@@AronRa I don’t care much for Christian theologians. From your own intellect do an exegesis from the verses where God lies. Context, context, context please.
The Bible: always literally the straightforward word of God....until it needs to be a "just a metaphor" to rescue a believer that's talked themselves into a corner.
95% (give or take) of Abrahamic scripture is metaphor, allegory or some such. Some events are provable and have been proven. Doubtful they happened exactly the way the bible describes, no more than the diCaprio version of Titanic was a accurate retelling of what really happened. There has been a mass killing of babies commited by the king of Israel as mentioned in the Bible, it is even known in what year. The Bible states, it happened when Jesus was 3 years old, which means, if you cross-reference when it actually happened, Jesus was born in 6BC. The fall of the Tower of Babel was hugely metaphorised. It was not a tower but the Empire of Babylon. It was so mighty, particularely in the fields of academia, Babylonian was the defacto lingua franca for the entire middle-east and mediterranian (just as English is the lingua franca for large parts of the world and nearly all international communications) because every merchant, every dignitary and every ruler sent their offspring there to study (just as the sons of East-Asian and African dictators get sent to Oxford and Yale to study statemanship and thus are fluent in English). But it was complacant in its wealth and power and had a weak military. When it was ransacked by barbarian hordes, the mighty universities got destroyed and nobody went there anymore to study, the Babylonian language faded into oblivion, the many kingdoms no longer had a common diplomatic language. The Great Flood was pretty localised, only the Mediterranian Basin, really. It used to be a lush valley with grasslands and forests, until the barrier to the Atlantic broke where now the Straight of Gibralta is. Even in the scripture, Noah was never instructed to put all animals in the world on his boat, he was to only put HIS animals, the animals that lived on his lands, on his boat. And often times, when there is somebody in the Bible claiming that God spoke to them, it often was their gutt instinct or subcosciousness talking (or the booze or the drugs or their dissociative schitzophrenia disorder...but yes, often it was simply their gutt instinct...). The story of Adam and Eve and the Apple is several unrelated allegories rolled into one. The most recognisable is a comming of age story. Before the apple, Adam's only duty was to name all the animals. This was not to mean, he got to choose the names of the animals, he had to learn them, he had to learn how to recognise them, he had to learn their behavior patterns and tracks, He was a brat who had to learn to be a hunter. But he was still a child, and life was paradise. Didn't have to work for food, had all of eternity to play around and enjoy the sun and learn the names of all the animals. And when his "little snake" reared its head and a girl offered a taste of her "fruit bearing tree" to him, and then his father and the adults of the tribe realised that they were both carnally active, childhood was over. He now no longer was a boy, he was now a man and had to work for his food. And just as childhood is a country where nobody dies, as an adult it was impressed onto him in no uncertain terms that he was mortal (many primitive tribes have comming of age rituals that inflict near-death experiences onto young men). Meanwhile Eve, no longer a girl but now a woman, had to come to terms with the biological and social reality of what it means to be a woman: pregnancy, excrutiating pain in childbirth, obedience to the bloke who is providing her with food and shelter. They were cast out of the paradise of childhood and into the harsh wastelands of adulthood. Jahwe, Jehova or whatever...the god of Abraham... is only the god of the tribes of Abraham, David and Israel. His 10 commandments only apply to the descendents of the people who followed Moses through the desert. He is a desert god, not a creator god, certainly not the only god in existence. He is not the god of the thrachians, of the summerians, the vendics, ainu, the sioux, the teutons, the etruscans, the iberians, or anybody else..only the god of the descendents of Abraham, David, the god of the descendents of the families who followed Israel into Egypt and the descendents of the families that followed Moses out of Egypt. Nowhere in the Bible does scripture talk of false gods...until the Israelites no longer lived in the desert and now needed a god who knew how to bless fertile lands and thusly turned to Baal, the god of fertility and agriculture in the lands they lived in, an act of betrayal against the covennant by the Israelites for which the desert god (or his priests who saw their authority dwindling) pronounced the gods of the lands the Israelites conquered "false".
@@ptk8451I am thinking you may want to revisit the definition of metaphor. The sun rising and setting is a basic observation from our vantage point on the earth.
Close. It's extreme gullibility that promotes ignorance. Source: My life as extremely gullible and faithful to an imaginary being. AronRa was instrumental in my deconstruction years ago.
True. And Aron's belief that "trans women ARE women (in some vague, mystical, pseudo-spiritual sense that nobody can even define, coherently...)" is EXACTLY as supernatural and faith-based, as any Christian/Muslim claim about "gods". Aron Ra USED to have honest, consistent, evidence-based beliefs... Until the last year or so, when he started promoting beliefs that have the EXACT SAME standard of evidence as Christianity, or any other religion. The evidence for "god" is 100% IDENTICAL to the evidence for Ra's belief in "gender"- ie, BOTH claims have literally ZERO empirical evidence... yet believers (like Ra) respectively accept BOTH claims, SOLELY on the basis of "but it FEEELS true, to me!!!" Sex is based 100% on empirical, real-world evidence. While "gender" has NO empirical evidence, and is based ONLY on feelings and bald-faced assertion (just like ALL religious claims...) Yet, if you ONLY believe the evidence-based claim (sex), and reject the claim that's 100% devoid of ANY SHRED of empirical evidence ("gender"), then Ra claims you're being an immoral "bigotted transphobe". How is that ANY different from a Christian, who claims you're immoral ("you just hate god, and want to sin!!"), if you reject HIS (equally) evidence-free claims about the Christian god?!? Both are TEXTBOOK (entirely FAITH-based) religious demands; Thinly-disguised attempts to pressure you into accepting claims without evidence- "God/Aron/Allah isn't FORCING you to believe anything... But if you choose to REJECT the (100% devoid of empirical, demonstrable evidence) truth of the koran/"gender"/the bible, then you're an immoral god-denyer/a transphobic bigot/you just hate god, and want to sin!!!" Ra USED TO reject faith... But today, Ra actively DEMANDS faith in evidence-free claims... He just does this in an EVEN MORE dishonest way than most Christians (who, like Ra, will ALSO swear they really totally OPPOSE belief without evidence!! That their claims all DO totes have rational evidence, etc). Just like Christianity or ANY religion, Ra's faith-based belief in "its true COZ I SAY it's true", evidence-free, 100% feels-based "gender" quickly collapses, with A BARE MINIMUM of honest, consistent, EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE-BASED investigation... But sadly, most of Ra's fellow-believers are no more likely to HONESTLY question their own evidence-free beliefs, as any Christian or Muslim will ever question THEIR beliefs being "the REAL truth". -Biological sex is based ONLY on empirical evidence. -"Gender" has LITERALLY ZERO empirical evidence; it's based 100% on "but it FEEELS true, to me!!" ONLY... If you prioritize the evidence-free ("gender") as somehow being "the REAL truth", above SIMPLE, EVIDENCE-BASED REALITY (ie sex), then you're a religious believer, actively promoting faith, and denying evidence-based reality... (and no amount of mental gymnastics and slogans about "just a social construct", "conflating sex with gender", religious persecution victim narratives. Or accusations that rejecting evidence-free assertions = "hateful, bigotted transphobia" will change that simple, evidence-based reality...)
The Bible is supposedly the word of god, but it matches the politics and the moral compass of the time period it was written in EXACTLY. Yet no Christians point this out? If it was the word of an all knowing, all loving god... Wouldn't it be completely different? You're incredible Aron. Never change! Unless you want to! :D
Strangely my proof of the supernatural would be a text that is not in any known language yet instantly not only able to be read but able to be perfectly comprehended and impossible to interprate in any other way and if it was done any being that could read the text and who could correct them. This would apply to anyone who could read, even if otherwise illiterate.
I heard Santos say he was the snake in Eden. Also, he slew Goliath. And then, because he never shuts up, started talking about how he led elephants over the mountains with Alexander.
God didn't write it, it's way more simple than this,God does not lie,the devil pretends to be God,there is simple truth in the word, everywhere, you must discern.Even if Yeshua was a freemason,he was a perfect prophet,maybe God's making a way for the dark Angels when Satan keeps telling them the same thing he's telling us humans,that we ain't good enough.Truth is what matters, embrace the truth and the description won't matter,all God wants is us to acknowledge reality,he Loves us.
@@LisaAnn777 They just showed up in the emoji picker a few months ago. I didn't even have emojis at all until a few months before that, and the stuff just showed up! All I can tell you is I don't pay for UA-cam, but do Use Firefox with wicked good popup and add blockers on Linux and on a computer, not an app on a phone. Here's some more:
I met a person recently that seemed to think the same thing about the wind. She told me that we don't know what the wind is and that we'll never know because we aren't meant to. According to her the wind is created by God so it's impossible for us to understand.
Don't you just love/loath when idiots practically tell you they've only ever read one book and not even half of it? These anti-fact religious fundies are so exhausting...
She isn't that bright is she? As a primary schooler I was interested in Meteorology. Very useful especially since I was competing dingy sailing. The wind is very well understood.
She a Muslim? There's a make up/ apologist channel that makes similarly stupid arguments and windows into the sheer lack of education of these individuals.
When a god DEMANDS love and respect, tries and tests their faith daily for eons, taunts people with back and forth ideas if they will go to heaven and hell and tells people to kill others in his name, that's NOT a God...that's a Demon.
And you would be right to a degree. But wrong in another way. But God and his word is not what you and yours actually want, so the truth is not in you. People as you will keep serving the world and its ruler because that is what you people choose. Lastly, we are like dust, and we did not deserve God to send his Only begotten son to and for us, the holiest man who ever lived and the second most powerful man/being in the universe. It will be up to whomever to decide to value that gift and ransom and most undeserved kindness ever displayed towards humans. True Christians (not just anyone calling themselves Christian or God-fearing) exist, even though they sin, and have the hope of an ever lasting life on a paradise Earth once this is all over. It's coming and everyone knows it when they look around the world and everything happening. "The Great Tribulation" is coming soon enough, then God and Jesus will do away with this System of things and this life you all choose to ignore regarding God will be forgotten. Gods people will move on to eternal life on a paradise Earth, all else will be forgotten. That is one reason I choose to promote Gods good news of his kingdom. The Bible declares creation, accuracy and fact unlike no other book ever written. It's coming.
Even as a kid I always thought there was somthing strange about religion. Back when religion was created I had a feeling that it was a book made up to controll the masses the way that things were at the time. But the world has changed and things aren't like that anymore for the most part. So it's just an outdated behavior guide that need to be gotten rid of in my opinion. Plus all the stuff ritten in it is just so fantasized it can't be real. The god in the bible sounds like a tyrant more than a savior. But that's just my thoughts.
@@markuse3472 Keep on talking, while humans cure disease and solve issues you god can't seem to figure out. The world has been supposed to end for such a long time, but no prophecy gets the privilege of being wrong multiple times, yet still be believed. Creation didn't happen, if you believe it you are willfully ignorant. You wish people were "saved", but your kind are the ones that need to be freed from your indoctrination. Take your mythical tales elsewhere. They belong in a book, not as a basis for your reality.
I live in se ky the Bible belt to the extreme! and I love AronRa I love his honesty, the way he thinks things out with logic and science! and how he explains things ! He is the greatest and makes me believe there is hope for the human race without resorting to religious mumbo jumbo!
It's easy for a God to not lie when he never said anything. Only men speak for him and they lie for him. Dishonesty is the hallmark for apologists. Hail Reason 🤘👹🤘
it's worth bearing in mind also that jesus didn't write a single word, not even "my dad can beat up your dad" and oddly, despite miracles being er, miracled every other day, no one actually wrote about him either, not even "saw jesus feet surfing today, rad" no one really cared about jesus until paul saw a way to make billions and billions from bible sales.
@@KGraceSpeaksKea1335 Really? I was thinking Josephus Flavius, so far. Wouldn't surprise me if later people kept borrowing the same icons, though. Especially if knowing the roots.
