That and a general tiredness with established parties it seems, along with the far right ones knowing better how to use populism and misinformation through the internet to win over indecisive voters. If it were only normal immigration worries, it would only affect border countries that tend to receive a lot of immigrants being processed, but Norway doesn't face that, when they get illegal immigrants it's usually refugees that have been divided among the EU since, you know, if we want to talk with moral superiority we have to at least try to uphold it@@r-pu4md
Norwegian here, I wouldn't say theyre hard right, they're regular right, they're far less right than the nationals in France or republicans in us. However their policy is mainly on immigration and assimilation, in a parliamentary system the smaller parties are naturally topic parties.
It’s always impossible to place parties precisely on a left-right axis, but a party in the richest country in the world wanting to remove the wealth tax (2/3 of which is paid by the country’s richest 1%) and making up for it by cutting all foreign aid, is about as selfish a party as you’ll find anywhere in Europe.
Hang on! The 2001 election lead to a centre-right coallition. The Popular Party was not involved until 2013. Also, the 2005 election lead to a Labour/Socialist Left/Centre Party coallition, not a Labour alone government.
I mean there's also the whole any hard line stance on less immigration getting labelled as far right nowadays by media regardless of any other policy stances by the parties. So forgetting facts and spinning a story isn't a surprise I'm expecting it at this point and I'll be surprised if they don't.
Sweden will only get worse. It’ll forever stand as an example of what happens when you appease Islamists and when white guilt takes over decision making.
You are missing a few things here. Prices of electricity, interest rates, inflation, value of the NOK are things that the current government have proven unable to do anything about, add in a rising "no EU" sentiment in the mix, and those things play well into the Progress Party. Also, the Labour Party has lowered income taxes, however, a normal family has had their costs increased by increases in fuel taxes, plastic bag taxes, taxes on food, alcohol, nicotine, sugar etc etc, giving the population a feeling that "yeah they give one cent and take two back".
The very fact that a "far right" party has "progress" in its name is a great irony. Conservative/reactionary ideology in principle does not believe in human "progress"
@@jonasastrom7422you are sick in the head. Deportation? You're absolutely out of your mind! If there's a country in Europe able to integrate its migrants, it's Norway as well
ah, the bot army has arrived. in every video discussing any far right party, comments like yours are spammed relentlessly with sightly different wording. repeating falsehoods does not make it true. for anyone sceptical, check this "user"'s name: it's odølf, a fake norse-looking version of adolf, making it clear where in the political spectrum these comments are coming from.
@@lordbeetrot No, it's due to their egregious stances on immigration in general. Faking a letter from a muslim immigrant to spike fears for a cultural invasion is plenty to qualify a party as far right, and ever since they've kept up their focus on reducing immigration and tolerance towards cultural diversity, maintaining in the heads of MOST people that they're far-right lunatics.
The video does not really give any explanation to why the Progress Party is on the rise, and it misses some important context. Firstly, there is no doubt that the opposition gains from the problems of the present government, but no explanation is given for why the PP spesifically should benefit from this. Secondly, oil and gas-policy is not that prominent in political discussions, and the difference between the government and the PP on the issue is not that large. Thirdly, immigration is an important issue for many voters, but it has not increased very much in significance lately. Also the difference between the government and the PP has been somewhat reduced, as the government has reduced the number of quota refugees and taken a stricter tone towards immigration. To the defence of TLDR, its not easy to fully explain the PPs rise. In my opinion the most imortant reason is that the Center Party, the junior partner in the government, got many votes in the last election due to a somewhat populist profile. Many of the votes were taken from the PP, who had to make painfull compromises when they were in government. Now that the CP is in government and have to make painfull compromises, it is easy for the PP to steal their votes with populist policies on, among other issues, increasing food and energy prices.
Thank you for the added context. Unfortunately, TLDR "News" is not really news coverage so they don't have journalists doing actual reporting, only summarise what they can find from other sources.
@@Solstice261 - I mean their platform hasn't really changed over the last 40 years. So don't know if you can call it "populist", they are saying what they have always been saying. Its just that it echoes well with public sentiments at the moment. Stricter immigration, less tax and less government.
I will give you a clue why FRP and the right is on the rise - energy crisis in Norway. During this government. Norwegians have experienced insane Electricity prices due to Acer agreement. - expensive fuel. They intentionally increased the price for gasoline and diesel for norwegians to combat climate change. We also pay environment tax and more for fuel and having a car, and fixing the car. - This government has shown tendencies to favor immigrants over Norwegians. For example they support ramadan and Muslims, also immigrants have free bus tickets. Weak currency. Norway have not experienced such decline in the value of the currency for a long time, making people question why the currency drop so much. -Support for LGBT community. The government has supported the LGBTQ community and even participate in events. Despite what people might think, Norwegians is rather conservative and do not accept this. - over 20 percent live on the welfare system and it is increasing. This makes the burden on society even worse. This is some of the points, of course there is more. This government is the worst we have had as far as I remember.
@@eyvindr. So because you are a racist, homophobe that denies climate change, which I suppose means that norway has grown more stupid and less capable of understanding anything not made up of populist jargon, how insightful
The Norwegian labor party hasn’t been left wing in 30 years. They’re a neoliberal party that’s mostly in the center but in a few areas skews to the left and in other areas to the right.
Very true! Just look at it's leaders last 30 years: only rich papas boys from the rich part of the capitol. They might claim they have the working-class in their minds.
That is more aligned to international politics. The fact FrP is our most conservative major party is an indication of how liberal we are as a nation. If we frame it in terms of US politics, Sylvi Listhaug is more similar to Harris than she is to Trump. Real "far-right" parties can't get a single seat in parliament because most Norwegians don't agree with their politics.
We have to stop using far right for no reason. Criticizing immigration doesn't make you far right. Immigration is a policy which have a great impact on the society. It's OK and sane to criticized it.
FRP is a far right boomer party though, the closest we have to a Reaganomics fiscal austerity party too on top on all the fear mongering over non-ehite immigrants
Europeans have to decide what kind of society they want and if they want economic growth at all costs. Birth rates in Europe are below replacement rates which means without immigration, population will keep shrinking over the next several decades which will result in a stagnant or worse, shrinking economy. See Japan as an example. This isn’t good or bad. If GDP shrinks in line with shrinking population, the per-person standard of living will largely remain the same. But without having more people (either make more babies or get immigrants), the economy will not grow much. This is just math. You cannot fault immigrants for bringing their own culture. Europe needs to stop pursuing the impossible trinity of not enough babies to carry the “original culture” forward, higher economic growth and immigrants all all the same time.
There are more reasons they are far right. Generally quite libitarian on economic, and tax policy. They appeal to populist conservative seentimens. They are against migration, and have a tendency to villainize migrants.
@@Mosern1977 a party that opposes same-sex marriage is not socially democrat. It even advocates itself as liberal-conservative... Them wanting a smaller state is probably the most reasonable policies out of all. They literally advocate for spending the oil money now and decreasing taxation to everyone, as well as removing inheritance and property tax
@@deounivers7663 - social democracy has nothing to do with same-sex marriage. Investing in infrastructure is probably the best use of the oil-money the government could ever use it on. Unlike today, where it is spent on everything else. Tax cuts are also something sorely needed, if Norway had Denmark's social welfare model, Norway wouldn't even need income or wealth tax. The fact ordinary Norwegians are about as rich as anyone else in Western Europe is a testament to the bad governance of Norway.
Progress Party TLDR from Norway: ★ Supports Ukraine (as all parties do) ★ Supports Israel (as the only party) ★ Anti EU and Pro NATO ★ Anti immigration from non Western countries
* Very critical of initiatives aimed at young people, but not critical of similar spending on old people * They had a minister who had a decade earlier had intercourse with a 16 year old girl so intoxicated she couldn't refuse, (Søviknes, his case caused changes to consent laws) * They're Christian conservative and not secular as all but the christian party is * Little to no long-term policies,e.g. denying climate change as a factor for fiscal policy * Frequently using demoging as arguments
Have you heard how foreign Oslo is already? 😮! I have heard that they are going to be a minority in Oslo VERY soon and it will get much worse, and fast, if nothing is done, and also fast. There might be no Norwegians left in the whole country, is this what you (well this applies to the whole Europe really) want you, your family, present and future generations of Norwegians to experience?
@@iesrooSays who?! Any actual proof of this, eh, racist slur? Perhaps if Europe were conscious of the need to 'home grow' their own younger population, immigration wouldn't have happened? Who is going to look after all the ageing and sickly Norwegians?!
The rise has been even stronger since this video was posted. Some of the latest prognosis put the progress party as high as 25,3% while the labour party is down to 17,5% making the progress party the biggest in Norway, while the labour party is battling the worst results ever since they first started polling.
As a Norwegian I have no idea how to vote in the opinion polls or who even gets to vote. The opinion polls are clearly managed democracy, not trustworthy.
The Swedish crimerate spiked around 2014-16 and because of the syrian refugee crisis and has been steady/falling since so that is a bad explanation for the current rise in the progress party since last election in 2022
The elephant in the room is, as ever, immigration. Electorates across Europe seem to growing quite weary of it. I’m not sure this is even necessarily right-wing (there’s no reason one couldn’t be an anti-immigration socialist, for instance), never mind far-right. My own opinion on it is complex (immigration has become an economic necessity whether we like it or not due to falling native birthrates, so our choice has become a fundamental shake-up of the economy to address the cause of said birthrates or for it to continue, and no party seems to have the stomach for the former), but for parties to ignore that this is what the electorate clearly desires seems pretty undemocratic.
Immigration is not a necessity. Our means of production are more productive and advanced requiring less labour than ever and the workforce is doubled since now both genders work full time. It's just that western economies in their current form where-in there is constant growth which directly translates into increased wealth for only the rich requires this immigration. Regular people would be far better off financially and materially with less immigration. Don't drink the corporatist cool-aid.
Even immigration is too broad a generalisation people have no problem with EU citizens migrating inside the Union, even the massive influx of Ukrainians hasn't caused any problems whatsoever, the problem is incompatible people from Africa and the Middle east we need to say that clearly to avoid misunderstandings because the problem isn't just those who come as immigrants the 2nd 3rd and 4th generation are as much of a problem as the first
@@Victorvondoom9159 Can we have a civil discussion about this? Where is the line between saying that people are evil based on where they come from, and actual concern? I am asking because I wonder how helpful it is to tell that corner of earth that they are scum because of where they come from. If we are looking now at Syria, the better things will go there in the months ahead, the higher the chance is that Syrian refugees will go back home. Maybe they -- having been used to our western values a little bit -- can make their country work a little freer, a little more humane -- than before. But that requires that we don't mispush Syria now with our own interests, and it requires that those refugees have felt freedom and humanity while they were in our nations. And if things don't go as much better as can be, we will continue to see people flee from a place that does not treat its humans well. It would be a shame if that worse timeline comes to be, partly, becuase we refuse to treat them as we would like to treat ourselves. So is this really helpful? I am happy that the populists are getting more descriptive of their feelings, but I keep wondering about that. That is not to say we should ignore how we've been treating the bottom half own societies, our public services (including police), or our integration policies. I don't want to distract from the issues you may have dealth with. But I just wonder if it does the world any good to punch down on others who have their own major issues to deal with. Doesn't that just make the world a shittyer place we still have to live in anyway?
