omg I have like 60 books for the year and I have been falling behind. I have like 10 books I own that I have started yet I have not been reading books myself like Ariel Has said.... ugh.
"Take a book everywhere you go." -THIS! I always do this. I don't even care if it's heavy in my bag. I also use lists to see which books I need to read and review. Helpful tips Ariel!
I completed Deathly Hallows in 2 days, mainly because I never did any schoolwork and just read the whole time. I do not recommend this because you will fail math, but I do agree that you do need to set aside time to read!
#2 is on point! Take a book wherever you go! Everyone in college just says they don't have time to read, even if they're a so-called book lover, but I bring a book with me and read every spare moment I have. It really makes a difference.
These were really great tips! I always find myself in the middle of a book that I'm not even enjoying that much, then I procrastinate until way too much time has passed. It's definitely important to prioritize reading, or it just won't happen. Great video! :)
I can really relate to the 2nd tip because I bring a book EVERYWHERE I go (except the toilet). Those tips helped me a lot when it comes to reading more. Tip: Do not be in a hurry to read more. The tendency is that people would read faster in order to read more but sacrificing the depth of understanding. Just read in your normal pace and enjoy.
Something that helps me is not focusing on how much of a book you've read, but rather the story. I've been reading a lot of very large books lately, and it can sometimes be a bit discouraging when you feel like you've been reading for ages, but you've only read 2% of the book. So I do my best not to check how much I've read, and instead try to focus on what's going on in the book.
I try to apply the first tip more and more. With booktube, blogs, internet, etc, I tend to choose books that I hear a lot about, but these are not necessarily books I will enjoy. Sometimes, it is hard to pick up a book you know nothing about... But it's also really exciting! As for establishing a sort of rule in terms of reading time, I think it would help me because, as you said, it becomes a habit in the end! Isn't it paradoxical to watch a lot of booktube videos and not take the time to read? :). That's what I do as well x). Thank you for this great video!
Someone suggested to me that watching booktube vids could become a substitute for reading, so I should stop watching them. Er....good advice isn't always taken.
If you don't have much time on your hands, pick shorter books. I personally only read long books on a weekend when i have the time. If you only have 20 minutes at a time and you have a shorter book, the interesting exciting bits will seem to come faster. This will keep you wanting to read.
It used to be (in high school that is) that I could just set a daily goal of pages or I'd stick a page marker in the book and I'd reach that part of the book for the day. I could reach that goal with NO problem. Now it's more of a process because I have to make tea or at least have water to drink and sit in my little reading corner in my bedroom. Or sit in a bathtub full of hot water. Anything to wind down from the day or to wake me up in the morning. Honestly, I'm still working on getting back into the groove of reading and seeing what works for me. This video has motivated me a little bit though. Thanks!
I have been in a reading slump for the majority of May so far so this video came at the perfect time. My tip: If I have a day where I'm both lacking in the reading department, but also have a tonne of booktube videos to catch up on, I find I've created a system that works for me. I'll sit down with the laptop and the book, read a couple chapters and then watch a couple of videos. Rinse and repeat. I find the booktube videos encourage me to read and I get more read that way than were I to just sit down and plan to read for two hours straight.
THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I really needed this right know, your video came from the sky. I'm right now not so excited about the book i'm reading, and your tips really help. I'm going to apply them. :3 ♥
Definitely agree on taking a book everywhere you go - or your e-reader, if that's your cuppa! I don't go anywhere without one of the two, or else I'll use the Kindle app on my phone. It passes the time between lunch breaks, car rides, and long waits at the doctor's office much better than flipping through magazines or staring at the walls does. Thanks for making this video!
I enjoy reading so much, I never have to push myself to read. Once in while when I don't feel like reading, I simply let it go. The joy comes back on its own. I feel like pushing yourself to read is one way to kill the pleasure out of it.
I needed to hear some of this, because I have the hardest time picking up books sometimes. While I am reading I remember that I love the story, but when I put it down I forget that. Thank you for making this!
Sometimes I catch up on my Tumblr feed and just sit there and think, "Now what?" and then I remember that I used to read in all my spare time before I discovered Tumblr.
HAVE A READING BUDDY. :D One thing that's been making me read a lot more these 2 months is definitely getting back on goodreads and finding some reading buddies through book clubs! I look for the people who states the same interests in the introductions topic and start messaging them and we end up choosing a book to read together and it has been working excellent so far. I'm so happy! But within the 4 tips, I feel that Tip #1 is really important. Great video, Ariel!
Helpful tips. I always have my kindle & a paperback book with me. You never know when you'll have down time where you can breeze through a chapter or two. I also have a "book time" set aside. I go to the gym everyday (timeframe varies) but when I'm at the gym on a treadmill or elliptical... I'm reading. Sometimes you gotta multitask with a busy schedule.
This is exactly what I need! As a tip, use an audiobook from youtube. That way you can be doing something while listening to your book. I do my homework while listening to a book and get a good chunk of pages in. Then when you have time, you can actually read and finish the book.
