A dozen drivers zoom past special needs bus stop, ignore honking bus driver in St. Pete

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024
  • Video captured shows at least a dozen drivers zooming past a special needs bus off 38th Avenue North in St. Petersburg as the driver honks to warn drivers.


  • @pauljr.harrington1905
    @pauljr.harrington1905 5 років тому +400

    What’s worse than illegally passing a stopped school bus?
    Illegally passing a stopped special needs school bus.

    • @richardbeckenbaugh1805
      @richardbeckenbaugh1805 3 роки тому +28

      What's worse is hitting and killing a child because you were busy texting while you went past that bus. Happened in my neighborhood two years ago and the girl who did it was not even sorry.

    • @lionpoop9246
      @lionpoop9246 3 роки тому +2

      Robbing a banks is worse

    • @Mad_Monk4105
      @Mad_Monk4105 3 роки тому +8

      So losing money is worse than losing children?

    • @Mad_Monk4105
      @Mad_Monk4105 3 роки тому +4

      To lion pride

    • @Erik-pr2rf
      @Erik-pr2rf 3 роки тому +8

      It don't matter the type of bus its illegal to pass when lights r flashing period.

  • @annieberardino8732
    @annieberardino8732 4 роки тому +260

    Those idiots will say they didn’t know they needed to stop but they definitely thought to themselves “aw shit” when they saw the cop.

    • @stevedarnell8444
      @stevedarnell8444 3 роки тому +3

      They will know next time after paying the huge ticket.

    • @ksworld1084
      @ksworld1084 3 роки тому

      @@stevedarnell8444 you’re right they deserve it!

    • @VoidHalo
      @VoidHalo 3 роки тому +1

      The idiots who say they didn't know they needed to stop are the sort of childish, self entitled people who just want to weasel out of taking responsibility for their screw up. Not saying this applies to everyone in the west, but it does seem to be exceedingly common. Or maybe it's just reported on more because who wants to see a story in the news about somebody being responsible? The more outrage a story creates, the more views/clicks/whatever it gets. So it's easy to think society's going downhill when all you see in the news is stories that support that view.

  • @Whatidunno1
    @Whatidunno1 3 роки тому +15

    Absolute SHAME on people not being good citizens for a school bus...

  • @mikeg3439
    @mikeg3439 3 роки тому +50

    Try Los Angeles. If you slow down and pull over for an ambulance with siren on/lights flashing, it's not unusual for the car behind you to honk, flip you off and rush around you, blatantly ignoring the ambulance. Cars are a way people express their true selves to others, it's telling what some few will do when they believe there won't be any repurcussion.

    • @fandom9488
      @fandom9488 3 роки тому

      Nah usa just dumb

    • @mikeg3439
      @mikeg3439 3 роки тому +1

      @@fandom9488 My work has taken me all over the world. Dumb, in heavy measure, is everywhere. You don't even have to travel the world, you can see "dumb" in reductionist comments on social media platforms.

    • @tourmii
      @tourmii 3 роки тому

      Things like this is why I think people should have to retake the test when it's time to renew their license. If you don't know basic rules of the road then you shouldn't be driving!!

  • @whatareyoulookingat908
    @whatareyoulookingat908 3 роки тому +31

    If you can see the police lights pulling you over, then you saw the bus lights/sign telling you to stop.

  • @rosebaby685
    @rosebaby685 3 роки тому +67

    School buses have a stop sign when the sign is out that means stop. Just like other stops signs.

    • @ericaschaidt8588
      @ericaschaidt8588 3 роки тому +1

      And multiple blinking lights.....your point?
      People are too entitled, self absorbed and preoccupied to be bothered by a silly school bus.

    • @ssj2camaro21
      @ssj2camaro21 3 роки тому

      @K Maxx half correct, the normal stop signs allow you to move again after you have come to a full stop and it is safe to do so. But wait, doesnt those same rules apply with the school bus stop sign? You have to stop until it is safe to do so (sign goes down after all kids are loaded). After all, passing both stop signs is illegal......

    • @gh0stdem0n666
      @gh0stdem0n666 3 роки тому +1

      But not all of them deploy them like in this video.

    • @beardeddragon1706
      @beardeddragon1706 3 роки тому

      Yah, if the sign is out and the lights are flashing then I stop. All I saw was that little yellow bar in front of the bus.