Instead of replacing falling birth rates with unintegrable immigrants who will change the country into a shithole country, one should change the way we as a society talk about what creates happiness, so the young people start having children again. When you also know that many young people do not want to have children because of the country's decline, it is certainly not a good idea to do more of what causes the country to fall.
Hard to even call them right wing. Both are socially democrat and support the welfare state. Some wish to open for the possibility for a private sector but none of them want to remove the public sector.
høyre is more center, frp a bit right of them. but on a global stage, both of them are almost left if you compare with other FAR RIGHT WING parties. same on the left with AP etc. AP basically is center. Venstre, center. etc.
Due to Sweden have allowed so many immigrants where there are individuals who are hardcore criminals, the criminality and access to weapon and drugs have increased dramatically, and Swedens is a hub for criminals to establish themselves in the neighboring countries including Norway. Young people are recruited to this criminal environment because they are under the criminal minimum age. The progressive party (FrP) in Norway have warned about it, but the current prime minister in Norway from the labour party have talked about how norwegians have to adopt to the immigrants instead of immigrants adopting to norwegians and it`s culture. So there you go, naive idiots in charge.
And so the progress party will descend and smite all vile scum with their holy light and give Sweden to Norway. Very coherent, you know, this is why most people hate the far right, a bit to obsessed with lying
It’s funny how you guys are scared of Africans and middle eastern and Hispanic 😢ppl talking over europe and North America 😂but it’s too late in couple decades it will Happen even if immigration is reduced
Its not that all crime in Norway comes from Sweden. Norway have themselves one of the biggest immigrant populations per capita in Europe as well with major integration problems in suburbs, lots of their own gangs that is cooperating with Swedish gangs and there is a huge demand for drugs in Norway - Oslo is among the top cities in Europe for coke usage (IIRC Zurich and London is only ranked higher) and weed usage in Norway is also higher than Sweden, Finland, Denmark etc - not to mention that Norway is a very rich country and there are lots of pull factors to commit lots of crime in Norway due to wealth and laughably low criminal sentencing. Norwegians should stop doing drugs that fuels the gangs, manage their integration better and realize that they also have a brewing internal gang problem that is set to reach “Swedish conditions” in the very near future if nothing is done.
classic trope of blaming all of your country's woes on immigrants instead of actually fixing the social services and the economy, people have forgotten what happened 80 years ago when a government blamed all of its incompetencies on a particular group of people💀
Just call it the "populist right" and be done with it,it describes nearly all "far right" political parties without making an assertion about their place on the political axis.
TLDR trying to do the "don't call people extremists just because they are slightly less left wing than you" challenge for more than 5 minutes: impossible level
It's because claiming asylum isn't illegal, yet it is still one of the things the right doesn't like so it is better to use the umbrella term "irregular migration" as that would include illegal immigration and asylum seeking.
@@incurableromantic4006by international law, ie treaties that countries signed up to and are bound by, refugees have the right to enter another country to seek asylum even if they do not have visas or documentation. you may dislike this but it is 100% legal to do this, so calling it illegal migration is wrong.
@@Skeprah Asylum is supposed to be applied for in the nearest safe country to your origin country, not halfway across the world so you can receive welfare and not work.
@@Emperor_Nagrom what you think the law should be is not what the law is. again, you can disagree all you want with it, but in general, according to the current treaties that are actually signed by actual countries, this is not a requirement. you can wish for that to change, but it’s currently not the case, so it’s still not illegal to seek asylum like this.
People who didn't apply for a family or work visa. Illegal immigrants are included. But refugees and asylum seekers from third world countries who technically followed the legal process are still included in the kind of people that aren't considered desirable.
I just read the Wiki entry for this party. Am struggling to see why it is "hard" right. Just one example: "During the national convention in May 2013, the party voted in favor of both same-sex marriage and same-sex adoption.The party has for several years been a proponent for legalizing blood donation for homosexuals.". The party does seem concerned about the Islamification of Norway, and Europe more generally. It is of course Islamism which is truly "hard right" (or in many respects "hard left", there is not such a difference). I don't blame people for being fed up with the notion that criticism of Islamic ideology is somehow racist: it is not.
It’s funny how you guys are scared of Africans and middle eastern and Hispanic 😢ppl talking over europe and North America 😂but it’s too late in couple decades it will Happen even if immigration is reduced. It’s karma for colonialism
Homonationalism is a common populist strategy used by far right parties in several progressive/agnostic Western European countries (countries without any significant hardcore Christian right - meaning LGBT, Abortion etc is non issues that almost everyone supports or doesn’t care about no matter how conservative they are, so its political suicide to rally against it) as a way to target Muslims or paint them as a threat to the LGBT movement and women’s rights etc. While I agree that Islamism is a poison and dangerous, just like hardcore fundamentalist Christians, FrP seems to always group Islamists together with all Muslims which is extremely dangerous and wrong. They live off scapegoating all problems on immigrants and Muslims and mostly use LGBT/Women’s rights issues as a bat to attack all Muslims, while they also cant be against LGBT because that is very unpopular. Divide and conquer is their strategy and will support anything they can win votes on or use as a weapon towards certain minorities. They are also climate deniers, almost libertarian (very right wing economically) and Andres Breivik was a member of FrP and supported their anti Islam stance. Kind of the definition of far right populists (of the secular Western European kind)
Being socially okay with the existance of LGBT people doesn't stop them from being far right. Though, it's certainly a plus. I could consider voting for them if some of their policies didn't made me cross them out.
Blood from gays is riskier (we can’t screen them donated blood for every existing pathogen - and we don’t know all of them - and gays do statistically have a riskier lifestyle) so I’m not sure that was a good idea. It sounds nice, of course.
The "Conservative" party called Høyre (meaning right) is neither right-wing or conservative. There is another party called Konservativt (Conservatives), which has similarities with Frp (Progress), but Frp doesn't walk the talk.
Fantastic video🔥🔥! I have incurred so much losses trading on my own....I trade well on demo but I think the real market is manipulated.... Can anyone help me out or at least tell me what I'm doing wrong??
Trading on a demo account can definitely feel similar to the real market, but there are some differences. It's important to remember that trading involves risks and it's normal to face looses sometimes. One piece of advice is to start small and gradually increase your investments as you gain more experience and confidence. It might also be helpful to seek guidance from experienced traders or do some research on different trading strategies.
If you are trading without a professional guide... Ah, I laugh, because you will stay where you are or even suffer huge losses that will prevent you from trading, this has been one of the biggest problems for new traders.
There's a very easy explaination to why FRP is getting popular. People are getting sick of being taxed to death on everything. Too expensive fuel, where people want to remove the tax there to reduce the fuel prices, reduce property tax and wealth tax, that's an easy one. I know it's only paid by the richest, however those who are considered "the rich" moved out of the country, and so there's no tax revenue at all from that. On top of that because they moved out, a lot of workers lost their jobs, and just put 2 and 2 together there. Because of raising taxes on the rich, they lost the tax revenue both from the rich AND from the people who'd work for their companies. The welfare state is getting less and less sustainable due to less taxpayers and more people on benefits to take care of.
mass migration is a huge problem in Norway. I really hope the progress party wins. The main problem with that party is that they have been losing seats for the past few elections.
its a factor, but FAR from a problem. we take in a good number of immigrants, but also take the effort to help them integrate into society and get a stable living condition first. just because they weren't born here doesn't mean they are criminals or horrible people the thing thats most discussed right now is how the economy and such is being handled. since electricity bills in particular have gone up a lot, with little being done to handle it, there has been a ton of pressure on the current party running the country. immigration here isnt nearly as big of a concern as you may have heard around the internet if anything id be happy to help more people find a safe place to live, who had no choice but to flee their homes due to war, disasters or other things. and its no doubt that the recent wars in the 2020s have caused a massive increase in people fleeing their countries
I mean there are no big "hard/far/extrem left" parties in europe that are relevent. I am sure if a country would have a communist party in their gouverment they would call it herd or extream left
@@bamaramifyBut he kinda has a point. The case in point being Norway. Labour used to be left, but it's a centrist party nowadays, that's why it's so easy for it to turn right. And TLDR usually calls actual left parties, like actual right parties, far left.
We're lucky that the right wing populist party of Norway isn't as extreme as the right wing populists in other countries. Although I would never vote for them, we need them at 10-20% to balance the extreme minority. Sweden didn't have any populist party, that's why their nazi party grew so big, luckily they've moderated since then and have caused all the other parties to change their immigration policies aswell.
I like how "maybe we shouldnt be an islamic country" and "norway should be for Norwegians" is labeled far right and then everyone wonders why these parties keep surging.
@@diogorodrigues747 Opposing ethnic states (which you dont, since you support decolonization. You only oppose it for europeans because youre deeply racist) is the height of privilege. Its a position someone whose never been threatened can hold.
@@longiusaescius2537 You know that the countries with the largest numbers of immigrants are not European countries, right? Get real. By the way, I'm not a Euro hater, I'm myself a European. Leave your bubble.
Most norwegian parties do not care about the regular man, and definitely do not care about the people who have sunken below the poverty line. Anger and a want for change is one of the big reasons why the Progress Party is on the rise. The negligence of our people and big spending on immigration is the main causes.
The same as in all countries, the established parties haven't been doing much and don't take any stances on anything so eventually people do a protest vote, parties loose votes when they govern, the only parties that don't suffer that are the extreme ones since they can lie their way to the top
I think it’s important to state that the progress party is for more moderate than most other right-wing parties in Europe. I’d compare them to the libertarian wing of the British Conservative Party
The norwegian system is rotten to the core with decadence and miswill. There is no donation limit. The lobbyists aren't registered. The corrupt never get punish or flushed out, and the high thing attracts the greediest and most power hungry.
The Progress Party showed that they could be a part of a ruling government under Siv Jensen. Before that they were considered a wasted vote, because many of the center-right parties refused to form a government with them or give support to a minority government with them. Norwegians generally don't just vote for their prefered party, but for their prefered coalition, and tactically place their votes to make the coalition closest to their political alignments. Up until recently the Norwegian Green Party and The Red Part were also considered a wasted vote but they are now considered serious smaller parties. Which means Labour has 2 new parties they can lose support to, without it meaning that voters have turned their back on the coalition.
