There are BOTS on the Marvel SNAP Ladder - Breakdown of how bots work & why they exist

  • Опубліковано 5 вер 2024


  • @2224446662
    @2224446662 Рік тому +225

    One of the questionable moves I often see from bots is play Nightcrawler on 1, move Nightcrawler turn 2 for no reason. I always snap that

    • @Dantehhhhh
      @Dantehhhhh Рік тому +1

      Totally, when I see that hilarious T2 Nightcrawlker movement for no reason, I instaSnap😂

    • @levintry8812
      @levintry8812 Рік тому +55

      Wait, maybe I should start doing this to lure people into snapping!

    • @Dantehhhhh
      @Dantehhhhh Рік тому +18

      @@levintry8812 u playing 6D chess bruv

    • @XiaNaphryz
      @XiaNaphryz Рік тому +20

      There's also plays like Carnage into empty lanes on T2.

    • @wladimirtorres7076
      @wladimirtorres7076 Рік тому +5

      @@XiaNaphryzsometimes people do that for tempo. I do it too, sometimes you have nothing else to play 🤷🏻‍♂️

  • @TheForhekset
    @TheForhekset Рік тому +54

    Honestly I like the free wins. I feel like I get bots for free cubes just after Ive lost a few 8 cube games.

    • @c_nrad
      @c_nrad Рік тому +8

      On the other hand I lost 80 cubes against 40% bots yesterday 😭😭😭

    • @ru2225
      @ru2225 Рік тому

      @@c_nrad damn, you need to learn how to play the game ⚠️

    • @jibbibious
      @jibbibious Рік тому

      @@c_nrad this is where I feel like I’m at in late pool 3. It’s my first time grinding deterministucally for infinite and I just wish they would delete bots from the later pools cause they always seem cheap and like they have counters to my every move

  • @mrplasterpants
    @mrplasterpants Рік тому +4

    wow, i feel that the bots always get perfect card flow and locations fit their decks perfectly. I have had way to many mirror matches that go bad for me and perfect flow for them.

    • @techdeath3609
      @techdeath3609 Рік тому

      It's so frustrating when you the bots get a perfect card flow and locations fit perfectly. I felt so unlucky before realizing we are cheated !!!

  • @ellahazan-fuchs7249
    @ellahazan-fuchs7249 Рік тому +8

    Note that bots also never emote so if someone you play against emotes they are not a bot. Also, another split tip is that inkified/gold background without any other effects is impossible and so if your opponent has one of those, they are a bot.

    • @oliver1086
      @oliver1086 Рік тому

      i don't emote and i block chat, so there is that too.

  • @mattlepinski
    @mattlepinski Рік тому +5

    Great video! I would definitely like to see longer queue times in the 70's, 80's, and 90's in order to have fewer games against bots.

  • @derestriction
    @derestriction Рік тому +15

    Thanks for the information. Been loving your videos since I'm only a few weeks into Snap. Bless me with an Aero in the Token shop soon!

  • @jonathandale4681
    @jonathandale4681 Рік тому +19

    The only thing I like about bots is they let you play out your crazy comboes like Wong Mystique instead of just retreating and leaving that unsatisfied feeling. But I would much rather they added global matchmaking or extended the range of matchmaking so that there's more people to face, because let's face it; there's always enough people queuing to start matches with short queue times without bots, the issue is we're only being matched with a very small % of players which often ends up with you facing the same person 5 times in a row. Not the best experience really.

    • @LazarusLong42
      @LazarusLong42 Рік тому +1

      Shit. I'm a bot. That said, there really is something cool about watching your opponent's combo play out.

  • @francismcilvaine9083
    @francismcilvaine9083 Рік тому +15

    I was wondering if there were extensive bots... Something has to inject cubes into the system or the monthly removal of cubes from the pool would make advancing super difficult. I was playing in one game where no one was in the highest rank because the game developers didn't do this and when the community noticed it the game had a large influx of bots.