Merchandising! Merchandising! Where the real money from the religion is made! We put the guy’s name on everything! Jesus the T-shirt! Jesus the coloring book! Jesus the lunchbox! Jesus the breakfast cereal! Jesus the flamethrower! Valentina Gomez loves this one. ;)
From the very moment a people says that God chose them to be his favorite people between the creation of heaven and earth, and that the only proof is a book that they themselves wrote "under his inspiration", it is time to realize of deception.
I would find the bible interesting if it explained in detail: The configuration of our solar system and the universe beyond. How evolution works and has resulted in the biodiversity we observe. The structure and forces of atoms. Plate tectonics and continental drift. All these things would have sounded ridiculous to ancient humans but as technology advanced they would have been proven to be accurate. In fact the bible would be a guide for scientists on where to look and what they should expect to find. It should also contain instructions on how to create a society where everyone is equal and resources are evenly distributed so that nobody wants for anything. Basically a framework for world peace, Utopia. All of this clearly communicated to everyone on earth. One "religion" This book is what I would expect to see from a "higher power" or "god". It is so far from what we actually have, a bible that has held back progress and been shown to be totally wrong whenever we finally have found answers. It is man made superstitious nonsense.
This is ultimately what killed the bible for me, for good.☝🏾 💯 There are so many rules and sayings that are easily debunked and that make no actual sense (especially if you're proposing a 'benevolent' god), and these things are presented as truth and as proof because it is "so wise" -- yet absolutely NONE of the hardcore, no-one-could-know-this-unless-they-are-an-advanced-scientist stuff gets revealed by what is supposed to be the MOST important book in existence? Nonsense! 🙅🏾♀️
It would be simpler, and vastly more important thousands of years ago, to show that microorganisms exist and some of them cause disease. If one of the Commandments was, "You will wash your hands every time you handle dung or sick people", God would be more likely to actually exist.
If it had simply revealed the existence of microbes that cause disease, and provided instructions on how to detect and fight them, the Bible could have saved countless lives.
Leviticus 25: 44-46, paraphrased, directs that from the nations around you you may buy slaves; they will become your property and may be inherited by your descendants.
and yet at the same time there's the threat of punishment for following so called "false prophets" and anyone else who spreads "evil". it's so laughably terrible and inconsistent bullshit that unfortunately gets real people harmed by idiots who blindly follow this nonsense.
@@dma8657 Nice. So the Bible tells me that I can buy a slave from, let's say, Canada, and that I can do all sorts of perverted things to them and they should subject themselves to me and revere me as their master. I'm _really_ beginning to like this religion now.
As we see, this scripture is one of character, it is not encouraging slavery, as no scripture does, it instead is saying that despite our situations to act honorably and show the love and goodness of God, even in bad situations that we can't control. This in no way tells you to go get a slave. But thank you for sharing this scripture.
There's been a numerous published studies done on this where people were questioned on their knowledge of the bible. In every case by far the highest scorers were atheists the lowest scorers were the more devout theists.
God does not speak into a man's head, but to his heart. Just like you speak from your heart about the things that matter to you. We are more than "joy and hope", dictionary definitions.
Evolution is not science: it's Counter science. The rest of the sciences are wonderful and beautiful, apart from big pharma and their more-hurtful-than-being-good effects, war machines, air and water pollution distributers, manufacturers of deforestation machines and a few more. Moving on, The Bible is accurate and true and everyone knows it, you people obviously appose it for spite and because you don't want the actual truth. Since the public universities don't allow creation or The Bible a topic for teaching, there are plenty of scientists who support creation and The Bible right here on UA-cam, sometimes, although too few, their lectures are at universities. The ONLY non-bias and non-prejudice science, mathematics or numbers--applied to all physics, biology, chemistry, denies evolution not just millions of times (which is enough to seriously question evolution), not just billions of times (which is enough to to make evolution an outright made up story), but Trillions of times over and beyond the point of Negative Probability--reason, wisdom, soundness, evidence, etc. It is impossible that evolution took place. But the evidence for creation, which must include God, is in all life, from the smallest molecules and animal and plant, to our atmospheres, sunlight and rain, all flora and fauna, to our Earth and the Sun, to the rest of the cosmos. The Bible is proven accurate time after time and again, from the global flood to Sodom and Gomorrah, Abraham and Lot, Joseph and Israel in Egypt, Moses and the Exodus, and the list keeps moving forward and on and on up to Jesus and first century Christians, ALL of these people and events and places are ALL linked and bundled together into One story, one theme, one message, unlike no other book ever written. Why? Because it is God inspired. All prophesies that needed to come to pass have come to pass, from ancient times, to Jesus' day, throughout the centuries when Gods word became "secret" (Daniel 12:7-13), to when "The last days" started, when Jesus became king in heaven, 1914, and Revelation 12:7-12 began to be fulfilled. Talking snakes is Aron seems to make a big point of his stance against The Bible? Than you need to understand the Bible first before you stand on your point spoken. Satan had the ability to turn into namely whatever he wanted, as did the other angels, and a serpent was his choice. It was that easy. Again, science denies evolution because evolution is counter science. Honest science proves creation and The Bible accurate one hundred percent. "Faith is the assured expectation of things hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities though not beheld" (Hebrews 11:1). This is what faith stands on, not Your assumed "blind faith." If you are going to talk about a subject, it displays a sound mind and person worth listening to if you knew and understood what you are criticizing. This is a rule of standard and principle on matters of teaching and conducting the subject matter. Lastly, when you say (in other videos) that The Bible took stories from other previous books or writings, IF those stories were actually written before The Bible was ("scientists" of course twist the evidence as they always do), there is no doubt they simply wrote down their material from the actual events that took place according to what The Bible says. The Bible had his word written according to His timing. As I said before, all Gods prophesies must take place; few remain. Your choice.
Seems like he hasn't suffer enough. Perhaps the suffering in Africa 🌍 he would then understand that only Jesus can help them now. Here in America and Europe the brainwashed continues ....
Wow! You took me back to my senior year in high school (1980). We had a very progressive teacher for AP English. First half the year we read Animal Farm and Lord of the Flies, had a lively discussion and had to write a paper taking a stance on contrast or comparison. Second half, we read a book on Mythology and The Book of Job, following the same format. I found out I wasn't the only atheist in class! And we also delved into this exact topic you covered... God and Satan's personality and behavior in different parts of the Bible and comparisons to the Mythology we covered earlier. Again, very lively and interesting discussions from both sides. Best class I had in high school in SC. I thoroughly enjoyed your video! Side note: my mother, a staunch and strict Catholic, was quite pleased I was reading the family Bible again (it was a big honkin book and beautifully illustrated)... until she read my paper (for which I got an A-). We've been estranged since (I'm 60 and she's 82).
My mother was also a strict Catholic. When I came out as atheist to her it hurt her deeply. She told me she had to decide that God could not possibly condemn me to Hell as the Church taught her. One of the cruelest things religion does is put dogma over parental love.
@@ApocryphalDude This was at Socastee High in Socastee, just west of Myrtle Beach. It was a combination of AFB kids and locals. The teacher's name was Larson. It was a really good class!
There is actually a video out there somewhere of Steven Anderson proclaiming that the bible itself is God. So you're right, they literally do worship a book!
That’s the whole foundation of Protestantism. Martin Luther basically said “all the churches are corrupt and people worship the corrupt Pope for some reason. Instead we’re going to worship the one thing we know is from god; the bible” Catholics worship the church system while Protestants worship the bible.
A book that most of them have not, and will not, ever read. All Christians I know would be absolutely astonished at the evil lies they don't even know their book dispenses, let alone the misogyny and homophobia.
According to the "Parable of the Mustard Seed" in Matthew 13:31-32, mustard seeds are the smallest in the plant kingdom. Right? Wrong. Mustard seeds, which are about 2 millimeters in diameter, are behemoths when compared with those of orchids.
I mean they are already noticebally bigger than poppy seeds well known at the time across Eurasia, including Judea, so whoever wrote Matthew was ignoramus even for his time.
@@minskghoul well, writer(s) thought that verses about messiah riding on donkey, on foal of donkey, which was clearly poetry way to talk about same young donkey, meant that messiah was supposed to read on two donkeys! 🤣
God = frequencies The bible is the word of ego Frequencies create everything in the universe. Human language is copying the process that frequencies create with.
@@lobban2 look at these two experiments, if you can see it, no further explanation should be needed, but most people do not have sight to see The amazing resonance experiment and star in a jar. What you see in those experiments shows exactly how the bible describes God.
You know, Aron I can understand why some people would call you one of those "angry" atheists. You and I were both lied to for most of our lives by the people we trusted the most. We have every right to be angry.
It's not a case of "lying", but a case of willful ignorance. Numerous, thousands of PhDs know that the Bible's books & authors thereof, have an uncanny coalescing & merging facts about God, which are nothing like any other writings known to humankind. 24,000 ancient manuscripts about ONE issue, not a few hundred written about well known people & issues in history. You don't look, so you don't find. God purposefully made it that way.
You can be angry all you want. However, every human being has their own burden to seek to ABSOLUTELY KNOW whether The Creator God exists, and to ask of God to be led to Himself. EVERY intelligent person knows that God exists. Every person who seeks to know Him intimately IS led to Him. The evolution farce is something that every scientist must also examine, especially since there is NO VALID scientific principles that cause evolution of species or abiogenesis (first life) to even be a plausible concept. Imagine relying on a bolt of lighting into a warm pond, as many evo's do, and that somehow, that bolt of lightning was able to create and assemble EACH component of life during that one split second, and thereby result in the first reproductive biological cell on earth. Then, realize that scientists discovered the tiniest cell ever known to exist, circa 2000 AD. They discovered that this cell required a MINIMUM of about 380 biological body parts/ organelles/ organs, which allow the cell to thrive & reproduce. Then, go back and spend ten minutes on a worthless class about evolution, based on what Richard Dawkins or Aron Ra claim, and THEN you'll realize that if even that tiniest cell required ALL THE COMPONENTS OF LIFE that it does, the concept for a Divine Designer is quite appropriate for one and all to consider. Don't be duped. .
@david77james There is no secular evidence that godman Jesus exists. oh, I'm sure there are plenty of scholars that would say that jesus exists because most are of the Christian faith, but other scholars in support of the Jesus Myth theory can be found in the writings of Richard Carrier and Robert Price and David Fitzgerald, the author of : "Ten Christian Myths That Show Jesus Never Existed at All." Even Bart Ehrman ( a well-known Biblical scholar) said: *No first century secular evidence whatsoever exists to support the actuality of Yeshua ben Yosef.* "What sorts of things do pagan authors from the time of Jesus have to say about him? Nothing. As odd as it may seem, there is no mention of Jesus at all by any of his pagan contemporaries. There are no birth records, no trial transcripts, no death certificates; there are no expressions of interest, no heated slanders, no passing references - nothing. In fact, if we broaden our field of concern to the years after his death - even if we include the entire first century of the Common Era - there is not so much as a solitary reference to Jesus in any non-Christian, non-Jewish source of any kind. I should stress that we do have a large number of documents from the time - the writings of poets, philosophers, historians, scientists, and government officials, for example, not to mention the large collection of surviving inscriptions on stone and private letters and legal documents on papyrus. In none of this vast array of surviving writings is Jesus' name ever so much as mentioned."
Do you believe in the hyper complex DNA CODE, which is responsible for designing & building DIFFERENT TYPES of cells & millions of animal species? So, DNA, which could NOT have possibly written itself, just exists? No intelligent person who has studied code believes that, user. .
Someone, years ago, asked me, "If, you don't believe in god then you worship the devil." My response was, "What makes you think that since I don't believe in god that I would believe in his brother, the devil?" Nice to see, after all these years, I'm not alone in giving that response. :D
How does one distinguish between the two anyway? They both are shapeshifters lol....how does a mere human know. Jesus was a false God sent to spread a false, hateful religion and all christians are going to hell why atheists go to haven for staying strong against the false religion and it's Cult of death.... Proof me wrong🤡😂 All these wacky denominations have absolutely NOTHING in common with the original christian delusion anyway...
Satan is basically Yahweh's servant. It's kind of a "good cop, bad cop" situation. Otherwise Yahweh wouldn't be omniscient and omnipotent, he had to know Lucifer would rebel and cause the Fall of Man.
