türkçedeki surt'dan da anlaşıldığı gibi Ön Türkçede yurt kelimesi olduğunu hiç farketmemiştim... Bu kadar eskide bile dilin zengin olması gerçekten şaşırttı.
Братья чувашские турки, проснитесь. Если ты заснешь, ты умрешь. Ты исчезаешь. Говорите и распространяйте свой родной язык. Не оставайтесь в стороне от тюркского мира. Теперь встаньте с корточка и встаньте. Укрепляйте свою славную историю и свои связи со своими родственниками в мире, которые говорят на том же языке, что и вы, турецкий. Единство это сила.
Так чуваши ассимилировались тюрками. Тру чуваши были гуннами а не тюрками. Да и не надо расстраиваться ассимиляцией. Мы меж собой общаемся по русски и это хорошо. Якут, татарин, алтаец, ногаец, чуваш, башкир все вместе меж собой могут общаться по русски и русский язык нас связывает.
In the Uzbek language, the letter A is used in other Turkic languages, and in the Uzbek language, the letter O is used, THIS is so cool EX: OTA - ATA (father) QON - QAN (blood) BASH - BOSH (head)
@@BOOMkingGold-e6lВлияние персидского языка было огромное. Поэтому у них произношение изменилось, хотя слова остались те же. Узбекское (и персидское) О - это что-то между русскими О и А. Но в Узбекистане есть один регион, который сохранил чисто тюркское произношение - это Хорезм
😆 стан это персидское окончание, у нас правильно будет Саха сирэ, или Ил Саха, Саха Дойду, Саха Ордуу, Саха Ороон, Ил, Дойду, Ороон - страна Ордуу-место стоянки, стан.
I wonder how much mutual intelligibility there is between the Turkic languages, because it seems like a lot. As in, could a guy from Turkey talk with an Uzbek, or a Kazakh, and so on.
someone from Turkey can only understand someone from Azerbaijanian. However, Turks cannkt understand other central Asians. I know Turkish and I had to speak English in order to communicate with a Kazakh friend.
@@vedobruki357 a turk from turkey i can understand best Azerbaijanis than Crimean Tatars and turkmens, uzbeks...than balkarians and karacays from Caucasia... all the other Turkic language are harder to understand for a turk from turkey...
@subarian erou fox if you can’t understand this as a turk from turkey, than you can’t speak turkish sorry😂 Kazakhs speak the kipcak branch that’s why you can’t understand but these ones I’ve count are mambers of oghuz branch or at least heavily mixed with oghuz
As an Azerbaijani i can easly understand turkish, gagauz, crimean tatar, turkmen, also more than 60% uyghur uzbek and kumuk, if i read ofcourse ill understand more than when i talk but talking with uzbek for example would not be a big problem i'd understand most of it and ill know what is he talking about
After your Victory in Karabag now we are looking forward to United Azerbaijan. Talk to your brothers in South Azerbaijan. Let them know you desire to live with them. Maybe have a Federal State with Iran?
As far as I know, you are the descendants of the Kara Koyunlu and Ak Koyunlu tribes, that is, the Azerbaijanis (Oguzes) are not surprising that you speak the same language with us.
@@flankes3339 Slejuk accent used officely by Azerbaijan (turkish is variasion fo this accent too) and i think that is why they dont text different variassions of Seljuk accent
@@AykaAngelina its because Azerbaijani is a new term / nation. Azerbaijani, Iraqi Turkmen and Syrian Turkmen come from the same oghuz tribes. Back in the day all of the oghuz were called Turkmen. Azeris decided to change their names it seems. or rather Stalin forced the change.. but the word Turkmen comes from two words Turk and Iman and thats how Oghuz muslim turks distinguished themselves from Pagan Oghuz Turks
Çuvaşca ilk bakışta farklı gelebilir fakat burada gösterilen yazı şekli ile yani söyleniş şeklini duyamıyoruz. Eğer Türkiye'nin batı bölgesindeki (Ege-Akdeniz) köylere giderseniz bazı kelimelerin Çuvaşça'ya benzer yada yakın anlamlarda kullanıldığını görebilirsiniz. Sonuçta dilde insanlar gibi yaşayan bir varlık.İnsanlar ile birlikte değişir,gelişir bazende ölür.
Altay is the closer to proto-Turkic. Saxa language has more loanwords from Tungus languages than Turkish has loanwords from Persian and Arabic languages.
I propose to open courses in the proto-Turkic language in all Turkic countries so that we can speak the same language and not change anything in our modern language, this would be a great idea. The Proto-Turkic language would be like English for us and would be easy to learn because we all. Let's create a Turkic Union in the form of the European Union with one common language! Salamualeikum to the Turkic brothers from Kazakhstan🇰🇿✊🏻
Я тоже об этом думал, я сам из Узбекистана и понимаю что у нас в стране очень много персизмов, хотя на самом деле у нас есть и свои слова что можно использовать
@@ОсманНасимовда, само звучание через о предполагает иранское влияние. Возможно даже не от таджиков или согдийцев, хорезмийцев но от ещё более раннего периода-иранских кочевников(юэчжи). Это идёт ещё со времён карлукского возможно. Но ничего страшного. На самом деле даже в прото тюркском были иранские заимствования(тегин, эчки к примеру).
Önemli olan yazı dilimiz. Hepimiz aynı alfabeyi kullanırsak birbirinizin konuştuklarını anlayabiliriz. Örneğin Azerbaycan ve Türkiye Latin alfabesi kullandıkları için çok rahat anlaşıyorlar. Kazakistan da Latin albesini öğrenmeye çalışıyor. Zaten 1905 yılında yapılan Türk kongresinde bütün Türki uluslar latin alfabesine geçme kararı aldılar.Ancak sovyet Rusya Türki ulusların birlesmesini engellemek için hepsine farklı yazı dili,alfabe verdi. ( Our writing language is important. If we all use the same alphabet, we can understand what each other is speaking. For example, they negotiate very comfortable for Azerbaijan and Turkey use the Latin alphabet. Kazakhstan also conflicts with learning the Latin albums. Already in the Turkish congress held in 1905, all Turkic nations decided to switch to the Latin alphabet. However, Soviet Russia gave them a different written language and alphabet to prevent the unification of Turkic nations.)
Chuvash sounds different than other Turkic languages but pretty soon the pattern emerges. For example: b changes to p z changes to r d changes to t g/q changes to k etc I also noticed that with some words Chuvash some similarity to Yakut/Saka which indicates that Chuvash and Yakut/Saka split from the rest much earlier, possibly with the advance and split of the Huns from the other Turkic tribes in the middle. In other words Chuvash and Yakut/Saka may have retained some of the proto elements more than other Turkic languages which mixed with the Indo-European languages. Also even though standard Istanbul Turkish has also evolved, in Turkey there are different versions of spoken Turkish, especially among Toros mountain Yoruks and Turkic tribes in Eastern Turkey.
Efendim Iranin ortasynde bizim bir ulkede bir bolge var ado (khelejestan haleç khelej khalej lehçelari kokeni(argu )cok siberia ve çuvaş diline benzer hata daha eski,mesal ay=hay, ev=hev, agaç=hagaç ayak=hadag(e h) Oyanmak= odanmag airy= hadory, yaxçi= havola, yiln ilan=gelan, gun=kon kun koz guz baş kafa=Kozing başing, Olsa=olta, olmaz=olmas, kurt gurt= bury, koyun goyun=liygit Yollar=yolgarga, diş=tiş dil=til Toşan doşan=tovuşgan tavoşgan siçan=siçgan, dag tag=taag, atiy aiti=alta, yok yox=yog youg, parmak barmag=varmag, degil degl=dag, kardeş gardaş=lala elbete afganistan da hezarh dilinde lala vardir ve biz gaga ghagha diyeruz. biliyourun= biliyong, bulut Yakut dililnde bilit olarak ama haleç dilinde bolit olarak.bizim dili hem biraz azeri dilinden farkli olarak garişga= biz garonça diyeruz ve milçek=çebin gardaş=gaga ata dede=dada yaman=nafat Dogru=yetik, olsan= olaginin Oxosan oykusen=oxogonan Yun=yung var olsan=bar olsay yaxçi san=xor olay yaxçiyay, Yara=mirix, vardir =vardo xoşgelib siz=xoşgel mi şiz. alirsan=aliray geliray getdix=keddik, guordox=guorduk gourdik, alacak aparak boyle kunuşuruz ve kaşkai anatulo horasan turkmen lehçelarine benzer sonrad azeri diline ve bizim oynagamuzu ado halay olarak irk kokenimiz atalarim( kurt ve saka) ve analarim avşar(turkmen).gusura bakma efendim hoşçakal🙌
@@hurguler gusura bakma benim dilim farkli. lngilizcesi khalej, (ozleri dilinde asli ado* xeleç* )) ve sizn dilinde halaç olarak. Iran da Bir degerli hoca var xeleç tili biri canli tutulmuş،hocanin sanal sayfa instegram de ado bu şekilde yaz👉(Ali Asghar Jamrasi veya a.jamrasi ) elbete iki defa mosafer siyaete gelid turkye de devet olmuş toplantiy dunyada eski turkçe kunuşan halikleri hocalari (namik kemal universitesi 2019)
@@meraj.M Evet Wikipedia'da buldum. Google tercumesi; Halaçça (Bactrian χαλασσ Xalass; Peştuca: خلجیان, romanize: Khalajyān; Farsça: خلجها, romanize: Xalajhâ) bir Türk kabilesi olarak sınıflandırılır.[3] Ortaçağ Müslüman bilginleri, kabileyi Orta Asya'dan günümüz Afganistan'ına Amu Derya'yı geçen en erkenlerden biri olarak kabul ettiler. Halaçlar, Gazne, Kalati Ghilci ve çevre ilçelerde, mevsimlik otlaklarda dolaşmayı alışkanlık haline getiren koyun otlayan göçebeler olarak tanımlandı. İran'da çoğu Farsça olmasına rağmen hala Türkçe olarak sınıflandırılan Halaç dilini konuşuyorlar.[4] Afganistan'da, Peştunların Ghilji kabilesi büyük olasılıkla Halaç halkının soyundan geliyor
Why do you forget about bashkir?😒 Tatar and bashkir are not the same as you may think. Ni ösön başqort tele xaqında onotahığıž?😒 Tatar menän başqort teldäre yaqın bulahalar ža ber tügel
I think there are small differences even amongst the same language. For example, Tekke Turkmen and Arisari Turkmen are a bit different. We (arisari) say inek for cow
The transition of (r) to (z) is very interesting. Like Gör to Göz/Köz. But in most of the common Turkic we still kept the Proto-Turkic stem for the verb To See: Görmek/Körmek. Awesome video! 👍
I've seen in some Slavic languages that r with an accent is like a /rz/. It is possible the r softened, leaving only z. I don't know any Slavic languages tho so I can't say for certain
@Banker cuvasca R turkcesi dostum ne sacmaliyorsun cuvasca haric butun hepsi Saz cuvasca Lir turkcesi o yuzden farkli ama ana turkce cuvascaya benziyordu hunlar vh cuvascaya yakin olur ogur turkcesini konusuyordu
@@vehbisabanc7843 Saha da erken kopmuş, ama r-z, g-y, l-ş gibi değişimlerden sonra, ama aralarında fark büyük değil. Çuvaşça 2000 yıl ise Saha dili en az 1800 yıl
eğer bulgarlar asimile olmasaydı slavlaşmasaydı en iyi çuvaşlarla anlaşırlardı çünkü türk bulgar devletini kuran türk boyu onogur boyudur ve çuvaş türklerinin kendine has boyu vardır
I found the very high similarity between Turkish and Uyghur very much surprising. I knew about Turkish and Azeri similarity, but didn't expect such a thing to happen with Uyghur as well considering the distance between them.
