There is a humility in having your own private connection with the Earth. Its like a love story that does not have to be broadcast to prove its existance. Its inner. So much nowdays is outer, puplicized, to prove itself. I also am in love with rocks. They are so old, and powerful in their knowledge. Such a comfort.💜
What a lovely observation. I love rocks too!!! Don't know what it is, I just fell for them when I was about 12 and used to fill my suitcase when we came on holiday from England. I still collect them and agree they are holding such ancient knowledge xx
You are absolutely your own guru! You do not need someone to tell you what to believe or what you should want or be like. Very Lovely. "If you're doing something from the heart, it's perfect". Just spot on, really needed to hear that today.
❤I’m so glad I found your channel You are a breath of fresh air you are humble and such a lovely wise woman I look forward to seeing your you every week you put so much effort into your channel teaching us everything we need to know you are truly inspiring Thank You.
Great video! As a former avid Presbyterian church-goer, I’ve been struggling to figure out my new spiritual path. Traditional Christianity no longer fills my spiritual void, and I am much more attracted to a nature-based faith. Your wise words help a lot to make sense of it all, and to reassure me that I’m not doing anything “wrong” as long as I follow my heart, with integrity…. So thank you!
I don't have my own garden yet, but I feel blessed finding wonderful energy in your videos Terri. I start my day watching at least one and they lift me up a lot. Thank you for your work 💚Greetings from Poland 😊
Thanks for the great message. I grew catholic and i went through a similar experience. I am closed to nature and earth energy, even when i don not have a space where i can said is mine. i go to forests nearby and talk to nature, i talk to birds that comes to my neighbor backyard, i observe every single detail on plants, hug trees and try to be connected to nature. That is the way that i find Spirit and my sacred path. I also look for people like you that transport me to nature even when i live in a city. Thanks for taking the time to heal me with your wonderful videos.
Oh Terri, you always speak with truth from your heart and I get to relax so deeply as I listen to your videos. I hope you are having a beautiful day! I look forward to meeting you in person, soon.
Cats curled up fast asleep, dog just checking on them , chickens and dogs just strolling along behind you, so blissful and peaceful, that in itself speaks volumes, all the very best to you all.
In 2021, I found out I was adopted. After believing for 63 years that I was Italian/French, I found out through DNA that my roots are actually Welsh, Irish and Great Britain, surprise! County Galway, in particular~ would explain the red hair in my youth. I'm redefining myself these days. My beliefs haven't really changed, I'm still a tree-hugging nature loving old hippie who lives and loves all things wild. I don't know that I'll ever be able to set foot on native ground, so I will be content to watch videos such as yours, and explore my passion for all things natural, while enjoying virtual tours of the countryside. 😊
I feel quite relieved to hear your video today. As a lapsed Anglican , disillusioned with organized religion, I long ago turned to the trees and nature. Here in Canada in BC I walk along the pines and spruce and find evidence of bear, hawk, deer and fallen trees that all become spiritual experience. I no longer feel the niggle of wondering if I am doing it wrong. The trees and the creeks know and they let me know. This is my way now.
Exactly! I think our spirits/souls are unique and quite able to connect with God, Source - the Creator - without anyone else telling us how to do it. Enjoy your walks, they sound lovely!
Hello Terri, I totally agree with you, I'm from a Catholic family, as I became more aware of the Dogma, I wanted to find my own path.I am happily doing so my spirituality is deeply rooted in nature . I nurture myself when I nurture my garden and the wildlife that shares it with me. Hugs and blessings to you both.🌹💚
Terri, I have no words for how your video today touched me. I too have experienced the disillusionment with patriarchal religion after a Catholic upbringing and I always find Solace in the natural world. Even so, I am often fearful and in dispair of the massive distruction of this world particularly by representatives of said patriarchal religions, which seem so lacking in actual spirituality. You are an inspiration and a reminder to keep the faith that nature will prevail, and that I must remain ever hopeful and continue to seek connection. Thank you.
I have despaired too, especially when I discovered how complicit patriarchal religions have been, (and still are), in the deliberate destruction of our beautiful world. Nature will prevail though, I do not doubt that xxx
"Trust your own intuition". This is the gem of great understanding ✨️. This is the most important sentence to put into your heart and consciousness; this will guide you always in the wise ways and right paths to take as the world of "lies" collapse around us. Thank you Terri and Lol for reminding us of the power of FREE WILL and SOVEREIGNTY each one of us possess.
This is not a lecture but a gentle nudge to remind us that we are right and good to follow our hearts and seeks what fills our souls with nature thank you 🙏🍁💚
Thank you for saying this. It’s really important for people to hear. Sometimes people can try too hard to fit themselves into a tight little spirituality box. I think it’s much more important to follow your own rambling path and decide what works for you, even if there’s not a name for it. Coming from the heart is the most important thing. By the way all the animals are being particularly cute in this video. X
Thank you Terry and Lol for such wise inciteful words and lovely photography and music. I agree All organized religion goes astray tempted by ego, power, politics and greed. We need to listen to that internal quiet voice and sixth sense that Mother Earth gifts us with daily in nature . Cheers and Blessings from Canada xo Ps I love the dog cleaning the cats ears ! adorable
Thank you for this wonderful video. It speaks to me because my path was similar to yours. At an early age, I saw the hate and hypocrisy of the religion climate in our small towns. The hatred between the different religions, the intolerance of the different heritages, the ugliness of the "rules" that trapped people into lives that ended in much unhappiness -- all of it accepted because "that's just the way it is". I was always the black sheep of the family because I didn't embrace their hateful ways. My solace and sanctuary are my garden and love of nature. I surround myself with healing herbs. They saved me many times, but most recently after the horrific death of my daughter. Leaning on my knowledge of spiritualism and the concept of shamanic work saved me from the darkness of crippling grief and helped me embrace hope and acceptance. My husband and I look forward to your weekly videos. I believe you touched my husband although I don't think he notices his change. Initially, he loved it because we love all things Ireland, but I see that you soothe him. Thank you.
Dear Judith, I don't understand all this hatred because of such slight differences, it is crazy. So sorry for the loss of your daughter, I cannot imagine your pain. I am so happy for you that you have received help and support from the other realms. Much love to you both xxx
I agree whole heartedly Terri, don't give your faith a name, just go with it and everyone has individual beliefs. I, too, was raised Catholic, but came into my own beliefs in my early 20s, I've never looked back....going forward positively beside Mother Earth!