@@AthenaSchroedinger Yeah, pretty much. I don't think the Old Testament ever actually implies that Yahweh is omnibenevolent, or even a loving deity at all. It spends a lot more time emphasizing Yahweh's wrath and jealousy than it spends talking about Yahweh showing anyone favor, and when he does do something nice for one person or group of people, it is usually whilst doing harm to other people. It's only in the New Testament that this sort of duality wherein Yahweh is all-loving and Satan is the source of evil manifests. Most Christians will never reach these conclusions though, they'll rationalize away any inconsistencies with the idea of a "tri-omni" God by saying we can't judge God because he knows things we don't and this must be the best way of doing things. It's the same sort of response as when you ask why Yahweh couldn't have just created us in heaven to begin with, or why he put the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the garden with a tricky snake he knew would convince Eve to eat the forbidden fruit. "God works in mysterious ways" they'll say, shrugging their shoulders.
If there's one thing I learned from years of Christian education, it's that anything refuted by modern reasoning is just waved off completely as metaphor
If that's the ONE thing you learned, you don't qualify to remark on any subject, much less form a viable broad conclusion. The tiniest known cell requires almost 400 components/organelles, fully formed, fully functional & inter-functional, ALL simultaneously, within the master cellular organism, or else it cannot live, thrive & reproduce. So, in your mind, do you think a bolt of lightning hit a pond & created the first tiny cell? Brilliant. God might be strange, but humans are just weird and/or stupid.
Wow, this video opened my eyes. I am christian no longer, throughout most of my life, going to church and reading the bible, there were so many unanswered questions that Christians couldn’t explain to me without me thinking that they aren’t making any sense. Always had my doubts reading the bible bc there are many things in it that my brain can’t comprehend due to how ridiculous it all seems. Smh, In the end I am not surprised. In the back of my mind I just knew something was off. Thank you.
Explain biblical prophecies being filled out right now. It’s not too late for you, many Christian’s don’t know what they’re talking about. It even says in the Bible that most Christians go to hell. Trust me when I say this, if you read the Bible, not read or listen to dudes on the internet, you will truly know what gods word is. Its not too late for you ✝️
Old testament: A poorly written anthology of short stories. New testament: The first collection sold so well, we published a second anthology, and included fan fiction, never mind that some of the worldbuilding contradicts itself. Themed anthologies do that because the authors submit stories without coordinating with the other contributors and all the readers want is a good story.
literally, it's good fiction, even though it has many, but many flaws it's still good fiction, and would play a video game about christian mythology, just I play in greek, egyptian, norse mythology, but you cannot live life thinking this is true, and basing your moral view and the understanding of the world in this fiction, it's just limiting your human capacity and capability
first video i've ever watched of Aron Ra and boy am i glad i did, because it launched me into the realm of skepticism and actually reading the bible from an analytical standpoint instead of a biased one.
As someone who neither comes from a (strictly) religious family nor has ever been a believer for even one day in life and also comes from a country in which religions generally play a subordinate role, I have a rather distanced attitude anyway, but still - from a philosophically and sociologically motivated interest - view at the topic in general. For me, the content of theistic religions consists entirely of traditional ancient mythology and is therefore only relevant to me from an artistic point of view. I am also a supporter of the thesis that Jesus never existed. A thesis on which I can recommend reading especially "Jesus Never Existed: An Introduction to the Ultimate Heresy" by Kenneth Humphreys. Keep up your great work, Aron, it contributes to making the earth a better place.
Actually from a social science perspective the study of religion is important in the impacts it has on societal development. As an important institution holding societal power it should be analyzed as thoroughly as any other power base. At least that's my perspective as a political scientist with leanings toward social psychology and group behavior.
This is what I think when hit with the “gods beyond our imagination” line. If that’s true it’s odd that he’s seems bound b6 the imagination of who ever he happens to be dealing with.
If a christian god existed and if this god was almighty and wanted to write a book to set up the rules of good behavior using speech which was easily and unambiguously understandable by everyone, they would have done so.
Always amusing, especially the sun bit. Makes me appreciate the world building of DIskworld so much more, where lots of biblical things are real, flat world, sun moving around, etc.
I am currently reading The Last Continent. I’m in the middle of the part where the wizards meet the god on the island where they’re stranded. He makes so much more sense than the abrahamic god.
The reason that Science and Religion cannot cross, is because Science is about dealing with reality, by using proven methods that self-correct. Science adapts and fixes it's mistakes to tell us the best possible way to deal with reality. Religion is taking the mythology in your head and projecting it outwards. There is no method to self-correct built in, in fact it openly encourages followers to reject reality and embrace faith. Religion is built upon claiming to know things that cannot possibly know, and then twisting the meanings of words to support unjustified beliefs, no wonder all arguments for god are broken gibberish.
Evolution is a theory. It can't be replicated in a laboratory. The Bible is a theory as well. It can't be proven. I just trust Jesus and love my neighbor ❤
@@randallloomis4756 sorry but that's wrong. Evolution is a Scientific Theory with hundreds of thousands of studies and papers that all come to the same conclusion. Evolution is a fact of life, evolution is how life continues to function. Religion is a "theory", but the meaning of "theory" in the religious context equates directly to "unsupported opinion" or "my feelings" for its actual meaning. The Bible is a mythology book that has zero supporting evidence. The Theory of Evolution has more supporting evidence than the Theory of Gravity. Misunderstanding of terminology usage is not a valid argument.
Oh on the contrary, he would be wise if he would stop making a fool of himself when he clearly don't even know what the bible is all about because if he did know then he wouldn't be saying all the foolish things about what he is quoting. He don't want truth he just lives to argue when someone don't wanna believe his foolishness.
@@thomasfontenot4881 Keep defending the cosmic comic book. Written by an ignorant race of people for an ignorant group of people who believe that the voices in their head are anything other than just what they are--which is wishful thinking. If you have given up coloring books, you can give up the cosmic comic book. You may even feel like a grownup.
The study showing that prayer is no better than random chance when it comes to preventing death in cardiac patients should have been the final nail in the coffin of religion. But no, believers simply got offended at the prospect of their god being 'experimented upon' without being able to formulate any specific reason why that shouldn't work. The implications are that god is either non-existent, non-benevolent, non-omnipotent, or does not want us, his creation, to learn about him. But really, this pathological mindset that caused the author of the study to thank an omnipotent, omnibenevolent god for a laughable 2% improvement in survival rates among those patients prayed for is what troubles me. Of course, even this pathetic benefit has turned out to be the result of errors in data analysis.
People with cardiac illnesses are actually doing worse if the know they’re being prayed for, because the stress of wanting to get well to prove the prayers worked exacerbates their illness.
@kellydalstok4518T his is especially concerning given how eager many Christians are about letting people know they are playing for them. Despite the fact that their holy book specifically admonishes against boasting about praying.
The first sin Adam and Eve recognized was their own nudity, which predated their eating of the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and was not something they choose to do to themselves, which means that Yahweh committed the *actual* Original Sin.
Nope. They only recognized nudity as shameful after they ate the fruit. Within the biblical framework, the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil is the origin of the human conscience.
@@zemorph42 If disobeying Yahweh to eat the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, a decision which was made before eating the fruit, counts as a sin, then the nudity was also a sin regardless of whether or not they recognized it beforehand. They recognized it as a sin as soon as they *had* eaten the fruit, and Yahweh acknowledged that covering themselves was evidence that they now knew the difference between good and evil, which means that he himself recognized it as evil in the book.
@@lnsflare1Maybe he should've put up a wall or a lava moat around that tree if it was so forbidden. Or, you know, not put it or snakes in the Garden of Eden in the first place.
@@lnsflare1 Sin is the act of disobeying God. If God has not commanded something, then it is not a sin to do other than that. This is why we say that sin does not exist to us, because there cannot be sin without God. Sin and evil are not the same thing. The narrative assumes that nudity is evil because the writers did. Clothing is not a punishment for a sin, it's a treatment for a condition. Like bandages for a wound.
"When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she will not be freed at the end of six years as the men are. If she does not please the man who bought her, he may allow her to be bought back again." Exodus 21: 7-8
Scoff on oh scoffer, without knowing first thing about what you read, as you continually search for things to denigrate, when you don't even know what the issue is, especially as relates to The God. Brilliant!
@@JLSAudioWorx - Reply? I don't know if you wrote anything, and I don't go hunting down what you might have said previously or what you responded to, if it is not recent. I barely look at who sent something on comment sections, much less go digging for previous comments made. I do a hundred a month, quite likely. Anyway, you should give a clear reference to what you're talking about, OR YOU will be talking RANDOM GIBBERISH, as YOU did in this case, so far at least. .
@david77james 🙄🙄🙄 cmon my guy, you know full well that he's talking about the scripture quoted by the OP, which indeed you did not attempt to reply to. And if you didn't realise that, then you may not be the most well equipped person to be defending such damning scriptures. By your own admission, you make a hundred comments a month, and if the comment above is anything to go by, that's a lot of time wasted - making 100 comments each month that, in effect, say nothing.
Your proof is what ? Maybe if you actually read the story instead of taken this liar view of the story you might actually learn something? Oh I get it people like you can't actually read but you rely on others to tell you things that they themselves don't understand.
god literally flooded and killed all humans only leaving noahs family and some animals in the fictional large boat because they didn't believe him, he's an incompetent jealous god, and after he killed all humans he gave noa a rainbow, like bruh
Oh here he goes again using logic and reason to explain how the bible is wrong when we all know magic and superstition and "mysterious ways" and two thousand years so what do you know and "cos I believe" and stuff and other stuff and reasons and more stuff mean the bible is absolutely true. When you use a well thought out logical argument against "stuff" you know you're on the losing side!😉😉 This is another clear and concise video. Thank you Aron Ra.
"God works in mysterious ways" and "bless your heart" are the two most duplicitous phrases ever. I almost died when I was 6 years old, and got the whole "Jesus saved you" and "God works in mysterious ways" spiel. It was then when I saw the foul natured side of modern evangelicalism. Thanks Mom and neighbor and grandma, but I'd rather have not been confronted with my own mortality from an everyday activity when I was still the truest notion of a child, causing lasting mental effects to this day. Now I see it for what it is, either a brainwashing technique, or a "fuck you" in the face of your suffering, neither of which are exactly desirable to receive.
@@phillyphakename1255 “thoughts and prayers “ is my favourite. An earthquake kills 10,000 and destroys a city. God being all powerful and all knowing could of stopped it but didn’t. Therefore he obviously didn’t give a shit. So why bother praying to him afterwards.
It just occurred to me, thinking about comedians, how the things you say could, with just a little tweaking, be turned into a very successful comedy act. I'm thinking about George Carlin in particular, and how his delivery is very similar to yours, with a big dose of sarcasm thrown in. I'm a big fan of yours Aron, and I'm not being snarky here. I really think you could be a very successful comedian, if you wanted to.
I agree. Mr Carlin was very smart and brought up many great religious conundrums that I often bring up to religious folks because they are mostly simple and easy to understand and God knows that is what is needed 99 percent of the time. Watch "the god who wasn't there" on u tube if you get a chance. Thanks Mr. Ra. Love you.
Carlin was a genius in his own way, not a bit shy about telling it like it is with brains and b@lls. Mr Aron, you're a sharp man; but I sure do miss George.
I make the same claim. I am an agnostic atheist, except for the Abrahamic god where I am very gnostic. Unless he is very different from any description, very different from any concept. And that applies to any god.
Agnostic is an atheist without balls, pick a lane, driving on the centre line just causes accidents and slows us up waiting for the ambulance to haul your " I can't make a decision " ass to the morgue
At least the Norse and Greeks said explicitly that their gods lied and cheated and did cruel things. They didn’t have any problem of evil, because there was no obvious bullshit about god, or the gods, being all good and all loving. Nope cruel liars their gods. Explicitly.