@@neslihanfazloglu6780 We don't, we also can't follow Uzbek or Turkmen if they're speaking to eachother. Grasping what they say when they speak to you slowly doesn't count.
I was so disappointed when I did 23andme and found 0% Turkic ancestry. It was 100% European. True, Turks and Europeans cluster together genetically if you zoom out, but it's not the same! I wanted some Turkic DNA because if you look at history, Turks conquered everyone. The only thing in history that defeated a Turkic force was another, different Turkic force!
In Uzbek, the word "Kun" (meaning "a day") can be used as synyonym for "Quyosh" (the Sun). Does the word "kun/gun" mean the sun / a day in other Turkic languages too?
Kendi ülkemden bazı kişiler yakıştıramıyorlar Anadolu Türkçesinin eski Türkçeye benzemesini bu kadar mı sevmiyorsunuz ülkenizi. Sevineceğinize, daha çok gururlanacağınıza, aksine bunların hiç birini yapmamayı tercih ediyorsunuz. Bir türlü anlamış değilim, Nasıl bir milletiz biz ya gerçekten çok şaşırıyorum.
Balkan Türküyüm, sizin yorumunuzu ve uyarınızı okuyunca çok sevindim, çok doğru yazmışsınız, ben Anadolu Türkü arkadaşları devamlı uyarmaktayım, Anadolu Türkçesindede TÜRKÇE sözler olduğu kerette, Arapça, Farsça sözler kulanmaktalar, DEDİM Kİ ONKARA BIR RUS, UKRAYNALI TÜRKİYE TÜRKÜNDEN DAHA TEMIZ TÜRKÇE BILMEKTE, VE BU DOĞRU, BİZİM DİLİMİZE İslamile beraber Arapça, Farsça parazit sözler girmiş, Aynı anıda TÜRK Dili etkisi içinde kalan Başka DİLLERİN içinde TURKCE SÖZLER VE ANLAMLARI KORUNMUŞ!!! KARANDAŞ (карандаш)= Arapça-kalem PARA=DENGE=> Деньги TÜRKÇEDEN!!! TÜRKÇEMİZİ TEMİZLEMEK HER BİRİMİZİN GÖREVİ!!! RESMİ TURKIYE TÜRKÇESİ YANLIŞ BİR DİL!!! BİZ, SİZ// BİZLER, SİZLER DOĞRU resmi TÜRKÇE : "herke/s/" YANLIŞ!!! HERKEZ DOĞRU !!! TÜRKİYE TÜRKÇESİ TEMİZLENMELİ VE DÜZELTİLMELİ!!!
@@papazataklaattiranimam While the mother tongue of Half of the world's people is Indo-European, the proto Indo-European language was spoken in northern Eurasia in 3000 BC.
Niye bu kelimelerde ki en az değişiklik Anadolu Türkçesinde? diğerlerine göre Öz Türkçeye daha yakınız, Öz Türkçeye sadece bu kelimelerde mi yoksa genel olarak mı daha yakınız acaba?
Biz dil devrimi yaptık 1932 de ve sürekli bağımsız olduk tarihite!! onlar ise dil devrimi yapmadı ve tarihlerinde dileri. mogol Rus Arap fars etkisinde kaldılar
@@Tiger_shark07 bana dil devriminin etkisi saçma geliyor Erzurumun veya Erzincanın genel olarak anadolunun köyünde yaşayan birini etkilemez onlar zaten Türkçe konuşuyordu, aydın kesim için devrim oldu denilebilir. Etkisi vardır tabii fakat o kadar fazla olcağını sanmam.
@@okan1420 Erzurum erzincan ın nüfusu kaç? İstanbul Ankara İzmir bursa Antalya nüfusu kaç? Türkiye nin önemli nüfusu potansiyeli batı Türkiye de mesela " algı sürec" sözçükleri dil devrimimde üretildi şu anda herkez kulanıyor ayrıca dil devrimide Anadolu halkını konuşması örnek alındı olmayanlar türetildi orta Asya dan uygur metinleri Orhun Türkçesi cağtay Türkçesi de kaynak tabi sen 100 yıl önce konuşan birisini görsen sana sacma gelirdi konuşması günümüzde eminim bende ıspartanın köyünde büyüdüm bende Türküm Erzurum kadar ve İstanbul daki bir insanla Anadolu nun köyündeki insanın konuşması ne kadar farklı sanıyorsun?
@@Tiger_shark07 benim demeye çalıştığım Anadolu Türkçesi zaten Öz Türkçeye yakındı İstanbul Türkçesi uzakdı devrimle birlikte o da yakınlaştı ve diğeri ise 100-200 yıl önceki Erzurumlu ile konuşup anlaşabilirdin ben Bayburtluyum benim şivem(ağız) Erzurum şivesi ile aynı ve bu 100 yıl önce de aynıydı diye düşünüyorum fark vardır elbet fakat o kadar büyük olduğunu sanmam.
@@okan1420 ve ayrıca Osman Türkçesi zaten Türkce değil Osmanlı dürokrasisin de sarayda Konuşulan arapca farsça ağırlıklı lı bir dil halk ile kopuk bir yönetim ve halkın okuma yazma oranı düşüktü dil devrimi ile yazı ve konuşma olarak tüm ulusu birleştirdi ismail gaspıralının dediği gibi dilde fikirde birlik. Ve lisan şiveler bölgelere göre değişir
The German "he" is maybe from proto turkic "er" and the english "girl" from kir? the german "mein" from turkish men. So r1a horseriders were maybe turkic speaker. Mixed with the natives and other and old english (german) mixed with arabic and norman/roman influences.
@@merketarif126 Alp also means in Kazakh giant, titan or mighty. Interesting. Maybe German alp(from which elf) came from turkic alp. Also there are Kazakh tribe Alban and Albania country on the Balkans.
personal pronouns following m-b s-t vovel-h pattern in both Turkic, Uralic and IE. pretty much all domesticated livestock names similar even up until this day(öküz - ox, keçi - goat etc). Makes one genuinely wonder. However IE seems to be the odd one out since it was highly genderised(definite post-caucasian/caspian farmer (protosemitic(?)) influence..