Any current opinions on the Progress Party? I know about them but I don't really know how Norwegians see them, would be interested in what people think!
For the most part the left-right distinction doesn't really fit Norwegian politics but if we use it for the sake of argument, Fremskrittspartiet ("The Progress Party") is the most right leaning party in Norway. Compared to political parties in other countries, I'd say it's about the same as the centermost part of the British Tory party and towards the left side of the US Democrats but they aren't nearly as dogmatic and uncompromising as these British/US counterparts. That is, when it comes to rhetorics they often appear like a typical right-wing populist party with oversimplified "headline style" solutions and no real understanding of the complexities of an issue but their actual politics tend to be far more pragmatic than their propaganda. On the other side of the spectre we have Rødt ("Red"), a fairly small party with only eight representatives in the parliament. On that dubious left-to-right scale, they should maybe be placed a little bit left of Jeremy Corbyn but again, not nearly as dogmatic and uncompromising. The most extremist party we have in Norway is probably Senterpartiet ("The Centrist Party") and yes, that's exactly what they are, extreme centrists. (Extreme by Norwegian standards that is, not by international ones.) Please don't ask, I don't even know how to begin to explain this to foreigners.
Like the other person said. Populist, somewhat simple in their message and anti immigration (mostly anti refugees) Personally, I don't really like them that much, but they can be cooperated with, and several of their politicians are reasonable people you can reach a compromise with.
The Progress Party was inspired by the legendary Mogens Glistrup's Progress Party in Denmark - which later turned into The Danish People's Party that kept a hardline on immigration from 2001 and more than a decade onwards
@@mhx6437lol america is more progressive in reproductive rights then norway and support immigration more then norway left wing parties.’ Norway being left wing is false theyre right wing the way they treat immigrants
I was in Oslo two weeks ago and was surprised to see the lack of native Norwegians on the streets. The right wing it rising for the same reason it is rising everywhere
Oslo has always had a lot of immigrant population, it's the bloody capital, and Norway is in the Schengen zone, a lot of people from Europe go to live in Norway and usually end up in Oslo, immigration in Norway hasn't really changed much throughout the year since you don't get illegal immigrants and refugees running away from war, you just get normal people going to cover job vacants once they can secure a visa, add on top of that tourism and all that and of course you see a lot of non-natives or people that look like non natives because people sometimes marry and have kids with immigrants, I know shocking, you need to stop seeing an evil immigrant everywhere Norway is literally one of the countries that straight up doesn't have any problems of immigration, that some parties are using it as a scapegoat doesn't make ot true
Just wrong part of the city. Oslo is a very divided city, the further west you go the more native Norwegians you'll see. Some places you wouldn't think there are any immigrants at all in Norway.
No party in norway are far right. we all live from the oil and welfare. those on the left want the state to have full control and maximum taxes, those on the right, want the state to have a little less control, and a little less of taxes.
But Norway doesn't really have any though, their immigration has been fairly consistent take away a bit of a peak from the Ukrainian refugee crisis and I don't think anyone is against to those, their position being at the north of the EU surrounded by frozen waters and Sweden means immigrants don't really go there unless they are legal usually coming from Europe, with visas and everything
"Right Wing" and "Progress" is a contradiction in terms. You cannot be progressive and properly right wing. Although I know that for a lot of people, it's slang for "not left wing".
As a norwegian here i can tell that it's a mix of different things, alot of it is due to an increase in electricity prices, food prices and general inflation which they have tackled extremely poorly, with also a combination of setting into motion big expensive projects that are just a waste of money, like building big offshore windplatforms, connecting the oil platforms to the main powergrid and other stuff, meanwhile they are shutting down schools and the amount of poor people are growing, which is exactly what they went to election on decreasing. The progress party doesn't have the solution to all the problems, but they are atleast acknowledging a few steps that would atleast turn a bad situation slightly better. Also immigration has caused problems in certain parts of Oslo, and the PP has always been for lowering the number of new immigrants.
electricity and food prices are definitively the main issue causing people to wanna change things. but i can see how its not exactly the easiest thing to do, since the war in Ukraine was a big cause for both of these things getting expensive. that and Norway now taking the responsibility of supplying gas to Europe after Russia stopped sending theirs
And, please, defind populism before you use it! The Norwegian progress party (FRP) have had pretty much the same politic seens the 80's. The same can not be said about the labour party....
As a Norwegian I can say that there is no real difference between the Labour party and the Conservative party. They share most of the same policies in reality, with the only real difference being their rethoric and talking points. Both have sold out the Norwegian people in favour of the EU and demented "green shift" policy(Norway by far was already one of the most green nations in the world for the last 100 years, as our industry was powered by hydropower). Yet both the Conservatives and Labour have admitted to actively rasing our prices by exporting our power, and raising the prices of electricity for every Norwegian and especially the industry, to in their own words; "make wind energy conscievable in Norway". So while our industry thrived, and our people paid fairly for our power, wind power was not seen as viable, now to get windpoer viable, they are destoying our industry and making families struggle. Both parties also opened up the sale of Norwegian land/property to foreign investors, and yet the government and state had to rely on DN reporters to investigate how mcuh awas actually foreign owned(wich was found out to be 44 billion kr!) On top of this we are seeing industry flee the country, investors holding back, and Norway now having some of the lowest ammount of entrepreneurs and new businesses of any European country, while the currency is at its weakest, and these same politicians are wasting billions on a bureaucratic system were people are told to "not work too hard"! These same politicians are also increasing their own salary and incentives year by year! I honestly could go on and on! But overall, these politicians and these parties are quislings, that have sold our natiom off to please a EU, we are not even members off!!!
I very much doubt you could validate what seems to be a cynically rather right wing view! Somehow I find it hard to conceive of any Norwegians being poor in the same sense this applies to anyone else in even the richest parts of the EU! Are you being a little greedy?!
@@dtrellis Domestically we are, and we dont even factor in the carbon capture of our forests and marshes in our climate accounting. As for exporting oil, unless you want people to die of starvation, or not be able to heat their homes, drive to work, then you need to come up with a viable alternative. Nobody has yet, so oil is still important.
@@melcadman Wow, that was a whole lot of "I feel" without any substance or arguments behind it. Dont think I ever said we were poor anywhere. Do you have any actual input to my gripe with our political parties, or do you just enjoy faux moralizing on your spare time?
@@AreEia A tad cynical! Like most people in the poorer fringes of Europe I'm very proud of the way Norway took control of its resources and managed to ensure its benefits went to Norway. If you know anything about Scotland, where I have always lived, I witnessed our substantial oil and fuel resources being sold entirely to American megacorporations by our near fascist PM of the time, Thatcher. Why, oh why, we didn't demand independence and simply secede then I'll never know! You were, then, the role model for most leftish people in Scotland and your creation of a collaborative 'common weal' of social welfare was the model we have tried to use as at least a basis for Scotland's (slightly,) devolved government within Britain more recently. What kind of 'substance' or 'evidence' do I need to 'provide' for my view?
Labour party last pic in video: Now it is ordinary people turn. The norwegian political system is getting out of date, and need to see to Switzerland to direct voting.
Something that the British media seems not to understand is how relative politics are, I live in Norway and vote there. The conservatives or Høyre and the FrP which are the anti-immigration party are still far left of Labour or the Greens in the UK. Which to me means, the UK is currently run by far right extremists. And the last government was Høyre and FrP, it's barely a surge if they were popular enough to get into government in the previous election cycle to the last one. This is really not news.
No they are not, would Labour increase benefits to the unemployed I line with what Norwegians get, nope. Frp would not reduce those benefits. And Labour are 100% bought by the capitalist lobbyists which is something that just isn't a thing in Norway. Frp are right wing on immigration. I am by no means a frp voter as an immigrant that would be stupid but they are left of even the greens in the UK simply because of the significant differences in political ideologies and the prevalence of the right wing press in the UK. If you have lived in both places for over 20 years you maybe would understand that
It should be noted that what seperates the progress party from the far right parties in europe is that the progress party is a self proclaimed liberal party. It has a strong ideological basis in classical liberalism and real free market economics. The Sweden democrats for exampel is not liberal, they are not pro free markets, they are just populist and conservative.
So what is the Progressive Party if not right-wing or far right? Centre-right? The Conservative Party is centre-left? The Progressive Party is described as a national-conservative, economic liberal (or worse: libertarian), right-wing populist party; how would you position it on the political spectrum?
One of Norways most serious problems is the bloated public administration. 35 % of all workers in Norway are employed by the government. Too many of them are in administrative roles and not operative. These jobs dont produce any value, but are rather an obstacle to productive work in the public and private alike. Add to taht we have higher proportins of welfare recipients than our neighbouring countries.
It's not only anti immigration. It's also the immigrants themselves who vote for the Progress Party. Ask yourself, why would an immigrant vote for a hard right, anti immigrant party? It's quite logical.
It should be noted that all Norwegian politics are to the left compared to countries like the US. So voting far right in Norway is the same as voting for democrats in the US The difference between parties in Norway are also extremely small. If you compare AP and H 99% of their politics are the same...
Yeah well, but that is because the US has a neoliberal far right and a borderline deranged far right that doesn't believe in climate change science, thinks criminality is genetic (and therefore eugenics) thinks itself superior to everyone else, doesn't believe in public healthcare or any short of welfare, compared to less welfare that European parties spout since they are starting from a different position The problem is given enough time, a far right European parties will slowly bring all parties towards the right to since those parties will try to win their votes, and show the far right parties moves more towards the right and eventually you get the democrat and republican party, and I think something we should avoid as much as possible, having choice is a good thing I think
Most US states not in the south is more progressive in reproductive rights then any countries in the world. The republican parties are more progressive on immigration then left wing party I. Norway because we take in more immigrants per capita no matter the administration. Also marijuna laws we are more tolerant. Norway strict on controlled substances
@@CJ-fs1zr That may be. I was just making a comparison of overall politics that is easy to understand for people that don't know Norwegian politics so well.
I am an immigrant to Norway. After I witnessed with my own eyes crowds calling for extermination of jews, left-wing politicians addressing these crowds without much hesitation, and essentially all Norwegian media keeping quiet about it, I myself joined the "anti-immigrant" Progress Party a couple of months ago.
I am guessing you are talking about the protests in defence of Palestine, which are not in fact against Jews, a lot of Jews are also Palestinians in fact, but you are a long time voter of the right and probably far right, you believe those lies without a second thought and assume people protesting for peace are devils because they dare to think about others in a way you aren't able, the kind of person that during the protests against Vietnam or iran would have accused protesters for wanting the death of the US or something, overall a disgusting human being built on lies to spread lies
For Americans: FRP (Fremskriftspartiet) (Literally: The Progress Party) can be roughly compared to the Republican Party, though not identical, of course.
