I use mine on wasps but yea, you gotta get close and usually requres a double tap.. a single shot is usually enough to tear off their wings and render them less of a flying menace. You have to head shot them or come from the side and aim just below where the wings connect to the body.. will 100% tear off a wing and make him a helpless victim to a follow up attack.
I can a will back dude up on the wasp targets. This gun only stuns them and slightly messes up their wings. But they still live and can still fly but they fly away because they have taken to much damage. Buutttttt, if you extend the barrel some and taper it down slightly, and stretch the spring mech which drives the plunge or fire maker, then you get more power. I just got one of these this morning and already upped the power with a bit of papper at the end. But this toy functions like old airsoft guns so once I get to the spring I can add more power. Stay tuned.
I got my gun today and after it was cocked I pushed the safety button per directions on the box. Wouldn't fire so after several tries I came to UA-cam and found your video. Close to the beginning you showed both sides of the safety. Immediately I checked my gun and saw the safety release. Duh (this was not pictured on the box) Once I released the safety the gun worked fine. I deleted my post since the issue was resolved but soon noticed you had already replied. Quickly. Thank you! Unfortunately I could not find a single fly to kill today but I'm sure they'll show up. This old lady is ready to have some fun. Thanks again. 😊
Hes probably a american barbeque dad that works as a mechanic and knows about classic muscle cars and guns and ammunition hence "standard issue house flies"
I have one that I can't get to work. The little orange thing on top won't shoot up, the safety is stuck in a down position, the trigger won't work, and the underneath sliding mechanism won't slide all the way back. I'm not sure if the orange piece that is supposed to stick up on top might be out of place somewhat. Any suggestions on how to fix it?
In my experience the 2.5 works more so as a shotgun with a wider spread were as the 3.0 acts more like a rifle because the salt is more condensed, however, both are very effective but I'm trying to narrow it down to which one is the most effective/does more damage and or stronger in general. What are your thoughts since this video was posted/all around with the time you've had to fiddle with both???
Well I don't have the 2.5, but my neighbor does. And we have both hung our around the smoker and shot the flies. I guess I didn't pay that much attention to the salt spray. I just really like the safety change on the 3.0. That's what really stands out for me.
@@AroundTheHome1 Agreed, and the more compact lighter design is a noticeable difference too. My only complaint would be that the trigger is a little too stiff. Now don't gemme wrong I'm a country man and I HUNT (not go around just shooting anything that moves with a Budweiser in my hand like a lot of people love to perpetuate the stereotypes/lable us incompetent, belligerent, and or just down right ignorant. It doesn't work that way people we have rules to follow, safety courses, and seasonal times that allow you to hunt certain animals and when we do we use EVERYTHING from said animal so that nothing is wasted and so that we hold a certain level of respect to mother nature and whatever we can't use we turn it into dog food, clothes/pelts, and ect) not KILL aimlessly, my apologies for sidetracking, so it's not like I can't use it but when I apply the force to fire, and due to it's lightweight design, it makes it a TAD difficult to line up the sights before making the shot.
Think I might have to get one of these. We have an awful problem with STINK BUGS at our house!! It would probably make your house stink for a bit…But I’ll bet this thing would work great on them!!
I was hoping my 2.5 would kill Lantern flies, but it's not powerful enough. It will hurt them by blowing off their wings, but many of them would take a hit and still fly/jump to a nearby plant. At its best, it will hurt them enough to step on them after a few shots. All my shots are close range, within 8 inches
Also, I did a test. I shot mine with salt at a paper bag, and then I shot using raw sugar. The sugar granules were more defined and did more damage when shooting at the bag.
They are really fun, but double check the model number first. The ones at my Lowe's are the older model with the more cumbersome safety switch. Here is an Amazon link for the newer model, which I show in this video. www.amazon.com/BUG-A-SALT-3-0-Yellow/dp/B089CDCCR1?crid=24W7TCWBG7TSZ&keywords=bug+a+salt+gun+4.0&qid=1657625979&sprefix=bug+a+salt%2Caps%2C107&sr=8-11&linkCode=ll1&tag=greatwhitenin-20&linkId=fc8921f49c90c2c5303cd292914866dd&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl
I have tried it on them. They are tough, and one shot isn't going to do it. If you can keep with them, and hit them again you can ground them and finish the job.
The sweet spot is between 2 and 3 feet. I know that doesn't sound like a lot, but the standard house flies that bother you when you are grilling normally sit still and are easy to pick off like that. The full effective range is under 6 feet. You really aren't going to kill anything further out then that. Even though that still doesn't sound like a lot, trust me you will get rid of all those pesky pests and have a great time doing so.
I have used it indoors, but sparingly. You know, because it leaves salt around. I have not had bugs attracted to the salt, but I won't say that there are bugs in different parts of the world that would like it.