Turkic Nations in History; Turkic nations take and use name and "er" or "ar" for example .....Av-ar, Magy-ar(Mag-ar), Bul-gar, Khaz-ar , Qashq-ar(Qashqai in İran), Hyung-ar or Hung-ar(Hungary), Tat-ar, Uyg-ar(or Uygur), Bask-ar(Bashkurt-Bashkır),Sum-er(Sum-ar) Ug-ar(and after Finno Ug-or(Finno og-ur), Balk-ar(After Karachay-Balkar), Kimm-er Kum-ar, Sab-ir or Sab-ar, Chah-ar(West Mongoloid and mostly Turkic group)Az-ar(er)(Muslim Turkic group) or Khaz-ar(Jewish Turkic Group and Keraim Jews came from Black sea kirim) Ashkenkhazar(Ashken= Mostly =Ashkın=Baskın) Ashkenkhazar and after Ashkenaz jews, etc.... Old turkic names of some cities, Ur - Uruk(in Irak in Mezopotamia), Ur-umchi (in East Turkistan) (in China ) Ur-miye,Nishab-ur (in İran), Ur-fa, Ur-la , Ur-gup , Erz-ur-um(in Turkey ), Sem-ur-kent,Buh-ur-a(Buhara) Ur-gench,Bulung-ur-Kon-ur-at,Ür-güt,(Urgut) (in Uzbekistan , Zengez-ur(İn Armenia) , Ur-al , Manch-ur(in Russia) , Karak -ur-um,Ulanbat-ur(in Mongolia), in Khazakistan take "ar" ,Ar-al, Baykon-ır,(ar)Kızıl-yar,Or-al,Çim-kent , Jarkent,(in Khazakistan)Khazar turks group named to made 8. century Kiev =Kıyı-ev(Turkic mean=Side of river) in Ukrein, Kishin-ev(kış ev= Winter Home) in Moldovia like this etc.... Turkic languages look like Mathematic, for example Sumer / Karachay Turkish / TurikiyeTurkish / English Language / Language / Language / Language -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- az az Az little Ene Anne Ana Mother ata ata ata Father gaba gabara gaba yelek waistcoat daim dayım Doyum, doyma to fill me(bey) men Ben ,men(Türkmen) I za(Zae) se Sen You (Kime söyledin sağa söyledim)(İç anadolu ibaresi) si(sig) Siz Siz mu Bu, Bu this ne ne Ne What Ru ur Vur to hit Er er Er, ask-er soldier--sold-er "er"passed than turkic language than other languages to West languages only for man Tu Tuv- ğ Doğ-g to born tukur Tükur Tükür Ungar Uygar Tu-d tuv-du doğ-du He was born Ed öt et to made Çar çarh çarh to return guruvaş karavaş karındaş Woman servant uch uch üch three ud ot Od fire Uzuk uzun uzun long Ul ulu ulu Tuş tüş- düş to fall (ş=sh) Tukur Tükur tükür Esh Esh Esh Wife Eşik Eşik Eşik to tumble Aur avur ağır weighting- heavily Jau Jav/cav Yağ oil Jen Jer/cer Yer place Egech egech age- kızkardeş sister Or or Orak hook Kal kal- Kal- stay Kız kız Kız girl Kush kush Kush bird Gısh gısh Kısh Winter Uat uvat- Ufalt- lessen Jarık jarık/carık Yanık burned Kazak Kyrgız turkic group is using j Turkish ,Turkmen, Uygur, uzbek and Uygur is using y Jaz Jaz/caz Yaz Summer Jün Jün/cün Yün wool kün kün Gün day Kazak Kyrgız turkic group is same Jol Jol/col Yol road Kazak Kyrgız turkic group is same Jır Jır/cır cırlamak chirk passed than turkic languages to West languages Jarım Jarım/carım Yarım half Cholpan cholpan Choban shepherd star(venüs) e ev ev Chibin chibin chibin-lik İrik İrk/irik irish-mek arrive Kur kur kur- courting koru koru Koru- small wood küre küre Küre sphere Kadau kadav Kadavlama locking Kan kan Kan blood San san San- Say to cherish ikki eki İki (2) two Buz buz Boz waste,grey Üz üz Süz to filter Süz süz Süz to infiltrate Ez öz Öz oz passed than turkish to West languages Ör öl Öl to be dead Un on on Ten ul ul Og-ul son Ul Ulu Ur kur Kur court Uru koru koru Save Karra kara Kara Black Dingir dingri Tengri Tengri -tanrı God İlu Ulu ulu (Tanrı veya tapılan put) Abba oaba oba nearly people Arku Arka Arka Atta ata ata Agar agır Ağır Azu-uzu ozan ozan Dirik Direk direk dugut tokat Tokat gurush Guresh Güresh kapgagak Kapkacak kapkacak kum kum kum kargı karga Karga Zag Sag Sağ ilig ilig ilig Diri diri diri(Sağlığı iyi) There are so many words that at least 1/3 of them are causal and/or similar. These researches and my opinions are personal and do not constitute a rigorous scientific research. My best regards.
If you keep making these word comparison videos, I will send u 1 trillion dollars. Please keep going. You could even do other small language groups like, "Word comparison among germanic/romance/semitic languages" etc. God bless you
og'och diye bir kelime varsa bile özbekçede bunun yerine daraht kullanılıyor. daraht türkçedeki darağacıyla aynı kökten geliyor aslında, farsça. dar, deru örneğin ingilizceye tree diye, rusçaya da dereva diye geçmiş (hint-avrupa dilleri)
There are many gross inaccuracies in the Chuvash and Tatar languages. Don't watch the video. The horse is Lasha in Chuvash and the food is Sims, but the food of the Tatars is not Sims.👎
Çuvaş dilini dikkatle incelerseniz, aslında hiç de çok farklı olmadığını anlarsınız.. Proto-Turk diline en yakın olanlar, Türkiye Türk dili ve Tatar dili.. İlginç bir durum da şu; Yalnızca Sakha dili ve Türkiye Türkçesinde olan kelimeler var. örneğin. Elbeh (Sakha dili) / Epey (Türkiye Türkçesi) = "çok".. Aradaki mesafeye rağmen, hala aynı kelime kullanılıyor..
The most important information and evidence in researching the belonging and origin of a nation are the words addressed to relatives. In other words, addressing relatives such as mothers, fathers, aunts, and sons and daughters is decisive. Please, Sir, I would be glad if you could review it. The most important factor in determining the belonging of a nation is to examine the early periods of that civilization. The next set of languages may evolve into the language of other neighboring peoples through local and environmental interaction. The Sumerians were originally a Ural-Altaic community. However, over time, with the language assimilation and the majority of the population being taken over by the Arabs - Aramaic and Persian tribes, the language changed. In Old Turkish, Mother = Ana, aba / Father = Aaa, aga-ağa / Elder = Ace Aça / to a younger sister Sıngıl or jingıl / Uncle = Uncle Aemmi, Emmi to the father's sister. If "Ame" was younger than the father, the phrases "bibi" -Ame were used. These phrases are still used in the Uyghur, Karluk and some Salur tribes. THE TECHNOLOGY ER-AR IS ONLY USED IN NAMING TURKIC TRIBES. The word Sumer is derived from the word Soumi er, which means the word nation in today's Finland and Madgar. Both the suffixes "er" and "ar" describe the person (the term "male") and the suffix "ar" describe the tradition community, that is, the same lineage and/or the same tribe in ancient Turks and Turkic communities. Even in Turkish communities, the phrase "Ar(bireysel Gelenek) has no honor(toplumsal gelenek=Toere)"(Arı namusu yohh) has remained as a term used to describe people who do not comply with their traditions, customs, moral and religious standards, or those who do not comply with the values of the same lineage (non-standard action). These Turkic communities also form permanent settlements or junctions for trade. It is used in the oldest Turkish language as the word "Ur" or as a word suffix and suffix in the nature of (cluster) union. This meaning, which is a place of recovery in the Turks even today - the clusters and lumps or formations in the fat or cancer formations in the human body are called "UR" formation. Especially thick threads are also called "Ur-gan". While this word meant "blood of the same vein", that is, people who are connected by "blood bond", that is, "blood belonging to the same vein", over time it gained the meaning of "thick binding rope". In the old nomadic Turkic communities, these are gathering places and places where people come together to shop to meet their needs. In the old Turkish Turkic communities, their neighborhoods were called "Ur" and in the northern regions (such as Kazakhstan), they were called cities with the "Or" suffix. In the Turkic communities that moved to the west, the places that became permanent settlements were mostly called "city" in addition to the Ur suffix in the southern regions of the world (such as Anatolia). . In the westernmost Khazar, Kipchak and Bulgarian tribes (this expression, where the place of residence is described as "House" in Turkey), is used in the nature of "HOME", that is, "CITY", formed by the Kipchak and Khazar Turkic communities. Now, I have transferred my explanation with simple English expressions to the examples as follows. All of the old legends, such as the flood of Noah, mentioned in the legends of Judah and in the Old Testament they wrote, are all far-fetched legends with an incredible role and direction that attribute to them stories and epics based on stories and epics taken from the legends passed down from Sumer to the Babylonian kingdom and from them to the Assyrians. The first people of the Sumerians were entirely of Turkish origin. Although it was clear that they were a Turkic tribe, Westerners could not accept this situation. Later, their culture was assimilated and liquidated by Assyrian and Babylonian Semitic Arabs. It is strongly stated that the mistake of the Sumerian culture was that they defined the information beings claimed to come from space as God. I would like to tell you something more interesting. Our ancestor, the founder of the Seljuk state, the father of the Great Muslim Seljuk Bey, was a regional officer of the Khazar Turks. In other words, it is stated that he was Jewish. That's why he gave all of his children's names Jewish names next to their Turkish names. It is stated that the name Selçuk is similar to the Salçocuğu given to Moses, and therefore his name is Selçuk. More interestingly, since there is no Turkish tribe called Karamanoğulları, and more importantly, because there is no Turkish tribe called Karamanoğulları, and because of the name of Keraim Turkish Jews, who are 1/3 Christian Turks, but located in the center, that is, because of the influence of the Jews coming from the Khazar, that is, the Crimea, their flag is almost the same as today's Israeli flag. In fact, Gogs and Mogogs are mentioned in the definition of "The most troublesome nation for them" in the Torah of Jews of Jewish origin, that is, the Israelites. Gogs refer to Gokturks, that is, believers in the Sky God, and Mogogs refer to Mongols. For this reason, Semitics never like the Gogs, that is, Turks, mentioned in the Old Testament. When they get stuck, they make a statement by saying Yasef, the ancestor of the Turks (Josef, that's where the name Yusuf comes from). Here is the summary in Sumerian with the words that your grandfathers said and which are still said by your grandfathers in the Uyghurs and in your current villages, especially to close people that describe belonging. Please read and the fact that Abraham's wife, whose grandfather was a Sumerian, was Jewish, shows the belonging of the Israelites to their mother.
4:25 Early in Sakha language "house" was like "uraha" Also why you put letter "x" on the place "kh"? Is this latinic alphabet, right? 🤨 Yes, we use letter "x", it's fine, *but in cyrillic alphabet*
Greetings from Yakutia!
Urui Aihal sakhalar from Kyrgyz Republic 🇰🇬
@@uxaines8910 Urui Aihal!
Urui Aihal!
Greetings from Azerbaijan!
Love yakutia from turkey
I am planning to make a detailed video on the history of the Turkic peoples and languages. But in the meantime please enjoy this video.
This is very hard
@@papazataklaattiranimam kesin her şeyi yanlış yapacak
Very interesting....turkic languages are beautiful....
Greetings from italy
Hungarian words that have roots in the Turkic words displayed, the Hungarian word first, followed by the Turkic root in the brackets: Mother: anya (ana), Father: tata (ata), Man: ember (er), Linen, cloths the bride brings into the marriage: kelengye (gelin=bride), To hear: hallani (halha=ear in Chuvash), I, me: én (ben), Wattle (tree): akác (agac= tree in Azeri), Blackthorn and Pasqueflower: kökény és kökörcsin (kök=blue), Full: teli (tulli in Chuvash). Kindest greets to all fans of linguistics and speakers of Turkic languages!
Mother: Ana Father: Ata or Baba, Man : Er or Erkek, Marriage : Evlenmek ( I think which means: Having a home together. So have a new tent(yurt) when you get married.)
Bride : Gelin, I : Ben, Tree: Ağaç, (not blue, but sky is blue so) Sky: Gök. But in my village people are still use this word, means blue. They say ''Göy'' , Full means ''dolu''
in Turkish.
