The title of this video is ligament vs. Tendon injury. You explained what a ligament injury is and you touched on muscle injury but I didn't hear anything about what a tendon injury is. Unless I missed it, but I watched it twice. And I think that's what I have right now is a tendon injury on the top of my elbow.
What on earth? I’ve been getting chiropractic adjustments for decades and never had these issues. Although, my mom went to a female chiropractor who really hurt her rib. :( Women really aren’t strong enough to be good chiropractors-go to men. If what you’re saying is true, that sounds awful, and I hope you get better. 🙏🏻
Your business is utterly remarkable and fabulous 🤩! I fell twice at the farm we rent in MN because of a really bad FIX to a flooding problem outside the horse barn, by landlord. I'm still suffering a year later! MRI, x-rays and PT can't help me! Only Dry Needling helped release some muscle spasms and TETANY in the Hip and Thigh. Would there be any recourse in holding the landlord responsible? I'm retired healthcare professional, near MPLS. THANK you!
Thank you! We highly suggest talking with a lawyer in your area - they will be able to guide you through a course of action and see if it's possible to pursue a case against the landlord.
Hi. Thanks for the great info up there but I think I missed a point. If I injured a ligament does that mean it can never be normal ever again and will keep hurting?
Do ligaments never really go back to 💯🙄? I suffered an ankle sprain a few years ago. They had me rest for 3 weeks then went back to work. 4 days later it gave out again. Then i had to rest for 5 weeks with 10 phisio sessions (ended up being 9 because of insurance) After a year did another 15 physio sessions everytime it helped. Ive been working on rehabing it to the point where i could walk run and jump again. So far so good... Until... recently after a longer workout session it started acting up again. Really discouraging. 🙄 Even got a limp on it again even though i had a year or two of it being almost as good as the healthy one. And now on my healthy one i have a green purple visible straight line in the back of the knee. Guess the healthy one has been working extra all this time.
How would I know if I had a tricep muscle tear or a tendon detached tear in my tricep? The happened few years ago I was doing skull crushers in the gym and I heard a little pop in my elbow. I had slight shoulder pain for a few days but I was still able to work out. I never turned black and blue. However, I get a slight cramp in my tricep area sometimes with certain pushing exercises. do you know what this might be?
If you're wondering about a tricep muscle tear versus a tendon tear, there are some signs to consider. With a muscle tear, you typically feel pain in the muscle belly of the tricep, along with swelling and bruising in that area. You might have difficulty fully extending your elbow and experience weakness when pushing or lifting. On the other hand, a tendon tear often causes pain near the elbow joint where the tendon attaches. In cases of a complete tear, you might see a bulge in the upper arm. There could be significant weakness, making it hard to extend your elbow or perform pushing and lifting activities, and you may hear a snapping sound at the time of injury. If you suspect either type of injury, it's best to consult a healthcare professional for an evaluation and possible imaging studies.
Is it possible to partially tear a distal tendon bicep in a pronated position? I was pulling a pallet jack with a load in a pronated position and felt a pain in my right arm. My palms were facing down, possibly pulled a forearm muscle? No bruising or noticeable swelling. Any ideas? I haven't worked out back or biceps for about 5 days only legs and cardio.
I know it’s not stage 3 but I am in so much pain and dilauded only worked for a little while to numb it slightly. Repetitive movement of my shoulder/arms. Right upper arm throbs with pain. Couldn’t sleep properly. Hurts to lay down. I can feel like a Charlie horse pain inside elbow crook down to my fingers and up to my shoulder. Pain worsens somewhere near middle to shoulder but can’t pinpoint it. Any movement can hit “the spot” and be excruciating. Tried ice on it too which helped a bit but short time. Using some cream too. Some versa cyclo3% something which doesn’t seem to help either. I’m on call for 2 weeks and have potatoes to mash for thanksgiving today. Help
I'm really sorry to hear that you're in so much pain. It sounds incredibly tough, especially with the Thanksgiving preparations. Make sure to take breaks and listen to your body as much as possible.
Thank you for sharing. Quick question-my child fell, and he can’t touch his shoulder with his hand; it’s like it’s locked. I took him to urgent care, and while nothing is broken, no one can tell me what’s wrong. I’m waiting for an appointment, but I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on this.
