Met Jenny Agutter a few years ago; lovely lady, polite, pleasant and ageing beautifully. She was giving a talk at a local church to raise awareness of a medical condition that I believe one of her kids was born with. I have never seen so many middle aged men crammed into a church. Lovely lady.
I don't remember how I first watched it. Maybe on video tape or maybe on the TV with all the cuts. I know I saw it many years sooner than I did "2001". Seen it many times. Eventually I found a used book store copy of the novel which had quite a few big differences to it.
Same here. I was also 13 in 1976 and Jenny Agutter made my day. I saw 2001 for the first time in the 70s, but I'm not sure if it was on the same double bill. Still, both movies are still among my favourites.
It was adapted from a book, written by by mentor George Clayton Johnson. If you Google him or look him up on Wikipedia, you will see that he was a prolific science fiction writer for film and TV. He worked on Rod Serling's original Twilight Zone and he wrote the first episode of the original Star Trek (after the 2nd pilot).
Thank God for that. Cause a few years later there was Saturn 3. The fact that she stared in it was it's only redeeming value. And that's saying a lot because the other 2 actors were no slouches. Kirk Douglas and Harvey Keitel.
Logan's Run was one of the first Sci-Fi movies I remember seeing growing up. The ideas were ahead of their time, and oddly feels almost like a prediction now. I've seen it more than a few times, and still enjoy it, even with its faults and somewhat dated effects.
I Saw it in the theaters and it has been in my top 3 ever since. I watch my DVD all time, I never tire of it. In the novel, written by SF legends William F. Nolan and George Clayton Johnson, Last day is your 21st birthday, not the 30th
The film _Free Enterprise_ (so a _Star Trek_ connection) references _Logan's Run_, and has the line (paraphrased): "You and I are the only two people who even remember that movie"
I live in Ftw and visit the water gardens regularly. It's free and open 24/7. Lighted at night and bike security pass thru frequently. Yes, about 10yrs ago someone fell in the collection pool at the bottom, unable to climb out. Each family member trying to help pull them out also fell in. All four perished. Closed for years and reworked the pool such that they raised the floor so you could stand in the water. There is a memorial placard at the top. The original architects wanted to instill fear as people traversed the steps and even after 100 times up and down over decades it still evokes caution. As you descend, the city sounds disappear and the rush of waterfall noises completely surround you. There are times they do maintenance and refurbish work to it so sometimes it's a bit of a let down to see parts of the flow turned off. Seems like 9 out of 12 months it's operating in prime condition. Parking is free on the surrounding streets after 6p and free on weekends. Other times are typical city parking rates of a buck or two. The WGardens has four areas and the other 3 each have a wonderful experience.
Wow, thanks @hgodtx, great info. I didn’t realize the placard had that information and it’s incredibly comforting to know they raised the floor. I have always had a tinge of fear going up and down the steps. I also agree that the rest of the pools are incredibly cool too and are often forgotten when talking about this place. Amazing information, thank you so much.
I've never spent time in Dallas / Fort Worth beyond the airport. The water gardens look cool though. I do remember seeing the castle in Pasadena where part of an episode of Season 1 of the TV show "Alias" was filmed. The castle had been converted into apartments, and my dad lived there for a few years. Of course in Alias they pretended it was a place in another country entirely.
Did you see the series, the one with Gregory Harrison? I loved Logan's Run (outside of it being a bit of a mono-ethnic fever dream (the 70s, go figure), it was good. I grew up in the 1970s. It made a difference to me. The series is actually good. It's worth a watch.