You know, you are not the only one that has asked this. It is something that I would never have thought of had it not been for viewers asking. There are no adverse effects of using this gun. It uses only a pinch of salt per shot, actually not even that much. I have even used it to shoot the flies that end up hanging out in my kitchen around the window. I have 3 small plants there, so if there were any problems they would show it. There have been no problems whatsoever.
Spring action is always going to be weak, just remember BB guns and pellet guns. Same principle. They have a new one out now that uses a CO2 cartridge that will definitely be more powerful. On the downside you will have to buy CO2 cartridges. Not rocket science.
The 2.0 will kill the moths in the garden if I can get close enough but I'm definitely upgrading to the 3.0 for my garden hunting Needs. I hope that it can do the job.
I don't think the normal one would do anything. But the new revolver would. www.amazon.com/Bug-A-Salt-Shred-Er-BUG-A-SALT-Starter-Kit/dp/B09SL491F6?crid=2DHAQE43ZMUAI&keywords=bug+a+salt+revolver&qid=1664838419&qu=eyJxc2MiOiIzLjE3IiwicXNhIjoiMi43OCIsInFzcCI6IjEuODgifQ%3D%3D&sprefix=bug+a+salt+%2Caps%2C127&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUExQVVYQkpKV1pNUkU4JmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwNzYxMjQ4MUNNVldTUzdaMFQxTSZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwNjE0MjAyT01FMUtZMVdQNklZJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfYXRmJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ%3D%3D&linkCode=ll1&tag=greatwhitenin-20&linkId=44cf5b6e8141c9cd329c969dd06e2fdc&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl
I don't know. Is Epsom salt ground as fine as regular table salt? I have never seen it ground so fine. Also, this does not shoot that much salt, so I doubt that it could have any negative effects to plants. I mean other then blasting the leaves apart.
@@AroundTheHome1 modern blenders can make regular sugar into powdered sugar so grinding things is pretty simple....Im thinking of buying one of these salt guns and just trying to be prepared for my fellow garden buddies to try and bash it for using table salt.
Well, the gun is tons of fun and effective at the same time. Good luck with your buddies. Sounds like you need to try out the salt gun on some of them.
This keeps on coming up on my radar to get since I live on a farm(horsefly's are popping up now) and something with range aside from my pistol swatter would be more useful since the swatter part is on a string so it can't go that far(roughly 2 1/2ft). I only use spray's when it's a nest but the occasional wonderer of annoyance comes my way(especially in my house) I wanna blast it with not as much damage to my house.
@MisterMann these guns are fun and pretty effective at the same time. I have not had the chance to use them against horse flies though. We very rarely get them around here. If you invest in one I would say get the 3.0 like this one www.amazon.com/BUG-A-SALT-3-0-Yellow/dp/B089CDCCR1?content-id=amzn1.sym.a15c61b7-4b93-404d-bb70-88600dfb718d%3Aamzn1.sym.a15c61b7-4b93-404d-bb70-88600dfb718d&crid=DLID8HCIGB8H&cv_ct_cx=bug+a+salt&keywords=bug+a+salt&pd_rd_i=B089CDCCR1&pd_rd_r=b5acd3c3-c341-4181-92dd-05d381348c15&pd_rd_w=BxJ3h&pd_rd_wg=y2Cvy&pf_rd_p=a15c61b7-4b93-404d-bb70-88600dfb718d&pf_rd_r=AF9EHDQS8PMNSBYA8X2V&qid=1660396985&sprefix=bug+a+salt%2Caps%2C110&sr=1-2-a73d1c8c-2fd2-4f19-aa41-2df022bcb241-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEzNUQ3R1g2RTlYV0E2JmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwNjI1NTA4MlVYTThPU0M2RlBCVSZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwOTc1NDI3Mkg1QkUzQVYySFlJRCZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX3NlYXJjaF90aGVtYXRpYyZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU%3D&linkCode=ll1&tag=greatwhitenin-20&linkId=0643a444661d0b5862511c2498f1abab&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl Or for a lot more power and fun they have a Co2 powered revolver. This one takes it to the next level. www.amazon.com/Bug-A-Salt-Shred-Er-BUG-A-SALT-Starter-Kit/dp/B09SL491F6?crid=DLID8HCIGB8H&keywords=bug+a+salt&qid=1660396985&sprefix=bug+a+salt%2Caps%2C110&sr=8-13&linkCode=ll1&tag=greatwhitenin-20&linkId=72ee839a293605afd75c41f984dcbff9&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl
Yes, it can take out plenty of those as well. When they land, that is it. 👍 So glad to help! Thank you for watching. Check out hundreds more of our videos at www.aroundthehome.org
It's not that strong. Now, the new CO2 revolver is a lot more powerful so I don't know about that one. This will chip off old paint if you are a foot away. And it will sting if you shoot someone close up. If you are less then two feet away it can cause a small patch of rug burn on a person. That's about it.