I'm really sorry to hear about your child's injury. It's tough when you can't get clear answers. I hope the appointment brings some clarity and relief soon!
My both arms got injured during my first practice session for arm wrestling. I am currently resting and it has been 23 days since I got injured, I've mild pain that rush through my entire hands but it's a little bit better than what it used to be. I am sure I did not tore my tendons or ligament(I kind of feel the pain is only in the muscle) because my hands are fully functional with its movement and there is no pain while doing it so. I am just concerned about how long will it take my muscles to fully heal to start my training again. For treatment, my doctor suggested me some Evion 400 capsules and Carnitor 500 tablets which I'm taking it twice a day. I am also using some heat therapy to help relieving the pain like soaking my arms in hot water for 10-15 mins three times a day.
What country do you live in, please? RARELY in the USA does a medical doctor prescribe these nutrients! I'm a Nutritional Therapist and thrilled to hear this! Thanks so much for sharing this 💞! How are you healing? Please update! Thanks
I'm kind of lost myself. It's been since early May since I lifted heavy due to what I think is accumulative distal biceps tendonitis. I worked out heavy 3x a week for an entire year straight. So it's been two months of some rehab(slooow eccentric bicep curls(3 sets of 10-15) with 12.5 lbs, 17.5 lbs and then 20.5 pounds on my left arm. I'm trying to create collagen synthesis to help it heal. I'm also 2 weeks into taking a bpc 157 capsule as well(3rd party verified), but still, this very very mild feeling still comes and goes. I also put capsaicin cream on it 4-5 days a week to promote blood flow. I'm confused because idk if these is tendonitis or an inflamed nerve. When it was worse in May-June, I did get random jolting shooting pains through my elbow to forearm area when I was just sitting down at work, which caught me off guard and kind of made me make the face of "ow ow ow" and then it went away. Those have been gone for a while. However, when I over load the muscle too much now, I feel very mild agitation in a V shape going down the arm from the elbow(if the top of the V was touching the bicep), which is right where the tendons would be, so, idk what it is! Maybe a grade 1 tendon tear that's taking over 2 months to heal??? What do you think
i have a connective tissue disorder and honestly muscle strains feel different from tendon strains… as someone with is it possible to strain a tendon and not the muscles fibers?
Yesterday i came back to the gym after a big break and trained my biceps and chest. Today I realised my whole left bicep is very swelled up (little less than double the size of my right one). At no point during yesterdays workout did I feel sudden pain or discomfort so now I'm confused with what this is. Is it a biceps tare? Biceps tendonitis?. There's a slight dent in the middle of the biceps but no bruising or redness and in terms of pain, it just feels sore like a normal muscle would after a workout. 1st day back and already an injury what a joke 🤦♂️
Doc is it possible for the sprained acl to return back to its normal function earlier.I have sprained acl since 4years.No change after chiropractic and massage treatment.what is the most effective treatment for grade 1acl sorain
I dont think i tore the tendon but i did hear what sounded like bubble wrap popping while doing preacher curls. It didn’t hurt enough for me to immediately stop but i did notice a significant drop in strength happened on rep number 3 and I was only able to do 5 out of 12. Each following rep i heard more bubble wrap noise. So i stopped working out altogether. I am traveling and have no way of accessing a doctor right now. Anybody have any type of advice? Thank you.
What you are describing certainly sounds like the tendon, muscle, or some combination based on how you are describing it. I know you are traveling, but this is definitely something you should have evaluated by a health care professional at your earliest opportunity to determine the exact injury as well as to create the best plan for appropriate care. While you are away and not able to access health care, the best approach is applying the basics of rest, ice if swollen, “hot”, or red/bruised, and light to moderate compression (as long as compression doesn’t cause numbness, color change, or pain. We certainly hope you find out the extent of your injury very soon, and that you make a rapid, complete recovery. Wishing you the best, Dr Jim Hoven
I have pes anserine bursitis. This is the 2nd flare up since 2020, the pain does seems to go despite using anti inflammatory/ultrasound therapy/stretching/any other exercises that were suggested by my physical therapist/as per physiotherapists in UA-cam!!! It keeps on dragging n I'm worried if other structures around the knees will get involved as I started having itching on the medial side of knee!!!!! Can you suggest anything??
