Let's Make a Fire Emblem 6 Binding Blade Tier List! (In 15 minutes)

  • Опубліковано 5 жов 2024
  • The first game in the series with a sub-par lord, and possibly the weakest lord ever? FE6 is an interesting game to tier because its units actually have so little relative balance between them that it makes them quite easy to tier compared to the mess of debatable usefulness in games like Genealogy and Thracia.
    Next up is FE7, a game that no doubt will have absolutely no controversy whatsoever in tiering.


  • @elithegaymer
    @elithegaymer 3 роки тому +34

    I love that you put Lilina in B tier (even though most think she should be lower). She joins fairly early so even though you need to baby her a bit, she rewards you with great growths and great (fast) supports. I use her even on hard mode because I love her (as a unit and as a character).

  • @Starwars-Fanboy
    @Starwars-Fanboy 3 роки тому +27

    I pretty much agree with all the placements for the most part here. With small nitpicks.
    I would actually rate Marcus, "Alance", and Percival in the opposite order you did. I'd put Marcus first, then Alance and Percival behind them both. My reasoning is that nobody can do what Marcus does in the early game, but it's possible to have a unit destroy the late game in the same way Percival can. A trained alance is about as good as Percival too but they have alot of availability over him so I think it's fair to put them both above Percival.
    I also think Roy and Lot should be in top of D tier. I would consider both of their combat contributions to be greater than wolts. Roy with his Rapier is actually pretty nice against enemy cavs in ch 4 and Lot does well against enemy lances. On hard mode even the soldiers are somewhat threating since they hit hard and have good hp. Lot stands out as a good combat unit to me in ch 3, 6, and 8 against the amors and soldiers. I definitely get more use out of Lot than someone like Geese in my playthroughs.

    • @GameMasterWLC
      @GameMasterWLC 2 роки тому +3

      Lot is so criminally underrated. I almost always use him intentionally or not

    • @Starwars-Fanboy
      @Starwars-Fanboy 2 роки тому +3

      I usually don't use him long term, but he is a great early game fill. He has decently fast supports with Deke too iirc. With every convo they get a point of def and res. It really helps their survivability. He is really good at facing enemy lances which is a nice utility. Even if Marcus and Jerrot can use the hammer, halberd and killer axe it's nice to have another person who can trade it around and attack with it. Even though I'd still only put Lot into high D tier I think he's decent. FE 6 unit balance is just wierd like that

    • @alexmorpheus6762
      @alexmorpheus6762 2 місяці тому


  • @MythrilZenith
    @MythrilZenith  3 роки тому +7

    FE6 tiers follow mostly this basis
    S - Units you will almost always want to deploy when you have them, who can actually fight multiple enemies and do well with little investment (or dancers)
    A - Units that tend to be better than the rest, they can begin to approach the S-tier with enough training and they start good but not overwhelmingly so.
    B - Solid units at least within their niche, and generally worth deploying even outside of that.
    C - Standard units, they're workable but don't tend to be too impressive.
    D - Bad units with a niche, falling below the curve because of availability or other significant issues.
    E - You're never really happy to use these units but they can at least put something on the table.
    F - More a liability than an asset, trying to use these units means you have to limit your other units just to bring them up to par, and the payoff is almost never worth it.

    • @MythrilZenith
      @MythrilZenith  3 роки тому +1

      @Omega i do, or at least mostly do. I will say this list was a bit haphazard and not the best thought through

  • @bluntlyhonest6803
    @bluntlyhonest6803 4 місяці тому +3

    I'd place niime in A.
    She freaking slaps.

  • @rojilinlyn1130
    @rojilinlyn1130 Рік тому +6

    Lilina hit crazy hard when Feeded

  • @cartooncritic7045
    @cartooncritic7045 3 роки тому +13

    Lilina is in that genre of units whom I can't really justify placing any higher than C-tier if I had any actual say in the matter but I'd still probably put her where you did because I like training her and she usually turns out pretty good for me.

