You can’t force it. Men will especially tend to be more resistant to listening to their wives. They will often feel that it is their role to help lead their wives to something as important as faith in God. Just keep praying, don’t push, pick up some books that are scientific or apologetic in nature. Read them yourself and don’t speak about what you are reading, but do let him see you reading them.
I’m a cradle Catholic who grew up hating Mass. I couldn’t wait to grow up and stop going, and that’s what I did. As I grew older, life went downhill and I began to search for better church experiences. I tried many and not one of them even came close to feeding my heart and soul. I remained lost, but hopeful that I could somehow obtain the joy my Catholic family members and friends had. When my mother died, I went crawling back into Mass and felt an indescribable joy and closeness to my mother, who was a devout and true daughter of the Church. I cried and was filled with brightness and understanding. I felt that my heart had been touched by God. That first Christmas without her was the most joyous Christmas I ever had. I’ve been going back since then and LOVE the Mass.
Thank you, Keith, for all the interviews you’ve shared with us! I’ve passed some of them along to friends who are still struggling with their non-denominational Christian faith. I also pray they can find the help and guidance they need.
I am a cradle Catholic. Received all my sacraments. Baptized at 2 weeks old. First communion in 2nd grade. Confirmation in 4th grade. A large Irish Catholic family and I was raised into adulthood only knowing my basic prayers, sadly! As an adult I did not know about apparitions of our Blessed Mother! With the help of the internet around 2010, I was set on fire with my faith when I learned about Fatima! Our Lady always draws us towards her Son! Anyway, I tried to tell my hudband, my son, my 5 brothers and my sister, neices and nephews about all the amazing things that I was learning about! I couldn't shut myself up! They thought that I had become some Jesus freak, and I most certainly did! What I did do was drive everyone around me crazy. I didn't understand why they weren't as amazed as I was. I understand now that it was my journey, not theirs! I needed to trust that the Holy Spirit would lead them in their own time and that it wasn't me who could convert their hearts. I have seen conversion with some of my family members, but the most important ones for me were my husband and to see my adult son return to the Church! My suggestion to converts/reverts, just breath, sit with the Lord and trust that He has this! God bless! 🙏
I appreciate that Kyle didnt have that "one moment" where it became "real". I tried explaining the same experience to my brother, who very much has a pinpoint moment. I told him I always believed in Christianity thanks to my protestant upbringing, but living the Faith wasn't "real" until I converted to Catholicism.
Listening, so excited!! Thank you, y’all, for doing these, it is so needed!!! I’m entering the Catholic Church from a wonderful life of Protestantism (no hate), it is like “throwing gasoline on the fire” when diving into the Catholic faith as a Christian already. So, only 1 Protestant friend of mine knows, I haven’t told anyone else until it’s official at Easter time, God willing (deed is DONE). When I share that I’m going to the local catholic parish people recoil as if it’s nasty, they’re surprised/shocked…. 😢 Most Catholics I have met where I am are unhappy with this/their faith, and they’re surprised when I share how much the Mass blesses me… I want to positively shout on a mountain top, “awaken oh sleeper!” Don’t “hide your light under a bushel”, more like people have forgotten they even have a lamp to use! May God bring a fire of revival to the Catholic faith! My boys go to the catholic school here, it is incredibly tiny, I pray it doesn’t close down, it is a sweet gift to our family (scholarship❤)! Praise be to the one, true, only Triune Holy God! ❤ Godspeed!!!
I don't often tear up to these wonderful conversion stories. When Keith's guest shares about his brother passing without baptism to realize how his brother interceded and saved his friend, it got to me. God is good!
Wow, Kyle can really speak and relate well. Hard to stop listening to him. I also appreciate your ability, Keith, to ask the right questions without interfering with your guests' communication flow. Wonderful interview!
This is beautiful!! Thanks for sharing!! We crossed over as I went to Steubenville south in Alexandria from 2006-2009, transformative experience as a young person.
He got me good with the emotional set-up before the free pizza bit. Well done sir! Keith you really do have a talent for interview. You support the story and make the necessary inquiries without overpowering the guest. You let the story shine but draw out details that certainly enhance it. Really nice listening to these.
If anyone is praying for people, add me to your list please. I'm a new believer and I feel like I'm in the wilderness, belonging nowhere. I have been studying the Bible and the 1st century fathers, I have been looking at the Catholic church, but I am so unsure on certain topics. I just keep praying that the Holy Spirit guides me to the truth. I have talked to some Protestants but they give me no real answers what answers given do not line up with the Bible or what the 1st century fathers say.
