SSO: Why is the climate changing?

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024


  • @YTRattle
    @YTRattle  Рік тому +151


    • @tyler3295
      @tyler3295 Рік тому

      i think we should delete horses from starstable, like we can just walk around right !!!🙄

  • @noones6109
    @noones6109 Рік тому +1906

    The "to many horses becoming overwhelming" is a real thing. Its often referred to "choice overload" where people get presented with too many options and as a result they have difficulty making a choice at all. When making a decision becomes overwhelming its a negative feeling so people start to avoid it.

    • @YTRattle
      @YTRattle  Рік тому +160

      Ohhhh! This is such a good POINT!!! I forgot about this! Thanks for mentioning it!

    • @VeinInthings
      @VeinInthings Рік тому +47

      Omg this is true. I have a friend who can’t make a choice on a horse so they buy all the coats.

    • @m4tta
      @m4tta Рік тому +47

      for real i haven’t bought a horse for over a year because there are constantly new ones being released so i don’t know which one to choose and i keep waiting in case a better one will come out…

    • @Its_Asteria
      @Its_Asteria Рік тому +16

      that's what I've sstarted to experience with a game called creatures of sonaria. there's SO MANY creatures. there's at least 2 or more that get added EVERY friday night. updates every friday are fine but the creature overload is getting to be too much. I can't possibly afford all of them (in game currency not robux) to the point where I'll likely NEVER have some of the newer things.
      I hope it improves and they slow down to remodel old models but like, I can't bring myself to play right now.
      I don't play SSO but know a bit about it and came across rattle's channel when watching videos talkuing about what happened with that. So I know how sso players feel to an extent, just not as long running because SSO is much older than the games I've had issues with. you guys deserve better.

    • @kristenrasmussen4135
      @kristenrasmussen4135 Рік тому +6

      I feel this so much. I'm a relatively "new" paid member, so my star coins are pretty low. The Belgian Warmbloods and Tennessee Walkers came out last year and I had so many I wanted, coat-wise. It became *stressful* trying to narrow down which one I wanted, since i could only afford one. Ended up getting the percheron on a whim instead just so I could make myself stop fretting over a decision (she's one of my favorites, so all is good, lol). I... probably won't make myself go through that again.

  • @aerkame
    @aerkame Рік тому +1031

    To me, I am very frustrated because this game is not the game I remember. The game was originally set to take place after the Starshine comics and games, a game to complete the mystery of Jorvik and there is STILL no ending. SSO no longer has this mysterious feel to it anymore and it just feels like a horse collector game and it's vibe has switched to realism or cartoonish realism.

    • @WelcomeToMyHome
      @WelcomeToMyHome Рік тому +45

      I couldn't describe my feelings better than this.

    • @EleanorMoonwalker
      @EleanorMoonwalker Рік тому +17

      Basically Breyer The Game

    • @comfortme
      @comfortme Рік тому +14

      it did feel mysterious but i honestly cant put my finger on it. honestly didn’t play it enough as a kid i’m not sure if it’s because i was super clueless or there was more to be explored? what is it and why is it gone?

    • @aerkame
      @aerkame Рік тому +45

      @@comfortme The vibe that they used to have is very close to what you'd see in a Lovecraftian story. The main villain(s) aren't even the Dark riders but Garnok. I bet a good chunk of players don't even know that because of just how far SSO has taken things.

    • @EleanorMoonwalker
      @EleanorMoonwalker Рік тому +16

      @@comfortme because the game is now targeted for 5 year olds who wanna look at barbie horses

  • @RimFaxxe
    @RimFaxxe Рік тому +366

    And yet there are still people angry about us being angry

    • @YTRattle
      @YTRattle  Рік тому +27

      Isn't that the truth XD

    • @RimFaxxe
      @RimFaxxe Рік тому +11

      @@YTRattle you probably saw people on the Cozy Bee Games server... always mad when I say anything about old sso being better... denying the issues, glorifying them even

    • @midnightgalaxy886
      @midnightgalaxy886 Рік тому +3

      Yeah it’s weird too. I mean I’m just glad they’re doing things besides just horses now but there’s stuff they gotta fix

    • @RimFaxxe
      @RimFaxxe Рік тому +4

      @@midnightgalaxy886 yeah they're in complete denial

    • @midnightgalaxy886
      @midnightgalaxy886 Рік тому

      @@RimFaxxe Like with how money hungry they are

  • @karladt9377
    @karladt9377 Рік тому +805

    The animators need to spend more time on the new breeds. Less than a month isn't enough - the new ones are becoming more and more robotic.

    • @kalataria
      @kalataria Рік тому +47

      It's like they're reverting back to their old issues.

    • @filidolphini
      @filidolphini Рік тому +35

      i think the american paint horse still has the best model and animations in the game, a horse that was released 18 months ago, in a game that has horse releases bi-monthly

    • @kalataria
      @kalataria Рік тому +4

      @@filidolphini Agreed.

    • @nixcivix
      @nixcivix Рік тому +2

      @@filidolphini 100% agree

    • @01101
      @01101 Рік тому +17

      On the flipside to this, players need to recognize the incredibly high standard SSO set themselves up for, with creating breed-specific animations for every breed.
      There's only so many ways a horse can do the same gaits across breeds, the constant "this horse's animations are copy-pasted from this horse" is just needless outrage.
      BAD animations are absolutely a thing, but I see more nitpicking over "it looks similar to x other horse" far more often

  • @RoseWilder
    @RoseWilder Рік тому +361

    Some of the issues with Star Stables reminds me of the issues with The Sims. The Sims doesn't have many competitiors, so they can do as they please since people don't have many places to go (Paralives don't let me down). Competition is good and healthy, it pushes for inovation and creative solutions. What will make you stand out among your comeptitors? Why are you the best choice?
    Let's hope they'll be forced to make a change, but that's unlikely to happen unless they are earning less and less. Money sure is a motivator.
    Also, I really love your content!

    • @lady_vivid8232
      @lady_vivid8232 Рік тому +12

      off topic but a sso player who plays sims? same!

    • @emhoj97
      @emhoj97 Рік тому +19

      I still chuckle when I remember Paralives showing windows moving freely on walls and INSTANTLY Sims released an update to add it themselves haha I look forward to seeing how LBY and Paralives can push Sims to become something greater

    • @dovington
      @dovington Рік тому +7

      One competitor for SSO in my opinion is Alicia Online, a lot of ex SSO players have moved to AO and they’re loving it and you don’t have to spend any money and the staff spoil us 🥰

    • @lady_vivid8232
      @lady_vivid8232 Рік тому


    • @lady_vivid8232
      @lady_vivid8232 Рік тому

      @@dovington does it cost money?