    • @PBnDave
      @PBnDave Рік тому +1

      They also inject cubes into the economy when you reach each rank milestone. For example, once you hit rank 60, you’re automatically given enough cubes to put you at 61.

  • @Haobey
    @Haobey Рік тому +1

    I’m glad you mentioned Scarlet Witch, I believe I was playing a bot when they sabotage my Zola play by switching to Space throne. I can’t even begin to calculate the odds of that happening.

  • @bootmanmstz
    @bootmanmstz Рік тому +2

    I completely agree with just about everything said. I've been considering making a vid on this as well. The way the bots know every predetermined outcome is brutal. I had one game the other day that made me want to flip my desk lol. No human on earth would have made the play that bot did, but I had no clue it was a bot until it made that ridiculous turn 6 move.

  • @nathancrawford312
    @nathancrawford312 Рік тому +2

    As soon as you said Misty Knight as an avatar I was like, "shit, I knew I was a bot".

  • @vesaryn
    @vesaryn Рік тому +23

    My favorite cheating bot moment was when they played a Shang-Chi beside their Lockjaw into an 8 point lane when I played Venom (bumping my guy into 9) and Shang-Chi went into the deck to pull out a grey bordered Leech which silenced my two Deaths in hand. Fun times.

  • @luap4981
    @luap4981 Рік тому +3

    I don't know about bots but sometimes the areas are so against my decks and perfect for opponents decks it seems like I am made to loose some games

  • @thefriendlessgamer8552
    @thefriendlessgamer8552 Рік тому +4

    It always seems like they have the cards that can counter your deck at the right time.

    • @thefriendlessgamer8552
      @thefriendlessgamer8552 Рік тому

      @John Wick and sometimes what you think is a real person is a bot its all good

  • @mynameisthis192
    @mynameisthis192 Рік тому +10

    I'm not sure if you mentioned it, but I always check for particle effects with a normal background, or Gold/Inked cards without particle effects.

    • @HooglandiaSnap
      @HooglandiaSnap  Рік тому +1

      Humans are starting to have these splits now as a heads up.

    • @Trinity0809
      @Trinity0809 Рік тому

      wait that's actually possible (now)? interesting. the most recent split video i've seen didn't mention that (yet)

    • @TriskaidekaYT
      @TriskaidekaYT Рік тому

      Oh wow, I thought you can't have that kind of split. This is good to know

  • @boxtupos7718
    @boxtupos7718 Рік тому +2

    Do bot see your play?
    Played against a deck that hit me with back to back blind Mantis, blind Starlord and Groot; Or was it just godlike predictions with a GOTG flavor deck? The Groot has the planet skin and has the swirly effects.

  • @furymonger5395
    @furymonger5395 Рік тому +3

    Ever since I’ve gotten to rank 90 I’ve had less bot opponents but now I constantly face about the same 5 or 6 people everyday.

  • @JustArry
    @JustArry Рік тому +4

    In the Miles Morales season before global launch I was playing in a beta country so I was playing mostly bots the whole time and I noticed in the late 90s 95 - 100 they were almost exclusively using devil Dino - moon girl. Meaning I just put Rogue into my deck and pretty much cheated my way to Infinate because most gamas it was a hard counter.

  • @lanfour4444
    @lanfour4444 Рік тому +1

    This explains why one of my opponents had a highly split Quicksilver.

  • @TimTim3000
    @TimTim3000 Рік тому +2

    Very informative, thanks

  • @OrionTCGs
    @OrionTCGs Рік тому +9

    I noticed this while playing this season, but I’m fairly certain that they removed bots from 80-100. I cannot remember a single bot opponent between these ranks this season, but played 6-7 of them while in the 70s. I also noticed during your stream on Friday that once you dropped to Vibranium you got some bots, but didn’t play any while you were in Omega.
    Anyway, great video as always!