#4! LOL my life right there. Stopping at the end of a chapter to watch (one!) booktube video and then watching 5 instead. I need to read my books without the computer on. I think that would help. My main tip just like with your scheduling idea picking a time to read. I write out how many chapters I will read each day. Once I hit my quota I can read more if I want or stop there, but at least I know I got my reading done :D
Thank you for putting some light on the subject and knocking some sense back into me.... I am usually one of those people who reads ANY second that I can, even if I can't even get a full paragraph in, but lately I haven't been as excited to read, and would rather watch some shows on Netflix or UA-cam videos... But now I'm gonna go read and try to read the way I used to
Thanks for giving out some great tips that I haven't even thought of. Almost a year ago I bought a book I was really interested due to the fact it's related to what I'm interested in... If that makes any sense... And I only put less than 20 pages since..... I've been wasting my time on UA-cam lol and playing some video games that I forget and never think about touching a book, until one of my good friends motivated me about the knowledge and benefits when it comes down to reading the books your interested in. Ever since he gave me a good lecture on reading, I finally decided to go back and read the book I bought a while ago but never found the time to, due to my noon reading tactics. Recently I finally squared myself and read a couple pages to start. I couldn't believe how good it was only about 5 pages in and how much you wanted to keep reading. Anyway, now I know the ways for people like me to read the books WE WANT!!!
Oh to have a designated time to read every single day... I'm the mother of a four year old and the wife of an over grown child, I work shift work over a 7 day roster and am the maid of honor in two huge upcoming weddings. If I can read a page a day before passing out, it would be a miracle haha! Thanks for the tips though. Will definitely have to try to sort out some me time :)
I am feeling so motivated. I have been in a reading slump for almost a year and it's made me so sad 😭. I think it has to do with a few points that you made in this video. Mainly reading books that I didn't enjoy and not setting up a specific time for reading. I had this rule that if I started a book I had to finish it whether I wanted to or not which made me not want to read as much. I am doing away with that and trying to give myself the permission to stop reading a book that I don't enjoy, no matter how big the hype around it. Thanks for the tips!
These tips are really great, esp. #1. I'm SO tired of plodding through books I hate & then not getting any value out of it, ugh. You always have such great videos, Ariel, and this one is no different! :)
Loved this video and had to share!! It's so frustrating when people tell me, "How do you have time to read you're a Mom." And I think Wow...thanks for that. But what people don't realize is you truly do have to be in a certain mind set I was so happy when you added that tip because it really is an important one!
Watching people talking about reading and books is what sparked my habitual book reading early this year (before that I never really read very much on my own time. I too want to cut back some of the time on that and use it for reading. :D You always make interesting and encouraging videos Ariel!
This is super helpful. I'm a very slow reader so I have to take a lot of time to finish a book. There is absolutely no telling how long it takes me to read a chapter HOWEVER I do remember a lot of the stories because of it. Plus sides for the win! Thank you for this video (:
You are so right I love to read and I choose the lazy way out but your right if you love to read you should make time for it. Thank you for your tips I will definitely try them out.
Really needed this now! D: Netflix has been sucking me in due to my lack of interest in my current book.Picked up one I am REALLY excited about.I AM EXCITED. You're a life saver,Ariel!
I always read right before bed! And I always bring a book with me. One time while traveling on a 6 hour drive, I got caught in traffic with all lanes on the highway stopped for a car accident and we sat there for 2 HOURS!! Of course I had a book with me to make the time go by :)
Good tips! I'm so guilty of some of these. I used to read before bed, and then I started watching booktube videos instead. And it's so true that I don't make time to read as much if I don't like the book. I had to walk away from Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier, because I wasn't enjoying it. When I went to a new book, I was suddenly making a lot more time to read.
Great video! I haven't been able to set a certain time for reading, but what I have done is set a minimum page number for the end of every day- normally, to keep at a steady pace, this limit is 100 pages. If I don't read the 100 pages I was suppose to read that day I make up those pages plus that day's amount the next day. It's kept me on a very steady road for my reading. I know if I read my 100 I am good for the day, and if I want to keep reading I can surpass it all I want if I'm enjoying the book that much- of course, as long as I still read 100 pages the next day. This has helped me a lot- I hope it helps someone else as well
I don't really have a tip about books in general, but I do have one about reading the Song of Ice and Fire series by George RR Martin. I'm reading the chapters by character rather than chronological order. It really is getting me through them faster because it's actually less confusing because it feels like I'm reading one story at a time rather than 10 at once.
When my kids were younger and I worked full-time, I simply had no time for reading. By the time they were asleep at night I couldn't keep my eyes open. :) I have much more time now that they're older. Love your enthusiasm!