I've moved all over the country, but now I live within five minutes walking distance of the theater where I originally saw this movie as a kid. It's a multiplex now, which is sad, because it meant closing what was one of the biggest screens in the state. I never thought this film had slow pacing, except maybe a bit of the ending. Every line of dialog is integral to the plot. It was quickly overshadowed by Star Wars, which I saw in the same theater the following year. But I've always thought this one was underrated. The television show was very bad. It was geared much more for children, which made no sense given how dark the setup was. It was kind of a "mid-quel" in that it expanded the "run" aspect of Logan's run. The "adult" film would have gotten an R rating if it were released today, but it was the TV show that literally gave me nightmares, since there was never any closure. Logan had to keep running week after week. And it was cancelled after less than a season, so it had no resolution at all. The grunge soundtrack with its pew pew noises was the soundtrack of my nightmares for years.
Love this flick. Wouldn't say it has flaws, more like quirks that give it charm. Supposedly it's a bit different than the book, never read it, want to. It's highly rated.
Hey there! I have been to the staircase scene in the train station in The Untouchables. Believe it or not, there were still some fake blood drops on the wall. This was at about the same time the movie was released, so I wonder if they are still there? Also the area where Ape City stood in Planet of the Apes, and the two beach areas used at the end.
I saw this movie in the theater when it came out. I was a little kid then. Loved it a lot. I think when they go the the carousel event they are thinking they will reincarnate and come back and live life all over again. This movie was talked about being remade a couple of times. Even in the early 2000's and even pitched the idea of having a Leonardo DiCaprio play the main character back then.
Logan's Run is one of my favorite films to rewatch over and over. My favorite film of all time is 2002's "The Count Of Monty Cristo". If you haven't seen it then I highly recommend it. Probably watched it over a hundred times at minimum.
Divergent series is kind of a modernized Logan's Run. Both groups fled into secured cities after a disastrous war,and finally emerged into the "real world",having to fight their way out.
My all-time favorite movie! It's an essential sci-fi classic. Regarding the TV series... it's not as good as the movie but it's still a fun watch so I'd recommend it if you don't mind switching off your brain for a little popcorn fodder.
Good sci-fi has always predicted possible futures, and this is no exception. It's a good film you need to understand and see it from the time it was made and not from a modern film point of view. See the story, and you will enjoy and perhaps take head to its message.
@@DiscussingTrek They appeared near the end of the movie in the interrogation scene. They were the cylinders that had the head of the main character spinning and saying something. I saw this movie only once when it first came out in 1976(?), so my memory may not be so clear. These were a special type of hologram called "multiplex holograms". COOL FUN FACT.😊
i seen this movie as a kid and i saw it maybe 25 times if not more. i like sci fi movies and this is one of my favorite. you described the movie pretty well but i will add a few things. what i liked alot is the futuristic stuff like the New You shop where people can change their appearance like their face or hair for example. the Love Shop where people can meet others to do things we could imagine. the hologram which was a new thing back then. the laser guns even before star wars movies existed. the small hand computer the sandmen were using. the machine they used to dispose of a body. the machine with teleportation where people can meet others. the carousel and the crystal in the hands of people and the whole concept was really impressive. there were tons of things like this which makes this movie very special. just talking of it and i want to watch it again for the xx times. i also loved the actors. michael york was just the right person to do this and jenny agutter was very cute. peter ustinov had a small role at the end of the movie but he was perfect. i liked all the actors including farrah fawcett and richard jordan. ithere has been many talks of making a remake but its still not done. i hope there will be one but that they will keep the movie as it was and with great actors and same story.
Several years following the movie, there was a Logan’s Run television series which lasted just a couple years I think. But I felt the tv version was better than the movie.
There is something I like to point out about the film that sort of parallels the idea of Christianity. Now let me just say up front I am not saying that this movie is "Christian", but it can be used to explain some Christian concepts. For one, obeying the law (of the old Testament) can only lead to death. Living in the world leads to death... However, LEAVING the world and the world's system destroys the hold of death and the law, the inevitability that their life in that system with ultimately lead them to their deaths. Christ's death, and our acceptance of it in our place, frees us from that inevitable conclusion. The crystal in the hand can also equate to the mark of the Beast that will control people's lives, that nothing in their lives can be done without it, it would seem. Again, I am not saying that it was necessarily a "Christian" movie, but it does seem to symbolize some of that line of thinking, or line of thought.