    • @omegaorion5983
      @omegaorion5983 Рік тому +2

      That's my same experience. Last season i made it to rank 85, noticed i would play some bot immediately if i dropped below 80, but no bots at all when i got above 80 again. And i got to test that a lot bc i was hovering between ranks 78-85 for the better part of the season.

    • @felizpanda
      @felizpanda Рік тому +1

      They are much rarer but they are still there (just faced one at like 88). Bots at that level are mainly so you don’t have too long between games anyway and I believe the tolerance of time you can stay in the queue at higher ranks is longer (based on a patch a while ago).

    • @OrionTCGs
      @OrionTCGs Рік тому +1

      @@felizpanda do you think 70 and below has a lot more? As I said, can’t remember a single one after reaching 80 this season. Last season I played less than 10 from 80-100, but remember those distinctly.
      Wonder if there were any adjustments made this season.

  • @Jayhbentley
    @Jayhbentley Рік тому +1

    I wish Second Dinner would expand the matchmaking range. That would result in fewer bot matches and fewer rematches against the same players. I've played dozens of games against certain players (hi Aaron, Hazardy, Kirallas) because apparently there just aren't that many people near me in MMR/CL/Rank that play when I do. If those few people aren't online, I play mostly bots instead.

    • @FatalLordAce
      @FatalLordAce Рік тому +1

      I kind of have the opposite problem. I’m kind of tired of playing people who’ve reached infinite when I haven’t reached infinite at the higher levels.

  • @Xhadp
    @Xhadp Рік тому

    Having started playing only recently, yep there are some tell-tale signs there are bots but the actual bots progressing human accounts so that is also a big factor as well.
    It is also incredibly clear that it is just in the nature of the game to have bots for fast-paced matches with little options for variance in actions along with a grindy method of progression facilitating bot influx for getting some accounts for reselling purposes.

    • @Xhadp
      @Xhadp Рік тому

      I think another benefit is that it means games actually go to neutral snap and see the playoff then rather than just having people retreating left and right if it was nothing but humans.

  • @_Depka
    @_Depka Рік тому +3

    Please, Second Dinner, give me an option to turn off bots entirely, I’d rather wait longer for a human opponent than playing bots.
    Bots cheat! One of them changed from movement to ongoing to counter what I was doing to prevent movement.. it’s not fun, it doesn’t make me want to play the game. I just need and option to turn off bot matches.

  • @SpiderTO
    @SpiderTO Рік тому +1

    I really like the idea of a scaling wait time that starts at like, 40 or 50! SD, please make it happen LOL

  • @wwe2005
    @wwe2005 Рік тому

    I've seen bots use impossible split combos like comic effect with just a standard base background, that seems to be the best way to tell since players can't have cards like yet.

  • @omenofcat
    @omenofcat Рік тому +3

    Thanks for the video Jeff! I think that the developers of the game need to come up with some kind of compromise solution about bots to please both casual and advanced players. Because right now I have a feeling that the game is almost entirely aimed at casual players.

  • @SwiddyDiddy
    @SwiddyDiddy Рік тому +1

    The bots also seem to be bugged when it comes to Galactus. If I Galactus and snap turn 4, then spiderman turn 5, even when losing turn 6 while not being able to play cards to the only location they've snapped back every single time, and play out the turn. Weird bug

  • @theomars1433
    @theomars1433 Рік тому

    Actually, not all bots are put by the game, some players are botting for the seasonal pass experience, and they don't care about their rank or they already hit infinity. I heard quite a few people are doing this

  • @GentlemanNietzsche
    @GentlemanNietzsche Рік тому +1

    I run with the default silhouette avatar and a fairly simple name and I'm pretty sure I've gotten some extra snaps out of people assuming I'm a bot especially since I never emote.