@@eyvindr.cry about it There will be more immigrants it can’t stop especially when the non European population reaches a level of at least 15% given that even European women are more progressive then the men when it comes too immigeagion so a couple decades say bye bye too Europe but then again it’s karma for colonialism I genuinely think Europeans are scared of immigrants because of competition for their own women.😊
@@askosefamerve I don't understand the question. "If they don't assimilate why are you still taking them" That's basically what they propose, stop taking those people
@@Tjisinvaal And i'm telling them to do it instead of letting the door stay open and cry about it. Norway took Ukrainians when they knocked the door, now they're crying?
I'm left-wing on a lot of political topics, but I genuinely believe that parties like, the socialist left would set our country back decades with their values and policies 😂 The Scandinavian countries are quite liberal by default, and I think our left leaning parties have become overbearingly left-leaning in my lifetime. It doesn't harmonize well with the issues we're facing with rapidly rising immigrant crime and persistent incompetence, in regard to the integration of immigrants.
I agree 100% with you. Many people categorize critics of mass-immigration and islamism as nazis, racists, fascist etc.. But they don't seem to realize that the world is changing very fast, people get lost in globalism and that the way islam is interpreted in the past 1400 years is the biggest danger to civilzed society since nazism and communism.
@Armand-ql6yg bruh muslims are like 3% of the population in norway, and the majority in that number have integrated into Norwegian society, just like african and asian migrants. there is no replacement.
@@adamelghalmi9771 3% huh.. well that is how it started in the Netherlands, France, Belgium, Germany and the UK. How is the situation in those countries at this moment ? When you're in certain neighbourhoods it's really, without joking, like you're not in Europe. We have no problems with other cultures and religions but when these pose a threat/danger, we act upon it by voting for common sense nationalist parties. We're fed up with the social-economic fraud, hate mosques, gang rape, riots and terror attacks. We're not stupid okay, we know that it is every muslim's duty to propagate islam. We know what the quran and hadiths say about us 'kuffars'. We have seen the ravages muslims cause in Europe and in Africa. Read this attentively: we will never accept your ideology of hate, rape and murder that is disguised as a religion.. all non-islamic countries from Ireland to Australia where too many muslims live, have the same complaints and problems when it concerns muslims. Yet all these countries have different mentalities and approaches to immigration. Do you know what this means ? It means that islam and islamic cultures are not compatible with non-islamic cultures 🤷♀️🤷♂️ So it would be better if around 80% of the muslims go back to live in their countries of origin. The wars in syria, iraq and afghanistan are over. There is no war in morocco and algeria, etc.. You people don't seem to realize that if the behaviour of muslims doesn't change, real nazism will rise out of the ashes of the 2nd world war. The citizens of Europe will accept it as a radical solution for a radical problem. Do you get my point.?
@@adamelghalmi9771 its nice growing up with classmates from all over the world, cause that way, you instantly learn that all humans are pretty much the same if you dont count appearences. honestly i was kinda shocked when i learned how much hatred there was against immigrants in places like the US and such. since in my experience, they have been nothing but nice and bring some interesting cultural variety as well. even those who barely know any Norwegian at all are still respectful and not once have someone not born in Norway acted any differently, or let alone worse, than anyone else i see on a daily basis
Reading the top comments, it all feels like the same things I’ve been reading in comments sections on this site since 2014. And I still sit unconvinced by any of the simple, rote explanations. “It’s immigration”, “It’s neoliberalism”, “It’s social media”, and on and on and on.
As a Norwegian guy i see the politics change to a more right lead side because the people see that the tax rate is too high and the Norwegian currency is losing its value. Therefore we need some more effective ways to steer the country so we don’t lose important capital and it all goes too shit.
As a liberal and one who’s admired the Norwegian political system for years, a question for fellow liberals in Norway and the EU in general: Doesn’t the lack of assimilation actually go against the liberal disposition? While multiculturalism is certainly a net benefit to society, community ghettoisation (yes, partly pushed by a lack of an opportunity) certainly goes against the tenets of multiculturalism? Finally, imposing views that run contrary to the country’s fundamental principles is damaging to the local population and the country’s long-term social fabric, yes? In that case, why wouldn’t a liberal who agrees with one or more of these positions, not actually push to reform the policies and political messaging of centre/left parties or lend support to more conservative outfits (not all conservative politics is neo-Fascist)?
Norwegians aren't "liberal" in that meaning of the word. Norwegians are pretty nationalistic and conservative, the Swedes are much more "liberal" in general compared to Norwegains. Multiculturalism is not seen as a anything great in Norway - except for foreign foods mainly.
*Why a Hard Right Party is on the Rise in [Insert EU Country] ?*
it’s always mostly inmigration, but they always act surprised
@@r-pu4md it’s racism to not want to give away your country
That and a general tiredness with established parties it seems, along with the far right ones knowing better how to use populism and misinformation through the internet to win over indecisive voters. If it were only normal immigration worries, it would only affect border countries that tend to receive a lot of immigrants being processed, but Norway doesn't face that, when they get illegal immigrants it's usually refugees that have been divided among the EU since, you know, if we want to talk with moral superiority we have to at least try to uphold it@@r-pu4md
@@mynameisschezuan "Give away your country" is a complete exaggeration and yes, it opens the doors to racism
Tha media 😂
Norwegian here, I wouldn't say theyre hard right, they're regular right, they're far less right than the nationals in France or republicans in us.
However their policy is mainly on immigration and assimilation, in a parliamentary system the smaller parties are naturally topic parties.
It’s always impossible to place parties precisely on a left-right axis, but a party in the richest country in the world wanting to remove the wealth tax (2/3 of which is paid by the country’s richest 1%) and making up for it by cutting all foreign aid, is about as selfish a party as you’ll find anywhere in Europe.
Everything to the Left (as is this youtube channel) is "far right" apparently
@@TTV5Why is Norway obligated to pay foreign aid.
You're "HARD RIGHT" now. TLDR, has spoken. 😉
Republicans are centrist for EU standards, the Democrats are just so far left they make being centrist comparatively radical conservative
Hang on! The 2001 election lead to a centre-right coallition. The Popular Party was not involved until 2013. Also, the 2005 election lead to a Labour/Socialist Left/Centre Party coallition, not a Labour alone government.
I mean there's also the whole any hard line stance on less immigration getting labelled as far right nowadays by media regardless of any other policy stances by the parties. So forgetting facts and spinning a story isn't a surprise I'm expecting it at this point and I'll be surprised if they don't.
2001 led to the Bondevik 2 Government with Erna as Local government Minister
I'm guessing people looked at Sweden and thought "Yeah I don't want that happening here"
Sweden will only get worse. It’ll forever stand as an example of what happens when you appease Islamists and when white guilt takes over decision making.
im from norway, i can say that whats happening in sweeden is starting to happen here.
Don't want what happening?
@@molt45 Muslim immigrants who don’t integrate into our culture.
@@molt45 Radical Islam
You are missing a few things here. Prices of electricity, interest rates, inflation, value of the NOK are things that the current government have proven unable to do anything about, add in a rising "no EU" sentiment in the mix, and those things play well into the Progress Party. Also, the Labour Party has lowered income taxes, however, a normal family has had their costs increased by increases in fuel taxes, plastic bag taxes, taxes on food, alcohol, nicotine, sugar etc etc, giving the population a feeling that "yeah they give one cent and take two back".
The plastic bag tax is an extra piece of irony, since it was the progress party which introduced it back when they were part of the ruling coalition.
@@CountRichard i dont know a single person who is genuinely against the plastic bag tax
What will this mean for the Talk Tuah podcast?
Is it still around? 😂
How will this impact Lebrons legacy?
It's been replaced by the Hawk Tuah podcast
The Progress party could've been considered "hard right" in the 90s, but their times in coalition governments, has definitely domesticated them a lot
Of ur gonna write a fake letter to show how bad a minority is u r. A far right
The very fact that a "far right" party has "progress" in its name is a great irony. Conservative/reactionary ideology in principle does not believe in human "progress"
The sad reality of all european immigration-sceptic parties, despite the ever growing need for harder measures and deportation programs
@@jonasastrom7422Says who?!
@@jonasastrom7422you are sick in the head. Deportation? You're absolutely out of your mind! If there's a country in Europe able to integrate its migrants, it's Norway as well
It's not "hard right" it's just regular right.
Or , you , know, normal
ah, the bot army has arrived. in every video discussing any far right party, comments like yours are spammed relentlessly with sightly different wording. repeating falsehoods does not make it true.
for anyone sceptical, check this "user"'s name: it's odølf, a fake norse-looking version of adolf, making it clear where in the political spectrum these comments are coming from.
They sound more normal than the majority of the GOP today. Lol.
You are right. Norway is pretty left wing so that is why the progress party can seem "Hard right"
@@lordbeetrot No, it's due to their egregious stances on immigration in general. Faking a letter from a muslim immigrant to spike fears for a cultural invasion is plenty to qualify a party as far right, and ever since they've kept up their focus on reducing immigration and tolerance towards cultural diversity, maintaining in the heads of MOST people that they're far-right lunatics.
The video does not really give any explanation to why the Progress Party is on the rise, and it misses some important context.
Firstly, there is no doubt that the opposition gains from the problems of the present government, but no explanation is given for why the PP spesifically should benefit from this.
Secondly, oil and gas-policy is not that prominent in political discussions, and the difference between the government and the PP on the issue is not that large.
Thirdly, immigration is an important issue for many voters, but it has not increased very much in significance lately. Also the difference between the government and the PP has been somewhat reduced, as the government has reduced the number of quota refugees and taken a stricter tone towards immigration.
To the defence of TLDR, its not easy to fully explain the PPs rise. In my opinion the most imortant reason is that the Center Party, the junior partner in the government, got many votes in the last election due to a somewhat populist profile. Many of the votes were taken from the PP, who had to make painfull compromises when they were in government. Now that the CP is in government and have to make painfull compromises, it is easy for the PP to steal their votes with populist policies on, among other issues, increasing food and energy prices.
So the answer is populism works well when you are in opposition, I guess that adds up, thanks for the explanation
Thank you for the added context. Unfortunately, TLDR "News" is not really news coverage so they don't have journalists doing actual reporting, only summarise what they can find from other sources.
@@Solstice261 - I mean their platform hasn't really changed over the last 40 years. So don't know if you can call it "populist", they are saying what they have always been saying.
Its just that it echoes well with public sentiments at the moment. Stricter immigration, less tax and less government.
I will give you a clue why FRP and the right is on the rise
- energy crisis in Norway. During this government. Norwegians have experienced insane Electricity prices due to Acer agreement.
