Danger Hidden in UAP Disclosure

  • Опубліковано 11 вер 2024


  • @lemsy
    @lemsy Місяць тому

    Your hats-off performance at 18:35 had me in stitches. I'm glad you're here.

    • @GreenGardenGuy1
      @GreenGardenGuy1  Місяць тому +1

      I kind of enjoyed that port myself. Great way to use up extra coffee!

  • @GPWalsh
    @GPWalsh Місяць тому +1

    Unfortunately Bill, I have to agree with you. It's not the truth of the disclosures, it's the spin.

    • @GreenGardenGuy1
      @GreenGardenGuy1  Місяць тому +1

      I find it sucks to be right at times. Just got off the phone with Mac about meeting up in NC at Ricks in Oct. We had a hysterical talk. Glad you're still here!

    • @GPWalsh
      @GPWalsh Місяць тому +1

      @@GreenGardenGuy1 Maybe someday we humans will grow up.I hope we last long enough to do that. We are a bunch of adolescents with really dangerous toys.
      As Robin Williams put it "Boy scouts with heavy artillery."
      I am still here with no plans to exit any time soon. Of course, I did not make the schedule so we'll see.
      I'm here, you're here, Rick is here Mac is here. Jimmy is here. Not bad really.

    • @GreenGardenGuy1
      @GreenGardenGuy1  Місяць тому +1

      @@GPWalsh Musicians have a reputation for poor life style but if I count heads, it looks like we may have lost more non-players than players in our group of friends. Perhaps music is good for the soul even if the job has bad hours etc.?

    • @GPWalsh
      @GPWalsh Місяць тому

      @@GreenGardenGuy1 Good for the soul, good for the body. I am just glad you are all still here.

    • @GreenGardenGuy1
      @GreenGardenGuy1  Місяць тому +1

      @@GPWalsh Nothing like having friends you have known for over half a century. Some things are impossible to imagine until you experience them.

  • @gc641
    @gc641 Місяць тому

    Yup…we must be nuts thinking we are alone in this galaxy

    • @GreenGardenGuy1
      @GreenGardenGuy1  Місяць тому +1

      Yeah, kind of a big place to be alone in. Our current story of reality was the best us apes could come up with. Problem is, most of our understandings are so outdated and primitive that they are kill us. We are at some sort of threshold I believe.

  • @Atgul-z6o
    @Atgul-z6o Місяць тому

    To see them, they need to tune to our frequency otherwise the are not perceivable.

    • @GreenGardenGuy1
      @GreenGardenGuy1  Місяць тому

      I have observed what i believe was cloaking technology years before the idea was sci-fi. There may be several ways these craft disappear but one way I have personally seen is the ability to bend light. They make the background of blue sky appear to be the foreground. Dimensional shifting through a vibrational change seems possible. The main way they disappear is by putting the petal to the metal and moving faster anything on earth other than lightening.

  • @AdamC5013
    @AdamC5013 Місяць тому

    Aloha Brother Bill! 🤙

    • @GreenGardenGuy1
      @GreenGardenGuy1  Місяць тому

      Aloha, Sometimes I wish the only Spam we got was in a can. The government is pulling a fast on on us citizens again.

  • @leonardoalfonso7080
    @leonardoalfonso7080 Місяць тому

    I think it's possible that the UAP phenomenon likely has an origin in our own solar system. It's completely possible that greys come from Mars since it once had an ocean with a livable atmosphere.

    • @GreenGardenGuy1
      @GreenGardenGuy1  Місяць тому +1

      The demonstrations of the technology their craft possess would imply they could live anywhere. The limitations of Newtonian Physics that most of our minds embrace has no baring on these critters. They are operating at a quantum level. Home could be anywhere.

  • @michaelvonfeldt9629
    @michaelvonfeldt9629 Місяць тому

    Representatives Mikes Rogers and Mike Turner are leading the efforts to block disclosure.

    • @GreenGardenGuy1
      @GreenGardenGuy1  Місяць тому

      I figure the whole thing is "crap" show. Little of use will come of it other than someone getting rich. While the show goes on the creatures and their craft are still here. If anyone on earth does know why, it is probably why it is so secret. You don't want to know, I suspect.

    • @michaelvonfeldt9629
      @michaelvonfeldt9629 Місяць тому

      @@GreenGardenGuy1 the theory is that the military contractors like Lockheed Martin are holding onto it so it’s immune from FOIA requests. The proposed legislation can allow imminent domain to reclaim the material. There are whistle blowers like David Grusch and reportedly 50 others that can point Congress in the right direction of where to look. If they hide it from Congress after the bill is passed they risk jail if they continue to hide material and files.
      We don’t need to know the exact composition of the material but it should be disclosed for science and research and so medical claims for workers can be made. At one point Area 51 workers had workman comp claims but since it didn’t exist they were SOL, that isn’t right.
      We and Congress also have the right to know what our money is being spent on. I think there will be many crimes uncovered if money was taken and spent on this without congressional approval.
      This is fun, let’s stir it up.