Love what you said! Love gardening! ❤ Yes I feel the beauty and magic too. If your kind to the smallest of creatures and you love mumma nature, then you can be assured the fairies will help you grow a magical garden. Keep shining. Thankyou. X
As a Christian I’ve learned to follow the words of Jesus and not of man for the reasons you stated. Nature can be very healing. My son once said to me he finds God when he’s out in nature among the mountains and trees. I appreciate you mentioning integrity and wants in our hearts. Blessings.
I am sorry to say that I feel that the words of Jesus are lost in the roar of the dogma. I am speaking of the institution as I do know of good priests who struggle with the dogma too. I think we will find God in the place that is easiest for us to find him. For me and your son, it is out in Nature. There we can see the absolute perfection of creation xx
Terri, I'm so glad you "waffled on" about this. I resonate 100% with what you said. Sometimes I find it difficult to find the right words. You found them for me! I'm also a former Catholic, and Nature is my temple, too. This is my favorite video of yours so far. I've been binging on them. :) I want to mention how wonderful your videographer is. I'm guessing it's your husband. He does an amazing job, especially including all of your beloved animals. xo
@@DanusIrishHerbGarden I love this perspective. It's always wise to keep an open mind and listen to as many perspectives as possible. But the end of the day it's up to each of us to decide our own truth.
You are like St. Francis - all the animals follow you around. Thank you for your openness and honesty. You appear very happy in your Garden of Eden - 'To thine own self be true'.
This was a fantastic video, I am so glad that you broached this subject. I have been turning to nature since the 1960's and also was traipsed around the churches (because my Mother was searching for some spirituality in her life and dragged me along too), but I also found that they did not speak to my heart - nature does, always does, has done since I remember being 2 years old and lying in a field of buttercups staring up at the blue sky and feeling the spirit of the land... it's my spiritual home, my sanctuary!!
I previously commented on this video but felt moved to comment again.... I have thought for many years that nature is my sanctuary. You have a beautiful spirit Terri ... absolutely spectacular scenery and video! ⚘ Gratitude & Appreciation 💫
Yes, that's what I thought about some US citizens who have European ancestry and who may feel so, unrooted and missing smth spiritual. So good you talked on this issue. And very much agree we can recreate, reopen, refresh and revive our selves, our spirits when really connect to inner Light ❤😊
Agree! In nature and tending the land, I have learned so much more about the divine and what it means to truly have a spiritual connection to the divine than I ever did in a church... and I have learned far more about morality in nature, as well. Rules aren't very helpful in forming strong morality or any actual wisdom if one can't grasp the deeper meaning underlying those rules. Nature is an excellent teacher.
I can't express how much I appreciate your thoughts today. I too searched for decades in churches for anything that felt right and accepting and warm, yet I found anything but what I needed. My heart and soul is in my medicinal plants and herbs and I have been on a journey for years adding bits of knowledge to my head where my heart has always been. I get it. We're Home xx
I couldn't agree with you more. Especially about catholicism, which was the same for me too. I feel closer to heaven, whatever that might be, when i'm in nature, It nourishes my soul in a way that nothing else has ever done. Even the most precious moments with those i love most, has never come closer than what i feel connected to, when i'm alone in nature. Yes, i am my own guru, for sure, by the grace of creation. The poet, Mary Oliver says it beautifully, so i'll share that with you (all) as a gift. Thank you for being on this wonderful journey with us. "How I go to the woods". Ordinarily, I go to the woods alone, with not a single friend, for they are all smilers and talkers and therefore unsuitable. I don’t really want to be witnessed talking to the catbirds or hugging the old black oak tree. I have my way of praying, as you no doubt have yours. Besides, when I am alone I can become invisible. I can sit on the top of a dune as motionless as an uprise of weeds, until the foxes run by unconcerned. I can hear the almost unhearable sound of the roses singing. If you have ever gone to the woods with me, I must love you very much.” Mary Oliver.
The best teacher is the Mother herself. I don't need any other to follow. Watching like minded people as yourself and reading about the natural ways of 'primitive cultures' ( so they are called but oh do they have the edge on industrial nations). I follow the Mother and enjoy learning how cultures also follow her. I am more at peace when I sit on the grass in the garden than any other place. When I am tense or upset I head to the garden. Take care dear lady and enjoy =-) .
It is lovely to see how others connect to Spirit - even organised religions can offer something beautiful at times. For me though, it's being under the trees - on the grass. xx
When I was a young child, I would often ask my mother why we didn't think that our "church" was being out in nature. Wasn't "god" to be found in the plants and animals and even the rocks? I think I was ahead of my time when I was a little boy. I now have zero affiliation with religious organizations and have made Mother Earth my temple of worship. Terri, I agree with you 100%! ❤
I feel just like you! My spirit is refreshed in nature and has been since I remember. I am invigorated by it. The quietness of being there; sharing energy and just being. I to have roots heavy in church and I do still honor and believe some but I can not support the imbalance in the patriarchal system anymore either. I choose not to label myself as pagan, witch, Christian. That way I choose my path and not what the label says I should be. I am not limited. Loved this video just like all the rest.
So similar NannyGranny! Of course I also still honour aspects of the Catholic Church - I am just saddened to see that it doesn't really follow Christ's teachings. In the Gospel according to Jesus, he speaks of his Mother the Earth as well as his heavenly father. That is balance and harmony. xx
It has taken me a long time to know what is “real” and I am still learning. What is in my heart is the most important, not names, not rituals. I feel most myself when I am with nature. Thank you for reminding me.
I always say thank you to God, for all that is given to us and we are blessed, we stopped going to Church, but we still give thanks and help wherever we can.
Of course. I don't think it matters what name you use, God or Goddess, we have been given so much and are blessed and it is the best idea to give thanks xx
Being jn the garden or out in nature is so peaceful and grounding. It melts the stress away. Genealogy has given me a glimpse into the lives of my descendants from overseas and here in the US. I too yearn to visit where my family comes from. Just touching the ground there would be an amazing feeling.
Wow I'm so glad I found you, I've been looking for some time now for someone I can relate to in my own journey, in this video you answered all my questions, I was lost trying to figure out if I was doing things in the right manner concerning spirituality but you just set me free by explaining that's it's a personal journey and I don't have to search or research what other people do, like you say forget the titles and names, just connect with nature in your own way, thank you so much for this wonderful advice 🙏
I agree completely. I think we should approach spirituality as if we were naked. Complete humility and vulnerability, so that we can hear and sense what the universe, nature, the spirit, our higher power is saying to us. I love your channel, it's so meditative and healing ❤️
completely understand where you are coming from. Being in amongst nature really does something to me. I find myself singing, meditating esp when im harvesting from my parents rosehips in their garden. I also used to be a catholic and no longer consider myself to be one for many of the same reasons. But nature and mother earth herself does so much its almost on another level. Love your channel.