Intercede to our blessed mother of our lord, our god through the Holy Spirit. Be praying for you and for everyone discerning conversion to Catholicism, dominus Vobiscum
I pray for converts daily. New converts and those seeking Truth. You'll get there just keep asking Jesus and his Blessed Mother to help keep you on the narrow road. 🙏🤲🙏💕💝
Welcome home Kyle! Oddly I am working on my first script for a Catholic channel! The one I am posting from is not Catholic content. Kyle has had some great advice!
The Claddagh ring is a traditional Irish ring, as opposed to a 'Catholic' ring (of course lots of Catholics have Irish connections so you do see a lot of them!) He's correct that wearing the heart facing inwards suggests the person is in a committed relationship 💞
Welcome home my brother but we ALL need to come together in unity with ALL of our betrotheds and sisters despite their religion and creed because we all were created by the same father in heaven and us who know Jesus as the true son of God the father we just have to show gods love for them as well and as for us Christians we have to be more united as neither and sisters as true Christians because we all love Christ so why argue and disagree with each other if we all love Christ as our king and savior and if you’re from another Christians domination before throwing any stones at us Catholics just look and do you research from the fathers of our church and its teachings, UNITY theirs is what our beloved Lord Jesus asks from us ALL, so until we don’t learn to accept our differences and to show the love of god this will never happen and this is the time for us ALL to unite before the great deceiver comes we will need each other to help each other when he comes, and I know for sure it’s going to happen very soon, may god bless you Keith for this great podcast a good first fruit from god 🙏❤️🙌🇺🇸🇵🇹🕊
There’s one thing I must say brother Kieth about what your guests had said and that’s when he mentioned about when he was seemingly to forceful when he was strong in explaining the Catholic faith and probably offended people by his explanation of the catholic faith,and I want to mention this and that is our God and Lord Jesus Christ spoke with AUTHORITY and it wasn’t so pleasant and except able to the Jews and as you know Jesus could not convert ALL OF HIS CHOOSEN RACE BUT ONLY THOSE WHO WOULD UNDERSTAND AND BELIEVE IN JESUS CHRIST WOEDS
Yes bcs you can shout all you want but at the end of the day it is The Holy Spirit who saves us by opening our hearts and leading us to Jesus. God saves, we don't.
God's Word teaches there is no salvation outside of the Lord Jesus Christ, His atoning blood/finished work of the cross, while the false church of Rome teaches the doctrine of devils, that there is no salvation outside of the false Roman Catholic church.
Hey Keith, the road to Catholicism? Where is Yeshua in all of this? Yeshua (Jesus) is quoted in Matthew 4:19: Yeshua called out to them and said "COME AND FOLLOW ME . . .". Yeshua did not say come and follow Catholicism, or protestants, or anything or anyone else but Follow HIM. And by the way, in our conversation at your Mary is the Mother . . .Deal with it you tube video, I forgot to mention Yeshua saying SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES; (John 5:39) for in them you think you have eternal life: and they are they that testify of me. And you will not come to me, that you might have life.Yeshua said The Scriptures and nothing else was mentioned by HIM. Where does Yeshua say search other books in Catholicism or any religion of men that go beyond the words of Yeshua?
I'm sorry, I love you guys but!!! As a cradle Catholic I cannot stand the term " on fire!! " It's like a televangelist term , I understand you mean it in a good way.
I’m a Jewish convert to the Catholic Faith. I had a spectacular conversion experience, and for six years I was on fire with the Holy Spirit and love for Jesus. I’m still madly in love with Jesus, but I am more quiet and contemplative now. If you’ve ever been zapped by the Holy Spirit, there’s no other word to describe it than “on fire.”
@@MarilynBoussaid-yd1vk That's wonderful!! It's not the feeling, it's the terminology, I'm a cradle Catholic as I said, this is something no one ever said growing up, it is a term used by tv evangelist that's all.
@@kellycurran4608I get you regarding the terminology. It it Protestant terminology. I too prefer "excitement", "love" being "ecstatic" over "on fire." Protestant terms take me back to spiritual abuse. I have been spiritually abused by Protestant family members and a fake friend. Anyway having said that I do realize not everyone has had my experiences. To each their own ❤
The Catholic creator conference standard admission $500 and VIP $700+ 😂😂😂😂 sure this is about God shameless God's words are free for the whole world using God's words to make people pay for you nonsense
@terencetierney351 you obviously do not understand not of works lest any man should boast=salvation by grace through faith alone, in the Lord Jesus Christ, His atoning blood/finished work of the cross alone. You reject the sufficiency of the Lord Jesus Christ, His atoning blood/finished work of the cross to save alone, and falsely think salvation is in works/acts/deeds, or in the false Roman Catholic church. You are lost, not born again, and that is why you can't understand and reject the Spiritual truths I am telling you.