I don't know of any sand that is as fine as table salt. And, any grain of sand that could be larger would just jam it. Mine is currently jammed with a small collection of salt crystals, but I believe unjamming it just requires some warm water to dissolve it and a little patience. So, I'm going to stick with no sand.
I have tried it out inside to see. I would do it again on rare occasion. The salt isn't a bad thing since it isn't sticky nor does it attract insects. Also a shot here and there and you don't notice the salt. Anything more and you would.
I haven't tried anything like that, but I would have to say no. I would imagine that cockroaches are too tough for it. Now they have a CO2 powered revolver that is much more powerful that probably would. Here is a link to that. www.amazon.com/Bug-A-Salt-Shred-Er-Starter-Kit/dp/B09SL491F6?crid=36RSN8IETX3FA&keywords=bug+a+salt+revolver&qid=1658320775&sprefix=bug+a+salt+re%2Caps%2C107&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEzQzAwMlkzR00yRVRVJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwMTU3ODc5QTQ1MjNXUFpRQ0xCJmVuY3J5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTAxNzM1NzcxSUhRVUFCUFhERk4zJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfYXRmJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ%3D%3D&linkCode=ll1&tag=greatwhitenin-20&linkId=35a36feb65e82862792d8b9bb77bf7d7&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl
I wondered about that. I have not tried the original, and I know there were some good upgrades from 2.5. I am honestly impressed with this one and it is a ton of fun.
I find it interesting that if I didn't have comedy central I would NOT know of this product. In fact, when I first saw the commercial I thought it was a joke.
No, no it does not. To my knowledge the only one that does require CO2 is the new handgun. 👍 So glad to help! Thank you for watching. Check out hundreds more of our videos at www.aroundthehome.org
They have a C02 powered revolver that will take care of big bugs. www.amazon.com/Bug-A-Salt-Shred-Er-BUG-A-SALT-Starter-Kit/dp/B09SL491F6?crid=HYCI5Z3GVH7E&keywords=bug+a+salt+gun+4.0&qid=1681655859&sprefix=bug+a+%2Caps%2C126&sr=8-10&linkCode=ll1&tag=greatwhitenin-20&linkId=e48142e6421c2c0561ae3562df5c25f2&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl
Dude it's literally firing table salt lmao if you're even close enough to a wolf to hit them with this you're probably already dead let alone if you fire a pinch of salt at them to piss them off
You, know I haven't actually tried that. Though, when you get good with this you can take them down in the air. And if I do say so it's pretty darn satisfying.
Don't go looking for them, just start cooking outside and they will come to you. The barrel has only a roughly 3/16" opening, so no this will not work with nerf ammo.
Its really not that powerful. I Love the gun own one, and am 15 an 0 on nuisance bug atm. But I can shoot my self point blank in the hand, and the salt just turns to dust. And It doesn.t hurt. But some people are more sensitive. I have tough hands. But it wont really hurt you unless you get stupid and shoot your eye, nostril or ear canal point blank. P.S Point blank to me is one inch or contact. Half an inch on the BA.
The 3.0 is a great gun and a lot of fun. www.amazon.com/BUG-A-SALT-3-0-Yellow/dp/B089CDCCR1?crid=1ZTR3N90YC68T&keywords=bug+a+salt&qid=1660397630&sprefix=%2Caps%2C89&sr=8-3-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUFZN0dEQUJZNldVR0UmZW5jcnlwdGVkSWQ9QTAwOTI0MDMxU043OFhKSEM0NlFVJmVuY3J5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTA5NzU0MjcySDVCRTNBVjJIWUlEJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfYXRmJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ%3D%3D&linkCode=ll1&tag=greatwhitenin-20&linkId=6118fc8504ca39f27e67f91218abf4a1&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl
Season your burger and kill flies at the same time noice. I'm remodeling a home for an older lady that has a distain for carpenter bees and decided to upgrade her fly swatter so she can have more fun on the porch.
Both are really cool 😎 dude, you rock🤘🏼. And very hilarious 😂. But seasoning the meat was funny of course but made so much sense if sanitary of course. It'll cut through some ground beef and other meats effectively
@@AroundTheHome1 good because the salt is way more important just look at elephants getting salt from underground caves only imagne the amount of wild life attracted to the area. A salt grass contains 100x times less minerals than a table spoon of salt. Also why there are mountain goats on the sides of dams trying to lick the salt out of concreate.
@fred jimbob you are not the only person with this concern. I have tested it to prove that it does not shoot enough salt to harm anything. I even have 3 small potted plants in my kitchen window. This summer was bad about flies, and instead of trying to hit them with a fly swatter I shot them with the Bug A Salt gun. I did this to see if it was an ok idea to use indoors, and to see how it might effect plants at close range. It's not bad for using indoors. There is a little salt debris to clean up, but not bad. And there was no reaction from the plants. This thing is about as safe as safe can be.
I use mine on wasps but yea, you gotta get close and usually requres a double tap.. a single shot is usually enough to tear off their wings and render them less of a flying menace. You have to head shot them or come from the side and aim just below where the wings connect to the body.. will 100% tear off a wing and make him a helpless victim to a follow up attack.