  • @leonardoalfonso7080
    @leonardoalfonso7080 28 днів тому

    Bill have you ever thought to analyze the commonalities in each of your UFO encounters? I can't help but wonder if all your encounters had something in common that was not evident at first. Furthermore, if you were to replicate the commonalities, do you think they might show up again?

    • @GreenGardenGuy1
      @GreenGardenGuy1  28 днів тому +1

      Yes & yes. All of the UAP operate in non-conventional aircraft fashion. They are silent, defy gravity and most move very quickly. Most but not all have some form of illumination. Other than this, they are all dissimilar.

  • @leonardoalfonso7080
    @leonardoalfonso7080 23 дні тому

    Since you grew up in the great lakes region, did you ever had any UAP encounters near the forests? I was watching the missing 411 documentary and they mentioned how a lot of unexplained phenomenon seems to be happening by the great lakes.

    • @GreenGardenGuy1
      @GreenGardenGuy1  23 дні тому +1

      I had some experience in Illinois with trees around. In Wisconsin I had over 80 acres of the property in forest. It bordered Rusk Co. forest that bordered Flambeau River State forest that bordered Chequamegon National forest. This ran 85 miles all the way to Lake Superior. So yes, I lived in the middle of a huge forest and all the UAP were seen in forested lands. I have lost count but I had dozens of sightings while in WI. This is where we had a craft that was local, and either drew water from or hid under lost lakes in the woods. It almost ruined my brothers wife's car by playing chicken with her on a small county road.

    • @leonardoalfonso7080
      @leonardoalfonso7080 23 дні тому

      @@GreenGardenGuy1 That's incredible Bill! Do you think they come from the water or they simply hide there?

    • @GreenGardenGuy1
      @GreenGardenGuy1  23 дні тому +1

      @@leonardoalfonso7080 The lakes are too small to be the point of origin. They either hide there or they suck up water from the lost lakes. All the local farmers in the area knew of the craft and claimed it was stealing water. In Kansas I talked with a bunch of old farmers at a 1AM truck stop and they claimed the same thing in KS. They take water.

    • @leonardoalfonso7080
      @leonardoalfonso7080 23 дні тому

      @@GreenGardenGuy1 Very interesting Bill. I think we are on to something. Mars used to be habitable with NASA confirming that it had a huge ocean 3 billion years ago. NASA also confirmed that Venus also had oceans 750 million years ago. So it is possible that civilizations that once inhabited these worlds come to earth to get liquid fresh water.

    • @GreenGardenGuy1
      @GreenGardenGuy1  23 дні тому +1

      @@leonardoalfonso7080 Could be. Did you see they discovered a vast volume of water under the surface of Mars.

  • @GladiolaGirl
    @GladiolaGirl Місяць тому


  • @Jerr-e5e
    @Jerr-e5e Місяць тому

    I’m a true unbeliever. O well…

    • @GreenGardenGuy1
      @GreenGardenGuy1  Місяць тому

      Like you say, "Oh well". Belief has nothing to do with the situation. Belief is a mental illusion and is often completely disconnected from reality. Belief is a mental and social construct to try and cover up what we do not understand. I have no belief, I gave it up as a young man when I realized it enslaved me. I am free to think as I please without the oppression of belief systems shutting down my critical thinking. Like I said, "they are here," whether you believe that or not is unimportant to anyone but you. I have seem many of the craft and several at close range. My sister in law got pushed off the road playing chicken with one. But....we are a strange family, I am a very unusual human being and if I were you I wouldn't "Believe" a word I say. Think for your self but I hope you found some amusement in the video. Aloha

  • @molassescricket6663
    @molassescricket6663 Місяць тому

    I tend to think they are different, however they might also have different varieties of “crafts”. So we may be seeing different aliens each having multiple designs of “crafts”. When I was a young man in my 20’s my father used to say that the government doesn’t want to admit to their existence because, if they admit to it, then people would stop believing in God, and if people stoped believing in God, then the government could no longer control society. People behave because they’re afraid of the almighty. Our government along with a gazillion corporations want us to buy into fear. Fear is another form of control. It also creates big profits. I have heard that we were let known, that we should re think visiting the moon. I had two aunts that worked for NASA in the 60’s-80’s, one was budget director.

    • @GreenGardenGuy1
      @GreenGardenGuy1  Місяць тому +1

      You are correct, most government control is through fear. The rest is by false promises and bribery. Nothing new there! From your Dad's point of view belief in god may be what held society together. This excludes all the people that never fell for the god myth. What happens to us atheists in disclosure? It is true that some of the religious people will be hit hard by this. The religious who still have control of critical thinking will admit that there are many rooms in gods house so move over humans. The Catholic church is already preparing for this event. God is an illusion of human consciousness, the visitors are not. God is not real, the visitors are. If the religious have a problem accepting reality then I guess they need a good kick in bible belt. From the view of a man who sees god as a fairy tale, the government is scared because they have no power to control. They are also scared if they hold alien technology and are still trying to figure out how to use it. He who can fold space first wins. Aloha

  • @uglyadams-n8cfo-aolcom
    @uglyadams-n8cfo-aolcom Місяць тому

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