He is definitely quoting 3 passages that are very interesting..I have begun to listen & I am wondering how he will tie them together with the rest of the scriptures..(#1)..love God & (#2) ..love others..or..(#1) .."ye must be born again" & (#2).."go ye therefore unto all of the world & teach"..everyone needs to be rested up.. in order fulfill these commands..to set aside at least one day of rest per week in order to accomplish that..the new Testament seems to add a second day of rest..Saturday for the body & mind & Sunday for the spirit.. Christians can do twice as much as Jewish people..if we have 5 days of labor as Christians..we should be able to do more than a Jewish person could do in 6 days of work...most Christians add a 3rd day of rest on Wednesday..or..at least they should..to honor the Holy Spirit, too...since almost all of them have a Wednesday night prayer meeting..so.. working 4 ten hour days could be just as or more productive than 5 eight hour days..rest is essential no matter how you approach the subject..on days of rest, a Christian could study the scriptures in more depth or share what he has learned with others in greater detail..so everyone could be 100% sure of what the truth is.. these are potential blessings or promises given to all believers.
He is definitely quoting 3 passages that are very interesting..I have begun to listen & I am wondering how he will tie them together with the rest of the scriptures..(#1)..love God & (#2) ..love others..or..(#1) .."ye must be born again" & (#2).."go ye therefore unto all of the world & teach"..everyone needs to be rested up..
in order fulfill these commands..to set aside at least one day of rest per week in order to accomplish that..the new Testament seems to add a second day of rest..Saturday for the body & mind & Sunday
for the spirit..
Christians can do twice as much as
Jewish people..if we have 5 days of labor
as Christians..we should be able to do more than a Jewish
person could do in 6 days of work...most Christians add a 3rd day of rest on Wednesday..or..at least they should..to honor the Holy Spirit, too...since almost all of them have a Wednesday night prayer meeting..so..
working 4 ten hour days could be just as or more productive than 5 eight hour days..rest
is essential no matter how you approach the subject..on days of rest, a Christian could
study the scriptures
in more depth or share what he has learned with others in greater detail..so everyone could be 100% sure
of what the truth is..
these are potential blessings or promises
given to all believers.