I saw this movie when it was released when I was a child in 1976, I loved it then and I still love it today and consider it one of my favorites, there was a lot more to this movie then what you described you might want to take a second look at it, it has a much deeper meaning, and as far as the television show, (don't waste your time) the television show completely eradicated everything that you were shown in the movie, it was not a continuation of the story it was basically a reinventing!
It's an older movie, okay, but I could never consider it a classic. "There are so many great ideas in this movie" but, honestly, the presentation of several of them were poorly executed and always get in the way of a film that could have been much smarter and less goofy. Right from the start there are inexpertly lensed miniature FX shots that fail to convey the illusory scale intended and still look like models. The costumes make for a mostly garish palette of reds and greens and Doc's silver long johns. Box the ice cave robot is covered in mirrors and I can see reflections of the director and crew. There are optical composites that look like they were made in the 1950s. (This picture was awarded an Oscar for "special achievement" in FX work!?) There's a muddled climax where the AI essentially chokes on Logan's report, unable to comprehend or accept his findings, and then a stray gunshot brings the whole system down like a sparkly house of cards.
Saw it and loved it as a young kid, though I dont think I understood very much, it had a lot of great visuals. However in my imagination and the public at large it was overshadowed by Star Wars which came out around the same time. There had been a lot of dystopian movies dominating sci fi in the late 60's and into the 70's with Logans Run being one of the better ones but Star Wars shifted sci fi movies in another direction.
@@scottabc72 I first watched Logan's Run when I was around 8 years old (and then Star Wars when I was about 9). I understood the basic plot essentials of LR. Heck, the film is so fascinatingly weird, complex, dark, & mysterious, that I probably would not have been able to understand all of the details had I first seen it as an adult anyway. Same with 2001: A Space Odyssey. I just watched Logan for the 3rd time. Each time I watch it, I notice more, and I understand it a bit better. It still leaves me with so many unanswered questions. So it gives me a lot of thinking material, and gives viewers plenty to discuss with each other. That's a strength even if the film might have some flaws.
the book was written in 1967 so there is no logans run 1936 movie. the video you saw on you tube is not real. watch it again. it was made with parts of other movies and its not a real movie.
Saw it when it came out and liked it alot (liked the TV series too, even better, actually, but probably because it was weeklyso felt morefamiliar, even had the short comic series). Its a good classicthat gets overlooked too often.
The books could properly brought to the screen, would be grity feral world, ai cities, ai globe. Feral gangs out of the city, anti hero logan. Books are worth a read
There were so many great dystopian movies in the 70s. Logan's Run is more adventure oriented. It's no Clock Work Orange, but better than Death Race 2000 or Rollerball. If you like LR, watch Zardoz with Sean Connery.
I liked the film, a good movie but not a great one. Micheal York worked for scale on that film because he liked the filmmakers who were making it. The issues in the film and important and topical as well as timely. I loved the plot twist that logan is chasing a ghost. Oh, now what do we do?
You can find a lot of the same background footage in other movies and television series. Buck Rogers is perhaps the show that took the most footage from logans run.
I saw it when it came out. For a what was then an A rated film ( now known as PG ) in the U.K. my friend and I thought it was hot stuff with brief nudity and an orgy scene. It is one of my all time favourites. I read all three books - the first two of which are excellent- though in the books your time is up at 21, not 30. I also enjoyed the Marvel comics adaptation with great artwork by George Perez. The tv series was not up to the same standard. It is one of those Road movie type series where they meet different groups of survivors every week who have their own culture, but it was still Logan’s Run-so I watched it faithfully. Donald Moffat as REM gave the show some gravitas and was the best thing in it. Perhaps it’s time for a remake.
Do you mean _The Lathe of Heaven_ based on Ursula Le Guin's psychedelic book? The movie does have a similar period feel to Logan's Run, but I don't recall the movie being memorable like Logan's Run. I enjoyed the book rather than the movie, but I don't recall much about that either.