Hi doc, I have bruise before and that bruise already faded away but there's an instance that it hurts inside Idk what i injured And it feels tight And there's redness on the other side What does it mean? Thank you
I dislocated my elbow, month and half now and they only give me some exercises to do for flexion extension, some times I see little progress sometimes after exercise it's just locked! Completely.. Like being wors! I don't know why? And they told me to do those exercises 5 times a day? Should I do it regardless of what pain I have or stop and rest for a day?
Hi I just found your video on UA-cam and just a couple questions if I may I have numbness and redness in my left hand at the elbow where your arm bends it gets very sore as does my elbow and yet when I go to neurology says there's nothing wrong or it's only essential tremors also on left and right side of my neck I have a kink and I've tried massaging it but it just seems to take so long could this cause trouble down your arm thank you very much
That does sound like your neck/shoulder could be affecting your hand. I would go see a physician to get that checked out. A chiropractor can adjust your neck to get it back in position.
I'm 5 months into this insertional Achilles tendinitis issue and I still feel it flare up after some physical therapy (single leg heel raises, balance workouts, etc.) But I have gotten better forsure. When is it OK for me to start doing fast twitch workouts like running jumping etc? Should do it anyway to test myself out? Or would that be risking further injury to the Achilles because it does still flare up on me here and there but nothing too drastic
Aperçu Un tendon est un tissu conjonctif fibreux qui relie le muscle à l'os. Les tendons peuvent également attacher les muscles à des structures telles que le globe oculaire. Un tendon sert à déplacer l'os ou la structure. Un ligament est un tissu conjonctif fibreux qui attache l'os à l'os et sert généralement à maintenir les structures ensemble et à les maintenir stables. Date de révision 13/08/2020 Mis à jour par : Linda J. Vorvick, MD, professeure agrégée de clinique, Département de médecine familiale, UW Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. Également revu par David Zieve, MD, MHA, directeur médical, Brenda Conaway, directrice éditoriale, et l'A.D.A.M. Équipe éditoriale. Apprenez à citer cette page Cette page vous a été utile? Oui Non Logo Qualité A.D.A.M A.D.A.M., Inc. est accrédité par l'URAC, pour Health Content Provider ( Le programme d'accréditation de l'URAC est un audit indépendant pour vérifier que l'A.D.A.M. respecte des normes rigoureuses de qualité et de responsabilité. ADAM. est parmi les premiers à obtenir cette importante distinction pour l'information et les services de santé en ligne. En savoir plus sur le processus éditorial et la politique de confidentialité de la politique éditoriale d'A.D.A.M. ADAM. est également membre fondateur de Hi-Ethics. Ce site est conforme à la norme HONcode pour des informations de santé dignes de confiance : vérifiez ici. Les informations fournies ici ne doivent pas être utilisées lors d'une urgence médicale ou pour le diagnostic ou le traitement de toute condition médicale. Un médecin agréé doit être consulté pour le diagnostic et le traitement de toutes les conditions médicales. Composez le 911 pour toutes les urgences médicales. Les liens vers d'autres sites sont fournis à titre informatif uniquement - ils ne constituent pas une approbation de ces autres sites. Copyright 1997-2022, A.D.A.M., Inc. La duplication à des fins commerciales doit être autorisée par écrit par ADAM Health Solutions. À propos de A.D.A.M. Recevez les mises à jourRecevez les mises à jour Abonnez-vous au RSSRSS Suivez-nous Twitter Facebook Instagram Boîte à outils des médias sociauxBoîte à outils des médias sociaux Politiques Web NLM Droits d'auteur Directives d'accessibilité pour les liens Visualiseurs et lecteurs Divulgation des vulnérabilités HHS MedlinePlus Connect pour les DSE pour les développeurs National Library of Medicine 8600 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20894 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health Dernière mise à jour de la page : 21 mars 2022
If I cannot bend my arm fully. Like my right hand cannot reach my elbow, whenever I do it, it hurts. I had an accident a week ago. Went to a doctor and had an x-ray. And said nothing was wrong. What is the possible reason behind this? Is it a twisted ligament? Or what? Thank you so much.
