Well done! I looked all over for ideas when building forks for my 310 - and didn't find any. I ended up purchasing a cat 1 3-point 2-tine bale fork and converting it to a single-pin.
the forks have lifted anything and everything i can put in front of the 310 mustang. including a pallet with 2 460 ford engines torn down. had to use sand bags as counterweight to lift the pallet but otherwise not an issue
Nice design good job
I like the design, maybe put a through hole and nut to put a tee bolt on the round tube to lock in place
Well done! I looked all over for ideas when building forks for my 310 - and didn't find any. I ended up purchasing a cat 1 3-point 2-tine bale fork and converting it to a single-pin.
how have the forks held up? do they bend when lifting >1 tonne?
the forks have lifted anything and everything i can put in front of the 310 mustang. including a pallet with 2 460 ford engines torn down. had to use sand bags as counterweight to lift the pallet but otherwise not an issue