Którą polską potrawę Sujy powinna ugotować jako następną? Ugotowała już kluski śląskie, rezultat można zobaczyć tutaj: ua-cam.com/video/j8nrK-N73NA/v-deo.html Dziękujemy za wsparcie!
During last twenty years in Poland malls and train stations were often placed together in the same building complex. It's comfortable solution, you don't spend extra time to move for shopping after work, especially when you travel by train everyday. A station is typically placed close to main gate, if you don't need shopping, you can leave the complex quickly.
Hello Max ans Suiy . I am from Silesia and I will try to dispel your doubts. What they eat in the film are not "Silesian dumplings" - they are "dumplings with meat". It is a different dish. Your mistake Suija's in "Silesian dumplings" was that you did not throw them into boiling water. The water must be salty and boiling! Here in Silesia, even young guys know this recipe. Mashed potatoes from which you cut 1/4 and fill the gap with potato flour, add 1 egg, knead with your hands into a dough. Make dumplings with a hole, throw into boiling water, wait until they float, turn off the heat and wait 5 minutes covered in a pot - fish out and serve pouring sauce over them. Very nice channel. Note to Max. Poland is at a similar latitude to Canada. It's rarely -35 degrees C here. I live in Tarnowskie Góry, it's as wide as Winnipeg. It's amazing to look at myself through your eyes.
Dodaj jeszcze mały kieliszek oleju, a zobaczysz, że kluski wg mnie są jeszcze lepsze. Oczywiście przepis jest znany z pokolenia na pokolenie jeśli chodzi o proporcje. Mnie mama też tak uczyła, ale kiedyś ktoś mi podpowiedział o kieliszku oleju i teraz zawsze dodaję. Pozdrawiam wszystkich serdecznie :)
how we do sauerkraut: cut the fresh sweet cabbage into very thin strips, put it in a ceramic or wooden barrel, layer of cabbage and layer of salt, layer of cabbage and layer of salt (repeatly), beat with a wooden pestle. About 2 kg of salt on middle size barrel (no problem if more but if less, sauering process may not be all done). Place the barrel in a dark and cold place (e.g. basement), press the cabbage into the barrel with a piece of clean wood board and heavy stone. And wait. After a few months, the lactic acid will do the job and you will get original, very sour sauerkraut. it is done. Sauerkraut should be rinsed with plenty of cold water, boiled until soft and now its ready for pierogi or bigos. Don't forget about spices.
Fig is not very popular here in Poland as foof but its often used as dried fig to flavour food for hollidays. The only food with figs I remember is "kutia" for Chistmas. Kutia is boiled poppyseeds mixed with different nuts, figs, raisins, cloves, and much of honey :) Its so good :)
Max: Well, if of all food ingredients you like potatoes, dumpling dough, sour cream, cottage cheese the best... You should not only visit Poland, you should come to live here. Edit: and you love soup too - Poland is one of not many countries where traditional dinner ALWAYS contain a bowl of soup before eating main dish.
it is a tram and works during winter. First in Poland winter is not to hard and second during winter and snow or water on wires, only sparks falls from wires but trams works normally.