  • @techdeath3609
    @techdeath3609 Рік тому

    It is obvious that there is a lot of bots in the game. But the cheating bots are driving me crazy, playing Armor in the turn you play Carnage, Venom or Deathlock, playing Debrii when you just play Wong, your Electra destroying the lowest score while its destroy the highest or when, inthe location where a random card is played, you receive Quicksilver and he got the Infinaut 🤬. I just wanna skin alive the creators of the game with a rusty knife when it happens.
    I'd rather wait 30 seconds to have a human opponent.
    Anyway, your content is always great and I'm glad I subscribed to your channel 👍

  • @jessesutton7985
    @jessesutton7985 Рік тому

    I just assumed the bots were farming accounts, interesting that they're actually part of the game. It does make it a little weirder that the low ranked ones at least don't really seem to know how locations work.

  • @Octothorpology
    @Octothorpology Рік тому

    seen some bots discard dracula or play vulture into a death's domain on the left, around rank 50-70. dont know how lower rank bots parse locations or if matchmaking's taking pity on me. god i hope they don't add the leech-der deck to bots' repertoire

  • @lumberjack0125
    @lumberjack0125 Рік тому +2

    I usually finish somewhere in the low 80s and generally play from the high 60s to the low 80s during the season and I would gladly wait longer to play human opponents as much as possible. I agree that there is an unsatisfying feeling playing the bots, win or lose.

  • @GordaoSemFuturo
    @GordaoSemFuturo Рік тому

    Heard him saying that is a bot behaviour to pimp your multiple man, and theres me, looking to the side, avoiding eye contact.

  • @SirLanik
    @SirLanik Рік тому +1

    Something noteworthy not called out here- some % of bots can retreat. It seems to be a small amount? Or can maybe only happen under certain conditions?

  • @todaysking10
    @todaysking10 Рік тому

    eli5: what is cubes economy? injecting cubes into the system? what does it all mean

  • @doopness785
    @doopness785 Рік тому +1

    I was getting bots from rank 50-60

  • @oliver1086
    @oliver1086 Рік тому

    i am CL1300 and can't get over sometimes some of the moves on turn 6 that i get out smarted on, pretty frustrating, like shuffling cards around in a godly manner to beat me by like 1 point in two lanes, where i am saying at the end "what the hell was that"

  • @dezarfo7841
    @dezarfo7841 Рік тому

    I saw a silver surfer with gold background and Kirby animation. No chance that someone has split him that many times already.

  • @Crawzitow
    @Crawzitow Рік тому +1

    had a bot sniping my professor X in deaths domain more than one time

  • @firehades4039
    @firehades4039 Рік тому

    Turn 2 Daredevil on Cloning Vats...turn 3 Daredevil on Cloning Vats...turn 4 Daredevil on Cloning Vats...turn 5 Daredevil on Cloning vats...8 total power on the location 🤣 snapped instantly after seeing the 2nd Daredevil

  • @madianantar7842
    @madianantar7842 Рік тому

    One thing i noticed is whenever i lose an 8 cubes game often i get a bot on the very next game and i get my cubes back

  • @DarkThomy
    @DarkThomy Рік тому +1

    It's staggering that we have no official statement nor official proof of that.

  • @dynamicsporadic
    @dynamicsporadic Рік тому +2

    Every season, for each player, somewhere between 300 and 400 cubes get destroyed when your Rank gets reset. For there to be a stable cube economy bots need to give each person 10+ cubes per day. Netting 5 basic wins a day is actually a Big Ask for a lot of people who just dip in for dailies. Bots are absolutely vital.
    That said, I am more than willing to wait 30 seconds to get a decent match in the higher Ranks.

  • @NaturalCloud
    @NaturalCloud Рік тому

    I love it when i play against a bot and they play daredevil, only to completely ignore the cards effect and play their turn 5 instantly.

