+gaijin hunter Actually, you can do backflip in any directions you want including forward, so if you want, you can quickly cover a lot of distance with it.
Ngl i fell in love using this style for sns. Very agressive and has slightly more i-frames in doing the special backstep. Chaos oil is all i need baby.
The mobility looks incredibly goofy and potentially fun, though it's not really what I come to SnS for. This sort of flying around is what I want to do with DB and IG. SnS is where I'm very serious and boring and people tell me I'm thinking too much :D
Gaming_oD I didn't say it was a bad thing, and I'll probably try it when it comes out. I just felt like adding my two cents to the conversation and I hope people will enjoy the style when the game is released :)
Oh baby, oh boy, as someone who has spent a while practicing ko/para sns in generations, this looks absolutely amazing, I was able to lock monsters down pretty hard with aerial coz u had the mount as well as para and stun, but being able to reposition like this, u can just be all up in the monsters head 24/7 no need to mounts, also using destroyer oils with this seems like a great way to farm parts due to the styles ability to basically be wherever you want.
Yea especially with SP mode for Striker. You can spam your Hunter Arts even more. I mean it is cool and all to back flip after every attack but just staying there and attacking while rolling around to dodge attacks then lunging forward to close the gap does the job.
eh, Striker is good, but i can't really fight without the back hop attacks in most cases. and then there's the adept style, which adds and adept evade to that back hop.
You dont necessarily dont have to go backwards with the backflip. You can make the X+A plus the followup go forward for a huge lunge in distance. Just hold forward while pressing X+A.
wally castagnir So does Guild, and Readiness/Round Force should be enough to keep you alive, maybe give that a try, I've been playing Adept SnS too but once you try the good SnS combo you'll never want to go back to the shield bashes.
Those arts are so abuseable though. That's what it really is about, I don't blame anyone for abusing 2 arts with high functionality that have really fast charge rates and invincibility frames (Round Force and Readiness). Then add skills to boost the rates and add Striker and Deviant weapons and it's like why not.
that backflip move has to be really powerful to be better than the R+X, X, X, A, A combo. otherwise we're just going the same thing we were doing in striker, but without the damage boost and 2 extra arts.
Yeah, the 1 HA for Brave is a bit annoying, but depending on how good a person is with it, some HA's are less necessary. Personally, I've decided to run Round Force 2, for the extra s and low charge time(even with the increase from making it SP). Even then Brave SnS is mainly for fun. My main style for SnS will be Alchemy, replacing Striker.
From what I've seen the 3rd X input, so the X combo is just XX. The A combo looks the same and it still doesn't have the backhop. Striker just has better DPS, while Alchemy has better survivability due to health regen in 2 different ways and can be supportive.
then watch Cantaperme and Apex Gaming, literally dance around Lagombi, or Kut Ku, never getting hit and keeping up maximum DPS the entire time. They inspire me to keep picking my sorry ass off the ground and try harder.
I know these videos are old but I’ve been plying the double cross demo like crazy until Generations Ultimate comes out in here but I have fallen In love with sword in shield in the game and that is coming from a lance and gun lance user in world. Thanks for explaining all this cause Due to the language barrier. What style do you recommend for Sword and shield?
I feel like Brave SnS isn't something of an early game style. You can still build Brave meter, but considering what SnS is, it's more about opportunity in Brave style. If that makes sense.
I like Brave SnS (for what i saw i don`t have a japanese 3DS) but I think I`ll stick with Stryker just for the 3 Hunting Arts, there are soo good and the new onew look sweet as well. I am pretty sure this game will come to the west, #MHXXForTheWest
It seems alright. Not as special as the other styles and I don't see how backflipping everywhere is going to help with staying on a monsters weak spot. I'm pretty sure the back flip is for evading attacks and striking back but that will be useless against something like the Seltas Queen's charges. I've never seen that thing do an attack that you could just evade through. I only like the brave jump attack and how you can fit it in the sword combo so easily, maybe the brave dodge too (could help in inescapable situations).