    • @jimjimson6208
      @jimjimson6208 2 роки тому +4

      I would honestly put her E tier. I think that it's super strange that she was placed 3 tiers over Roy in this list. Roy is pretty awful don't get me wrong but since he is a forced deploy in every chapter there is no opportunity cost to using him, and you don't really lose anything by having him hit cavaliers with his rapier in chapter 4 for example. He also has much better availability. Lilina joins in chapter 8 and will die to basically any enemy in 1 hit, and has 4 base speed with a 35% growth. She also takes a slot that you could be using for basically any other character who would almost certainly contribute more. Magic is a good weapon type but Lilina's abysmal bases and lopsided growths mean that she will never perform especially well IMO. She also has no horse, which doesn't help her usefulness.

  • @manolito.7zip
    @manolito.7zip 2 роки тому +7

    There's so much I disagree with but Shanna in C is an absolute crime, just being able to be a promoted flier by the time you're in the western isles is so valuable and all the simple flier utility you get out of her before that.
    Anyways great vid FE6 is always fun to just think and talk about :)

  • @ametaslave7314
    @ametaslave7314 3 роки тому +12

    After commenting on your FE7 list, I think I'd like to do the same for FE6. Unlike your FE7 list, though, I can't really point out a theme that leads to weird placements. I think there are way more glaring misplacements on this list, and half of them are a unit being way too low and the other half a unit way too high. I'm assuming units aren't ordered within tiers, and I'm also tiering for a fast-ish (not LTC) playthrough.
    Here are some major disagreements I have:
    Marcus: Despite being pretty awful from Chapter 13 onward, I think there's no excuse for Marcus not to be S tier. The way I've begun to frame it is that Milady, the best unit in the game, is ridiculously good from Chapter 13 to the end of the game, and her only flaw is not being available the first half of the game. If we pretend that Marcus didn't exist after chapter chapter 13, there's still the same quantity of chapters that he's ridiculously good as Milady, i.e., I'd argue Marcus's contributions in the first half of the game are nearly on par with Milady's in the second half.
    Shanna: C tier is way too low for your first flier. While her combat in the first 8 chapters is nothing impressive, it's no worse than her peers. Even if her combat is iffy, her role as your sole flier makes her amazing for side objectives and rescue-drops, and no other unit comes close to this kind of utility. Once she promotes with the first Elysian Whip, she's absolutely amazing, arguably your best unit in the Western Isles. She tends to 2RKO axe users, and while if she gets hit she's in danger, they often have like single digit hit on her, so as long as she's not in range of archers she's just fine. There are also many places where flying is amazing on the Isles. She falls off a bit after Chapter 13 just because enemies get incredibly bulky and she's occasionally struggling just to 4-shot them (ORKOing if she crits) with Killer weapons. However, given her quintessential contributions for the first half of the game, I could never justify Shanna lower than A tier. If the tier was ordered, she'd be at the top of A tier imo; she's easily better than the Christmas Cavs.
    Lugh: Too high. His bases are pretty bad, so he needs to be like 15/1 just to hit 14 magic and 14 speed. He's pretty good, but B tier is more at home for him since he takes some active investment (with fairly good payoff don't get me wrong). He's also not mounted, so he does have that going against him too.
    Lilina: B tier is way too high for a unit that joins super underleveled, is strictly outclassed by Lugh, and has 4 Speed with a 35% growth, which is never doubling anything in a reasonable amount of time. Many players would say D tier for her, but I'd say she's right at home in E.
    Zeiss: You're criminally underrating him to be honest. His speed means that there's a big wall he has to overcome if he's trying to be some kind of combat god, but his HP, Strength, and Defense are no joke. Feeding him kills is never a challenge (which is way more than could be said for someone like Lilina, Wendy, or Sophia) since he OHKO's Cavaliers at base with a Horseslayer. If you want to invest into his combat, you need to find a way to fix his speed, which either means Speedwings or bringing him to an absurdly high level before promoting (which lets him gain more HP, Skill, and Defense but prolongs the period where he can't make use of his 60% Strength growth due to cap ramming). However, many players would argue this isn't really worth it, and for a faster playthrough, I'm inclined to agree. However, an 8 move flier with 44 HP and 18 Defense (Zeiss's physical bulk at 10/1) is incredibly helpful for Ilia's maps (which most people are going to) and even the rest of the game. That doesn't even consider the fact that 14-15 AS (10/1 Zeiss's speed) is high enough that he'll never get doubled unless he's picking someone up and can double (and therefore obliterate due to his massive Strength) slower enemies (so basically anything with a Steel weapon {mercs exempt for obvious reasons}). Investing into his speed in the ways I mentioned means he can double Paladins and Falcon Knights (would require 18 AS). Personally, I think anything lower than B is kind of unreasonable. He has similar avabilability to Perceval (an S tier unit), and while his combat is nowhere near as good, he is a flier (and one much bulkier than any of the falcoknights), so a two-tier gap between these two is reasonable to me.