You know, I will try that out this summer. See if I can down a few of those flying ba*@#rds.
This comment reminded me of starship troopers.
They have the shredder co2 powered for bigger bugs
If you use a coarse ground salt it greatly increases knock down power for things like wasps.
Looking for a place to get that in Europe..
That rapid fire sequence was amazing. Die Hard stuff man.
You know it.
I can a will back dude up on the wasp targets. This gun only stuns them and slightly messes up their wings. But they still live and can still fly but they fly away because they have taken to much damage. Buutttttt, if you extend the barrel some and taper it down slightly, and stretch the spring mech which drives the plunge or fire maker, then you get more power. I just got one of these this morning and already upped the power with a bit of papper at the end. But this toy functions like old airsoft guns so once I get to the spring I can add more power. Stay tuned.
I got my gun today and after it was cocked I pushed the safety button per directions on the box. Wouldn't fire so after several tries I came to UA-cam and found your video. Close to the beginning you showed both sides of the safety. Immediately I checked my gun and saw the safety release. Duh (this was not pictured on the box) Once I released the safety the gun worked fine. I deleted my post since the issue was resolved but soon noticed you had already replied. Quickly. Thank you! Unfortunately I could not find a single fly to kill today but I'm sure they'll show up. This old lady is ready to have some fun. Thanks again. 😊
@nana820able Glad you got that situated. If you have a grill, fire it up and you will have plenty of flies to shoot.
Is Nana gonna toke a little and shoot some flies?! 🙂
I like how you almost said "standard issue house flies" near the end
How do you know he almost said that?lol
Hes probably a american barbeque dad that works as a mechanic and knows about classic muscle cars and guns and ammunition hence "standard issue house flies"
@@erm_comm8264 😂😂😂😂
@@Billy.Nomates if youd actually watched the video instead of chaos skipping to the comments you would know
I have one that I can't get to work. The little orange thing on top won't shoot up, the safety is stuck in a down position, the trigger won't work, and the underneath sliding mechanism won't slide all the way back. I'm not sure if the orange piece that is supposed to stick up on top might be out of place somewhat. Any suggestions on how to fix it?
In my experience the 2.5 works more so as a shotgun with a wider spread were as the 3.0 acts more like a rifle because the salt is more condensed, however, both are very effective but I'm trying to narrow it down to which one is the most effective/does more damage and or stronger in general. What are your thoughts since this video was posted/all around with the time you've had to fiddle with both???
Well I don't have the 2.5, but my neighbor does. And we have both hung our around the smoker and shot the flies. I guess I didn't pay that much attention to the salt spray. I just really like the safety change on the 3.0. That's what really stands out for me.
@@AroundTheHome1 Agreed, and the more compact lighter design is a noticeable difference too. My only complaint would be that the trigger is a little too stiff. Now don't gemme wrong I'm a country man and I HUNT (not go around just shooting anything that moves with a Budweiser in my hand like a lot of people love to perpetuate the stereotypes/lable us incompetent, belligerent, and or just down right ignorant. It doesn't work that way people we have rules to follow, safety courses, and seasonal times that allow you to hunt certain animals and when we do we use EVERYTHING from said animal so that nothing is wasted and so that we hold a certain level of respect to mother nature and whatever we can't use we turn it into dog food, clothes/pelts, and ect) not KILL aimlessly, my apologies for sidetracking, so it's not like I can't use it but when I apply the force to fire, and due to it's lightweight design, it makes it a TAD difficult to line up the sights before making the shot.
@@scorpioriddick that’s why you 3D print an adapter for a buffer tube and butt stock :) nice proper cheek weld
Tighter choke like on a real shotgun allows for longer range shots with more accuracy and stopping power; 3.0 is my choice.
The first time I ever saw one of these I was working in a restaurant and the head cook had it was dropping flies from at least 10 ft or more away
You know, I normally just go after them in a 3 feet range. I will have to try longer range and see how it goes.
My daughter just bought one for me for my 70th birthday. I can’t wait to try it out. I hate flies.
You are going to love it.
Be ware. If you leave it loaded the spring tension will break an internal part. It’s fun while it works. But it breaks way to easy.
That's a good tip. I always leave mine unloaded because I worry about the springs wearing out. It's the same way I leave my Nerf guns.
you can thumb the safety on 2.5 to bypass the lock...fun find this am while on bike trek
That looks more like the 2.0 to me. Isn't the 3.0 black?
This is the 3.0. It comes in this color, black, clear, camo, and one more I think.
@@AroundTheHome1 Ah I see, good to know!
Think I might have to get one of these. We have an awful problem with STINK BUGS at our house!! It would probably make your house stink for a bit…But I’ll bet this thing would work great on them!!
