I'm a licensed Professional Engineer who specializes in coastal engineering (>20 yrs). FYI...shoreline defense (i.e., seawall shown+scattered armour stone rubble) should have a crest elevation that factors: local storm water level + (inverse) barometric pressure + tides + wind setup + wave setup. The cross-shore shoreline topography plays a role too. Finally, the short-crested wave ride on the elevated water level. The water level usually causes the *real* damage although the waves are more dramatic. The Coastal Engineering Manual provides guidance, but a PE is needed to really design (in concert with federal, state, and local policy/permitting. There is a lot more I could go into.
"I sold my house here and bought one on the water down in Florida". Well, can't say Michael doesn't walk his talk ;) I looked at those homes a month or so ago. Yes, the newer homes did better, but even they suffered from washed out driveways and the desire of the ocean to marry the marsh behind those homes. So the question is, where will the money come from to re-build all new homes? What about tax costs for infrastructure? Insurance costs? Anyway, many of those homes won't be ready for this season. Once new tax/insurance rates kick in (and if more storms) I don't think that little piece of road is gonna make it. But I've been wrong before, but 99% ain't 100% haha
Do you think that the coastal flooding in Maine communities will have a large impact on real estate? Comment below, we'd love to hear from you!
I'm a licensed Professional Engineer who specializes in coastal engineering (>20 yrs). FYI...shoreline defense (i.e., seawall shown+scattered armour stone rubble) should have a crest elevation that factors: local storm water level + (inverse) barometric pressure + tides + wind setup + wave setup. The cross-shore shoreline topography plays a role too. Finally, the short-crested wave ride on the elevated water level. The water level usually causes the *real* damage although the waves are more dramatic. The Coastal Engineering Manual provides guidance, but a PE is needed to really design (in concert with federal, state, and local policy/permitting. There is a lot more I could go into.
Hey Cam, Thanks for inviting me to your video. Lets have coffee again soon.
"I sold my house here and bought one on the water down in Florida". Well, can't say Michael doesn't walk his talk ;) I looked at those homes a month or so ago. Yes, the newer homes did better, but even they suffered from washed out driveways and the desire of the ocean to marry the marsh behind those homes. So the question is, where will the money come from to re-build all new homes? What about tax costs for infrastructure? Insurance costs? Anyway, many of those homes won't be ready for this season. Once new tax/insurance rates kick in (and if more storms) I don't think that little piece of road is gonna make it. But I've been wrong before, but 99% ain't 100% haha
I appreciate your insight Max!
If people don't care about people in noRth Carolina why give a darn about these people?