Aloha ! I have not been to Chinatown for years. Now I know where to go to eat. The food in the video looks very delicious. The "Look Look" is a very interesting concept with various choices to choose from. I love it. I could get fat standing at the stall Indulging in the skewers. Lol. Thank you for sharing the video.
Wow, the heart of Chinatown. True legacy food and always full of new and old surprises.✌️
yeah, always something new to be discovered!
Enjoy your meal. 😋
The whole place is now food paradise.
yes, mainly for tourists
Nice vlog, keep it up.
hi there, thank you for your encouragement, will do!
Wish i had seen your video before as i was staying at Floresta hotel which was very close to this place just about a month ago.
haha, there is always next time 😄
金莲记碳炒福建面, 若在档口看到老板在(穿白色背心的),可以请他炒一盘给你,会更好吃,面条更入味些。毕竟几十年的炒功不一般,比外劳头手厉害。
@@Nick_catman 不必等巧遇,他一般大约傍晚7点半之后在档口,有时一个人喝茶。若能吃到他炒的,那你跟蔡澜吃到老板炒的是一样的。😄
@@HC_Lee9498 最搞笑的是唐人街外劳炒
Aloha !
I have not been to Chinatown for years. Now I know where to go to eat. The food in the video looks very delicious.
The "Look Look" is a very interesting concept with various choices to choose from. I love it. I could get fat standing at the stall Indulging in the skewers. Lol.
Thank you for sharing the video.
haha....lok lok is basically steamboat/hotpot but standing version 😂
kuih kapit, 本来算是传统美食,现在。。。可以算是无良商品了,卖的天价,成本不要开玩笑了,本来是过年为了气氛卖的饼,现在把气氛价搞成合理价,无良。
@@Nick_catman 希望有影响力的可以谈一下这些所谓的过年饼罐,过年卖的价现在居然把他们订为普通价,太无良了。友族讲华人只在乎钱,在这些无良商人的带领下,真的我们习俗给他们搞到乌烟瘴气。
@@jameswong7061 大家只会把矛头指向通货膨胀😮💨
@@jefffoo8201 以前的方法就讲很浪费成本,现在已经很快就做好了,所以去买那些机械做的蛋卷好过去买这些红盖罐,就是老千价罢了,那些鱼饼小圆形的,一包rm3/5,放2包量进去红盖罐,就变rm20多,跟诈骗集团没两样。
the 1st shop is over rated worst place to eat food sucks,plate dirty oily,service sucks ,free also wont go anymore