Me and my husband are 30 years old. My mom, 70 this year, cannot make pierogi. But me and my husband made it our family tradition to make pierogi every Christmas. And every year we make different ones - with broccoli, mushrooms, poppy seed paste... even strawberries. I totally recommend, they're not that difficult to make :)
In that restaurant "Chata z Zalipia" was eating Slash from Guns n' Roses👍🏻👌🏻🤘🏻 and we too. Awesome food👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻, "Rolada śląska z kluskami i kapustą modrą" you must try 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👌🏻
Sujy can cook pierogi ruskie (potato & curd cheese pierogi). Here is my recipe (I make the best pierogi ruskie in the world according to my relatives). I don't know which measure system you use so I'll use the metric one. For filling: 250g of curd cheese (it must be firm not creamy for it will be messing during forming a dumpling), 500g cooked and cooled patato (there should also be kind of potatoes that are "dry" when cooked not mushy), 2 onions, salt and pepper. Dice the onions finely and brown them on the fryingpen with oil or oil&butter. Cook potatoes in salty water the previous day and leave them on the plate uncovered (don't worry they should be dry 😊), mince cheese and potatoes together(if you don't have a mincer you can do it in the food processor as well), add browned onios, season it with salt and freshly grounded pepper, combine all toghether (I always do it with my hand 😂). For dough: 0,5 kilo of cake or pizza flour (you can't use rice flour in Polish recipes beacause it doesn't contain gluten which make the dough or dumplings cohesive). 1 egg, 1 table spoon of oil, 1 cup of worm water + extra amount of worm water additionally, 1 teaspoon of salt. Sift flour with salt, mix water with egg and oil pour it into the flour. Polish women make the cone from flour with a hollow on the top and pour the mixture there (it looks like a tiny volcano 😂). Than you mix gently all together with your fingers or knife, pouring extra worm water inside when needed (when dough is too dry). When all flower is absorbed spring the surface of the table (or pastry board) with flour and knead the pastry until is smooth and elastic. Put dough aside to "rest" covered with a bowl for about 15 minutes. Try to stretch a piece of dough with your fingers. If it is too loose and pits it means you must add more flour and knead it again. Than cut a chunk of dough off and form a ball. Than flatten it and roll it out until it's about 3-5 milimiters thick. You must flour dough to prevent it from sticking to the surface. Cut the disc/puck of dough out with a glass/whisky goblet. Put the table spoon of filling in the middle of a disc. Fold a disc in a half than put it on the surface and flatten slightly (the bubbles of air will be squeezed out what will prevent pierogi from falling apart while boiling). Join the adges of dough toghether squeezing them. Boil water in a wide pot with 1 table spoon of salt. Put some pierogi in boiling water (each one should have a little free space around inside the pot they can't be layered), cover the pot until the pierogi start come up on the surface of water than lower the heat and stir pierogi gently. Pierogi should smir not boil for about 5-10 min (they are cooked when dough become slick and slightly transparent. Serve pierogi with melted butter, cream or pork scratching. When there are some pierogi left you can fry it with butter and oil next day. Poles also like to drink kefir, sour milk or butter milk with pierogi ruskie. Ps. Ruskie doesn't mean "of Russian style" it comes from the name of historical region of Poland Ruthenian voivodeship (province). It existed from 1434 until the Partitions of Poland in XVIII century. its lands are now the parts of Poland, Ukraine and Belarus. Pps. Sujy you look very cute wearing a headscraf. I also like wearing headscarf while working in the garden. I have got round face and curly hair so the only thing that looks good on my head is a headscarf 😂
Tramwaje bez problemu funkcjonuja nawet przy ostrej zimie, bardziej problemem jest śnieg zasypujący tory niż trakcja elektryczna. ALe mieszkając od lat Polsce nie pamiętam kiedy ostatni raz tramwaje generalnie nie działały w zimie z powodu opadów śniegu. Tym bardziej, że od paru lat nie było w Polsce takiej prawdziwej, porządnej zimy. Szakszuka ((shakshucka) to popularne danie w Izraelu i stamtąd przywędrowało do Polski.
Mówiąc o polskim jedzeniu, musicie pamiętać o czymś podstawowym - a jest tym CHLEB. W każdej porządnej polskiej piekarni jest kilkanaście gatunków chleba. A naprawdę nie znam lepszej przekąski jak kromka świeżego, ciepłego chleba z wiejskim masłem i odrobiną soli. Albo po prostu kawałek chleba maczany w oliwie. W sumie potrafię jeść sam - dobry - chleb bez żadnych dodatków.