  • @AbigailPinehaven
    @AbigailPinehaven Рік тому +123

    Thank you Rattle for the opportunity to partake in this conversation!
    I actually wanted to open a discussion for some points that were brought up in this video.
    Would the community get angry if there were less horse releases? This is an interesting question because the answer is yes, however people are going to get annoyed regardless of what the update is, or what it isn't. Everyone plays the game for different reasons, and people like different things about the game. If you change the update formula, someone is always going to get upset or annoyed. Would less horses mean better horse releases? Better updates? Who knows honestly.
    Triple A prices for an average game? I agree with this to an extent, especially when you directly compare the fact you can buy RDR2, Days Gone, TLOU etc for around the same price. However we don't have a finished game here. In a way we are paying to fund the game's continued development and expansion. These games are not being updated because they are already developed and released, whereas SSO has a full time team requiring full time wages. Do I think the game is too expensive in the long term? Perhaps, but by giving our money to the game we are supporting the continued development of the game title. Now is the development sub-par in its execution, content and polish? Perhaps.
    Where is my money going? I totally see the point that was made here and I used to think exactly the same way. How come they get an office full of cool décor and goodies, when the game is still lacking in so many areas? But one thing to consider is that it's generally important to have a polished feel for your branding, to be able to make content in their office that doesn't look like a drab 9-5 cubicle. And as creators its really important to be able to take inspiration from our surroundings and feel immersed in the world we create. The same goes for SSO employees, its really positive to see them be able to have access to a physical environment that helps their creative process.
    But that's just my 2 cents, feel free to disagree :D

    • @YTRattle
      @YTRattle  Рік тому +18

      Hey Abigail! Thank you for being a part of this! ♥ :D And thank you for sharing your ideas on these points! I'm going to try and maybe incorporate this into the second video, as getting these different perspectives was the initial idea. ♥

    • @AmeliaDreambell
      @AmeliaDreambell Рік тому +9

      Thank you for bringing up these points! Sometimes I get too passionate, haha. You've definitely made me sit and think about my perspective! Thank you, Abigail!

    • @aprilpurplenight
      @aprilpurplenight Рік тому +5

      i definitely agree with your perspective here, and see where you are coming from!
      personally, the horse release rate i dont mind much. i do think that now that we have a consistent cycle of receiving horses, its literally impossible to keep up with given the prices/weekly SC allowance. but we always know the horse will be there to stay, or will be back in the future so you certainly can plan out purchases, and im sure majority of invested players spend money on SSO at least once a year so with our allowance (although mostly gone to stable care) we can buy some our favorite horses in the year out of the many released. i've learned to some-what appreciate the quick rate of horses by only buying the ones i truly like, and i know its weird if you're an older player to get out of that collector mentality (because its all we used to have for the longest time and honestly really is still mostly what we have in the end game) but with the horse drop rate you really have to stop that mentality or you're talking about serious money being spent on horse pixels.. because the prices are some of the most expensive in the entire gaming market (including the triple A bracket).
      to me star coins are extremely overpriced given what we see developed within the actual game. however, i do think its fair to ask for re-occurring investments as any game with ongoing development does, i just wish SSO would update their purchase/funding methods and pricing to be more standard to other company's making similar profit (which is a lot of profit). SSO needs to balance their prices to what they are really offering within the game - the game that fuels all of the marketing campaigns and investment moves the company is making right now to dominate the market. they can and should dominate, but i wish they would invest some of that success back into learning what their community wants so they can provide it for us as they have every opportunity and ability to. personally, because they don't do that is why i've been upset with SSO for years now and lost hope a while ago (i still play and spend the occasional coin for horses but i'm not nearly as invested as i would be for a game i felt was worth the money im paying).
      although i dont think SSO ever will, lowering their prices would be good for their company imo. my personal self control for buying game things goes out the window as soon as it becomes reasonable because its "cheap" or not something i have to genuinely think about purchasing. for example, i bought star coins several times a year before the price increase - but since the price increase i have only bought star coins once out of many opportunities, and only because it was double and i had a gift card at my expense. if SSO would have chosen to decrease prices by the amount they raised them, i probably would have ended up buying star coins even more often because to me im getting more out of my money than i ever have before. i genuinely think thats the move they should have made as it not only makes more sense with what they provide us and the state of the game, but also i think it would have enticed more sales as people are more willing to spend money on something if its reasonable which leads to more sales (fortnite is a great example of an ongoing developing game that asks for re-occurring purchases if you want to be "hip" and have the new shiny things, but the game provides quality consistent new content with cheap prices and its making SO much money doing so).
      i think SSO is doing a lot right! their office space for example, i totally agree with you there. it would be wonderful and inspiring to work in a place like that, and although i have my opinions on how they could dedicate their time within that office space i do think its important to have a comforting workspace and dont mind my money spent on the game going to the comfort of the employees that make the game happen. but they also have a wonderful office space, and don't really seem to fully appreciate the community that funded it and continues to fund it despite a lot of the undeniable flaws within the game and company output itself. i really don't think it would be that hard to listen to the community and improve the game to our wishes, because in the end it just leads to a better game and more players content which leads to more players who stay playing and paying.
      to conclude i really don't mind all the flashy and extra stuff SSO does and i don't mind the constant flow of new horses, but its come to a point where its no longer worth what they are asking to fund it all because nothing we want changed (hollow woods? bugs? unfinished horses? repetitive quick content? community involvement?) is really changing and the community continues to feel ignored and force fed horses and cheap content like races. i dont have hope really, but i am curious to see in the upcoming months/years how the game will improve for the better with some of long standing promises like the character update finally being fulfilled. but the game has a very long road until it's worth what we have all paid and continue to pay for it, i don't just want looks and cosmetics i want to enjoy my experience and feel excited again to get updates and new horses ♡

    • @linn_et_hunter
      @linn_et_hunter Рік тому +1

      We totally agree with you Abigail! 🙏

    • @AHandleFul
      @AHandleFul Рік тому +6

      You can buy RDO on sale sometimes for $5 or you can buy the online game for around $20. Xbox game pass is around $14 a month if you do monthly, but the cost of SSO is way too high for the little content they have. I have nothing else to do in game except train the millions of horses I have. It’s exhausting and feels like a chore, but I’m a completion layer with OCD. So, it bothers me to not have all horses at 15.
      Not to mention some of the rep quests glitched and you can’t become admired with Ricky winterwell or Jamie Olivetree.

  • @thehufflepuffhobbit7976
    @thehufflepuffhobbit7976 6 місяців тому +12

    What I want, personally, is the old Star Stable back. The darker mystery fantasy game with a deep lore and plot. The game could even feel disturbing or creepy at times, but in a good way that added this intrigue to it.
    They completely changed the vibe and just made it into a trendy game instead of the story it was once. I really just want to play the old Star Stable.

    • @soleil4722
      @soleil4722 3 місяці тому +1

      Truth 👏 they've hurt not only the storyline but also the main characters, wtf are the new dark riders? Why is Lisa a country girl? Not only the designs have changed, they took away their personalities

    • @Snekysnitch
      @Snekysnitch 2 місяці тому

      The old games abandoned, you can download them for free.

  • @Werileyz
    @Werileyz Рік тому +25

    I appreciate this video. I began playing SSO in 2013 as a 7 year old child. I was living in constant fear and was being sexually abused at home, and while I haven’t played in years, the game will always mean something to me because of how much it distracted me from my life. To watch it slowly turn into whatever it is now is so, so incredibly disappointing. I’m 16 now and have always wanted to play it again- I wanted to save up enough money for a computer and download the game, get star rider, everything. But the prices? The graphics? It’s not even worth it anymore. To me it feels like there is no love being put into the game. It makes me so sad that the game genuinely just isn’t enjoyable to so many anymore. Your analysis was great. Have a wonderful day/night. 💚

  • @rock2946
    @rock2946 Рік тому +15

    Different artists shouldn't be a problem imo. Many large animation corporations expect artists to be able to adjust their styles so that the art/animation is uniform and similar to one another. It's usually a requirement in many of these companies to be able to adjust your style or you won't be hired. Can you imagine if animated films allowed their artists to use whatever style for every frame? Unless done on purpose, it would be very distracting

  • @chibi-chan7608
    @chibi-chan7608 Рік тому +43

    I agree, especially with the last part: if we are unhappy, we have power! We can do something about it! If we stop buying everything we see, we might get big and nice changes!! I bought lifetime and stopped spending money since 2019, I think that if more people do the same, Star Stable will change, I really hope so...