It really depends on how strong the A dash-in after the backflip is. If it's as strong as it is in Adept (something like 40 motion value?), then I can definitely see this style seeing use.
redblue200 Though SP mode Striker Style makes Hunter Arts spam even better with auto gauge filling. Plus it is pretty easy to close the gap and dodge monsters without all the back flips shenanigans.
Oh, yeah. I mean, even without SP mode, it's hard enough to give up Round Force and both Absolutes. Especially if G-Rank Hyper monsters are a thing. I mean, High Rank Hyper Silverlos is bad enough to solo... just imagine G-Rank. No, you definitely need all the free outs you can get.
Great vid. One major problem: Your use of a fan. Made it impossible to figure out where the hits exactly land. Probably a bad idea to use fan weapons for the weapon and style demos.
Sorry if this is a silly question, but out ofCB, SnS and LS, which one seems more fit for a beginner? I would like to know also which one of them has higher skill ceilling and efectivness too, I'm starting with 4U and want to transit to X/XX later on. if that matters and I would prefer one that i could stick to through the whole game/series
sns is good at the beginning but takes a lot of thinking to use later, with elements being a thing, its real good though if u put in the effort, charge blade changes from mh4u to mhx, and it also has some complex things in it like guard points, but its not that hard to learn. LS is fine, I find it to be an easier weapon than CB and SNS
i see yo hace Round Force as your skill. do you know if they fixed Round Force 3? that whole make your allies fly in the air feature was the dumbest thing ever
No, it was brilliant, you wait for them all to gather round to go ham on the monster, then you use the art under them, then they all hit the monster from above, easy mount!!!!!! In all seriousness, though, I have mounted from that a few times, I use longsword, though, so I have better reach than a lot of weapons. it is really annoying except in certain situations.
Where’s the tutorial😭 I absolutely abuse this style but I’m really just spamming the flip slashing it’s beautiful but I’d like to know what I’m doing motion values and what not. Thanks for your service your videos got me addicted to Monster Hunter I’ve got 1000s of hours now ❤️
So does this get rid of the gimmick that you have to keep your weapon out with brave style because it takes so long to sheath? Because you can use items with the sword and shield out? Is that overpowered?
Not really sure on whether this is really worth it... This decreases your hitting speed by quite a bit and speed matters a lot for SnS.... I´ll probably stay with Guild style...
Adept SnS is a failure? Really? It might not be the best style, but heck, it's far from being a failure. The Adept Evade that connects into the air attacks is really useful, especially for bringing down monsters that fly a lot like Rathalos and Seregios. Also, with the right build that increases damage from air attacks and mounting rate, you can be extremely aggressive with your assault and go head-to-head with any monsters and counter attacks all day long. What I love to do is just keep attacking and get a mount via the Adept Evade, then KO'ed it with the Shoryugeki to keep it down for more pummelling, then set up a trap and a bomb via SnS's quick item item use and punish the poor beast even more. SnS was my least used weapons in past MH games. In fact, I could even say that I hated it (with the next least used being Dual Blades). But having discovered Adept SnS, it's now my most used weapon in MHX, and was the weapon that I used to clear most of the quests, as well as the weapon I made the most armour sets for. I totally fell in love with it (I also started using more Dual Blades with the Adept Style, it's a perfect weapon for people who love counter-attacking like me). Anyway, I respect your opinions as I'm pretty sure that there are weapon+style that I think is trash, but is godly to other people. Still, I think that Adept SnS is not a failure at all (especially if it can convert a hater like me to love it. :D).
ChampADMsqn its probably the G Rank version of it. major monsters' G Rank sets look different from the High & Low Rank sets. altho i question whether Malfestio is a major monster....
I thought most monsters had that, not just major monsters, even great Jaggi and velocidrome have looked different. I think even sets like Bnahbra have a different look to them. Been a while since I've played in g-rank, though....(My DS died, and I was unable to perform a system transfer of my MH3U and MH4U saves, meaning I lost around 1500 hours of gameplay between them. I am dedicated enough that I have recently restarted, though.)