Great video :) I find a really good tip is to choose a week every month where all your free time is put into reading. Other entertainment like youtube and movies get put on hold just for a week so you can read (kind of like readathons). Then you get a good dose of like 2-3 books which usually satisfies me until the next time. And then in between reading weeks, you can go ahead and do all the other indulgent free time entertainment stuff so you get the best of both worlds!
I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR A VIDEO LIKE THIS FOR SO LONG! Thank you so much, these are great tips that I'm going to start using immediately. Like I should really go begin planning now...
Exactly points and sound advice! I was doing the same thing, going to bed and reading. Lately though, I've been doing it when I wake up! I feel like I don't just wake up and go to work anymore, I get up and do something productive!
I totally agree with all of your tips! Personally, I'm a regular Rory Gilmore....I always have a book with me!! That's why I'm not that into hardbacks because they are too clunky to throw in my bag.... Love your videos!!
To get back into the groove of reading start with a book or books you really loved and know you will dedicate your time to without feeling burdened. In the past doing this has done wonders in recharging my reading habits(addiction).
Very motivating video. I too carry my book everywhere I go, that helps me as I'm a kind of asocial man. People talk I listen them. I feel like if I record those talks with a lot of revision though they will make fine novels... Yeah I carry my books everywhere. I even sometimes sometimes feel like I am living inside a book i.e. my life journey. It's weird, aint it? But I'm a slow reader. I live in books. I day dream a lot while reading. I even record those day dreams in my notebooks. I become a character. Or if I dont like any character's traits I alter it in my notebooks and write a summary of the parallel novel i.e. playing in my mind. We live thousand lives reading books in our own weird convulsed complex unique ways. We learn live laugh as well as unlearn die cry reading books. This is nothing vicarious, it's all active reading , active imagining , active reimagining , empathising, active dreaming, changing yourself, challenging yourself, becoming something, unbecoming something. Yes I carry my books everywhere. Are we not books?
When I want to read I tend to make it as pleasurable as possible or me, for example I'll set myself up with a snack or something to drink, I'll get into comfy clothes or a comfortable position/location- I sometimes run a bubble bath and take only a book in with me so I can read for an hour or so in the bath, I like to make my room really cold and then create a little cocoon in my bed, grab some tea/coffee and sit and read. I also put my phone away from me at these times and turn off my phone notifications!
Great tips. I agree with scheduling reading time, helps me so much! I totally feel you on BookTube, it sucks me in so bad, then I feel guilty because I'm not reading, but watching other people talk about what I wish I was doing. #thestruggle 😊
thank you for this. I have always loved to read and used to read through several books a week. The last few years however with working three jobs I haven't had as much free time or am so tired I fall asleep reading.
Definitely agree on tip #1! I always try to read books I really, really want to read and when I do, I just jump from one book to the next. Quite the opposite of a reading slump :)
THANK you for these tips. I've been in a pretty long reading "slump." And I hate that I'm In one! Like seriously back in February I used to make it a priority to read EVERY day. But then spring break happened. I discovered some youtubers and I started watching them and I love them its just they kind of put me in a reading "slump." And In march I only read one full book. In April I just read one book. And in May I haven't read any yet. I've started like 4 books but haven't finished them.
Great tips !!! Thank youu Especially keeping a book with you when u go out! Works so well for me, I dooo read more since I decided to do that! I realised how much time I waste when im in the subway or waiting for the bus, time everyone should use to readddd!
I do all of these tips. If I'm not enjoying a book, I don't force myself to. My scheduled time to read is from whenever I get in bed till 10 pm. Sometimes I can't read at night, but normally I can. And I typically bring a book with me wherever I go. I always have one for school. And reading is a priority for me.
I like doing buddy reads because I'm always committed to reading a certain number of pages a day ... so it helps me read at a faster pace whilst still enjoying the book.
Pair ereaders and audiobooks. I go running in the afternoon listening to an audiobook, come home, find my place in my Kindle, and pick up where I left off (surprisingly, I read faster than I listen!). I finish books really fast that way.
I totally do the second point!!!! Always have a book in my bag no matter where I'm going. And yessssss I spend more time watching booktube than I do reading some days.
My reading has definitely suffered since I found booktube. I spend so much of my 'free' time watching videos instead of reading. However, my TBR has exploded! I have to get more disciplined and actually shut down my laptop so I will read! Great video.
The taking a book everywhere has been so useful for me. I have about 40 minutes on a bus every day to get to and from school, plus now I have frees so when I don't have a whole lot of work to do, that's another 50 minutes. It's great!
After watching quite a few of these "how to get more reading time in" videos and hearing over and over how much carrying a book around everywhere helps, I finally gave it a shot even though I thought it wouldn't help that much. BOY, WAS I WRONG. Now I get mad at myself every time I forget to bring a book, because reading opportunities always come up in the most unlikely places!