    • @RimFaxxe
      @RimFaxxe Рік тому +8

      Many old games thrive to this day, but sso has been damaged beyond repair I fear. It's time we let it go and move on. It's gonna be hard, given there is no other game like sso, at least not yet, but this game deserves to finally rest. Star stable has been a part of our lives for a long time now, for a lot of us since 2010 even, and it's been 12 years since the game released but 13 if you count the test phases. It's a game that's become too overwhelmed with cosmetics, instead of good quality updates. I say it's time we let this game go, it's all we can do sadly.

  • @KW_Lynn
    @KW_Lynn Рік тому +9

    Something I’ve always thought about is that, let’s say you got unlimited star coins, you would buy everything but then what? The game would be boring without an in game currency because there really is no actual content. That’s when you know there’s an issue.

  • @johanna7096
    @johanna7096 Рік тому +11

    I am always pretty annoyed of sc prices but I am even more outraged of the js prices and ESPECIALLY the 10000JS border! I pay everything that is buyable with js with them! And it’s soooo annoying that you can’t collect more and you basically can buy ONE item with the maximum amount of js

  • @carole5933
    @carole5933 Рік тому +4

    When did it stop accumulating the star coins if you don't log on? It must have been recently, last 12 months I was in and out of hospital and came back to a nice stack of coins. This change is very underhand, and I didn't see any announcements about it. I admit to horse fatigue, too many horses being released, so no excitement. Lack of quests, and cheating in champs, but that's been the same for years. Thank you for a reasoned discussion, it is appreciated.

    • @YTRattle
      @YTRattle  Рік тому +2

      A lot of people have been reporting this, but it's an odd on off thing I've come to realise. I'm glad you enjoyed the discussion! ♥

    • @Parrotcat
      @Parrotcat Рік тому

      I think they were selling it as "a bug for some people" but just not fixing it and thats how it started

  • @erdbeerpanda1804
    @erdbeerpanda1804 Рік тому +6

    A lot to unpack here, let's be real. The new horses do look stunning. Compare them to generations 1 and 2, the 3rd ones look absolutly stunning. The animations are amazing, the coats are amazing, visually they are very pleasing. So we can definitly see improvment. But, just like in the video said, there are too many. I have 1 horse of every breed and back then I trained them all out. Now? I have 4-5 new breeds on lvl one, maybe get some motivation to play SSO, train 2 horses to 15, get burned out again. Next breed releases, buy one, train one, burn out. I haven't bought star coins over a year and I save up quite a lot of them, because I do not buy magical horses and since I am not playing as much, the coins just add up. But it still shows how this overflow of new breeds burned me out. I am not getting hyped, even tho I would love a breed.
    Speaking of magical horses, I was a huge fan of them. Now? Not so much. We get too many and some are really similar to others, f.e. we have 2 cherrytree themed horses and 2 birch themed horses. And at the end, they are just recolours. So very easy for SSO to get more money with minimal efford.

  • @alexandrapandagirl
    @alexandrapandagirl Рік тому +3

    I am so lucky to share all of these opinions mentioned. As an older player, seeing a game so beloved and cherished go even further from what you once knew is disheartening. The greed, lack of time, and effort in planning things correctly, just takes the soul away from the game. It's a cash grab now, and I surely hope with enough force from the community we will make SSO listen to our concerns and issues within the game. This was a well-thought-out video Rattle!

  • @explodo5987
    @explodo5987 Рік тому +4

    That intro had me laughing out loud XD
    Amazing video as usual! It's really sad to know that this game most likely isn't going to change..

  • @LUN4321
    @LUN4321 Рік тому +3

    Such an amazing job Rattle! Your content never disappoints, thank you for all you do for the community!!

  • @v_doll
    @v_doll Рік тому +1

    Also: there's a quest on 15-16 level where Linda takes you to Dino Valley, but dissapears as soon as you step foot into Stonecutters Vault, making it impossible to continue with the main quests. I've seen some people say they've had this problem for up to a year now and SSO continues to do nothing. Nice

  • @animesubya
    @animesubya Рік тому

    While I currently don't play SSO, a game I play is experiencing the same thing.
    Creatures of Sonaria is a survival game on Roblox. Basic concept is you are a creature and you just survive.
    Each week they are pumping out two creatures that range in prices of 1.k to 10k. Some even cost actual money. At the time I'm writing this, the game currently has 230+ creatures. I can't imagine how new players feel when they see this long list of creatures you can get. Not to mention older players, I have a hard time choosing which creature to grow because of the amount.
    Another this is they have gachas. Those can range from 65 to 2.5k. Again some cost actual money and even other in game points. The gachas are also a chance thing, like the eggs in adopt me.
    Getting mushrooms(what the currency is called) is a long task. The last few months they added missions and it gives you some mushrooms. But considering the prices the creatures are, the missions are almost worthless. It does add up over time but if you are currently having creatures added, you are unlikely to have alot.
    They do have events but those creatures cost alot. For events, you have a completely different currency which is nice. However the creatures still cost alot and the mini games during those events don't give out enough for you to get the creature you want. And of course over the years, more and more will be added onto of the older ones. Plus one Easter event completely broke the trade stock and caused another event called the LSS. You needed to pay 35k total to get all four creatures.
    Alot of the older creatures need remodels but they completely get pushed back for the newer ones. But half of the time the newer ones have other issues. Like when they do a certain pose, you can see something go through it's neck.
    Off the creatures, the map was in need of a update. A year ago, we had news that a new map was coming. But for whatever reason it was cancelled months later. Flash step to now, we again have another map in progress. As of now its said to be 70% - 80% done. Only time will tell if we actually get it.

  • @hoarderofhermits
    @hoarderofhermits Рік тому

    As a kid, I remember being like “OH MY GOD MAGIC HORSES?? I GOTTA GET ONE NOW AHHH YAYY” but now it’s like “oh, another magic horse- eh I don’t care too much and I can just buy it the next time it comes around”
    And the whole FOMO thing I had BAD for the aqh and so I have a butt ton of them and nowadays I HATE THEM SO MUCHHH-

  • @Vex3133
    @Vex3133 Рік тому +1

    I didn’t even realize that if you don’t log in you don’t get Star coins i started getting scared that someone was getting into my account. That’s stupid that they don’t even give you the star coins that you should receive with your subscription

  • @WelcomeToMyHome
    @WelcomeToMyHome Рік тому


  • @equestrianmadness969
    @equestrianmadness969 Рік тому +2

    Such true words , i’ve been playing this game for 9-10 years i am so disappointed in what the game has become content wise , yes the graphics are nice but you just don’t have what to do except buying horses and tack which is so expensive that you cannot even do that without spending irl money. I find myself having 20+ horses to train and logging in doing i think 3-4 races and logging off because I AM BORED maybe i do an outfit change and that’s it . There was a yt that did an amazing video about some old aspects of the game that have been just removed and haven’t talked about ,like they disappeared into the unknown: the fact that you had to go to different places to buy different pieces of tack/clothing, the fact that you had to keep spamming your keyboard keys for you horse to keep galloping, having to take different transports depending on the area you wanted to go. Some of these features although annoying at times it made me want to play it gave me some realistic vibes some kind of connection to those pixel horses. When you had to wait for the bus to come and you could actually see it moving. It gave me some kind of familiarity, i used to travel by bus , it’s the little things. All the broken promises sso have made i just don’t trust that they will change as a company and have the players gameplay experience in mind . At least not until another horse multiplayer open world game comes . It’s sad because at least i have an opportunity to play RDR2 although it has nothing in common with SSO ( except it has horses), i am sad for the people that don’t have this chance . Sso is the only option,but i do hope other games will
    Come and challenge that title that they have so gotten used to.And i do start seeing some new games and although not as big and fancy as sso they are still something to work on still a hope . I love SSO with my heart it’s my childhood game but I won’t be sad when all those things will start bitting them in the hindquarters. They deserve it as a company.