English actor Michael York. I recall that during the making of "Alfred the Great" Michael called to out guest house to enquire who owned a nearby wall that had been damaged by some film staff member in a car crash. My sisters knew him straight away and were star-struck. My father, unaware of his star status, just directed him to the owner of the wall a few doors away. It is amusing to think that current generations would not know the fame of Michael York, Jenny Agutter and the iconic Peter Ustinov who starred in this film.
hi watch the tv show is miles better it's better not to watch this they cut out 30min out of this move the water tank where Jenny Agutter falls in to it and there's lot's of edit's in the movies the movie is just bad all over tv show dig in to the old men at the top you don't see in this movie
Im a 60 something, helle-wood as a relative said has been showimg the futura to us all. Propaganda works well, ya must pic from what is n aint? Most of this is what is: artist airbrush! John 14 6! We are @ the end of the age? Ya bet!
As a kid in the 1970s, I had a crush on Jenny Agutter
@@stevenbaer5999 Still do! Actually, not a crush. I am still in LOVE with Jenny Agutter!
I still do
@@zardozspeakstome She still looks great!
Met Jenny Agutter a few years ago; lovely lady, polite, pleasant and ageing beautifully. She was giving a talk at a local church to raise awareness of a medical condition that I believe one of her kids was born with. I have never seen so many middle aged men crammed into a church. Lovely lady.
@@amancalledkev Lovely story. Lucky you!
I saw this in 1976 when it first came out. It was a double feature with 2001: A Space Odyssey. Both movies blew my 13 year old mind.
Oh, Yes! I first saw those films when I was a kid. I have re-watched them since, and they continue to blow my mind to this day.
I don't remember how I first watched it. Maybe on video tape or maybe on the TV with all the cuts. I know I saw it many years sooner than I did "2001". Seen it many times. Eventually I found a used book store copy of the novel which had quite a few big differences to it.
Same here. I was also 13 in 1976 and Jenny Agutter made my day. I saw 2001 for the first time in the 70s, but I'm not sure if it was on the same double bill. Still, both movies are still among my favourites.
When I was a kid, my fantasy babes included Charlie's Angels, Jessica, and Princess Leia.
Logan's Run had a few behind the camera people who worked on ST TOS.
Logan has always been a favorite of mine.
It was adapted from a book, written by by mentor George Clayton Johnson. If you Google him or look him up on Wikipedia, you will see that he was a prolific science fiction writer for film and TV. He worked on Rod Serling's original Twilight Zone and he wrote the first episode of the original Star Trek (after the 2nd pilot).
The book was the first of a trilogy. Logan and Jessicas' world encompasses the whole planet, and Sanctuary is a moon colony.
You should definitely read the book.
This is an excellent movie - one of my favorites! it is classic 70's dystopian science fiction! And I have to say, Farrah was in her gorgeous prime!
Thank God for that. Cause a few years later there was Saturn 3. The fact that she stared in it was it's only redeeming value.
And that's saying a lot because the other 2 actors were no slouches. Kirk Douglas and Harvey Keitel.
@@diGritz1 yea that film coulda been alot better ... the writing... tbh i wouldnt mind seeing that film remade... with a more modern take on it.
A true classic that doesn;t get talked about enough.
I want to visit Fort Worth Fountain and shout "Renew! Be Strong & Renew!" to any Last Day Folks who may be headed towards Carousel.
That sounds like a plan! Haha.
I live less than 40 minutes from it... Planning to go there soon.
A classic movie which surprisingly is a lot better than the book.
Logan's Run was one of the first Sci-Fi movies I remember seeing growing up. The ideas were ahead of their time, and oddly feels almost like a prediction now. I've seen it more than a few times, and still enjoy it, even with its faults and somewhat dated effects.
I wish they didn’t cut the explicit scenes of Jenny
Logan's Runner was my favorite movie of the 1970s. Dystopian city of the future. The city of Dooms.