Szakszuka pochodzi z krajów Bliskiego Wschodu. Prawdopodobnie jest to danie pochodzące z kuchni tunezyjskiej, choć jest również popularne w wielu krajach Bliskiego Wschodu i Afryki Północnej, takich jak Algieria, Libia, Maroko, Egipt czy też Izrael.
haha, wiedziałem że jak Max usłyszy za moment "cream cheese" to dostanie pierdolca xD ( to polskie nie ładne, ale dosadne i pozytywne określenie ) za Twoją reakcję muszę dać suba - nie mam wyjścia 😆
the secret is v thin cake layer in pierogi... but enough elastic [good is cake made with mashed potato for outside cake ... and then inside filling cottage-cheese with potato too...] you should make a video of trying to make pierogi lol and soups good too and many styles....U must visit Poland
Prawdziwa Polska kanapka to smalec z skwarkami bądź bez i do tego ogórek kiszony. Bądź kanapka z sałatą bądź kapustą i do tego warzywa jak ogórek , pomidor czy rzodkiewka i dodatki mięsne.
Placek po węgiersku jest daniem polskim, to Polacy tak sobie to danie nazwali. Węgrzy tego dania nie znają. To tak samo jak mamy pierogi ruskie a w Rosji są nie znane. Pozdrawiam 😊
Look, these silesian kulebele are hard to make, do well these silesian dumplings before, cause it`s just one ingreedient in kulebele dish. Make Naleśniki z serem, placki z jabłkiem or without, or Ruskie Pierogi before meats, much easier.
you simply dont remember such temperatures. I remember - in 90s we went one time to Zakopane by train and it was -30 C at night, so we slept with our kożuchy :) In 2004 or 2005 it was -25 at night I remember it becouse my dog was ill becouse of it as he was in his doghouse at night :) and even in 2011 we got a snowy winter when the last snow melted about 12th of March, as I got the last photo of this snow. Its not that long ago we got snowy winters with more than -10 C for more than 2 months :)
Jeśli chcecie Państwo zrobić dobre kluski śląskie, polecam przepis LiveBalans - Kluski śląskie. Prosto, tanio, pysznie. Nie mogą się nie udać. Film ma angielskie napisy😊
Niema czegoś takiego jak tradycyjne Polskie śniadanie. Każdy je to na co ma ochotę. No może są dwa dania które są najbardziej popularne. Jajecznica i parówki. To na 100 % jest w każdym hotelu. W hotelach są stoły z jedzeniem i zazwyczaj sami sobie robimy śniadanie. Im lepszy hotel tym większy wybór składników do zrobienia sobie śniadania samemu.
w Polsce pierogi robi sie-te klasyczne-z kwaśnego białego sera,zienniaków..ale nie jakiegos durnego purree-zienniaki sie rozdrabnia,podsnazana cebulka na patelni..pieprz,,sól....no i dobre ciasto..wode sie soli....i tyle.dadac tez tej sanej cebulki na gotowe pierogi...kefir,,snietana,,kwasne nleko....naslanka..byle nie jogurt...!!!
Którą polską potrawę Sujy powinna ugotować jako następną?
Ugotowała już kluski śląskie, rezultat można zobaczyć tutaj: ua-cam.com/video/j8nrK-N73NA/v-deo.html
Dziękujemy za wsparcie!
Wiadomo, trzeba zrobić pierogi "ruskie" 😊 . Pozdrawiam
Would it kill u to tidy around a bit?
Jagodzianki & forszmak lubelski % cebularz
Placki ziemniaczane z sosem grzybowym😊
Max & Sujy, zapraszamy do Polski na pierogi!
translatation is wrong
not russian but ruthenian
they are oryginated in red ruthenian region " ruś czerwona - poland ukrainian and belariusan place
During last twenty years in Poland malls and train stations were often placed together in the same building complex. It's comfortable solution, you don't spend extra time to move for shopping after work, especially when you travel by train everyday. A station is typically placed close to main gate, if you don't need shopping, you can leave the complex quickly.
Hello Max ans Suiy . I am from Silesia and I will try to dispel your doubts. What they eat in the film are not "Silesian dumplings" - they are "dumplings with meat". It is a different dish. Your mistake Suija's in "Silesian dumplings" was that you did not throw them into boiling water. The water must be salty and boiling! Here in Silesia, even young guys know this recipe. Mashed potatoes from which you cut 1/4 and fill the gap with potato flour, add 1 egg, knead with your hands into a dough. Make dumplings with a hole, throw into boiling water, wait until they float, turn off the heat and wait 5 minutes covered in a pot - fish out and serve pouring sauce over them. Very nice channel. Note to Max. Poland is at a similar latitude to Canada. It's rarely -35 degrees C here. I live in Tarnowskie Góry, it's as wide as Winnipeg. It's amazing to look at myself through your eyes.
