CONTINUED: Don't get confused, the data sent to the ECM is not dumbed down at all. It is just converted into a CAN data stream. This is done with other sensors as well, like some steering angle sensors and pedal position sensors. Actually, it is predicted that all sensors withing the next 5 to 8 years will be networked like this. It saves lots of weight in the wiring harness. Thanks for posting.
It's not a conflict. From what we've been able to gather, the maker now has full control of the process. Now if an aftermarket wants to make this sensor, they have to retro-engineer the control box as well. They could have done it all inside the ECM, as it's normally done, but chose to do like this to protect their market. Also, these units are built to tight specs, so they have to be matched. NGK and Continental make these units for the most part. CONTINUED:
Again great video. I think it will take some time to get used to t hi is kind of sensor but eventually it will make diagnostics easier. It will take less time to qualify or condemn a sensor. Now the hard part will be selling an even more expensive sensor to the customer.
This system seems a bit strange, it is as if, the nox sensor and box are capable of very high levels of precision ,and yet they info the supply to the ECU has to be dumbed down, so to speak, is there a conflict with the technology here?
+Jay Misir Your welcome... Here is the entire BOO and DVD series. Enjoy....
this stupid sensor cost higher than gold 300+ for 2 years and break and calls so much problem they are a big issues on vw golf mkv this ppl who making this sensor supposed to sell them with at least 5 years warranty but we get only 2 years from vw witch is very unfair
CONTINUED: Don't get confused, the data sent to the ECM is not dumbed down at all. It is just converted into a CAN data stream. This is done with other sensors as well, like some steering angle sensors and pedal position sensors. Actually, it is predicted that all sensors withing the next 5 to 8 years will be networked like this. It saves lots of weight in the wiring harness. Thanks for posting.
It's not a conflict. From what we've been able to gather, the maker now has full control of the process. Now if an aftermarket wants to make this sensor, they have to retro-engineer the control box as well. They could have done it all inside the ECM, as it's normally done, but chose to do like this to protect their market. Also, these units are built to tight specs, so they have to be matched. NGK and Continental make these units for the most part. CONTINUED:
Thanks for the support. Yes, I know how hard it is to prove the high costs of repair in this economy or otherwise. Thanks again for your support.
THank you for the compliments. Keep posting...
Again great video. I think it will take some time to get used to t hi is kind of sensor but eventually it will make diagnostics easier. It will take less time to qualify or condemn a sensor. Now the hard part will be selling an even more expensive sensor to the customer.
hi sir you Video help lots good work.pls keep post this type of info.poeple like me get lot. help.GODBLESS!!!
Very helpful video sir
I got a NOx sensor with 8 wires. what could the additional 2 wires be?
Looks like it's another heating element.
hello micky the extra 2 wire is use to measure the temperature on the driver and passenger.
Temp or ground
This system seems a bit strange, it is as if, the nox sensor and box are capable of very high levels of precision ,and yet they info the supply to the ECU has to be dumbed down, so to speak, is there a conflict with the technology here?
Thank You.
+Jay Misir Your welcome... Here is the entire BOO and DVD series. Enjoy....
this stupid sensor cost higher than gold 300+ for 2 years and break and calls so much problem they are a big issues on vw golf mkv
this ppl who making this sensor supposed to sell them with at least 5 years warranty but we get only 2 years from vw witch is very unfair
Code P2BAC ?
Description would be appreciated...
The voice is making my brain hurt.
Get another brain then.
@@ADPTraining yeah, that's gonna get you subscribers 😂
So that didnt really show any form of proper testing. Absolute horse shit