I’m so sorry to hear about your fall! It’s very common for joints that are sprained after a fall to become swollen, painful and to lose their full range of motion. As far as the x-ray findings, those may be misleading as x-ray is predominantly meant to diagnose bone issues like fractures and dislocations rather than soft tissue and ligament injuries. There are several things you can do, but I’d certainly start by speaking with a doctor that understands soft tissue injury management. This can be in the realm of a chiropractor, physical therapist, massage therapist and even an acupuncturist. You can try letting it rest to see if it “calms down” on it’s own with things like ice or heat, but if you feel any numbness or tingling in your upper extremity, you should get it checked out right away. I certainly hope this helps get you moving in the right direction. If you need anything else, please let me know.
Sound like im in pretty much the same situation as you, iv been singed off by the doc for 2 weeks now, still not better, turning my hand, moving my arm is painful, how long it will take to heal im not sure.
@@lalalal5821 If your young,, maybe. As we age, We breakdown and degenerate. So live a healthy lifestyle and try to avoid Traumatic injuries. Sometimes accidents happen,thats life
If your elbow hurts with pushups, there are a couple of things that you can try to alleviate the discomfort: 1) find a chiropractor or physical therapist to evaluate the muscles and joint for dysfunction and treatment, and then they can give you at home exercises and soft tissue work to do on your own. 2) Change the position of your hands to see if any pain relief comes with that change. 3) Look at some “soft tissue mobilization for elbow” online and you’ll find lots of things you can try at home with no or minimal equipment. 4) Rest…you may need to take some time off of pushups for the tendons to get some relief. This might be critical to do with any or all of the above. I hope this helps, Jay!
Thanks for the question! Grade-3 muscle tears are typically treated with a surgical consult and likely surgical intervention. The term “Grade-3” refers to a muscle that is completely torn.
the tear of grade 3 is detached ITS COMPLETELY SEVERED ITS ALOT MORE SERIOUS than these so called doctors lead on. You willnever recover. Honestly just take it easy from now on. Hopefully you don't work construction because that makes it virtually impossible to do that kind of work again. The doctors will tell you anything so they can make money off surgery. ..
Amazing information. I need help with something please. Approximately 2 months ago, while I was working out I felt a little “click” on the inner side of my right bicep. Since then I haven’t felt pain but I do have a very strange uncomfortable feeling and haven’t been able to workout like I used to. I basically can’t push myself much as the more I extended my arms meaning forming a 180 degree angle, the more “tension” I feel on both of my biceps. Could this be a grade 2 bicep strain? Or grade 1? I am not sure as my doctor told me it’s grade 1 and I been taking an anti inflammatory Meloxicam for 30 days, 1 tab per day and I don’t feel any improvement whatsoever. What should I do? Please help
Hi there, thanks for your question. It seems you need to get into physical therapy with a trained PT. They will be able to guide you with first hand knowledge on your situation. We would highly recommend physical therapy as the pain meds will only give you temporary relief!
If he heard a "pop" sound, it usually indicates a tear in the tendon, especially if the sound is accompanied by severe pain and discomfort in the ankle.
My neck has hurt for a year now from calling off a car before my 51/50. Had an abusive bf so I got off the car instead of dealing with the abuse. I bleed so much. Now my neck cracks 4 times every 2 minutes most of the time My doctor did an xray on my neck and no bones are broken Yet my neck cracks and gets inflammed just by simple things as sitting and living. I have been trying to find a way to heal but so far my doctor hasn't told me which specific part is damaged and causing pain, inflammation, and cracks.
@breaks3085 because I was mentally unstable and full of childhood trauma. I have learned from that and grown. If you cannot understand how mental illness works, please don't judge me. I have learned from my experiences and mistakes.
That was a great amount of information in 5 min, thank you.
But I'm also sad that I'm in for a longer rehab to sort out my ligament.
Amazing info. Thank you so much for explaining in a way that's understandable!
Happy it helped!
Great explanation
The title of this video is ligament vs. Tendon injury. You explained what a ligament injury is and you touched on muscle injury but I didn't hear anything about what a tendon injury is. Unless I missed it, but I watched it twice. And I think that's what I have right now is a tendon injury on the top of my elbow.
Brilliantly explained, thank you. God bless
Thank you, David, for your kind words! Happy it helped.