Thank you so much for this video. I am trying to reconnect to my pre-Christin African, Celtic and ancestors and have felt worried that I am not doing enough to follow their true traditions. Your reminder to rebuild my connection from the heart and from my intuition is something so kind and true, and I will add that to my reconstructionist approach so as not to blame or shame myself on my journey. ❤❤much light and love to you and everyone on their own journeys
I whole heartily agree ,thankyou so much for your wise words. This video with the dogs and hearing your voice ,rainbow too this morning,just perfect. Xx
Oh Terri, I know what you mean about spirit in nature! I have always felt more connected to soil and plants and animals than even to humans. I am an avid gardener, and when I smell a handful of damp rich earth teeming with life, I believe it smells like my soul. I am constantly aware of the wind direction, the tides, the moon phases, the position of the ever changing sunsets and length of just comes naturally. I have always felt that plants have an intelligence of their own, and above all I love this beautiful beautiful planet. I have felt this way since a small child (and I am now 66). For me the new year (and the resurrection) begins when the spring peepers emerge (northeastern USA) and begin their all-night concert for 6 weeks. To me this is a true miracle how such tiny delicate creatures survive the severe cold of winter and come back to us. I had better stop...I could go on forever about it. Thank you for telling us to listen to our hearts and feel it is right.💚💚
🍀Thank you for letting us accompany you to the centre of the Spiral of Danu. Simple and sage advice that is reaffirming for us who are feeling like we are wandering needlessly- when our little gardens are the source of such joy. Oh how I tremble when a Monarch Butterfly flutters across our yard to visit the Purple Coneflower!
Being brought up in a strict Christian house didn’t feel right for me as well. There was something missing from the church and the believes we were brought up with. I was drawn to the outback from a young age and figured out it was where I belonged. Over time I realised there was a force within all things, and that I connected and harmonised with it on a special level. It’s an awesome journey and empowering to know we’re the creators and manifestors of our own future. I really relate to your story and send lots of love from Australia to you, Lol and your beautiful garden 💛❤️💚
Agreed everyone must find their own path. Celebrate in their own ways. My husband & I started our own holiday. We call it happy Wednesday. We spend every Wednesday together doing special things.
As a spiritual counselor I send my clients in to nature as therapy, let them make a diary about nature, and they are so busy with it, that they forget there frustrations and problems, get some flow and forget this weird bubble we call society ❤️🇳🇱
really needed to hear this video today, felt some of that overwhelming stress leave. i've been beyond stressed for days now, and today i just made myself get out and identify the types of tree species local to me based on what leaves i find on the ground. i really need to lean more into nature, i've been on my own spiritual path for so many years now, but as you mentioned, i need to learn to listen to my intuition, and that's definitely a major thing i need to work on, for my sanity if anything
Sorry to hear you have been overwhelmed by stress, that is an awful feeling. Glad your walk in Nature has been helpful. Maybe take your shoes off too. xx
Nature has seen me through my darkest times. I am able to walk along a nature trail everyday and feel both invigorated and grounded. Thank you for another great video. ❤from 🇨🇦
Thank you Terry this is something I have been thinking about over the past month. It's best to do your own thinking no matter what you learn. Much love have a wonderful week yourself 🌟🦋❤🦋🌟
Thank you ever so much for sharing your spiritual path with us! I too follow the same. Others may not agree but that is on them. Ireland has drawn me since childhood. I can feel her in my bones. Now I have found out my ancestry seems to have originated there. Just shows you to listen to that voice inside! 🙏❤️
Wonderful video. When I was younger 'church' just didn't feel right for me; something just didn't sit right. But when I was outside I felt welcomed and spoken to by the plants, the land spirits and the gods. Since then I've been at peace connecting and improving my relationships with the Norse gods and the energies of nature. It's a cool cloudy day here in Colorado so I'll go for a walk and return to start my batch of Turmeric tinctures.
You're so right about forging our own spiritual path and developing beliefs that are our own. Like you, I find Nature to be my church and for the same reasons you talked about. You are always such a pleasure to listen to. Love and Blessings from the desert 💜🍃🐾🐾💜
Thank you, Terri. I truly appreciate your willingness to express your mind/heart freely. I respect so much and it means a great deal as I relate/agree so much. I have felt like you, within my being, for so many years, the intuitive/natural connection with nature and the healing/wisdom/endless good nature brings. Just another needed step in my healing from the past and the hurt from the unnecessary experiences within the Christian Church I grew up in. Thank you again for sharing what you shared, Terri 😊🌿☘️🌳🌼🌾
My maternal family is from the western Netherlands. My grandfather, once he brought the family to the U.S. was a dairy farmer who grew his own grains to feed the cows. He would harvest the grains until the 1st of November, and always left about 6 feet of crops left by the tree line for the wildlife. He would not harvest after the 1st of November, saying that what was left in the fields belonged to the Pooka, an otherworld stag, and that to harvest anything belonging to the Pooka would make you or your livestock ill. the livestock could eat it from the fields, but not from being harvested. Is there anything like that in Irish folklore?
We have the Púca here in Ireland which is a similar creature. Usually full of mischief, especially at Samhain or Halloween, they can shape shift and cause havoc through their trickery. They can also help a farmer if they wish to. We believe that the Púca spits on the blackberries and so they cannot be harvested after 31st October.
Thanks for sharing; I feel the same even though I had a Catholic upbringing. The wild plants & animals teach me so much! Many blessings to your family 🤗💕🇨🇦
I'm with you. Nature is my go-to thing for my soul. I'm a Reiki Master and I feel I'll have my dream home and garden this year. I can't explain how I know I just do. Love & Light.🙏
Hi Terri, it has been a long time...Happy Solstice, New Year- we are so close to Imbolc and must thank you again about your guidance on St. Brigit's Cross in another video. This video here always touches me. When I was a new Mom ( my oldest is 44!) I found such comfort in the natural grasses and forest with my little ones. Memorable heart moments of picking wild strawberries and watching a mother garter snake carry her translucent babies on her back as she curled through the deep grass are always near. I too left the Catholic faith at 14, disillusioned. There was little to guide me on a spiritual path except my own inner awareness. I embroidered a Celtic cross on the thigh of my thin hippy jeans not knowing what it was until years after those jeans had gone. I looked to Indigenous Medicine Wheel teachings in my 20's and found that the Western Path is often referred to as "The Great Red Road". There were always allowances for those who needed to step outside traditional spiritual cultural teachings and forge a different path. I am comforted in a way that coming back to my small Quebec garden each Spring is like furthering a spiritual return home. Blessings!