  • @middleeast8333
    @middleeast8333 Рік тому +3

    Also, bots make their turns fast. If you play against a person who always ends her turn before you, and you never wait for her, it may be a bot

  • @mewletter
    @mewletter Рік тому

    Since I'm in Asia, it's very easy to identify users. They often use characters other than English alphabet in their username. 🤔

  • @ellestar2306
    @ellestar2306 Рік тому

    I hope they'll make an update where you can choose to fight A.I.
    I'm new to the game and dont wanna go against real players yet. 😔

  • @hoolegr
    @hoolegr Рік тому +2

    "Bots do these common mistakes" Me, an intellectual.....damn, i'm a bot

  • @thedanielhicks
    @thedanielhicks Рік тому

    At rank 50-60ish I see a lot of players with decks that don't make any sense. I assumed those were bots. Like, they play Misty Knight and Deathlock, or other odd non-synergistic cards. I snap and they never retreat: free cubes.

  • @jamstoo
    @jamstoo Рік тому

    Bot snap at 5 if they are winning, I Spiderman on 5 and bot can't play anywhere but did not retreat.

  • @turtato2155
    @turtato2155 Рік тому

    Im not sure if bots know what comes out of x mansion but I swear this bot knew that venom would come out cause he filled it with cards leaving only one spot with x mansion about to fill it and venom popped out

  • @egbert5871
    @egbert5871 Рік тому

    i hear the bots don't have the paritcal effects on cards

  • @coltsfan354
    @coltsfan354 Рік тому

    I'm not a great player. I've gotten to the low 40s the last two seasons, but man, this season especially, I've noticed probably half my games are against bots, and I'm right around 30.

  • @prestige12345678
    @prestige12345678 Рік тому +1

    Hey Jeff, do you know if once you hit collection level 3000 you get the extra 6000 collector tokens or was that a once off thing?

    • @HooglandiaSnap
      @HooglandiaSnap  Рік тому +1

      One time bonus. Only the tokens at 500 exist moving forward.

    • @prestige12345678
      @prestige12345678 Рік тому +2

      @@HooglandiaSnap OK thanks! Looks like it'll be a while until I can get galactus

  • @DefenestratedCow
    @DefenestratedCow Рік тому

    I just recently had a bot opponent that played zero turn 1 into psylocke turn 2....

  • @Cassapphic
    @Cassapphic Рік тому +2

    Do the bots use cosmetics such as the wakanda season infinite card back, when I was playing games in rank 80ish in pool 3 towards the end of that season I had a lot of opponents with that card back and wondered if they were bots oir my mmr was so high I was getting matched against infinite players, which was stopping ym ability to climb a lot.

    • @HooglandiaSnap
      @HooglandiaSnap  Рік тому +2

      I don't believe they currently have access to those, but second dinner also periodically changes these details to make them harder to spot.

  • @xkristoferx
    @xkristoferx Рік тому

    I’ve noticed that bots do not emote.

  • @augustowolf186
    @augustowolf186 Рік тому

    True true and true...

    @THELEMISIS Рік тому +1

    Put additional cubes into the system? The cubes in Marvel Snap are digital. Second dinner can add or subtract whatever they want into the game with or without bots. This doesn’t make sense at all. Please explain.

    • @HooglandiaSnap
      @HooglandiaSnap  Рік тому

      Every game of snap has someone win and lose the same amount of cubes. In most other ranked systems it isn't 1 to 1 like this at every level. It isn't about cost so much as fundamentally how cubes and the ladder work.

    • @TaskMaster5
      @TaskMaster5 Рік тому +2

      Another way to look at it is the 'economy' is your ability to get cubes at all. If you're a new player and you can't find matches your ability to earn cubes means you also aren't finding any matches at all. Which means you aren't earning boosters, you aren't upgrading cards, you aren't able to complete missions or season pass missions, etc etc. The bots fundamentally need to exist in certain parts of the game to ensure players are finding matches to actually PLAY. Playing a bot isn't always great but it means you can at least progress. I have no issue going against bots because I want to sling cards throughout the day and matchmaking remains fast. If I get a bot over a player it means more cubes for me which means more ranks for me!

      @THELEMISIS Рік тому

      @@TaskMaster5 That makes sense. Thanks for the explanation. His original explanation came across as if the cubes were currency like Crypto and I was very confused but I understand what he was trying to say based on your explanation.