👍 So glad to help! Thank you for watching. Check out hundreds more of our videos at www.aroundthehome.org
Can I de-ice my driveway with this? Also, can I load it with Season-All while grilling burgers?
That all sounds fun, but no.
On the 2.5 Ll you have ti do is superglue the safty,,I now have the shredder and it's really cool
What happens when you use it on a person that I would like to see?
I was hoping my 2.5 would kill Lantern flies, but it's not powerful enough. It will hurt them by blowing off their wings, but many of them would take a hit and still fly/jump to a nearby plant. At its best, it will hurt them enough to step on them after a few shots. All my shots are close range, within 8 inches
Also, I did a test. I shot mine with salt at a paper bag, and then I shot using raw sugar. The sugar granules were more defined and did more damage when shooting at the bag.
Thanks for the info
When I saw this in lowes last weekend I was like…. No way? And I knew without a doubt that I needed it
They are really fun, but double check the model number first. The ones at my Lowe's are the older model with the more cumbersome safety switch. Here is an Amazon link for the newer model, which I show in this video. www.amazon.com/BUG-A-SALT-3-0-Yellow/dp/B089CDCCR1?crid=24W7TCWBG7TSZ&keywords=bug+a+salt+gun+4.0&qid=1657625979&sprefix=bug+a+salt%2Caps%2C107&sr=8-11&linkCode=ll1&tag=greatwhitenin-20&linkId=fc8921f49c90c2c5303cd292914866dd&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl
I’ve had mine for years with no problems
That's great, but if you do get a clog here is my video on that. ua-cam.com/video/DSdYDMkU1t4/v-deo.html
Do you think this would work well on carpenter bees?
I have tried it on them. They are tough, and one shot isn't going to do it. If you can keep with them, and hit them again you can ground them and finish the job.
You said sand blaster then I wondered. Can you shoot sand out of it?
I don't know any sand that is as fine as regular table salt.
You need a 'Nam style ammo bandolier with round tubes of standard BBQ salt !!
What's the sweet spot range? How far can it fire a shot?
The sweet spot is between 2 and 3 feet. I know that doesn't sound like a lot, but the standard house flies that bother you when you are grilling normally sit still and are easy to pick off like that. The full effective range is under 6 feet. You really aren't going to kill anything further out then that. Even though that still doesn't sound like a lot, trust me you will get rid of all those pesky pests and have a great time doing so.
No problem 👍 So glad to help! Thank you for watching. Check out hundreds more of our videos at www.aroundthehome.org
Why are the safeties on these more of a pita than an actual firearm?
I don't understand what you mean by "Pita Safety"
So it doesn’t kill the wasp 🐝?
I mean if you can double tap it real close without missing then you can do a third shot and probably kill it. But good luck with that.
I bought two for Christmas. One for our house and one for my son’s. We love them. Agree with the course salt comment.
They are awesome! Here is a video in case you get a clog. ua-cam.com/video/DSdYDMkU1t4/v-deo.html 🪰
What about indoor use? Won't the salt attract bugs?
I have used it indoors, but sparingly. You know, because it leaves salt around. I have not had bugs attracted to the salt, but I won't say that there are bugs in different parts of the world that would like it.
I have 2 and both have broken trigger locks!!
Which models do you have?
Table salt don't pack the punch it takes to kill the large biting flies I feel with
It took me like 5-6 shots to get a wasp, eventually blew it in half though
Firing distance is underrated
My Dad always said "don't kill anything you're not going to eat". Flys don't taste too bad.
Hey, and they are already salted..
Does all that salt kill your house plants / grass ?
You know, you are not the only one that has asked this. It is something that I would never have thought of had it not been for viewers asking. There are no adverse effects of using this gun. It uses only a pinch of salt per shot, actually not even that much. I have even used it to shoot the flies that end up hanging out in my kitchen around the window. I have 3 small plants there, so if there were any problems they would show it. There have been no problems whatsoever.
I use Epson salt it's more like stepping up from bird shot to buckshot it does more damage to the fly
Ok, so Epson salt works just fine also?
@@AroundTheHome1 yes
I will have to give that a try. Thanks for the tip.
Spring action is always going to be weak, just remember BB guns and pellet guns. Same principle. They have a new one out now that uses a CO2 cartridge that will definitely be more powerful. On the downside you will have to buy CO2 cartridges. Not rocket science.
It works for flies, but you are right. The CO2 driven one is much more powerful.
Why cant you just put salt water in a squirt gun...???
You are not poisoning them with the salt. The salt is like tiny buckshot.
Great video, thanks for the advice. I'll try to get one out here in Asia for mosquito death 😂
Just bought one at a yard sale for $2 still had tags.
If that is in good working order, then you made the find of the summer.
I’m going to buy one before the Democrats ban a salt rifles.
The 2.0 will kill the moths in the garden if I can get close enough but I'm definitely upgrading to the 3.0 for my garden hunting Needs. I hope that it can do the job.
Sounds like fun!