The reason I dig this flick are Agutter's fine gams.
Yes, saw it back in the 80s... on tv, was scary and great. Loved it back then, still do.
I Saw it in the theaters and it has been in my top 3 ever since. I watch my DVD all time, I never tire of it. In the novel, written by SF legends William F. Nolan and George Clayton Johnson, Last day is your 21st birthday, not the 30th
I think I’m goings to pick up the novel. Sounds fun!
The book is much better.
I'm remember this movie as a kid. I wondered how could this happen but now I see how can move towards this lifestyle
Dallas Galleria also used for sets while it was still under construction.
The film _Free Enterprise_ (so a _Star Trek_ connection) references _Logan's Run_, and has the line (paraphrased): "You and I are the only two people who even remember that movie"
I love Free Enterprise. It reminded me of all my friends with no money and too many action figures in the early 2000s. The Red Crystal scene is great.
Jenny Agutter....Farah I need to say more.......
I live in Ftw and visit the water gardens regularly. It's free and open 24/7. Lighted at night and bike security pass thru frequently. Yes, about 10yrs ago someone fell in the collection pool at the bottom, unable to climb out. Each family member trying to help pull them out also fell in. All four perished. Closed for years and reworked the pool such that they raised the floor so you could stand in the water. There is a memorial placard at the top. The original architects wanted to instill fear as people traversed the steps and even after 100 times up and down over decades it still evokes caution. As you descend, the city sounds disappear and the rush of waterfall noises completely surround you. There are times they do maintenance and refurbish work to it so sometimes it's a bit of a let down to see parts of the flow turned off. Seems like 9 out of 12 months it's operating in prime condition. Parking is free on the surrounding streets after 6p and free on weekends. Other times are typical city parking rates of a buck or two. The WGardens has four areas and the other 3 each have a wonderful experience.
Wow, thanks @hgodtx, great info. I didn’t realize the placard had that information and it’s incredibly comforting to know they raised the floor. I have always had a tinge of fear going up and down the steps. I also agree that the rest of the pools are incredibly cool too and are often forgotten when talking about this place. Amazing information, thank you so much.
I've never spent time in Dallas / Fort Worth beyond the airport. The water gardens look cool though.
I do remember seeing the castle in Pasadena where part of an episode of Season 1 of the TV show "Alias" was filmed. The castle had been converted into apartments, and my dad lived there for a few years. Of course in Alias they pretended it was a place in another country entirely.
What? A castle? That is pretty freaking cool. I need to make a sci-fi filming location bucket list.
@@DiscussingTrek It's a "castle" but built in Pasadena California long after the time that most genuine castles were built.
I saw this in the theater when it first came out. It was fun. The novel was significantly different.
Yes I sew Logan's Run, I was (& still am a BIG SciFi/ Fantasy Fan) I really liked it, Yes I have the DVD, I saw some of the TV series, it was ok.
I saw this on its original theatrical release. Once I got the DVD I have regularly re-watched it every year or so.
Saw it many years ago. It is slow but somehow still interesting. Perhaps I can make it to Fort Worth and see the water park in 2025.
Did you see the series, the one with Gregory Harrison? I loved Logan's Run (outside of it being a bit of a mono-ethnic fever dream (the 70s, go figure), it was good. I grew up in the 1970s. It made a difference to me. The series is actually good. It's worth a watch.
I can't understand why this movie hasnt been remade. Why ? It's f***king awesome !
i hope when they eventually remake it they stick closer to the books
If you like Jenny Agutter watch American Werewolf in London.
I've moved all over the country, but now I live within five minutes walking distance of the theater where I originally saw this movie as a kid. It's a multiplex now, which is sad, because it meant closing what was one of the biggest screens in the state.
I never thought this film had slow pacing, except maybe a bit of the ending. Every line of dialog is integral to the plot. It was quickly overshadowed by Star Wars, which I saw in the same theater the following year. But I've always thought this one was underrated.