Great tips, Ariel! I used to pick up covers I liked when reading a book for school or one that I know I wouldn't enjoy reading . Well, I guess that's my tip. x)
Great video! I think that having a reading time is very helpful (I have one myself) and plus if you have a little bit of time and you're not doing anything at all then pick up your book and read, that's how I make a lot of progress reading on the bus to and from college and whatnot
I'm going to try to use tips 1-3 for my fun-reading. I'm also going to use tip 3 for my studying. If you say it works I will try it. I'm kind of lazy, because I don't really like the books I have to read for school. I study history which is my great passion, but because it is mandatory I don't like it as much. I think that one hour reading time per day will help me be less lazy. I'm going to read from 9 to 10 am, probably most of the time earlier than that. Hope it is going to work! First I am going to enjoy the rest of my summer vacation. Woohoo reading!
Sometimes I read a few chapters in the morning as I'm drinking my tea. It really gets me going and gives me something to think about if I get bored at work. It also motivates me to read when I get home, because the characters are still on my mind.
I always carry a book when I go anywhere! My biggest tip is to read books given to you by other people or books that you know other people have read. They will hold you accountable because they will want to hear your thoughts and discuss. Obviously you can't do this with every book you want to read but it definitely works for me when I get into a reading slump.
When I was younger I was an avid reader. I always had a book with me. I spent time in the library during lunch. I never had a reading slump until I graduated highschool, I didn't even know reading slumps existed. When I graduated, I just got into a huge reading slump. I am about to graduate from a community college and just recently got out of a reading slump. Super happy, and I hope I don't get into another one lol
Finding what you like to read is probably the most important step of action. Science Fiction and Human Potential are interests I like to think and write about, so I surround myself around genres that have something to say about those topics (and about myself at times!) When designating time to read, it's a choice you have to lock and gear yourself into. The internet is my biggest distraction so I will visit sites that will propel my reading and writing rather than spend more time on other forms of entertainment. That was and still is a sacrifice within a sacrifice, a paradox considering how tempestuous it is to be in front of the keyboard and have wandering links float by your eyes in the minute of typing or reading!
I know this video is a bit old, but I just happened upon it last night and what timing!! I've been trying to read more and have been doing well for the most part, but I started a book a week or two ago and have only made it about 10-20 pages in bc it bores me so much (it's scientific non-fiction and a little too technical for me). Even though I wanted to read it, this video made me decide to set it down for now, because it's obvious that I'm not going to read it and am wasting precious reading time. Thanks Ariel!
Sometimes I read in smaller chunks, but more frequently. Like a page every hour. Just set up a bunch of timers and do that tiny bit. (This really helps with assigned reading that you have to do, rather than the stuff you've chosen, because small progress is still progress.)
Thanks for making this video! I carry my book around everywhere I go but I always find by the time it is nearly bedtime for me I haven't read any. So then I try to read but I am too tired. I think I am going to implement your tip about having a specific time for reading because I always leave it too late. :)
Ariel! (read as in Spanish :P ) I have just sent the link for this video to my teacher at university. In her subject, Lengua Especializada, we study how to write essays, how to structure them, how to make statements, and how to develop those statements, etc. I really liked how you structured this video (I generally like how you structure all of your opinion videos) so I sent it to her so that we can analyze it in class :P It would be fun.
The best way for me to get myself to read is first watch people hype books on UA-cam for a little bit then make a list of all the books I plan to read then put them in an order in which u will read them and get started!
"i sit here and watch people talk about books instead of reading books myself" is literally the story of my life
exactly!! what am i doing now? watching booktube..... there's a problem.....
Me right now hahah
Kaitlin Barnes so me!!!! 🤦🏻♀️
My computer froze just after she said "Tip #1 is to read books--"
I can't argue. It's a perfectly good tip.
"I"m watching people talk about reading books instead of myself reading books"
*looks at TBR*
*looks at video*
hahahhaha that's a good one :') same here
AkaruiDreams I feel this on a spiritual level
My tbr is 57 books long and I haven't read in days....I need help
+Adam Walrus I feel you. My TBR List is 100+ books long!!
omg I have like 60 books for the year and I have been falling behind. I have like 10 books I own that I have started yet I have not been reading books myself like Ariel Has said.... ugh.
i love this reading time you've set up with your mom, it's so wonderful
polandbananasBOOKS i
Omg hi I subbed to ur channel also I’m a twiheart to just like u team Edward for life
"Take a book everywhere you go." -THIS! I always do this. I don't even care if it's heavy in my bag. I also use lists to see which books I need to read and review. Helpful tips Ariel!
I completed Deathly Hallows in 2 days, mainly because I never did any schoolwork and just read the whole time. I do not recommend this because you will fail math, but I do agree that you do need to set aside time to read!
Jean Brannum lol that’s how I’ve been taking time to read is by not doing my schoolwork XD
#2 is on point! Take a book wherever you go! Everyone in college just says they don't have time to read, even if they're a so-called book lover, but I bring a book with me and read every spare moment I have. It really makes a difference.
"procrastinates reading my book while watching Ariel's youtube video" .-.
