7 Things to Make APB: Reloaded Actually A Better Game!!!

  • Опубліковано 9 бер 2024
  • Ігри


  • @Reschedules
    @Reschedules 2 місяці тому +2

    They need to just bring back voip game will be a lil better

  • @SubsolarTV
    @SubsolarTV 2 місяці тому +2

    What's crazy to me is when LO said they lost 2 years of dev time and basically had to start work again from an old build because they messed it up so bad 😂

    • @crimsonskies1722
      @crimsonskies1722  2 місяці тому +1

      That's nuts, but I'm not surprised. Everytime I learn more of what they were up to over these last 5 years, the more I feel we really don't have the right people in charge of this game.

    • @SubsolarTV
      @SubsolarTV 2 місяці тому

      I really don't want to dislike them, and I had some hope. But I believe they already showed all they are capable of. I admit it, I was kind of excited for a matchmaking change (not the phasing part), but everyone sees now that it wont "save" APB. It just needs more content.
      Matt Scott said regarding content and matchmaking, "You can't have one without the other". Well.. Where's the other. Was he talking about the Mirage? Or the 2 new contacts they're supposed to release? 😂

    • @Paradox_Z3RO
      @Paradox_Z3RO 2 місяці тому +1

      @@crimsonskies1722 especially since the only game they really care to work on is fallen earth

  • @Reschedules
    @Reschedules 2 місяці тому +1

    This game could’ve been better than gta5 if they put a lot of effort it’s so sad how they only used people for money and still ain’t update content 😂

  • @marsylas
    @marsylas 2 місяці тому

    Just make it better by contacting the original devs and having them reaquire it. They must feel some shame looking at their child, now covered in clown makeup

  • @user-mu2kr7us9b
    @user-mu2kr7us9b 2 місяці тому +1

    You need to give up this game its never coming back like how it was in the old days thats how games are these devs only want money nowadays and not to make a good game.

  • @vieliarisa
    @vieliarisa 2 місяці тому +1

    I feel like a lot of your assumptions about their changes are a bit disingenuous or outright not thought out. I'll just go through it one by one as I watch:
    Matchmaking: You draw a connection to WoW implementing raid matchmaking without actually understanding or at least addressing the nuances and weighing the pros and cons. You immediately jump to this doomer idea that matchmaking is inherently bad and force this false dichotomy that it's social structures vs matchmaking. This doesn't even mention the current state of matchmaking that already exists and the problems it carries. I genuinely don't know how you get the idea that people will suddenly stop seeking out friends, stop chatting, and all become mindless antisocial slaves to the matchmaking machine. Really does sound like going from point A to point Q and the logical bridge is hard to follow.
    You also keep making really extreme interpretations of what LO seems to want:
    -People keep griefing streamers and so giving streamers the *option* to hide themselves during the stream is somehow a bad thing? Somehow seeing people and getting griefed outside of missions is so core to the experience that having a shield from that is making it boring? How??
    -How do you reason "We want you to be able to queue for missions in any district from any district" as equivalent to "We want you to ONLY be in social." If people are queueing for Financial missions and they don't want to deal with any loading times, they can idk *stay in financial*. I do think that this is a potentially problematic thing but not for the reasons you seem to think. You've actually strawmanned this to the ground and I actually had to go to the post to see if we were reading the same things. Please reread the post. If you're worried about people having their convos interrupted, maybe a server-wide general chat is the solution for that?
    -Ram raiding is such a fun thing that corralling people into social (which they aren't doing) will kill the system and make it really boring. I really don't understand this point at all. I genuinely don't think this was really well thought out.
    The "Golden-Age of APB":
    People praising it 10 years ago and people shitting on it 10 years later does not inherently mean we've negatively strayed. There are plenty of valid reasons to say it was worse back then (lack of QoL, shit management, pay per hour, even more bugs, extremely crackheaded weapon designs), and reasons to say it's worse now (toxic community is now all that's left, low population = shit matches). Most of the people I talk to say something of the same thing: "it's the same old game", and I have to agree with that sentiment. When was the last major update? Or heck, what even was the last major update? As far as I personally remember since playing 7 or so years ago, biggest changes have been new gun! New vehicle! While other games are pushing the boundaries of ways to have fun, APB is a stagnated relic of the past.
    "Leaderboards will make everyone try again"
    Again, I don't think that leaderboards are necessarily a bad idea. I just feel like it follows the pattern of making extreme logical leaps. You suggest cumulative score leaderboards, but I think that's an awful idea. A lot of people don't have the time to grind out 24/7 to just build up score and it'll just alienate anyone who has a life outside of apb. Also there will be people who chase #1 by finding every possible method they can to maximize their points per mission. Oh what's that? You have a silver at #1 because he dethreats to farm the shit out of bronzies? Score is such a meaningless metric, and I challenge you to think of any metric that's somehow less meaningless. Just look at fight club leaderboards as a prime example of what score leaderboards mean to players. People have already optimized how they play the game. That's why you see everyone running the same like 5 guns. Complacency is literally just people getting bored, and adding a meaningless leaderboard isn't gonna do much to somehow make them try even more. People who have embraced mediocrity aren't going to suddenly try super hard because they never cared about being the best in the first place. Your reasonings just kinda fall apart. A better way to implement a leaderboard is to have actual like squad tournaments or something idk. Something where you can actually measure skill.
    "Incentivize ram raiding!"
    WHY? Ram raiding is the most boring shit you do as a desperate measure. It's a brainless activity that's been optimized by going into safe empty districts. The fact that people don't do it as much is because people don't want to. Punishing people who want to do it optimally is just going to kill what remains of it, and forcing people who might want to do it to make it even more risky is ridiculous. There should be an alternative to missions, but ram raiding ain't it. LO has experimented a bit on what that alternative should be, but they've decided they should focus on fixing what already exists. I think that's a valid move. I do like the idea of open world objectives though. That seems like something I'd do. Maybe adjust your ideas about global rewards, but otherwise a solid thing.
    "Lenient Matchmaking"
    Matchmaking is broken and it has been broken for years. How in your mind have you decided making less fair matches is better for the health of the game? This sounds privileged as fuck, and I feel like is the worst idea on the list. Most people don't care about the lore. People just want to play the game. Who the fuck cares if the Blood Roses are mid tier? What does that have to do with forcing lower skill players to waste 20 minutes getting shit stomped? They're just gonna quit. Sure I don't like the current wait times either, but I encourage LO to work towards the best solution rather than murder the game by punishing 3/4 of the community that isn't God tier sweating every match.
    "Custom Matches"
    Yeah I think this is a good thing to consider. I think it's a bit more complicated than you've suggested, but the idea is there. The issue I see is with the incentives. Remove incentives? People will prefer to just go empty district anyways. Keep incentives? People will farm that shit. Where do you strike that balance?

  • @YellowPercocets
    @YellowPercocets 2 місяці тому +1

    LO has the worst ideas