Deuteronomy 4:2 and 12:32 both say not to ADD or DIMINISH from the Decalogue! Yet in the catechism of the Church they saw it fit to remove the second commandment and change the sabbath to the eighth day of the week. I’m sorry but that’s straight up blasphemous!
@: John 17:17 Sanctify them by the truth, thy word is truth! Psalm 119:160: Thy word is true from the beginning The most important aspect of Sola Scriptura is God’s word is consistent in it’s doctrines when studied using proper hermeneutics and without eisegeses.
I could hardly believed that this protestant Bible wiz will be converted to RCC. How come that he is a Bible wiz has not fully underrand what he was reading? As I understand of the word wiz is that he is a very bright person and could inderstand very well what he is reading. I am not a Bible wiz as he is but I understand that the Bible is the word of God; and it was in the Bible that Jesus Christ is the savior of the world. We are not saved by the good works that we have done, but by the grace of God through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. I don't know why that protestant Biblle wiz became a member of the RCC when most of their doctrines were not found in the Bible. The RCC were even very disobedient to the very important laws and commandments of God God prohibits RCC to make graven images of their saints and worshiped and served created things rather than the creator who- is forever praised. Our God is a jealous God and He don't want the people to worship created things. We people should worship our God alone so that our God will be oleased with us and will take good care of us. So many wrong doctrines were found in the RCC. Jesus Christ was not the founder of the RCC. Ijt was satan who was the real founder of the RCC. The CFD of the RCC has shown a paper that Jesus Christ had signed that He was the founder of the RCC. Jesus Christ died on 28 a.d. and the RCC was established on 33 a.d. how could Jesus Christ signed in that paper when Jesus Christ died before satan established the RCC on 33a.d.? The RCC made St. Mary the savior of the world. They made St. Mary as their god and allow their people to pray the holy rosary. They had no respect for Jesus Christ who was the real savior of the world.
Hebrews 9:22 KJV "And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission (of sins). 24 For CHRIST is not entered into the Holy Places made with hands (the Jewish Tabernacle), which are the figures (physical signs) of the true (spiritual truths); but into Heaven itself now to appear in the presence of GOD for us: 25 nor yet that HE should offer HIMSELF often, as the high priest enters into the holy place every year with blood of others; 26 for then must HE often have suffered since the foundation of the world: but now ONCE in the end of the world has HE appeared to put away sin (forgiveness of all sins) by the Sacrifice of HIMSELF. 27 And as it is appointed unto men ONCE to die but after this the judgment: 28 so CHRIST was ONCE offered to bear the sins of many and unto them that look for HIM, shall HE appear the Second time, without sin unto salvation." (Parenthesis mine )
@@MarilynBoussaid-yd1vk So, are you saying the unbloody sacrifice of the mass sacrificing a wafer over and over again agrees with the HOLY SCRPTURE I quoted especially the first verse and the later references that CHRIST was sacrificed only ONCE in the end of the world to put away sin?
How can you sacrifice a wafer? It’s impossible. It’s also impossible to re-sacrifice Jesus, in case you were thinking of that. He is risen, never to die again. During the Eucharistic Celebration, Catholics are not sacrificing anything. Any reference to “Sacrifice” (as in, “The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass”) refers to the once-for-all Sacrifice of Christ. It is not repeated and is not repeatable. At each Mass, we are presenting to the Father, in thanksgiving (which is the meaning of “Eucharist”), the one, redeeming, once-for-all sacrifice of Christ. We do this as commanded by Jesus, as a Perpetual Memorial, and in exactly the way He commanded it, mindful of the promises of the New Covenant (“This is the New Covenant in My Blood”). Along with the Eucharist, in keeping with the priesthood of the faithful, we offer ourselves to the Father, ready to do God’s Will. At the Sacred Moment of the Consecration, we are transported outside of time to Calvary, where we are mystically present at the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Christ. We praise and glorify God, giving thanks for the gift of His Only Begotten Son whom the Father sent to save us. What happens at each Mass is a miracle. We believe it because Jesus promised it, just as we believe in the Resurrection of the Body, and the Life of the World to Come.
@@emmap1159 It is the same Gospel of JESUS CHRIST and HIM crucified and raised from the dead on the 3rd day and for all true believers Jew and Gentile.
Christ's true church consisting of all those truly born again, submits to God and His Word as their only and final authority in doctrinal matters that they preach, teach, and practice. They do not submit to the false church of Rome, that teaches many false teachings and practices contrary to God's Word in Holy scripture. If the false Roman Catholic church was really under the authority of God and His Word instead of being used by the Devil that it obeys, it would not contradict the true Gospel of the cross of Christ, and other fundamental truths of scripture/God's Word.