- expensive fuel. They intentionally increased the price for gasoline and diesel for norwegians to combat climate change. We also pay environment tax and more for fuel and having a car, and fixing the car.
- This government has shown tendencies to favor immigrants over Norwegians. For example they support ramadan and Muslims, also immigrants have free bus tickets.
Weak currency. Norway have not experienced such decline in the value of the currency for a long time, making people question why the currency drop so much.
-Support for LGBT community. The government has supported the LGBTQ community and even participate in events. Despite what people might think, Norwegians is rather conservative and do not accept this.
- over 20 percent live on the welfare system and it is increasing. This makes the burden on society even worse.
This is some of the points, of course there is more. This government is the worst we have had as far as I remember.
@@eyvindr. So because you are a racist, homophobe that denies climate change, which I suppose means that norway has grown more stupid and less capable of understanding anything not made up of populist jargon, how insightful
The Norwegian labor party hasn’t been left wing in 30 years. They’re a neoliberal party that’s mostly in the center but in a few areas skews to the left and in other areas to the right.
Very true! Just look at it's leaders last 30 years: only rich papas boys from the rich part of the capitol. They might claim they have the working-class in their minds.
Neo-liberalism is a blend of socialism with liberalism. Socialists hijacked classical liberalism basically. So they are still left-wing.
This is unfortunately the same in Malta
average labor party (and any other party really)
Same here in Australia. Glimpses of what they used to do, but ultimately neoliberal garbage.
As a Norwegian, I wouldn't even really call Høyre "Conservative". It's more like Høyre = Soft Conservative, FRP = Conservative.
That is more aligned to international politics. The fact FrP is our most conservative major party is an indication of how liberal we are as a nation. If we frame it in terms of US politics, Sylvi Listhaug is more similar to Harris than she is to Trump.
Real "far-right" parties can't get a single seat in parliament because most Norwegians don't agree with their politics.
We have to stop using far right for no reason. Criticizing immigration doesn't make you far right. Immigration is a policy which have a great impact on the society. It's OK and sane to criticized it.
The members keep getting outed as neo n*zis, though. I think it's a fair assessment.
FRP is a far right boomer party though, the closest we have to a Reaganomics fiscal austerity party too on top on all the fear mongering over non-ehite immigrants
The way you criticise it can make you far right tho
Europeans have to decide what kind of society they want and if they want economic growth at all costs. Birth rates in Europe are below replacement rates which means without immigration, population will keep shrinking over the next several decades which will result in a stagnant or worse, shrinking economy. See Japan as an example. This isn’t good or bad. If GDP shrinks in line with shrinking population, the per-person standard of living will largely remain the same.
But without having more people (either make more babies or get immigrants), the economy will not grow much. This is just math.
You cannot fault immigrants for bringing their own culture. Europe needs to stop pursuing the impossible trinity of not enough babies to carry the “original culture” forward, higher economic growth and immigrants all all the same time.
There are more reasons they are far right.
Generally quite libitarian on economic, and tax policy.
They appeal to populist conservative seentimens.
They are against migration, and have a tendency to villainize migrants.
How does being skeptic on immigration automatically make you a populist?
Exactly. Fremskrittspartiet isn’t really populist, they’re actually very soft compared to other right-wing parties in Europe
Because immigration does have some benefits. But these never get mentioned by right-wing parties, who do whatever they can to villainise immigrants
No their isn't. @@oliversherman2414
@@oliversherman2414 Fremskrittspartiet may be seen as anti-immigration, but they’re actually pro-immigration, just with lots of restrictions.
@@oliversherman2414y"yeah, the kinfe attacks are pretty bad, bb-but think about the kebabs! "
Since when was FrP hard right?
You know, a social democratic party that wants a slightly smaller state than the rest = hard right in Norway.
@@Mosern1977 a party that opposes same-sex marriage is not socially democrat. It even advocates itself as liberal-conservative... Them wanting a smaller state is probably the most reasonable policies out of all. They literally advocate for spending the oil money now and decreasing taxation to everyone, as well as removing inheritance and property tax
@@deounivers7663 - social democracy has nothing to do with same-sex marriage.
Investing in infrastructure is probably the best use of the oil-money the government could ever use it on. Unlike today, where it is spent on everything else.
Tax cuts are also something sorely needed, if Norway had Denmark's social welfare model, Norway wouldn't even need income or wealth tax.
The fact ordinary Norwegians are about as rich as anyone else in Western Europe is a testament to the bad governance of Norway.
Progress Party TLDR from Norway:
★ Supports Ukraine (as all parties do)
★ Supports Israel (as the only party)
★ Anti EU and Pro NATO
★ Anti immigration from non Western countries
* Lower taxes
* Less bureaucracy and regulations
* Pro oil and gas, negative to "climate above all"
Sounds reasonable
Apart from anti EU and pro oil they’re surprisingly reasonable, though I do dislike populist tendencies like “culture wars”
Sounds like an ideal party.
* Very critical of initiatives aimed at young people, but not critical of similar spending on old people
* They had a minister who had a decade earlier had intercourse with a 16 year old girl so intoxicated she couldn't refuse, (Søviknes, his case caused changes to consent laws)
* They're Christian conservative and not secular as all but the christian party is
* Little to no long-term policies,e.g. denying climate change as a factor for fiscal policy
* Frequently using demoging as arguments
Greetings to Norway ❤ from Latvia 🇱🇻
Waves back to Latvia 🇱🇻 from Norway 🇳🇴 😎
thank you
Greetings back to Latvia from Norway! :) Wish a nice week for you and yours.
The Norwegians can see what is happening in their neighbour Sweden.
Have you heard how foreign Oslo is already? 😮! I have heard that they are going to be a minority in Oslo VERY soon and it will get much worse, and fast, if nothing is done, and also fast. There might be no Norwegians left in the whole country, is this what you (well this applies to the whole Europe really) want you, your family, present and future generations of Norwegians to experience?
Are they getting a lot of immigrants like Sweden?
@@donovanlocust1106 Yes
@@iesrooSays who?! Any actual proof of this, eh, racist slur? Perhaps if Europe were conscious of the need to 'home grow' their own younger population, immigration wouldn't have happened? Who is going to look after all the ageing and sickly Norwegians?!
The rise has been even stronger since this video was posted. Some of the latest prognosis put the progress party as high as 25,3% while the labour party is down to 17,5% making the progress party the biggest in Norway, while the labour party is battling the worst results ever since they first started polling.
And even higher after your comment: 27.7 % - meanwhile Labour got 14.1 %
I automatically filter out the terms "far" or "hard" when listening to political discourse.
Sloppy reporting.
Not the first time, unfortunately.
As a Norwegian I have no idea how to vote in the opinion polls or who even gets to vote. The opinion polls are clearly managed democracy, not trustworthy.
As a Norwegian, I just want to say that the Progress Party is far from an hard right party on an international scale.
I think Norway saw what happened with the crime rate in Sweden and chose the right-wing because of that.
You don't say ,are you sure
The Swedish crimerate spiked around 2014-16 and because of the syrian refugee crisis and has been steady/falling since so that is a bad explanation for the current rise in the progress party since last election in 2022
@@anantnigam1639Christians. Don't forget Europeans were pegans until middle eastern religion was forced on everyone.
Nah, Norwegians saw the Speed video in Oslo and thought - "Too many monkeys in Oslo."
The elephant in the room is, as ever, immigration. Electorates across Europe seem to growing quite weary of it. I’m not sure this is even necessarily right-wing (there’s no reason one couldn’t be an anti-immigration socialist, for instance), never mind far-right.
My own opinion on it is complex (immigration has become an economic necessity whether we like it or not due to falling native birthrates, so our choice has become a fundamental shake-up of the economy to address the cause of said birthrates or for it to continue, and no party seems to have the stomach for the former), but for parties to ignore that this is what the electorate clearly desires seems pretty undemocratic.
Immigration is not a necessity. Our means of production are more productive and advanced requiring less labour than ever and the workforce is doubled since now both genders work full time. It's just that western economies in their current form where-in there is constant growth which directly translates into increased wealth for only the rich requires this immigration. Regular people would be far better off financially and materially with less immigration. Don't drink the corporatist cool-aid.
The elephant in the room, that no one wants to discuss, is the demographic crisis. "Mass immigration" is just a consequencs of low birth rates.
Even immigration is too broad a generalisation people have no problem with EU citizens migrating inside the Union, even the massive influx of Ukrainians hasn't caused any problems whatsoever, the problem is incompatible people from Africa and the Middle east we need to say that clearly to avoid misunderstandings because the problem isn't just those who come as immigrants the 2nd 3rd and 4th generation are as much of a problem as the first
@@Victorvondoom9159 Can we have a civil discussion about this?
Where is the line between saying that people are evil based on where they come from, and actual concern?
I am asking because I wonder how helpful it is to tell that corner of earth that they are scum because of where they come from.
If we are looking now at Syria, the better things will go there in the months ahead, the higher the chance is that Syrian refugees will go back home.
Maybe they -- having been used to our western values a little bit -- can make their country work a little freer, a little more humane -- than before.
But that requires that we don't mispush Syria now with our own interests, and it requires that those refugees have felt freedom and humanity while they were in our nations.
And if things don't go as much better as can be, we will continue to see people flee from a place that does not treat its humans well.
It would be a shame if that worse timeline comes to be, partly, becuase we refuse to treat them as we would like to treat ourselves.
So is this really helpful? I am happy that the populists are getting more descriptive of their feelings, but I keep wondering about that.
That is not to say we should ignore how we've been treating the bottom half own societies, our public services (including police), or our integration policies.
I don't want to distract from the issues you may have dealth with. But I just wonder if it does the world any good to punch down on others who have their own major issues to deal with. Doesn't that just make the world a shittyer place we still have to live in anyway?
Instead of replacing falling birth rates with unintegrable immigrants who will change the country into a shithole country, one should change the way we as a society talk about what creates happiness, so the young people start having children again.
When you also know that many young people do not want to have children because of the country's decline, it is certainly not a good idea to do more of what causes the country to fall.
Norwegian here but i would describe Frp and Høyre as “hard right”. They are just right wing
Hard to even call them right wing. Both are socially democrat and support the welfare state. Some wish to open for the possibility for a private sector but none of them want to remove the public sector.
høyre is more center, frp a bit right of them. but on a global stage, both of them are almost left if you compare with other FAR RIGHT WING parties. same on the left with AP etc. AP basically is center. Venstre, center. etc.
Due to Sweden have allowed so many immigrants where there are individuals who are hardcore criminals, the criminality and access to weapon and drugs have increased dramatically, and Swedens is a hub for criminals to establish themselves in the neighboring countries including Norway. Young people are recruited to this criminal environment because they are under the criminal minimum age. The progressive party (FrP) in Norway have warned about it, but the current prime minister in Norway from the labour party have talked about how norwegians have to adopt to the immigrants instead of immigrants adopting to norwegians and it`s culture. So there you go, naive idiots in charge.