    • @lathafalls7675
      @lathafalls7675 3 роки тому

      Thank u and stop lights

  • @VoidHalo
    @VoidHalo 3 роки тому +35

    What these buses need is a spike strip that extends out into the left lane when they stop to blow out all of the tires of anyone who tries to blow past them. Then there would be no way anyone could flee afterwards, so they cops can be called to deal with them AND they have to pay for 4 new tires. Or failing that, a camera that automatically takes pictures of any cars that pass the bus while it's stopped so they can be issued tickets. Like a regular traffic camera, but one that only activates when the bus is letting kids off. Plus stiffer penalties in general, say a $1,000 fine plus 3 month license suspension for the first offense. 3 months in jail and 1 year license suspension for the 2nd time and 1 year in jail plus a lifetime suspension for the 3rd time. And make these changes as public as possible. Put out pamphlets and articles in news and on local news broadcasts so people know damn well what they're getting themselves into.

    • @soonersdevil
      @soonersdevil 3 роки тому +1

      They need a long stick that extends from bus to scrap cars...even if they don't stop..they won't be happy with damage..lady here on tv had Infiniti...bet she would've Exploded if her ride got damaged

    • @the1mexicant
      @the1mexicant 3 роки тому

      Dude they don’t even give kids seatbelts and you want mad max attachments lol

    • @VoidHalo
      @VoidHalo 3 роки тому

      @@the1mexicant It wouldn't cost that much more to at least put something like a gate for a parking lot on the stop sign arm that already extends out. It might not deter everyone, but it'd be better than what they have now. And it's not like installing life saving devices which have to pass strict standards on every seat of the bus. It's just a piece of wood that's painted bright colors.
      As for the seatbelts, I'm sure cost is one part of it. But imagine being a bus driver, and having to go through the bus constantly to make sure every kid is wearing their seatbelt correctly. I just couldn't see that working on a practical level. A lot of bus drivers can't even get their kids to sit in their seats. Never mind enforcing proper use of a seatbelt. But really, it's hard to say if it's cost, practicality, or a bit of both.
      And yeah, I suppose some of my ideas were a bit fanciful. But that doesn't mean they're not good ideas. We shouldn't just give up on it before even trying. It's a bit defeatist, if you ask me.

    • @richardbrooks6464
      @richardbrooks6464 2 роки тому

      or something that slides out from under the bus and flips up to block other lane of traffic.

    • @VoidHalo
      @VoidHalo 2 роки тому

      @@richardbrooks6464 That could work. But the bus would have to weigh quite a lot so it's not spun around from the impact.

  • @cpc1009
    @cpc1009 3 роки тому +78

    I bet that 3 years later (2021) there still are no changes to the cross walk at the end of the story

    • @gilmourwaters
      @gilmourwaters 3 роки тому +3

      This story definitely needs a follow up

    • @RedxLilxSleepy
      @RedxLilxSleepy 3 роки тому

      @@gilmourwaters it absolutely won't change

    • @VoidHalo
      @VoidHalo 2 роки тому

      If there are it's only because of money. Either it makes them money through taxes. Or it'd cost them money through some sort of penalties, I dunno. But it always comes down to money. Well, not always. But like 99% of the time.

    • @z-kaizer0919
      @z-kaizer0919 2 роки тому

      Nope no change 2022

    • @VoidHalo
      @VoidHalo 2 роки тому +1

      No. There are rarely changes made on issues unless the affect the people who have the power to make the change. The best example of this historically is the so-called Big Stink of 1858 in London. Sewage had been backing up into the Thames for decades and many people had called attention to the need for better waste management than just dumping everything into the Thames River. They assumed it would drain into the ocean and the tide would take it away, but the opposite happened and the sewage was just pushed further up-river and just stagnated and rotted. Which became unbearably disgusting to the point where the stench from it permeated the entire city badly enough to make some people vomit. But it wasn't until the smell started to affect the House of Parliament that laws were enacted (and enforced) to actually do something about it. I remember stories of how on hot summer days, the politicians would have the drapes over the windows covered in lime (the mineral) to try to get rid of the smell. Which I don't think would have done much. Lime doesn't smell like anything. It's just a strongly caustic chemical.
      But anyways I just wanted to relate that story because it's the best example of the phenomenon of politicians doing nothing until it actually affcets them. And it's an interesting story in and of itself aside from the bit about Parliament.
      As an interesting side note, apparently London's sewers are once again at capacity and overdue for a large scale expansion and overhaul to deal with the population growth since the last time it was expanded. Which I'm not sure when that would have been. But I do know that the original sewers that were built to deal with the waste management problems in the 1850s are still in use today. I thought that was pretty cool. I think just based on the fact that they've worked so well, non-stop for the past 160 years or so means they've more than paid for themselves.

