Advanced X-ray Imaging Satellite (AXIS)
Advanced X-ray Imaging Satellite (AXIS)
  • 36
  • 6 039
The Next Generation of High-z Cluster Studies (Anthony Flores)
The Intracluster Medium (ICM) encodes the integrated history of cosmic feedback processes from the formation of their host systems to the moment of observations. In order to determine the profound effects Active Galactic Nuclei and Star Formation processes have on the evolution of galaxy clusters, we require spatially resolved X-ray measurements of the ICM out to high-z. While the current generation of X-ray instruments (Chandra+XMM-Newton) have provided crucial insights into cluster evolution at low-to-intermediate redshifts, they struggle significantly at high redshift where both high spatial resolution and soft sensitivity are required to fully characterize these systems. The Advanced X-ray Imaging Satellite (AXIS) will revolutionize the field of high-z cluster science, extending thermodynamic and chemical measurements of the ICM into the period of Cosmic Noon and placing tight constraints on when and how AGN and SF processes influenced the evolution of the most massive objects in the Universe.
Переглядів: 433


Magnetars fireworks in the Time Domain and Multimessenger Universe (Michela Negro)
Переглядів 2,4 тис.Місяць тому
In this colloquium, we will look into the dynamic phenomena exhibited by magnetars, from their rapid and intense bursts to their potential role as multimessenger sources. We will explore the latest observational and theoretical advancements that allow us to unveil the mysteries of these cosmic powerhouses. The discussion will extend to the necessity of future missions geared towards enhancing o...
The cross-talk between global dynamics in the ICM/CGM and microphysics (Prakriti Palchoudhury)
Переглядів 323 місяці тому
Diffuse, weakly collisional and weakly magnetised intracluster and circumgalactic media are not only crucial to understand the large scale galaxy formation physics across redshifts, but these are also ideal testbeds for exploring effects of plasma scale transport phenomena. The important X-ray observational probes include (not exhaustively) (i) Strong shock sites that can hint at Coulomb collis...
Insights into Early SMBH Growth from JWST (Dale Kocevski)
Переглядів 543 місяці тому
The capabilities of JWST are now allowing us to measure the host demographics of AGN beyond cosmic noon and detect lower luminosity quasars out to the epoch of reionization. I will discuss recent AGN-related results from the CEERS Survey and what they tell us about the growth of SMBHs in the early universe. This includes the discovery of an actively accreting SMBH at z=8.67, which is one of the...
Chasing X-ray counterparts to Fast Radio Bursts and Hypernebula with AXIS (Navin Sridhar)
Переглядів 464 місяці тому
Fast Radio Bursts are a new class of ms-duration coherent radio flashes, mostly of extragalactic origin. In April 2020, an FRB was detected from a Galactic magnetar, contemporaneous with a brief X-ray flash. A couple of years later, the same source produced an FRB contemporaneous with the largest spin glitch seen in a magnetar as monitored from the quasi-periodic X-ray bursts. These observation...
Time-domain and Multi-messenger Science with Supermassive Black Hole Binaries (Tingting Liu)
Переглядів 394 місяці тому
A supermassive black hole binary (SMBHB) is thought to form at the final stage of a galaxy merger when the two SMBHs are sufficiently close to become gravitationally bound, before gravitational radiation brings the SMBHs to coalescence. Last year, the pulsar timing array (PTA) collaborations announced evidence for a stochastic gravitational-wave (GW) background that is consistent with expectati...
Extragalactic Fast X-ray Transients in the AXIS Era (Jonathan Quirola)
Переглядів 464 місяці тому
Extragalactic Fast X-ray Transients (FXTs) are X-ray flashes lasting minutes to hours. Their nature is unclear, but the most remarkable scenarios related to them are shock breakout supernovae, tidal disruption events involving white dwarf stars and intermediate massive black holes, and binary neutron star mergers. Observing them using different wavelength facilities in the coming hours and days...
Resolving AGN-host Interactions in Nearby Seyfert Galaxies (Anna Trindade Falcao)
Переглядів 294 місяці тому
The NLR within active galactic nuclei AGN is a valuable diagnostic tool for investigating AGN feedback due to its unique characteristics, such as low density, moderate ionization, and relatively weak kinematics. I will provide an in-depth examination of interactions between AGNs and their host galaxies in nearby Seyfert galaxies. To study these interactions, we employ a multi-wavelength approac...
AGN feedback in elliptical galaxies with AXIS (Helen Russell)
Переглядів 764 місяці тому
Feedback from AGN is thought to be the essential mechanism slowing massive galaxy growth at late times in the Universe. Chandra observations of the hot atmospheres surrounding these galaxies reveal cavities, weak shocks, sound waves and filaments, demonstrating the substantial energy input by repeated episodes of AGN activity. Our current understanding is predominantly driven by deep Chandra ob...