Dodaj jeszcze mały kieliszek oleju, a zobaczysz, że kluski wg mnie są jeszcze lepsze. Oczywiście przepis jest znany z pokolenia na pokolenie jeśli chodzi o proporcje. Mnie mama też tak uczyła, ale kiedyś ktoś mi podpowiedział o kieliszku oleju i teraz zawsze dodaję. Pozdrawiam wszystkich serdecznie :)
It isn't train, it is tram.
how we do sauerkraut:
cut the fresh sweet cabbage into very thin strips, put it in a ceramic or wooden barrel, layer of cabbage and layer of salt, layer of cabbage and layer of salt (repeatly), beat with a wooden pestle. About 2 kg of salt on middle size barrel (no problem if more but if less, sauering process may not be all done). Place the barrel in a dark and cold place (e.g. basement), press the cabbage into the barrel with a piece of clean wood board and heavy stone. And wait. After a few months, the lactic acid will do the job and you will get original, very sour sauerkraut. it is done. Sauerkraut should be rinsed with plenty of cold water, boiled until soft and now its ready for pierogi or bigos. Don't forget about spices.
Silesian sour rye soup + sausage + egg + potatoes + 1 teaspoon grated horseradish + creamy cream = a culinary dream come true, taste for Max
Fig is not very popular here in Poland as foof but its often used as dried fig to flavour food for hollidays. The only food with figs I remember is "kutia" for Chistmas. Kutia is boiled poppyseeds mixed with different nuts, figs, raisins, cloves, and much of honey :) Its so good :)
Max: Well, if of all food ingredients you like potatoes, dumpling dough, sour cream, cottage cheese the best...
You should not only visit Poland, you should come to live here.
Edit: and you love soup too - Poland is one of not many countries where traditional dinner ALWAYS contain a bowl of soup before eating main dish.
it is a tram and works during winter. First in Poland winter is not to hard and second during winter and snow or water on wires, only sparks falls from wires but trams works normally.
Me and my husband are 30 years old. My mom, 70 this year, cannot make pierogi. But me and my husband made it our family tradition to make pierogi every Christmas. And every year we make different ones - with broccoli, mushrooms, poppy seed paste... even strawberries. I totally recommend, they're not that difficult to make :)
In that restaurant "Chata z Zalipia" was eating Slash from Guns n' Roses👍🏻👌🏻🤘🏻 and we too. Awesome food👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻, "Rolada śląska z kluskami i kapustą modrą" you must try 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👌🏻
Nie mieszkam w Polsce ale stwierdzam,że polskie jedzenie jest najlepsze.
Tęsknie za pączkami,nie ma takich na całym świecie.