@Anti-anti-intellectual5 we're on the same terms 👌🏽. Look at it like this... Dont they claim also science for themselves?! ;) ... Building of Noahs Arch, Tower of Babel, etc. In a sense, that they think, science was "revealed" ...you know?! 🙂 dem Lunatics man (to say it the jamaican way)😉
If the serpant of the garden was actually Satan, then what does that say about God if he actively punished the actual snakes which lost their legs? No snake did any crime, but since God is apparently blind, he gave a severe punishment to an entire group of his own creations for something literally none of them did... Well, I guess punishing a group for something they didn't do is just how God rolls
Well they snake deceive Adam and Eve to disobey his command from eating the apple. Though I would have look at Adam and Eve and pardon and understand they were being deceive and mislead to disobey the snake clearly had an agenda and knew what he was doing so that to me does warrant punishment, that’s just basing off of Gods reason if punishing them now they f you take the gnostic belief the snake is actually look as a hero and trying to give Adam and Eve knowledge and I even believe according to them it wasn’t even Satan who was the serpent but was Jesus himself who was the snake and trying to liberate Adam and Eve front he demiurge, that’s according to Gnosticism.
Wow. I was brought up in a very religious family. I left the faith many years ago (when I realised the ministers were actually very much akin to the "priests of syrinx")😂. There were points you made that I hadn't actually thought about (the bits about the snake/satan and how if they hadn't eat from the "tree of life" they would have died. God made them to die, they needed something special to eat to stay alive) so good work. Extra bonus for getting Ozzy's "The Ultimate Sin" in there😂. Excellent work.
Jesus to his disciple Peter, He who lives by the sword will die by the sword!" Jesus was a carpenter, who nails pieces of wood together...give it a minute, it'll come to you...
@@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 If God doesn't acknowledge any other greater than himself, does that make God an athiest? I enjoy asking Bible-thumpers questions that can't be answered!🤣🤪😂
Concerning Jesus potentially being a mason instead of a carpenter: I heard somewhere that back in the day in the Middle East, stone masonry was referred to as carpentry. Apparently there wasn’t enough wood to go around, so much of their furniture and whatnot was made of stone (much more plentiful than wood).
There is a difference between a lie and bullshit. A liar knows the truth and is deliberately trying to conceal it, while a bullshitter doesn't know or care what the truth is they are just making stuff up. Bullshit may be accidentally true.
I like Jesus telling us that God looks after all the little animals and plants, providing all that they need to thrive. Completely contrary to the 'red in tooth and claw' reality of natural selection where populations constantly outstrip resources, and where famine, disease and predation are negative, but necessary parts of nature.
The whole carpenter Jesus thing, as far as I know, comes from some misunderstanding of the word 'tekton' which meant craftsman, or something along those lines. But every time that nonsense is brought up, I'm reminded of one of the early UA-cam basement-dwellers-trying-to-be-preachers saying "Jesus was a carpenter! Yeah, he built HOUSES!" in one of those tiresome "atheists are bad" proto-sermons. The only tools Jesus picks up in the bible are a dozen -financial domination money pigs- disciples who steal things for him. That and the whip he's written as going out and handcrafting in the woods because he saw moneylenders in a temple and got so angry he just had to go and make himself a weapon from scratch for a couple hours before he could come back and beat people up with it. Gentle Jesus, meek and mild.
Dude! I wish I would have discovered you decades ago. You are a gift to mankind. Your are a voice of reason in an ocean of chaos. I have a lot of videos to catch up on. I am so pleased to find you on UA-cam. I want to be an activist like you, but I'm not nearly as smart as you are. Still I'd love to do something and make a difference. Keep on rocking man. I love your videos.
"Have you ever thought you heard God calling you to real estate investing" Is literally the ad that started playing the moment I clicked this video and I just find it extremely ironic 😂
Well, the "Tower of Babel" really did "happen", but Babylon's great ziggurat was known to it's builders as "Etemenanki", which means "Stepping-Stone of the God", & it's designed purpose, according to the cuniform records relating to it, was to accommodate visits from their sky god, Marduk, so the exact opposite of the purpose described dishonestly in Genesis. Also, it was commissioned & built to completion during the reign of King Hammurabi (yes, THAT Hammurabi) & stood for most of the next 1,000 years, being used as intended for religious rituals. It was still standing, though in a state of neglect, when Alexander the Great arrived. Additionally, there are plenty of preserved cuniform texts from throughout that time period to prove that the Babylonian language went through no sudden change then, while other evidence proves that other world language groups were already well-developed. So, other than the existence of the "tower" itself, the tale in Genesis is a steaming heap of...lies.
Sounds like the tower is like Christmas. They just slap their religion over something that already exists, and say they always owned it. Sounds kind of Primate to me.
@Samael so God wants us to remain stupid? Were it not for our knowledge you'd live to 30 maximum You'd spend your days scavenging for food, hunting and struggling to stay alive
@@drsatan9617 They already picked and chose which books were to be included and which were "apostasies" in the 4th century at the Council of Nicea. Early Christianity had many more sects in play before that, including some rather wild ones closer in a lot of respects to Buddhism. They also of course excluded the ones that gave women any prominent roles as there were sects with women priests and bishops. And also the gospels of James (Jesus' brother) and Mary Magdalene were suppressed.
Aron, you may be interested in the "brawl" that is currently taking place in Scotland where one of the candidates to become First Minister of Scotland has become embroiled in a row over her Christian beliefs. Both sides of the debate are flinging insults at each other. This is quite uncharacteristic for Scotland as it is normally a very tolerant (secular) society, where people with and without faith normally live (reasonably) harmoniously together.
Good job! Very good collection of arguments! I have found many of them on my own, just by thinking logically and look around the surrounding reality in light of the bible.
.. I find it weird that a God, like Allah, has enemies .. he is all powerful yet he has enemies that require human help to defeat .. he is all perfect, all complete yet he is so insecure that insists on believers constantly praising him, bowing down to him.
YHVH is the self gone toxic; wasting his autonomy and the power to exercise it on seeking external validation, and branding as enemies those who dare point out the flaws in such a mindset. He is his own Devil/Adversary.
We even have the word of a theologian agreeing that the Bible God does indeed lie.
Why don’t you produce the verses where God lies and the context. In other words exegesis.
@@yisraelavraham4078 I did! I even pinned a comment from a Christian theologian doing the same and admitting that I am right about that.
@@AronRa I don’t care much for Christian theologians. From your own intellect do an exegesis from the verses where God lies. Context, context, context please.
@@yisraelavraham4078 I believe I explained that in the video you're commenting on.
I don't know AronRa explanation was pretty understandable to me lol
An Athiest is a person who knows the voices in their head are their OWN.
@@brianfergus839 i before e except after see, he saw therefore e before i ;)
@Elite Weeaboo 🤣🤣🤘
If you're talking to god, it's called prayer.
If god is talking to you, it's called schizophrenia.
@@0x777 🤣🤘👍
The Bible: always literally the straightforward word of God....until it needs to be a "just a metaphor" to rescue a believer that's talked themselves into a corner.
95% (give or take) of Abrahamic scripture is metaphor, allegory or some such. Some events are provable and have been proven. Doubtful they happened exactly the way the bible describes, no more than the diCaprio version of Titanic was a accurate retelling of what really happened.
There has been a mass killing of babies commited by the king of Israel as mentioned in the Bible, it is even known in what year. The Bible states, it happened when Jesus was 3 years old, which means, if you cross-reference when it actually happened, Jesus was born in 6BC.
The fall of the Tower of Babel was hugely metaphorised. It was not a tower but the Empire of Babylon. It was so mighty, particularely in the fields of academia, Babylonian was the defacto lingua franca for the entire middle-east and mediterranian (just as English is the lingua franca for large parts of the world and nearly all international communications) because every merchant, every dignitary and every ruler sent their offspring there to study (just as the sons of East-Asian and African dictators get sent to Oxford and Yale to study statemanship and thus are fluent in English). But it was complacant in its wealth and power and had a weak military. When it was ransacked by barbarian hordes, the mighty universities got destroyed and nobody went there anymore to study, the Babylonian language faded into oblivion, the many kingdoms no longer had a common diplomatic language.
The Great Flood was pretty localised, only the Mediterranian Basin, really. It used to be a lush valley with grasslands and forests, until the barrier to the Atlantic broke where now the Straight of Gibralta is. Even in the scripture, Noah was never instructed to put all animals in the world on his boat, he was to only put HIS animals, the animals that lived on his lands, on his boat. And often times, when there is somebody in the Bible claiming that God spoke to them, it often was their gutt instinct or subcosciousness talking (or the booze or the drugs or their dissociative schitzophrenia disorder...but yes, often it was simply their gutt instinct...).
The story of Adam and Eve and the Apple is several unrelated allegories rolled into one. The most recognisable is a comming of age story. Before the apple, Adam's only duty was to name all the animals. This was not to mean, he got to choose the names of the animals, he had to learn them, he had to learn how to recognise them, he had to learn their behavior patterns and tracks, He was a brat who had to learn to be a hunter. But he was still a child, and life was paradise. Didn't have to work for food, had all of eternity to play around and enjoy the sun and learn the names of all the animals. And when his "little snake" reared its head and a girl offered a taste of her "fruit bearing tree" to him, and then his father and the adults of the tribe realised that they were both carnally active, childhood was over. He now no longer was a boy, he was now a man and had to work for his food. And just as childhood is a country where nobody dies, as an adult it was impressed onto him in no uncertain terms that he was mortal (many primitive tribes have comming of age rituals that inflict near-death experiences onto young men). Meanwhile Eve, no longer a girl but now a woman, had to come to terms with the biological and social reality of what it means to be a woman: pregnancy, excrutiating pain in childbirth, obedience to the bloke who is providing her with food and shelter. They were cast out of the paradise of childhood and into the harsh wastelands of adulthood.
Jahwe, Jehova or whatever...the god of Abraham... is only the god of the tribes of Abraham, David and Israel. His 10 commandments only apply to the descendents of the people who followed Moses through the desert. He is a desert god, not a creator god, certainly not the only god in existence. He is not the god of the thrachians, of the summerians, the vendics, ainu, the sioux, the teutons, the etruscans, the iberians, or anybody else..only the god of the descendents of Abraham, David, the god of the descendents of the families who followed Israel into Egypt and the descendents of the families that followed Moses out of Egypt. Nowhere in the Bible does scripture talk of false gods...until the Israelites no longer lived in the desert and now needed a god who knew how to bless fertile lands and thusly turned to Baal, the god of fertility and agriculture in the lands they lived in, an act of betrayal against the covennant by the Israelites for which the desert god (or his priests who saw their authority dwindling) pronounced the gods of the lands the Israelites conquered "false".
You use metaphors in everyday language.Does the sun really set in the west.
You know Jesus used metaphors and analogies all the time right so it's not exactly a crazy idea.
@@ptk8451I am thinking you may want to revisit the definition of metaphor. The sun rising and setting is a basic observation from our vantage point on the earth.
@@ptk8451 How could you say something that stupid?
Faith is extreme ignorance.
Extreme AND deliberate.
Close. It's extreme gullibility that promotes ignorance.
Source: My life as extremely gullible and faithful to an imaginary being. AronRa was instrumental in my deconstruction years ago.
Ignorance and a delusion.
Faith is demanding that I must take their Imaginary Friend seriously, or else face consequences.
True. And Aron's belief that "trans women ARE women (in some vague, mystical, pseudo-spiritual sense that nobody can even define, coherently...)" is EXACTLY as supernatural and faith-based, as any Christian/Muslim claim about "gods".
Aron Ra USED to have honest, consistent, evidence-based beliefs... Until the last year or so, when he started promoting beliefs that have the EXACT SAME standard of evidence as Christianity, or any other religion.
The evidence for "god" is 100% IDENTICAL to the evidence for Ra's belief in "gender"- ie, BOTH claims have literally ZERO empirical evidence... yet believers (like Ra) respectively accept BOTH claims, SOLELY on the basis of "but it FEEELS true, to me!!!"
Sex is based 100% on empirical, real-world evidence.
While "gender" has NO empirical evidence, and is based ONLY on feelings and bald-faced assertion (just like ALL religious claims...)