The AXIS Perspective on Atmospheric Escape from Exoplanets (Tansu Daylan)
Переглядів 4410 місяців тому
The Advanced X-ray Imaging Satellite (AXIS) is an X-ray mission concept with a compelling science case to revolutionize studies of atmospheric loss of exoplanets due to stellar flares and coronal mass ejections. With its uniform and high angular resolution of better than 1.5 arcseconds uniform over a large, 24-arcminute-diameter field of view, high effective area and energy resolution, it is a ...
The Things That Planets Go Around …and Through (Scott Wolk)
Переглядів 14110 місяців тому
I examine AXIS's ability to examine extended stellar atmospheres. The stellar atmosphere extends tens of AU from the stellar surface and planets spend their entire existence within the turbulent stellar atmosphere. The atmosphere starts with coronal structures on the star which give rise to the winds that fill the space beyond with ionized high-velocity particles. These winds are complicated by...
AXIS view of Planetary Nebulae Hot Bubble Plasmas (Rudolf Montez)
Переглядів 126Рік тому
I summarize the prospects for expanding our understanding of plasma processes in nearby and extended planetary nebulae (PNe) hot bubbles. X-ray observations of PNe by XMM and Chandra observations of these soft extended plasmas hint at the presence of numerous plasma processes that cannot be well-studied with current instrumentation. The interface of hot bubble plasma with the surrounding nebula...
Feedback from X-ray Binaries Across Cosmic Time (Kristen Garofali)
Переглядів 117Рік тому
Feedback from X-ray binaries may be a key ingredient in regulating how reionization proceeded in the early Universe. I will provide an overview of the importance of feedback from X-ray binaries in star-forming environments, and summarize our current understanding of this component of feedback based on resolved population studies in nearby galaxies, recent cosmic 21-cm results, and binary popula...
Constraining the Formation and Evolution of Supermassive Black Holes with AXIS (Angelo Ricarte-CfA)
Переглядів 140Рік тому
With its exquisite field of view, effective area, point spread function, and background, AXIS will push the envelope of supermassive black hole (SMBH) evolution theory. In this talk, I will discuss how AXIS will allow us to tackle several major unresolved areas of SMBH science including SMBH-galaxy co-evolution, the path from galaxy merger to SMBH merger, and especially seeding. Large populatio...
AGN clustering with AXIS (Merry Powell)
Переглядів 79Рік тому
The spatial clustering statistics of AGN can characterize the host dark matter halos and large-scale environments of accreting supermassive black holes. Understanding this AGN-halo connection provides powerful clues to how black holes grow and coevolve with their host galaxies. I will present forecasts for AGN clustering measurements at intermediate redshifts enabled by AXIS and future spectros...
The Galactic Center and Sgr A* (Mark Reynolds)
Переглядів 50Рік тому
The Galactic Center and Sgr A* (Mark Reynolds)
Classification of X-ray sources from AXIS GPS and the population of extended high-energy sources
Переглядів 175Рік тому
Classification of X-ray sources from AXIS GPS and the population of extended high-energy sources
Galactic Plane Survey with AXIS (Arash Bodaghee)
Переглядів 115Рік тому
Galactic Plane Survey with AXIS (Arash Bodaghee)
AXIS HEAD20 Hawaii Splinter Session
Переглядів 262Рік тому
AXIS HEAD20 Hawaii Splinter Session
Constraining Physics Beyond the Standard Model : a case for Axion-Like Particle (Julia Sisk-Reynes)
Переглядів 201Рік тому
Constraining Physics Beyond the Standard Model : a case for Axion-Like Particle (Julia Sisk-Reynes)
The AXIS high-speed X-ray camera (Eric Miller)
Переглядів 82Рік тому
The AXIS high-speed X-ray camera (Eric Miller)
X-ray View of Star Formation (Marina Kounkel)
Переглядів 46Рік тому
X-ray View of Star Formation (Marina Kounkel)
Characterizing the X-ray Structure in AGN Jets (Karthik Reddy)
Переглядів 38Рік тому
Characterizing the X-ray Structure in AGN Jets (Karthik Reddy)
AXIS Splinter Session AAS Seattle
Переглядів 154Рік тому
AXIS Splinter Session AAS Seattle
Stellar and X-ray Binary Feedback with AXIS (Mihoko Yukita)
Переглядів 52Рік тому
Stellar and X-ray Binary Feedback with AXIS (Mihoko Yukita)
Studying Tidal Disruption Events and Luminous Fast Blue Optical Transients (Yuhan Yao)
Переглядів 206Рік тому
Studying Tidal Disruption Events and Luminous Fast Blue Optical Transients (Yuhan Yao)
Extreme Variability and Changing Look/State AGN (Franz Bauer)
Переглядів 114Рік тому
Extreme Variability and Changing Look/State AGN (Franz Bauer)
High-z Clusters with AXIS (Michael McDonald)
Переглядів 92Рік тому
High-z Clusters with AXIS (Michael McDonald)
Studies of Resolved AGN Jets with AXIS (Eileen Meyer)
Переглядів 107Рік тому
Studies of Resolved AGN Jets with AXIS (Eileen Meyer)
X-ray Lensing of the Inflows and Outflows of Quasars (George Chartas)
Переглядів 712 роки тому
X-ray Lensing of the Inflows and Outflows of Quasars (George Chartas)