@@AroundTheHome1 It is fun. It would be more fun if I could nail a moth from 5 ft or so.
my enemy is stink bugs. How does it work on stink bugs?
I don't think the normal one would do anything. But the new revolver would. www.amazon.com/Bug-A-Salt-Shred-Er-BUG-A-SALT-Starter-Kit/dp/B09SL491F6?crid=2DHAQE43ZMUAI&keywords=bug+a+salt+revolver&qid=1664838419&qu=eyJxc2MiOiIzLjE3IiwicXNhIjoiMi43OCIsInFzcCI6IjEuODgifQ%3D%3D&sprefix=bug+a+salt+%2Caps%2C127&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUExQVVYQkpKV1pNUkU4JmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwNzYxMjQ4MUNNVldTUzdaMFQxTSZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwNjE0MjAyT01FMUtZMVdQNklZJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfYXRmJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ%3D%3D&linkCode=ll1&tag=greatwhitenin-20&linkId=44cf5b6e8141c9cd329c969dd06e2fdc&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl
@@AroundTheHome1 $124? That's kind of steep.
Its work to house lizard?
Do you mean an actual lizard?
great for indoor use
I just got one and yes flys are cool to kill With this but wasps are more fun to kill
@@AroundTheHome1 thank. You do you think you could do a video of you killing a wasp WIRH this gun
Table salt is bad for the garden...Will it shoot Epsom salt? That would provide magnesium for the yard and plants.
I don't know. Is Epsom salt ground as fine as regular table salt? I have never seen it ground so fine. Also, this does not shoot that much salt, so I doubt that it could have any negative effects to plants. I mean other then blasting the leaves apart.
@@AroundTheHome1 modern blenders can make regular sugar into powdered sugar so grinding things is pretty simple....Im thinking of buying one of these salt guns and just trying to be prepared for my fellow garden buddies to try and bash it for using table salt.
Well, the gun is tons of fun and effective at the same time. Good luck with your buddies. Sounds like you need to try out the salt gun on some of them.
@@russell802208 actually a great idea if it works
There is also Bug-A-Salt salt especially designed for this fly swatter.
This keeps on coming up on my radar to get since I live on a farm(horsefly's are popping up now) and something with range aside from my pistol swatter would be more useful since the swatter part is on a string so it can't go that far(roughly 2 1/2ft). I only use spray's when it's a nest but the occasional wonderer of annoyance comes my way(especially in my house) I wanna blast it with not as much damage to my house.
@MisterMann these guns are fun and pretty effective at the same time. I have not had the chance to use them against horse flies though. We very rarely get them around here. If you invest in one I would say get the 3.0 like this one www.amazon.com/BUG-A-SALT-3-0-Yellow/dp/B089CDCCR1?content-id=amzn1.sym.a15c61b7-4b93-404d-bb70-88600dfb718d%3Aamzn1.sym.a15c61b7-4b93-404d-bb70-88600dfb718d&crid=DLID8HCIGB8H&cv_ct_cx=bug+a+salt&keywords=bug+a+salt&pd_rd_i=B089CDCCR1&pd_rd_r=b5acd3c3-c341-4181-92dd-05d381348c15&pd_rd_w=BxJ3h&pd_rd_wg=y2Cvy&pf_rd_p=a15c61b7-4b93-404d-bb70-88600dfb718d&pf_rd_r=AF9EHDQS8PMNSBYA8X2V&qid=1660396985&sprefix=bug+a+salt%2Caps%2C110&sr=1-2-a73d1c8c-2fd2-4f19-aa41-2df022bcb241-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEzNUQ3R1g2RTlYV0E2JmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwNjI1NTA4MlVYTThPU0M2RlBCVSZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwOTc1NDI3Mkg1QkUzQVYySFlJRCZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX3NlYXJjaF90aGVtYXRpYyZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU%3D&linkCode=ll1&tag=greatwhitenin-20&linkId=0643a444661d0b5862511c2498f1abab&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl
Or for a lot more power and fun they have a Co2 powered revolver. This one takes it to the next level. www.amazon.com/Bug-A-Salt-Shred-Er-BUG-A-SALT-Starter-Kit/dp/B09SL491F6?crid=DLID8HCIGB8H&keywords=bug+a+salt&qid=1660396985&sprefix=bug+a+salt%2Caps%2C110&sr=8-13&linkCode=ll1&tag=greatwhitenin-20&linkId=72ee839a293605afd75c41f984dcbff9&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl
Great vid great work
Glad you enjoyed it. If it gets clogged, here is that video. ua-cam.com/video/DSdYDMkU1t4/v-deo.html
The real a SALT rifle
What does it shoot?
Regular table salt.
I dont mind flies, is it good for squitos?
Yes, it can take out plenty of those as well. When they land, that is it. 👍 So glad to help! Thank you for watching. Check out hundreds more of our videos at www.aroundthehome.org
Does this break windows and chip walls?