Yet, if you ONLY believe the evidence-based claim (sex), and reject the claim that's 100% devoid of ANY SHRED of empirical evidence ("gender"), then Ra claims you're being an immoral "bigotted transphobe".
How is that ANY different from a Christian, who claims you're immoral ("you just hate god, and want to sin!!"), if you reject HIS (equally) evidence-free claims about the Christian god?!?
Both are TEXTBOOK (entirely FAITH-based) religious demands; Thinly-disguised attempts to pressure you into accepting claims without evidence- "God/Aron/Allah isn't FORCING you to believe anything... But if you choose to REJECT the (100% devoid of empirical, demonstrable evidence) truth of the koran/"gender"/the bible, then you're an immoral god-denyer/a transphobic bigot/you just hate god, and want to sin!!!"
Ra USED TO reject faith...
But today, Ra actively DEMANDS faith in evidence-free claims... He just does this in an EVEN MORE dishonest way than most Christians (who, like Ra, will ALSO swear they really totally OPPOSE belief without evidence!! That their claims all DO totes have rational evidence, etc).
Just like Christianity or ANY religion, Ra's faith-based belief in "its true COZ I SAY it's true", evidence-free, 100% feels-based "gender" quickly collapses, with A BARE MINIMUM of honest, consistent, EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE-BASED investigation... But sadly, most of Ra's fellow-believers are no more likely to HONESTLY question their own evidence-free beliefs, as any Christian or Muslim will ever question THEIR beliefs being "the REAL truth".
-Biological sex is based ONLY on empirical evidence.
-"Gender" has LITERALLY ZERO empirical evidence; it's based 100% on "but it FEEELS true, to me!!" ONLY...
If you prioritize the evidence-free ("gender") as somehow being "the REAL truth", above SIMPLE, EVIDENCE-BASED REALITY (ie sex), then you're a religious believer, actively promoting faith, and denying evidence-based reality...
(and no amount of mental gymnastics and slogans about "just a social construct", "conflating sex with gender", religious persecution victim narratives. Or accusations that rejecting evidence-free assertions = "hateful, bigotted transphobia" will change that simple, evidence-based reality...)
LOVE from the Bible
"Happy is the one who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks."
~Bible - Psalm 137:9
What tha fk??
Some real creepy S….. there
There is no love like the bible love!!
Soooo loving...
Babies were disposable in the bronze age Hebrew society. A man might have 12 wives and 37 children by age 55.
The Bible is supposedly the word of god, but it matches the politics and the moral compass of the time period it was written in EXACTLY.
Yet no Christians point this out?
If it was the word of an all knowing, all loving god... Wouldn't it be completely different?
You're incredible Aron. Never change! Unless you want to! :D
The Bible sure seems a bit less florwerpowerly than it should be.
And the knowledge. That's the biggest hint about the very mundane source.
They will point it out with regards to every other religion, though.
Strangely my proof of the supernatural would be a text that is not in any known language yet instantly not only able to be read but able to be perfectly comprehended and impossible to interprate in any other way and if it was done any being that could read the text and who could correct them. This would apply to anyone who could read, even if otherwise illiterate.
I agree .
To be fair, George Santos would totally have claimed to have wrestled Jacob thousands of years ago.
People really enjoy being lied to it seems. I just saw a video on my recommendations that Santos is getting 7 figure campaign donations. Facepalming.
He did, don't forget he's Jew-ish. 🤣
@@rhondah1587 hi there, he's financed by rich right-wing Christian's 🙈😭
I heard Santos say he was the snake in Eden. Also, he slew Goliath. And then, because he never shuts up, started talking about how he led elephants over the mountains with Alexander.
Do you have any proof he didn't? 😆
Even as a little Mexican boy, I never believed in this bullshit.
Maybe that's why mehico is loaded with cartels who spend their free time diss ...membering...those that are yet living
What was your next form after little mexican boy?.
@@NevilleBamshu23big Mexican boy
@@NevilleBamshu23 Outstanding US citizen
@@NevilleBamshu23 its not like hes a pokemon fym "next form" ✍✍🔥🔥
"For if you eat from the fruit of the tree of knowledge, on this day you shall surely die"
-God, telling the first lie ever told
God didn't write it, it's way more simple than this,God does not lie,the devil pretends to be God,there is simple truth in the word, everywhere, you must discern.Even if Yeshua was a freemason,he was a perfect prophet,maybe God's making a way for the dark Angels when Satan keeps telling them the same thing he's telling us humans,that we ain't good enough.Truth is what matters, embrace the truth and the description won't matter,all God wants is us to acknowledge reality,he Loves us.
that what corolates closest with reality.
Religion should be banned from using that word.....
Superb! "God is not dead, because he never lived in the first place!"
*WELL I declare,...* TRUTH *BE TOLD* Ur *Right!!*
*BINGO* Sheesh, try TELLING *that* to McDowell & Williams in their *NEW* "COMIC" book "how to *"KNOW"* god exists.
@@godlessblessings7020 Oh the cognitive bias and dissonance of it all!
@@Bob-of-Zoid I've never seen emojis like that
@@LisaAnn777 They just showed up in the emoji picker a few months ago. I didn't even have emojis at all until a few months before that, and the stuff just showed up!
All I can tell you is I don't pay for UA-cam, but do Use Firefox with wicked good popup and add blockers on Linux and on a computer, not an app on a phone.
Here's some more:
I met a person recently that seemed to think the same thing about the wind. She told me that we don't know what the wind is and that we'll never know because we aren't meant to. According to her the wind is created by God so it's impossible for us to understand.
Don't you just love/loath when idiots practically tell you they've only ever read one book and not even half of it? These anti-fact religious fundies are so exhausting...
What an airhead
She isn't that bright is she? As a primary schooler I was interested in Meteorology. Very useful especially since I was competing dingy sailing. The wind is very well understood.
She can't be to bright, they show synoptic maps on tv every day
She a Muslim? There's a make up/ apologist channel that makes similarly stupid arguments and windows into the sheer lack of education of these individuals.
When a god DEMANDS love and respect, tries and tests their faith daily for eons, taunts people with back and forth ideas if they will go to heaven and hell and tells people to kill others in his name, that's NOT a God...that's a Demon.
From the thousands of gods mankind has invented, it sounds exactly like a trickster god
And you would be right to a degree. But wrong in another way.
But God and his word is not what you and yours actually want, so the truth is not in you.
People as you will keep serving the world and its ruler because that is what you people choose.
Lastly, we are like dust, and we did not deserve God to send his Only begotten son to and for us, the holiest man who ever lived and the second most powerful man/being in the universe. It will be up to whomever to decide to value that gift and ransom and most undeserved kindness ever displayed towards humans. True Christians (not just anyone calling themselves Christian or God-fearing) exist, even though they sin, and have the hope of an ever lasting life on a paradise Earth once this is all over. It's coming and everyone knows it when they look around the world and everything happening. "The Great Tribulation" is coming soon enough, then God and Jesus will do away with this System of things and this life you all choose to ignore regarding God will be forgotten. Gods people will move on to eternal life on a paradise Earth, all else will be forgotten. That is one reason I choose to promote Gods good news of his kingdom. The Bible declares creation, accuracy and fact unlike no other book ever written. It's coming.
Even as a kid I always thought there was somthing strange about religion. Back when religion was created I had a feeling that it was a book made up to controll the masses the way that things were at the time. But the world has changed and things aren't like that anymore for the most part. So it's just an outdated behavior guide that need to be gotten rid of in my opinion. Plus all the stuff ritten in it is just so fantasized it can't be real. The god in the bible sounds like a tyrant more than a savior. But that's just my thoughts.
@@markuse3472 Keep on talking, while humans cure disease and solve issues you god can't seem to figure out. The world has been supposed to end for such a long time, but no prophecy gets the privilege of being wrong multiple times, yet still be believed. Creation didn't happen, if you believe it you are willfully ignorant. You wish people were "saved", but your kind are the ones that need to be freed from your indoctrination.
Take your mythical tales elsewhere. They belong in a book, not as a basis for your reality.
I live in se ky the Bible belt to the extreme! and I love AronRa I love his honesty, the way he thinks things out with logic and science! and how he explains things ! He is the greatest and makes me believe there is hope for the human race without resorting to religious mumbo jumbo!
It's easy for a God to not lie when he never said anything. Only men speak for him and they lie for him. Dishonesty is the hallmark for apologists. Hail Reason 🤘👹🤘
Hail Hail 🍀🍀
Hail SATAN!!!!
@@YTcensors right
@@brianmclendon1647 Hail Satan 🤘👹🤘
it's worth bearing in mind also that jesus didn't write a single word, not even "my dad can beat up your dad" and oddly, despite miracles being er, miracled every other day, no one actually wrote about him either, not even "saw jesus feet surfing today, rad"
no one really cared about jesus until paul saw a way to make billions and billions from bible sales.
"Is Jesus secretly a freemason." best quote of the day
I’m pretty sure he’s also a closet Illuminati! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@@joycesky5041 He’s the son of god and the freemasons is all about nepotism. It goes hand in hand.
He is currently the VP of marketing for Amway.
@@joycesky5041 Same thing. 😎
@@KGraceSpeaksKea1335 Really? I was thinking Josephus Flavius, so far.
Wouldn't surprise me if later people kept borrowing the same icons, though. Especially if knowing the roots.
"You idiot! This is not Him! You've wrestled God's stunt double!" --Jacob's sober friends
Please confirm to me that is a Spaceballs reference.
@@Powermad-bu4em It is!
Merchandising! Merchandising! Where the real money from the religion is made! We put the guy’s name on everything! Jesus the T-shirt! Jesus the coloring book! Jesus the lunchbox! Jesus the breakfast cereal! Jesus the flamethrower! Valentina Gomez loves this one. ;)
From the very moment a people says that God chose them to be his favorite people between the creation of heaven and earth, and that the only proof is a book that they themselves wrote "under his inspiration", it is time to realize of deception.
I would find the bible interesting if it explained in detail:
The configuration of our solar system and the universe beyond.
How evolution works and has resulted in the biodiversity we observe.
The structure and forces of atoms.
Plate tectonics and continental drift.
All these things would have sounded ridiculous to ancient humans but as technology advanced they would have been proven to be accurate.
In fact the bible would be a guide for scientists on where to look and what they should expect to find.
It should also contain instructions on how to create a society where everyone is equal and resources are evenly distributed so that nobody wants for anything. Basically a framework for world peace, Utopia.
All of this clearly communicated to everyone on earth. One "religion"
This book is what I would expect to see from a "higher power" or "god".
It is so far from what we actually have, a bible that has held back progress and been shown to be totally wrong whenever we finally have found answers.
It is man made superstitious nonsense.
This is ultimately what killed the bible for me, for good.☝🏾 💯
There are so many rules and sayings that are easily debunked and that make no actual sense (especially if you're proposing a 'benevolent' god), and these things are presented as truth and as proof because it is "so wise" -- yet absolutely NONE of the hardcore, no-one-could-know-this-unless-they-are-an-advanced-scientist stuff gets revealed by what is supposed to be the MOST important book in existence?
Nonsense! 🙅🏾♀️
The god of the bible having no more knowledge than people at the time (and sometimes less) is a dead giveaway.
perfectly put.
It would be simpler, and vastly more important thousands of years ago, to show that microorganisms exist and some of them cause disease. If one of the Commandments was, "You will wash your hands every time you handle dung or sick people", God would be more likely to actually exist.
If it had simply revealed the existence of microbes that cause disease, and provided instructions on how to detect and fight them, the Bible could have saved countless lives.
Excellent as usual.
Thank you sincerely.
We need Aron Ra in our schools!
We need people like Aron Ra to teach religious education. This is what R.E. should be - teach the complete non sense of what religions claims.
In Florida!
he is in some - well most. depends on what country and state you're in.
@@Anne--Marie The way things are down there, they definitely need someone like him educating him but would rather have Kent Hovind.
We have enough godless liars and a godless school system.
God told me I was going to be a billionaire... I'm still checking my empty bank account every month 😂😂😂
"Slaves, be subject to your masters with all reverence, not only to those who are good and equitable but also to those who are perverse."