    Thea: She's pretty similar to Zeiss. Her stats are much worse, but her availability is better. From Chapter 17 onward, Zeiss is a better choice for a flier whose job is just to fly rather than fight due to his better bulk, but if you're trying to bring 3-4 fliers, Thea's still helpful. If she is brought to Ilia, you will likely find that her relative frailty compared to Milady and Zeiss makes her a lot less flexible than they are, i.e., they can be put in risky situations and live to tell the tale of it while Thea (and Shanna) would just get obliterated if they were put there. B tier is where she belongs, and if the tier was ordered, she and Zeiss belong right next to each other.
    Juno/Dayan: Both of these would be more at home in D tier. Their main use is in chapter 21, Juno to ferry people over reinforcement zones and Dayan to reliably kill wyvern lords, but they're only solid and helpful choices for chapter 21, nothing quintessential like Athos in the final map of FE7.
    Wolt/Dorothy: I think D tier is overselling their capabilities. Their bases are rock-bottom, and there is literally no payoff to training them when Klein and Igrene exist, let alone that Snipers are such a niche option in FE6 due to lacking a mount and bow-lock being less than ideal. Some people call FE6 "player-phase oriented," but that's just not true. It's a mix of both. In the words of Dondon151, there's a reason why Milady and Perceval are so ridiculously good while Shin is just pretty solid. I'd put Wolt in E since he has some helpful chip early on, but I think Dorothy belongs in F tier with Barth, Wendy, and Sophia.
    Gonzalez: Uh, why is he A tier? He's not meme tier like you'd expect a unit with such a goofy design to be (both appearance-wise and stat-spread-wise), but he has some serious issues. He has major accuracy problems, and he's way too heavy to be picked up by mounted units not named Shin after he promotes. I'd say he's C tier.
    Deke/Fir/Oujay/Geese: I think all of these guys should move down a tier. Deke is great in the early game, but his long-term stats are kinda mediocre and by the time the second hero crest rolls around (the first one is going to Rutger let's be real), being foot-locked becomes a glaring flaw because the ridiculously strong and mobile combat juggernauts Milady and Perceval are trickling in, so being unable to move at their pace means you may get left behind. Oujay and Geese have this problem as well, but they also take a lot of training just to be anything worthwhile. Fir is the same in the sense that you need to train her, but she's just strictly better than Oujay and Geese.
    Roy: I think people really overestimate how bad he is. He's pretty worthless for a large portion of the game, but the fact that you're more or less stuck with him for the entire game means he CAN contribute if you choose to let him. You're not really shooting yourself in the foot by letting him wack a pirate in Chapter 9 or finish off a random Cavalier in Chapter 13, which is more than what could be said for someone like Wolt who would be require taking a deployment slot away from someone else just to contribute. Given that, I think anything lower than C is kind of unrealistic.
    Lot: Lot is actually significantly better than Wade; he has a speed stat. He doesn't get doubled if he doesn't use a Steel Axe or Hammer, and if you train him he'll have okay stats. He's nothing spectacular, but he also has the early-game contributions going for him. I think he's at home in C; a full tier above Oujay and Geese is appropriate imo.
    Thieves: I think they all can stand to move up a tier. Thief utility is very helpful in FE6 since there's a lot to steal and money matters a lot for Boots shopping.
    Saul/Niime: If you're playing at a reasonable pace, Saul is your sole Warper until Niime joins. Clarine and Elen are struggling just to hit Level 10 (meaning they also can't be expected to hit A staves), and Saul tends to have higher magic than they do. He's also an okay combat unit after promotion; he doesn't hit hard, but 14 AS is decent enough. Niime, while joining very late, is amazing while she's around. Her Warp range is massive (and only gets bigger if she gets Apocalypse), and her combat is deceptively good if you invest into it a bit, usually with the Body Ring and an Angelic Robe or two. Both are easily A tier material.
    I have other disagreements as well, but they're such minor nitpicks that listing them all would just be a waste of time. I hope you enjoyed another long essay on FE tiering.