Oh Terri, your words beautifully describe my exact thoughts and feelings. I choose not to use labels when it comes to spirituality, but have a definite affinity to Mother Nature, and you have just perfectly summed up my own personal journey on the 'green path.' I echo your sentiments. You speak wisely, kindly and compassionately. Thank you.
Just came across your work...agree with much of 'wot' you say. the only TRUE provider to all. Trust your Intuition...always and treat nature with love, care and respect...she/he provides your 'world'. Stay awesome...'a Scot in Oz'.
Hi, I just found you on UA-cam and I love your videos. I've been streaming them one after another! I have Celtic ancestors and this helps with my connection to them. Your videos are calm and heartwarming and so pleasant to listen to. Thank you for sharing your experiences! I live in the Pacific northwest of Washington state in America. The climate here is very much like it is where you are, and much similarity in the plants. I love your dogs and chickens too! I used to have chickens and I miss them so much!
This is where I am on my spiritual path. Disappointed in main stream religion….My beliefs call to me in nature. My spiritual team, my ancestors, the Creator, angels and so many more all guide my steps and I find them in nature. Terri thank you so much for sharing your views and experience on this topic!
Just discovered your channel and it's a joy. I'm Scottish/Irish, living in Germany at the moment and I so relate to missing the earth, trees plants, energy of home. Can't wait to be back in the Highlands over Christmas :)
Absolutely! I agree with you 100%. I have been saying this for years now. The "New Age" religion is full of rituals as well. I have always said someone else's way of doing things may not work for you. We have to be spontaneous with our intent at the time we ask or call upon things from the Universe and Creator. It must be free flowing because that is our passion in that moment! I have never followed anyone and have always done it my way and it's different all the time! Thank you for your insights as well!
You are welcome Christine . We follow our individual path and then we can come together communally hopefully, without any one thinking their way is better xx
Absolutely, and couldn’t agree more regarding the concepts of dogmatic organised religion, which make little or no sense to any enquiring analytical mind. We are all part of the natural world! 💚 Thanks for another great video.
🥀🍃Hello, Terri: So just tell you that you are a sweet and beautiful presence to me. When I look at the trees around me or water my plants or when I keep some seed that I don't even know when I'll plant it... I remember you and it's a reminder that I could be more loving with all of this... 🌱🌹 However, the ways of fairies they are there... hidden, silent, mysterious... It's very good! 🌿🍀 🐝
Hello Rita - you are very kind and beautiful yourself and doing amazing things. The fairies are indeed mysterious and hidden but definitely powerful Have a wonderful week xxx
'You are your own guru' I like that.
There is a humility in having your own private connection with the Earth. Its like a love story that does not have to be broadcast to prove its existance. Its inner. So much nowdays is outer, puplicized, to prove itself. I also am in love with rocks. They are so old, and powerful in their knowledge. Such a comfort.💜
What a lovely observation. I love rocks too!!! Don't know what it is, I just fell for them when I was about 12 and used to fill my suitcase when we came on holiday from England. I still collect them and agree they are holding such ancient knowledge xx
You are absolutely your own guru! You do not need someone to tell you what to believe or what you should want or be like. Very Lovely. "If you're doing something from the heart, it's perfect". Just spot on, really needed to hear that today.
Hope your day is going well and glad it hit the spot xx
❤I’m so glad I found your channel You are a breath of fresh air you are humble and such a lovely wise woman I look forward to seeing your you every week you put so much effort into your channel teaching us everything we need to know you are truly inspiring Thank You.
Thank you so much!! I'm touched. Xx
Great video! As a former avid Presbyterian church-goer, I’ve been struggling to figure out my new spiritual path. Traditional Christianity no longer fills my spiritual void, and I am much more attracted to a nature-based faith. Your wise words help a lot to make sense of it all, and to reassure me that I’m not doing anything “wrong” as long as I follow my heart, with integrity…. So thank you!
I find it very reassuring that so many people are becoming attracted to a nature based faith and are finding solace in Nature. xx
I don't have my own garden yet, but I feel blessed finding wonderful energy in your videos Terri. I start my day watching at least one and they lift me up a lot. Thank you for your work 💚Greetings from Poland 😊
Thank you so much. I am so glad you are enjoying the channel xx
Thanks for the great message. I grew catholic and i went through a similar experience. I am closed to nature and earth energy, even when i don not have a space where i can said is mine. i go to forests nearby and talk to nature, i talk to birds that comes to my neighbor backyard, i observe every single detail on plants, hug trees and try to be connected to nature. That is the way that i find Spirit and my sacred path. I also look for people like you that transport me to nature even when i live in a city. Thanks for taking the time to heal me with your wonderful videos.
So glad they are helping you in some small way xx
Oh Terri, you always speak with truth from your heart and I get to relax so deeply as I listen to your videos.
I hope you are having a beautiful day!
I look forward to meeting you in person, soon.
I am Peggy and haven't forgotten you. I will have dates soon xx
Cats curled up fast asleep, dog just checking on them , chickens and dogs just strolling along behind you, so blissful and peaceful, that in itself speaks volumes, all the very best to you all.
Thank you Tom. Yes, the animals are great teachers - they all get along despite being different species. We could learn from them😊
In 2021, I found out I was adopted. After believing for 63 years that I was Italian/French, I found out through DNA that my roots are actually Welsh, Irish and Great Britain, surprise! County Galway, in particular~ would explain the red hair in my youth. I'm redefining myself these days. My beliefs haven't really changed, I'm still a tree-hugging nature loving old hippie who lives and loves all things wild. I don't know that I'll ever be able to set foot on native ground, so I will be content to watch videos such as yours, and explore my passion for all things natural, while enjoying virtual tours of the countryside. 😊
Thank you for this. I used to be Catholic too. For the last 40 years nature and kindness are my religion.
Finally! Someone who knows and believes what I have known and believed all my life
You are very wise. I enjoy watching and listening to you.
I feel quite relieved to hear your video today. As a lapsed Anglican , disillusioned with organized religion, I long ago turned to the trees and nature. Here in Canada in BC I walk along the pines and spruce and find evidence of bear, hawk, deer and fallen trees that all become spiritual experience. I no longer feel the niggle of wondering if I am doing it wrong. The trees and the creeks know and they let me know. This is my way now.