The television show was very bad. It was geared much more for children, which made no sense given how dark the setup was. It was kind of a "mid-quel" in that it expanded the "run" aspect of Logan's run. The "adult" film would have gotten an R rating if it were released today, but it was the TV show that literally gave me nightmares, since there was never any closure. Logan had to keep running week after week. And it was cancelled after less than a season, so it had no resolution at all. The grunge soundtrack with its pew pew noises was the soundtrack of my nightmares for years.
Love the movie and the book. I recommend reading the book, there are plenty of significant differences.
Love this flick. Wouldn't say it has flaws, more like quirks that give it charm.
Supposedly it's a bit different than the book, never read it, want to. It's highly rated.
I may check out the book. A great premise for sure.
Hey there! I have been to the staircase scene in the train station in The Untouchables. Believe it or not, there were still some fake blood drops on the wall. This was at about the same time the movie was released, so I wonder if they are still there?
Also the area where Ape City stood in Planet of the Apes, and the two beach areas used at the end.
So funny that they left their fake blood behind.
I saw this movie in the theater when it came out. I was a little kid then. Loved it a lot. I think when they go the the carousel event they are thinking they will reincarnate and come back and live life all over again. This movie was talked about being remade a couple of times. Even in the early 2000's and even pitched the idea of having a Leonardo DiCaprio play the main character back then.
Jenny Agutter. Jerry Goldsmith. How's that for 1970s glory?
Logan's Run is one of my favorite films to rewatch over and over. My favorite film of all time is 2002's "The Count Of Monty Cristo". If you haven't seen it then I highly recommend it. Probably watched it over a hundred times at minimum.
Divergent series is kind of a modernized Logan's Run. Both groups fled into secured cities after a disastrous war,and finally emerged into the "real world",having to fight their way out.
Great. I may give it a try.
Also I really loved “The 100”, at least the first two seasons. Very similar in some ways.
Love it!! Saw it as a kid so... 😊 have you seen Saturn 3??
Actually I think I have. I just remember robots. I need to watch again.
I saw this movie when it debuted in the summer of 1976. If left me scared and I have an obsession to this day about my age.
My all-time favorite movie! It's an essential sci-fi classic. Regarding the TV series... it's not as good as the movie but it's still a fun watch so I'd recommend it if you don't mind switching off your brain for a little popcorn fodder.
Good sci-fi has always predicted possible futures, and this is no exception. It's a good film you need to understand and see it from the time it was made and not from a modern film point of view. See the story, and you will enjoy and perhaps take head to its message.
This was the FIRST movie to use holograms. Did you notice them?
I did not notice! Were they in the carousel scenes?
They appeared near the end of the movie in the interrogation scene. They were the cylinders that had the head of the main character spinning and saying something. I saw this movie only once when it first came out in 1976(?), so my memory may not be so clear. These were a special type of hologram called "multiplex holograms". COOL FUN FACT.😊
i seen this movie as a kid and i saw it maybe 25 times if not more. i like sci fi movies and this is one of my favorite. you described the movie pretty well but i will add a few things. what i liked alot is the futuristic stuff like the New You shop where people can change their appearance like their face or hair for example. the Love Shop where people can meet others to do things we could imagine. the hologram which was a new thing back then. the laser guns even before star wars movies existed. the small hand computer the sandmen were using. the machine they used to dispose of a body. the machine with teleportation where people can meet others. the carousel and the crystal in the hands of people and the whole concept was really impressive. there were tons of things like this which makes this movie very special. just talking of it and i want to watch it again for the xx times. i also loved the actors. michael york was just the right person to do this and jenny agutter was very cute. peter ustinov had a small role at the end of the movie but he was perfect. i liked all the actors including farrah fawcett and richard jordan. ithere has been many talks of making a remake but its still not done. i hope there will be one but that they will keep the movie as it was and with great actors and same story.
Logan's Run: 2 teens meet on a dating app and decide to destroy the world to save the world.