  • @jefflyon2020
    @jefflyon2020 21 день тому

    love it when bizarre exeme objects in the universe border on science fiction but remain real and out there somewhere. fascinatrng stuff.

  • @tigertiger1699
    @tigertiger1699 26 днів тому

    Thank you…🙏🙏🙏🙏 but incredibly hard to track/ stay with … flipping through screens

  • @군주-b9v
    @군주-b9v 26 днів тому

    Hernandez Ronald Gonzalez Christopher Hernandez Linda

  • @OzGoober
    @OzGoober Місяць тому

    Thanks great talk!

  • @BjarneLinetsky
    @BjarneLinetsky Місяць тому

    Compact objects are dominated by their intense gravitational field. An interesting question: Are magnetars dominated by their intense magnetic field?

  • @lexinexi-hj7zo
    @lexinexi-hj7zo Місяць тому

    Excellent video filled with real science instead of history channel saying "Thats like 300 football fields of mri machines" how many ergs in a football field? Nucleus of an atom= 1X10^-37 football fields in american units.

    • @bryanergau6682
      @bryanergau6682 20 днів тому

      Stop living in the past. We measure everything in Danny DeVito's since like 2021.

    • @bryanergau6682
      @bryanergau6682 20 днів тому

      We measure in Danny DeVito's now.

  • @shawns0762
    @shawns0762 5 місяців тому

    There is no black holes. General Relativity predicts dilation, not singularities. In the 1939 journal "Annals of Mathematics" Einstein wrote - "The essential result of this investigation is a clear understanding as to why the Schwarzchild singularities (Schwarzchild was the first to raise the issue of General Relativity predicting singularities) do not exist in physical reality. Although the theory given here treats only clusters (star clusters) whose particles move along circular paths it does seem to be subject to reasonable doubt that more general cases will have analogous results. The Schwarzchild singularities do not appear for the reason that matter cannot be concentrated arbitrarily. And this is due to the fact that otherwise the constituting particles would reach the velocity of light." He was referring to the phenomenon of dilation (sometimes called gamma or y) mass that is dilated is smeared through spacetime relative to an outside observer. It's the phenomenon behind the phrase "mass becomes infinite at the speed of light". Time dilation is just one aspect of dilation, it's not just time that gets dilated. A graph illustrates its squared nature, dilation increases at an exponential rate the closer you get to the speed of light. Dilation will occur wherever there is an astronomical quantity of mass because high mass means high momentum. There is no singularity at the center of our galaxy. It can be inferred mathematically that dilation is occurring there. This means that there is no valid XYZ coordinate we can attribute to it, you can't point your finger at something that is smeared through spacetime. More precisely, everywhere you point is equally valid. This is the explanation for dark matter. The "missing mass" is dilated mass. Dilation does not occur in galaxies with low mass centers because they do not have enough mass to achieve relativistic velocities. To date, 6 very low mass galaxies including NGC 1052-DF2 and DF4 have been confirmed to show no signs of dark matter. This also explains why all planets and all binary stars have normal rotation rates, not 3 times normal.

  • @kalmdown8271
    @kalmdown8271 Рік тому

    bro the earth is not a planet. how do you see venus at night? think about it. The eccencricity of orbit for earth and venus is closest to a circle we should not see venus at night we are looking away from the sun and venus is between the sun and earth. Or so you've been told. there is no way to independently check we have to take the word of NASA and or the military since that is who controls the information you think is real. The earth is the endless universe it is an endless plane (no edge no dome no continuous icewall but more land more continents)(look into the 1907 kobayashi map extra continents map). look into it look past the surface level gatekeeping and you will see that we have been lied to since elementary school. Please read "kings dethroned" or listen to the audio book. everything you think you know about space is a lie or misinfo or disinfo. There is more land more continents unlimited resources. flat earthers are a strawman attack a psyop of misinfo to hide the truth I am not religious I want to believe space is what Ive been told but it isnt. look into it as a skeptic the old nasa footage is all garbage obvious green or blue screen really terrible effects.