  • @XxXXxxXXxx78
    @XxXXxxXXxx78 3 роки тому +75

    In my town, the bus drivers park crooked so people can't go around.

    • @butterflykisses8284
      @butterflykisses8284 3 роки тому +9

      That's what we were trained to do when I drove a special needs van

    • @jerrythao1433
      @jerrythao1433 3 роки тому +3

      Thank u for being a great driver

    • @ericaschaidt8588
      @ericaschaidt8588 3 роки тому +3

      @Robert M obviously that method won’t be practical in every situation.

    • @lionlionheart2181
      @lionlionheart2181 3 роки тому +2

      Smart driver.

  • @toshinotakiyami
    @toshinotakiyami 3 роки тому +49

    The police : *points to all the drivers * you get a ticket , you get a ticket , you get a ticket !

    • @ericaschaidt8588
      @ericaschaidt8588 3 роки тому +1

      Oprah: talk show host, magazine owner, philanthropist, officer of the law!

  • @evanarnold9771
    @evanarnold9771 3 роки тому +27

    My sister has cerebral palsy and epilepsy so she doesn’t walk very well. One time someone was so impatient that they passed and almost hit my sister as she was trying to get on the bus. It was terrifying but this awful person didn’t realize there was as awesome police officer right behind him that pulled him over and he got a really big fine.

    • @scottwpilgrim
      @scottwpilgrim 3 роки тому +7

      Fine isn't enough. Take away his license and send him back to driving school. Driving is a privilege, not a right.

    • @evanarnold9771
      @evanarnold9771 3 роки тому +3

      @@scottwpilgrim exactly! I think he had to do failure to yield too but I can’t remember

    • @evanarnold9771
      @evanarnold9771 3 роки тому +1

      @Lucy it’s so sad that people don’t pay attention when there driving. The least they could have done was apologize I’m so sorry this happened

    • @lathafalls7675
      @lathafalls7675 3 роки тому +1

      I’m sory I’m the same way I have cerebral palsy and epilepsy how bad is her CB if that’s ok with u?

    • @lathafalls7675
      @lathafalls7675 3 роки тому

      @Lucy did the cops catch the guy who did it ?

  • @jasonhook1537
    @jasonhook1537 3 роки тому +15

    The police should do that randomly at least once a week

  • @kenlompart9905
    @kenlompart9905 3 роки тому +89

    Ha ha, 8 dislikes. I'm guessing at least 4 of them are seen in this video.

    • @kingofnothing1433
      @kingofnothing1433 3 роки тому +5

      @ken lompart
      I think you're half right Ken because I'm guessing all 8!

    • @flying_bandit7609
      @flying_bandit7609 3 роки тому +1


    • @flying_bandit7609
      @flying_bandit7609 3 роки тому +2

      20 now and im guesing that more got stopped

    • @jebronlames7789
      @jebronlames7789 3 роки тому

      No the 👎is for the fake news station

    • @kenargo
      @kenargo 3 роки тому

      @@jebronlames7789 I down voted your comment for being a "fake person", as in "TROLL" account created just a couple months ago!

  • @wizardsuth
    @wizardsuth 3 роки тому +2

    If fines don't do the trick, they could always install severe tire damage spikes. Bus comes to a stop, the driver presses a button, the spikes come up, and anyone who tries to pass gets four flat tires.

  • @ValerieL.62
    @ValerieL.62 3 роки тому +3

    Those are the same people who refuse to pull over for ambulances.

  • @RhonyLynn
    @RhonyLynn 3 роки тому +10

    I worked as a Special Education Teacher's Aid for three years. Part of my job was assisting the kids on and off the school buses every day. This happened DAILY! People zipping past a school zone WAY above the speed limit, and then past a school bus! We had our school buses hit twice in the 3 years I was there.... with our kids on the buses! Luckily none of the kids were seriously hurt either time. People who speed past school zones/ pass stopped school buses should get more than a ticket, they should get arrested.

    • @gamechip06
      @gamechip06 3 роки тому +1

      It's as bad as hitting a mountain, the bus weighs multiple tons and driver of the car that hits the bus will suffer much more damage than the bus and it's students, the car will probably be totaled depending on the speed, with minimal to light damage to the bus, and besides, 98% of bus related accidents are pedestrians struck by the bus (real statistic), so the kids will probably suffer no more than an aching neck. In conclusion, the driver of the vehicle that didn't stop is already in a bad situation, they don't need a ticket to discourage them from doing it again, let alone going to prison. But I just started driving, so I'm not an expert.

