Sparta's problem is that they have weak range so you can pay to get a decent ranged unit. Gorgos slingers have really quick reload speed which means they can do more dps than most slingers. They are easily the best low tier slinger in the game however since they are annoying to click on, I don't bother using them.
why W and L instead of S and F?
Interesting right?
Dude those Gorgos are annoying but so strong for slingers i find them op
Sparta's problem is that they have weak range so you can pay to get a decent ranged unit. Gorgos slingers have really quick reload speed which means they can do more dps than most slingers. They are easily the best low tier slinger in the game however since they are annoying to click on, I don't bother using them.
slingers A