Resolving AGN-host Interactions in Nearby Seyfert Galaxies (Anna Trindade Falcao)

  • Опубліковано 18 вер 2024
  • The NLR within active galactic nuclei AGN is a valuable diagnostic tool for investigating AGN feedback due to its unique characteristics, such as low density, moderate ionization, and relatively weak kinematics. I will provide an in-depth examination of interactions between AGNs and their host galaxies in nearby Seyfert galaxies. To study these interactions, we employ a multi-wavelength approach, combining the imaging of extended X-ray line emissions from these AGNs with high-resolution data from the HST and radio observations. This allows us to finely resolve the intricate X-ray structure of the extended NLR, offering a complete understanding of the multi-phase ISM, and allowing us to examine jet-ISM interactions and measure mass and momentum outflow rates to evaluate the importance of AGN feedback. When observed on scales of ~10s of parsecs, the NLR in these AGNs reveals a complex, multi-component nature. Diagnostic line mapping reveals the presence of LINER cocoons surrounding the cavities created by outflows. In some of these targets, evidence supporting the existence of collisional plasma is found within the same region.