@terencetierney351 you are ignorant of the truth of God's Word, because you are not under the authority of God and His Word, but rather you are under the authority of the Antichrist pope, and the false church of Rome from the Devil.
@terencetierney351 you obviously do not understand not of works lest any man should boast=salvation by grace through faith alone, in the Lord Jesus Christ, His atoning blood/finished work of the cross alone. You reject the sufficiency of the Lord Jesus Christ, His atoning blood/finished work of the cross to save alone, and falsely think salvation is in works/acts/deeds, or in the false Roman Catholic church. You are lost, not born again, and that is why you can't understand and reject the Spiritual truths I am telling you.
being honest here, he sounds like he had very weak theology before converting. Church of Christ have abysmal theology as it is. He came from a very weak version of what most of us like to call "Rock Concert Churches" which isnt really protestant as much as it is reformers of the reformers. They are weak in their faith if having it really at all.
God welcomes us all into His Church, regardless of where we come from. That's the beauty of it. You can be a brilliant theologian (Aquinas) or an uneducated peasant (me) and there is a place for you in Catholicism.
@@KyleWhittington no disrespect indented. i just mean the Catholic church attracts weak theology backgrounds but offers very little in theological completion. Its very rare if ever that redeemed informed Reformed Christians convert. From what I've noticed, most Catholics don't grow very far theologically beyond obsession with church fathers, mamma Mary or the need to be told what to believe. Redemption of a true nature offers spiritual confirmation and revelation in the truth of God. -John 17:17. Which is what Jesus taught and the first 40 years of church history followed. The Tanakh.
@@HillbillyBlackI have no idea what “theological completion” means. The mysteries of God are inexhaustible. “Completion” isn’t really a consideration on this side of eternity. Additionally, there’s so much depth to the Catholic Church that you and I don’t have enough time left in our lives to study it all. Also, while the Church certainly does attract those on the weaker side, the Church also attracts the brilliant like Scott Hahn, John Bergsma, Suan Sonna, Alan Schreck, Brayden Cook, Drew Loewen, James Likoudis, John Henry Newman, Gavin Ashenden, GK Chesterton, Ronald Knox, Kenny Burchard, Frank Sheed, JD Vance, and many others. The Catholic Church has room for both the beggar and the scholar. Jesus came to save both and everyone in between.
Please pray for my husband to humble himself, and that God would have mercy for him to believe.
I'm going through the same thing with my wife I will certainly pray for you and your husband
🙏🙏🙏📿📿📿 will do
For my wife it was reading about eucharistic miracles. Science can't explain it...
@ that’s wonderful. ❤️ I can’t get him to read or watch anything.
You can’t force it. Men will especially tend to be more resistant to listening to their wives. They will often feel that it is their role to help lead their wives to something as important as faith in God.
Just keep praying, don’t push, pick up some books that are scientific or apologetic in nature. Read them yourself and don’t speak about what you are reading, but do let him see you reading them.
Cradle Catholic here and I’m so INSPIRED by converts!!!
Me too. God is good.❤
I’m a cradle Catholic who grew up hating Mass. I couldn’t wait to grow up and stop going, and that’s what I did. As I grew older, life went downhill and I began to search for better church experiences. I tried many and not one of them even came close to feeding my heart and soul. I remained lost, but hopeful that I could somehow obtain the joy my Catholic family members and friends had. When my mother died, I went crawling back into Mass and felt an indescribable joy and closeness to my mother, who was a devout and true daughter of the Church. I cried and was filled with brightness and understanding. I felt that my heart had been touched by God. That first Christmas without her was the most joyous Christmas I ever had. I’ve been going back since then and LOVE the Mass.
You have a great testimony. I hope you are sharing it! Do you have the possibility of getting involved in youth ministry?
Hopefully Regular Confession is part of your return as well.
witness to how strong the rebellious is.
Thanks again for having me on!
Great interview!!!
Thank YOU!
You have a wonderful story! Thank you for sharing it with us!
Thank you, Keith, for all the interviews you’ve shared with us! I’ve passed some of them along to friends who are still struggling with their non-denominational Christian faith. I also pray they can find the help and guidance they need.
Would you mind making a video about how we lay Catholics can administer baptism to those who are dying? What is needed for this?
I am a cradle Catholic. Received all my sacraments.
Baptized at 2 weeks old.
First communion in 2nd grade.
Confirmation in 4th grade.
A large Irish Catholic family and I was raised into adulthood only knowing my basic prayers, sadly!
As an adult I did not know about apparitions of our Blessed Mother! With the help of the internet around 2010, I was set on fire with my faith when I learned about Fatima!
Our Lady always draws us towards her Son!
Anyway, I tried to tell my hudband, my son, my 5 brothers and my sister, neices and nephews about all the amazing things that I was learning about! I couldn't shut myself up! They thought that I had become some Jesus freak, and I most certainly did!