Exactly! I think our spirits/souls are unique and quite able to connect with God, Source - the Creator - without anyone else telling us how to do it. Enjoy your walks, they sound lovely!
Hello Terri, I totally agree with you, I'm from a Catholic family, as I became more aware of the Dogma, I wanted to find my own path.I am happily doing so my spirituality is deeply rooted in nature .
I nurture myself when I nurture my garden and the wildlife that shares it with me.
Hugs and blessings to you both.🌹💚
It is reciprocal isn't it. And so fulfilling on so many levels xx
Could not agree more Terri, trust your own intuition. Blessings.
Terri, I have no words for how your video today touched me. I too have experienced the disillusionment with patriarchal religion after a Catholic upbringing and I always find Solace in the natural world. Even so, I am often fearful and in dispair of the massive distruction of this world particularly by representatives of said patriarchal religions, which seem so lacking in actual spirituality. You are an inspiration and a reminder to keep the faith that nature will prevail, and that I must remain ever hopeful and continue to seek connection. Thank you.
I have despaired too, especially when I discovered how complicit patriarchal religions have been, (and still are), in the deliberate destruction of our beautiful world. Nature will prevail though, I do not doubt that xxx
"Trust your own intuition". This is the gem of great understanding ✨️. This is the most important sentence to put into your heart and consciousness; this will guide you always in the wise ways and right paths to take as the world of "lies" collapse around us. Thank you Terri and Lol for reminding us of the power of FREE WILL and SOVEREIGNTY each one of us possess.
Thank you too Kavannah for your comment. So true! And intuition could definitely save your life xx
Wise words from a Wise Woman.
This is not a lecture but a gentle nudge to remind us that we are right and good to follow our hearts and seeks what fills our souls with nature thank you 🙏🍁💚
Glad you enjoyed it xxx
Thank you for saying this. It’s really important for people to hear. Sometimes people can try too hard to fit themselves into a tight little spirituality box. I think it’s much more important to follow your own rambling path and decide what works for you, even if there’s not a name for it. Coming from the heart is the most important thing. By the way all the animals are being particularly cute in this video. X
Ha ha - had to laugh when I saw the hens kissing each other😀 - so sweet. I agree with your description of getting out of that tight box xx
Thank you. That was beautiful ❤
Thank you Terry and Lol for such wise inciteful words and lovely photography and music.
I agree All organized religion goes astray tempted by ego, power, politics and greed.
We need to listen to that internal quiet voice and sixth sense that Mother Earth gifts us
with daily in nature .
Cheers and Blessings from Canada xo
Ps I love the dog cleaning the cats ears ! adorable
I think you are right Squinky! The dogs are so sweet with the cat! xx
Thank you for this wonderful video. It speaks to me because my path was similar to yours. At an early age, I saw the hate and hypocrisy of the religion climate in our small towns. The hatred between the different religions, the intolerance of the different heritages, the ugliness of the "rules" that trapped people into lives that ended in much unhappiness -- all of it accepted because "that's just the way it is". I was always the black sheep of the family because I didn't embrace their hateful ways. My solace and sanctuary are my garden and love of nature. I surround myself with healing herbs. They saved me many times, but most recently after the horrific death of my daughter. Leaning on my knowledge of spiritualism and the concept of shamanic work saved me from the darkness of crippling grief and helped me embrace hope and acceptance. My husband and I look forward to your weekly videos. I believe you touched my husband although I don't think he notices his change. Initially, he loved it because we love all things Ireland, but I see that you soothe him. Thank you.
Dear Judith, I don't understand all this hatred because of such slight differences, it is crazy. So sorry for the loss of your daughter, I cannot imagine your pain. I am so happy for you that you have received help and support from the other realms. Much love to you both xxx
Thank you so much for all you share. You are a true spirit, brave, with integrity. Thank you
I appreciate that very much, thank you xx
I believe you because I feel the same way i love 💕 nature
Glad to hear it xx
I agree whole heartedly Terri, don't give your faith a name, just go with it and everyone has individual beliefs. I, too, was raised Catholic, but came into my own beliefs in my early 20s, I've never looked back....going forward positively beside Mother Earth!
There is a sense of freedom and responsibility xx
I like that you said, "you are your own guru", it is lovely to have you reaffirm so many of my own beliefs.
I appreciate this video and your message today. It's more important now than ever before!
Thanks Mahyra, I think so too. xx
Love what you said! Love gardening! ❤ Yes I feel the beauty and magic too. If your kind to the smallest of creatures and you love mumma nature, then you can be assured the fairies will help you grow a magical garden. Keep shining. Thankyou. X
I think so Kate xx
"No, they are just prayer flags"! Says it all! Thank you so much for this video, Teri. Your words hit home. Eleanor
Hi Eleanor - you are welcome and glad to hear it resonated with you xx
Yes💜, go within, listen to self and patiently love without measure. You are such a joy. Thank you.
Thank you Moira. You summed it all up xx
As a Christian I’ve learned to follow the words of Jesus and not of man for the reasons you stated. Nature can be very healing. My son once said to me he finds God when he’s out in nature among the mountains and trees. I appreciate you mentioning integrity and wants in our hearts. Blessings.
I am sorry to say that I feel that the words of Jesus are lost in the roar of the dogma. I am speaking of the institution as I do know of good priests who struggle with the dogma too. I think we will find God in the place that is easiest for us to find him. For me and your son, it is out in Nature. There we can see the absolute perfection of creation xx
Terri, I'm so glad you "waffled on" about this. I resonate 100% with what you said. Sometimes I find it difficult to find the right words. You found them for me! I'm also a former Catholic, and Nature is my temple, too. This is my favorite video of yours so far. I've been binging on them. :) I want to mention how wonderful your videographer is. I'm guessing it's your husband. He does an amazing job, especially including all of your beloved animals. xo
"You are your own guru." Yes! Absolutely 🤗
We can enjoy teachers and guides but they are not superior to us. xx
@@DanusIrishHerbGarden I love this perspective. It's always wise to keep an open mind and listen to as many perspectives as possible. But the end of the day it's up to each of us to decide our own truth.
You are like St. Francis - all the animals follow you around. Thank you for your openness and honesty. You appear very happy in your Garden of Eden - 'To thine own self be true'.
This was a fantastic video, I am so glad that you broached this subject.