    • @MythrilZenith
      @MythrilZenith  3 роки тому

      Always appreciate comments with thought put into them.
      I agree my tiering is a bit all over the place. I haven't really taken the time to examine things on a close basis so it's very generalized, and exceedingly weighted towards personal experience - for instance, while average stats are worth taking into account for a more accurate or specific sense, I tend to have units far outside of average, both above and below. Over several runs, notably two 0-bases runs (one normal one hard), I have had exceptionally high speed on every Lugh I've trained, and my Wade consistently manages to outpace Lot due to a string of hp-only levels on Lot but otherwise great levels on Wade.
      I will freely admit the fliers are poorly placed and I overrate units like Gonzales who tend to be more impressive just because I tend to put more effort into training them than others, and a lot of the rankings are a bit off in general due to expectations not matching reality, or certain things like my more prescient experience with 0-bases making me horribly undervalue units like Marcus who truly is necessary for any reasonable clears of early game fe6 and deserves at least A-tier.
      All in all though thanks for the comment. I still stand by most of my ratings but there's a good number of placements I would definitely shift up or down a tier.
      But hey, maybe if horrible tier lists draw more attention I should fully embrace the pitfalls lol

    • @MythrilZenith
      @MythrilZenith  3 роки тому

      Certain tendencies for my play also add cause for my ratings - I tend to abuse throned bosses like Henning for my mages, because they suck to fight anyway and mages with fire are the only units with reliable hit chances, which probably leads to my overrating units like Lugh and Lilina because their early game ability to hit bosses with better than 30% hit chances makes me want to invest into them more.
      Is this optimal play? Is this slowing down to the point where anyone could be grinded up? Possibly, but the ability of mages to actually hit and deal damage safely where other weaker units either don't deal damage at all or die to retaliation makes them really the only units that can reliably be trained in such a manner on bosses that are going to be taking an unreasonable amount of time to kill safely anyway.

    • @lspuria8440
      @lspuria8440 Рік тому +2

      It took me a full year to read this. Lilina is in b for based

  • @mechashade1631
    @mechashade1631 3 роки тому +3

    I don't like Rutger as the top of this tier-list. M'lady has some insane features that Rutger don't have. Tbf, the only thing that Rutger do is gain time on boss. M'lady has a lot of utility with flying + rescue, not to say that she has a lot of fighting potential. Imo, M'lady is easily at the top of fe6.
    I'm a bit surprise with Saul's placement too. This guy is a really good staffbot with the insane access to Teleport. He even has a good fighting potential.
    Shaina is cleary too low. She's the first flyer on the game (and for a whole 15 chapters iirc). She can easily reach level 10 around chapter 8 and can promote in 8x. As always, Flying is insane as a utility value. And she can easily defeat axe-user too.
    There are some changes I would do too, but I will detail them later (and discuss on that if you want too :). Fe6 is one of my favorite game and I played a lot and discuss on tier-list)