What I did do was drive everyone around me crazy. I didn't understand why they weren't as amazed as I was.
I understand now that it was my journey, not theirs!
I needed to trust that the Holy Spirit would lead them in their own time and that it wasn't me who could convert their hearts.
I have seen conversion with some of my family members, but the most important ones for me were my husband and to see my adult son return to the Church!
My suggestion to converts/reverts, just breath, sit with the Lord and trust that He has this!
God bless! 🙏
I wish you were my neighbor we have a lot in common.🙏🏼🌺✝️🕊
Jesus I trust in thee, take care of everything.
Great post. Thank you.
I love that Kyle’s conversion story can be summed up as: “You think free pizza is good? Check out our other food…”
LOL - love it
I appreciate that Kyle didnt have that "one moment" where it became "real". I tried explaining the same experience to my brother, who very much has a pinpoint moment. I told him I always believed in Christianity thanks to my protestant upbringing, but living the Faith wasn't "real" until I converted to Catholicism.
Praying for all Protestants to cross the Tiber. Just like Dr Hann and Steve Ray and Keith Nester ❤🙏✝️❤️
Listening, so excited!! Thank you, y’all, for doing these, it is so needed!!! I’m entering the Catholic Church from a wonderful life of Protestantism (no hate), it is like “throwing gasoline on the fire” when diving into the Catholic faith as a Christian already. So, only 1 Protestant friend of mine knows, I haven’t told anyone else until it’s official at Easter time, God willing (deed is DONE). When I share that I’m going to the local catholic parish people recoil as if it’s nasty, they’re surprised/shocked…. 😢 Most Catholics I have met where I am are unhappy with this/their faith, and they’re surprised when I share how much the Mass blesses me… I want to positively shout on a mountain top, “awaken oh sleeper!” Don’t “hide your light under a bushel”, more like people have forgotten they even have a lamp to use! May God bring a fire of revival to the Catholic faith! My boys go to the catholic school here, it is incredibly tiny, I pray it doesn’t close down, it is a sweet gift to our family (scholarship❤)! Praise be to the one, true, only Triune Holy God! ❤ Godspeed!!!
I also love how you talk about other Catholic creators, I always like to make sure I’m subscribed to as many as possible 😁
I don't often tear up to these wonderful conversion stories. When Keith's guest shares about his brother passing without baptism to realize how his brother interceded and saved his friend, it got to me. God is good!
Wow, Kyle can really speak and relate well. Hard to stop listening to him. I also appreciate your ability, Keith, to ask the right questions without interfering with your guests' communication flow. Wonderful interview!
Captivating conversation! Kyle is enjoyable to listen to speaking of his life
I so enjoy the positive aspects of your channel. There seems to be way to much negative and divisive content that hurts our faith rather than unites.
TRUTH - that's why I like channels that are either strict apolgetics (Trent Horn) or convert stories.
I feel like you are honest man God bless you 💖
Awesome video. God bless you both 🙏🏻 😊
Awesome Testimony. Thank you both. God Bless!
New catholic here. I have so much to learn - I'm like a kid in a candy store. It is actually a very humbling place to be.
This is beautiful!! Thanks for sharing!!
We crossed over as I went to Steubenville south in Alexandria from 2006-2009, transformative experience as a young person.
I was also there in 2009. There’s a non-zero chance that we crossed paths!
Love your (and all ) conversion story ❤
Thank you for sharing your story!
He got me good with the emotional set-up before the free pizza bit. Well done sir! Keith you really do have a talent for interview. You support the story and make the necessary inquiries without overpowering the guest. You let the story shine but draw out details that certainly enhance it. Really nice listening to these.
Thank you so much.
Thank you both for an inspiring conversation ❤
If anyone is praying for people, add me to your list please. I'm a new believer and I feel like I'm in the wilderness, belonging nowhere. I have been studying the Bible and the 1st century fathers, I have been looking at the Catholic church, but I am so unsure on certain topics. I just keep praying that the Holy Spirit guides me to the truth. I have talked to some Protestants but they give me no real answers what answers given do not line up with the Bible or what the 1st century fathers say.
Intercede to our blessed mother of our lord, our god through the Holy Spirit. Be praying for you and for everyone discerning conversion to Catholicism, dominus Vobiscum
Yeah…that’s good advice. “Her soul magnifies the Lord”…Luke 1:46-56
Go sit in a Catholic Church and talk to God. Ask him to open your eyes to His love in the beauty of His Church.
I pray for converts daily. New converts and those seeking Truth. You'll get there just keep asking Jesus and his Blessed Mother to help keep you on the narrow road. 🙏🤲🙏💕💝
Kyle is such a stud
I got my Masters (online) from Steubenvile, but not moving there...too cold!!