Great teacher!
Thats one amazing tie, just wanted to tell you
Amazing info provided. Thank you so much!
Glad it was helpful!
Great break down.
Thank you!
Chiropractor adjustment caused me so many injuries. Nerve damage, cartilage damage, ligaments damage and tendons. Chiropractor is not everyone.
What on earth? I’ve been getting chiropractic adjustments for decades and never had these issues. Although, my mom went to a female chiropractor who really hurt her rib. :( Women really aren’t strong enough to be good chiropractors-go to men.
If what you’re saying is true, that sounds awful, and I hope you get better. 🙏🏻
Chiropractors are modern day witch doctors
You are so ignorant female chiropractic doctors learn speed and angles better that reduces powering through. So clueless
Well explained! Thank you
Thanks for watching!
Thanx, very simple and useful
This was very clear!
Thank you.
Your business is utterly remarkable and fabulous 🤩! I fell twice at the farm we rent in MN because of a really bad FIX to a flooding problem outside the horse barn, by landlord. I'm still suffering a year later! MRI, x-rays and PT can't help me! Only Dry Needling helped release some muscle spasms and TETANY in the Hip and Thigh.
Would there be any recourse in holding the landlord responsible?
I'm retired healthcare professional, near MPLS.
THANK you!
Thank you! We highly suggest talking with a lawyer in your area - they will be able to guide you through a course of action and see if it's possible to pursue a case against the landlord.
So, doe's a massage can cure a sprained legaments and sprained tendons?
I got a mri would this work on what I need or is it better to see a expert on this type of cases?
Did the MRI find anything?
Hi. Thanks for the great info up there but I think I missed a point. If I injured a ligament does that mean it can never be normal ever again and will keep hurting?
wow i learned so much.
For real!
Do ligaments never really go back to 💯🙄?
I suffered an ankle sprain a few years ago. They had me rest for 3 weeks then went back to work.
4 days later it gave out again. Then i had to rest for 5 weeks with 10 phisio sessions (ended up being 9 because of insurance)
After a year did another 15 physio sessions everytime it helped.
Ive been working on rehabing it to the point where i could walk run and jump again.
So far so good... Until... recently after a longer workout session it started acting up again. Really discouraging. 🙄
Even got a limp on it again even though i had a year or two of it being almost as good as the healthy one.
And now on my healthy one i have a green purple visible straight line in the back of the knee. Guess the healthy one has been working extra all this time.
How would I know if I had a tricep muscle tear or a tendon detached tear in my tricep?
The happened few years ago I was doing skull crushers in the gym and I heard a little pop in my elbow. I had slight shoulder pain for a few days but I was still able to work out. I never turned black and blue.
However, I get a slight cramp in my tricep area sometimes with certain pushing exercises. do you know what this might be?
If you're wondering about a tricep muscle tear versus a tendon tear, there are some signs to consider. With a muscle tear, you typically feel pain in the muscle belly of the tricep, along with swelling and bruising in that area. You might have difficulty fully extending your elbow and experience weakness when pushing or lifting.
On the other hand, a tendon tear often causes pain near the elbow joint where the tendon attaches. In cases of a complete tear, you might see a bulge in the upper arm. There could be significant weakness, making it hard to extend your elbow or perform pushing and lifting activities, and you may hear a snapping sound at the time of injury.
If you suspect either type of injury, it's best to consult a healthcare professional for an evaluation and possible imaging studies.
Is it possible to partially tear a distal tendon bicep in a pronated position? I was pulling a pallet jack with a load in a pronated position and felt a pain in my right arm. My palms were facing down, possibly pulled a forearm muscle? No bruising or noticeable swelling. Any ideas? I haven't worked out back or biceps for about 5 days only legs and cardio.
How do you identify shoulder pain?
Omg this is great
Thank you, Maria!
I know it’s not stage 3 but I am in so much pain and dilauded only worked for a little while to numb it slightly.
Repetitive movement of my shoulder/arms. Right upper arm throbs with pain. Couldn’t sleep properly. Hurts to lay down. I can feel like a Charlie horse pain inside elbow crook down to my fingers and up to my shoulder. Pain worsens somewhere near middle to shoulder but can’t pinpoint it. Any movement can hit “the spot” and be excruciating.