1 Peter 2:18
The way the Bible has a bad record on supporting slavery.
Leviticus 25: 44-46, paraphrased, directs that from the nations around you you may buy slaves; they will become your property and may be inherited by your descendants.
and yet at the same time there's the threat of punishment for following so called "false prophets" and anyone else who spreads "evil". it's so laughably terrible and inconsistent bullshit that unfortunately gets real people harmed by idiots who blindly follow this nonsense.
@@dma8657 Nice. So the Bible tells me that I can buy a slave from, let's say, Canada, and that I can do all sorts of perverted things to them and they should subject themselves to me and revere me as their master. I'm _really_ beginning to like this religion now.
As we see, this scripture is one of character, it is not encouraging slavery, as no scripture does, it instead is saying that despite our situations to act honorably and show the love and goodness of God, even in bad situations that we can't control. This in no way tells you to go get a slave. But thank you for sharing this scripture.
I've read the book. Makes we wonder how everyone are not non-believers.
@IInyobill: Easy answer -- most of them haven't read it.
@@jacksimpson-rogers1069 Good observation.
There's been a numerous published studies done on this where people were questioned on their knowledge of the bible. In every case by far the highest scorers were atheists the lowest scorers were the more devout theists.
That's why Jan Hus, and William Tyndale, were burnt to death for translating it for the common populace. Half of them don't read it.
Because most people are dumb and stupid
Thank you for your work.
Thank you for being an acknowledgist instead of an apologist.
- I kept pausing the video to make notes. - A great start to my day. Thank you, Aron.
Really enjoyed this and hope it makes people think. Thank you so much.
Unfortunately the people that need it most won’t think on it, they will only attack Aron Ra
God does not speak into a man's head, but to his heart. Just like you speak from your heart about the things that matter to you. We are more than "joy and hope", dictionary definitions.
Evolution is not science: it's Counter science. The rest of the sciences are wonderful and beautiful, apart from big pharma and their more-hurtful-than-being-good effects, war machines, air and water pollution distributers, manufacturers of deforestation machines and a few more. Moving on, The Bible is accurate and true and everyone knows it, you people obviously appose it for spite and because you don't want the actual truth. Since the public universities don't allow creation or The Bible a topic for teaching, there are plenty of scientists who support creation and The Bible right here on UA-cam, sometimes, although too few, their lectures are at universities. The ONLY non-bias and non-prejudice science, mathematics or numbers--applied to all physics, biology, chemistry, denies evolution not just millions of times (which is enough to seriously question evolution), not just billions of times (which is enough to to make evolution an outright made up story), but Trillions of times over and beyond the point of Negative Probability--reason, wisdom, soundness, evidence, etc. It is impossible that evolution took place. But the evidence for creation, which must include God, is in all life, from the smallest molecules and animal and plant, to our atmospheres, sunlight and rain, all flora and fauna, to our Earth and the Sun, to the rest of the cosmos. The Bible is proven accurate time after time and again, from the global flood to Sodom and Gomorrah, Abraham and Lot, Joseph and Israel in Egypt, Moses and the Exodus, and the list keeps moving forward and on and on up to Jesus and first century Christians, ALL of these people and events and places are ALL linked and bundled together into One story, one theme, one message, unlike no other book ever written. Why? Because it is God inspired. All prophesies that needed to come to pass have come to pass, from ancient times, to Jesus' day, throughout the centuries when Gods word became "secret" (Daniel 12:7-13), to when "The last days" started, when Jesus became king in heaven, 1914, and Revelation 12:7-12 began to be fulfilled. Talking snakes is Aron seems to make a big point of his stance against The Bible? Than you need to understand the Bible first before you stand on your point spoken. Satan had the ability to turn into namely whatever he wanted, as did the other angels, and a serpent was his choice. It was that easy. Again, science denies evolution because evolution is counter science. Honest science proves creation and The Bible accurate one hundred percent. "Faith is the assured expectation of things hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities though not beheld" (Hebrews 11:1). This is what faith stands on, not Your assumed "blind faith." If you are going to talk about a subject, it displays a sound mind and person worth listening to if you knew and understood what you are criticizing. This is a rule of standard and principle on matters of teaching and conducting the subject matter. Lastly, when you say (in other videos) that The Bible took stories from other previous books or writings, IF those stories were actually written before The Bible was ("scientists" of course twist the evidence as they always do), there is no doubt they simply wrote down their material from the actual events that took place according to what The Bible says. The Bible had his word written according to His timing. As I said before, all Gods prophesies must take place; few remain. Your choice.
One of Aron's finest moments. This is infinitely rewatchable.
Seems like he hasn't suffer enough. Perhaps the suffering in Africa 🌍 he would then understand that only Jesus can help them now. Here in America and Europe the brainwashed continues ....
@@chiloandchepo How can jebus help Africa exactly?
Wow! You took me back to my senior year in high school (1980). We had a very progressive teacher for AP English. First half the year we read Animal Farm and Lord of the Flies, had a lively discussion and had to write a paper taking a stance on contrast or comparison. Second half, we read a book on Mythology and The Book of Job, following the same format. I found out I wasn't the only atheist in class! And we also delved into this exact topic you covered... God and Satan's personality and behavior in different parts of the Bible and comparisons to the Mythology we covered earlier. Again, very lively and interesting discussions from both sides. Best class I had in high school in SC. I thoroughly enjoyed your video!
Side note: my mother, a staunch and strict Catholic, was quite pleased I was reading the family Bible again (it was a big honkin book and beautifully illustrated)... until she read my paper (for which I got an A-). We've been estranged since (I'm 60 and she's 82).
My mother was also a strict Catholic. When I came out as atheist to her it hurt her deeply. She told me she had to decide that God could not possibly condemn me to Hell as the Church taught her. One of the cruelest things religion does is put dogma over parental love.
In SC no less! Wish I'd have had more support like that in the early 90s. Whereabouts?
@@ApocryphalDude This was at Socastee High in Socastee, just west of Myrtle Beach. It was a combination of AFB kids and locals. The teacher's name was Larson. It was a really good class!
@@michaelwmauser1- Face it michael , religion is a mind-fucker more effective than any drug ...
@@RR-VanityInKnickers Heck I've been over there. I was stuck an entire morning at that McDonalds. Seems like a nice place.
There is actually a video out there somewhere of Steven Anderson proclaiming that the bible itself is God. So you're right, they literally do worship a book!
That’s the whole foundation of Protestantism. Martin Luther basically said “all the churches are corrupt and people worship the corrupt Pope for some reason. Instead we’re going to worship the one thing we know is from god; the bible”
Catholics worship the church system while Protestants worship the bible.
A book that most of them have not, and will not, ever read. All Christians I know would be absolutely astonished at the evil lies they don't even know their book dispenses, let alone the misogyny and homophobia.
Anything possible with Magical Thinking
A grimoire
Hes not even claiming a weird thing for them. John 1:1
The louder a person shouts about the"firm" faith that person has, the more insecure that person is about the faith
"Adam lived longer than Dracula"
Keep em' pumpin' Aron. I love it.
According to the "Parable of the Mustard Seed" in Matthew 13:31-32, mustard seeds are the smallest in the plant kingdom. Right? Wrong. Mustard seeds, which are about 2 millimeters in diameter, are behemoths when compared with those of orchids.
I mean they are already noticebally bigger than poppy seeds well known at the time across Eurasia, including Judea, so whoever wrote Matthew was ignoramus even for his time.
@@minskghoul well, writer(s) thought that verses about messiah riding on donkey, on foal of donkey, which was clearly poetry way to talk about same young donkey, meant that messiah was supposed to read on two donkeys! 🤣
@j.j.1064 But an orchid doesn't grow into a tree, does it - the second part of the parable.
@@wwlib5390 since when has mustard been tree?
@Conon the Binarian Don't start using facts and logic. Ww cannot understand anything you say using that.
The day god lies…. Is the day he exists….
Can't argue with that logic.
The title is figurative not literal
God = frequencies
The bible is the word of ego
Frequencies create everything in the universe. Human language is copying the process that frequencies create with.
@@thedude5740 I think you have to explain what you mean by frequencies to begin with. By itself it doesn't say much.
@@lobban2 look at these two experiments, if you can see it, no further explanation should be needed, but most people do not have sight to see
The amazing resonance experiment and star in a jar. What you see in those experiments shows exactly how the bible describes God.
You know, Aron I can understand why some people would call you one of those "angry" atheists. You and I were both lied to for most of our lives by the people we trusted the most. We have every right to be angry.
You also have the right not to be angry.
@@freshliving4199ok mouth breather
It's not a case of "lying", but a case of willful ignorance. Numerous, thousands of PhDs know that the Bible's books & authors thereof, have an uncanny coalescing & merging facts about God, which are nothing like any other writings known to humankind. 24,000 ancient manuscripts about ONE issue, not a few hundred written about well known people & issues in history. You don't look, so you don't find. God purposefully made it that way.
You can be angry all you want. However, every human being has their own burden to seek to ABSOLUTELY KNOW whether The Creator God exists, and to ask of God to be led to Himself. EVERY intelligent person knows that God exists. Every person who seeks to know Him intimately IS led to Him.
The evolution farce is something that every scientist must also examine, especially since there is NO VALID scientific principles that cause evolution of species or abiogenesis (first life) to even be a plausible concept.
Imagine relying on a bolt of lighting into a warm pond, as many evo's do, and that somehow, that bolt of lightning was able to create and assemble EACH component of life during that one split second, and thereby result in the first reproductive biological cell on earth. Then, realize that scientists discovered the tiniest cell ever known to exist, circa 2000 AD. They discovered that this cell required a MINIMUM of about 380 biological body parts/ organelles/ organs, which allow the cell to thrive & reproduce.
Then, go back and spend ten minutes on a worthless class about evolution, based on what Richard Dawkins or Aron Ra claim, and THEN you'll realize that if even that tiniest cell required ALL THE COMPONENTS OF LIFE that it does, the concept for a Divine Designer is quite appropriate for one and all to consider.
Don't be duped.
There is no secular evidence that godman Jesus exists.
oh, I'm sure there
are plenty of scholars that would say that jesus exists because most are of the Christian faith,
but other scholars
in support of the Jesus Myth theory can be found in the writings of Richard Carrier and Robert Price and
David Fitzgerald, the author of : "Ten Christian Myths That Show Jesus Never Existed at All."
Even Bart Ehrman ( a well-known Biblical scholar) said:
*No first century secular evidence whatsoever exists to support the actuality of Yeshua ben Yosef.*
"What sorts of things do pagan authors from the time of Jesus have to say about him? Nothing.
As odd as it may seem, there is no mention of Jesus at all by any of his pagan contemporaries.
There are no birth records, no trial transcripts, no death certificates;
there are no expressions of interest, no heated slanders, no passing references - nothing.
In fact, if we broaden our field of concern to the years after his death - even if we include the entire first century of the Common Era -
there is not so much as a solitary reference to Jesus in any non-Christian, non-Jewish source of any kind.
I should stress that we do have a large number of documents from the time -
the writings of poets, philosophers, historians, scientists, and government officials, for example,
not to mention the large collection of surviving inscriptions on stone and private letters and legal documents on papyrus.
In none of this vast array of surviving writings is Jesus' name ever so much as mentioned."
"Faith is the ability to believe in something that you know cannot possibly be true."
Nice. Just stole it too
Do you believe in the hyper complex DNA CODE, which is responsible for designing & building DIFFERENT TYPES of cells & millions of animal species? So, DNA, which could NOT have possibly written itself, just exists? No intelligent person who has studied code believes that, user.
Someone, years ago, asked me, "If, you don't believe in god then you worship the devil." My response was, "What makes you think that since I don't believe in god that I would believe in his brother, the devil?" Nice to see, after all these years, I'm not alone in giving that response. :D
How does one distinguish between the two anyway? They both are shapeshifters lol....how does a mere human know. Jesus was a false God sent to spread a false, hateful religion and all christians are going to hell why atheists go to haven for staying strong against the false religion and it's Cult of death....