Welcome home ✝️🙏
Let’s go!
Great interview! 😁
Crying over the free pizza was gold.
held me to my seat
Welcome home Kyle! Oddly I am working on my first script for a Catholic channel! The one I am posting from is not Catholic content. Kyle has had some great advice!
Thank you
I can confirm that Steubenville is awesome.
Nice interview!
Both of you men are God's "real deal". As a fellow Catholic, Thank you!🙏💝
I laughed so hard when you said “we all got sick for half the to e we were there. It was great.” Nothing like a family adventure through adversity. 😂
😂😂😂 @ Joanna’s comment to you after receiving the sacraments.
Kyle on Keith? BIG TIIIIME
Congrats on the baby!
The Claddagh ring is a traditional Irish ring, as opposed to a 'Catholic' ring (of course lots of Catholics have Irish connections so you do see a lot of them!) He's correct that wearing the heart facing inwards suggests the person is in a committed relationship 💞
Love Dr Schrek!
Love the Joeanne and bus story 😂❤ God is good
“Apologetics is not a prayer life!!” Gold
EESHO MISHIHA Saviour Of The World Save us from the cancer called Protestantism Amĕn Maranatha ♥️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏
Catholic, Air Force veteran, and cybersecurity specialist? Sounds inspiring.
Wow touching on death was very meaningful ❤❤❤
A fellow Okie! Fantastic!
I couldn’t hear the title of the book about the Eucharist thatKyle gave to his friend. What’s that, if anybody knows? Thanks
Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist by Brant Pitre
Hi Keith. You're looking more like Our Lord Jesus Christ.
A wonderful book for those who are brave enough is entitled "The Great Controversy" by E G White. Eye opening!!!
Welcome home my brother but we ALL need to come together in unity with ALL of our betrotheds and sisters despite their religion and creed because we all were created by the same father in heaven and us who know Jesus as the true son of God the father we just have to show gods love for them as well and as for us Christians we have to be more united as neither and sisters as true Christians because we all love Christ so why argue and disagree with each other if we all love Christ as our king and savior and if you’re from another Christians domination before throwing any stones at us Catholics just look and do you research from the fathers of our church and its teachings, UNITY theirs is what our beloved Lord Jesus asks from us ALL, so until we don’t learn to accept our differences and to show the love of god this will never happen and this is the time for us ALL to unite before the great deceiver comes we will need each other to help each other when he comes, and I know for sure it’s going to happen very soon, may god bless you Keith for this great podcast a good first fruit from god 🙏❤️🙌🇺🇸🇵🇹🕊
Dr. Maria Scheck is my doctor.
There’s one thing I must say brother Kieth about what your guests had said and that’s when he mentioned about when he was seemingly to forceful when he was strong in explaining the Catholic faith and probably offended people by his explanation of the catholic faith,and I want to mention this and that is our God and Lord Jesus Christ spoke with AUTHORITY and it wasn’t so pleasant and except able to the Jews and as you know Jesus could not convert ALL OF HIS CHOOSEN RACE BUT ONLY THOSE WHO WOULD UNDERSTAND AND BELIEVE IN JESUS CHRIST WOEDS
Yes bcs you can shout all you want but at the end of the day it is The Holy Spirit who saves us by opening our hearts and leading us to Jesus. God saves, we don't.
@ do you mean that the Holy Spirit will save every single person on this earth hmmm?🤔
God's Word teaches there is no salvation outside of the Lord Jesus Christ, His atoning blood/finished work of the cross, while the false church of Rome teaches the doctrine of devils, that there is no salvation outside of the false Roman Catholic church.
Hey Keith, the road to Catholicism? Where is Yeshua in all of this? Yeshua (Jesus) is quoted in Matthew 4:19: Yeshua called out to them and said "COME AND FOLLOW ME . . .". Yeshua did not say come and follow Catholicism, or protestants, or anything or anyone else but Follow HIM. And by the way, in our conversation at your Mary is the Mother . . .Deal with it you tube video, I forgot to mention Yeshua saying SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES; (John 5:39) for in them you think you have eternal life: and they are they that testify of me. And you will not come to me, that you might have life.Yeshua said The Scriptures and nothing else was mentioned by HIM. Where does Yeshua say search other books in Catholicism or any religion of men that go beyond the words of Yeshua?
I'm sorry, I love you guys but!!! As a cradle Catholic I cannot stand the term " on fire!! " It's like a televangelist term , I understand you mean it in a good way.
The Holy Spirit is FIRE 🔥
why object??