Üdvözlet Törökországból Magyarországra
I am Kypchak, one branch from our family is called Madiyar! Many historians and anthropologists from Hungary came to Kazakhstan and found a lot in common! So, the fact that there is a similarity of languages is not surprising! Come visit Kazakhstan, we will be glad!
@kiran m but do you know Mughal Empire. This empire is Turco-Mongol. Thats why you have words as that
@@darknetforever5933 dravidan language from south india moughls don't ruled from south india..
They bahamani sultanate persain kingdom that ruled may be
But these are baisc words not influence from any one
@@jsuisheureux1425 Dear, these kind of words can not be "loan words", eg. apa, anya, kökény, hallani... and the direction of the loaning is not clear most of the case....
Gagauz: 😢
Üzülme biz senin varlığını biliyoruz. ❤
Gagauzlar Oğuzların parçası olduğu için konmamış buna sanırım. Bu videoda Gökoğuzlar da var
I'm from Egpyt.Our tribe and family are of Cumania origin(Oughlasoglu). Today live in Egpyt many Cuman Tribe.Unfortunately we forgot our Cuman language but I visited many Turkic country.I speak Kazakh,Kyrgyz language and Learn Turkish.(Türkçe zor bir dil kardeshler)-
Aman bol tuuğan✋ Cuman degen söz kipchak dep kotorulat. Men da kipchak uruusunan bolom.
Eğer istersen öğrenebilirsin. Türkçe türküler dinleyebilirsin kanalımda. ( If you want to, you can learn. You can listen turkish folk songs in my channel.)
Esenlikler kardeşim, I am Cuman too, my grandparents were from Macedonia - Kumonovo
@Садгур Сартаев give a proof
@Садгур Сартаев bak nasıl oynatıcam seni. Yeah i am waiting proof.
All turkic languages to Chuvash: "are you adopted?"
No offense. Love Chuvash)))
Тавтапуҫ. Чӑваш Енрен салам 😎👌
@@Crxyzen да, а что
@@Crxyzen и вам салам братья тюрки, у нас в Чебоксарах много туркмен учится ❤❤❤
They had love affair with some finno -ugrik (suomi) tribes :))
@@askarmaskar3219 ну, урало-алтайская гипотеза тоже имеет место быть)
The Oghur are a branch of the Turkic language family. The only extant member of the group is the "Chuvash language". The first to branch off from the Turkic family. Languages from this family were spoken in some nomadic tribal confederations,( Onogurs, Bulgars, Khazars, Huns, Tuoba, Avar)
Yeah, they split out from main branch of Turkic Languages in 4th Century.
Спасибо, братья тюрки, всем удачи и саморазвития.
Тавтапуҫ. Чӑваш Енрен салам👌
@@salamami8695 ❤️❤️
If you are interested in Turkic and Mongolian culture, I strongly suggest you look into this music... :))
And influenced Hungarian to some extent (though Hungarian is still an Uralic language).
My dear brothers and sister Türks, I love and respect you all! All the best to you! Come to Kazakhstan! 🇰🇿❤️🐺🤘🏼
@علي ياسر lmfaoo normal arab nationalist
@@ottoman9247 arap birisinin bizim hakkimizda bir yorum yapma hakkının olduğunu pek sanmiyorum
Don't invite the Ottoman Turks
@@gsdüweuwueeuyorumunu silen bir araba yazmış güneş hanım adama niye Arap diyorsunu,
Azərbaycan Türkündən Bütün Türklərə Salam Olsun🇦🇿
I am from Uzbekistan and I think that our pronunciation , a kind of , adopted more to persian pronunciation 'cause we have a lot of words from the persian language. For instance we say "odam" just like persian even though we are a turkic country while most of other turkic countries say "adam"
сайрамда адам дейди
Xorazmliklar talaffuziga fors tili ta'sir qilmagan shekilli. Turklardek talaffuz qilishadi so'zlarni
Отвечая на ваш вопрос: Чувашский язык отличается от всех тюркских потому что чувашский относится к Булгарской ветви тюркских языков, а все языки этой ветви вымерли, остался только чувашский
Yes. The Kipchak Turkic group (Blonde and red Turks) melted into other peoples. We know that they went all the way to Egypt
I am from Yakutia. Nose- murun, teeth - tiis, ice - muus, duck - kus, knife - bihax, moon - iy, lake - kuol...
In Turkish: burun (nose), diş (tooth), buz (ice), bıçak (knife), ay (moon), göl (lake)
Yakuts use pure Turkic Language
Hı friend, i am from Uzbekistan, i understend a lot of Yakut words without translate, we are one National, i love Yakutia ♥️
I'm from Kazakhstan, I know these words
@@Kenan-Z in Kazakh. Nose-múryn(мұрын), teeth(тіс, tis),ice- (мұз, múz), duck-(құс, qús), Knife-(пышақ,pyshaq), moon-ай, ai; lake-köl, көл
Bütün Türklərə salam olsun . Azərbaycan Türküyəm 🇦🇿🇹🇷🇹🇲🇰🇿🇺🇿🇰🇬
If you are interested in Turkic and Mongolian culture, I strongly suggest you look into this music... :))
Sən Azərbaycanlısan.Amma türki veya turan xalqısan.Azerbaycan türkü deyilsen
@Emre biz Azərbaycanlıyıq!üst kimliyimiz türkdür!
@@muradseferli7701get your fact straight. Azarbaigan is holy land of zoroastrians Iranians .
Why is that Turks always scratching the walls to gain identity ?
Literally everyone:Balık/q
Chuvash:Nahhh I’m gonna call pulã 💁🏼♀️
pul aslında Türkçede hala kullanılıyor, hani balığın pulları olur ya?
А почему бы и нет?
Вы же огузы после нас - оногуров (огуров) в европу пришли.
"Пулӑҫӑ аякран курать"
@@AS-dr1cp mantıklı 👌🏼
Azerbaycanda da ayni, baliqa bazen pul da deyilir. Uzerindeki simler demir pula/paraya benzetmishler
Azerbaycan end Turkey Turkish also say PUL and BALIK
👍👍👍 Greetings from Kazakhstan! ❤️
Greetings from Kyrgyzstan 🇰🇬
Greetings from Azerbaijan 🇦🇿🇹🇷🇰🇿🇺🇿🇹🇲🇰🇬
Салам казактар Чувашстанда
Thanks brother greetings all turks from turkey.
If you are interested in Turkic and Mongolian culture, I strongly suggest you look into this music... :))
4:23 both ev and yurt is accurate in Turkish, but we use the word ‘yurt’ in the meaning of ‘home-homeland’ 🇹🇷
I believe yurt has the same meaning in Central Asia as well
@@Karaaslan_Fitness It depends on what language. Jurt probably kazakh/Kyrgyz, but Uzbek/Turkmen say yurt. (I don't know who says curt)
source: am turkmen
@@RoyaMoyaSoya No,
am Turkish; I have read "Curt" but now i couldn't remember where i saw it, really sorry. I'll just write what i could find (from Ercilasun 1991):
Turkish: yurt
Azerbaycan Turkic: vätän
Kazak Turkic: otan el-jurt
Kırgız Turkic: curt meken
Türkmen Türkic: yūrt
@@RoyaMoyaSoya “El tınç, curt aman bolsun.” So in Kyrgyz it's curt with the same meaning
@Kerem Açıkel Söylediğiniz zaten videoda var ama şimdi dikkatimi çekti, Eski Türkçede genelde "eb" ve vatan için elim görmüştüm. Daha öncen batı Türkçedeki surt'dan da anlaşıldığı gibi Ön Türkçede yurt kelimesi olduğunu hiç farketmemiştim... Bu kadar eskide bile dilin zengin olması gerçekten şaşırttı.
I am from Turkey. Yeah, it seems completly true for Turkish language. Dünyanın diğer bölgelerindeki Türk kardeşlerime selam olsun.
Türkler bas ve yürek diye demiyor goy? Kafa ve kalb
@@siratshi455 Türkler baş ve yürek diyer.
@@siratshi455 basım agriyor deriz. Misal sende o yürek var mı? Deriz
@@siratshi455 yürek kalp demek baş kafa aynı şey değil aslında göy mavi gök te mavi anlamı var
@@siratshi455 kalp arapça
Juda go'zal tillarimiz bordir!
If you are interested in Turkic and Mongolian culture, I strongly suggest you look into this music... :))
🇰🇬 Kyrgyz (corrections):
1:54 Jürök (Жүрөк)
2:49 Uy, Inek, Siyir (Уй, Инек, Сыйыр)
2:58 It (Ит)
3:17 Suu (Суу)
3:45 Jyldyz (Жылдыз)
4:32 Töbö (Төбө)
5:31 Tolo/Toluq (Толо/Толук)
Whyy uy??? Uy means like sleep, uyu. Pls use ev or eb :)
@@muratozgun2813 uqta - sleep
@@muratozgun2813 we won’t brother. We will speak like our ancestors spoke.
Туура оңдоп койдуң досум
@@muratozgun2813 moreover we don't have "v" sound in our language.
Салам вам, тюрки))) Я чуваш и нас становится каждым годом всё меньше, как носителя языка и народа. Ассимилизация происходит под русских.
Эҕэрдэ братьям! Жаль что так происходит(
вам отделяться надо а вы идёте умирать за русских!!!
then chuvash people have to come to Turkey or related countries. Migrate and build new lifes ^^
Братья чувашские турки, проснитесь. Если ты заснешь, ты умрешь. Ты исчезаешь. Говорите и распространяйте свой родной язык. Не оставайтесь в стороне от тюркского мира. Теперь встаньте с корточка и встаньте. Укрепляйте свою славную историю и свои связи со своими родственниками в мире, которые говорят на том же языке, что и вы, турецкий. Единство это сила.
Так чуваши ассимилировались тюрками. Тру чуваши были гуннами а не тюрками.
Да и не надо расстраиваться ассимиляцией. Мы меж собой общаемся по русски и это хорошо.
Якут, татарин, алтаец, ногаец, чуваш, башкир все вместе меж собой могут общаться по русски и русский язык нас связывает.