It's not that strong. Now, the new CO2 revolver is a lot more powerful so I don't know about that one. This will chip off old paint if you are a foot away. And it will sting if you shoot someone close up. If you are less then two feet away it can cause a small patch of rug burn on a person. That's about it.
Can sand be used instead?
I don't know of any sand that is as fine as table salt. And, any grain of sand that could be larger would just jam it. Mine is currently jammed with a small collection of salt crystals, but I believe unjamming it just requires some warm water to dissolve it and a little patience. So, I'm going to stick with no sand.
Would you use it inside or is it too much salt?
I have tried it out inside to see. I would do it again on rare occasion. The salt isn't a bad thing since it isn't sticky nor does it attract insects. Also a shot here and there and you don't notice the salt. Anything more and you would.
It's not a good idea in your garden either. Salt on the ground will kill your plants and lawn or at least damage them.
Bah! It's just a tiny bit of salt.
Thanks for the video, I am definitely going to order one. Yipikai ey flies
Awesome vid. Does this work on the large cockroaches?
I haven't tried anything like that, but I would have to say no. I would imagine that cockroaches are too tough for it. Now they have a CO2 powered revolver that is much more powerful that probably would. Here is a link to that. www.amazon.com/Bug-A-Salt-Shred-Er-Starter-Kit/dp/B09SL491F6?crid=36RSN8IETX3FA&keywords=bug+a+salt+revolver&qid=1658320775&sprefix=bug+a+salt+re%2Caps%2C107&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEzQzAwMlkzR00yRVRVJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwMTU3ODc5QTQ1MjNXUFpRQ0xCJmVuY3J5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTAxNzM1NzcxSUhRVUFCUFhERk4zJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfYXRmJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ%3D%3D&linkCode=ll1&tag=greatwhitenin-20&linkId=35a36feb65e82862792d8b9bb77bf7d7&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl
Question, Can it only shoot salt?
I think so. I haven't tried to put anything else up there to get it all jammed up.
Most annoying are deer flies...but they tend to land on your skin...may not work so well
I'm not sure that I am familiar with those. Are they like horse flies?
@@AroundTheHome1 Bigger and Badder. Bite Hurts More Too. We Have Them At The Lakes Here In Michigan Every Summer.
Why do you sound like Kevin Smith
That is a good question.
Awesome review bro much appreciated
No problem 👍 So glad to help! Thank you for watching. Check out hundreds more of our videos at www.aroundthehome.org
I had the original it was disappointing, the one you have looks good.
I wondered about that. I have not tried the original, and I know there were some good upgrades from 2.5. I am honestly impressed with this one and it is a ton of fun.
I waited for the new and improved 3.0 version. I just ordered it today and can’t wait!
I find it interesting that if I didn't have comedy central I would NOT know of this product. In fact, when I first saw the commercial I thought it was a joke.
Well, it's no joke. I feel it is a must have if you are outdoor grilling.
One word YES!
Two words, Hell Yes!
Right on Silent Bob!!!
Ok does this model need CO2s??
No, no it does not. To my knowledge the only one that does require CO2 is the new handgun. 👍 So glad to help! Thank you for watching. Check out hundreds more of our videos at www.aroundthehome.org
@@AroundTheHome1 thanks for the fast reply and definitely going to get one of these 👍🏻
They are really great to use and a lot of fun. A must when you are out grilling / smoking.
@@AroundTheHome1 awesome 👍🏻 definitely will be getting one
I just got the 3.0 i finally arrived and ready for battle
Hell I want something that'll take care of bigger bugs!
They have a C02 powered revolver that will take care of big bugs. www.amazon.com/Bug-A-Salt-Shred-Er-BUG-A-SALT-Starter-Kit/dp/B09SL491F6?crid=HYCI5Z3GVH7E&keywords=bug+a+salt+gun+4.0&qid=1681655859&sprefix=bug+a+%2Caps%2C126&sr=8-10&linkCode=ll1&tag=greatwhitenin-20&linkId=e48142e6421c2c0561ae3562df5c25f2&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl
Velocity enough to pierce a cloth? Thinking about wolves non-lethal scare off
Like, are you talking about using it against wild wolves?
Dude it's literally firing table salt lmao if you're even close enough to a wolf to hit them with this you're probably already dead let alone if you fire a pinch of salt at them to piss them off
Wolfie will appreciate the fact that you seasoned yourself.
Lmaoooo what?!
I love mine's and shot a good video on my Fishing Channel of me killing tons of flys while cleaning some fish.
They are a lot of fun.
I prefer the tennis racket shaped bug zapper that electrocutes them mid-flight with a satisfying POP! Because Flies fly and sometimes refuse to land!
You, know I haven't actually tried that. Though, when you get good with this you can take them down in the air. And if I do say so it's pretty darn satisfying.
I shoot flies right if my foot and shin with it.
Widow maker is out....😈👌🔥
Where can you find an entire colony of flies and this gun sort of looks like a Nerf gun...so will it shoot a nerf dart if you fit one in the barrel?