Several years following the movie, there was a Logan’s Run television series which lasted just a couple years I think. But I felt the tv version was better than the movie.
There is something I like to point out about the film that sort of parallels the idea of Christianity.
Now let me just say up front I am not saying that this movie is "Christian", but it can be used to explain some Christian concepts.
For one, obeying the law (of the old Testament) can only lead to death. Living in the world leads to death... However, LEAVING the world and the world's system destroys the hold of death and the law, the inevitability that their life in that system with ultimately lead them to their deaths. Christ's death, and our acceptance of it in our place, frees us from that inevitable conclusion.
The crystal in the hand can also equate to the mark of the Beast that will control people's lives, that nothing in their lives can be done without it, it would seem.
Again, I am not saying that it was necessarily a "Christian" movie, but it does seem to symbolize some of that line of thinking, or line of thought.
I love that angle. Never thought of it as the mark of the beast, but it definitely parallels.
I thought the citizens had a great deal, thirty sweet years and then push off.😃
I saw this movie when it was released when I was a child in 1976, I loved it then and I still love it today and consider it one of my favorites, there was a lot more to this movie then what you described you might want to take a second look at it, it has a much deeper meaning, and as far as the television show, (don't waste your time) the television show completely eradicated everything that you were shown in the movie, it was not a continuation of the story it was basically a reinventing!
One of the first SciFi movies i ever watched
It's an older movie, okay, but I could never consider it a classic. "There are so many great ideas in this movie" but, honestly, the presentation of several of them were poorly executed and always get in the way of a film that could have been much smarter and less goofy. Right from the start there are inexpertly lensed miniature FX shots that fail to convey the illusory scale intended and still look like models. The costumes make for a mostly garish palette of reds and greens and Doc's silver long johns. Box the ice cave robot is covered in mirrors and I can see reflections of the director and crew. There are optical composites that look like they were made in the 1950s. (This picture was awarded an Oscar for "special achievement" in FX work!?) There's a muddled climax where the AI essentially chokes on Logan's report, unable to comprehend or accept his findings, and then a stray gunshot brings the whole system down like a sparkly house of cards.
The books were really good……I think there are only 3, by William Nolan. One of the best movies of all time.
Saw it and loved it as a young kid, though I dont think I understood very much, it had a lot of great visuals. However in my imagination and the public at large it was overshadowed by Star Wars which came out around the same time. There had been a lot of dystopian movies dominating sci fi in the late 60's and into the 70's with Logans Run being one of the better ones but Star Wars shifted sci fi movies in another direction.
I first watched Logan's Run when I was around 8 years old (and then Star Wars when I was about 9). I understood the basic plot essentials of LR.
Heck, the film is so fascinatingly weird, complex, dark, & mysterious, that I probably would not have been able to understand all of the details had I first seen it as an adult anyway. Same with 2001: A Space Odyssey.
I just watched Logan for the 3rd time. Each time I watch it, I notice more, and I understand it a bit better. It still leaves me with so many unanswered questions. So it gives me a lot of thinking material, and gives viewers plenty to discuss with each other. That's a strength even if the film might have some flaws.
The first one of Logan's Run was actually in 1936
the book was written in 1967 so there is no logans run 1936 movie. the video you saw on you tube is not real. watch it again. it was made with parts of other movies and its not a real movie.
Saw it when it came out and liked it alot (liked the TV series too, even better, actually, but probably because it was weeklyso felt morefamiliar, even had the short comic series). Its a good classicthat gets overlooked too often.
I loved the movie. It's actually better than the book it's based on.
I love this movie but I saw the TV series before I saw the movie.
Jenny Aguter ❤❤❤
The books could properly brought to the screen, would be grity feral world, ai cities, ai globe. Feral gangs out of the city, anti hero logan. Books are worth a read
Its a great classic.
Another great film from the 70s
One of my favorite movies although the Pilot for Logan’s run tv series is better paced
The more i chat with folks, the more tempted i am to at least watch the pilot. I’m also thinking about reading the book.