Greetings from Georgian Azerbaijani 🇦🇿🇬🇪
In the Uzbek language, the letter A is used in other Turkic languages, and in the Uzbek language, the letter O is used,
THIS is so cool
EX: OTA - ATA (father)
QON - QAN (blood)
BASH - BOSH (head)
Yes the letter O is separated into two different characters for each sound.「O」 represent O as in "hot", and「Oʻ」represents O as in "nope".
Я иногда задавался почему они используют О а не А ?
@@BOOMkingGold-e6lВлияние персидского языка было огромное. Поэтому у них произношение изменилось, хотя слова остались те же. Узбекское (и персидское) О - это что-то между русскими О и А. Но в Узбекистане есть один регион, который сохранил чисто тюркское произношение - это Хорезм
My Turkic brothers, I am honoured to salute you all from Azerbaijan. Long live Turks. Tanrı Türkü qorusun! 🐺
In Turkish, "inek" is the female cow; "sığır" is the general name of the species. And, we use mostly "baba" for father, but "ata" is valid too.
we are strongest people!
hello from Sakhastan(Yakutia)
😆 стан это персидское окончание, у нас правильно будет Саха сирэ, или Ил Саха, Саха Дойду, Саха Ордуу, Саха Ороон,
Ил, Дойду, Ороон - страна
Ордуу-место стоянки, стан.
Chuvash is like a student who came into wrong class :)))
If you are interested in Turkic and Mongolian culture, I strongly suggest you look into this music... :))
They are descants of west hun people. They are big and very ancients of turks
nah, you all came to our class while we was here already
Love from UZBEKISTAN to all Turkic languages . Uzbek silaa
Gap turk tilimiz haqida ketyatgan bir paytta russcha "sila"ga balo bormi
@@abdv9908 Shuni aytmoqchi edim men ham. O`zbek bu kuch!
I wonder how much mutual intelligibility there is between the Turkic languages, because it seems like a lot. As in, could a guy from Turkey talk with an Uzbek, or a Kazakh, and so on.
A Turk from Turkey and Uzbek can barely understand each other but the same with Azerbaijani they can understand each other about %80.
someone from Turkey can only understand someone from Azerbaijanian. However, Turks cannkt understand other central Asians. I know Turkish and I had to speak English in order to communicate with a Kazakh friend.
@@vedobruki357 a turk from turkey i can understand best Azerbaijanis than Crimean Tatars and turkmens, uzbeks...than balkarians and karacays from Caucasia... all the other Turkic language are harder to understand for a turk from turkey...
@subarian erou fox if you can’t understand this as a turk from turkey, than you can’t speak turkish sorry😂
Kazakhs speak the kipcak branch that’s why you can’t understand but these ones I’ve count are mambers of oghuz branch or at least heavily mixed with oghuz
As an Azerbaijani i can easly understand turkish, gagauz, crimean tatar, turkmen, also more than 60% uyghur uzbek and kumuk, if i read ofcourse ill understand more than when i talk but talking with uzbek for example would not be a big problem i'd understand most of it and ill know what is he talking about
l am from Azerbaijan🇦🇿..Long Live Turkic....Tanrı Türkü Qorusun.
After your Victory in Karabag now we are looking forward to United Azerbaijan. Talk to your brothers in South Azerbaijan. Let them know you desire to live with them. Maybe have a Federal State with Iran?
Bende maalesef Türkiye türküyüm burada arap dolu o yüzden maalesef
@@ҒажаппенСұмдықарнасы müselmanıq amma arap deyilik!
@@ҒажаппенСұмдықарнасы Alhamdulillah we are muslims but we are not arabs nor we'll never be, we are turks
Add Iraqi Turkmen ☪️ Accent:
ana 0:24
aba(ata) 0:34
qız 0:43
erkek 0:53
gelin 1:02
göz 1:11
qulax 1:20
qol 1:32
qan 1:40
üreg 1:50
baş 2:00
men 2:10
sen 2:17
biz 2:27
at 2:36
ineg 2:46
it (köpeg) 2:55
balığ 3:05
su 3:15
ağac 3:24
yol 3:34
ulduz 3:42
od 3:53
gün 4:02
tanrı 4:12
ew 4:20
tepe 4:31
demer(demir) 4:40
ağ 4:52
qara 5:00
gög 5:08
qızıl 5:19
dolı 5:29
yengi 5:36
semiz 5:46
ber(bir) 5:56
ikki 6:05
üç 6:15
dörd 6:24
beş 6:32
on(un) 6:43
yüz 6:54
Almost same as Azerbaijani Turkic.
As far as I know, you are the descendants of the Kara Koyunlu and Ak Koyunlu tribes, that is, the Azerbaijanis (Oguzes) are not surprising that you speak the same language with us.
The same as Azerbaijani Turkic
@@flankes3339 Slejuk accent used officely by Azerbaijan (turkish is variasion fo this accent too) and i think that is why they dont text different variassions of Seljuk accent
@@AykaAngelina its because Azerbaijani is a new term / nation. Azerbaijani, Iraqi Turkmen and Syrian Turkmen come from the same oghuz tribes. Back in the day all of the oghuz were called Turkmen. Azeris decided to change their names it seems. or rather Stalin forced the change.. but the word Turkmen comes from two words Turk and Iman and thats how Oghuz muslim turks distinguished themselves from Pagan Oghuz Turks
Çuvaşca ilk bakışta farklı gelebilir fakat burada gösterilen yazı şekli ile yani söyleniş şeklini duyamıyoruz. Eğer Türkiye'nin batı bölgesindeki (Ege-Akdeniz) köylere giderseniz bazı kelimelerin Çuvaşça'ya benzer yada yakın anlamlarda kullanıldığını görebilirsiniz. Sonuçta dilde insanlar gibi yaşayan bir varlık.İnsanlar ile birlikte değişir,gelişir bazende ölür.
Genel olarak diğer Türk dillerinden oldukça farklı ama. Türkçe konuşanlar anlayamıyorlar genel olarak.
No bashkir, tuvan, altai, khakas, nogai, kumyk and some others?
This is turkic langauge group.kumky=kıpchak
@@UNKNOWN-tl3ks Siberian languages are not Kıpchak, they have really archaic properties like /d/ in ayak
I think this is very hard to do for all Turkic languages, it is hard to find sources for such study
@@Karaaslan_Fitness well, we have the Sakha as Siberian Turks representative
Butun Turklere selamlar❤️Love to all Turkic peoples
It is very important to conserve Chavash and Sakha languages because they are the keys to the Proto-Turkic language
Altay is the closer to proto-Turkic. Saxa language has more loanwords from Tungus languages than Turkish has loanwords from Persian and Arabic languages.
I propose to open courses in the proto-Turkic language in all Turkic countries so that we can speak the same language and not change anything in our modern language, this would be a great idea. The Proto-Turkic language would be like English for us and would be easy to learn because we all. Let's create a Turkic Union in the form of the European Union with one common language! Salamualeikum to the Turkic brothers from Kazakhstan🇰🇿✊🏻
Я тоже об этом думал, я сам из Узбекистана и понимаю что у нас в стране очень много персизмов, хотя на самом деле у нас есть и свои слова что можно использовать
Только вот нет лингвистического материала чтобы воссоздать прото-тюркский. Вот средневековый тюркский, начиная от гёк тюрков можно воссоздать.
@@ОсманНасимовда, само звучание через о предполагает иранское влияние. Возможно даже не от таджиков или согдийцев, хорезмийцев но от ещё более раннего периода-иранских кочевников(юэчжи). Это идёт ещё со времён карлукского возможно. Но ничего страшного. На самом деле даже в прото тюркском были иранские заимствования(тегин, эчки к примеру).
Önemli olan yazı dilimiz. Hepimiz aynı alfabeyi kullanırsak birbirinizin konuştuklarını anlayabiliriz. Örneğin Azerbaycan ve Türkiye Latin alfabesi kullandıkları için çok rahat anlaşıyorlar. Kazakistan da Latin albesini öğrenmeye çalışıyor. Zaten 1905 yılında yapılan Türk kongresinde bütün Türki uluslar latin alfabesine geçme kararı aldılar.Ancak sovyet Rusya Türki ulusların birlesmesini engellemek için hepsine farklı yazı dili,alfabe verdi. ( Our writing language is important. If we all use the same alphabet, we can understand what each other is speaking. For example, they negotiate very comfortable for Azerbaijan and Turkey use the Latin alphabet. Kazakhstan also conflicts with learning the Latin albums. Already in the Turkish congress held in 1905, all Turkic nations decided to switch to the Latin alphabet. However, Soviet Russia gave them a different written language and alphabet to prevent the unification of Turkic nations.)
Türki yerine Türk dersen daha doğru olur:) Türki, Türke benzer demekmiş. Aslında hepimiz Türküz.
@@Crxyzen imkansız çünkü ses dilimiz çok değişti. Göktürk tamgaları çok yetersiz kalır.
@@Crxyzen Rünlere gök türk adı verılmemelı bence rün adı olarak kalmalı. ve rünler sadece alfabe değildir, aslında alfabe bile değildir ama değişir
Türk dili çok bozulan ve çok karışan ve gelişimi tamamlanmayan bir fake dil aslında
@@midnightblue3285 cksşnfşsmfğsmf bilgisizliğinize söyleyecek söz bulamıyorum.
Thank you for not forgetting to put Azerbaijan region and Qashqayi Turks of iran on the map. Amazing channel❤👍
yasha Azerbaijan!
Kashkai and Azer. Turks are similar people. Love. You My bros
From turkey love qashqayi turks and turkish family
Eski Turkcha butun bugungi Turk ellarining tillarida saqlanmoqda! Butun Turk ellari yashasin! Nega deganda, biz ularning izdoshlarimiz.
the music is hypnotising me to learn every turkic language at once
Chuvash sounds different than other Turkic languages but pretty soon the pattern emerges. For example:
b changes to p
z changes to r
d changes to t
g/q changes to k
I also noticed that with some words Chuvash some similarity to Yakut/Saka which indicates that Chuvash and Yakut/Saka split from the rest much earlier, possibly with the advance and split of the Huns from the other Turkic tribes in the middle. In other words Chuvash and Yakut/Saka may have retained some of the proto elements more than other Turkic languages which mixed with the Indo-European languages. Also even though standard Istanbul Turkish has also evolved, in Turkey there are different versions of spoken Turkish, especially among Toros mountain Yoruks and Turkic tribes in Eastern Turkey.