  • @Ieaticecreamat2am
    @Ieaticecreamat2am Рік тому

    The “fitting” in was in my case really bad- i spend almost 1k on sso just to get every new horse- i didn’t even like half of them- one time when i had enough sc to buy the curly horses that came out like 7 weeks ago- my “friend” started to make me feel bad abt it because i didn’t get the new horse and said “ur not cool with ur curly horse”. I was 12 when that happened and i was hella insecure back then.

  • @bu04
    @bu04 Рік тому

    I'm not really a star stable player, I bought a lifetime because I felt left out by my friends that played the game and I couldn't because of lack of star rider. I'm not even interested in horses, but I come back to this game to buy a horse once I get enough starcoins, otherwise I don't play this game at all.
    First it was fun to play the quests, because when I first started in 2012 I played without a star rider and wasn't able to go many places and do much, so unlocking all those areas that I never had access to in 2017 (with my lifetime star rider purchase) felt rewarding and exciting, but the feeling ended quickly when I didn't have that much to explore anymore and tbh I don't find the storyline to be that good, I found myself skipping the dialogue often tbh. And I'm a type of person that can enjoy media directed at kids, I'm a big fan of cartoons and such! If star stable had a better storyline and well... the developers focused on updating it more I would play it more often instead of every few months when I have enough starcoins to do "shopping" or races.... but we already know the problem with cheating and racing, so it doesn't feel as enjoyable and I don't really do it that much anymore either.
    Star Stable Online really does feel like a horse collecting game now more than anything and I don't think that's good. There's a nice website game called Valley of Unicorns that is a horse (and more fantastical creatures) game and I could do all the collecting completely for free! And mentioned in this video Alicia Online gives me also a great racing experience for free completely. SSO could've really been a game that could entertain us in multiple ways but it chooses to focus on one point in a predatory way, they just wanna pump out as much money as possible from the players... This game has a potential to be good and it's sad that the things are the way they are.

  • @abby_zeller
    @abby_zeller Рік тому

    I cant imagine what its like for monthly players. i started playing sso in late 2018 (while i was a junior in highschool) and never saw the prices for anything as worth it. luckly, they were having a sale either the week or second week i was playing and i bought lifetime at a fraction of its usual price because thats the only time i saw it as worth it. and, now, with all the changes and everything going on, im glad thats when i got it and that i didnt decide to do monthly. i cant imagine having to pay their high-end prices for the low quality product theyre serving. even with double star coin weekend, the star coins are too expensive. youre paying however much for a product (the horse) you might ever only use for a month and never ride again. ive only bought star coins once, either while it was double star coins or some other sale because it seemed sort of worth it, and i still regret it. i feel like them always having so many deals just goes to show the prices they could be having us pay all the time and that theyd still make a profit on those prices.

  • @dracuonex
    @dracuonex Рік тому +2

    Honestly.. I deleted this game months ago.. a year ago? Back when the Gameguard issue was first a thing and I was having a problem. I had been playing since.. around 2015? 16 maybe? and it really did upset me with how much they changed when I actually -looked- at it. I miss the game sometimes, but what's the point of playing something where all you have is literally buying a horse. No gameplay, races are repetitive.. everything's expensive, in game or real currency.
    Especially if you're a person that doesn't have friends, that struggles being in a club because it's always cliquish (spelling).. it's hard honestly.

  • @hazelbuds6705
    @hazelbuds6705 Рік тому

    The only thing that works for me with all the new horses being released, is only buying horses when it's for a club. Sad how I can't even buy a horse just to enjoy it anymore because of how much the horses cost whilst there's several being pushed out every month.

  • @imanabuiqran9246
    @imanabuiqran9246 Рік тому +1

    damn, is that thing about star coin income getting blocked after inactivity true? that's really disturbing. I'm surprised it's even legal, doesn't that negate the lifetime deal? in any case, great video, and looking forward to part 2!

  • @_shansey_
    @_shansey_ Рік тому

    I used to play this game all the time but the quests for me began to get a bit ridiculous, if I logged on right now there would easily be 20+ quests for me to do and after a while, you just get bored of doing them, I have SO many horses in my stable that I don't know which one I ever want to use and again, I've not been on the game in a LONG time, I'll jump on over Christmas because I enjoy the advent calendar and the winter quests but other than that it can get way too much
    Just to quickly add as well, I played the game way before the global shop was a thing and oh my god how FUN it was to have to run around the whole map to find that 1 specific item you wanted, it created a social aspect where you'd ask the chat where someone bought a saddle cloth or a top or a pair of boots or anything, now it's way too easy to buy the simple things, along with the horses themselves, I remember having to run between Goldenleaf Stables and Fort Pinta (I think) when the English Thourghbreds came out because I was so indecisive on which one I wanted and at the time there was only 3 choices in coat colour

  • @darkzovreign
    @darkzovreign Рік тому +2

    This might be a strange take but I remember sso when it first came out. And while I agree with the financial issue there’s a bigger issue imo with the game fundamentally. Their audience has grown up and they’ve failed to capture their modern day target audience. You can’t keep both ultimately their tastes just don’t share enough overlap anymore. And kids now a days aren’t into early 2000s games that graphically reflect that. But the older players have outgrown the asking mom for 20$ and the overall child aimed appeal and lack luster story with low effort. now I revisit my account maybe once a year for a nostalgia trip to childhood but as a player the games totally lost me. I felt I’ve outgrown it in a way.

  • @sxlver2488
    @sxlver2488 Рік тому

    great video! can't wait to hear your thoughts on the not refunding players situation on the recent quest

  • @dorido7520
    @dorido7520 Рік тому

    29:12 yes! My friend reported it to the support and they responded: No you have all of your StarCoins and we don’t see the issue.
    Like wtf??

  • @canislunaticus
    @canislunaticus Рік тому +3

    New horses used to be the most exciting thing, now it's just a regular tuesday, and half the horses are rushed and very ugly, either in looks or in animation or BOTH.

    • @canislunaticus
      @canislunaticus Рік тому +1

      I think SSO could benefit a lot more from limiting how many new models they make and instead release more coat variants if they want to make more money. Cause obviously new coats take way less time and resources than new models and they can still make a lot of money.