And so the progress party will descend and smite all vile scum with their holy light and give Sweden to Norway. Very coherent, you know, this is why most people hate the far right, a bit to obsessed with lying
It’s funny how you guys are scared of Africans and middle eastern and Hispanic 😢ppl talking over europe and North America 😂but it’s too late in couple decades it will
Happen even if immigration is reduced
Its not that all crime in Norway comes from Sweden. Norway have themselves one of the biggest immigrant populations per capita in Europe as well with major integration problems in suburbs, lots of their own gangs that is cooperating with Swedish gangs and there is a huge demand for drugs in Norway - Oslo is among the top cities in Europe for coke usage (IIRC Zurich and London is only ranked higher) and weed usage in Norway is also higher than Sweden, Finland, Denmark etc - not to mention that Norway is a very rich country and there are lots of pull factors to commit lots of crime in Norway due to wealth and laughably low criminal sentencing.
Norwegians should stop doing drugs that fuels the gangs, manage their integration better and realize that they also have a brewing internal gang problem that is set to reach “Swedish conditions” in the very near future if nothing is done.
classic trope of blaming all of your country's woes on immigrants instead of actually fixing the social services and the economy, people have forgotten what happened 80 years ago when a government blamed all of its incompetencies on a particular group of people💀
@@Blue_redyes because Norway needs to fix its economy and social services. What an idiot.
Economically leftwing and socially rightwing seems to be the political recipe Europe wants
Frp is libertarian on economic issues, but I agree on a more broadly european scope
There are no "left wing" economics here.
@@Precipiceofwind well interventionist whatever you want to call it
@@luisfilipe2023 Which isn't left wing. It's one of the biggest propaganda victories the US has achieved on its territories.
Ok so we had far right, now we have soft and hard right?
Not to mention the spooky liquid, solid, gas and plasma right
@@MidWitPride you forgot the right superposition
@@SDDT1 dont forget populist right and the alt right
Just call it the "populist right" and be done with it,it describes nearly all "far right" political parties without making an assertion about their place on the political axis.
Got to make shit up to throw mud at anyone right of Mao in todays world.
TLDR trying to do the "don't call people extremists just because they are slightly less left wing than you" challenge for more than 5 minutes: impossible level
I see TLDR has joined the coordinated shift to using "irregular migration" rather then the more accurate "illegal".
It's because claiming asylum isn't illegal, yet it is still one of the things the right doesn't like so it is better to use the umbrella term "irregular migration" as that would include illegal immigration and asylum seeking.
@@incurableromantic4006 Asylum is not considered illegal since they have legal processes for it.
@@incurableromantic4006by international law, ie treaties that countries signed up to and are bound by, refugees have the right to enter another country to seek asylum even if they do not have visas or documentation. you may dislike this but it is 100% legal to do this, so calling it illegal migration is wrong.
@@Skeprah Asylum is supposed to be applied for in the nearest safe country to your origin country, not halfway across the world so you can receive welfare and not work.
@@Emperor_Nagrom what you think the law should be is not what the law is. again, you can disagree all you want with it, but in general, according to the current treaties that are actually signed by actual countries, this is not a requirement. you can wish for that to change, but it’s currently not the case, so it’s still not illegal to seek asylum like this.
I'm Norwegian, and FrP isn't "hard-right" lol... it's one of the softest right-wing parties in Europe that you can imagine...
Still waiting to hear what the definition of an “irregular migrant” is
People who didn't apply for a family or work visa. Illegal immigrants are included. But refugees and asylum seekers from third world countries who technically followed the legal process are still included in the kind of people that aren't considered desirable.
An asylum seeker basically
You got your answer. No need to wait anymore.
@@PappaTom-ub3ht I actually liked his comment lol he was the first one to explain it to me and it was very informative
Illegal migration. Not irregular migration.
But claiming asylum isn't illegal and the right doesn't like it so irregular is a better descriptor.
@@Skeprah Asylum is abused nowadays. That’s how my cousins made it to America
@@Skeprah Asylum was always different. What "irregular" migration refers to is the boat crossers. Which is illegal.
LOOL TLDR has to one of these populist right wing videos every month.
It's the only thing happening in Europe. Most or the other things is routine: inflation, regulation, etc
It’s happening a lot so
I just read the Wiki entry for this party. Am struggling to see why it is "hard" right. Just one example: "During the national convention in May 2013, the party voted in favor of both same-sex marriage and same-sex adoption.The party has for several years been a proponent for legalizing blood donation for homosexuals.". The party does seem concerned about the Islamification of Norway, and Europe more generally. It is of course Islamism which is truly "hard right" (or in many respects "hard left", there is not such a difference). I don't blame people for being fed up with the notion that criticism of Islamic ideology is somehow racist: it is not.
It’s funny how you guys are scared of Africans and middle eastern and Hispanic 😢ppl talking over europe and North America 😂but it’s too late in couple decades it will
Happen even if immigration is reduced. It’s karma for colonialism
Homonationalism is a common populist strategy used by far right parties in several progressive/agnostic Western European countries (countries without any significant hardcore Christian right - meaning LGBT, Abortion etc is non issues that almost everyone supports or doesn’t care about no matter how conservative they are, so its political suicide to rally against it) as a way to target Muslims or paint them as a threat to the LGBT movement and women’s rights etc. While I agree that Islamism is a poison and dangerous, just like hardcore fundamentalist Christians, FrP seems to always group Islamists together with all Muslims which is extremely dangerous and wrong. They live off scapegoating all problems on immigrants and Muslims and mostly use LGBT/Women’s rights issues as a bat to attack all Muslims, while they also cant be against LGBT because that is very unpopular. Divide and conquer is their strategy and will support anything they can win votes on or use as a weapon towards certain minorities.
They are also climate deniers, almost libertarian (very right wing economically) and Andres Breivik was a member of FrP and supported their anti Islam stance.
Kind of the definition of far right populists (of the secular Western European kind)
Being socially okay with the existance of LGBT people doesn't stop them from being far right.
Though, it's certainly a plus. I could consider voting for them if some of their policies didn't made me cross them out.
@@askosefamerve cope
Blood from gays is riskier (we can’t screen them donated blood for every existing pathogen - and we don’t know all of them - and gays do statistically have a riskier lifestyle) so I’m not sure that was a good idea. It sounds nice, of course.
The "Conservative" party called Høyre (meaning right) is neither right-wing or conservative. There is another party called Konservativt (Conservatives), which has similarities with Frp (Progress), but Frp doesn't walk the talk.
Fantastic video🔥🔥! I have incurred so much losses trading on my own....I trade well on demo but I think the real market is manipulated.... Can anyone help me out or at least tell me what I'm doing wrong??
Trading on a demo account can definitely feel similar to the real market, but there are some differences. It's important to remember that trading involves risks and it's normal to face looses sometimes. One piece of advice is to start small and gradually increase your investments as you gain more experience and confidence. It might also be helpful to seek guidance from experienced traders or do some research on different trading strategies.
If you are trading without a professional guide... Ah, I laugh, because you will stay where you are or even suffer huge losses that will prevent you from trading, this has been one of the biggest problems for new traders.
I think l'm blessed if not I wouldn't have met someone who is as spectacular as expert mrs Fenella..
Highly recommended
Wow, I'm surprised to see Fenella mentioned here as well. I didn't know she had been kind to so many people
I'm also a huge beneficiary of her..
I thought myself and my family were
the only ones enjoying Fenella
trade benefits
There's a very easy explaination to why FRP is getting popular. People are getting sick of being taxed to death on everything. Too expensive fuel, where people want to remove the tax there to reduce the fuel prices, reduce property tax and wealth tax, that's an easy one. I know it's only paid by the richest, however those who are considered "the rich" moved out of the country, and so there's no tax revenue at all from that. On top of that because they moved out, a lot of workers lost their jobs, and just put 2 and 2 together there. Because of raising taxes on the rich, they lost the tax revenue both from the rich AND from the people who'd work for their companies. The welfare state is getting less and less sustainable due to less taxpayers and more people on benefits to take care of.
mass migration is a huge problem in Norway. I really hope the progress party wins. The main problem with that party is that they have been losing seats for the past few elections.
its a factor, but FAR from a problem. we take in a good number of immigrants, but also take the effort to help them integrate into society and get a stable living condition first. just because they weren't born here doesn't mean they are criminals or horrible people
the thing thats most discussed right now is how the economy and such is being handled. since electricity bills in particular have gone up a lot, with little being done to handle it, there has been a ton of pressure on the current party running the country. immigration here isnt nearly as big of a concern as you may have heard around the internet
if anything id be happy to help more people find a safe place to live, who had no choice but to flee their homes due to war, disasters or other things. and its no doubt that the recent wars in the 2020s have caused a massive increase in people fleeing their countries
Ive noticed TLDR tries to say hard right on anything Right. But when it's left they say mid centrist maybe a little left
I mean there are no big "hard/far/extrem left" parties in europe that are relevent. I am sure if a country would have a communist party in their gouverment they would call it herd or extream left
Most western democracies don't have a popular leftwing party though, while the far right has been on the rise almost everywhere
@@Luking2 id say that's your perspective but it's ok
@@bamaramifyBut he kinda has a point. The case in point being Norway. Labour used to be left, but it's a centrist party nowadays, that's why it's so easy for it to turn right. And TLDR usually calls actual left parties, like actual right parties, far left.
No, for France they said hard left or far left a ton of times
Better to be RIGHT than wrong.
Better look elsewhere then, frp are shortsighted twats for the most part.
"let's focus on our own citizen and their needs" RACIST!! FASCIST!! YOU ARE FAR RIGHT!!!! Ridiculous.
Where in the video do they say this?
Nobody's saying this besides the voices in your heads💀
We're lucky that the right wing populist party of Norway isn't as extreme as the right wing populists in other countries. Although I would never vote for them, we need them at 10-20% to balance the extreme minority. Sweden didn't have any populist party, that's why their nazi party grew so big, luckily they've moderated since then and have caused all the other parties to change their immigration policies aswell.
There's nothing extreme about not wanting to be replaced.
Europe is for Europeans
@@StoddardianRandom ass comment
@@Stoddardian people moving in from out of country is not replacement. there can be more than one type of person in a country
As a Norwegian, I love seeing high effort videos about my own nation. (Of course I do but still)
I like how "maybe we shouldnt be an islamic country" and "norway should be for Norwegians" is labeled far right and then everyone wonders why these parties keep surging.
Well, that is populist by nature though. And absolutely is far right, ethnocracies are something that 20th century fascists would be proud of.