  • @The_Claymores
    @The_Claymores Рік тому +3

    It'd be interesting to see a video focused on the cheating bots, with examples to understand what weird plays led ppl to that conclusion

    • @HooglandiaSnap
      @HooglandiaSnap  Рік тому +6

      Cheating bots isn't a community derived thing. Second dinner told us they work that way during the closed beta.

  • @ynkybomber
    @ynkybomber Рік тому

    Bots are free cubes I love them

  • @LinktheSamoyed
    @LinktheSamoyed Рік тому

    Your 'giveaways you are playing a bot' just discribes me haha. upgrading non popular cards, questionable moves, standard portraits, snapping at questionable times.

  • @squawk89
    @squawk89 Рік тому +1

    As a beta player from Asia with a 4k CL, I'm getting a ton of bots. Mostly cheating bots at rank 82. What's shitty about it is they're harder to identify because they have korean/japanese names and the cube rate is extremely poor because they concede as soon as the cards you put down beat theirs.

  • @bizarroplanet8453
    @bizarroplanet8453 Рік тому +2

    There should be a way to turn bots on or off

  • @ethandehoff3517
    @ethandehoff3517 Рік тому +1

    Obviously cheating bots are dumb, and should go. Additionally, for transparency bots should have a indicator rather than requiring players to guess.

  • @ahphodg260
    @ahphodg260 Рік тому

    But not knowing if it’s a bot or not defeats the purpose of even playing a multiplayer game.

  • @jquickri
    @jquickri Рік тому +1

    Do you have any evidence for these "cheating bots"? Not saying you're wrong but I've never seen one but I've also never been above rank 75. Might make a cool vid to clip some together.

    • @HooglandiaSnap
      @HooglandiaSnap  Рік тому +2

      Their existence was confirmed by second dinner during the closed beta. It is not speculation.

  • @HenryZhoupokemon
    @HenryZhoupokemon Рік тому

    Ok that’s why I lost to someone who only played scarlet witch turn 6 and turned it into bad w no name

  • @aronens
    @aronens Рік тому +2

    Bots made me quit the game, I went infinite with pool 1 not knowing bots existed. And then at infinite my friend told me why some opponents make horrible plays, bots. This just made climbing pointless In snap for me. There is no other real reason to play the game in my opinion. For context I'm kinda a spike.

    • @HooglandiaSnap
      @HooglandiaSnap  Рік тому +2

      I mean, if you want a challenge staying in pool 1 to try and game the system is the exact opposite of that.

  • @richb1576
    @richb1576 Рік тому

    Lots of great info. Thank you

  • @fallguybuddy2654
    @fallguybuddy2654 Рік тому

    This is an automated bot message. “When you see me on the ladder SNAP to get 8 cubes”…. See you online!!! 😊

  • @luansomething380
    @luansomething380 Рік тому +1

    I love bots! They make the games fun and they have other cards beside the top tier ones.

  • @dreimann
    @dreimann Рік тому +2

    I'm really not interested in my Snap experience being PvE. They really should have a toggle in the preferences to turn off bots. I don't mind if my queue is a little longer if I'm going to face a human opponent.
    Passing off bots as human players honestly seems like an unethical move.

  • @jdazzani
    @jdazzani Рік тому

    I think theyre just called Agatha Players

  • @raffy9841
    @raffy9841 Рік тому +2

    Sounds like I'm a bot

  • @seanr.6498
    @seanr.6498 Рік тому

    Man really said Move players aren't real.

    • @HooglandiaSnap
      @HooglandiaSnap  Рік тому +1

      If you are playing out all your move cards to the left most location like I described you aren't real no.

  • @TheThornicator
    @TheThornicator Рік тому

    I think bots on the ladder are fine and serve a much better purpose in this game than others. The one problem I have are the bots that have foresight, the "cheater" bots.
    Thanks as always.