    • @MythrilZenith
      @MythrilZenith  3 роки тому

      I didn't rate within tiers (kind of hard to do that and still hit below 15 minutes), for the most part they were just placed in the order I got to them in. I agree Miledy is better than Rutger, the only thing he has over her beyond raw bosskilling really is availability, though both of those do matter a fair bit in FE6. They're both obviously S-tier units though.
      I haven't personally used Saul a ton but I would agree he's the most consistent staff user in the game with a lot of potential, and while I wouldn't go so far as to consider warp his by default, because of the slow staff wexp gain in fe6 he does get there faster (and often with higher magic) than most other units.
      That said, I'm hesitant to give a staff bot A-tier in a game that isn't entirely dominated by staves like Thracia is. Definitely a valid consideration though, especially with how annoying some chapters are to play without warp skipping.

    • @mechashade1631
      @mechashade1631 3 роки тому

      @@MythrilZenith ah, make sense then. Yh, ofc, Rutger is still a S-tier unit.

    • @MythrilZenith
      @MythrilZenith  3 роки тому

      Was debating putting Shanna in B instead of C, probably should have considering the actual importance of flying rescue utility in the early game.
      I'm definitely down for discussing the list, maybe doing a full revision episode of the tier lists at some point in time, but part of the fun of these 15 minute lists for me is the ability to do them quickly on first impressions.
      I've played FE6 through like 3 times, twice on hard, and twice more with the "0 bases" hack (once in normal and once on this channel on Hard). I'm not the most experienced on FE6 by any means but I have at least played enough to back up my placements.

    • @mechashade1631
      @mechashade1631 3 роки тому

      @@MythrilZenith Actually on Shanna, I would easily put her on A-tier. I can get why she's kind of a burden for the first chapters, but being a flyer really helps for some chapters (9, 16, ...) and in general ofc.
      I like to discuss on fe6 (and gba era in general). Like I said, I will add some edit later with more pertinent changes. But, tbh, your tier-list is not bad at all.

  • @frederikpeters7353
    @frederikpeters7353 3 роки тому +3

    Marcus over Gonzales I would say

  • @xdfeverdream8122
    @xdfeverdream8122 Місяць тому

    I have 1 thing to say. Give all the stat boosters to Chad. Then you have the secret S teir. Giga Chad.

  • @cd4playa1245
    @cd4playa1245 Рік тому +2

    Treck has pretty good growth stats over the other guy I’ve found, so I’d definitely switch them. If you lose your first two cavaliers then Treck is decent.

  • @summerwinter89
    @summerwinter89 5 місяців тому +1

    rutger is awesome until the boss crits him.

  • @summerwinter89
    @summerwinter89 5 місяців тому +1

    marcus s tier. he carries the early game.

  • @castello3953
    @castello3953 3 роки тому +1

    I would put fae in low c tier Just because of How easy she makes my life against druids and bishops, status staves were a mistakd

  • @frederikpeters7353
    @frederikpeters7353 3 роки тому +1

    Its a pretty Good List.

  • @X07-g6n
    @X07-g6n Рік тому

    10:34 Wait, you cna recruit that Bald?