I’m a Jewish convert to the Catholic Faith. I had a spectacular conversion experience, and for six years I was on fire with the Holy Spirit and love for Jesus. I’m still madly in love with Jesus, but I am more quiet and contemplative now. If you’ve ever been zapped by the Holy Spirit, there’s no other word to describe it than “on fire.”
@@MarilynBoussaid-yd1vk That's wonderful!! It's not the feeling, it's the terminology, I'm a cradle Catholic as I said, this is something no one ever said growing up, it is a term used by tv evangelist that's all.
@@kellycurran4608I get you regarding the terminology. It it Protestant terminology. I too prefer "excitement", "love" being "ecstatic" over "on fire." Protestant terms take me back to spiritual abuse. I have been spiritually abused by Protestant family members and a fake friend.
Anyway having said that I do realize not everyone has had my experiences. To each their own ❤
Fire is biblical connected to the holy spirit of our Baptism.
Kyle is a nerd.
No u
The Catholic creator conference standard admission $500 and VIP $700+ 😂😂😂😂 sure this is about God shameless God's words are free for the whole world using God's words to make people pay for you nonsense
Try to make your programs shorter. Thanks enjoying
The only work that saves, is the finished work of Christ on the cross, which repentant sinners must receive by faith alone to be saved.
No alone no fidas.
@terencetierney351 you obviously do not understand not of works lest any man should boast=salvation by grace through faith alone, in the Lord Jesus Christ, His atoning blood/finished work of the cross alone.
You reject the sufficiency of the Lord Jesus Christ, His atoning blood/finished work of the cross to save alone, and falsely think salvation is in works/acts/deeds, or in the false Roman Catholic church.
You are lost, not born again, and that is why you can't understand and reject the Spiritual truths I am telling you.
Keith lookin like Keanu Reeves 😎
Deuteronomy 4:2 and 12:32 both say not to ADD or DIMINISH from the Decalogue! Yet in the catechism of the Church they saw it fit to remove the second commandment and change the sabbath to the eighth day of the week. I’m sorry but that’s straight up blasphemous!
And what about Protestants who removed whole BOOKS from the Bible??? Hmmmm........
8th Day?????
@: In the catechism that’s their word for it, not mine
Ignorance is bliss in bible alone unbiblical u.s.a 60,000 unified protestants Jesus does not KNOW Jesus said it.
@: John 17:17 Sanctify them by the truth, thy word is truth!
Psalm 119:160: Thy word is true from the beginning
The most important aspect of Sola Scriptura is God’s word is consistent in it’s doctrines when studied using proper hermeneutics and without eisegeses.
I could hardly believed that this protestant Bible wiz will be converted to RCC. How come that he is a Bible wiz has not fully underrand what he was reading? As I understand of the word wiz is that he is a very bright person and could inderstand very well what he is reading. I am not a Bible wiz as he is but I understand that the Bible is the word of God; and it was in the Bible that Jesus Christ is the savior of the world. We are not saved by the good works that we have done, but by the grace of God through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
I don't know why that protestant Biblle wiz became a member of the RCC when most of their doctrines were not found in the Bible. The RCC were even very disobedient to the very important laws and commandments of God God prohibits RCC to make graven images of their saints and worshiped and served created things rather than the creator who- is forever praised. Our God is a jealous God and He don't want the people to worship created things. We people should worship our God alone so that our God will be oleased with us and will take good care of us.
So many wrong doctrines were found in the RCC. Jesus Christ was not the founder of the RCC. Ijt was satan who was the real founder of the RCC. The CFD of the RCC has shown a paper that Jesus Christ had signed that He was the founder of the RCC. Jesus Christ died on 28 a.d. and the RCC was established on 33 a.d. how could Jesus Christ signed in that paper when Jesus Christ died before satan established the RCC on 33a.d.? The RCC made St. Mary the savior of the world. They made St. Mary as their god and allow their people to pray the holy rosary. They had no respect for Jesus Christ who was the real savior of the world.
Perhaps you should listen to what I have to say before replying.
Hebrews 9:22 KJV "And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission (of sins). 24 For CHRIST is not entered into the Holy Places made with hands (the Jewish Tabernacle), which are the figures (physical signs) of the true (spiritual truths); but into Heaven itself now to appear in the presence of GOD for us: 25 nor yet that HE should offer HIMSELF often, as the high priest enters into the holy place every year with blood of others; 26 for then must HE often have suffered since the foundation of the world: but now ONCE in the end of the world has HE appeared to put away sin (forgiveness of all sins) by the Sacrifice of HIMSELF. 27 And as it is appointed unto men ONCE to die but after this the judgment: 28 so CHRIST was ONCE offered to bear the sins of many and unto them that look for HIM, shall HE appear the Second time, without sin unto salvation."
(Parenthesis mine )
Why did you copy today’s First Reading from Mass into the Comments?