Tried ice on it too which helped a bit but short time. Using some cream too. Some versa cyclo3% something which doesn’t seem to help either. I’m on call for 2 weeks and have potatoes to mash for thanksgiving today. Help
I'm really sorry to hear that you're in so much pain. It sounds incredibly tough, especially with the Thanksgiving preparations. Make sure to take breaks and listen to your body as much as possible.
Thank you for sharing. Quick question-my child fell, and he can’t touch his shoulder with his hand; it’s like it’s locked. I took him to urgent care, and while nothing is broken, no one can tell me what’s wrong. I’m waiting for an appointment, but I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on this.
I'm really sorry to hear about your child's injury. It's tough when you can't get clear answers. I hope the appointment brings some clarity and relief soon!
If my mcl was hyperextended would it ever go back to normal without surgery?
My both arms got injured during my first practice session for arm wrestling. I am currently resting and it has been 23 days since I got injured, I've mild pain that rush through my entire hands but it's a little bit better than what it used to be. I am sure I did not tore my tendons or ligament(I kind of feel the pain is only in the muscle) because my hands are fully functional with its movement and there is no pain while doing it so. I am just concerned about how long will it take my muscles to fully heal to start my training again. For treatment, my doctor suggested me some Evion 400 capsules and Carnitor 500 tablets which I'm taking it twice a day. I am also using some heat therapy to help relieving the pain like soaking my arms in hot water for 10-15 mins three times a day.
What country do you live in, please? RARELY in the USA does a medical doctor prescribe these nutrients! I'm a Nutritional Therapist and thrilled to hear this! Thanks so much for sharing this 💞!
How are you healing? Please update!
I'm kind of lost myself. It's been since early May since I lifted heavy due to what I think is accumulative distal biceps tendonitis. I worked out heavy 3x a week for an entire year straight. So it's been two months of some rehab(slooow eccentric bicep curls(3 sets of 10-15) with 12.5 lbs, 17.5 lbs and then 20.5 pounds on my left arm. I'm trying to create collagen synthesis to help it heal. I'm also 2 weeks into taking a bpc 157 capsule as well(3rd party verified), but still, this very very mild feeling still comes and goes. I also put capsaicin cream on it 4-5 days a week to promote blood flow. I'm confused because idk if these is tendonitis or an inflamed nerve. When it was worse in May-June, I did get random jolting shooting pains through my elbow to forearm area when I was just sitting down at work, which caught me off guard and kind of made me make the face of "ow ow ow" and then it went away. Those have been gone for a while. However, when I over load the muscle too much now, I feel very mild agitation in a V shape going down the arm from the elbow(if the top of the V was touching the bicep), which is right where the tendons would be, so, idk what it is! Maybe a grade 1 tendon tear that's taking over 2 months to heal??? What do you think
i have a connective tissue disorder and honestly muscle strains feel different from tendon strains… as someone with is it possible to strain a tendon and not the muscles fibers?
What do you do about the nasty horable pain
Yesterday i came back to the gym after a big break and trained my biceps and chest. Today I realised my whole left bicep is very swelled up (little less than double the size of my right one). At no point during yesterdays workout did I feel sudden pain or discomfort so now I'm confused with what this is. Is it a biceps tare? Biceps tendonitis?. There's a slight dent in the middle of the biceps but no bruising or redness and in terms of pain, it just feels sore like a normal muscle would after a workout. 1st day back and already an injury what a joke 🤦♂️
I’ve just experienced the same issue, have you found the source of this issue?
Doc is it possible for the sprained acl to return back to its normal function earlier.I have sprained acl since 4years.No change after chiropractic and massage treatment.what is the most effective treatment for grade 1acl sorain
It is tough after that much time has passed. But we would recommend regular physical therapy!
I have bicep tore loose from my elbow it’s been about three years since I had this happen. I was wondering if it could be fixed
What about when your tear the tendon?😢
I dont think i tore the tendon but i did hear what sounded like bubble wrap popping while doing preacher curls. It didn’t hurt enough for me to immediately stop but i did notice a significant drop in strength happened on rep number 3 and I was only able to do 5 out of 12. Each following rep i heard more bubble wrap noise. So i stopped working out altogether. I am traveling and have no way of accessing a doctor right now. Anybody have any type of advice? Thank you.