  • @ToxicAce1652
    @ToxicAce1652 3 роки тому +5

    If I had to add me own personal flair to the list, I'd be this:
    -Juno is a D tier Falco Knight, she joined way too late and with pretty bad strength to boot so she can't really do much besides rescue dropping
    -Wolt is at least a C tier. He's far from good but a unit that can reliability take out the Wyverns even into late game makes him worth the effort to train him. Plus being bow locked isn't the worst
    -Geese (or Goose) should be D tier. Besides joining with the Brave Axe on the A route, he doesn't really do much to help. And those bases are pretty bad for how late he joins.
    -Shanna should be in D or E tier. Her strength is atrocious at best and WILL (not can) get one or two shot by literally any enemy. Plus Thea is just better and I'd say has more utility. Even though Shanna joins earlier, I'd say she's pretty bad.
    -Lugh should be at least in C tier. He does OK in the first few maps, but you already have too many mouths to feed with xp so finding room for him is hard. Especially since Lilinia (I think that's how you spell her name) is a better late game sage.
    -Cecilia should be in C tier at least. Her combat is as existent as my girlfriend and she's basically a staff boat. And she gets absolutely whooped by any physical attacker in her range.
    -Clarine: I never used her. She took a lot to use and even then Saul quickly overtook her as the better healer. I just never saw the appeal of using Troubadours
    -Ziess should be above D tier. He's a little hard to train but the payoff is another good flier who can make quick work of sword users
    -Gonzales, as much as I love him, should be in B or lower tiers. Against Lance's (which there are plenty) he does fine enough and when he promotes + 30% crit is insane, but the low defense and res gets him absolutely bitch slapped by any Sword user or Druid late game
    -Cath should be F tier. Worse stats than the other 2 thieves, and must be talked to 3 times to recruit her, all for a terrible unit in the end.
    -Douglas should be in E tier where you had him originally. He will literally slow down your entire army, and due to his slower than a snail speed, he'll get murdered by mages
    -Dieke is weird. He was great early game use and even mid game he can be a good Hero, but you definitely need a few lucky level ups to get the train rolling on him
    Those are the biggest complaints I have but after that the lost is pretty good

    • @jimjimson6208
      @jimjimson6208 2 роки тому +1

      I disagree that Lilina beats Lugh at any point in the game. She joins 5 chapters after Lugh with more or less the same bases except for I think 2 less speed in exchange for 1 more magic. 4 base speed with a 35% growth mean that she will struggle to double anything even remotely fast. Her mag growth is very good but lack of doubling means she will rarely be useful for anything other than chip damage. I don't think Lugh is very good either, I would probably move him down to C or B since he is also basically only good for chip damage most of the time, but his availability + similar bases + on average considerably higher speed mean he is much better than Lilina IMO. I would probably put Lilina in D or E tier.
      I also think it's weird that you say there are too many mouths to feed to use Lugh but advocate using Wolt into the lategame when I would argue that Lugh with an Aircalibur tome does everything Wolt can do and more.
      I also think it is interesting that you say Cecilia dies to any physical attacker when Lilina does as well, while Cecilia has vastly superior 8 move and much higher bases. I would argue that Cecilia is probably tied with Saul for the best staff unit in the game, Saul has better staff rank and availability but worse mobility which can be a problem as he can't always keep up with strong and high move units like Melady, Percival and the christmas cavs if you used them.
      Clarine is like Cecilia but with earlier join time. I think that Saul is better since when playing moderately fast he is basically the only unit that can conceivably reach A rank for warp by the time you get it in chapter 14, but Clarine has the advantage of being able to keep up with your mounted units.
      Shanna's combat isn't very good, I agree. That being said, even if she literally couldn't fight at all I think she would still be quite useful as she is your only source of flier mobility for 10+ and her terrain passing and rescue dropping utility alone makes her worth deploying IMO. I think she is 100% better than Thea even if Thea's HM bonuses do make her combat better than Shanna's on average I think.
      You say that Douglas slows down your army (he does, and he sucks, I agree) but you also underrate Clarine, Cecilia, and Shanna's move. The difference between mounted units like Shanna or Cecilia and and infantry units like Lilina (2 move) is bigger than the difference between Lilina and armoured units like Douglas (only 1 move) so I don't really follow your argument here.