These were really great tips! I always find myself in the middle of a book that I'm not even enjoying that much, then I procrastinate until way too much time has passed. It's definitely important to prioritize reading, or it just won't happen. Great video! :)
I always try to bring a book in my bag everywhere I go, I always find time for reading!!
When you started talking about watching lots of booktube videos instead of reading I was sat here like "shit, that's me" haha
lol same
I can really relate to the 2nd tip because I bring a book EVERYWHERE I go (except the toilet). Those tips helped me a lot when it comes to reading more.
Tip: Do not be in a hurry to read more. The tendency is that people would read faster in order to read more but sacrificing the depth of understanding. Just read in your normal pace and enjoy.
Something that helps me is not focusing on how much of a book you've read, but rather the story. I've been reading a lot of very large books lately, and it can sometimes be a bit discouraging when you feel like you've been reading for ages, but you've only read 2% of the book. So I do my best not to check how much I've read, and instead try to focus on what's going on in the book.
I read everyday, for hours! It's kind of like the whole day is my reading hour=) Great video!
Another tip would be to read:listen to a audiobook! You can listen while doing housework for example!
I try to apply the first tip more and more. With booktube, blogs, internet, etc, I tend to choose books that I hear a lot about, but these are not necessarily books I will enjoy. Sometimes, it is hard to pick up a book you know nothing about... But it's also really exciting!
As for establishing a sort of rule in terms of reading time, I think it would help me because, as you said, it becomes a habit in the end! Isn't it paradoxical to watch a lot of booktube videos and not take the time to read? :). That's what I do as well x).
Thank you for this great video!
Someone suggested to me that watching booktube vids could become a substitute for reading, so I should stop watching them. Er....good advice isn't always taken.
If you don't have much time on your hands, pick shorter books. I personally only read long books on a weekend when i have the time. If you only have 20 minutes at a time and you have a shorter book, the interesting exciting bits will seem to come faster. This will keep you wanting to read.
It used to be (in high school that is) that I could just set a daily goal of pages or I'd stick a page marker in the book and I'd reach that part of the book for the day. I could reach that goal with NO problem. Now it's more of a process because I have to make tea or at least have water to drink and sit in my little reading corner in my bedroom. Or sit in a bathtub full of hot water. Anything to wind down from the day or to wake me up in the morning. Honestly, I'm still working on getting back into the groove of reading and seeing what works for me. This video has motivated me a little bit though. Thanks!
I carry my books around everywhere and its gotten to a point where everyone notices I bring 3 or 4 different books to school every week
I have been in a reading slump for the majority of May so far so this video came at the perfect time.
My tip: If I have a day where I'm both lacking in the reading department, but also have a tonne of booktube videos to catch up on, I find I've created a system that works for me. I'll sit down with the laptop and the book, read a couple chapters and then watch a couple of videos. Rinse and repeat. I find the booktube videos encourage me to read and I get more read that way than were I to just sit down and plan to read for two hours straight.
I really needed this right know, your video came from the sky.
I'm right now not so excited about the book i'm reading, and your tips really help.
I'm going to apply them. :3
And go to read instead of watching so much videos haha.
Definitely agree on taking a book everywhere you go - or your e-reader, if that's your cuppa! I don't go anywhere without one of the two, or else I'll use the Kindle app on my phone. It passes the time between lunch breaks, car rides, and long waits at the doctor's office much better than flipping through magazines or staring at the walls does. Thanks for making this video!
I enjoy reading so much, I never have to push myself to read. Once in while when I don't feel like reading, I simply let it go. The joy comes back on its own. I feel like pushing yourself to read is one way to kill the pleasure out of it.
I needed to hear some of this, because I have the hardest time picking up books sometimes. While I am reading I remember that I love the story, but when I put it down I forget that. Thank you for making this!
Sometimes I catch up on my Tumblr feed and just sit there and think, "Now what?" and then I remember that I used to read in all my spare time before I discovered Tumblr.
i usually read books on my phone so whenever i get free time or just waiting for something i just pick up my phone start reading.
I actually do have a reading time at school. My school has this time for 20 minutes where everyone sits in the hall and just read.
This is SO COOL! I wish we had this too.
One thing that's been making me read a lot more these 2 months is definitely getting back on goodreads and finding some reading buddies through book clubs! I look for the people who states the same interests in the introductions topic and start messaging them and we end up choosing a book to read together and it has been working excellent so far. I'm so happy! But within the 4 tips, I feel that Tip #1 is really important. Great video, Ariel!
Helpful tips. I always have my kindle & a paperback book with me. You never know when you'll have down time where you can breeze through a chapter or two. I also have a "book time" set aside. I go to the gym everyday (timeframe varies) but when I'm at the gym on a treadmill or elliptical... I'm reading. Sometimes you gotta multitask with a busy schedule.
This is exactly what I need! As a tip, use an audiobook from youtube. That way you can be doing something while listening to your book. I do my homework while listening to a book and get a good chunk of pages in. Then when you have time, you can actually read and finish the book.