  • @a.morrigan5870
    @a.morrigan5870 Рік тому +2

    Came across a pair of UA-camrs yesterday with a very interesting video. An essay in toxic positivity. Their messages were along the lines of SSO needs horses to make money (true) but you shouldn't be complaining, because you don't need to buy, and maybe the problem lies with you and maybe you are just too materialistic. If you don't like the game, you can leave. If you need to say something make it positive and constructive, remember when you criticise, you are criticising people (so don't hurt people's feelings). It was so passive aggressive and lecturing. They say up front they are in an affiliate program, fair enough. They claim that does not have any bearing on what they say. It amazed me that there was no push back in the comments. It has to be watched to get the full flavour. It made me wonder just how much criticism SSO is fielding. I have played the game for around 5 years, but tend to just log on and play. Did take a long break when I ran out of quests. Coming back, it seems the glitches seem to be constant and ignored. Horses are hit and miss. Cheating continues. SSO seems to only want to hear the positive and nothing negative. I am a customer, not their friend, not part of the 'star fam', and yes I expect a certain standard. I will not be made to feel a bad or negative person because of this. You can drip all the sugary toxic posivity you want, you will simply annoy me. I just found it interesting that SSO may be employing UA-camrs to defend them in this manner, moreover that they feel they need to take this action. Sorry for rant, but I came across this video and it seemed indicative that there may be a lot of anger among the player base, and I am not alone in my feelings.

    • @YTRattle
      @YTRattle  Рік тому +1

      Hot damn, that is just a tone-deaf video. Could you perhaps share the link? I'd love to give it a watch! And thanks for watching the vid as well! Part two will be up tomorrow ^^ ♥

    • @a.morrigan5870
      @a.morrigan5870 Рік тому

      ​@@YTRattle It is Linn & Hunter - SSO, 'What you are accusing Star Stable of' I would be interested in your take on it. Enjoy your work very much.

  • @savvydeer8639
    @savvydeer8639 Рік тому

    i have been there for years like 2012-2013? and quit 2017? cause of a bug i asked sso about that glitched my pc, i tried my ac on many diffrent computers and the grafic bug had issues on every, and i didnt want to be robed of money anymore.. that the team didnt care if i can play with fun cause i could only play with everything cut off or a small screen with out full screen cause if i did full screen the wierd grafic and small window would effect my pc (the whole desktop becoming small and bad grafic)
    yes i tried with many pcs and one could handle the best and most realistic games.. it was my ac settings that glitched out, if i used my friends ac nothing happend it was normal
    it happend at one hall update were servers had the wierd black world glitch, i just wanted to change the grafic settings down cause i forgot to the day before i was making pictures and didnt want it to lagg later on, and there i have that wierd glitch since then. the sso team didnt care or help and i didnt want to give them money for that... i payed for many horses.. and life time and couldnt even enjoy playing anymore

  • @CK_Loves_Tea
    @CK_Loves_Tea Рік тому +1

    I would be thrilled with fewer horses, honestly. Especially if that meant we had more 'quality of life' game improvements.
    Making things accessible for players makes the game better for everyone. Access covers a broad range of things, from pronouns & character creation to pricing & game design for vision impairments. It doesn't instantly pay, but it does in the long-term.

  • @Avery-ul7gh
    @Avery-ul7gh Рік тому +1

    I'm putting all my star coins towards the old horse models before they delete them : ( I mean it's not like generation three is going anywhere. Great video!

  • @kxyninee
    @kxyninee Рік тому

    Will mainly comment on pricing here bcs it's smth I feel like I should mention as an older player who can afford to spend way too much on games
    This may be an outragerous comparison but I play Genshin, a free to play game.
    I've also had sso for god knows how many years.
    When I bought lifetime for 90$ the content in the game lasted me about ½ a year and then there was no more. This was with daily grinding, racing, quests, etc. This is about 5? years ago.
    Genshin, a free to play game, has lasted me 2½ years so far, and with how current updates are going to complete the story, it will maybe last for a decade before a conclusion is even reached (Tho this can ofc change)
    The difference in how I complete the games is small to none, going as fast as possible on quests idc for and reading dialogue for the quests I like
    I've spent no more than 150$ on SSO, a game where you have to pay 90$ for lifetime, aka pay 90$ to access the game and it's content
    Genshin however, even with being a free to play game, I've spent about 1500$ on it.
    There's an argument to be made that the main source of income in Genshin is the gacha, so similar to gambling, but I would've never spent that much if I didn't get anything out of it.
    With the amount of content the game offers, I know that even if I spend 100$ to get a specific character, I will absolutely get a lot of value out of it.
    Even down the line I know the 1500$ I've spent, I'll get use out of in game completion, like domains, bosses, exploring, etc.
    If I spent 1500$ on SSO I'd get some horses but then what? You can only ride one at a time and once it's lvl 15 there's nothing to do.
    If you level a character in Genshin to lvl 90 (Aka max) there's alot you can still do. You can make the character a healer, a damage dealer, a shielder, you can throw it into different parties for different reasons and you'll usually always find a use for a lvl 90 character.
    Just thought it was an interesting comparison to be made

  • @0karmaticfrost010
    @0karmaticfrost010 6 місяців тому

    bro i remember right before the player cam out i was like, "i swear to god if they take this long to release the model only for them to reuse the old character animations im gonna be pissed" AND GUESS WHAT??? Like bro we have new modules with the same janky animations an movement ffs, they just gave us a polished turd. Plus the so called "bonding mechanics" literally just take sheit that we already were able to do and lock it behind levels, the bonding doesnt add anything.
    they also keep releasing NEW BREEDS instead of REMAKING THE OLD MODLES so this games horses can all look like they came from the same game finally. I honestly feel like ppl wouldnt complain as much about the monthly horses if they were the remodels of the old ones
    ALSO ALSO, when ever they release new tack its not backwards compatible to even the older gen 3 models. like bro my lionfish horse couldn't even wear some of the charismas tack last year and that magic horse isnt even that old fffs. they literally are forcing u to buy new horses if u even want to use the new tack they make its sooooo scummy

  • @dearlover.
    @dearlover. Рік тому +1

    I would love to leave the game for good but I’ve spent too much money to just walk away at this point. I’ve spent $1400 on these pixel horses since 2016. I’m not a particularly rich person either, I just spend any extra money I have on the game buying the 5000 SC double deal. I can’t remember the last time I logged on and had fun because I just don’t have anything to do in the game.
    It’s a really good point too that we’re paying $70 for a couple pixel horses when we could get an entire new game for that price that is more fun and better quality, as it should be.

  • @mich42069
    @mich42069 6 місяців тому

    I loved this game when I was younger, I would play it like every day. I recently got reminded of my love for the game after playing red dead 2, so I decided to see how the game is doing. And I'm very of disappointed with how little it has improved gameplay wise. People are still complaining about the same thing as when I was playing it regularly (5 ish years ago), and it pains me. They could do so much more with the concept and actually try to make a decent game experience, but it seems they just refuse and only focus on how they can exploit their fans for money.