Don't go looking for them, just start cooking outside and they will come to you. The barrel has only a roughly 3/16" opening, so no this will not work with nerf ammo.
@@AroundTheHome1 Okay...thank you very much!
80 shots? Sounds like a high capacity magazine. 😮
I can't help but wonder how all that salt will affect plants and soil.
I doesn't put out that much salt. It's just a "pinch" of salt at best per shot.
negligible. salt for the snow is worse cause everyone uses it , Willi nilly
Its really not that powerful. I Love the gun own one, and am 15 an 0 on nuisance bug atm. But I can shoot my self point blank in the hand, and the salt just turns to dust.
And It doesn.t hurt. But some people are more sensitive. I have tough hands. But it wont really hurt you unless you get stupid and shoot your eye, nostril or ear canal point blank.
P.S Point blank to me is one inch or contact. Half an inch on the BA.
Next, is the "a-salt style" wasp gun!
12 gage rock salt takes care of the wasp.
I use this on my baked potato chips
They needa make an Assualt gun for it or a machine gun 😂😂
Well, they have new CO2 powered revolver 🤔
Yes that safety was highly unnecessary a literal body count downer. That being said, I wouldn’t recommend this for the kids.
The 3.0 is a great gun and a lot of fun. www.amazon.com/BUG-A-SALT-3-0-Yellow/dp/B089CDCCR1?crid=1ZTR3N90YC68T&keywords=bug+a+salt&qid=1660397630&sprefix=%2Caps%2C89&sr=8-3-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUFZN0dEQUJZNldVR0UmZW5jcnlwdGVkSWQ9QTAwOTI0MDMxU043OFhKSEM0NlFVJmVuY3J5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTA5NzU0MjcySDVCRTNBVjJIWUlEJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfYXRmJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ%3D%3D&linkCode=ll1&tag=greatwhitenin-20&linkId=6118fc8504ca39f27e67f91218abf4a1&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl
I was hoping it would sting enough to shoot porch pirates and not get me in trouble. Looks like fun though.
It is fun. It still stings at 4 feet, but I'm guessing you are thinking more like 10 feet.
Season your burger and kill flies at the same time noice.
I'm remodeling a home for an older lady that has a distain for carpenter bees and decided to upgrade her fly swatter so she can have more fun on the porch.
Ya buddy!
Both are really cool 😎 dude, you rock🤘🏼. And very hilarious 😂. But seasoning the meat was funny of course but made so much sense if sanitary of course. It'll cut through some ground beef and other meats effectively
a "Shaltgun"
How's this work against mosquitos? My arch enemies.
It definitely has enough power to obliterate them, that is if you can catch them.
Quanto mano
I once sandblasted my entire muscle car with this thing... Spent about $10,000 in salt, but damn... That was fun!
Great comment.
I salt my steaks with it.
So I got one today my dad kill like 6 bugs It was every cool
Sounds awesome.
Take out a colony of flies and season your food
A little extra protein never hurt.
my carpet is full of salt works great
In case it clogs ua-cam.com/video/DSdYDMkU1t4/v-deo.html
Yeh looks great, if your 2 inches away!
2 to 3 feet actually. Which is no problem with killing those flies when you are grilling.
taking a salt to the next level. 😄 🤣 😂
Yes, yes it does.
Well, I'm not totally sure. It will definitely send them running. I'm sure that it would kill smaller ones.
It’s an A-Salt rifle 🥴
gonna get this to kill lanternflies... wish me luck
Good luck!
@@AroundTheHome1 so does that make the gun asalt rifle 😂😂
Found one of these shits in my attic
Anyone tried this on a slug😂
i hope this infestation was controlled before nothing is able to grow in the yard.
It is so little amount of salt that it does not hurt anything other then the flies.
@@AroundTheHome1 good because the salt is way more important just look at elephants getting salt from underground caves only imagne the amount of wild life attracted to the area. A salt grass contains 100x times less minerals than a table spoon of salt. Also why there are mountain goats on the sides of dams trying to lick the salt out of concreate.
This is stupid. You're going to kill all the plants and grass in your garden by salting the ground.
It's not stupid. There is so little salt that comes out of this that it harms nothing but the flies. And I am speaking from experience.
@@AroundTheHome1 Fair enough, I guess it would take quite a bit of salt to damage plants and I suppose it washes away with the rain eventually anyway.
@fred jimbob you are not the only person with this concern. I have tested it to prove that it does not shoot enough salt to harm anything. I even have 3 small potted plants in my kitchen window. This summer was bad about flies, and instead of trying to hit them with a fly swatter I shot them with the Bug A Salt gun. I did this to see if it was an ok idea to use indoors, and to see how it might effect plants at close range. It's not bad for using indoors. There is a little salt debris to clean up, but not bad. And there was no reaction from the plants. This thing is about as safe as safe can be.