    • @jackfrost7819
      @jackfrost7819 3 роки тому +1

      These people think is a race track

    • @mylifeasamy5691
      @mylifeasamy5691 3 роки тому +1

      Bus chassis have a steel frame.. Gotta protect precious cargo.

  • @careyg
    @careyg 3 роки тому +8

    A couple years ago,my Pre-K and 1st grade kids bus stopped,put out the sign,and as I was about to step into the road (bus stops on opposite side,and is right after a turn,and on a highway type road),a truck that had started to stop also started to drive again.I moved back,and thankfully the bus driver doesn't open the doors until parents get over the them,and even better,there was a state cop behind the truck the blatantly ignored me and the bus and the truck got pulled over! It was nice to see that justice happen.I can't believe people would pass a stopped school bus,even worse a special needs bus.People are so selfish and gross.

    • @kenlompart9905
      @kenlompart9905 3 роки тому +2

      I'm glad they got pulled over too but I'm mostly glad your bus driver kept you safe.

    • @thereeceforbes
      @thereeceforbes Рік тому

      peoplke got jobs and livleyhoods to make money

  • @user-vm5ud4xw6n
    @user-vm5ud4xw6n 3 роки тому +5

    Unbelievable! My mom used to work nights and they came up with the law that you had to stop while she was at work. Needless to say when she got stopped for her driving mistake, not knowing the law was no excuse. The law for this has been in effect for I don’t know how many years in PA. It’s not like its something new! 4 flashing lights on the back of the bus and a stop sign that flips out and flashes when the bus stops and that doesn’t tell a driver somethings going on?? The fine in CA is $1000 from what I read. Good idea. That law was enacted to keep our children safe. I bet if the child of one of those drivers was hit because of someone blowing by they’d have plenty to say. Where’s the respect and care for other folks children?

  • @jerrylmartinez3339
    @jerrylmartinez3339 3 роки тому +5

    It's a shame that some people have no respect for the red lights flashing on a bus to stop for students getting on

  • @barraindymacneil6256
    @barraindymacneil6256 3 роки тому +1

    A driver in Northern Indiana did that in 2018...and killed two kids and crippled a third. Too many people have toxic selfishness

  • @nicole14355
    @nicole14355 3 роки тому +3

    This shouldnt be tolerated. Ever. At all. Its too dangerous. Make an extreme and dramatic example out of a few and the rest will follow suit. There is no gray area here. Seriously how long will they be held up? Is a minute of your time really more important then the whole life of a little kid? I dont understand how this doesnt have a harsher punishment.

    • @Happybidr
      @Happybidr 3 роки тому

      I completely agree. In our area, we always stop.

  • @johncbeer
    @johncbeer 3 роки тому +7

    This Police department has a golden opportunity to solve their budget issues. Line 'em up!

  • @TheRetirednavy92
    @TheRetirednavy92 3 роки тому +11

    confiscate their cars, $3000 fines to get the car back. suspend D/L for a year.

    • @gamechip06
      @gamechip06 3 роки тому

      That's seems excessive imo.

    • @ryuuthefrog3775
      @ryuuthefrog3775 3 роки тому +1

      @@gamechip06 Well they did speed by a special needs bus without even considering to slow. It's illegal to pass any school bus in general when the lights are up. It's good enough to make sure they don't do the same bullshit again. Get them out of their asses so no kids die.

    • @gamechip06
      @gamechip06 3 роки тому

      @@ryuuthefrog3775 it can be accidental though, for example, my dad sped past a school bus on accident last year because he didn't see it, that doesn't mean he should suffer all the consequences listed above, hes generally a good driver and has never caused an accident.

  • @deannaf2450
    @deannaf2450 3 роки тому +5

    OMG! Disrespectful for a disabled child. Way to go! To the boys in blue💙.

  • @jefferykeeper9034
    @jefferykeeper9034 3 роки тому +8

    It's amazing that things get done after people go to the media for help.

  • @jenniferbogacki2699
    @jenniferbogacki2699 2 роки тому +1

    I wonder what would happen if the punishment for running past a school bus would be your car being crushed by a school bus. Then walking to work on a busy road with no sidewalk. Love to see it.

