I was happy too soon. At 12 mm, err 01 came before. But the cable had not broken apart. After the repair the lens went back to 12 -24 mm wide angle. I was happy. Then I set the aperture above 4, and the error was still there. Nevertheless, thanks for the tried help with the video. Wolfe
Hi, I have a Tokina 17-35mm which is similar to this lens. I did find a loose screw but also found a metal bracket that I think came off of the flex exchange that has fallen off. You didn't get to that part in this video so I have no idea how it goes back on. Do you have a video or photo that I can see to help me please?
Aha! I'm getting error01 when I shoot anything above f4.5 with this lens. It IS the lens, it does the same thing on other cameras. This is very interesting.
Nice video! Tell me please is the issue with aperture on 12-15mm is caused by flex cable? Lens working well from 15-25mm below this cant close aperture due to err01 . Of f/4 is working even on 12-15mm.
kaporwojtas hi yes the problem is the flex cable. After replacement need to adjust contact lever for initial position of the aperture. If you like the video, hit LIKE and subscribe to our channel;)
I have found intresting thing. My flex was ok however there is smal, metal lever - probably responsible for opening diaphragma a bit when we zooming (aperture is still f/4, so when we zooming diaphragma must open a bit). Flex between 12-15mm touch this lever so diahragma can't close. The solution was to bend flex a little bit.
@@DIGISERVICEBG Can you explain this part a bit more clearly? I have just replaced the cable, but when I try shooting above f5, the aperture closes right up and won't reopen. If I use the depth of field view, it just makes a clicking sound (faster at higher f-stop). Thanks!
@@kevinortner2076 thank you for the comment:) You need to adjust the aperture lever to be more precise when open and close . If this not help, your aperture motor is gone :(
@@DIGISERVICEBG Thanks for your response. So I am assuming that when fully extended, you lock down the lever so the aperture is wide open. When I do this, the aperture closes slightly when it reaches ~15mm through to 12mm. The aperture still closes up on me when I hit depth of field view button at f5.6-f22. And makes a clicking sound (trying to open or close more). If it is the motor, do you know where I can purchase one? My search yielded nothing.
I was happy too soon. At 12 mm, err 01 came before. But the cable had not broken apart. After the repair the lens went back to 12 -24 mm wide angle. I was happy. Then I set the aperture above 4, and the error was still there. Nevertheless, thanks for the tried help with the video.
Hi, I have a Tokina 17-35mm which is similar to this lens. I did find a loose screw but also found a metal bracket that I think came off of the flex exchange that has fallen off. You didn't get to that part in this video so I have no idea how it goes back on. Do you have a video or photo that I can see to help me please?
very nice video; though where do you get the cable from; is there a # or a website that sells those.... thanks
Hi, thank you! Search it on Ebay!
Aha! I'm getting error01 when I shoot anything above f4.5 with this lens. It IS the lens, it does the same thing on other cameras. This is very interesting.
HI , the flex is broken.
can you make tutorial how to open the front glass?
Hi , will do on the next time when I have sample. :)
Hey I have a 12-24 Tokina EF and the aputure is stuck. Could I pay you to fix this for me?
HI yes, send email to service@digi-service.eu and we will answer to you ! Thank you!
Nice video! Tell me please is the issue with aperture on 12-15mm is caused by flex cable? Lens working well from 15-25mm below this cant close aperture due to err01 . Of f/4 is working even on 12-15mm.
kaporwojtas hi yes the problem is the flex cable. After replacement need to adjust contact lever for initial position of the aperture. If you like the video, hit LIKE and subscribe to our channel;)
I have found intresting thing. My flex was ok however there is smal, metal lever - probably responsible for opening diaphragma a bit when we zooming (aperture is still f/4, so when we zooming diaphragma must open a bit). Flex between 12-15mm touch this lever so diahragma can't close. The solution was to bend flex a little bit.
@@DIGISERVICEBG Can you explain this part a bit more clearly? I have just replaced the cable, but when I try shooting above f5, the aperture closes right up and won't reopen. If I use the depth of field view, it just makes a clicking sound (faster at higher f-stop). Thanks!
@@kevinortner2076 thank you for the comment:) You need to adjust the aperture lever to be more precise when open and close . If this not help, your aperture motor is gone :(
@@DIGISERVICEBG Thanks for your response.
So I am assuming that when fully extended, you lock down the lever so the aperture is wide open. When I do this, the aperture closes slightly when it reaches ~15mm through to 12mm.
The aperture still closes up on me when I hit depth of field view button at f5.6-f22. And makes a clicking sound (trying to open or close more). If it is the motor, do you know where I can purchase one? My search yielded nothing.