Is it possible to receive one of these from Zoll with no battery and no pads or anything inside other than a CD with he instructions on it? My Supply Chain is telling me this is what was all received? No battery, no pads, nothing at all inside the case?
Op tkkkgkogoogooggogoglgglllglgllglglgggkkggĝkgkkgjgjgjgjggkgi🎉I o🎉ijtjjttjyykytjymymmymymyjymyymyjjyyjyjynynnt ttttþt555yyjjykyykyyykglykgggkggkyylykykyyky❤ò❤❤l 3ktjjkgtktgktglglglkggkgtt
I know you asked a year ago but the ready life is 4-5 years and can provide up to 15 shocks in its lifetime. You do need to replace the battery after it is expended or after a call, depending on your organization.
Mmcncjnvhhvĝgkvngjgggkgggmhgghjkhhghkhkmhhhjhkhlhkhmmhhhlhlhlhllhhhlhlhlhlhkhmlhhkkhk I gkgkg k ogkhkhtt😂❤ll❤❤❤ĺ j gkhgkkggkgk k 5òo🎉😂okgķgkkttkttkttlykygkkggkykyykykykymyyjjjgjgjkgkgkgkykgk j gijg kkkk iyiyjyiyiiyhoy🎉
Is it possible to receive one of these from Zoll with no battery and no pads or anything inside other than a CD with he instructions on it? My Supply Chain is telling me this is what was all received? No battery, no pads, nothing at all inside the case?
N I j fjfjffffjffjfifjfffjĝgkf ji😂😂8🎉iititiitititititiijtktitijttjtjjtjjjtjĵķjjtttjttjttjtjtttjnttjjtjtnntmtmmtmmtmttttmttttmtmmþþ
Op tkkkgkogoogooggogoglgglllglgllglglgggkkggĝkgkkgjgjgjgjggkgi🎉I o🎉ijtjjttjyykytjymymmymymyjymyymyjjyyjyjynynnt ttttþt555yyjjykyykyyykglykgggkggkyylykykyyky❤ò❤❤l 3ktjjkgtktgktglglglkggkgtt
😅❤is a þ😊
Wait, non rechargeable battery? How long do the battery lasts? And does it means you have to buy the battery again?
I know you asked a year ago but the ready life is 4-5 years and can provide up to 15 shocks in its lifetime. You do need to replace the battery after it is expended or after a call, depending on your organization.
Mmcncjnvhhvĝgkvngjgggkgggmhgghjkhhghkhkmhhhjhkhlhkhmmhhhlhlhlhllhhhlhlhlhlhkhmlhhkkhk I gkgkg k ogkhkhtt😂❤ll❤❤❤ĺ j gkhgkkggkgk k 5òo🎉😂okgķgkkttkttkttlykygkkggkykyykykykymyyjjjgjgjkgkgkgkykgk j gijg kkkk iyiyjyiyiiyhoy🎉
They are compatible with r and e series batteries which you can get separate and they are rechargeable
Have it in Thornton house