  • @kcrailroader5297
    @kcrailroader5297 3 роки тому +3

    The better question here - why is the bus stopping on a four lane road in the first place?

  • @Erik-pr2rf
    @Erik-pr2rf 3 роки тому +8

    Drivers lately seem to pick n choose what laws of the road they will obey n not obey , last few years its been not obeying the law to stop when a school bus has its flashers on and its out of control

    • @StarHunter28
      @StarHunter28 3 роки тому

      The politicians and cops do it, so people think they can too

  • @laptopacc2113
    @laptopacc2113 3 роки тому +2

    Nobody gonna learn until a Kid gets Hit by a Car while trying to cross the street to get on the Bus

  • @tomeverett2212
    @tomeverett2212 3 роки тому +4

    My wife and daughter both drive those buses in San Francisco. The number of self important people in this town is beyond count. Rarely do the cops do anything especially now with Chessie Bodin as AG.

  • @nancyomalley9959
    @nancyomalley9959 3 роки тому +3

    Don't those buses have the Stop Sign sticking out whenever they open their doors? Here on Long Island the buses have those and everyone stops for the buses

    • @jackfrost7819
      @jackfrost7819 3 роки тому +4

      yes but then drivers will " not notice or see " them and other nonsense

    • @robertheinkel6225
      @robertheinkel6225 3 роки тому +2

      Actually they have two, one in the front and another one in the rear

    • @nancyomalley9959
      @nancyomalley9959 3 роки тому +2

      @@robertheinkel6225 So there's NO EXCUSE for not stopping for school buses!

    • @thereeceforbes
      @thereeceforbes Рік тому

      @@nancyomalley9959 in europe we drive past stationary buses all the time

  • @pamjarvis2771
    @pamjarvis2771 3 роки тому +5

    This is so horrific with possible deaths to children. My adult son was one of learning disabilities on special need buses. Though luckily, our school systems had pickups and drop offs directly at our house for him and other students’ houses on their special need bus.

  • @ianbattles7290
    @ianbattles7290 3 роки тому +5

    In my state, passing a stopped school bus is an AUTOMATIC 6-month suspension of your driver's license.

  • @marysaade4343
    @marysaade4343 3 роки тому +10

    Love it❤️❤️❤️ Should be $1000 ticket

  • @Draracle20
    @Draracle20 3 роки тому

    Those dislikes are people who need to become special needs for the rest of their lives

  • @esmeraldagems9487
    @esmeraldagems9487 3 роки тому +19

    This is no news. It happens ALL THE TIME!!

  • @billchaulk5547
    @billchaulk5547 3 роки тому +3

    What the hell is going on in this town. Please drive safely.

  • @skeleguns10oooooo10
    @skeleguns10oooooo10 3 роки тому +1

    He wears a safety harness , which means he tends to wander to dangerous spots

  • @mybuttsbeenwiped666
    @mybuttsbeenwiped666 2 роки тому +1

    he has no understanding of pain, hurt or danger. then I sure hope he never has an encounter with a cop when he gets older that will all change quickly

  • @Marc816
    @Marc816 2 роки тому


  • @rukiakuchiki6187
    @rukiakuchiki6187 5 років тому +13

    13 car wow also it's a dame school bus!

    • @Maelael
      @Maelael 3 роки тому

      i was coming back with my class after visiting the corner store on TGIF afternoon and the class had to use a crosswalk controlled by a traffic light. We pressed the button to cross, and when it was our time to be crossing, no fewer than SIX cars came plowing through the area not even noticing that the light was a full on red for traffic. I wish there was an officer there that day as six drivers would have gotten tickets.

  • @katiea2228
    @katiea2228 3 роки тому +2

    Hell yeah!! My bus literally had to switch it’s route every year just to drop me off on the right side of the street because cars never stopped. Our system was: first picked up, last dropped off. I was second to last picked up, but I had to ride the bus for an extra half hour or so, just to be the last one off, because cars never stopped on the main road for me to cross the street to my house. A few years ago, the city FINALLY put a marked crosswalk there, but still, nobody stops for anything. I’d be so angry if someone with special needs was over there. Screw those drivers. I’m glad they got tickets

    • @nonnomenes1590
      @nonnomenes1590 3 роки тому

      Should be first on first off, other wise it's unfair for the kids who live at the start of the route

    • @katiea2228
      @katiea2228 3 роки тому

      @@nonnomenes1590 It ain’t up to me 🤷‍♀️

    • @cityofabscissae
      @cityofabscissae 3 роки тому

      @@nonnomenes1590, most school bus routes are that way, otherwise it would necessitate driving many more miles to drive to the furthest stop from the school.