  • @LadyEllesmere
    @LadyEllesmere Рік тому +1

    I don't really play much anymore,I haven't bought coins since 2016 I think?
    Game play issues
    - the story is stale
    -focus switched from the story to buy buy buy (hello capitalism)
    - magic horses are no longer magical anymore and are released way to offten.
    - retcons in story, are 50/50 on whether they are good or not.
    - I used to collect atleast one of each breed,but now it's honestly not cost effective for me as they are too expensive and leasing into my next issue. What's the point of buying a version of a horse when it gets remade next year. (This is the least of the issues though)
    - I also hate how they don't update the horses that already exist and make new ones all together.......
    -the horses don't have better stats the tack lately has just been so meh for stats too.
    I'm indifferent to an extent,if it's to get ahead in a competitionwith others. It should definitely be stoped.
    Hacking (my issue)
    Sso swears they can't be hacked,but everything can be hacked. Why would it be? Why would anyone hack an account? Because they can. Just makes me feel like there's just alot of arrogance there.
    There are so many of them everywhere....I've given up reporting them.....I was thrown under the map once and had to log out to fix it....
    - They will not change your email unless you are a subscriber....which is cruddy
    - the pricing did go up,I spent $40-50 on 10k coins and lifetime years ago.
    - the game is a sub only service,yes there is a free trial but 😒 so like unless you have are paying so much for a game that doesn't have much to it....
    - I definitely agree with the content outside of the game not matching, is definitely an issue. Where is the money going?
    Each time I used to share my issues with sso,I was told "be great full and stop complaining"

  • @FBI-xf8tm
    @FBI-xf8tm 10 місяців тому +1

    As someone who rides irl, SSO just doesn't capture the magic of being an equestrian. The horses feel like cars & have literally no value except for cosmetics and travel. I wish our characters got to experience learning to ride, doing stable chores (with actual value, not just reputation & XP), showing, etc. Actual equestrian life. It would be such a nice feature if the horses could interact with their surroundings and just be living beings, not soulless cars you ride around on.
    It sucks because the equestrian stuff we do have in the game just... isn't correct. For example, leading your horse is just dragging them behind you with the reins. You don't even get a lead rope. It feels unfinished and lazy, honestly. Same with our character, they don't feel like *you* anymore. The game's lost its magic and abuses FOMO and empty promises to continue having people play it. Like, 900+ star coins for a single horse 2x a month when you can only buy one horse in 2 months without buying star coins? It's literally outrageous and no wonder the game's original fanbase is dying.

  • @germanshepherd9521
    @germanshepherd9521 9 місяців тому

    i remember when i would get star coins every time a new horse came out. the first few rides where always fun but i would get bored that look into the next one coming out and spend more on that, over all in that first year i owned sso i have spend around $1000 (AUS) on it. now i only save and play when "good" horses come out (good being nice warmbloods). but looking back i wish i just saved and didn't feed this monster of a game

  • @JustFeathers
    @JustFeathers Рік тому +1

    Thankfully, I don't get FOMO, so I haven't bought a horse in months-year except the splash morgan bc splash is my favorite. But I also don't play daily anymore eithor. They burnt me out. I don't care about graphic updates, tack, horses.

  • @MamaTopy
    @MamaTopy Рік тому

    Also If only the game would LISTEN TO THIS VIDEO

  • @roslynn
    @roslynn Рік тому

    Thank you so much, it feels great to know that you're not the only one thinking this.
    The actual game might be better than the original, but what the original had compared to now, is the ambiance.
    The game has completely lost its soul.

  • @Selfappreciated
    @Selfappreciated Рік тому

    I am currently trying to do the quests where you collect those pink butterfly memories (I didnt have enough motivation to start them for years so) and everytime i try speaking to linda to progress the entire screen goes pink and i cant press anything and i have to shut down the game. This is incredibly frustrating and unmotivational as i dont think its just lindas quest and its blocking the way of progress.

  • @nikolacode
    @nikolacode Рік тому

    I'm *still* waiting for the android port. If it EVER comes out lol

  • @idamarie7674
    @idamarie7674 2 місяці тому

    The thing that disappoints me is the lack of gameplay. I absolutely adore this game and nothing can compare, but there is nothing to do. I’ve only played since 2022 and I’ve already finished with everything.
    “You need to keep spending money to stay entertained” is such a good point. But that isn’t even entertaining.
    There is nothing to do unless you’re able to log in every day and be in an active riding club where people make up their own things to do. But I feel like the game should provide things to do.
    I do think SSO has tried to improve the last year and are making an effort to make story quests more often and come up with things to do in between them. But it is really affecting the weekly updates. A bug fix isn’t new content 😅

  • @PootisDaLoopis
    @PootisDaLoopis Рік тому +745

    For me its too little too late.
    I'm part of the old guard. I've been here since 2012.
    Empty promises for years makes it into a "boy who cried wolf" situation - they can make as many promises as they want for the player character updates, horse bonding, horse racing abilities etc - I'll believe when I see it. Anyone remember player housing? Nail salons? That was promised back in 2016.
    The core game loop has changed very little since the games conception. Nothing "new" particularly stands out to me in 10 years of playing this game when I think about it. Aside from shiny new areas or shiny new cosmetics. It's still the same old quest design. Not that the story means anything to me (and lots of other old players) anymore. They've taken so fucking long to tell the story I've forgotten all of it and they've never added any way to replay old quests so I can't refresh my memory. Not to mention all the retcons and rewrites. Retcons are fine, but when you're fundamentally changing the story, no. (The player going from a reincarnation of Aideen to ..... just an ordinary soul rider.)
    I will give them that they've *tried* to improve the storytelling and writing. But they've got a long way to go before they hit the likes of Destiny 2, Warframe and Final Fantasy in terms of quality. Then again, those games have billions of dollars of backing behind them, so I'll cut them some slack. Could definitely take a page out of their book though.
    Historically I always used to play this game around christmas as a comfort game. And for the past two years I haven't. Perhaps I'm just growing out the game, perhaps its a sign of something else.

    • @HoldingMoneyRansom
      @HoldingMoneyRansom Рік тому +30

      Rdr2 might have had more of a budget when it came out but SSO with the amount of horses they've done and not many double star coins the past 2 years, they have the budget. Rdr2 was made for Xbox and playstation. Which makes it harder for them to make as good as a game that they did, yet they brought online to computer years later. No matter what people say, I'm comparing them. Rdr2 is better with story, animations and diversity yet star stable is so much older ?? They need to step up.

    • @m4tta
      @m4tta Рік тому +72

      you’re speaking the truth. as another player from 2012, i don’t even know what the main story is anymore, i started it when i was 9 and i’m in my 20s now, i have absolutely no clue what we’re doing and i’m only playing because i can’t ride horses in real life

    • @PootisDaLoopis
      @PootisDaLoopis Рік тому +56

      it's been years and years but the story has *barely* gone anywhere. Basically nothing of significant impact has happened. They're just treading water and avoiding progressing the story in any way. Well, I think we're finally getting somewhere with the recent quests but they're so few and far between I guess we'll see the end of this arc when I'm 30.
      They've taken so fucking long to tell the story (and, not actually tell the story in the process) that entire other mmos have been and gone, so to speak. The destiny franchise started in 2014 and is now two yearly expansions away from finishing its main story arc (then onto whatever they'll do next). Star stable hasn't even hit their first story climax yet, defeating garnok. We don't even know who/what garnok is.

    • @warriormaiden9829
      @warriormaiden9829 Рік тому +13

      @@PootisDaLoopis For going back and seeing the beginning of the story, a friend and I created an account for just that. She's on her final semester of college, and I've got a two yr old (so it's a little slow at the moment) but we have a fresh account we've been recording with. It's up under Ivanna Giantbook (I should not have been left unsupervised when picking names... 😂) on YT. We're starting with the original Starshine Legacy games and working our way forward. :)

    • @Selfappreciated
      @Selfappreciated Рік тому +36

      We used to be a reincarnation of aideen?? Why did they change that, it would've been so cool (it was probably before i started playing as i started in like 2016)

  • @hurssh
    @hurssh Рік тому +263

    The thing that always concerns me is equipment. Back in a day they could make new saddle for evey horse exept 1st generation, right now we're getting new equipment with every new horse and this stuff is only for this horse. Not everybody can buy new horses and tack for every single one of them. I really like my old horses and it's really sad that I can't wear whatever I want on them because it's only for new ones. They're promising about updating that, but when they finally did it was for only like 3 (pretty new) horses. Damn Star Stable, no wonder I stopped caring about this game.