Everyone loved Striker with the sword and shield? Huh, I always went guild, that chargeable leap chop thing did crazy amounts of damage for me. Anyways, I completely agree that Sword and Shield adept was a disappointment, but brave style looks down right divine. Thanks for showing us this play through! Also, just out of curiosity... From your vlogs I've seen you live in Japan, so why are you hoping for a western release? You'll get access to the Japanese version... Right?
Adept SnS is not a failure it is a good style and if u calling it a failure then u just need to Git Gud at it m8. I used to main adept SnS and it was perfectly fine
Right? Like, even the Longsword has one now and it doesn't even have a shield in the first place. Why is it even still called Sword and Shield when they avoid making the shield more than a gimmick at all cost?
Jarsmash Gaming How about Sword and a useless shell that prevents my right hand from doing anything so this weapon wont become overpowered Short, SnAUSTPMRHFDASTWWBO
hmmm not really what i was expecting from brave sns... I really was hoping they would do something with the shield, it makes me wonder why we have it. I get that sns is the item dependent class and isnt meant to be a powerhouse but it just doesnt feel as good as some other weapons because of that :c, landing a round slash feels great, landing a full sns combo is meh. And sns has one of the best looking weapons! Hi ninja sword :CCC and its not even that good!
It looks that way and to be honest, it feels that way too when playing the demo. That said, SnS are very reliant on items, proper armor skills and a fitting element or status, and none of that is given in the demo. The other styles would probably not perform any better in the demo. The new attacks feel very good though.
I think the biggest problem is that it doesn't take advantage of the SnS's strengths, which is getting in a barrage of hits for good elemental damage. Brave gauge fills slowly with weak single hits, and then you finally get access to some BnBs. The main draw seems to be for that brave attack, which is basically just a quicker fade slash with better directioning. I think if players can find ways to dance around the monster using it, then it can be pretty potent, but I don't think the long setup is worth it.
MrCactuar13 I think that with the moveset that's available to it pre-bravemode, it has more to it available than the other brave style weapons and isn't completely dependent on its bravemode moveset. Most of the people that I've seen on SnS speedruns never use the spinning finisher and only use the two strong hits of the triple A input, since the finisher can often miss and the ending animation takes longer. The main drawback is losing two hunter arts in my book. What would've made this weapon more appealing is if it received a new strong stand-still combo, since the SnS is all about running in and getting a lot of damage in before repositioning. Instead a ton of strength has been put into its ability to reposition, but you still have your bread and butter combo to even things out. And by the time you activate bravemode, the monster will likely just become enraged, which is when you'll need that extra mobility the most. I'll still use it, since that insane amount of movement that you can accomplish with it just looks too fun to pass up. I'm disappointed, however, in how the SnS did not receive any new guard points. Unlike the Longsword or dual blades, it actually has a shield. I guess Capcom forgot about that. One thing that wasn't covered by this video was that you can do a forward fancy jump with X+A+forward on the circle pad, and you can chain these jumps together. It sounds akin to the brave dual blades in the mobility gain, only the SnS seems to be a tad faster.
Pretty disappointed in brave sns actually. All these cool moves and add-ons for other weapons and SNS just gets a backflip. They really didn't change anything at all in this game for sns, they just sugar coated it by giving oils and flashy arts that really aren't that powerful to be honest(except for the Sword Dance it's pretty decent) they need to improve this weapon quite a bit, its just hiding behind the shadows of other weapons and its made the weapon comparable to a stick from a tree.