  • @RoofedAsian89
    @RoofedAsian89 3 роки тому +1

    Why does the opposite direction need to stop , don’t make any sense

  • @Maelael
    @Maelael 3 роки тому +1

    it is due to bad drivers like these fools that buses put cameras on the driver's side to catch the stop-arm runners. that has helped to a degree, but if you have an entitled person who thinks that stop signs means nothing to them, then not even a stiff fine being sent in the mail will not change their minds until the judge revokes their license and forces these bad drivers to go to Driver's Ed

  • @gokushkameha-ha-ha9344
    @gokushkameha-ha-ha9344 3 роки тому +3

    If my kid wasnt even able to understand what pain was I wouldnt be sending him to school lol what's he gonna learn? Anything? Probably not

    • @StarHunter28
      @StarHunter28 3 роки тому +2

      It's just taxpayer funded daycare

    • @cheewawa4065
      @cheewawa4065 3 роки тому +1

      It’s just the parents dumping the little burden on somebody else so they can get a break.

  • @mrnapolean1
    @mrnapolean1 3 роки тому +1

    Glad they got tickets. As a auto parts driver in a town with 12+ schools in it, stopping for buses and slowing down for active school zones is a must.

  • @garyumwech2744
    @garyumwech2744 3 роки тому +5

    Its good to pull them over and revoke the their license and have them go back and get the written test and vision test again..

  • @barbaramelanson3912
    @barbaramelanson3912 3 роки тому +1

    It would have been great, if the cruiser stopped next to that bus on the entire route. Better still, stop in front of the bus and as they pass the bus, pull them over. Not a speed trap, just stupid and inconsiderate drivers. I bet they would think twice about doing it again.

  • @roxannedavis5179
    @roxannedavis5179 3 роки тому

    I have 2 special needs children and this is no longer a problem us anymore. I am glad they showing how important it is to stop for all of our babies out here.

  • @nynomadfjc3907
    @nynomadfjc3907 3 роки тому

    this is what happens with no accountability

  • @sylsyd88
    @sylsyd88 3 роки тому +3

    Good for the cops

  • @alex-279
    @alex-279 3 роки тому +1

    The cars traveling the opposite direction, when the road is 4 lanes with a median or center turn lane, are not required to stop for a school bus in NC. No school system would have a child cross 5 lanes.

    • @alex-279
      @alex-279 3 роки тому

      @Robert M number 5 says “roadway”

    • @alex-279
      @alex-279 3 роки тому

      @Robert M ...it says road. Not highway. It’s a divided roadway. I road a bus, I drove. It’s road. Any divided roadway. Road. Way. Roadway. No chance a school bus would stop to have a kid cross a divided roadway, or highway. Road. Way

  • @Summer_puppy312
    @Summer_puppy312 2 роки тому +2

    My heart goes out to this young boy. People have to stop being so ignorant and look at the world around them. You can't everything you want, take the time out of your day to lend a hand. We always need an officer, stop this hate and think about other people.

  • @lalamakeuprehab
    @lalamakeuprehab 3 роки тому +8

    Wtf is wrong with everyone?!

  • @andrewvelonis5940
    @andrewvelonis5940 3 роки тому +1

    Special needs or not, this is an official school bus with its lights and sign. Basic common sense people, why do you think the lights and signs are there?

  • @j.h.6081
    @j.h.6081 3 роки тому +1

    Sadly, this doesn't surprise me.

  • @jeepthing98
    @jeepthing98 3 роки тому

    There's no excuse for this. I could watch police stings all day for school bus stop violators.

  • @earlhaupenthal2444
    @earlhaupenthal2444 3 роки тому

    Ya, this is just one reason why there's a special place in heaven for school bus drivers.
    Drivers would run my stop sign all the time, EVEN POLICE!
    One day a girl almost got hit. Scared me half to death.
    Bus drivers don't get paid enough

  • @bondsons
    @bondsons 3 роки тому

    This is the height of selfishness

  • @chuckgates1171
    @chuckgates1171 3 роки тому +1

    1,000.00 fine might wake drivers up.