    • @ToxicAce1652
      @ToxicAce1652 2 роки тому

      @@jimjimson6208 I'll be honest I wrote all of this 6 months ago so I'm not quite sure why I wrote what I did and I feel like if I go back and replay Binding Blade I'd have a different opinion. Or at least a better articulated argument. You do have some good counterpoints but my monkey brain doesn't remember half of what led me to even say this in the first place so I can't say for certain if I agree with them

    • @jimjimson6208
      @jimjimson6208 2 роки тому +1

      @@ToxicAce1652 I feel that man, if you asked me the same thing in 6 months I would probably be the same lmao, it was just fresh in my head since I just finished a playthrough.

    • @ToxicAce1652
      @ToxicAce1652 2 роки тому +1

      @@jimjimson6208 I also feel that lmao

  • @jordanhamel6191
    @jordanhamel6191 Рік тому

    Chad is OP against axes. Ive never had axes hit for higher than 10 when using Chad. No promotion is a serious bummer tho

  • @tejas4567
    @tejas4567 2 роки тому

    I would put fa at least b tier cuz I literally defeated zephiel with her

  • @scarocci7333
    @scarocci7333 2 роки тому +1

    I don't get some of your ranking. Juno is a shitty prepromote, how is she above the two pegasus sisters, who have much better availability, do the rescue/support part as well and are much, much better in combat ?
    Dorothy is also clearly better than Wolt.

    • @pksprite6401
      @pksprite6401 Рік тому

      I def agree with you on the Pegasus knights, but why Dorothy over Wolt? Isn’t Wolt’s availability more valuable (of course both of them are pretty ass)

    • @scarocci7333
      @scarocci7333 Рік тому

      @@pksprite6401 Wolt have a better availability but it mostly mean he get to sucks for several more chapters. He doesn't really have any interesting contribution in these chapters.

    • @pksprite6401
      @pksprite6401 Рік тому

      @@scarocci7333 Not like Dorothy is really doing anything interesting either. When you get Dorothy, her stats are only better by a smidge, where Wolt could have theoretically gotten some levels. Plus, Wolt’s chip damage isn’t useless for some of the early chapters, but by the time Dorothy joins, it’s definitely gonna be. Plus, Wolt gets to contribute stuff without taking up a deployment slot, whereas with Dorothy, you have to justify using her over someone who does her job better, like Sue or Lugh.

    • @scarocci7333
      @scarocci7333 Рік тому

      @@pksprite6401 dorothy join right before you face your first wyverns. Lugh and Sue are good, but Wolt doesn't compare to either honestly.
      And wolt chip damage isn't much, especially in HM where he'll do like 1x5 dmg and that's all.

    • @pksprite6401
      @pksprite6401 Рік тому

      @@scarocci7333 of course. I’m not saying that Wolt is good, but he’s better than Dorothy. The stat differences between Wolt and Dorothy are minuscule. Sure, she joins right before the wyverns, but Wolt is there too, and he’s had time to level up (which means he will be equal to or better than Dorothy since their bases are so similar). Dorothy isn’t doing much to the wyverns anyways. Neither is Wolt, but again, his stats are probably going to be a bit better.
      More importantly, Wolt has a huge availability lead. His chip damage isn’t that strong, and of course he’s outpaced by Lugh, but this doesn’t make Wolt useless. He’s solid enough early game filler, I’d say that’s more than what Dorothy will be doing.
      Everything bad you said about Wolt can be applied to Dorothy as well, but she has it worse because she joins later and has less chance to contribute.

  • @Starwars-Fanboy
    @Starwars-Fanboy 3 роки тому +1

    Commenting first for the algorithm

    • @MythrilZenith
      @MythrilZenith  3 роки тому

      Always happy to see people excited for a new video! FE6 is an interesting game because it's one of the FE games that really has a significant difference in viability between cast members, with true S-tiers and F-tiers.