What the Oils do: give a free crit eye+3 (resulting in at least 80% with WE), give it KO damage, free mind's eye, free destroyer and can stagger more often. What the HAs do: One gives 3 decent and really fast hits while giving quite a few i-frames, one is a shield bash that does great damage and delivers extremely high KO damage, while the (second to last) "last" one does a quick powered combo. The last Hunter Art for SnS may be it's best. It performs a hit (which doesn't need to land), and applies all Oils at once. Which also allows for you to stack other oils on top of it while only taking a moment to apply (since it cuts out nearly the entire animation of just regularly applying coatings). WHile Affinity oil is the only one that'll double when applied, Exhaust Oil nearly gets doubled with KO damage, Destroyer can nearly infinitey stagger some monsters (the raths for example), and Mind's Eye sharpens the weapon fully. While nothing was done to the actual combos of SnS (Then again, nothing was really done to the combos of any weapon if you go guild), it's one of the few weapons that not only benefits from every hunter art, and doesn't lose anything important with Striker (backhop really isn't important). All that being said, Brave SnS is pretty disappointing
Another bad opinion by gaijin. Adept sns was amazing, and if you couldnt adept quick enough you could block. It also gave you a powerful attack if you were good, and easy mounts. Almost as sad a opinion as your old gunlance armor suggestions, and almost as bad as your tsukami video lol. But its good to see you making tutorial for people, as always. Just sometimes the amount of cringe is real.
SnS Adept is just way better than Aerial. You get to dodge attacks completely and still mount. Granted there are some good Arts with SnS I find that one is just good enough to be a power house mostly Tier 3 stun art.
+gaijin hunter Actually, you can do backflip in any directions you want including forward, so if you want, you can quickly cover a lot of distance with it.
Ngl i fell in love using this style for sns. Very agressive and has slightly more i-frames in doing the special backstep. Chaos oil is all i need baby.
The mobility looks incredibly goofy and potentially fun, though it's not really what I come to SnS for. This sort of flying around is what I want to do with DB and IG. SnS is where I'm very serious and boring and people tell me I'm thinking too much :D
Gaming_oD I didn't say it was a bad thing, and I'll probably try it when it comes out. I just felt like adding my two cents to the conversation and I hope people will enjoy the style when the game is released :)
so you got the bread and butter combo but what about the mac and cheese combo? or the franks and beans combo? spaghetti and meatball combo??
The Fourth Captain Cant forget the bangers and mash combo either!
don't forget the lamb and tuna fish combo
AfternoonConcession what about kepab?
The Fourth Captain can't forget about the peanut butter and jelly sandwich combo.
the meat and potatoes combo, the fast food combo meal, the whim-wham flim-flam, and dare i say, the slam jam?
Oi, oi! Kut-ku is *not* stupid! 😡
it's kut-ku sensei after all! he went to college!
Didn't know you were a Kut-ku fan^^
I once thought that too. Until I saw it stick its head straight up and walk like a derpier plesioth
His face is kinda dumb-looking though.
U mean fingers double crossed. HAHAHAHAHAHAH
Dauhveed Fyf
hahaha. you beat me to it!
you beat me
Dauhveed Fyf omgosh i was thinking the same thing lol almost commented that
Oh baby, oh boy, as someone who has spent a while practicing ko/para sns in generations, this looks absolutely amazing, I was able to lock monsters down pretty hard with aerial coz u had the mount as well as para and stun, but being able to reposition like this, u can just be all up in the monsters head 24/7 no need to mounts, also using destroyer oils with this seems like a great way to farm parts due to the styles ability to basically be wherever you want.
Striker will likely remain the best style for SnS with Adept still being useful as well.
Yea especially with SP mode for Striker. You can spam your Hunter Arts even more. I mean it is cool and all to back flip after every attack but just staying there and attacking while rolling around to dodge attacks then lunging forward to close the gap does the job.
eh, Striker is good, but i can't really fight without the back hop attacks in most cases. and then there's the adept style, which adds and adept evade to that back hop.
I think you mean Guild
That mobility REALLY holds you to the monster.
Hey I loved adept sword and shield. It was one of my mains in Generations. Man I loved using that style to smack Raths out of the air!
Same, i always used round slash and it was a glorious set. Whenever i didn't wanna evade i just hit roundslash
You dont necessarily dont have to go backwards with the backflip. You can make the X+A plus the followup go forward for a huge lunge in distance. Just hold forward while pressing X+A.