I have been turning to nature since the 1960's and also was traipsed around the churches (because my Mother was searching for some spirituality in her life and dragged me along too), but I also found that they did not speak to my heart - nature does, always does, has done since I remember being 2 years old and lying in a field of buttercups staring up at the blue sky and feeling the spirit of the land... it's my spiritual home, my sanctuary!!
If more people realised how precious a sanctuary our Earth is, we would all be living in paradise. xx
I previously commented on this video but felt moved to comment again.... I have thought for many years that nature is my sanctuary. You have a beautiful spirit Terri ... absolutely spectacular scenery and video! ⚘
Gratitude & Appreciation 💫
Much gratitude to you too Terry - Nature is our sanctuary, it is us. xx
I think I've found my new Congregation/Sanga, also as a former Catholic, you folks are an inspiration on my journey into Mother Nature. :)
We love your kind spirit that shares the sacred knowledge of plants. Such lovely reminders for spirit🧡💚💛
Thanks Brittany. I think our spirits are interconnected with the plant spirits xx
Yes, that's what I thought about some US citizens who have European ancestry and who may feel so, unrooted and missing smth spiritual.
So good you talked on this issue.
And very much agree we can recreate, reopen, refresh and revive our selves, our spirits when really connect to inner Light ❤😊
Indeed we can.
Agree! In nature and tending the land, I have learned so much more about the divine and what it means to truly have a spiritual connection to the divine than I ever did in a church... and I have learned far more about morality in nature, as well. Rules aren't very helpful in forming strong morality or any actual wisdom if one can't grasp the deeper meaning underlying those rules. Nature is an excellent teacher.
I totally agree and that is my experience too Nigella. xx
Glad to see you this morning! 🌄
And glad you made it here too😂 xx
I can't express how much I appreciate your thoughts today. I too searched for decades in churches for anything that felt right and accepting and warm, yet I found anything but what I needed. My heart and soul is in my medicinal plants and herbs and I have been on a journey for years adding bits of knowledge to my head where my heart has always been. I get it. We're Home xx
Hurray! Good for you xx
I couldn't agree with you more. Especially about catholicism, which was the same for me too. I feel closer to heaven, whatever that might be, when i'm in nature, It nourishes my soul in a way that nothing else has ever done. Even the most precious moments with those i love most, has never come closer than what i feel connected to, when i'm alone in nature.
Yes, i am my own guru, for sure, by the grace of creation.
The poet, Mary Oliver says it beautifully, so i'll share that with you (all) as a gift. Thank you for being on this wonderful journey with us.
"How I go to the woods".
Ordinarily, I go to the woods alone, with not a single
friend, for they are all smilers and talkers and therefore
I don’t really want to be witnessed talking to the catbirds
or hugging the old black oak tree. I have my way of
praying, as you no doubt have yours.
Besides, when I am alone I can become invisible. I can sit
on the top of a dune as motionless as an uprise of weeds,
until the foxes run by unconcerned. I can hear the almost
unhearable sound of the roses singing.
If you have ever gone to the woods with me, I must love
you very much.”
Mary Oliver.
The best teacher is the Mother herself. I don't need any other to follow. Watching like minded people as yourself and reading about the natural ways of 'primitive cultures' ( so they are called but oh do they have the edge on industrial nations). I follow the Mother and enjoy learning how cultures also follow her. I am more at peace when I sit on the grass in the garden than any other place. When I am tense or upset I head to the garden. Take care dear lady and enjoy =-) .
It is lovely to see how others connect to Spirit - even organised religions can offer something beautiful at times. For me though, it's being under the trees - on the grass. xx
Another wonderful video filled with your wisdom - thank you!!!
Hey Nana! You are very welcome and thanks for watching xx
I couldn't agree more with what you are saying, find your own path. There you'll find your way and strength.
Yes - and the strength helps you then to be true to yourself.😊
What a wise woman you are. Thank you for sharing this message. I too connect with nature and the land spirits. 💞🌈🌸
Good to know Simply Impish - I think there are more and more of us xx
Beautiful. Thank you Terry for the soothing, nurturing presence that you generate for me when I watch your show, I can't wait to return to Ireland.💚
When I was a young child, I would often ask my mother why we didn't think that our "church" was being out in nature. Wasn't "god" to be found in the plants and animals and even the rocks? I think I was ahead of my time when I was a little boy. I now have zero affiliation with religious organizations and have made Mother Earth my temple of worship. Terri, I agree with you 100%! ❤
And the answer is, (I think) that he is in the plants and animals and rocks and rivers and woodlands and everything.😂
I feel just like you! My spirit is refreshed in nature and has been since I remember. I am invigorated by it. The quietness of being there; sharing energy and just being. I to have roots heavy in church and I do still honor and believe some but I can not support the imbalance in the patriarchal system anymore either. I choose not to label myself as pagan, witch, Christian. That way I choose my path and not what the label says I should be. I am not limited. Loved this video just like all the rest.
So similar NannyGranny! Of course I also still honour aspects of the Catholic Church - I am just saddened to see that it doesn't really follow Christ's teachings. In the Gospel according to Jesus, he speaks of his Mother the Earth as well as his heavenly father. That is balance and harmony. xx
It has taken me a long time to know what is “real” and I am still learning. What is in my heart is the most important, not names, not rituals. I feel most myself when I am with nature. Thank you for reminding me.
You're welcome Mark, we all need to be reminded I think. xx
I always say thank you to God, for all that is given to us and we are blessed, we stopped going to Church, but we still give thanks and help wherever we can.
Of course. I don't think it matters what name you use, God or Goddess, we have been given so much and are blessed and it is the best idea to give thanks xx
Being jn the garden or out in nature is so peaceful and grounding. It melts the stress away. Genealogy has given me a glimpse into the lives of my descendants from overseas and here in the US. I too yearn to visit where my family comes from. Just touching the ground there would be an amazing feeling.
I understand how you feel Debbie xx
Wow I'm so glad I found you, I've been looking for some time now for someone I can relate to in my own journey, in this video you answered all my questions, I was lost trying to figure out if I was doing things in the right manner concerning spirituality but you just set me free by explaining that's it's a personal journey and I don't have to search or research what other people do, like you say forget the titles and names, just connect with nature in your own way, thank you so much for this wonderful advice 🙏
Delighted you found it hepful xx
I agree completely. I think we should approach spirituality as if we were naked. Complete humility and vulnerability, so that we can hear and sense what the universe, nature, the spirit, our higher power is saying to us.
