Hi there and thanks very much for your explanation of the OXO pinball game. So good! I just bought one recently for the family and friends to enjoy. It worked beautifully for the first few days and then the ball started to get stuck in the trough at the bottom between the two flippers. It now only sporadically functions properly. I don't have any real experience in electronics or fixing this type of thing. Do you know if there's a simple solution for this?
Yes. There is. But it's not hearable in this video. Sometimes you might have trouble that the knocker is driven. Mostly because of dirty things on the corresponding parts.
Hey there my German friend. I really appreciate the help on this game. Looking to see if your oxo lights have failed to light up. Mine all of the sudden stopped working and can’t trace its errors. The score goes up and the sounds chime but will not light up the oxo in the middle. Strange one.
Hello. Thank you for asking. Do you have the manual and schematics for OXO? Are you expierienced in working on EM Pinball machines? The Lights of the Xs and Os are lit if the corresponding relay drops. Driven by an impulse from the corresponding contact of the playfield - going to the responsible relais on this enormous relay bank on the underside of the playfield. This relais are in line with a N/C "M + B" contact on the TILT relay. And the big bank is secured with a 1.6 A Fuse. Maybe this one has blown. Good luck on your mission! Greetings from germany. And always remember that there is high current within this machine! Be careful!
I just picked up this machine. Do you have some pictures of the left inside of the cabinet. There is something that was removed and I can’t figure out what it was.
On the left inside you find the Tilt Pendulum. For physical protection of the machine and to make a player legitimately earn a free game, all pinball machines have several tilt mechanisms inside. There are three different types, the rolling ball switch, the pendulum switch and the slam switch. Just inside the front door and to the left there is a panel that contains one of each type of tilt switch. At the top is the rolling ball switch. In the lower left is the pendulum switch and just to the right of it is the slam switch. Write down your e-mail-adress and i will send you a picture of my machine which i shot during shopping. Greetings from germany.
Hello TOmmyelectronic - If you still have the machine would you take a few pictures of the ball count step so i can see the srping layouts. I believe someone has added an extra spring to mine. Thank you.
Hello and thank you for asking. The Ball Count Unit on the Ground Panel only has two wiper fingers. If there is a third one there definitely is something wrong. But the best way to check it out by yourself is visiting the superb Internet Pinball Database were you can find the manual for this machine. There are drawn "pictures" of all of the units. Free Download. Check it out and ...good luck on your mission!
Hello. Thank you for asking. The Credit Unit on the Ground Panel steps one step further if you push the Credit/Start Button. Up to 4 Player - as shown in the Backbox behind the Backglass. Is "4 Players Up" lit" if you do this? If not there might be something wrong with this Stepper Unit. Maybe it is sticky because of old grease. Maybe the strength of the spring is too big so the "Spider Arms" are unable to step beyond too Players. Maybe this Unit doesn't reset as it should be. All in all you have to check this manually by lifting the playfield and do a "step up and reset" using your fingers - touching the plungers on this Unit. This is something which has to be done with EVERY Stepper Unit before starting a game of unknown state. But before: plug of the power cord before doing this! The Transformator is near-by!
Thanks for a great video of the best pin! One question: nine minutes in to the video you can see flashing bulbes behind the pink letters OXO. Now, is the flashing bulbes orginal?
Thank you for your comment. I don't know if the flashing bulbs were original when they delivered the pinballs in those days. Probably...not! I usually put in the #455 bulbs there to make the game more attractive during "attract mode". As far as i heard the operators did this, too. Join my other videos and leave a comment, please!
Thanks for showing the GIANT reset bank! No doubt the LARGEST bank in pinball history!
This game looked awesome under a blacklight.
Just bought this machine for my Christmas present.
Hi there and thanks very much for your explanation of the OXO pinball game. So good! I just bought one recently for the family and friends to enjoy. It worked beautifully for the first few days and then the ball started to get stuck in the trough at the bottom between the two flippers. It now only sporadically functions properly. I don't have any real experience in electronics or fixing this type of thing. Do you know if there's a simple solution for this?
Uma máquina incrível!!
Parabéns pela publicação!!!
Voltei ao passado.
Is there a knock when you hit the highscores??
Yes. There is. But it's not hearable in this video. Sometimes you might have trouble that the knocker is driven. Mostly because of dirty things on the corresponding parts.
Hey there my German friend. I really appreciate the help on this game. Looking to see if your oxo lights have failed to light up. Mine all of the sudden stopped working and can’t trace its errors. The score goes up and the sounds chime but will not light up the oxo in the middle. Strange one.
Hello. Thank you for asking. Do you have the manual and schematics for OXO? Are you expierienced in working on EM Pinball machines? The Lights of the Xs and Os are lit if the corresponding relay drops. Driven by an impulse from the corresponding contact of the playfield - going to the responsible relais on this enormous relay bank on the underside of the playfield. This relais are in line with a N/C "M + B" contact on the TILT relay. And the big bank is secured with a 1.6 A Fuse. Maybe this one has blown. Good luck on your mission! Greetings from germany. And always remember that there is high current within this machine! Be careful!
I just picked up this machine. Do you have some pictures of the left inside of the cabinet. There is something that was removed and I can’t figure out what it was.
On the left inside you find the Tilt Pendulum. For physical protection of the machine and to make a player legitimately earn a free game, all pinball machines have several tilt mechanisms inside. There are three different types, the rolling ball switch, the pendulum switch and the slam switch. Just inside the front door and to the left there is a panel that contains one of each type of tilt switch. At the top is the rolling ball switch. In the lower left is the pendulum switch and just to the right of it is the slam switch. Write down your e-mail-adress and i will send you a picture of my machine which i shot during shopping. Greetings from germany.
Hello TOmmyelectronic - If you still have the machine would you take a few pictures of the ball count step so i can see the srping layouts. I believe someone has added an extra spring to mine. Thank you.
Hello and thank you for asking. The Ball Count Unit on the Ground Panel only has two wiper fingers. If there is a third one there definitely is something wrong. But the best way to check it out by yourself is visiting the superb Internet Pinball Database were you can find the manual for this machine. There are drawn "pictures" of all of the units. Free Download. Check it out and ...good luck on your mission!
Do you know what part controls the amount of players per game. I can’t it to go past 2 players. Thanks in advanced.
Hello. Thank you for asking. The Credit Unit on the Ground Panel steps one step further if you push the Credit/Start Button. Up to 4 Player - as shown in the Backbox behind the Backglass. Is "4 Players Up" lit" if you do this? If not there might be something wrong with this Stepper Unit. Maybe it is sticky because of old grease. Maybe the strength of the spring is too big so the "Spider Arms" are unable to step beyond too Players. Maybe this Unit doesn't reset as it should be. All in all you have to check this manually by lifting the playfield and do a "step up and reset" using your fingers - touching the plungers on this Unit. This is something which has to be done with EVERY Stepper Unit before starting a game of unknown state. But before: plug of the power cord before doing this! The Transformator is near-by!
Thanks for a great video of the best pin! One question: nine minutes in to the video you can see flashing bulbes behind the pink letters OXO. Now, is the flashing bulbes orginal?
Thank you for your comment. I don't know if the flashing bulbs were original when they delivered the pinballs in those days. Probably...not! I usually put in the #455 bulbs there to make the game more attractive during "attract mode". As far as i heard the operators did this, too. Join my other videos and leave a comment, please!