@diogorodrigues747 now criticize Israel and the rest of the world for it (you won't euro hater)
@@diogorodrigues747 Opposing ethnic states (which you dont, since you support decolonization. You only oppose it for europeans because youre deeply racist) is the height of privilege. Its a position someone whose never been threatened can hold.
@@longiusaescius2537 Yea, im more than happy to criticize israel, but weird red herring.
@@longiusaescius2537 You know that the countries with the largest numbers of immigrants are not European countries, right? Get real.
By the way, I'm not a Euro hater, I'm myself a European. Leave your bubble.
Most norwegian parties do not care about the regular man, and definitely do not care about the people who have sunken below the poverty line. Anger and a want for change is one of the big reasons why the Progress Party is on the rise. The negligence of our people and big spending on immigration is the main causes.
The same as in all countries, the established parties haven't been doing much and don't take any stances on anything so eventually people do a protest vote, parties loose votes when they govern, the only parties that don't suffer that are the extreme ones since they can lie their way to the top
A Norwegian here, the Progress Party is NOT hard right. It’s barely right-wing if anything.
"Hard right" new term has dropped boys
I think it’s important to state that the progress party is for more moderate than most other right-wing parties in Europe. I’d compare them to the libertarian wing of the British Conservative Party
That fake Letter is CRAZY Though.
I think it is real. There are millions of immigrants in Europe who think that.
Weird handwriting. Looks left-handed
@sdrawkcabUK its not
The norwegian system is rotten to the core with decadence and miswill. There is no donation limit. The lobbyists aren't registered. The corrupt never get punish or flushed out, and the high thing attracts the greediest and most power hungry.
Why was the Red party missing from your graph?
They are insignificant
@@KvaGramThey don’t win elections
Stop being dense
They should win tho because they’re the best party for norway
@@KvaGram they are basically communists. We will never allow communists to take over
@@KvaGramthey werent the top 6
The Progress Party showed that they could be a part of a ruling government under Siv Jensen. Before that they were considered a wasted vote, because many of the center-right parties refused to form a government with them or give support to a minority government with them. Norwegians generally don't just vote for their prefered party, but for their prefered coalition, and tactically place their votes to make the coalition closest to their political alignments.
Up until recently the Norwegian Green Party and The Red Part were also considered a wasted vote but they are now considered serious smaller parties. Which means Labour has 2 new parties they can lose support to, without it meaning that voters have turned their back on the coalition.
Norway was mentioned 🇳🇴🇳🇴🇳🇴🇳🇴❤️
Its not hard or far right. It would be center in other countries. They would be far left in the US.
Any current opinions on the Progress Party? I know about them but I don't really know how Norwegians see them, would be interested in what people think!
For the most part the left-right distinction doesn't really fit Norwegian politics but if we use it for the sake of argument, Fremskrittspartiet ("The Progress Party") is the most right leaning party in Norway. Compared to political parties in other countries, I'd say it's about the same as the centermost part of the British Tory party and towards the left side of the US Democrats but they aren't nearly as dogmatic and uncompromising as these British/US counterparts. That is, when it comes to rhetorics they often appear like a typical right-wing populist party with oversimplified "headline style" solutions and no real understanding of the complexities of an issue but their actual politics tend to be far more pragmatic than their propaganda.
On the other side of the spectre we have Rødt ("Red"), a fairly small party with only eight representatives in the parliament. On that dubious left-to-right scale, they should maybe be placed a little bit left of Jeremy Corbyn but again, not nearly as dogmatic and uncompromising.
The most extremist party we have in Norway is probably Senterpartiet ("The Centrist Party") and yes, that's exactly what they are, extreme centrists. (Extreme by Norwegian standards that is, not by international ones.) Please don't ask, I don't even know how to begin to explain this to foreigners.
Like the other person said. Populist, somewhat simple in their message and anti immigration (mostly anti refugees)
Personally, I don't really like them that much, but they can be cooperated with, and several of their politicians are reasonable people you can reach a compromise with.
The Progress Party was inspired by the legendary Mogens Glistrup's Progress Party in Denmark - which later turned into The Danish People's Party that kept a hardline on immigration from 2001 and more than a decade onwards
Far right label no longer working for barely conservative parties, it's "hard right now"
Let's see if it works out
Yeah our "hard right" party would be counted as far left in USA XD
@@mhx6437lol america is more progressive in reproductive rights then norway and support immigration more then norway left wing parties.’
Norway being left wing is false theyre right wing the way they treat immigrants
immigration and taxes.
I was in Oslo two weeks ago and was surprised to see the lack of native Norwegians on the streets. The right wing it rising for the same reason it is rising everywhere
Oslo has always had a lot of immigrant population, it's the bloody capital, and Norway is in the Schengen zone, a lot of people from Europe go to live in Norway and usually end up in Oslo, immigration in Norway hasn't really changed much throughout the year since you don't get illegal immigrants and refugees running away from war, you just get normal people going to cover job vacants once they can secure a visa, add on top of that tourism and all that and of course you see a lot of non-natives or people that look like non natives because people sometimes marry and have kids with immigrants, I know shocking, you need to stop seeing an evil immigrant everywhere Norway is literally one of the countries that straight up doesn't have any problems of immigration, that some parties are using it as a scapegoat doesn't make ot true
Just wrong part of the city. Oslo is a very divided city, the further west you go the more native Norwegians you'll see.
Some places you wouldn't think there are any immigrants at all in Norway.
what a surprise! I was also in oslo and other big cities, I saw a lot of native Norwegians.
@@You_are_wrong99These Europeans are so paranoid of immigrants LOL
@@CJ-fs1zr people like him are small % of population in Norway. while immigrants can come with some issue they don't demonize them.
No party in norway are far right. we all live from the oil and welfare. those on the left want the state to have full control and maximum taxes, those on the right, want the state to have a little less control, and a little less of taxes.
The concern is over massive regular migration as well as irregular migration. Both change countries and populations.
But Norway doesn't really have any though, their immigration has been fairly consistent take away a bit of a peak from the Ukrainian refugee crisis and I don't think anyone is against to those, their position being at the north of the EU surrounded by frozen waters and Sweden means immigrants don't really go there unless they are legal usually coming from Europe, with visas and everything
You guys scared of minorities taking your women 😂
We all know that’s the true fear of European “men”
"Right Wing" and "Progress" is a contradiction in terms. You cannot be progressive and properly right wing. Although I know that for a lot of people, it's slang for "not left wing".
But i thought diversity was our strength
They’re not actually that extreme compared most countries. And the whole “anti welfare” thing is more about efficiency not actual downsizing.
context to other countries, all our parties are on the left side
Not at all. The "left-wing" parties are capitalist.
As a norwegian here i can tell that it's a mix of different things, alot of it is due to an increase in electricity prices, food prices and general inflation which they have tackled extremely poorly, with also a combination of setting into motion big expensive projects that are just a waste of money, like building big offshore windplatforms, connecting the oil platforms to the main powergrid and other stuff, meanwhile they are shutting down schools and the amount of poor people are growing, which is exactly what they went to election on decreasing.
The progress party doesn't have the solution to all the problems, but they are atleast acknowledging a few steps that would atleast turn a bad situation slightly better.
Also immigration has caused problems in certain parts of Oslo, and the PP has always been for lowering the number of new immigrants.
electricity and food prices are definitively the main issue causing people to wanna change things. but i can see how its not exactly the easiest thing to do, since the war in Ukraine was a big cause for both of these things getting expensive. that and Norway now taking the responsibility of supplying gas to Europe after Russia stopped sending theirs
A far-right party named Progress. Interesting.
As usual, it turns out blaming a scapegoat works ...
And, please, defind populism before you use it! The Norwegian progress party (FRP) have had pretty much the same politic seens the 80's. The same can not be said about the labour party....
As a Norwegian I can say that there is no real difference between the Labour party and the Conservative party. They share most of the same policies in reality, with the only real difference being their rethoric and talking points.
Both have sold out the Norwegian people in favour of the EU and demented "green shift" policy(Norway by far was already one of the most green nations in the world for the last 100 years, as our industry was powered by hydropower).
Yet both the Conservatives and Labour have admitted to actively rasing our prices by exporting our power, and raising the prices of electricity for every Norwegian and especially the industry, to in their own words; "make wind energy conscievable in Norway".
So while our industry thrived, and our people paid fairly for our power, wind power was not seen as viable, now to get windpoer viable, they are destoying our industry and making families struggle.
Both parties also opened up the sale of Norwegian land/property to foreign investors, and yet the government and state had to rely on DN reporters to investigate how mcuh awas actually foreign owned(wich was found out to be 44 billion kr!)
On top of this we are seeing industry flee the country, investors holding back, and Norway now having some of the lowest ammount of entrepreneurs and new businesses of any European country, while the currency is at its weakest, and these same politicians are wasting billions on a bureaucratic system were people are told to "not work too hard"! These same politicians are also increasing their own salary and incentives year by year!
I honestly could go on and on! But overall, these politicians and these parties are quislings, that have sold our natiom off to please a EU, we are not even members off!!!
Norway is a huge oil and gas exporter, so by definition its not a 'green' nation
I very much doubt you could validate what seems to be a cynically rather right wing view! Somehow I find it hard to conceive of any Norwegians being poor in the same sense this applies to anyone else in even the richest parts of the EU! Are you being a little greedy?!
@@dtrellis Domestically we are, and we dont even factor in the carbon capture of our forests and marshes in our climate accounting. As for exporting oil, unless you want people to die of starvation, or not be able to heat their homes, drive to work, then you need to come up with a viable alternative. Nobody has yet, so oil is still important.
@@melcadman Wow, that was a whole lot of "I feel" without any substance or arguments behind it. Dont think I ever said we were poor anywhere. Do you have any actual input to my gripe with our political parties, or do you just enjoy faux moralizing on your spare time?
@@AreEia A tad cynical! Like most people in the poorer fringes of Europe I'm very proud of the way Norway took control of its resources and managed to ensure its benefits went to Norway. If you know anything about Scotland, where I have always lived, I witnessed our substantial oil and fuel resources being sold entirely to American megacorporations by our near fascist PM of the time, Thatcher. Why, oh why, we didn't demand independence and simply secede then I'll never know! You were, then, the role model for most leftish people in Scotland and your creation of a collaborative 'common weal' of social welfare was the model we have tried to use as at least a basis for Scotland's (slightly,) devolved government within Britain more recently. What kind of 'substance' or 'evidence' do I need to 'provide' for my view?
Dude taking a breath before each and during each sentence is sending me man
The progress party ( FRP) is not hard right!
Labour party last pic in video: Now it is ordinary people turn. The norwegian political system is getting out of date, and need to see to Switzerland to direct voting.