Efendim Iranin ortasynde bizim bir ulkede bir bolge var ado (khelejestan haleç khelej khalej lehçelari kokeni(argu )cok siberia ve çuvaş diline benzer hata daha eski,mesal ay=hay, ev=hev, agaç=hagaç ayak=hadag(e h)
Oyanmak= odanmag
airy= hadory, yaxçi= havola,
yiln ilan=gelan, gun=kon kun
koz guz baş kafa=Kozing başing,
Olsa=olta, olmaz=olmas,
kurt gurt= bury, koyun goyun=liygit
Yollar=yolgarga, diş=tiş dil=til
Toşan doşan=tovuşgan tavoşgan siçan=siçgan, dag tag=taag, atiy aiti=alta, yok yox=yog youg,
parmak barmag=varmag, degil degl=dag, kardeş gardaş=lala elbete afganistan da hezarh dilinde lala vardir ve biz gaga ghagha diyeruz. biliyourun= biliyong, bulut
Yakut dililnde bilit olarak ama haleç dilinde bolit olarak.bizim dili hem biraz azeri dilinden farkli olarak garişga= biz garonça diyeruz ve milçek=çebin gardaş=gaga
ata dede=dada yaman=nafat
Dogru=yetik, olsan= olaginin
Oxosan oykusen=oxogonan
Yun=yung var olsan=bar olsay yaxçi san=xor olay yaxçiyay,
Yara=mirix, vardir =vardo
xoşgelib siz=xoşgel mi şiz.
alirsan=aliray geliray
getdix=keddik, guordox=guorduk gourdik, alacak aparak boyle kunuşuruz ve kaşkai anatulo horasan turkmen lehçelarine benzer sonrad azeri diline ve bizim oynagamuzu ado halay olarak irk kokenimiz atalarim( kurt ve saka) ve analarim avşar(turkmen).gusura bakma efendim hoşçakal🙌
@@meraj.M Khelejestan'in Ingilizcesi nedir? Hic duymadim.
@@hurguler gusura bakma benim dilim farkli. lngilizcesi khalej,
(ozleri dilinde asli ado* xeleç* )) ve sizn dilinde halaç olarak.
Iran da Bir degerli hoca var xeleç tili biri canli tutulmuş،hocanin sanal sayfa instegram de ado bu şekilde yaz👉(Ali Asghar Jamrasi veya a.jamrasi ) elbete iki defa mosafer siyaete gelid turkye de devet olmuş toplantiy dunyada eski turkçe kunuşan halikleri hocalari (namik kemal universitesi 2019)
@@meraj.M Thank you. I found them on Wikipedia
@@meraj.M Evet Wikipedia'da buldum. Google tercumesi; Halaçça (Bactrian χαλασσ Xalass; Peştuca: خلجیان, romanize: Khalajyān; Farsça: خلجها, romanize: Xalajhâ) bir Türk kabilesi olarak sınıflandırılır.[3] Ortaçağ Müslüman bilginleri, kabileyi Orta Asya'dan günümüz Afganistan'ına Amu Derya'yı geçen en erkenlerden biri olarak kabul ettiler. Halaçlar, Gazne, Kalati Ghilci ve çevre ilçelerde, mevsimlik otlaklarda dolaşmayı alışkanlık haline getiren koyun otlayan göçebeler olarak tanımlandı.
İran'da çoğu Farsça olmasına rağmen hala Türkçe olarak sınıflandırılan Halaç dilini konuşuyorlar.[4] Afganistan'da, Peştunların Ghilji kabilesi büyük olasılıkla Halaç halkının soyundan geliyor
Esenlikler Türk kardeşler 🇹🇷🇦🇿🇹🇲🇭🇺
Keşke yine hepimiz Proto türkçe yi konuşuyor olsaydık dillerimiz farklılaşmasaydı.
Türklüğümle gurur duyuyorum
Proud to be Part of Turkish people.
Greeting from Kyrgyzstan!
Why do you forget about bashkir?😒 Tatar and bashkir are not the same as you may think.
Ni ösön başqort tele xaqında onotahığıž?😒 Tatar menän başqort teldäre yaqın bulahalar ža ber tügel
I think there are small differences even amongst the same language. For example, Tekke Turkmen and Arisari Turkmen are a bit different. We (arisari) say inek for cow
The transition of (r) to (z) is very interesting. Like Gör to Göz/Köz. But in most of the common Turkic we still kept the Proto-Turkic stem for the verb To See: Görmek/Körmek.
Awesome video! 👍
@@itisprofile yes in sakha tyla we dont have göz or köz we have "körüü" which is "to watch"
If you are interested in Turkic and Mongolian culture, I strongly suggest you look into this music... :))
@@itisprofile modern linguistic studies cant explain how r became z. its seems impossible since these two letters have nothing in common.
I've seen in some Slavic languages that r with an accent is like a /rz/. It is possible the r softened, leaving only z. I don't know any Slavic languages tho so I can't say for certain
In Uzbek: "ko'rmoq" to see (ko'rdi, ko'rdim, ko'rdik). Ko'z - eye
Saha dili farklı olur derken çuvaşça hızını alamamış, kopmuş gitmiş 🤣🤣
İzole kaldığı için olabilir.
@Banker o kadar olmuş yahu? Ben de ilk kopan saha sanırdım!
@Banker cuvasca R turkcesi dostum ne sacmaliyorsun cuvasca haric butun hepsi Saz cuvasca Lir turkcesi o yuzden farkli ama ana turkce cuvascaya benziyordu hunlar vh cuvascaya yakin olur ogur turkcesini konusuyordu
@@vehbisabanc7843 Saha da erken kopmuş, ama r-z, g-y, l-ş gibi değişimlerden sonra, ama aralarında fark büyük değil. Çuvaşça 2000 yıl ise Saha dili en az 1800 yıl
eğer bulgarlar asimile olmasaydı slavlaşmasaydı en iyi çuvaşlarla anlaşırlardı çünkü türk bulgar devletini kuran türk boyu onogur boyudur ve çuvaş türklerinin kendine has boyu vardır
I found the very high similarity between Turkish and Uyghur very much surprising. I knew about Turkish and Azeri similarity, but didn't expect such a thing to happen with Uyghur as well considering the distance between them.
I am from Turkey and we can understand Uyghur Turkish %65/70
@@neslihanfazloglu6780 We don't, we also can't follow Uzbek or Turkmen if they're speaking to eachother. Grasping what they say when they speak to you slowly doesn't count.
Karluk branch is the closest to Oğuz, so, many words and sounds are more similar than other branches.
uyghur is even closer to uzbek. its like 95% the same. really easy for me to understand as uzbek
Uygur father all turkish tribes. Uygur begining turkic history.
Khwarazm and turkey Both languages are nearly identical
wow ... Greets from Iraqi Turkoman Beyat Tribe
Esen olsun doganım 👍
If you are interested in Turkic and Mongolian culture, I strongly suggest you look into this music... :))
Ben de Türkiye Bayat aşiretindenim
@@TehranIsAlsoAzerbaijan Biz Beyat diyoruz.
Turks=Best ethnicity Best Language Family best history of all time
I was so disappointed when I did 23andme and found 0% Turkic ancestry. It was 100% European. True, Turks and Europeans cluster together genetically if you zoom out, but it's not the same!
I wanted some Turkic DNA because if you look at history, Turks conquered everyone. The only thing in history that defeated a Turkic force was another, different Turkic force!
@@Kveldred it is okay, you still speak turkic i assume, so you are one of us anyway.
@@Kveldred u are unique! Its so rare to see a person without turkic blood(1/3 of the world has it)
Turk dunyosiga salomlar bulsin🇺🇿🇹🇷🇦🇿🇰🇿🇰🇬🇹🇲❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Hollandadan tüm türk dünyasına selam olsun🐺🤘🇺🇿🇹🇲🇰🇬🇰🇿🇹🇷🇦🇿❤
Bende hollandadan
@@papazataklaattiranimam Ooo
If you are interested in Turkic and Mongolian culture, I strongly suggest you look into this music... :))
kurulu düzenin var mı orda reis
Proto-Turkic words very close to Chuvash words
Çuvaşlar ogur grubuna ait oldukları için diğer bütün dillerden farklılar. Grubunun yaşayan tek dili.
5:12 interesting one again with Chuvash. "Kök" means "root" in Turkish and we have a tree called "kavak"
Kavak is a Persian word originated from kav which means hole
@@Lungsucker , that's where English word "cavity" goes.
@@Lungsucker Bad etymology cripples your mind. Be alert!
@@Kenan-Z Türküm. Gerçekçi yaklaşalım
Gokbori : Mavi kurt. Gokmen: mavi gozlu insan. Bu kelimelerde Gok mavi anlaminda kullanilmakta
In Uzbek, the word "Kun" (meaning "a day") can be used as synyonym for "Quyosh" (the Sun).
Does the word "kun/gun" mean the sun / a day in other Turkic languages too?
Güneş (sun) / Gün (day) in Turkish :p
İt includes Gün word which means day and last of the word eş they combined and it became Güneş in Turkish
Wasn't it strange that "Kun" is similar to "Kut" and "Hun" (the name of Xiongnus in Turkish)
@@alkarisi2585 , I dunno.
@@aqlli_yechimlar Azerbaijan language: Gün means sun and day
this is amazing. please make more language comparisons.
2:20 in chuvash "es/esĕ" is nominative. There is also "sana" - genitive
The genitive form is senin in Turkish
@@erlikhan4217 sana, mana, ona, in chuvash
@@БУЛГАРИБУЛГАРИЯ Salam Cavassem! Epe Ramazan.
@@blgram Salam Ramazan, Epe Evgenii yatla'. Shupashkarta pura'nata'p. Ese' ha'sh hularan?:)
Thank you for this magnificent video
There is a point here . "Qızıl" in Azerbaijani does not mean "Red" , it means "Gold , golden" .
Does it not mean red at all?