What you are describing certainly sounds like the tendon, muscle, or some combination based on how you are describing it.
I know you are traveling, but this is definitely something you should have evaluated by a health care professional at your earliest opportunity to determine the exact injury as well as to create the best plan for appropriate care.
While you are away and not able to access health care, the best approach is applying the basics of rest, ice if swollen, “hot”, or red/bruised, and light to moderate compression (as long as compression doesn’t cause numbness, color change, or pain.
We certainly hope you find out the extent of your injury very soon, and that you make a rapid, complete recovery.
Wishing you the best,
Dr Jim Hoven
I have pes anserine bursitis. This is the 2nd flare up since 2020, the pain does seems to go despite using anti inflammatory/ultrasound therapy/stretching/any other exercises that were suggested by my physical therapist/as per physiotherapists in UA-cam!!! It keeps on dragging n I'm worried if other structures around the knees will get involved as I started having itching on the medial side of knee!!!!! Can you suggest anything??
Hi doc, I have bruise before and that bruise already faded away but there's an instance that it hurts inside
Idk what i injured
And it feels tight
And there's redness on the other side
What does it mean?
Thank you
I dislocated my elbow, month and half now and they only give me some exercises to do for flexion extension, some times I see little progress sometimes after exercise it's just locked! Completely.. Like being wors! I don't know why? And they told me to do those exercises 5 times a day? Should I do it regardless of what pain I have or stop and rest for a day?
Hi I just found your video on UA-cam and just a couple questions if I may I have numbness and redness in my left hand at the elbow where your arm bends it gets very sore as does my elbow and yet when I go to neurology says there's nothing wrong or it's only essential tremors also on left and right side of my neck I have a kink and I've tried massaging it but it just seems to take so long could this cause trouble down your arm thank you very much
That does sound like your neck/shoulder could be affecting your hand. I would go see a physician to get that checked out. A chiropractor can adjust your neck to get it back in position.
I been having pain for 5 months straight constant due to a cervical strain or sprain is it supposed to take this long to heal
I'm 5 months into this insertional Achilles tendinitis issue and I still feel it flare up after some physical therapy (single leg heel raises, balance workouts, etc.) But I have gotten better forsure. When is it OK for me to start doing fast twitch workouts like running jumping etc? Should do it anyway to test myself out? Or would that be risking further injury to the Achilles because it does still flare up on me here and there but nothing too drastic
merci pour la vidéo, vraiment beaucoup pour moi, cette vidéo va me permettre d'enseigner à mes élèves les ligaments et les tendons
Un tendon est un tissu conjonctif fibreux qui relie le muscle à l'os. Les tendons peuvent également attacher les muscles à des structures telles que le globe oculaire. Un tendon sert à déplacer l'os ou la structure. Un ligament est un tissu conjonctif fibreux qui attache l'os à l'os et sert généralement à maintenir les structures ensemble et à les maintenir stables.
Date de révision 13/08/2020
Mis à jour par : Linda J. Vorvick, MD, professeure agrégée de clinique, Département de médecine familiale, UW Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. Également revu par David Zieve, MD, MHA, directeur médical, Brenda Conaway, directrice éditoriale, et l'A.D.A.M. Équipe éditoriale.
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How do you heal a ligament
If I cannot bend my arm fully. Like my right hand cannot reach my elbow, whenever I do it, it hurts. I had an accident a week ago. Went to a doctor and had an x-ray. And said nothing was wrong. What is the possible reason behind this? Is it a twisted ligament? Or what?
Thank you so much.
I’m so sorry to hear about your fall! It’s very common for joints that are sprained after a fall to become swollen, painful and to lose their full range of motion. As far as the x-ray findings, those may be misleading as x-ray is predominantly meant to diagnose bone issues like fractures and dislocations rather than soft tissue and ligament injuries. There are several things you can do, but I’d certainly start by speaking with a doctor that understands soft tissue injury management. This can be in the realm of a chiropractor, physical therapist, massage therapist and even an acupuncturist. You can try letting it rest to see if it “calms down” on it’s own with things like ice or heat, but if you feel any numbness or tingling in your upper extremity, you should get it checked out right away. I certainly hope this helps get you moving in the right direction. If you need anything else, please let me know.