2:59 so you get the adept back hop counter. nice
I guess you can use the Oils to build up the brave gauge faster
Brave SnS is beast especially with deathprize! perma para baby
I mained Adept SnS back in X
it was like having evade +3 and a much better Aerial style in one lol
The part I like is that you can do the attack and then do the backflip forward, like a radioli step in Dark Souls
actually i cant see why the sns hunter ats being so popular
the backjump attack is way more important
thats why i used bushido in mhx
Bushido loses Sword and Shields best combo tho
i knowbut at least it keeps the backjump
wally castagnir So does Guild, and Readiness/Round Force should be enough to keep you alive, maybe give that a try, I've been playing Adept SnS too but once you try the good SnS combo you'll never want to go back to the shield bashes.
Those arts are so abuseable though.
That's what it really is about, I don't blame anyone for abusing 2 arts with high functionality that have really fast charge rates and invincibility frames (Round Force and Readiness).
Then add skills to boost the rates and add Striker and Deviant weapons and it's like why not.
trust me the new brave is the only reason i do will switch from counter Franz Martin
that backflip move has to be really powerful to be better than the R+X, X, X, A, A combo. otherwise we're just going the same thing we were doing in striker, but without the damage boost and 2 extra arts.
Yeah, the 1 HA for Brave is a bit annoying, but depending on how good a person is with it, some HA's are less necessary. Personally, I've decided to run Round Force 2, for the extra s and low charge time(even with the increase from making it SP). Even then Brave SnS is mainly for fun. My main style for SnS will be Alchemy, replacing Striker.
What's the difference between alchemy and striker? As in the combos and not the obvious giant barrel.
From what I've seen the 3rd X input, so the X combo is just XX. The A combo looks the same and it still doesn't have the backhop.
Striker just has better DPS, while Alchemy has better survivability due to health regen in 2 different ways and can be supportive.
+Arhen Dante Sounds like a pretty sweet alternative to striker. I don't use the third X hit anyway (if that's the shield bash one).
Looks super awesome but definitely meant for a larger monster (at least for me), so that we don't miss all the time...
then watch Cantaperme and Apex Gaming, literally dance around Lagombi, or Kut Ku, never getting hit and keeping up maximum DPS the entire time. They inspire me to keep picking my sorry ass off the ground and try harder.
I know these videos are old but I’ve been plying the double cross demo like crazy until Generations Ultimate comes out in here but I have fallen In love with sword in shield in the game and that is coming from a lance and gun lance user in world. Thanks for explaining all this cause Due to the language barrier. What style do you recommend for Sword and shield?
maybe there is brave oil
Having watched multiple sns videos with brave I have to say it's by far the most lacklustre out of all the weapons.
I feel like Brave SnS isn't something of an early game style. You can still build Brave meter, but considering what SnS is, it's more about opportunity in Brave style. If that makes sense.
I like Brave SnS (for what i saw i don`t have a japanese 3DS) but I think I`ll stick with Stryker just for the 3 Hunting Arts, there are soo good and the new onew look sweet as well.
I am pretty sure this game will come to the west, #MHXXForTheWest
FInally the vid ive been waiting for
Definitely gets style points.
It seems alright. Not as special as the other styles and I don't see how backflipping everywhere is going to help with staying on a monsters weak spot. I'm pretty sure the back flip is for evading attacks and striking back but that will be useless against something like the Seltas Queen's charges. I've never seen that thing do an attack that you could just evade through. I only like the brave jump attack and how you can fit it in the sword combo so easily, maybe the brave dodge too (could help in inescapable situations).
Do you gain meter for pressing Y and blocking/evading the attack while charging perhaps? More so than by attacking specifically.
This would be awsome for me as Guild SnS main. That X+A mid combo is just too cool to miss ●>.
that armor looks awesome
That ish does not cost stamina! Looks like sns is going to be amazing like it is in mhgen!
Does the male deviant malfestio armor have that fabulous hat? Me likey
Looks cool and all but it doesn't look like it'll add enough to outdo striker style for me. We'll see when more in dept analysis come in.
It really depends on how strong the A dash-in after the backflip is. If it's as strong as it is in Adept (something like 40 motion value?), then I can definitely see this style seeing use.
redblue200 Though SP mode Striker Style makes Hunter Arts spam even better with auto gauge filling. Plus it is pretty easy to close the gap and dodge monsters without all the back flips shenanigans.
