陳婧霏Jingfei Chen-《沙漠一枝花Lonely Bloom in Desert》
- Опубліковано 9 лют 2025
- 《沙漠一枝花Lonely Bloom in Desert》
詞曲 Written by :陳婧霏 Jingfei Chen
製作 Produced by : 周冠儒 GR Zhou
驕陽之下 沙漠之大 開出一朵花
Under the blazing sun, in the vastness of the desert, springs up a single flower
傾盆雨下 懶得發芽
In the downpour of rain, it cannot be bothered to sprout
一個人呆 坐在沙發 癱得多優雅
Lounging by myself on the sofa with such elegance,
披頭散髮 自說自話
I am thinking aloud, with my hair disheveled
na na na na na
讓快樂繼續 沒什麼是必須
Just keep having fun, for nothing needs to be done
深刻的問題 留給別人在意
Leave the serious problems for others to mind
看那酒杯 在落灰 怎能浪費
Look at that wineglass collecting dust. How can I let it go to waste?
So let me drink to sate my heart
讓日子繼續 沒什麼是必需
Let the days go on, for nothing needs holding on
時代的情緒 留給別人管理
Leave the sentiment of the times for others to manage
看那牀被 多曖昧 多麼安慰
Look at the bed and linens, how vaguely inviting, how comforting
So let me fall sweetly in my dream
la la la la la
驕陽之下 沙漠之大 開出一朵花
Under the blazing sun, in the vastness of the desert, springs up a single flower
披頭散髮 自說自話
I am thinking aloud, with my hair disheveled
It’s easier simply to give up on myself,
Unless I run into an affair so dramatic
I do not have the courage to be disliked,
Or the energy to burn with hate
半夜驚醒依然家徒四壁 正羞愧得想哭泣
Waking up midnight to bare walls, I was about to burst into tears ashamed
轉念想想沒什麼 不能失去
But on second thought I’ve got nothing to lose
讓快樂繼續 沒什麼是必須
Just keep having fun, for nothing needs to be done
社會的情趣 留給別人在意
Leave society’s taste for others to mind
一場遊戲 不可言喻 不言而喻
It’s a game, ineffable yet self-evident
So let me drink to sate my heart