Sound like im in pretty much the same situation as you, iv been singed off by the doc for 2 weeks now, still not better, turning my hand, moving my arm is painful, how long it will take to heal im not sure.
I wish I knew what's wrong with my right arm. It's so sore going on 5 months
If you Injury or tear a muscle.. You will heal and regenerate.. if its a ligament tear or avulsion.. your screwed
what do i mean im screwed if a ligament tears?
@@lalalal5821 ligaments don't heal back too their orginal strengh or elasticity, They can heal, but not 100%
@@daltonvoss7693 ye but doesnt strength training and excercises help get them back to 100%?
@@lalalal5821 If your young,, maybe. As we age, We breakdown and degenerate. So live a healthy lifestyle and try to avoid Traumatic injuries. Sometimes accidents happen,thats life
I sprained my ankle it rolled hurt my knee too lower back multiple tendons
I'm sorry to hear about that Maria, were you able to talk to your doctor about it?
I cant twist my arm and is mis align. I have xray please help
While push ups my elbow get pain .Pls suggest how to fix it...
start doing knee push ups and stretch beforehand to strengthen the elbows
If your elbow hurts with pushups, there are a couple of things that you can try to alleviate the discomfort: 1) find a chiropractor or physical therapist to evaluate the muscles and joint for dysfunction and treatment, and then they can give you at home exercises and soft tissue work to do on your own. 2) Change the position of your hands to see if any pain relief comes with that change. 3) Look at some “soft tissue mobilization for elbow” online and you’ll find lots of things you can try at home with no or minimal equipment. 4) Rest…you may need to take some time off of pushups for the tendons to get some relief. This might be critical to do with any or all of the above. I hope this helps, Jay!
What about bone spurs in your shoulders?
How is a grade 3 muscle tear treated?
Thanks for the question! Grade-3 muscle tears are typically treated with a surgical consult and likely surgical intervention. The term “Grade-3” refers to a muscle that is completely torn.
the tear of grade 3 is detached ITS COMPLETELY SEVERED ITS ALOT MORE SERIOUS than these so called doctors lead on. You willnever recover. Honestly just take it easy from now on. Hopefully you don't work construction because that makes it virtually impossible to do that kind of work again. The doctors will tell you anything so they can make money off surgery. ..
Amazing information. I need help with something please. Approximately 2 months ago, while I was working out I felt a little “click” on the inner side of my right bicep. Since then I haven’t felt pain but I do have a very strange uncomfortable feeling and haven’t been able to workout like I used to. I basically can’t push myself much as the more I extended my arms meaning forming a 180 degree angle, the more “tension” I feel on both of my biceps. Could this be a grade 2 bicep strain? Or grade 1? I am not sure as my doctor told me it’s grade 1 and I been taking an anti inflammatory Meloxicam for 30 days, 1 tab per day and I don’t feel any improvement whatsoever. What should I do? Please help
Hi there, thanks for your question. It seems you need to get into physical therapy with a trained PT. They will be able to guide you with first hand knowledge on your situation. We would highly recommend physical therapy as the pain meds will only give you temporary relief!
Can a tendon pop? My son injured his ankle and he said he heard a pop
If he heard a "pop" sound, it usually indicates a tear in the tendon, especially if the sound is accompanied by severe pain and discomfort in the ankle.
Doesnt matter which it is...
I wanna die either way
My neck has hurt for a year now from calling off a car before my 51/50. Had an abusive bf so I got off the car instead of dealing with the abuse. I bleed so much. Now my neck cracks 4 times every 2 minutes most of the time
My doctor did an xray on my neck and no bones are broken
Yet my neck cracks and gets inflammed just by simple things as sitting and living.
I have been trying to find a way to heal but so far my doctor hasn't told me which specific part is damaged and causing pain, inflammation, and cracks.
How can you stick around to get physically abused.
@breaks3085 because I was mentally unstable and full of childhood trauma. I have learned from that and grown. If you cannot understand how mental illness works, please don't judge me. I have learned from my experiences and mistakes. well i hope your in a better place
If my mcl was hyperextended would it ever go back to normal without surgery?
Everyone's body is different. I will consult with a doctor.