Oh, yeah. I mean, even without SP mode, it's hard enough to give up Round Force and both Absolutes. Especially if G-Rank Hyper monsters are a thing. I mean, High Rank Hyper Silverlos is bad enough to solo... just imagine G-Rank. No, you definitely need all the free outs you can get.
Happy Player hopefully it wont be called MHGenGen....
Monster hunter generations of generations
Monster Hunter Generations X
Would be fun if they name it MHNextGen
I'm gonna be that guy and say this: It'll never happen, Capcom doesn't care about us
ooohhhh here they come
Is it just me or do anyone else think SnS seem weaker?
Gangers Don't expect it to be super op in terms of motion values if it gives you aaall that mobility options (yes the ledge attacks are still there)
Gangers that's what it looks like, but I feel pretty powerful when I play it
What happens if you get hit in Brave stance with SnS? anything special?
Great vid. One major problem: Your use of a fan. Made it impossible to figure out where the hits exactly land. Probably a bad idea to use fan weapons for the weapon and style demos.
That's the only sns in the demo idiot
what happens if you press the touchscreen button?
can you do a round slash?
Sorry if this is a silly question, but out ofCB, SnS and LS, which one seems more fit for a beginner?
I would like to know also which one of them has higher skill ceilling and efectivness too, I'm starting with 4U and want to transit to X/XX later on. if that matters and I would prefer one that i could stick to through the whole game/series
sns is good at the beginning but takes a lot of thinking to use later, with elements being a thing, its real good though if u put in the effort, charge blade changes from mh4u to mhx, and it also has some complex things in it like guard points, but its not that hard to learn. LS is fine, I find it to be an easier weapon than CB and SNS
i see yo hace Round Force as your skill. do you know if they fixed Round Force 3? that whole make your allies fly in the air feature was the dumbest thing ever
No, it was brilliant, you wait for them all to gather round to go ham on the monster, then you use the art under them, then they all hit the monster from above, easy mount!!!!!! In all seriousness, though, I have mounted from that a few times, I use longsword, though, so I have better reach than a lot of weapons. it is really annoying except in certain situations.
Where’s the tutorial😭 I absolutely abuse this style but I’m really just spamming the flip slashing it’s beautiful but I’d like to know what I’m doing motion values and what not. Thanks for your service your videos got me addicted to Monster Hunter I’ve got 1000s of hours now ❤️
Search. I did the mhgu tutorial!
gaijin hunter you’re right wow that was embarrassing
So does this get rid of the gimmick that you have to keep your weapon out with brave style because it takes so long to sheath? Because you can use items with the sword and shield out? Is that overpowered?
u think that there will be a skill to increase the duration of the brave mode?
Not really sure on whether this is really worth it... This decreases your hitting speed by quite a bit and speed matters a lot for SnS.... I´ll probably stay with Guild style...
What's the armor in the thumbnail?
so for me it this weapon say to other weapons (hey guyz check the sick new moves i have)
Adept SnS is a failure? Really?
It might not be the best style, but heck, it's far from being a failure. The Adept Evade that connects into the air attacks is really useful, especially for bringing down monsters that fly a lot like Rathalos and Seregios. Also, with the right build that increases damage from air attacks and mounting rate, you can be extremely aggressive with your assault and go head-to-head with any monsters and counter attacks all day long. What I love to do is just keep attacking and get a mount via the Adept Evade, then KO'ed it with the Shoryugeki to keep it down for more pummelling, then set up a trap and a bomb via SnS's quick item item use and punish the poor beast even more.
SnS was my least used weapons in past MH games. In fact, I could even say that I hated it (with the next least used being Dual Blades). But having discovered Adept SnS, it's now my most used weapon in MHX, and was the weapon that I used to clear most of the quests, as well as the weapon I made the most armour sets for. I totally fell in love with it (I also started using more Dual Blades with the Adept Style, it's a perfect weapon for people who love counter-attacking like me).