Thats weird. In many Turkic languages it is Altın/Altun
@@randomuser1409 its used as gold in turkmen too. Its also used red though
@@sheppik4252 here kızıl means red only
@@sheppik4252 , it does not . "Red" is "qırmızı" in Azerbaijani language . The pronounciation is "gırmızı" or "gyrmyzy" .
Kendi ülkemden bazı kişiler yakıştıramıyorlar Anadolu Türkçesinin eski Türkçeye benzemesini bu kadar mı sevmiyorsunuz ülkenizi. Sevineceğinize, daha çok gururlanacağınıza, aksine bunların hiç birini yapmamayı tercih ediyorsunuz. Bir türlü anlamış değilim, Nasıl bir milletiz biz ya gerçekten çok şaşırıyorum.
bide türkçesini bilmesine rağmen inatla arapça kelimeler kullananlar var
İnek kelimesini korumuşuz mesela o çok hoşuma gitti benim diğerleri unutmuş genelde.
Ülkede arab özentiliği almış başını gidiyor
Balkan Türküyüm, sizin yorumunuzu ve uyarınızı okuyunca çok sevindim, çok doğru yazmışsınız, ben Anadolu Türkü arkadaşları devamlı uyarmaktayım, Anadolu Türkçesindede TÜRKÇE sözler olduğu kerette, Arapça, Farsça sözler kulanmaktalar, DEDİM Kİ ONKARA BIR RUS, UKRAYNALI TÜRKİYE TÜRKÜNDEN DAHA TEMIZ TÜRKÇE BILMEKTE, VE BU DOĞRU, BİZİM DİLİMİZE İslamile beraber Arapça, Farsça parazit sözler girmiş, Aynı anıda TÜRK Dili etkisi içinde kalan Başka DİLLERİN içinde TURKCE SÖZLER VE ANLAMLARI KORUNMUŞ!!!
KARANDAŞ (карандаш)= Arapça-kalem
resmi TÜRKÇE :
"herke/s/" YANLIŞ!!!
Yakıştıramayan görmedim ama varsa defolup nereyi seviyorsa gidebilir, Türk değildir.
Man Uzbekistandanman biz tilimiz bilan faxirlanamiz kelajakda butun Turkiylar birlashib butun bir davlat olaroq Turanni tashkil qilsin Amiyn
I think the closest language to Old Turkic is Turkmenche. But if we think proto-Turkic, then Chuvash
Can you make one about :semetic
Or berber languages?
Altay linguage ! Ene, Ada, kıs, er, kelin, kös, qulaq, qol, qan, jürek, baš, men, sen, bis, at, inek( uy), iyt, balıq, suu, ağaš, jol, jıldıs, ot, kün, teŋeri, ep ( ayıl, tura, üy), töbö, temir, aq, qara, kök, kızıl, tolun, jaŋı, semis, bir, eki, üç, tört, beš, on, jüs,
O'zbekistondan salom! ❤️❤️❤️
Best languages in the world 😻😍
Indo-European languages: nice try, kid.
@@Dersimite Ural-Altaic > Indo-European Altaic > Aryan Turkic > Iranic Oghuz > Kurdish Turkish > Kurmanji🤓
@@papazataklaattiranimam Aryan Turkic? :D
@@papazataklaattiranimam While the mother tongue of Half of the world's people is Indo-European, the proto Indo-European language was spoken in northern Eurasia in 3000 BC.
Niye bu kelimelerde ki en az değişiklik Anadolu Türkçesinde? diğerlerine göre Öz Türkçeye daha yakınız, Öz Türkçeye sadece bu kelimelerde mi yoksa genel olarak mı daha yakınız acaba?
Biz dil devrimi yaptık 1932 de ve sürekli bağımsız olduk tarihite!! onlar ise dil devrimi yapmadı ve tarihlerinde dileri. mogol Rus Arap fars etkisinde kaldılar
@@Tiger_shark07 bana dil devriminin etkisi saçma geliyor Erzurumun veya Erzincanın genel olarak anadolunun köyünde yaşayan birini etkilemez onlar zaten Türkçe konuşuyordu, aydın kesim için devrim oldu denilebilir. Etkisi vardır tabii fakat o kadar fazla olcağını sanmam.
@@okan1420 Erzurum erzincan ın nüfusu kaç? İstanbul Ankara İzmir bursa Antalya nüfusu kaç? Türkiye nin önemli nüfusu potansiyeli batı Türkiye de mesela " algı sürec" sözçükleri dil devrimimde üretildi şu anda herkez kulanıyor ayrıca dil devrimide Anadolu halkını konuşması örnek alındı olmayanlar türetildi orta Asya dan uygur metinleri Orhun Türkçesi cağtay Türkçesi de kaynak tabi sen 100 yıl önce konuşan birisini görsen sana sacma gelirdi konuşması günümüzde eminim bende ıspartanın köyünde büyüdüm bende Türküm Erzurum kadar ve İstanbul daki bir insanla Anadolu nun köyündeki insanın konuşması ne kadar farklı sanıyorsun?
@@Tiger_shark07 benim demeye çalıştığım Anadolu Türkçesi zaten Öz Türkçeye yakındı İstanbul Türkçesi uzakdı devrimle birlikte o da yakınlaştı ve diğeri ise 100-200 yıl önceki Erzurumlu ile konuşup anlaşabilirdin ben Bayburtluyum benim şivem(ağız) Erzurum şivesi ile aynı ve bu 100 yıl önce de aynıydı diye düşünüyorum fark vardır elbet fakat o kadar büyük olduğunu sanmam.
@@okan1420 ve ayrıca Osman Türkçesi zaten Türkce değil Osmanlı dürokrasisin de sarayda Konuşulan arapca farsça ağırlıklı lı bir dil halk ile kopuk bir yönetim ve halkın okuma yazma oranı düşüktü dil devrimi ile yazı ve konuşma olarak tüm ulusu birleştirdi ismail gaspıralının dediği gibi dilde fikirde birlik. Ve lisan şiveler bölgelere göre değişir
The German "he" is maybe from proto turkic "er" and the english "girl" from kir? the german "mein" from turkish men. So r1a horseriders were maybe turkic speaker. Mixed with the natives and other and old english (german) mixed with arabic and norman/roman influences.
And the word "atta" in Old Germanic means "father, ancestor", just like "ata" in Turkish. Interesting 🤔
@@user-op8gi2rp6u Yes, and the Alps in Europe is similar to the heros/warriors of the turks. They called them also Alp.
@@merketarif126 Alp also means in Kazakh giant, titan or mighty. Interesting. Maybe German alp(from which elf) came from turkic alp. Also there are Kazakh tribe Alban and Albania country on the Balkans.
Güt = guide
Halk = Volk
Makes you think .
personal pronouns following m-b s-t vovel-h pattern in both Turkic, Uralic and IE. pretty much all domesticated livestock names similar even up until this day(öküz - ox, keçi - goat etc). Makes one genuinely wonder. However IE seems to be the odd one out since it was highly genderised(definite post-caucasian/caspian farmer (protosemitic(?)) influence..
Turkic Nations in History; Turkic nations take and use name and "er" or "ar" for example .....Av-ar, Magy-ar(Mag-ar), Bul-gar, Khaz-ar , Qashq-ar(Qashqai in İran), Hyung-ar or Hung-ar(Hungary), Tat-ar, Uyg-ar(or Uygur), Bask-ar(Bashkurt-Bashkır),Sum-er(Sum-ar) Ug-ar(and after Finno Ug-or(Finno og-ur), Balk-ar(After Karachay-Balkar), Kimm-er Kum-ar, Sab-ir or Sab-ar, Chah-ar(West Mongoloid and mostly Turkic group)Az-ar(er)(Muslim Turkic group) or Khaz-ar(Jewish Turkic Group and Keraim Jews came from Black sea kirim) Ashkenkhazar(Ashken= Mostly =Ashkın=Baskın) Ashkenkhazar and after Ashkenaz jews, etc.... Old turkic names of some cities, Ur - Uruk(in Irak in Mezopotamia), Ur-umchi (in East Turkistan) (in China ) Ur-miye,Nishab-ur (in İran), Ur-fa, Ur-la , Ur-gup , Erz-ur-um(in Turkey ), Sem-ur-kent,Buh-ur-a(Buhara) Ur-gench,Bulung-ur-Kon-ur-at,Ür-güt,(Urgut) (in Uzbekistan , Zengez-ur(İn Armenia) , Ur-al , Manch-ur(in Russia) , Karak -ur-um,Ulanbat-ur(in Mongolia), in Khazakistan take "ar" ,Ar-al, Baykon-ır,(ar)Kızıl-yar,Or-al,Çim-kent , Jarkent,(in Khazakistan)Khazar turks group named to made 8. century Kiev =Kıyı-ev(Turkic mean=Side of river) in Ukrein, Kishin-ev(kış ev= Winter Home) in Moldovia like this etc....