#4! LOL my life right there. Stopping at the end of a chapter to watch (one!) booktube video and then watching 5 instead. I need to read my books without the computer on. I think that would help.
My main tip just like with your scheduling idea picking a time to read. I write out how many chapters I will read each day. Once I hit my quota I can read more if I want or stop there, but at least I know I got my reading done :D
your hair looks so fluffy and soft!
Thank you for putting some light on the subject and knocking some sense back into me.... I am usually one of those people who reads ANY second that I can, even if I can't even get a full paragraph in, but lately I haven't been as excited to read, and would rather watch some shows on Netflix or UA-cam videos... But now I'm gonna go read and try to read the way I used to
The one thing I do that has helped me is when I'm watching tv, I read during the commercials!
Thanks for giving out some great tips that I haven't even thought of. Almost a year ago I bought a book I was really interested due to the fact it's related to what I'm interested in... If that makes any sense... And I only put less than 20 pages since..... I've been wasting my time on UA-cam lol and playing some video games that I forget and never think about touching a book, until one of my good friends motivated me about the knowledge and benefits when it comes down to reading the books your interested in. Ever since he gave me a good lecture on reading, I finally decided to go back and read the book I bought a while ago but never found the time to, due to my noon reading tactics. Recently I finally squared myself and read a couple pages to start. I couldn't believe how good it was only about 5 pages in and how much you wanted to keep reading. Anyway, now I know the ways for people like me to read the books WE WANT!!!
Oh to have a designated time to read every single day...
I'm the mother of a four year old and the wife of an over grown child, I work shift work over a 7 day roster and am the maid of honor in two huge upcoming weddings. If I can read a page a day before passing out, it would be a miracle haha! Thanks for the tips though. Will definitely have to try to sort out some me time :)
I am feeling so motivated. I have been in a reading slump for almost a year and it's made me so sad 😭. I think it has to do with a few points that you made in this video. Mainly reading books that I didn't enjoy and not setting up a specific time for reading. I had this rule that if I started a book I had to finish it whether I wanted to or not which made me not want to read as much. I am doing away with that and trying to give myself the permission to stop reading a book that I don't enjoy, no matter how big the hype around it. Thanks for the tips!
These tips are really great, esp. #1. I'm SO tired of plodding through books I hate & then not getting any value out of it, ugh.
You always have such great videos, Ariel, and this one is no different! :)
Loved this video and had to share!! It's so frustrating when people tell me, "How do you have time to read you're a Mom." And I think Wow...thanks for that. But what people don't realize is you truly do have to be in a certain mind set I was so happy when you added that tip because it really is an important one!
Admittedly, I chose to watch this video instead of read. BUT. The buddy system and the carrying-a-book-around tips were worth it.
Watching people talking about reading and books is what sparked my habitual book reading early this year (before that I never really read very much on my own time. I too want to cut back some of the time on that and use it for reading. :D You always make interesting and encouraging videos Ariel!
This is super helpful. I'm a very slow reader so I have to take a lot of time to finish a book. There is absolutely no telling how long it takes me to read a chapter HOWEVER I do remember a lot of the stories because of it. Plus sides for the win! Thank you for this video (:
You are so right I love to read and I choose the lazy way out but your right if you love to read you should make time for it. Thank you for your tips I will definitely try them out.
Really needed this now! D: Netflix has been sucking me in due to my lack of interest in my current book.Picked up one I am REALLY excited about.I AM EXCITED. You're a life saver,Ariel!
I like idea of scheduling a specific time for reading. I may have to implement that in the next couple of days and see how it works out for me.
Perfect tips!
Thank you so much!
This really works! I've read 4 chapters in one day, which doesn't sound like a lot but lately for me is loads!! Thanks Ariel for the tips :)
THANK YOU! I was in the WORST reading slump and these tips got me out of it. Thank you again
I always read right before bed! And I always bring a book with me. One time while traveling on a 6 hour drive, I got caught in traffic with all lanes on the highway stopped for a car accident and we sat there for 2 HOURS!! Of course I had a book with me to make the time go by :)
Good tips! I'm so guilty of some of these. I used to read before bed, and then I started watching booktube videos instead. And it's so true that I don't make time to read as much if I don't like the book. I had to walk away from Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier, because I wasn't enjoying it. When I went to a new book, I was suddenly making a lot more time to read.
Definitely implementimg reading hours of After school till 4:30 or if I have something I can designate it at 8:00 till 9:30!