Anyway, I respect your opinions as I'm pretty sure that there are weapon+style that I think is trash, but is godly to other people. Still, I think that Adept SnS is not a failure at all (especially if it can convert a hater like me to love it. :D).
Yes, fingers "crossed" Gaijin.
is that the deviant malfestio armor? ou the normal one redone?
ChampADMsqn its probably the G Rank version of it. major monsters' G Rank sets look different from the High & Low Rank sets. altho i question whether Malfestio is a major monster....
yeah but it sure looks diferent and cool in my opinion
I thought most monsters had that, not just major monsters, even great Jaggi and velocidrome have looked different. I think even sets like Bnahbra have a different look to them. Been a while since I've played in g-rank, though....(My DS died, and I was unable to perform a system transfer of my MH3U and MH4U saves, meaning I lost around 1500 hours of gameplay between them. I am dedicated enough that I have recently restarted, though.)
i hope its the g rank and not the deviant cause deviant malfestio sure looks sick, hyped for some good armor!
Everyone loved Striker with the sword and shield?
Huh, I always went guild, that chargeable leap chop thing did crazy amounts of damage for me.
Anyways, I completely agree that Sword and Shield adept was a disappointment, but brave style looks down right divine.
Thanks for showing us this play through!
Also, just out of curiosity... From your vlogs I've seen you live in Japan, so why are you hoping for a western release?
You'll get access to the Japanese version... Right?
"Did crazy amounts of damage" I wish it did, but it is almost always better to not use it
That's just sad. That's something DB should have had whereas Brave DB is way more fitting for SnS.
Niceee finally... Thank u... Thank u... Thank u...
Good move but need to master it first... U can evade with those back flip...
But Gaijin u forget to show what happen went chiken hit u went u in Brave move...
Just for fun lol... Didnt really matter... But i really LIKE Bushido SnS... Wish can use both...
so monster hunter xx is a new game that will cost 40$?
ok I'm a BIG fan of malfestio but I just don't like blademaster sets (male and female ) I would love that the new gunner set looks great
looks fun enough but I'm way more hyped for alchemist sns
Adept SnS is not a failure it is a good style and if u calling it a failure then u just need to Git Gud at it m8. I used to main adept SnS and it was perfectly fine
I guess you could say you've got your fingers double crossed for mhxxforthewest?... Eh... Eh... Yee
get out..
Jarsmash Gaming lol k boi *closes door*
no guardpoints tho
Right? Like, even the Longsword has one now and it doesn't even have a shield in the first place. Why is it even still called Sword and Shield when they avoid making the shield more than a gimmick at all cost?
The new acronym will be SNUHG, Sword and Useless Hand Guard, very snuggly!
Jarsmash Gaming How about Sword and a useless shell that prevents my right hand from doing anything so this weapon wont become overpowered
this should. be. brave dual blades
Looks like if someone practiced enough, they could kill a monster with a single combo... Maybe Apex will pull it off eventually...
hmmm not really what i was expecting from brave sns... I really was hoping they would do something with the shield, it makes me wonder why we have it. I get that sns is the item dependent class and isnt meant to be a powerhouse but it just doesnt feel as good as some other weapons because of that :c, landing a round slash feels great, landing a full sns combo is meh.
And sns has one of the best looking weapons! Hi ninja sword :CCC and its not even that good!
Oh hi there
looks cool and fun, but seems weak since gaijinhunter couldnt kill yian like he did with GS or CB demo vids....
Seems fun but not all that powerfull
joshstation Yeah, to be honest it is very lacking in new moves compared to the other Brave weapons.
It looks that way and to be honest, it feels that way too when playing the demo. That said, SnS are very reliant on items, proper armor skills and a fitting element or status, and none of that is given in the demo. The other styles would probably not perform any better in the demo. The new attacks feel very good though.
I think the biggest problem is that it doesn't take advantage of the SnS's strengths, which is getting in a barrage of hits for good elemental damage. Brave gauge fills slowly with weak single hits, and then you finally get access to some BnBs. The main draw seems to be for that brave attack, which is basically just a quicker fade slash with better directioning. I think if players can find ways to dance around the monster using it, then it can be pretty potent, but I don't think the long setup is worth it.