Turkic languages look like Mathematic, for example
Sumer / Karachay Turkish / TurikiyeTurkish / English
Language / Language / Language / Language
az az Az little
Ene Anne Ana Mother
ata ata ata Father
gaba gabara gaba yelek waistcoat
daim dayım Doyum, doyma to fill
me(bey) men Ben ,men(Türkmen) I
za(Zae) se Sen You
(Kime söyledin sağa söyledim)(İç anadolu ibaresi)
si(sig) Siz Siz
mu Bu, Bu this
ne ne Ne What
Ru ur Vur to hit
Er er Er, ask-er soldier--sold-er
"er"passed than turkic language than other languages to
West languages only for man
Tu Tuv- ğ Doğ-g to born
tukur Tükur Tükür
Ungar Uygar
Tu-d tuv-du doğ-du He was born
Ed öt et to made
Çar çarh çarh to return
guruvaş karavaş karındaş Woman servant
uch uch üch three
ud ot Od fire
Uzuk uzun uzun long
Ul ulu ulu
Tuş tüş- düş to fall (ş=sh)
Tukur Tükur tükür
Esh Esh Esh Wife
Eşik Eşik Eşik to tumble
Aur avur ağır weighting- heavily
Jau Jav/cav Yağ oil
Jen Jer/cer Yer place
Egech egech age- kızkardeş sister
Or or Orak hook
Kal kal- Kal- stay
Kız kız Kız girl
Kush kush Kush bird
Gısh gısh Kısh Winter
Uat uvat- Ufalt- lessen
Jarık jarık/carık Yanık burned
Kazak Kyrgız turkic group is using j Turkish ,Turkmen,
Uygur, uzbek and Uygur is using y
Jaz Jaz/caz Yaz Summer
Jün Jün/cün Yün wool
kün kün Gün day
Kazak Kyrgız turkic group is same
Jol Jol/col Yol road
Kazak Kyrgız turkic group is same
Jır Jır/cır cırlamak chirk
passed than turkic languages to West languages
Jarım Jarım/carım Yarım half
Cholpan cholpan Choban shepherd
e ev ev
Chibin chibin chibin-lik
İrik İrk/irik irish-mek arrive
Kur kur kur- courting
koru koru Koru- small wood
küre küre Küre sphere
Kadau kadav Kadavlama locking
Kan kan Kan blood
San san San- Say to cherish
ikki eki İki (2) two
Buz buz Boz waste,grey
Üz üz Süz to filter
Süz süz Süz to infiltrate
Ez öz Öz oz
passed than turkish to West languages
Ör öl Öl to be dead
Un on on Ten
ul ul Og-ul son
Ul Ulu
Ur kur Kur court
Uru koru koru Save
Karra kara Kara Black
Dingir dingri Tengri Tengri -tanrı God
İlu Ulu ulu (Tanrı veya tapılan put)
Abba oaba oba nearly people
Arku Arka Arka
Atta ata ata
Agar agır Ağır
Azu-uzu ozan ozan
Dirik Direk direk
dugut tokat Tokat
gurush Guresh Güresh
kapgagak Kapkacak kapkacak
kum kum kum
kargı karga Karga
Zag Sag Sağ
ilig ilig ilig
Diri diri diri(Sağlığı iyi)
There are so many words that at least 1/3 of them are causal and/or similar.
These researches and my opinions are personal and do not constitute a rigorous scientific research. My best regards.
Proud to have turkic ancestry
0:42 For me, the English word ,,girl" and the word from Proto Turkic for ,,girl" sound similar.
or german er for he is the same in proto turkic "er".
or mein/me (german/englisch) and men in turkic.
The word for 'new' in Uzbek 'yangi' could be linked to 'young' in English.
@@merketarif126 men is not proto turkic. Ben is the proto turkic word.
If you keep making these word comparison videos, I will send u 1 trillion dollars. Please keep going. You could even do other small language groups like, "Word comparison among germanic/romance/semitic languages" etc. God bless you
Just Send 10% of it and i will start immediately. 😂
The slavic languages in the Balkan s have been influenced by the Turkish language.
Greektings from Uzbekistan 🇺🇿
og'och diye bir kelime varsa bile özbekçede bunun yerine daraht kullanılıyor. daraht türkçedeki darağacıyla aynı kökten geliyor aslında, farsça. dar, deru örneğin ingilizceye tree diye, rusçaya da dereva diye geçmiş (hint-avrupa dilleri)
✊🇰🇿 Сәлем достар 🤝🇦🇿🇰🇬🇺🇿🇹🇲🇹🇷💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪
Sənədə Salam Dost :)
There are many gross inaccuracies in the Chuvash and Tatar languages. Don't watch the video. The horse is Lasha in Chuvash and the food is Sims, but the food of the Tatars is not Sims.👎
Harika çalışma dostum. Great job bro. Thank you...
Very interesting, very nice video. Thanks very much.
Austria vieanna dan Türk yurtlarina selam olsun
Aleyküm Salam
abi köpeğe ihtiyaç var mı
Tree is Daraxt in Uzbek, yog’och is used for wood.
Tree is bak. Jygach is wood. Darak is branch. Bak-darak - trees
@@gerekemes what language are u speaking?
"Mas" (tree) in Yakut is from mongolian "mod", while "pole" is "ur-aghas", "fire wood" is "qard-aghas".
Çuvaş dilini dikkatle incelerseniz, aslında hiç de çok farklı olmadığını anlarsınız.. Proto-Turk diline en yakın olanlar, Türkiye Türk dili ve Tatar dili.. İlginç bir durum da şu; Yalnızca Sakha dili ve Türkiye Türkçesinde olan kelimeler var. örneğin. Elbeh (Sakha dili) / Epey (Türkiye Türkçesi) = "çok".. Aradaki mesafeye rağmen, hala aynı kelime kullanılıyor..
What about Uralic? They also got around
The most important information and evidence in researching the belonging and origin of a nation are the words addressed to relatives. In other words, addressing relatives such as mothers, fathers, aunts, and sons and daughters is decisive. Please, Sir, I would be glad if you could review it. The most important factor in determining the belonging of a nation is to examine the early periods of that civilization. The next set of languages may evolve into the language of other neighboring peoples through local and environmental interaction. The Sumerians were originally a Ural-Altaic community. However, over time, with the language assimilation and the majority of the population being taken over by the Arabs - Aramaic and Persian tribes, the language changed. In Old Turkish, Mother = Ana, aba / Father = Aaa, aga-ağa / Elder = Ace Aça / to a younger sister Sıngıl or jingıl / Uncle = Uncle Aemmi, Emmi to the father's sister. If "Ame" was younger than the father, the phrases "bibi" -Ame were used. These phrases are still used in the Uyghur, Karluk and some Salur tribes.
The word Sumer is derived from the word Soumi er, which means the word nation in today's Finland and Madgar. Both the suffixes "er" and "ar" describe the person (the term "male") and the suffix "ar" describe the tradition community, that is, the same lineage and/or the same tribe in ancient Turks and Turkic communities. Even in Turkish communities, the phrase "Ar(bireysel Gelenek) has no honor(toplumsal gelenek=Toere)"(Arı namusu yohh) has remained as a term used to describe people who do not comply with their traditions, customs, moral and religious standards, or those who do not comply with the values of the same lineage (non-standard action). These Turkic communities also form permanent settlements or junctions for trade. It is used in the oldest Turkish language as the word "Ur" or as a word suffix and suffix in the nature of (cluster) union. This meaning, which is a place of recovery in the Turks even today - the clusters and lumps or formations in the fat or cancer formations in the human body are called "UR" formation. Especially thick threads are also called "Ur-gan". While this word meant "blood of the same vein", that is, people who are connected by "blood bond", that is, "blood belonging to the same vein", over time it gained the meaning of "thick binding rope". In the old nomadic Turkic communities, these are gathering places and places where people come together to shop to meet their needs. In the old Turkish Turkic communities, their neighborhoods were called "Ur" and in the northern regions (such as Kazakhstan), they were called cities with the "Or" suffix. In the Turkic communities that moved to the west, the places that became permanent settlements were mostly called "city" in addition to the Ur suffix in the southern regions of the world (such as Anatolia). . In the westernmost Khazar, Kipchak and Bulgarian tribes (this expression, where the place of residence is described as "House" in Turkey), is used in the nature of "HOME", that is, "CITY", formed by the Kipchak and Khazar Turkic communities. Now, I have transferred my explanation with simple English expressions to the examples as follows.
All of the old legends, such as the flood of Noah, mentioned in the legends of Judah and in the Old Testament they wrote, are all far-fetched legends with an incredible role and direction that attribute to them stories and epics based on stories and epics taken from the legends passed down from Sumer to the Babylonian kingdom and from them to the Assyrians. The first people of the Sumerians were entirely of Turkish origin. Although it was clear that they were a Turkic tribe, Westerners could not accept this situation. Later, their culture was assimilated and liquidated by Assyrian and Babylonian Semitic Arabs. It is strongly stated that the mistake of the Sumerian culture was that they defined the information beings claimed to come from space as God.
I would like to tell you something more interesting. Our ancestor, the founder of the Seljuk state, the father of the Great Muslim Seljuk Bey, was a regional officer of the Khazar Turks. In other words, it is stated that he was Jewish. That's why he gave all of his children's names Jewish names next to their Turkish names. It is stated that the name Selçuk is similar to the Salçocuğu given to Moses, and therefore his name is Selçuk. More interestingly, since there is no Turkish tribe called Karamanoğulları, and more importantly, because there is no Turkish tribe called Karamanoğulları, and because of the name of Keraim Turkish Jews, who are 1/3 Christian Turks, but located in the center, that is, because of the influence of the Jews coming from the Khazar, that is, the Crimea, their flag is almost the same as today's Israeli flag. In fact, Gogs and Mogogs are mentioned in the definition of "The most troublesome nation for them" in the Torah of Jews of Jewish origin, that is, the Israelites. Gogs refer to Gokturks, that is, believers in the Sky God, and Mogogs refer to Mongols. For this reason, Semitics never like the Gogs, that is, Turks, mentioned in the Old Testament. When they get stuck, they make a statement by saying Yasef, the ancestor of the Turks (Josef, that's where the name Yusuf comes from). Here is the summary in Sumerian with the words that your grandfathers said and which are still said by your grandfathers in the Uyghurs and in your current villages, especially to close people that describe belonging. Please read and the fact that Abraham's wife, whose grandfather was a Sumerian, was Jewish, shows the belonging of the Israelites to their mother.
Chıvash(Bulgar Turkic) is so interesting :)
Türk alemine gönül dolusu sevgiler. Hepimizi özledim.
Greetings from Chãvash Yen!
I heard mongolain borrows words from some Turkic languages
Azərbaycandan bütün Türklərə salamlar ! ✌🇦🇿
Mende Azerbaycandanam qardaş.🇦🇿
@@elnur-turkyehahaha3634 , çox yaxşı . Canın sağolsun .
Qazaqstannan salam bukil turki elderge.
Greetings from Chuvashia! from Ancient Bulgars!!
Selamlar Çuvaş 🇹🇷 Merhaba Alex 🚩
Glad you're back, I missed your videos
Why there's no bashkort language?
Tatarlardan səlamnar!
And how can we read proto turkic? What are those letters? Where is the ttanscription, pronounce?
Greetings from Uzbekistan for all turks❤
4:25 Early in Sakha language "house" was like "uraha"
Also why you put letter "x" on the place "kh"? Is this latinic alphabet, right? 🤨 Yes, we use letter "x", it's fine, *but in cyrillic alphabet*
Great video!