Proof me wrong🤡😂
All these wacky denominations have absolutely NOTHING in common with the original christian delusion anyway...
@@Raydensheraj emphasis on "false" seems to imply there's a true religion..
Satan is basically Yahweh's servant. It's kind of a "good cop, bad cop" situation. Otherwise Yahweh wouldn't be omniscient and omnipotent, he had to know Lucifer would rebel and cause the Fall of Man.
@@titanomachy2217 So what you are saying, in effect, that this god is playing with his creations, like a kid does with his toys?
@@AthenaSchroedinger Yeah, pretty much. I don't think the Old Testament ever actually implies that Yahweh is omnibenevolent, or even a loving deity at all. It spends a lot more time emphasizing Yahweh's wrath and jealousy than it spends talking about Yahweh showing anyone favor, and when he does do something nice for one person or group of people, it is usually whilst doing harm to other people. It's only in the New Testament that this sort of duality wherein Yahweh is all-loving and Satan is the source of evil manifests. Most Christians will never reach these conclusions though, they'll rationalize away any inconsistencies with the idea of a "tri-omni" God by saying we can't judge God because he knows things we don't and this must be the best way of doing things. It's the same sort of response as when you ask why Yahweh couldn't have just created us in heaven to begin with, or why he put the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the garden with a tricky snake he knew would convince Eve to eat the forbidden fruit. "God works in mysterious ways" they'll say, shrugging their shoulders.
Brilliant as always good Sir!!!
If there's one thing I learned from years of Christian education, it's that anything refuted by modern reasoning is just waved off completely as metaphor
And then Creationists came along.
If that's the ONE thing you learned, you don't qualify to remark on any subject, much less form a viable broad conclusion. The tiniest known cell requires almost 400 components/organelles, fully formed, fully functional & inter-functional, ALL simultaneously, within the master cellular organism, or else it cannot live, thrive & reproduce. So, in your mind, do you think a bolt of lightning hit a pond & created the first tiny cell? Brilliant. God might be strange, but humans are just weird and/or stupid.
Wow, this video opened my eyes. I am christian no longer, throughout most of my life, going to church and reading the bible, there were so many unanswered questions that Christians couldn’t explain to me without me thinking that they aren’t making any sense. Always had my doubts reading the bible bc there are many things in it that my brain can’t comprehend due to how ridiculous it all seems. Smh, In the end I am not surprised. In the back of my mind I just knew something was off. Thank you.
Explain biblical prophecies being filled out right now. It’s not too late for you, many Christian’s don’t know what they’re talking about. It even says in the Bible that most Christians go to hell. Trust me when I say this, if you read the Bible, not read or listen to dudes on the internet, you will truly know what gods word is. Its not too late for you ✝️
Beautiful 🥰🦋🦄 the joy of knowledge.
Much love from Ireland ☘️💚🍀
A character in a book. That is all the god character is.
A character in a poorly written series of books! 👍
The worst, most evil character in all of fiction
Old testament: A poorly written anthology of short stories.
New testament: The first collection sold so well, we published a second anthology, and included fan fiction, never mind that some of the worldbuilding contradicts itself. Themed anthologies do that because the authors submit stories without coordinating with the other contributors and all the readers want is a good story.
literally, it's good fiction, even though it has many, but many flaws it's still good fiction, and would play a video game about christian mythology, just I play in greek, egyptian, norse mythology, but you cannot live life thinking this is true, and basing your moral view and the understanding of the world in this fiction, it's just limiting your human capacity and capability
@@jasonsabbath6996 The bible is pretty well written, most old books are better written than modern books.
People don't believe in a god, they just believe their pettiness should be worshipped as one.
first video i've ever watched of Aron Ra and boy am i glad i did, because it launched me into the realm of skepticism and actually reading the bible from an analytical standpoint instead of a biased one.
As someone who neither comes from a (strictly) religious family nor has ever been a believer for even one day in life and also comes from a country in which religions generally play a subordinate role, I have a rather distanced attitude anyway, but still - from a philosophically and sociologically motivated interest - view at the topic in general. For me, the content of theistic religions consists entirely of traditional ancient mythology and is therefore only relevant to me from an artistic point of view. I am also a supporter of the thesis that Jesus never existed. A thesis on which I can recommend reading especially "Jesus Never Existed: An Introduction to the Ultimate Heresy" by Kenneth Humphreys. Keep up your great work, Aron, it contributes to making the earth a better place.
Actually from a social science perspective the study of religion is important in the impacts it has on societal development. As an important institution holding societal power it should be analyzed as thoroughly as any other power base. At least that's my perspective as a political scientist with leanings toward social psychology and group behavior.
I always say Satan is more like my favorite superhero when people ask if i'm a satanist
Africa needs people like you Mr Ra, to help them see through the religious nonsense they have immersed themselves in.Good video
Especially charismatics like Prosperity Gospel and faith healing. Those con artist preachers are no better than witch doctors.
@@titanomachy2217 worst part is, they are everywhere
@@thedragonofechigo7878 and living big
We put them in that nonsense-colonialsm
I know right, I am African and I am desperately yearning for an Atheist activist. 😭
AronRa you are goals !
Aron Ra is just a great human being. Utmost respect!
The actual purpose is to make you accept what you know ain't so. Conformity is the goal of religion.
Religion: Conditioning people to lie to themselves and each other since god knows how long, and yet it still works like a bic lighter.
This is what I think when hit with the “gods beyond our imagination” line. If that’s true it’s odd that he’s seems bound b6 the imagination of who ever he happens to be dealing with.
If a christian god existed and if this god was almighty and wanted to write a book to set up the rules of good behavior using speech which was easily and unambiguously understandable by everyone, they would have done so.
Always amusing, especially the sun bit.
Makes me appreciate the world building of DIskworld so much more, where lots of biblical things are real, flat world, sun moving around, etc.
I am currently reading The Last Continent. I’m in the middle of the part where the wizards meet the god on the island where they’re stranded. He makes so much more sense than the abrahamic god.
Yes and finally an explanation for the platypus.
Sir Terry is much-missed. Met him at a book signing back in 1990. A most likeable and witty bloke he was.
The reason that Science and Religion cannot cross, is because Science is about dealing with reality, by using proven methods that self-correct. Science adapts and fixes it's mistakes to tell us the best possible way to deal with reality.
Religion is taking the mythology in your head and projecting it outwards. There is no method to self-correct built in, in fact it openly encourages followers to reject reality and embrace faith.
Religion is built upon claiming to know things that cannot possibly know, and then twisting the meanings of words to support unjustified beliefs, no wonder all arguments for god are broken gibberish.
This deserves much more attention.
Religion leeches off of science whenever it can.
The only caveat is that we must be careful not to deity science and remember that it is empirical/always evolving.
Evolution is a theory. It can't be replicated in a laboratory. The Bible is a theory as well. It can't be proven. I just trust Jesus and love my neighbor ❤
@@randallloomis4756 sorry but that's wrong. Evolution is a Scientific Theory with hundreds of thousands of studies and papers that all come to the same conclusion. Evolution is a fact of life, evolution is how life continues to function.
Religion is a "theory", but the meaning of "theory" in the religious context equates directly to "unsupported opinion" or "my feelings" for its actual meaning.
The Bible is a mythology book that has zero supporting evidence. The Theory of Evolution has more supporting evidence than the Theory of Gravity.
Misunderstanding of terminology usage is not a valid argument.
AronRa is a very wise man.
Not when it comes to the Bible or ancient history. It’s basically the Dunning Kruger effect personified.
Oh on the contrary, he would be wise if he would stop making a fool of himself when he clearly don't even know what the bible is all about because if he did know then he wouldn't be saying all the foolish things about what he is quoting. He don't want truth he just lives to argue when someone don't wanna believe his foolishness.
@@thomasfontenot4881 Keep defending the cosmic comic book. Written by an ignorant race of people for an ignorant group of people who believe that the voices in their head are anything other than just what they are--which is wishful thinking. If you have given up coloring books, you can give up the cosmic comic book. You may even feel like a grownup.
The study showing that prayer is no better than random chance when it comes to preventing death in cardiac patients should have been the final nail in the coffin of religion. But no, believers simply got offended at the prospect of their god being 'experimented upon' without being able to formulate any specific reason why that shouldn't work. The implications are that god is either non-existent, non-benevolent, non-omnipotent, or does not want us, his creation, to learn about him.
But really, this pathological mindset that caused the author of the study to thank an omnipotent, omnibenevolent god for a laughable 2% improvement in survival rates among those patients prayed for is what troubles me. Of course, even this pathetic benefit has turned out to be the result of errors in data analysis.
People with cardiac illnesses are actually doing worse if the know they’re being prayed for, because the stress of wanting to get well to prove the prayers worked exacerbates their illness.
@kellydalstok4518T his is especially concerning given how eager many Christians are about letting people know they are playing for them. Despite the fact that their holy book specifically admonishes against boasting about praying.
Love it!!! Keep these vids coming Aron!! (When you have time of course) there’s just not enough truth in the world!
Great sermon!
God : I am a jealous God ,the only God , thou shall worship none other but Me ..... ...If he's the only god then who is it jealous of?
I don't worship any God. The Bible is corrupted antiquated archaic language. Jesus never wanted people to worship him.
I cant stop laughing!! Aron is just so funny and honest at the same time.
The first sin Adam and Eve recognized was their own nudity, which predated their eating of the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and was not something they choose to do to themselves, which means that Yahweh committed the *actual* Original Sin.
Nope. They only recognized nudity as shameful after they ate the fruit. Within the biblical framework, the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil is the origin of the human conscience.
The nudity was not a sin before that, and no one told them it was after that. At least not in the Bible, which is the only place that they exist.
@@zemorph42 If disobeying Yahweh to eat the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, a decision which was made before eating the fruit, counts as a sin, then the nudity was also a sin regardless of whether or not they recognized it beforehand. They recognized it as a sin as soon as they *had* eaten the fruit, and Yahweh acknowledged that covering themselves was evidence that they now knew the difference between good and evil, which means that he himself recognized it as evil in the book.
@@lnsflare1Maybe he should've put up a wall or a lava moat around that tree if it was so forbidden. Or, you know, not put it or snakes in the Garden of Eden in the first place.
@@lnsflare1 Sin is the act of disobeying God. If God has not commanded something, then it is not a sin to do other than that.
This is why we say that sin does not exist to us, because there cannot be sin without God. Sin and evil are not the same thing.
The narrative assumes that nudity is evil because the writers did.
Clothing is not a punishment for a sin, it's a treatment for a condition. Like bandages for a wound.
"When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she will not be freed at the end of six years as the men are. If she does not please the man who bought her, he may allow her to be bought back again."
Exodus 21: 7-8
There’s a x tian 💩 in all the comments defending stuff but I wonder why he isn’t here? 🤔
Scoff on oh scoffer, without knowing first thing about what you read, as you continually search for things to denigrate, when you don't even know what the issue is, especially as relates to The God. Brilliant!
@@david77jamesso....no actual rebuttal on your part, just random gibberish?
@@JLSAudioWorx - Reply? I don't know if you wrote anything, and I don't go hunting down what you might have said previously or what you responded to, if it is not recent. I barely look at who sent something on comment sections, much less go digging for previous comments made. I do a hundred a month, quite likely. Anyway, you should give a clear reference to what you're talking about, OR YOU will be talking RANDOM GIBBERISH, as YOU did in this case, so far at least.
@david77james 🙄🙄🙄 cmon my guy, you know full well that he's talking about the scripture quoted by the OP, which indeed you did not attempt to reply to. And if you didn't realise that, then you may not be the most well equipped person to be defending such damning scriptures.
By your own admission, you make a hundred comments a month, and if the comment above is anything to go by, that's a lot of time wasted - making 100 comments each month that, in effect, say nothing.