Great video! I haven't been able to set a certain time for reading, but what I have done is set a minimum page number for the end of every day- normally, to keep at a steady pace, this limit is 100 pages. If I don't read the 100 pages I was suppose to read that day I make up those pages plus that day's amount the next day. It's kept me on a very steady road for my reading. I know if I read my 100 I am good for the day, and if I want to keep reading I can surpass it all I want if I'm enjoying the book that much- of course, as long as I still read 100 pages the next day. This has helped me a lot- I hope it helps someone else as well
I don't really have a tip about books in general, but I do have one about reading the Song of Ice and Fire series by George RR Martin. I'm reading the chapters by character rather than chronological order. It really is getting me through them faster because it's actually less confusing because it feels like I'm reading one story at a time rather than 10 at once.
When my kids were younger and I worked full-time, I simply had no time for reading. By the time they were asleep at night I couldn't keep my eyes open. :) I have much more time now that they're older. Love your enthusiasm!
Great video :) I find a really good tip is to choose a week every month where all your free time is put into reading. Other entertainment like youtube and movies get put on hold just for a week so you can read (kind of like readathons). Then you get a good dose of like 2-3 books which usually satisfies me until the next time. And then in between reading weeks, you can go ahead and do all the other indulgent free time entertainment stuff so you get the best of both worlds!
I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR A VIDEO LIKE THIS FOR SO LONG! Thank you so much, these are great tips that I'm going to start using immediately. Like I should really go begin planning now...
Exactly points and sound advice! I was doing the same thing, going to bed and reading. Lately though, I've been doing it when I wake up! I feel like I don't just wake up and go to work anymore, I get up and do something productive!
I totally agree with all of your tips! Personally, I'm a regular Rory Gilmore....I always have a book with me!! That's why I'm not that into hardbacks because they are too clunky to throw in my bag.... Love your videos!!
These tips are all so great! I agree the most with taking a book with you everywhere, it helps me read so much!
To get back into the groove of reading start with a book or books you really loved and know you will dedicate your time to without feeling burdened. In the past doing this has done wonders in recharging my reading habits(addiction).
Very motivating video.
I too carry my book everywhere I go, that helps me as I'm a kind of asocial man. People talk I listen them. I feel like if I record those talks with a lot of revision though they will make fine novels...
Yeah I carry my books everywhere.
I even sometimes sometimes feel like I am living inside a book i.e. my life journey. It's weird, aint it?
But I'm a slow reader. I live in books. I day dream a lot while reading. I even record those day dreams in my notebooks. I become a character. Or if I dont like any character's traits I alter it in my notebooks and write a summary of the parallel novel i.e. playing in my mind.
We live thousand lives reading books in our own weird convulsed complex unique ways. We learn live laugh as well as unlearn die cry reading books. This is nothing vicarious, it's all active reading , active imagining , active reimagining , empathising, active dreaming, changing yourself, challenging yourself, becoming something, unbecoming something.
Yes I carry my books everywhere.
Are we not books?
Word up. Starting to get into the habit and loving it.
OMG, I can watch booktube videos for hours upon hours and you're right it def takes away from my actual reading time!
When I want to read I tend to make it as pleasurable as possible or me, for example I'll set myself up with a snack or something to drink, I'll get into comfy clothes or a comfortable position/location- I sometimes run a bubble bath and take only a book in with me so I can read for an hour or so in the bath, I like to make my room really cold and then create a little cocoon in my bed, grab some tea/coffee and sit and read. I also put my phone away from me at these times and turn off my phone notifications!
I'm going to start reading everyday before school from now on! WooHoo for progress!
Great tips. I agree with scheduling reading time, helps me so much! I totally feel you on BookTube, it sucks me in so bad, then I feel guilty because I'm not reading, but watching other people talk about what I wish I was doing. #thestruggle 😊
I love how there are rarely negative comments throughout the whole book tube community!
thank you for this. I have always loved to read and used to read through several books a week. The last few years however with working three jobs I haven't had as much free time or am so tired I fall asleep reading.
Definitely agree on tip #1! I always try to read books I really, really want to read and when I do, I just jump from one book to the next. Quite the opposite of a reading slump :)
Ill definitely cut out things that arent so important in order to make time for reading! Thank you for this video, helped a lot x
Im so glad im not the only one that spends too much time watching youtube videos about books !:)
THANK you for these tips. I've been in a pretty long reading "slump." And I hate that I'm In one! Like seriously back in February I used to make it a priority to read EVERY day. But then spring break happened. I discovered some youtubers and I started watching them and I love them its just they kind of put me in a reading "slump." And In march I only read one full book. In April I just read one book. And in May I haven't read any yet. I've started like 4 books but haven't finished them.
Your hair is gorgeous 😍
Great tips !!! Thank youu
Especially keeping a book with you when u go out! Works so well for me, I dooo read more since I decided to do that! I realised how much time I waste when im in the subway or waiting for the bus, time everyone should use to readddd!
I do all of these tips. If I'm not enjoying a book, I don't force myself to. My scheduled time to read is from whenever I get in bed till 10 pm. Sometimes I can't read at night, but normally I can. And I typically bring a book with me wherever I go. I always have one for school. And reading is a priority for me.
I like doing buddy reads because I'm always committed to reading a certain number of pages a day ... so it helps me read at a faster pace whilst still enjoying the book.