I love your channel, it's so meditative and healing ❤️
Yes - we have to be honest when we tune in to that higher power xx
completely understand where you are coming from. Being in amongst nature really does something to me. I find myself singing, meditating esp when im harvesting from my parents rosehips in their garden. I also used to be a catholic and no longer consider myself to be one for many of the same reasons. But nature and mother earth herself does so much its almost on another level. Love your channel.
She certainly does I agree. There is an energetic aspect or resonance to being outside that is so beneficial to mind, body and spirit. xx
Thank you so much for this video. I am trying to reconnect to my pre-Christin African, Celtic and ancestors and have felt worried that I am not doing enough to follow their true traditions. Your reminder to rebuild my connection from the heart and from my intuition is something so kind and true, and I will add that to my reconstructionist approach so as not to blame or shame myself on my journey. ❤❤much light and love to you and everyone on their own journeys
Never blame or shame yourself! You are doing the best you can do in this moment and you are doing it with love. xx
I whole heartily agree ,thankyou so much for your wise words. This video with the dogs and hearing your voice ,rainbow too this morning,just perfect. Xx
Was't it a lovely rainbow! Lol caught it just at the right moment. We are so lucky to see so many in this neck of the woods xx
I agree nature is my church. It makes me happy and calms me.
Nature definitely makes a huge difference. xx
Recently moved and in the process of settling in and again realize how wonderfully grounding your videos are to me. Love all of your words 😊
Dear Helen, lovely to hear from you. Blessings on your new home and I hope you will be very happy there. xxx
❤ I enjoy so much your videos❤ Blessings
Oh Terri, I know what you mean about spirit in nature! I have always felt more connected to soil and plants and animals than even to humans. I am an avid gardener, and when I smell a handful of damp rich earth teeming with life, I believe it smells like my soul. I am constantly aware of the wind direction, the tides, the moon phases, the position of the ever changing sunsets and length of just comes naturally. I have always felt that plants have an intelligence of their own, and above all I love this beautiful beautiful planet. I have felt this way since a small child (and I am now 66). For me the new year (and the resurrection) begins when the spring peepers emerge (northeastern USA) and begin their all-night concert for 6 weeks. To me this is a true miracle how such tiny delicate creatures survive the severe cold of winter and come back to us. I had better stop...I could go on forever about it. Thank you for telling us to listen to our hearts and feel it is right.💚💚
It is lovely to hear your passion and love for the plant relations and the wild world xx
Lovely read Ann and in complete agreement with you
Thank you. I love rose hip and peppermint tea with a little sweetner. I also want to say thank you. Spirit brought this video just when I needed it.
Delighted to hear that. Isn't life wonderful xx
🍀Thank you for letting us accompany you to the centre of the Spiral of Danu. Simple and sage advice that is reaffirming for us who are feeling like we are wandering needlessly- when our little gardens are the source of such joy. Oh how I tremble when a Monarch Butterfly flutters across our yard to visit the Purple Coneflower!
Being brought up in a strict Christian house didn’t feel right for me as well. There was something missing from the church and the believes we were brought up with. I was drawn to the outback from a young age and figured out it was where I belonged. Over time I realised there was a force within all things, and that I connected and harmonised with it on a special level. It’s an awesome journey and empowering to know we’re the creators and manifestors of our own future. I really relate to your story and send lots of love from Australia to you, Lol and your beautiful garden 💛❤️💚
Thank you and much love back to you xx
Agreed everyone must find their own path. Celebrate in their own ways. My husband & I started our own holiday. We call it happy Wednesday. We spend every Wednesday together doing special things.
Brilliant idea! We are doing the same thing starting tomorrow. So important to take time out for each other xx
As a spiritual counselor I send my clients in to nature as therapy, let them make a diary about nature, and they are so busy with it, that they forget there frustrations and problems, get some flow and forget this weird bubble we call society ❤️🇳🇱
Good advice xx
Yes ... Bravo! Nature is a spectacular sanctuary of tranquility and wisdom. Love your garden and the animals : ) Excellent Video! 💫
You are so right xx thanks Terry x
really needed to hear this video today, felt some of that overwhelming stress leave. i've been beyond stressed for days now, and today i just made myself get out and identify the types of tree species local to me based on what leaves i find on the ground. i really need to lean more into nature, i've been on my own spiritual path for so many years now, but as you mentioned, i need to learn to listen to my intuition, and that's definitely a major thing i need to work on, for my sanity if anything
Sorry to hear you have been overwhelmed by stress, that is an awful feeling. Glad your walk in Nature has been helpful. Maybe take your shoes off too. xx
Nature has seen me through my darkest times. I am able to walk along a nature trail everyday and feel both invigorated and grounded. Thank you for another great video. ❤from 🇨🇦
Glad to hear that Dili xx
Thank you Terry this is something I have been thinking about over the past month. It's best to do your own thinking no matter what you learn. Much love have a wonderful week yourself 🌟🦋❤🦋🌟
Blessings to you Steph. And may your week be wonderful too xx
@@DanusIrishHerbGarden ❤
Thank you ever so much for sharing your spiritual path with us! I too follow the same. Others may not agree but that is on them. Ireland has drawn me since childhood. I can feel her in my bones. Now I have found out my ancestry seems to have originated there. Just shows you to listen to that voice inside! 🙏❤️
Hi Suzanne, we should always listen to the voice😀
Wonderful video. When I was younger 'church' just didn't feel right for me; something just didn't sit right. But when I was outside I felt welcomed and spoken to by the plants, the land spirits and the gods. Since then I've been at peace connecting and improving my relationships with the Norse gods and the energies of nature. It's a cool cloudy day here in Colorado so I'll go for a walk and return to start my batch of Turmeric tinctures.
Enjoy your walk - on the mountains or in the fields and laneways? Enjoy the peace. xx
Thanks Terri, my saviour has always been nature it grounds and lightens me have a good day Love to you xxx
Blessings Suez. You have a great week. xx
You're so right about forging our own spiritual path and developing beliefs that are our own. Like you, I find Nature to be my church and for the same reasons you talked about. You are always such a pleasure to listen to. Love and Blessings from the desert 💜🍃🐾🐾💜
Many Blessings to you Marilyn. Lovely as always to hear from you xx
Thank you, Terri. I truly appreciate your willingness to express your mind/heart freely. I respect so much and it means a great deal as I relate/agree so much. I have felt like you, within my being, for so many years, the intuitive/natural connection with nature and the healing/wisdom/endless good nature brings. Just another needed step in my healing from the past and the hurt from the unnecessary experiences within the Christian Church I grew up in. Thank you again for sharing what you shared, Terri 😊🌿☘️🌳🌼🌾
That is all so true, thank you for taking the time out to remind us ❤
Glad it touched you Olga xx
My maternal family is from the western Netherlands. My grandfather, once he brought the family to the U.S. was a dairy farmer who grew his own grains to feed the cows. He would harvest the grains until the 1st of November, and always left about 6 feet of crops left by the tree line for the wildlife. He would not harvest after the 1st of November, saying that what was left in the fields belonged to the Pooka, an otherworld stag, and that to harvest anything belonging to the Pooka would make you or your livestock ill. the livestock could eat it from the fields, but not from being harvested. Is there anything like that in Irish folklore?