    • @cluelessmango768
      @cluelessmango768 Рік тому +2

      It is actually really hard to make a strong bot that is not cheating and doesn’t require excessive computing power.
      In my opinion cheating bots are an interesting way to make the bots tough, but perhaps they should randomly have 1 or 2 cheating functions disabled so that they don’t always make the absolute perfect play.
      Like a bot that knows your play but not the result of random effects for example

    • @TheThornicator
      @TheThornicator Рік тому

      @@cluelessmango768 fair take. I hadn't thought of it that way. I'm almost sure that 2nd Dinner did say however that the bots DO know the results of RNG. Jeff also reiterates this in the video.

    • @cluelessmango768
      @cluelessmango768 Рік тому +2

      @@TheThornicator I know the bots are aware of ‘random’ outcomes, but I propose we take that and other ‘cheating’ methods they apply away from them at random to make them feel more random

  • @mysticalbeing8943
    @mysticalbeing8943 Рік тому

    its worse in pool 2 i went from rank 50 to infinite playing 80% bots

  • @ShiniOokami
    @ShiniOokami Рік тому +1

    Why do bots exist on the ladder?
    So my sorry potato ass can climb a little :(

  • @grimmnekrokvlt
    @grimmnekrokvlt Рік тому

    Only way I can tell its a bot is when they make insane bad plays. Saying that I have done that myself.

  • @Ehndur
    @Ehndur Рік тому

    Bots above 80 are cruel...

  • @andrewc6224
    @andrewc6224 Рік тому

    I use a single word name and a basic profile picture.
    Beep boop, I'm a bot

  • @thecapital-m2983
    @thecapital-m2983 Рік тому

    another giveaway for identifying bots I think is emoting. If your opponent is spamming the ms marvel thumbs up emote at the end of the game, you know they are human lol.
    On another topic I wonder if there's a method to force our way into a bot game? I know it's kinda cheating but climbing the ranks is kinda frustrating and I would prefer a single player mode to the game

    • @Jayhbentley
      @Jayhbentley Рік тому

      If you want to play against more bots, play at off-peak hours. There's nothing cheating about it and no reason to feel ashamed for taking cubes from bots to get better ladder rewards. Just don't brag about being good at the game because you're infinite. 🙂

    • @thecapital-m2983
      @thecapital-m2983 Рік тому

      @@Jayhbentley i was thinking maybe if I wait until the season is over and not update the game, it will have to put me against bots as the rest of the players would've moved to the new update

  • @Kegel_Destroyer
    @Kegel_Destroyer Рік тому

    I play stupid like a bot so I emote to show I am a stupid human not a stupid AI

  • @TheForhekset
    @TheForhekset Рік тому

    I feel like the real playrrs uasly have the titles from the season pass, I dont think the bots uasly have titles.

  • @reveirg9
    @reveirg9 Рік тому

    NoobMaster69 is a bot

  • @Valentineishere
    @Valentineishere Рік тому

    I have seen this streamer molt just complain about bots all over the plays while he is at rank 90, delusional guy
    I dont see any issue with bots to be totally honest, it makes it so that the queu times arent minutes long + it makes the game way more fun + relaxed in a way

  • @ValterCorreia91
    @ValterCorreia91 Рік тому

  • @Square1286Kev
    @Square1286Kev Рік тому

    Incoming silver surfer nerf. Power cosmic graphic on marvel snaps official page showing surfer at 4 energy, multiple times. @hooglandia marvel snap

    • @TaskMaster5
      @TaskMaster5 Рік тому +1

      May be for the better since he's in Serra style decks. His buff is above curve. Cerebro and Patriot only give +2 on specific cards. Kazaar and Blue Marvel only give +1. +3 is strong and isn't shut down by Rogue or Enchantress like the others. And he can be Wong'd. :/ Granted, he doesn't have any power to contribute to his lane but he doesn't need to. So if he does get a minor energy increase it'd call it fair. He puts a LOT of value on the board turn 6 in Serra swarms.