Something that the British media seems not to understand is how relative politics are, I live in Norway and vote there. The conservatives or Høyre and the FrP which are the anti-immigration party are still far left of Labour or the Greens in the UK. Which to me means, the UK is currently run by far right extremists. And the last government was Høyre and FrP, it's barely a surge if they were popular enough to get into government in the previous election cycle to the last one. This is really not news.
This is horseshit. Høyre/FRP are much further right than Labour.
The FrP are not left of labour by far. They’re roughly on par with the conservatives.
No they are not, would Labour increase benefits to the unemployed I line with what Norwegians get, nope. Frp would not reduce those benefits. And Labour are 100% bought by the capitalist lobbyists which is something that just isn't a thing in Norway. Frp are right wing on immigration. I am by no means a frp voter as an immigrant that would be stupid but they are left of even the greens in the UK simply because of the significant differences in political ideologies and the prevalence of the right wing press in the UK. If you have lived in both places for over 20 years you maybe would understand that
@@johnsausby2987 being bought by corporate interests doesn't make a party right wing
@@shaebrown2872 it does
It should be noted that what seperates the progress party from the far right parties in europe is that the progress party is a self proclaimed liberal party. It has a strong ideological basis in classical liberalism and real free market economics. The Sweden democrats for exampel is not liberal, they are not pro free markets, they are just populist and conservative.
TLDR rly has to stop with calling everything right of cimmunists hard/far right
Its sad to see
more clickbaity and creates more engagement in the comment section = generating more views = more money = more of these titles.
Because they maybe are hard right in the end?
So what is the Progressive Party if not right-wing or far right? Centre-right? The Conservative Party is centre-left?
The Progressive Party is described as a national-conservative, economic liberal (or worse: libertarian), right-wing populist party; how would you position it on the political spectrum?
“There are two main thing you need to know about Norwegian politics”
I actually don’t need to know anything about Norwegian politics.
One of Norways most serious problems is the bloated public administration. 35 % of all workers in Norway are employed by the government. Too many of them are in administrative roles and not operative. These jobs dont produce any value, but are rather an obstacle to productive work in the public and private alike. Add to taht we have higher proportins of welfare recipients than our neighbouring countries.
It's not only anti immigration. It's also the immigrants themselves who vote for the Progress Party. Ask yourself, why would an immigrant vote for a hard right, anti immigrant party? It's quite logical.
It should be noted that all Norwegian politics are to the left compared to countries like the US. So voting far right in Norway is the same as voting for democrats in the US
The difference between parties in Norway are also extremely small. If you compare AP and H 99% of their politics are the same...
Yeah well, but that is because the US has a neoliberal far right and a borderline deranged far right that doesn't believe in climate change science, thinks criminality is genetic (and therefore eugenics) thinks itself superior to everyone else, doesn't believe in public healthcare or any short of welfare, compared to less welfare that European parties spout since they are starting from a different position
The problem is given enough time, a far right European parties will slowly bring all parties towards the right to since those parties will try to win their votes, and show the far right parties moves more towards the right and eventually you get the democrat and republican party, and I think something we should avoid as much as possible, having choice is a good thing I think
Most US states not in the south is more progressive in reproductive rights then any countries in the world. The republican parties are more progressive on immigration then left wing party I. Norway because we take in more immigrants per capita no matter the administration.
Also marijuna laws we are more tolerant. Norway strict on controlled substances
Bro what??
@@CJ-fs1zr That may be. I was just making a comparison of overall politics that is easy to understand for people that don't know Norwegian politics so well.
@@oohforf6375 ?
Populist is a better term for them these days.
I am an immigrant to Norway. After I witnessed with my own eyes crowds calling for extermination of jews, left-wing politicians addressing these crowds without much hesitation, and essentially all Norwegian media keeping quiet about it, I myself joined the "anti-immigrant" Progress Party a couple of months ago.
I am guessing you are talking about the protests in defence of Palestine, which are not in fact against Jews, a lot of Jews are also Palestinians in fact, but you are a long time voter of the right and probably far right, you believe those lies without a second thought and assume people protesting for peace are devils because they dare to think about others in a way you aren't able, the kind of person that during the protests against Vietnam or iran would have accused protesters for wanting the death of the US or something, overall a disgusting human being built on lies to spread lies
This party would probably deport you anyway, just like Konfederacja in Poland would.
@@krisdaschwab912 - of course not. Only the useless shitty migrants, not the good ones.
@@krisdaschwab912 no frp is not that right as kon
@@Solstice261 So i assume you supports two state solution and hostage deal?
From over here in very civilized Norway... There is no "surge" in right-wing populism in a political sense.
Not far right, just right, and not wrong
Okay can you please stop babying out a topic and actually grow up a bit?
@@fesyuki anime pfp = worthless opinion
@@TheAmericanPrometheus cringe response grow up
@@fesyuki it's true, ya weeb
@@TheAmericanPrometheus You have cartoonish countryballs on your banner... not sure how serious one should take your opinions based on that. 😂
Yay! A video about Norway 🇧🇻
Just another day in Europe
It's not hard right to listen to what the people want, as you are supposed to be public servants lmaooo.
Everything is hard right to you. So tiring...
For Americans: FRP (Fremskriftspartiet) (Literally: The Progress Party) can be roughly compared to the Republican Party, though not identical, of course.
Calling Frp hard right is like calling arbeiderpartiet radical left.
To be fair, people who are on the radical left would describe it as hard right 😅
i like how all of these European conservative parties are considered "far right" and then no one talks about the communist popular front in France
i disagree on immigration, we do not have tha mny immigrants, plus mostly are ukrainian today, fell free to correct me, i used SSB
1/5 of the population as immigrants is not that many for you?
@@eyvindr.cry about it
There will be more immigrants it can’t stop especially when the non European population reaches a level of at least 15% given that even European women are more progressive then the men when it comes too immigeagion so a couple decades say bye bye too Europe but then again it’s karma for colonialism
I genuinely think Europeans are scared of immigrants because of competition for their own women.😊
@@eyvindr. If they assimilate well what's the problem? If they don't, why are you still taking them?
@@askosefamerve I don't understand the question.
"If they don't assimilate why are you still taking them"
That's basically what they propose, stop taking those people
@@Tjisinvaal And i'm telling them to do it instead of letting the door stay open and cry about it. Norway took Ukrainians when they knocked the door, now they're crying?
The Norwegian Progress Party is literally about as right wing as moderate democrats in the US
democrats are not anti immigrants, or pro christianity lol
Yup only hard/far right. Never far/hard left. 🧐
Well there are far left parties, they just don't do well enough in elections that the TLDR team would include them in the vid
@@NoanNorvang The current governing party, Arbeiderpartiet (AP) is left wing.
@@ArkBlancit's not far left by any means
@@ArkBlanc the far left parti in Norway is Rødt (Red), AP is center-left to left wing
Is far left making huge gains anywhere in Europe?
I'm left-wing on a lot of political topics, but I genuinely believe that parties like, the socialist left would set our country back decades with their values and policies 😂
The Scandinavian countries are quite liberal by default, and I think our left leaning parties have become overbearingly left-leaning in my lifetime. It doesn't harmonize well with the issues we're facing with rapidly rising immigrant crime and persistent incompetence, in regard to the integration of immigrants.
I agree 100% with you.
Many people categorize critics of mass-immigration and islamism as nazis, racists, fascist etc..
But they don't seem to realize that the world is changing very fast, people get lost in globalism and that the way islam is interpreted in the past 1400 years is the biggest danger to civilzed society since nazism and communism.
@Armand-ql6yg bruh muslims are like 3% of the population in norway, and the majority in that number have integrated into Norwegian society, just like african and asian migrants. there is no replacement.
3% huh.. well that is how it started in the Netherlands, France, Belgium, Germany and the UK.
How is the situation in those countries at this moment ? When you're in certain neighbourhoods it's really, without joking, like you're not in Europe.
We have no problems with other cultures and religions but when these pose a threat/danger, we act upon it by voting for common sense nationalist parties.
We're fed up with the social-economic fraud, hate mosques, gang rape, riots and terror attacks.
We're not stupid okay, we know that it is every muslim's duty to propagate islam. We know what the quran and hadiths say about us 'kuffars'.
We have seen the ravages muslims cause in Europe and in Africa.
Read this attentively: we will never accept your ideology of hate, rape and murder that is disguised as a religion.. all non-islamic countries from Ireland to Australia where too many muslims live, have the same complaints and problems when it concerns muslims. Yet all these countries have different mentalities and approaches to immigration.
Do you know what this means ? It means that islam and islamic cultures are not compatible with non-islamic cultures 🤷♀️🤷♂️
So it would be better if around 80% of the muslims go back to live in their countries of origin. The wars in syria, iraq and afghanistan are over. There is no war in morocco and algeria, etc..
You people don't seem to realize that if the behaviour of muslims doesn't change, real nazism will rise out of the ashes of the 2nd world war.
The citizens of Europe will accept it as a radical solution for a radical problem. Do you get my point.?
@@adamelghalmi9771 its nice growing up with classmates from all over the world, cause that way, you instantly learn that all humans are pretty much the same if you dont count appearences. honestly i was kinda shocked when i learned how much hatred there was against immigrants in places like the US and such. since in my experience, they have been nothing but nice and bring some interesting cultural variety as well. even those who barely know any Norwegian at all are still respectful and
not once have someone not born in Norway acted any differently, or let alone worse, than anyone else i see on a daily basis
Man that's really a new thing I wonder if any other European nation will follow?
Yeah! May we call it 'the Norwegian revolution'?
Reading the top comments, it all feels like the same things I’ve been reading in comments sections on this site since 2014. And I still sit unconvinced by any of the simple, rote explanations. “It’s immigration”, “It’s neoliberalism”, “It’s social media”, and on and on and on.
As a Norwegian guy i see the politics change to a more right lead side because the people see that the tax rate is too high and the Norwegian currency is losing its value. Therefore we need some more effective ways to steer the country so we don’t lose important capital and it all goes too shit.
As a liberal and one who’s admired the Norwegian political system for years, a question for fellow liberals in Norway and the EU in general: Doesn’t the lack of assimilation actually go against the liberal disposition? While multiculturalism is certainly a net benefit to society, community ghettoisation (yes, partly pushed by a lack of an opportunity) certainly goes against the tenets of multiculturalism? Finally, imposing views that run contrary to the country’s fundamental principles is damaging to the local population and the country’s long-term social fabric, yes? In that case, why wouldn’t a liberal who agrees with one or more of these positions, not actually push to reform the policies and political messaging of centre/left parties or lend support to more conservative outfits (not all conservative politics is neo-Fascist)?
Norwegians aren't "liberal" in that meaning of the word. Norwegians are pretty nationalistic and conservative, the Swedes are much more "liberal" in general compared to Norwegains.
Multiculturalism is not seen as a anything great in Norway - except for foreign foods mainly.