We have the Púca here in Ireland which is a similar creature. Usually full of mischief, especially at Samhain or Halloween, they can shape shift and cause havoc through their trickery. They can also help a farmer if they wish to. We believe that the Púca spits on the blackberries and so they cannot be harvested after 31st October.
Thanks for sharing; I feel the same even though I had a Catholic upbringing. The wild plants & animals teach me so much! Many blessings to your family 🤗💕🇨🇦
@@DanusIrishHerbGarden oh the Púca definitely spits on my blackberries.
I’m Dutch but did not know about the pooka😉🇳🇱 just learned something 👌✨
Thanks for sharing that story of your grandfather's belief and action.
Wise words from a wise woman. Being able to be a seeker of personal gnosis is a blessing in itself.
Take care. 👍🍀
Personal gnosis - I agree xx
This is such a lovely video, so 'from the heart' and wise ❤
Thanks Art Witch. It was from the heart for sure xx. Thanks for listening to my musings.
I'm with you. Nature is my go-to thing for my soul. I'm a Reiki Master and I feel I'll have my dream home and garden this year. I can't explain how I know I just do.
Love & Light.🙏
Keeping fingers crossed for you xx
Hi Terri, it has been a long time...Happy Solstice, New Year- we are so close to Imbolc and must thank you again about your guidance on St. Brigit's Cross in another video. This video here always touches me. When I was a new Mom ( my oldest is 44!) I found such comfort in the natural grasses and forest with my little ones. Memorable heart moments of picking wild strawberries and watching a mother garter snake carry her translucent babies on her back as she curled through the deep grass are always near. I too left the Catholic faith at 14, disillusioned. There was little to guide me on a spiritual path except my own inner awareness. I embroidered a Celtic cross on the thigh of my thin hippy jeans not knowing what it was until years after those jeans had gone. I looked to Indigenous Medicine Wheel teachings in my 20's and found that the Western Path is often referred to as "The Great Red Road". There were always allowances for those who needed to step outside traditional spiritual cultural teachings and forge a different path. I am comforted in a way that coming back to my small Quebec garden each Spring is like furthering a spiritual return home. Blessings!
Oh Terri, your words beautifully describe my exact thoughts and feelings. I choose not to use labels when it comes to spirituality, but have a definite affinity to Mother Nature, and you have just perfectly summed up my own personal journey on the 'green path.' I echo your sentiments. You speak wisely, kindly and compassionately. Thank you.
Lovely to hear from you Amanda xx
Thank you Terry for putting into words about finding your own spiritual path, your video's are always so grounding for me❤
Thanks Karen, glad you find them comforting. xx
Just came across your work...agree with much of 'wot' you say. the only TRUE provider to all. Trust your Intuition...always and treat nature with love, care and respect...she/he provides your 'world'. Stay awesome...'a Scot in Oz'.
Wise words. Often people feel the need to follow questionable people and rituals. "Be your own guru" -- Yes!
You're a breath of fresh air. I couldn't agree more. I don't need an "authority" between myself & the divine. Ex-Catholic here too. ❤🍀🐾🐝
Hi, I just found you on UA-cam and I love your videos. I've been streaming them one after another! I have Celtic ancestors and this helps with my connection to them. Your videos are calm and heartwarming and so pleasant to listen to. Thank you for sharing your experiences! I live in the Pacific northwest of Washington state in America. The climate here is very much like it is where you are, and much similarity in the plants. I love your dogs and chickens too! I used to have chickens and I miss them so much!
Such beautiful wise words that resonate so deeply. Thank you Terri 🌿🌻♾
Hey Lucky! Glad to hear that and hope all is well with you xx
This is where I am on my spiritual path. Disappointed in main stream religion….My beliefs call to me in nature. My spiritual team, my ancestors, the Creator, angels and so many more all guide my steps and I find them in nature. Terri thank you so much for sharing your views and experience on this topic!
You are welcome Susan - they are just my views and beliefs. I hope they help you as you are called to the Sacred in Nature. xx
@@DanusIrishHerbGarden Yes your views are very helpful💙
Beautiful speaking, Terry. The energy in nature is healing and a stabilizer in our chaotic lives.
Very much so! xx
I am so grateful to you for reflecting my own true thoughts. Thank you 🙏🌟🌿
Just discovered your channel and it's a joy. I'm Scottish/Irish, living in Germany at the moment and I so relate to missing the earth, trees plants, energy of home. Can't wait to be back in the Highlands over Christmas :)
Yes, it is painful and glad to hear you will be back at home soon. Safe trip and have a wonderful holiday up there in that magical place. xxx
Absolutely! I agree with you 100%. I have been saying this for years now. The "New Age" religion is full of rituals as well. I have always said someone else's way of doing things may not work for you. We have to be spontaneous with our intent at the time we ask or call upon things from the Universe and Creator. It must be free flowing because that is our passion in that moment! I have never followed anyone and have always done it my way and it's different all the time! Thank you for your insights as well!
You are welcome Christine . We follow our individual path and then we can come together communally hopefully, without any one thinking their way is better xx
I love this point of view Terri, couldn't agree more!
Glad you liked it xx
Blessings 🦋🐞💚 Thank you
And blessings to you Heather-Joy xx - lovely name x
Absolutely, and couldn’t agree more regarding the concepts of dogmatic organised religion, which make little or no sense to any enquiring analytical mind.
We are all part of the natural world! 💚 Thanks for another great video.
Yes, it is obvious really xx
🥀🍃Hello, Terri: So just tell you that you are a sweet and beautiful presence to me. When I look at the trees around me or water my plants or when I keep some seed that I don't even know when I'll plant it... I remember you and it's a reminder that I could be more loving with all of this... 🌱🌹
However, the ways of fairies they are there... hidden, silent, mysterious... It's very good! 🌿🍀 🐝
Hello Rita - you are very kind and beautiful yourself and doing amazing things. The fairies are indeed mysterious and hidden but definitely powerful Have a wonderful week xxx