    • @annadeerknight6027
      @annadeerknight6027 Рік тому +23

      Back in my days tack was for ALL horses: at first - for 1 gen (starter, irish cob, or fjord, or andalusian), then - for the newest quarter horse and morgans, icelandics, shires. Whether it's a western bridle or a small round saddlepad from Harvest Counties. Earlier I bought a lot of tack for different styles and all my horses could wear it. Now I don't, simply because none of my horses can wear it AT ALL. Wonderful. Yes, I love my horses, they are like children for me, so many years have passed with them, and I would like them to stop being garbage for the SSO team. First, they release a horse, which the team call "your new best friend, lovely part of a star family, a soul steed", and then, after a couple of years, they say: "Sorry, but your paint horse will remain forever broken because we do not serve it anymore and not going to fix it. Never." Sounds like "now your horse can die, let it go, erase your memories, sell it, and buy beautiful brand-new paso fino right now for 950 sc!" Really? Wow. It looks like it's time to also stop serving me, as a player, if I'm old and crusty too. It's so funny: I could (!) donate money, but the company itself prevents me from doing this, as if me and my horses completely don't exist in latest updates and can't experience new content. :D

    • @sareny8728
      @sareny8728 Рік тому +10

      This is exactly what annoys me too. I'm a very casual player and I don't care much about the new horses, I still love all of my old ones and mainly wanna use them to just ride around a bit. And even if I buy a new horse I can't put the new tack on them even if they came out like half a year ago. It also really sucks when they release new boots and blankets, but I can only put the boots on my older horses and if I want the matching blanked well sucks to be me I guess. This is honestly the main reason why I stopped playing completely.

    • @carmenwinch4594
      @carmenwinch4594 Рік тому +4

      aye that is also another pain , as i just want to buy a tack set and put it on my horse whatever breed it may be , but the cynic in me says its all about the money as the new tack sets cost a lot more than older ones so its yet another money making tactic

    • @felislupus2
      @felislupus2 Рік тому

      @@sareny8728 same!

  • @RimFaxxe
    @RimFaxxe Рік тому +220

    I showed people videos where many people, including you, pointed out the issues with sso, and these people still disagreed and remain in denial, claiming sso is better now than it was before. And they are also happy about the fortnite graphics, and about the challenge being gone, about the fun being gone. It's all horses, always "but they're improving the game, stop being so negative"

    • @YTRattle
      @YTRattle  Рік тому +55

      It's sad that people can't see the forest for the trees. No one wants to hate the game, we want to see it get better and watching it go downhill is painful. I hope they turn it around, though!

    • @RimFaxxe
      @RimFaxxe Рік тому +14

      @@YTRattle yeah, even I told them many times that I just want the game to change for the better and they keep ignoring it, always saying change is going to happen as if I didn't know that already...? I don't care about the graphics, I'm all for them improving their style... but there is no art style anymore. It's just fortnite x genshin x horses, the atmosphere is gone, the challenge is what made this game actually fun isn't it? We grew up, but sso aged backwards. Instead of sso growing up with us, it's leaving us behind. This game was around for 13 years now (2010 testing does indeed count), and it deserves to finally lay down and rest. The engine is dying, the team doesn't have any creative rights to give us actually fun things.

    • @simplynepp
      @simplynepp Рік тому +5

      But... that's just an opinion? Why do they need to dislike every change? I'm a 2013 player. SSO has issues, absolutely. But TO ME frequent horse releases aren't an issue. I'm looking forward to them.
      In general, I'd also say that SSO is better now than in 2013. Better graphics, better (not perfect) characters and more improvementd on them to come, better horses, quality of life updates which are just convenient, main characters updated in the quests and holidays which are more inclusive.
      I can ackknowledge problems and still like new aspects. I don't mind waiting for quests. I have done so for 10 years. It wasn't different in 2013, 2014, 2015 and so on. They started to put more efforts in quest by adding cut scenes, animations or mini games. I'm okay with waiting.

    • @simplynepp
      @simplynepp Рік тому +2

      ​@@RimFaxxe Wow, saying the game needs to be shut down, because you don't enjoy it anymore is a hard one, for real

    • @RimFaxxe
      @RimFaxxe Рік тому +7

      @@simplynepp the engine is already dying, it can't be just magically fixed without shutting it down and remaking it from the ground up in another engine. You buzz off, since you're one of the pesky new players who are in constant denial

  • @morganpearlcrest3177
    @morganpearlcrest3177 Рік тому +101

    I first joined SSO right as the lockdown started in March 2020. I am sure a lot of other people can relate; we were all stuck at home, and sso was really amping up its advertisements at the time. The game was so fun; new quests, new characters, etc. But what do you do after you finish all the quests? Wait for a month for sso to release a new quest that takes 2 minutes? Wait for the Halloween and Christmas updates where the quests and events are on repeat? And there are long stretches where there is nothing to do. I remember last year, the updates were so bad that it got to the point where they released a singular race one week and that was it. It gave 150xp or something like that. SSO needs to step up its game. The community wouldn't mind biweekly updates if it meant more problems were getting fixed and the updates were more meaningful. Currently, it's basically "horse, race, new tack, side quests, a magical horse, new race" rinse and repeat. And SSO has so many areas with such potential for epic storylines. What happened to the people who lived behind the giant ice fortress in Icengate in Dino Valley? That has so much potential. And what about scarecrow hill in golden hills valley? Give us a storyline about how the scarecrows become animated every Halloween. Give us more stuff with Redwood point and the jorvik wild horse tribes; they got captured, GED found them, the stories are endless.
    SSO literally hires people to make quests, and they give us useless stuff like delivering mail or starting a newspaper business when there are so many things I would rather be doing.

    • @atiredwolfwantsomerest4852
      @atiredwolfwantsomerest4852 Рік тому +5

      this person choose to speak the language of truth

    • @soleil4722
      @soleil4722 3 місяці тому +1

      You're so right. As an older player I can also say how much and significantly the main story (and others) decreased in quality. It went from a teen game, having that 2000s cartoon vibes, to a simple child game

  • @edenfrates
    @edenfrates Рік тому +269

    The bugs really have been so annoying lately. As someone who isn’t as active as they used to be, it seems like every time I log on there’s a new bug that keeps me from completing a quest or playing the game. For example, there was a bug for the saving anne quest (im very behind in my quests 💀) where when you go through the portal the soul riders completely disappear and there’s no way for you to complete the quest. I reported this issue 2 times to customer support but it still took 3 weeks to fix the MAIN quest 😭 meanwhile they kept updating the game in those three weeks.