    • @jguy30
      @jguy30 3 роки тому +1

      Taking it personally cause it’s your old bus

  • @Nomorenamesful
    @Nomorenamesful 3 роки тому

    When that officer says “this isn’t the best of the job” he can barley keep a straight face. Writing tickets that people totally deserve would be amazingly satisfying I think.

  • @absolutesrunner
    @absolutesrunner 2 роки тому

    Please more on this issue 🙏🏼

  • @nonyabidness5708
    @nonyabidness5708 3 роки тому +3

    Traffic has to stop in the other direction, too? That's dumb...

  • @ramblin_man23
    @ramblin_man23 3 роки тому +1

    People here in Alabama pass stopped school busses and don't stop or pull over for ambulances and fire trucks either. It's because they weren't taught it's the law.

  • @crispinjulius5032
    @crispinjulius5032 3 роки тому +2

    The answer to why they’re doing it is simple: the majority in society don’t care about anyone except themselves. Little acts of kindness, decency and what is right, fall by the wayside until no one gives two thoughts about the person next to them. “I’ve got my own problems! Screw you!”

    • @iMutiny
      @iMutiny 3 роки тому +2

      Kindness is walking your special needs kid to the bus and not demanding 20+ people be delayed because you can't drive the kid to school.

  • @crazycreeper3653
    @crazycreeper3653 3 роки тому +1

    by law you must stop on both sides when the bus stops with the signs out

    • @williamf57
      @williamf57 3 роки тому

      Not in Ohio if four lanes opposing traffic doesn’t have to stop.

  • @TheHumphrey367
    @TheHumphrey367 2 роки тому

    Thats a divided highway with 4 lanes of traffic and 1 lane for turning that means only the traffic going the same way that the bus is going must stop right? I might be wrong, but that's what i learned from the drivers education.

  • @angelagillett1033
    @angelagillett1033 3 роки тому +1

    It's irrelevant that the bus carries special needs children. What's relavent is the fact that they don't stop. Even when busses flash there lights

    • @mattmax11
      @mattmax11 3 роки тому +1

      How is it irrelevant? Some kids might bolt on to the road unexpectedly as they're getting off a bus and get hit.

    • @ryuuthefrog3775
      @ryuuthefrog3775 3 роки тому

      Because it's even more dangerous for the kids on there. Makes the humans driving even more scummy for not giving a shit over kids that wouldn't know better than to not bolt out into the road, even with a parent right with them.

    • @thereeceforbes
      @thereeceforbes Рік тому

      @@ryuuthefrog3775 why yu letting the kid run into the road first off all aint their supposed to be parents picking them up specially special needs

  • @AliSakurai
    @AliSakurai 4 роки тому +5

    Use spike strips.

  • @robertmoore6149
    @robertmoore6149 3 роки тому +1

    This is why traffic cams came into being. Now they are needed on school buses as well. When there is consequences for their actions, these drivers will stop.

  • @2dthoughts
    @2dthoughts 3 роки тому

    The busses around here have flashing red lights and a stop sign that folds out from the side of the bus

  • @daisykid3
    @daisykid3 3 роки тому

    I don't understand, school busses literally have a stop sign built on to the side. What is wrong with people???

  • @robstan2668
    @robstan2668 3 роки тому

    Go get them officers before a kid gets killed

  • @sfcrmsa
    @sfcrmsa 3 роки тому +3

    They should treat those drivers like a DUI/DWI. Suspend their drivers license and give them a hefty, reasonable fine. You can't miss that yellow bus plus all the flashing lights. Unacceptable.

  • @the1mexicant
    @the1mexicant 3 роки тому

    People get too comfortable in their area and know when to speed and run stop signs and red lights. That’s also why most accidents occur by the house because your guard is down. You drive more careless when close to the house and off the freeway

  • @djosserperrah9563
    @djosserperrah9563 3 роки тому +2

    For once i agree with a police check point.

  • @theone6805
    @theone6805 3 роки тому

    I feel like things can change a bit for better traffic safety. The stop sign on the side of the bus should come out first before the flashing lights come on because theres times when bus drivers doesn't turn on the stop sign when they stop, and the flashing lights could just be an emergency/hazard lights

  • @SoapinTrucker
    @SoapinTrucker 3 роки тому +1

    *What* big yellow/orange object did I just pass with a stop sign on it, what are you talking about?!?!?!?!? 🥴

  • @crochetwithapril
    @crochetwithapril 3 роки тому

    I've never been so glad to live on a narrow road. Our kids Driver parks diagonally in the centre of the road. No chance anyone's passing her bus lol

  • @pauljamison3340
    @pauljamison3340 3 роки тому

    Do the cars have to stop in both directions? And slow down for a regular school bus? In London they have cameras on the buses that capture cars in a bus lane, then a citation gets mailed directly!!!