I always say, " The more you learn about Christianity, the more you begin to realize that the Devil is the good guy in the fables. "
Your proof is what ? Maybe if you actually read the story instead of taken this liar view of the story you might actually learn something? Oh I get it people like you can't actually read but you rely on others to tell you things that they themselves don't understand.
yeah, totally, Murder people, lie, cheat, steal, abuse drugs or alcohol, and you will have a totally awesome Satanic life of roses. Lol
god literally flooded and killed all humans only leaving noahs family and some animals in the fictional large boat because they didn't believe him, he's an incompetent jealous god, and after he killed all humans he gave noa a rainbow, like bruh
Oh here he goes again using logic and reason to explain how the bible is wrong when we all know magic and superstition and "mysterious ways" and two thousand years so what do you know and "cos I believe" and stuff and other stuff and reasons and more stuff mean the bible is absolutely true.
When you use a well thought out logical argument against "stuff" you know you're on the losing side!😉😉
This is another clear and concise video.
Thank you Aron Ra.
"God works in mysterious ways" and "bless your heart" are the two most duplicitous phrases ever.
I almost died when I was 6 years old, and got the whole "Jesus saved you" and "God works in mysterious ways" spiel. It was then when I saw the foul natured side of modern evangelicalism. Thanks Mom and neighbor and grandma, but I'd rather have not been confronted with my own mortality from an everyday activity when I was still the truest notion of a child, causing lasting mental effects to this day.
Now I see it for what it is, either a brainwashing technique, or a "fuck you" in the face of your suffering, neither of which are exactly desirable to receive.
@@phillyphakename1255 “thoughts and prayers “ is my favourite. An earthquake kills 10,000 and destroys a city. God being all powerful and all knowing could of stopped it but didn’t. Therefore he obviously didn’t give a shit. So why bother praying to him afterwards.
We're expected to believe in God because the holy book says so.
Wow, that was great. This should be broadcast on TV regularly.
Aron Ra, God is all story lines and God is everything that is.
It just occurred to me, thinking about comedians, how the things you say could, with just a little tweaking, be turned into a very successful comedy act. I'm thinking about George Carlin in particular, and how his delivery is very similar to yours, with a big dose of sarcasm thrown in. I'm a big fan of yours Aron, and I'm not being snarky here. I really think you could be a very successful comedian, if you wanted to.
You been smoking some mustard seeds huh?
@@nathano2778 I have no idea what that means, but no, I don't smoke anything.
I agree. Mr Carlin was very smart and brought up many great religious conundrums that I often bring up to religious folks because they are mostly simple and easy to understand and God knows that is what is needed 99 percent of the time. Watch "the god who wasn't there" on u tube if you get a chance. Thanks Mr. Ra. Love you.
Carlin was a genius in his own way, not a bit shy about telling it like it is with brains and b@lls. Mr Aron, you're a sharp man; but I sure do miss George.
12:58 All the win for the Fifth Element clip!
Great episode, Aron! This is exactly why, although I am an agnostic atheist, in terms of the christian or Jewish or Muslim god, I am a gnostic one.
I make the same claim. I am an agnostic atheist, except for the Abrahamic god where I am very gnostic. Unless he is very different from any description, very different from any concept. And that applies to any god.
The only god I am an agnostic atheist is toward a Deist God. Towards all others - Abrahamic, Eastern, Hindu etc - I am a gnostic atheist.
Agnostic is an atheist without balls, pick a lane, driving on the centre line just causes accidents and slows us up waiting for the ambulance to haul your " I can't make a decision " ass to the morgue
We Love Aronra and very appreciative of sharing intellect.⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️👌👍👌
At least the Norse and Greeks said explicitly that their gods lied and cheated and did cruel things. They didn’t have any problem of evil, because there was no obvious bullshit about god, or the gods, being all good and all loving. Nope cruel liars their gods. Explicitly.
Lets put it in the words of the all wise Homer Simpson:
"God?! ...ah yes, he is my favorite science fiction character"
@Anti-anti-intellectual5 thought the same, but the kicker here is "fiction" ;)
@Anti-anti-intellectual5 we're on the same terms 👌🏽. Look at it like this... Dont they claim also science for themselves?! ;) ... Building of Noahs Arch, Tower of Babel, etc.
In a sense, that they think, science was "revealed" ...you know?! 🙂
dem Lunatics man (to say it the jamaican way)😉
@Anti-anti-intellectual5 right on 👍🏽, hence the quote of our beloved Mr Simpson 🙂.
Xenu, anyone?
"it's like that night when your dad went out and said he was gonna go and get cigarettes. Remember him?"
Gosh, that hits so hard.
If the serpant of the garden was actually Satan, then what does that say about God if he actively punished the actual snakes which lost their legs? No snake did any crime, but since God is apparently blind, he gave a severe punishment to an entire group of his own creations for something literally none of them did... Well, I guess punishing a group for something they didn't do is just how God rolls
Well they snake deceive Adam and Eve to disobey his command from eating the apple. Though I would have look at Adam and Eve and pardon and understand they were being deceive and mislead to disobey the snake clearly had an agenda and knew what he was doing so that to me does warrant punishment, that’s just basing off of Gods reason if punishing them now they f you take the gnostic belief the snake is actually look as a hero and trying to give Adam and Eve knowledge and I even believe according to them it wasn’t even Satan who was the serpent but was Jesus himself who was the snake and trying to liberate Adam and Eve front he demiurge, that’s according to Gnosticism.
I'm always impressed by the wealth of you knowledge on this topic and your skill in sharing it in a way that is funny and easy to understand.
Wow. I was brought up in a very religious family. I left the faith many years ago (when I realised the ministers were actually very much akin to the "priests of syrinx")😂.
There were points you made that I hadn't actually thought about (the bits about the snake/satan and how if they hadn't eat from the "tree of life" they would have died. God made them to die, they needed something special to eat to stay alive) so good work.
Extra bonus for getting Ozzy's "The Ultimate Sin" in there😂.
Excellent work.
Jesus to his disciple Peter, He who lives by the sword will die by the sword!" Jesus was a carpenter, who nails pieces of wood together...give it a minute, it'll come to you...
@@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 If God doesn't acknowledge any other greater than himself, does that make God an athiest? I enjoy asking Bible-thumpers questions that can't be answered!🤣🤪😂
Witty and provocative as usual... Thank you Aron Ra, for your NO nonsense and necessary contribution!!!
Concerning Jesus potentially being a mason instead of a carpenter: I heard somewhere that back in the day in the Middle East, stone masonry was referred to as carpentry. Apparently there wasn’t enough wood to go around, so much of their furniture and whatnot was made of stone (much more plentiful than wood).
Reminds me of the South Park 'biggest feces' episode:
God doesn't have the biggest lies...
God IS the biggest lie
Ray Comfort: if you ever lied, who would that make you?
Me: I don't know, Ray comfort?
Or you could say, If I lied that would make me just like your God Ray.
There is a difference between a lie and bullshit. A liar knows the truth and is deliberately trying to conceal it, while a bullshitter doesn't know or care what the truth is they are just making stuff up. Bullshit may be accidentally true.
I like Jesus telling us that God looks after all the little animals and plants, providing all that they need to thrive. Completely contrary to the 'red in tooth and claw' reality of natural selection where populations constantly outstrip resources, and where famine, disease and predation are negative, but necessary parts of nature.
God is too busy taking care of sparrows and Lillys to be bothered with the homeless.
Modern Christians don’t believe that Jesus every said give everything away and help the poor,that would make God a socialist.
The whole carpenter Jesus thing, as far as I know, comes from some misunderstanding of the word 'tekton' which meant craftsman, or something along those lines. But every time that nonsense is brought up, I'm reminded of one of the early UA-cam basement-dwellers-trying-to-be-preachers saying "Jesus was a carpenter! Yeah, he built HOUSES!" in one of those tiresome "atheists are bad" proto-sermons.
The only tools Jesus picks up in the bible are a dozen -financial domination money pigs- disciples who steal things for him. That and the whip he's written as going out and handcrafting in the woods because he saw moneylenders in a temple and got so angry he just had to go and make himself a weapon from scratch for a couple hours before he could come back and beat people up with it. Gentle Jesus, meek and mild.
Dude! I wish I would have discovered you decades ago. You are a gift to mankind. Your are a voice of reason in an ocean of chaos. I have a lot of videos to catch up on. I am so pleased to find you on UA-cam. I want to be an activist like you, but I'm not nearly as smart as you are. Still I'd love to do something and make a difference. Keep on rocking man. I love your videos.
comedy club of aron ra i never laughed so much in a 😆😆😆along time ...brother ur a legend.Aron Ra for president of the world
this video should be mandatory material in school
"Have you ever thought you heard God calling you to real estate investing"
Is literally the ad that started playing the moment I clicked this video and I just find it extremely ironic 😂
The Angel who stood in for G0d was the Metatrone. Or Alan Rickman. Probably Rickman.
Love this! when I throw out these questions about the Champion of hide and seek.....I always see the face of one engrossed in delusional thought!
I still patiently wait on a discord server to be created so I can be in it :) I listen to these when I sleep, good night.
And may you wake and flourish in the breathtaking-awe of all that you've touched, loved and saw
You just leave headphones in your ears as you sleep?
@@ksoundkaiju9256 no why would I do that lol that is incredibly unhealthy lol, I just leave it playing on my phone.
@@ksoundkaiju9256 I do, because sometimes I need it to sleep, and I don't want to disturb the roommates
Well, the "Tower of Babel" really did "happen", but Babylon's great ziggurat was known to it's builders as "Etemenanki", which means "Stepping-Stone of the God", & it's designed purpose, according to the cuniform records relating to it, was to accommodate visits from their sky god, Marduk, so the exact opposite of the purpose described dishonestly in Genesis. Also, it was commissioned & built to completion during the reign of King Hammurabi (yes, THAT Hammurabi) & stood for most of the next 1,000 years, being used as intended for religious rituals. It was still standing, though in a state of neglect, when Alexander the Great arrived. Additionally, there are plenty of preserved cuniform texts from throughout that time period to prove that the Babylonian language went through no sudden change then, while other evidence proves that other world language groups were already well-developed. So, other than the existence of the "tower" itself, the tale in Genesis is a steaming heap of...lies.
Sounds like the tower is like Christmas. They just slap their religion over something that already exists, and say they always owned it. Sounds kind of Primate to me.
Not seeing any evidence of magical tower crushing or magical language discombobulation
@Samael so God wants us to remain stupid?
Were it not for our knowledge you'd live to 30 maximum
You'd spend your days scavenging for food, hunting and struggling to stay alive
@Samael so we can't trust any of the Bible then
@@drsatan9617 They already picked and chose which books were to be included and which were "apostasies" in the 4th century at the Council of Nicea. Early Christianity had many more sects in play before that, including some rather wild ones closer in a lot of respects to Buddhism. They also of course excluded the ones that gave women any prominent roles as there were sects with women priests and bishops. And also the gospels of James (Jesus' brother) and Mary Magdalene were suppressed.
Aron, you may be interested in the "brawl" that is currently taking place in Scotland where one of the candidates to become First Minister of Scotland has become embroiled in a row over her Christian beliefs. Both sides of the debate are flinging insults at each other. This is quite uncharacteristic for Scotland as it is normally a very tolerant (secular) society, where people with and without faith normally live (reasonably) harmoniously together.
Good job! Very good collection of arguments! I have found many of them on my own, just by thinking logically and look around the surrounding reality in light of the bible.
Elwood to Jake in the Bluesmobile: "I wasn't lying. I was .... bullshitting. I took the liberty of bullshitting to you." Classic line.
"Yes! Jesus H Tap dancing Christ, I have seen the light!"
@@brianmcfadden1845 It was actually, "Yes! Yes! Jesus H godbastard Christ! I have seen the light! "
.. I find it weird that a God, like Allah, has enemies .. he is all powerful yet he has enemies that require human help to defeat .. he is all perfect, all complete yet he is so insecure that insists on believers constantly praising him, bowing down to him.
The religulous can't do logic.
YHVH is the self gone toxic; wasting his autonomy and the power to exercise it on seeking external validation, and branding as enemies those who dare point out the flaws in such a mindset. He is his own Devil/Adversary.
@@ErrantMasa IOW a narcissistic psychopath.
@@hifibrony pretty much! and Jesus is the savior complex made manifest.