silesian dumplings are soft and gummy because we use a potato flour for make them
Sujy can cook pierogi ruskie (potato & curd cheese pierogi). Here is my recipe (I make the best pierogi ruskie in the world according to my relatives). I don't know which measure system you use so I'll use the metric one. For filling: 250g of curd cheese (it must be firm not creamy for it will be messing during forming a dumpling), 500g cooked and cooled patato (there should also be kind of potatoes that are "dry" when cooked not mushy), 2 onions, salt and pepper. Dice the onions finely and brown them on the fryingpen with oil or oil&butter. Cook potatoes in salty water the previous day and leave them on the plate uncovered (don't worry they should be dry 😊), mince cheese and potatoes together(if you don't have a mincer you can do it in the food processor as well), add browned onios, season it with salt and freshly grounded pepper, combine all toghether (I always do it with my hand 😂). For dough: 0,5 kilo of cake or pizza flour (you can't use rice flour in Polish recipes beacause it doesn't contain gluten which make the dough or dumplings cohesive). 1 egg, 1 table spoon of oil, 1 cup of worm water + extra amount of worm water additionally, 1 teaspoon of salt. Sift flour with salt, mix water with egg and oil pour it into the flour. Polish women make the cone from flour with a hollow on the top and pour the mixture there (it looks like a tiny volcano 😂). Than you mix gently all together with your fingers or knife, pouring extra worm water inside when needed (when dough is too dry). When all flower is absorbed spring the surface of the table (or pastry board) with flour and knead the pastry until is smooth and elastic. Put dough aside to "rest" covered with a bowl for about 15 minutes. Try to stretch a piece of dough with your fingers. If it is too loose and pits it means you must add more flour and knead it again. Than cut a chunk of dough off and form a ball. Than flatten it and roll it out until it's about 3-5 milimiters thick. You must flour dough to prevent it from sticking to the surface. Cut the disc/puck of dough out with a glass/whisky goblet. Put the table spoon of filling in the middle of a disc. Fold a disc in a half than put it on the surface and flatten slightly (the bubbles of air will be squeezed out what will prevent pierogi from falling apart while boiling). Join the adges of dough toghether squeezing them. Boil water in a wide pot with 1 table spoon of salt. Put some pierogi in boiling water (each one should have a little free space around inside the pot they can't be layered), cover the pot until the pierogi start come up on the surface of water than lower the heat and stir pierogi gently. Pierogi should smir not boil for about 5-10 min (they are cooked when dough become slick and slightly transparent. Serve pierogi with melted butter, cream or pork scratching. When there are some pierogi left you can fry it with butter and oil next day. Poles also like to drink kefir, sour milk or butter milk with pierogi ruskie. Ps. Ruskie doesn't mean "of Russian style" it comes from the name of historical region of Poland Ruthenian voivodeship (province). It existed from 1434 until the Partitions of Poland in XVIII century. its lands are now the parts of Poland, Ukraine and Belarus. Pps. Sujy you look very cute wearing a headscraf. I also like wearing headscarf while working in the garden. I have got round face and curly hair so the only thing that looks good on my head is a headscarf 😂
It’s not cottage cheese but farmers cheese. It’s not the same thing!!!!!!
@gola-golka4196 Dzięki, poprawiłam
haha the husband - she says: thats the softest meat i ever had - he: thank god xD hahaha
fig ...that fruit you were wondering about at the beginning of the movie served with pancakes is a fresh fig
The best sauce for dumplings is sour cream :). ALso when you have already boiled pierogis you can put them on the pan too make crispy skin :)
Tramwaje bez problemu funkcjonuja nawet przy ostrej zimie, bardziej problemem jest śnieg zasypujący tory niż trakcja elektryczna. ALe mieszkając od lat
Polsce nie pamiętam kiedy ostatni raz tramwaje generalnie nie działały w zimie z powodu opadów śniegu. Tym bardziej, że od paru lat nie było w Polsce takiej prawdziwej, porządnej zimy.
Szakszuka ((shakshucka) to popularne danie w Izraelu i stamtąd przywędrowało do Polski.
Mówiąc o polskim jedzeniu, musicie pamiętać o czymś podstawowym - a jest tym CHLEB. W każdej porządnej polskiej piekarni jest kilkanaście gatunków chleba. A naprawdę nie znam lepszej przekąski jak kromka świeżego, ciepłego chleba z wiejskim masłem i odrobiną soli. Albo po prostu kawałek chleba maczany w oliwie. W sumie potrafię jeść sam - dobry - chleb bez żadnych dodatków.
Many MAL's are attached to trains or bus stations bc this is best way to spend tourists.
It is NOT the desert - it is a dinner 😂😂😂😂😂
wow i never thought about it! it never freezes (cheep ass copper in candada? ;) ) and most i took is -26 celcius xD
Szakszuka pochodzi z krajów Bliskiego Wschodu. Prawdopodobnie jest to danie pochodzące z kuchni tunezyjskiej, choć jest również popularne w wielu krajach Bliskiego Wschodu i Afryki Północnej, takich jak Algieria, Libia, Maroko, Egipt czy też Izrael.
Do I just saw the toy store that have inside hidden bar?