  • @benefactionhindrance
    @benefactionhindrance 3 роки тому

    The bus driver wasn’t honking at traffic, she was honking at the kid to hurry the heck up! 😆

  • @Daddyme92
    @Daddyme92 3 роки тому

    Few years ago I didn't know drivers were supposed to stop until I notice the stop sign pop out from the bus and another time my girl mentioned it. Defenetly important to get the word out

  • @gabrierodriguez9586
    @gabrierodriguez9586 Рік тому

    Shouldn’t the bus have stop signs on both sides of the bus to ensure people to stop

  • @mishkawild1090
    @mishkawild1090 3 роки тому

    Ignorance of the law is no excuse.... If these people actually read the driver's handbook they would know traffic laws.

  • @forrest2457
    @forrest2457 3 роки тому +1

    That’ll put points on their licenses, if they have one, otherwise they just got it out of a cereal box or off of Amazon

  • @shawnclements14
    @shawnclements14 3 роки тому

    these are the kinds of tickets cops need to be writing.

  • @andrewhelton1289
    @andrewhelton1289 3 роки тому

    It’s a Florida thing unfortunately. I’m from Tennessee, but lived in South Florida for 7 years. Drivers don’t stop for busses, and they don’t pull to the right for emergency vehicles. I couldn’t believe it... every time.

  • @Rlotpir1972
    @Rlotpir1972 3 роки тому

    65 people gave the school bus the finger and then left and later got busted by police!

  • @ronlheureux7623
    @ronlheureux7623 3 роки тому +1

    This only confirms my thought that goes back decades: people are idiots. Look around in 2020 and 2021.

  • @marcobeste953
    @marcobeste953 3 роки тому

    As an European I don't really understand what's the need of stopping for a school bus, I mean, of course I understand it but if you are that preoccupied of an accident happening while your child gets off the bus then maybe you should wait for him at the bus stop. Honestly here it's the road's fault, there are no crossingwalks, no traffic lights, the traffic goes a bit fast and that's definitely not good, but imposing a stop that could easily take 10 mins to every incoming car is definitely not the right way of avoiding an accident, the parents should pick him/her up from the bus stop if he/she can't be trusted of crossing a road safely

  • @bobbond6365
    @bobbond6365 3 роки тому +1

    It’s the law !!! They should have their drivers license suspended for a few months.

  • @johnm.5848
    @johnm.5848 2 роки тому +1

    I've been driving school buses in the Northern burbs of Boston for almost 23 years and everytime I yell at someone to stop, they either curse or flip the birdie at me. However, when drivers do get pounced on by the Karma Cops, they get a $350 citation and a 7 year surcharge on their insurance. I'm thankful that no child has ever lost his/her life.

  • @crodrig411
    @crodrig411 3 роки тому

    Blame DMV for not Educating Drivers,should pass Exams

  • @robertbennett2796
    @robertbennett2796 3 роки тому +1

    We need more unmarked cop cars to deal with this

  • @Expat47
    @Expat47 3 роки тому

    First of all , why is this kid more important than any other kid? Then if the law says you have to stop for a school bus then where's the cop if it doesn't say you have to stop then where's the beef?

  • @asiablack1968
    @asiablack1968 3 роки тому +1

    I took a school bus for most of my school years almost no cars stoped for the bus when it stopped to pick up or drop of students.

  • @nancyhammons3594
    @nancyhammons3594 3 роки тому

    Those people need to READ THE DRIVER'S MANUAL every state has 'em.

  • @erikabulsara538
    @erikabulsara538 3 роки тому

    Both the bus and house are on the right. Nobody has to cross the road and there is no crosswalk. Why do cars have to stop? It would be irresponsible of the bus to park on the right if an individual has to cross the street from the left. Sometimes buses take forever. If the individual is not ready to get on then leave. Don’t wait for minutes on end.

  • @KP_Nation
    @KP_Nation 3 роки тому

    Just because you're running late is not an excuse. LEAVE EARLIER DUMMIES! Y'all know who you are.

  • @justinmaples6580
    @justinmaples6580 3 роки тому

    In Washington if its more then 3 lanes opposite going traffic doesnt stop. Or if there's a turn lane on a 2 lane road opposite driving traffic doesnt stop