MrCactuar13 I think that with the moveset that's available to it pre-bravemode, it has more to it available than the other brave style weapons and isn't completely dependent on its bravemode moveset. Most of the people that I've seen on SnS speedruns never use the spinning finisher and only use the two strong hits of the triple A input, since the finisher can often miss and the ending animation takes longer. The main drawback is losing two hunter arts in my book. What would've made this weapon more appealing is if it received a new strong stand-still combo, since the SnS is all about running in and getting a lot of damage in before repositioning. Instead a ton of strength has been put into its ability to reposition, but you still have your bread and butter combo to even things out. And by the time you activate bravemode, the monster will likely just become enraged, which is when you'll need that extra mobility the most. I'll still use it, since that insane amount of movement that you can accomplish with it just looks too fun to pass up. I'm disappointed, however, in how the SnS did not receive any new guard points. Unlike the Longsword or dual blades, it actually has a shield. I guess Capcom forgot about that.
One thing that wasn't covered by this video was that you can do a forward fancy jump with X+A+forward on the circle pad, and you can chain these jumps together. It sounds akin to the brave dual blades in the mobility gain, only the SnS seems to be a tad faster.
Nice video.
But i think normal SnS is better. Very bad changes in Brave Style.
What the frick "Seduce" 0:23
To be honest, I don't really like Sword and Shield's hunter arts. The only one I really like is shoryungeki
what armor is that?
G rank Malfestio.
Sand Katze thanks
Pretty disappointed in brave sns actually. All these cool moves and add-ons for other weapons and SNS just gets a backflip. They really didn't change anything at all in this game for sns, they just sugar coated it by giving oils and flashy arts that really aren't that powerful to be honest(except for the Sword Dance it's pretty decent) they need to improve this weapon quite a bit, its just hiding behind the shadows of other weapons and its made the weapon comparable to a stick from a tree.
What the Oils do: give a free crit eye+3 (resulting in at least 80% with WE), give it KO damage, free mind's eye, free destroyer and can stagger more often.
What the HAs do: One gives 3 decent and really fast hits while giving quite a few i-frames, one is a shield bash that does great damage and delivers extremely high KO damage, while the (second to last) "last" one does a quick powered combo.
The last Hunter Art for SnS may be it's best. It performs a hit (which doesn't need to land), and applies all Oils at once. Which also allows for you to stack other oils on top of it while only taking a moment to apply (since it cuts out nearly the entire animation of just regularly applying coatings). WHile Affinity oil is the only one that'll double when applied, Exhaust Oil nearly gets doubled with KO damage, Destroyer can nearly infinitey stagger some monsters (the raths for example), and Mind's Eye sharpens the weapon fully.
While nothing was done to the actual combos of SnS (Then again, nothing was really done to the combos of any weapon if you go guild), it's one of the few weapons that not only benefits from every hunter art, and doesn't lose anything important with Striker (backhop really isn't important).
All that being said, Brave SnS is pretty disappointing
never first
brave sns sucks Striker still the king .. but brave gets old school jumping slash T_T
I can't wait to get knocked down all the time by that one SnS user who constantly spams that backdash.
It will merely be Justice for the SnS not having any super armor and being the most easily tripped weapon class. :3
poor sns'ers
Another bad opinion by gaijin. Adept sns was amazing, and if you couldnt adept quick enough you could block.
It also gave you a powerful attack if you were good, and easy mounts. Almost as sad a opinion as your old gunlance armor suggestions, and almost as bad as your tsukami video lol.
But its good to see you making tutorial for people, as always. Just sometimes the amount of cringe is real.
SnS Adept is just way better than Aerial. You get to dodge attacks completely and still mount. Granted there are some good Arts with SnS I find that one is just good enough to be a power house mostly Tier 3 stun art.
"bad opinion"
Deatonis Lol Adept SNS is trash even before I found out about Gajin it knew it was one of worser styles to go with SNS
Deatonis striker is better