Dobre są jeszcze pierogi z owocami śmietaną i cukrem oraz pierogi z grzybami
haha, wiedziałem że jak Max usłyszy za moment "cream cheese" to dostanie pierdolca xD ( to polskie nie ładne, ale dosadne i pozytywne określenie )
za Twoją reakcję muszę dać suba - nie mam wyjścia 😆
the secret is v thin cake layer in pierogi... but enough elastic [good is cake made with mashed potato for outside cake ... and then inside filling cottage-cheese with potato too...] you should make a video of trying to make pierogi lol
and soups good too and many styles....U must visit Poland
Polecam pierogi z szpinakiem i te z owocami.
U mnie w mieście w jednym miejscu sprzedają gofry z bitą śmietaną i owocami.
Z ciekawych miejsc to są tzw bary mleczne.
To może być malina 4:02.z kwaśnych owoców polecam porzeczka.
Prawdziwa Polska kanapka to smalec z skwarkami bądź bez i do tego ogórek kiszony. Bądź kanapka z sałatą bądź kapustą i do tego warzywa jak ogórek , pomidor czy rzodkiewka i dodatki mięsne.
Só silesian has two or môre kulebiak with stuffing and silesian nioki
Placek po węgiersku jest daniem polskim, to Polacy tak sobie to danie nazwali. Węgrzy tego dania nie znają. To tak samo jak mamy pierogi ruskie a w Rosji są nie znane. Pozdrawiam 😊
Polska to nie Syberia w rosji, temperatura w zimie nie przekracza 15**💯💋
Hej. Ewa Demarczyk musicie posłuchać.
Look, these silesian kulebele are hard to make, do well these silesian dumplings before, cause it`s just one ingreedient in kulebele dish. Make Naleśniki z serem, placki z jabłkiem or without, or Ruskie Pierogi before meats, much easier.
In Poland there are no such low temperatures. It has never been -30. This is not Russia. Winters are mild. Best regards 😂
I'm from Mazury region and I remember -25°C for over two weeks about 20 years ago. Now, however, winters are much milder then that.
you simply dont remember such temperatures. I remember - in 90s we went one time to Zakopane by train and it was -30 C at night, so we slept with our kożuchy :) In 2004 or 2005 it was -25 at night I remember it becouse my dog was ill becouse of it as he was in his doghouse at night :) and even in 2011 we got a snowy winter when the last snow melted about 12th of March, as I got the last photo of this snow. Its not that long ago we got snowy winters with more than -10 C for more than 2 months :)
Jeśli chodzi o pierogi ruskie one nie sa z Rosji z tylko tu chodzi o co innego.
jestem pierwszy
Szczere gratulacje 😂
@@wieslawszapowal302 dziękuję, naprawdę to moje największe osiągnięcie w życiu 😌
Leniwe z cynamonem
I am a pole and 40 PLN for pierogi is a scam
Jeśli chcecie Państwo zrobić dobre kluski śląskie, polecam przepis LiveBalans - Kluski śląskie. Prosto, tanio, pysznie. Nie mogą się nie udać.
Film ma angielskie napisy😊
You mast be visited pland 😀😅
Niema czegoś takiego jak tradycyjne Polskie śniadanie. Każdy je to na co ma ochotę. No może są dwa dania które są najbardziej popularne. Jajecznica i parówki. To na 100 % jest w każdym hotelu. W hotelach są stoły z jedzeniem i zazwyczaj sami sobie robimy śniadanie. Im lepszy hotel tym większy wybór składników do zrobienia sobie śniadania samemu.
w Polsce pierogi robi sie-te klasyczne-z kwaśnego białego sera,zienniaków..ale nie jakiegos durnego purree-zienniaki sie rozdrabnia,podsnazana cebulka na patelni..pieprz,,sól....no i dobre ciasto..wode sie soli....i tyle.dadac tez tej sanej cebulki na gotowe pierogi...kefir,,snietana,,kwasne nleko....naslanka..byle nie jogurt...!!!
A w życiu!!!!!!! Żadnych zienniaków.Nic podsnażanego i śnietany😂😂😂😂😂😂😂