    • @Starwars-Fanboy
      @Starwars-Fanboy 3 роки тому +1

      I agree, fe 6 is one of the most interesting games for discussing unit balance. Most units are about average and then you have the gods among men. I think its realistic in a way to have most units be just decent.

  • @maximeminassian6002
    @maximeminassian6002 Рік тому

    This tier list has some extremely questionable placements. Marcus being B tier is an absolute travesty as he is probably the most essential unit to go through the nightmare that is the early game. Tho all the S tiers are amazing as well, it’s easy to beat the game without them although you heavily handicap yourself, whereas beating the first few maps without Marcus is almost impossible unless you play perfectly. The fact that he is below Lugh, Sin and Gonzalez is downright idiotic.

    • @thunderlord5434
      @thunderlord5434 5 місяців тому

      ur crazy bro marcus falls off really quickly, lugh is crazy he is actually better then rutger imo, alot of enemies in this game have bad resistances compared to defense and he has high hit and has 1-2 range which is crazy in this game and he is fast for a mage littarly almost as fast as rutger for my run and has decent defenses. lugh is an absoluut monster u just didnt use him. plus he uses binding ring for promo so u can have him alongside rutger. Marcus is not essential at all he makes early game easier but hes not that big of a carry lets be honest.

    • @maximeminassian6002
      @maximeminassian6002 5 місяців тому

      I just have a question for you, have you ever played hard mode ? Because Marcus is absolutely your carry early game. Being the automatic best unit you have for at least 5 chapters is just insanely good, especially when it’s for the hardest portion of the game.

    • @thunderlord5434
      @thunderlord5434 5 місяців тому

      @@maximeminassian6002 yes i played hard mode like 10 times with different characters people are overrating marcus this is my most played fire emblem game. i'm not saying he is bad early game i'm just saying that just because his early is strong don't make him S and not having marcus early doesn't mean an automatic loss. also people don't realise how good lugh really is. also because u can abuse tactics like fore example, the first boss doesn't have a hand axe u can give wolt 8 levels because he can't fight back tactics like this make the game easy, having a good wot is important cause he will one shot the wyverns on chapter 7. also chad levels up faster then ur other characters and u can have a second rutger in ur team before chapter 4 only sad thing about chad is he can't promote, but leveling chad will make the early game 30 times easier and he will littarly hit level 20 by the time u reach chapter 6 that's how fast this guy levels up, there are alot of char that make early game easier not just marcus.

    • @projectmessiah
      @projectmessiah 4 місяці тому

      @@thunderlord5434 So what your saying that if you give extreme unit bias to some early game characters they can be better than people make them out to be. You can literally do that with like nearly every early joining Fire Emblem unit ever (Or even the later ones tbf). Marcus is amazing out of the box for like the first 5 - 7 chapters which is literally by far the hardest section of the game. Im not one of the people who think he is like the best unit or anything but you have to give a lot of favoritism to most other units to insinuate that Marcus isn't much more useful overall and I think he is bare minimum at the bottom of the S tier.

    • @thunderlord5434
      @thunderlord5434 4 місяці тому

      @@projectmessiah im not bias or anything towards any character. Lugh doesnt need much investement and uses the binding ring as promotion so he doesnt conflict woth other chars. Chad is legit the strongest early game char if u train him a bit because he levels up faster then other characters. Yes even stronger then marcus. He is a bit squishy though but he can dodge tank very well. Rutger is good from start till end. Allen and lance are p solid and have good support for eachother. Marcus is good for setting up kills for u other units but if ubtake kills woth him ur other units will be bas really.

  • @joshuajones9173
    @joshuajones9173 5 місяців тому

    Nobody uses melinus, u have 5 slots per unit. Nobody uses Marcus or any exp sponge. Percival is way better as a premo than Marcus ever dreamed of being. And Roy is not that bad if u control his stat gains. Everyone whi es about Roy, but if u level him welland then promote, he finishes the game as a unstoppable destroyer. U r entitled to your opinion, but i dont agree and wont finish it.