@@MarilynBoussaid-yd1vk So, are you saying the unbloody sacrifice of the mass sacrificing a wafer over and over again agrees with the HOLY SCRPTURE I quoted especially the first verse and the later references that CHRIST was sacrificed only ONCE in the end of the world to put away sin?
How can you sacrifice a wafer? It’s impossible.
It’s also impossible to re-sacrifice Jesus, in case you were thinking of that. He is risen, never to die again.
During the Eucharistic Celebration, Catholics are not sacrificing anything. Any reference to “Sacrifice” (as in, “The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass”) refers to the once-for-all Sacrifice of Christ. It is not repeated and is not repeatable.
At each Mass, we are presenting to the Father, in thanksgiving (which is the meaning of “Eucharist”), the one, redeeming, once-for-all sacrifice of Christ. We do this as commanded by Jesus, as a Perpetual Memorial, and in exactly the way He commanded it, mindful of the promises of the New Covenant (“This is the New Covenant in My Blood”).
Along with the Eucharist, in keeping with the priesthood of the faithful, we offer ourselves to the Father, ready to do God’s Will.
At the Sacred Moment of the Consecration, we are transported outside of time to Calvary, where we are mystically present at the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Christ. We praise and glorify God, giving thanks for the gift of His Only Begotten Son whom the Father sent to save us.
What happens at each Mass is a miracle. We believe it because Jesus promised it, just as we believe in the Resurrection of the Body, and the Life of the World to Come.
Hebrews is talking to Hebrews about why the sacrifice of Hebrews is now defunct. It is not intended to negate the last supper or the Eucharist.
@@emmap1159 It is the same Gospel of JESUS CHRIST and HIM crucified and raised from the dead on the 3rd day and for all true believers Jew and Gentile.
Christ's true church consisting of all those truly born again, submits to God and His Word as their only and final authority in doctrinal matters that they preach, teach, and practice.
They do not submit to the false church of Rome, that teaches many false teachings and practices contrary to God's Word in Holy scripture.
If the false Roman Catholic church was really under the authority of God and His Word instead of being used by the Devil that it obeys, it would not contradict the true Gospel of the cross of Christ, and other fundamental truths of scripture/God's Word.
Way out wrong totally ignorant. No bible alone.
@terencetierney351 you are ignorant of the truth of God's Word, because you are not under the authority of God and His Word, but rather you are under the authority of the Antichrist pope, and the false church of Rome from the Devil.
@terencetierney351 you obviously do not understand not of works lest any man should boast=salvation by grace through faith alone, in the Lord Jesus Christ, His atoning blood/finished work of the cross alone.
You reject the sufficiency of the Lord Jesus Christ, His atoning blood/finished work of the cross to save alone, and falsely think salvation is in works/acts/deeds, or in the false Roman Catholic church.
You are lost, not born again, and that is why you can't understand and reject the Spiritual truths I am telling you.
being honest here, he sounds like he had very weak theology before converting. Church of Christ have abysmal theology as it is. He came from a very weak version of what most of us like to call "Rock Concert Churches" which isnt really protestant as much as it is reformers of the reformers. They are weak in their faith if having it really at all.
God welcomes us all into His Church, regardless of where we come from. That's the beauty of it. You can be a brilliant theologian (Aquinas) or an uneducated peasant (me) and there is a place for you in Catholicism.
I thought I was pretty explicit in stating that my faith was weak prior to coming to the Catholic Church. Thank God the Church had a place for me.
@@KyleWhittington no disrespect indented. i just mean the Catholic church attracts weak theology backgrounds but offers very little in theological completion. Its very rare if ever that redeemed informed Reformed Christians convert. From what I've noticed, most Catholics don't grow very far theologically beyond obsession with church fathers, mamma Mary or the need to be told what to believe. Redemption of a true nature offers spiritual confirmation and revelation in the truth of God. -John 17:17. Which is what Jesus taught and the first 40 years of church history followed. The Tanakh.
@@HillbillyBlackI have no idea what “theological completion” means. The mysteries of God are inexhaustible. “Completion” isn’t really a consideration on this side of eternity. Additionally, there’s so much depth to the Catholic Church that you and I don’t have enough time left in our lives to study it all.
Also, while the Church certainly does attract those on the weaker side, the Church also attracts the brilliant like Scott Hahn, John Bergsma, Suan Sonna, Alan Schreck, Brayden Cook, Drew Loewen, James Likoudis, John Henry Newman, Gavin Ashenden, GK Chesterton, Ronald Knox, Kenny Burchard, Frank Sheed, JD Vance, and many others. The Catholic Church has room for both the beggar and the scholar. Jesus came to save both and everyone in between.
Buddy humble yourself.