Pair ereaders and audiobooks. I go running in the afternoon listening to an audiobook, come home, find my place in my Kindle, and pick up where I left off (surprisingly, I read faster than I listen!). I finish books really fast that way.
I totally agree with you, I take my book with me everywhere and I only read books I am interested in ;)
Oh me, oh my 😱 is that Archimedes behind you?? Where did you get him?? I love Sword in the Stone ❤️
I totally do the second point!!!! Always have a book in my bag no matter where I'm going.
And yessssss I spend more time watching booktube than I do reading some days.
My reading has definitely suffered since I found booktube. I spend so much of my 'free' time watching videos instead of reading. However, my TBR has exploded! I have to get more disciplined and actually shut down my laptop so I will read!
Great video.
The taking a book everywhere has been so useful for me. I have about 40 minutes on a bus every day to get to and from school, plus now I have frees so when I don't have a whole lot of work to do, that's another 50 minutes. It's great!
After watching quite a few of these "how to get more reading time in" videos and hearing over and over how much carrying a book around everywhere helps, I finally gave it a shot even though I thought it wouldn't help that much. BOY, WAS I WRONG. Now I get mad at myself every time I forget to bring a book, because reading opportunities always come up in the most unlikely places!
Great tips, Ariel! I used to pick up covers I liked when reading a book for school or one that I know I wouldn't enjoy reading . Well, I guess that's my tip. x)
Great video! I think that having a reading time is very helpful (I have one myself) and plus if you have a little bit of time and you're not doing anything at all then pick up your book and read, that's how I make a lot of progress reading on the bus to and from college and whatnot
I'm going to try to use tips 1-3 for my fun-reading. I'm also going to use tip 3 for my studying. If you say it works I will try it. I'm kind of lazy, because I don't really like the books I have to read for school. I study history which is my great passion, but because it is mandatory I don't like it as much. I think that one hour reading time per day will help me be less lazy. I'm going to read from 9 to 10 am, probably most of the time earlier than that. Hope it is going to work! First I am going to enjoy the rest of my summer vacation. Woohoo reading!
Sometimes I read a few chapters in the morning as I'm drinking my tea. It really gets me going and gives me something to think about if I get bored at work. It also motivates me to read when I get home, because the characters are still on my mind.
I always carry a book when I go anywhere! My biggest tip is to read books given to you by other people or books that you know other people have read. They will hold you accountable because they will want to hear your thoughts and discuss. Obviously you can't do this with every book you want to read but it definitely works for me when I get into a reading slump.
When I was younger I was an avid reader. I always had a book with me. I spent time in the library during lunch. I never had a reading slump until I graduated highschool, I didn't even know reading slumps existed. When I graduated, I just got into a huge reading slump. I am about to graduate from a community college and just recently got out of a reading slump. Super happy, and I hope I don't get into another one lol
These tips are great, thanks.
And I like how you push up your glasses while you speak! lol
Finding what you like to read is probably the most important step of action. Science Fiction and Human Potential are interests I like to think and write about, so I surround myself around genres that have something to say about those topics (and about myself at times!)
When designating time to read, it's a choice you have to lock and gear yourself into. The internet is my biggest distraction so I will visit sites that will propel my reading and writing rather than spend more time on other forms of entertainment. That was and still is a sacrifice within a sacrifice, a paradox considering how tempestuous it is to be in front of the keyboard and have wandering links float by your eyes in the minute of typing or reading!
You are motivating me so much!!!
I know this video is a bit old, but I just happened upon it last night and what timing!! I've been trying to read more and have been doing well for the most part, but I started a book a week or two ago and have only made it about 10-20 pages in bc it bores me so much (it's scientific non-fiction and a little too technical for me). Even though I wanted to read it, this video made me decide to set it down for now, because it's obvious that I'm not going to read it and am wasting precious reading time. Thanks Ariel!
I really like the idea of having a set reading time
I will definetely adding it into my schedule!
Sometimes I read in smaller chunks, but more frequently. Like a page every hour. Just set up a bunch of timers and do that tiny bit. (This really helps with assigned reading that you have to do, rather than the stuff you've chosen, because small progress is still progress.)
Thanks for making this video! I carry my book around everywhere I go but I always find by the time it is nearly bedtime for me I haven't read any. So then I try to read but I am too tired. I think I am going to implement your tip about having a specific time for reading because I always leave it too late. :)
Ariel! (read as in Spanish :P ) I have just sent the link for this video to my teacher at university. In her subject, Lengua Especializada, we study how to write essays, how to structure them, how to make statements, and how to develop those statements, etc. I really liked how you structured this video (I generally like how you structure all of your opinion videos) so I sent it to her so that we can analyze it in class :P It would be fun.
The best way for me to get myself to read is first watch people hype books on UA-cam for a little bit then make a list of all the books I plan to read then put them in an order in which u will read them and get started!