These were my first pair of waders and got them on sale for $130. I’ve hunted almost the entire duck season in just these and a pair of bdu pants and these have kept me plenty warm. The water resistant cellphone pouch is pretty shoddy though and broke with minimal use.
Not trying to be rude, but if anyone listens to this using headphones the music almost overides your voice. I’d lose the music or tone it way down. I could not finish watching the video due to the annoying music.
These were my first pair of waders and got them on sale for $130. I’ve hunted almost the entire duck season in just these and a pair of bdu pants and these have kept me plenty warm. The water resistant cellphone pouch is pretty shoddy though and broke with minimal use.
Thanks for watching. I’ve enjoyed them and think they are a solid pair of waders for the money
Not trying to be rude, but if anyone listens to this using headphones the music almost overides your voice. I’d lose the music or tone it way down. I could not finish watching the video due to the annoying music.
Appreciate the feedback. Sometimes the balance between music and voice can be difficult.