One of the slowest films of all time
Read the book, where the age limit is twenty one.
21, wow.
Loved this movie
Fresh Fish from the Sea.
Have you watched the TV series?
I liked it.
If you think it’s worth it, I’ll at least give it a try. Definitely some interesting concepts that can be flushed out.
There were so many great dystopian movies in the 70s. Logan's Run is more adventure oriented. It's no Clock Work Orange, but better than Death Race 2000 or Rollerball. If you like LR, watch Zardoz with Sean Connery.
Zardoz sure is great and dystopian but those who are not masochistically inclined would better spend their time staring at a wall.
Soylent Green was just on TV again. it, Rollerball,and Demolition Man all seem to be coming to fruition.
I liked the film, a good movie but not a great one. Micheal York worked for scale on that film because he liked the filmmakers who were making it. The issues in the film and important and topical as well as timely. I loved the plot twist that logan is chasing a ghost. Oh, now what do we do?
I've never seen this either, but I have seen the Stargate episode which I now realize used this idea! Haha
Oh, i gotta find that episode.
@@DiscussingTrek There are actually several that come to mind, maybe the closest would be "Revisions" even though it's not exactly the same.
I haven't seen it, but now I want to!
I honestly think it may be way too much of a slog for modern audiences. A remake mode be fun though.
@@DiscussingTrek the way you described it makes it sound interesting. I hope someone does remake it.
Forget the movie. Read the trilogy by William F. Nolan.
the carousel would be a great thing for people that had a terminal illness.....
You can find a lot of the same background footage in other movies and television series. Buck Rogers is perhaps the show that took the most footage from logans run.
I saw it when it came out. For a what was then an A rated film ( now known as PG ) in the U.K. my friend and I thought it was hot stuff with brief nudity and an orgy scene. It is one of my all time favourites. I read all three books - the first two of which are excellent- though in the books your time is up at 21, not 30. I also enjoyed the Marvel comics adaptation with great artwork by George Perez. The tv series was not up to the same standard. It is one of those Road movie type series where they meet different groups of survivors every week who have their own culture, but it was still Logan’s Run-so I watched it faithfully. Donald Moffat as REM gave the show some gravitas and was the best thing in it.
Perhaps it’s time for a remake.
I would very much love a remake. Also imma have to lookup those Marvel comics.
Own it.
Check out The Scythe of Heaven...
Do you mean _The Lathe of Heaven_ based on Ursula Le Guin's psychedelic book? The movie does have a similar period feel to Logan's Run, but I don't recall the movie being memorable like Logan's Run. I enjoyed the book rather than the movie, but I don't recall much about that either.
Trona peaks TOS Arena, alternate factor ds9 Picard s
Basil Exposition!
English actor Michael York. I recall that during the making of "Alfred the Great" Michael called to out guest house to enquire who owned a nearby wall that had been damaged by some film staff member in a car crash. My sisters knew him straight away and were star-struck. My father, unaware of his star status, just directed him to the owner of the wall a few doors away. It is amusing to think that current generations would not know the fame of Michael York, Jenny Agutter and the iconic Peter Ustinov who starred in this film.
I honestly never saw it myself.
Hadn't even thought about it in a long time.
Please please read the book. Movie was good. Book is better. 💯
The book is infinitely better.
hi watch the tv show is miles better it's better not to watch this
they cut out 30min out of this move the water tank
where Jenny Agutter falls in to it and there's lot's of edit's in the movies
the movie is just bad all over tv show dig in to the old men at the top you don't
see in this movie
It's what happens when you take God completely out of society.
Which God?
Just yours, or any?
interesting movie, I enjoyed it, skip the TV series
Thanks for watching
Im a 60 something, helle-wood as a relative said has been showimg the futura to us all.
Propaganda works well, ya must pic from what is n aint?
Most of this is what is: artist airbrush! John 14 6!
We are @ the end of the age?
Ya bet!
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