    • @YTRattle
      @YTRattle  Рік тому +29

      Oh damn yes! It's been a little crazy of late! I heard there's a bug with the 'stay over a night' feature. You don't stay over, and the game just swallows up your SCs. And SSO is not giving them refunds :\

    • @edenfrates
      @edenfrates Рік тому +7

      @@YTRattle Yeah it’s really unfortunate, whether you saved up the star coins or bought them with real money, it’s such a waste of your money and time :(

    • @lola_equestrian
      @lola_equestrian Рік тому +9

      And the new update with Anne quest that came out yesterday is bugging : If we did the quest on Wednesday, today we should have the second part of the quest but it doesn't work, we have to pay to sleep (75 Star Coins) and then we can have the second part of the quest

    • @pewtin9069
      @pewtin9069 Рік тому +1

      That was so anoing I wad lucky to discover it later so it was fixed only few days later I reported it

    • @0oneverfearo0
      @0oneverfearo0 Рік тому +4

      Same with the stone cutters vault quest. Linda just disappears and you can't progress. Though many people reported the bug they still havn't fixed it for MONTHS.

  • @FandomGirl42
    @FandomGirl42 Рік тому +88

    it is insane to me though about how not only do the books not match the type of game they are attached to in terms of play style, but star stable clearly to not care about their own canon because the timeline of events in the books have some glaringly obvious mismatches with in game canon going forward, and they've barely just been released to certain audiences in various countries. so how are we meant to get invested in a story that they disregard?

    • @femmeboah7414
      @femmeboah7414 Рік тому +12

      Not to mention, I think sso DID say couple years ago that the game does not go with the books. So yeah... I really hate that they took an already existing magical horse game and changed it into just a regular horse game... even deleting quests like for example Lisa fighting the dark riders. They kinda just took the whole soul riders thing out and promises it's still there so they can keep players investing (ones that are there for the main story)

    • @simplynepp
      @simplynepp Рік тому

      ​@@femmeboah7414 but in the recent main quests we did more Soul Rider work than we probably ever did in the quests, in a magical sense?

  • @lazydaysvlog2728
    @lazydaysvlog2728 Рік тому +80

    It's honestly so true. I remember when the Lusitanos came out, and it's still my favorite horse in the game to this day, and I was saving up for months to get one.
    Now after I've gotten maybe 15 horses in my stable without spending a dime since I got Star Rider, I find myself burned out too. There is no new story quests, the pets have no use other than accessories, and the horses... Don't shoot me in the comments below.
    But the horses are cars. I legit thought the April Fool's prank where horses turned into cars was them giving us foreshadowing of what it'd become. Buy a new car every month, drive an old one whenever you feel like it. The horse doesn't feel alive as it once did. Just can't wait to try out Star Equestrian and Astride and hope they do better after seeing all their predecessor's past mistakes.

    • @felsiccanis
      @felsiccanis Рік тому +4

      FR!!! I was looking for this comment! The horses don't feel alive. They feel like accessories. I get the game has to consider younger and casual players and it would be really out of left field for them to suddenly introduce realistic horse mechanics like them refusing jumps and getting spooked, but at least make it so the horses react to their environment that doesn't impact the player negatively. Stuff like them reacting to weather, like if they added rain or snow or wind. See, idk, there's nothing SSO could really do with the horses that won't immediately make the newer players angry because "OMG my horse is NOT supposed to act like a real horse!! It is supposed to carry me everywhere and be perfect no matter what because it has to."

    • @felsiccanis
      @felsiccanis Рік тому +2

      Oh wait, something that would be immediately better would be if horses could interact with each other, npcs and player horses! Something as little as special animations that played when you got close to npcs or players. Something like them grooming each other, ears pricking up, them raising their heads or lifting a hoof to react, it would already make such a huge difference.

    • @ingvidkk4115
      @ingvidkk4115 9 місяців тому +1

      Yesss! Back then (when horses had the smiles showing their health or made noises for example when they were going to slow down) they felt so real and lively!!! I actually cared for my silly starter horse and wanted to have that bond.

  • @eleanornightwalker
    @eleanornightwalker Рік тому +81

    The video turned out great, thank you for including me in the project! Very excited for part 2 🙊🙊

    • @YTRattle
      @YTRattle  Рік тому +4

      Why are you guy so awesome? Thanks Eleanor! ♥

  • @wfnwfowfnfwofno
    @wfnwfowfnfwofno Рік тому +159

    Will we see more content on the chat system problems in the game? It's horrible! I would love to find out what is going on with the team, and why the safety of their players is not the highest priority.

    • @YTRattle
      @YTRattle  Рік тому +16

      I do hope so! ♥ It's a mess at this point!

    • @wfnwfowfnfwofno
      @wfnwfowfnfwofno Рік тому

      @@YTRattle Would it be okay for me to reach out to you with some experience, we have had in the game recently?

    • @YTRattle
      @YTRattle  Рік тому +2

      @@wfnwfowfnfwofno Hey! Yeah sure! You can contact me on Discord: Rattle#9247 ♥

    • @najiahorack6505
      @najiahorack6505 Рік тому +1

      FOR REAL! At one point in the past i was playing hide and seek w/ a friend and was counting down.. Guess what? I got chat banned for A WEEK?! A WEEK FOR PLAYING HIDE AND SEEK

    • @simplynepp
      @simplynepp Рік тому +1

      ​@@najiahorack6505 That sucks, but it is lowkey relateable since the filter probably thought you were sharing a phone number?

  • @Constellasaur
    @Constellasaur Рік тому +50

    In terms of game prices, I'd love to see people draw more comparisons to other MMOs in the gaming space as opposed to stand alone triple A title!
    We always see arguements in comparison to things like Red Dead, TLoU, Hogwarts Legacy, God Of War, the list goes on.
    But a fairer comparison would be games like Guild Wars 2, World Of Warcraft, The Elder Scrolls Online, Fallout 76 and really any other games in the MMO space. It would feel like a lot fairer of a comparison and give more context on prices between SSO and other games lile it to see truly just how fair or unfair these prices are!

    • @Zanollias
      @Zanollias Рік тому +3

      Eso gives you about 1650 crowns a month for 15$ on top of a lot of other benefits, Enough to get a dungeon DLC or save for two months to almost buy a whole map dlc. They have a lot of sales and bundles so it’s easier than ever to buy the game cheaply. Another thing ESO has is players able to trade in game currency for crowns from other players. ATM the current conversion rate on PS/4/5 is 100 gold per 1 crown. So technically you can buy the whole game for free with in game gold

    • @Constellasaur
      @Constellasaur Рік тому +6

      @@Zanollias I've noticed a handful of MMOs allow in game currency -> paid currency conversion
      I know Guild Wars 2 does the same with the gold -> gems and vice versa conversions (though I don't think the expansions like heart of thorns & path of fire/full game can be bought by converting in game currency into gems but things like the Living World can be
      Really does go to show how outrageous SSO can be from even an MMO standard, I'm wondering what World Of Warcrafts prices are like because I know you have to buy the game then buy the subscriptions on top of it (I haven't even attempted to check for microtransaction I didn't play WoW for very long...)

    • @_Chessa_
      @_Chessa_ Рік тому +1

      I play PAT.. a mobile and PC game and paid once to play all the Dino’s.
      I didn’t have to spend an arm and leg to do a walk simulation as a Stegosaur. But there are cosmetics you can pay for like different skins to look beautiful. Or go to a server to just be a rainbow Stego for free.
      Honestly wish someone crazy would make a free domain of SSO horse assets. It would probably break them though.

    • @treehugger728
      @treehugger728 Рік тому +1

      You can even compare SSO econ to Red Dead even if it's a more common comparison. With RDO, there is literally nothing you really HAVE to purchase. You can make both RDO$ and gold in game. You can buy gold via Rockstar's social club, sure - 55 gold for 20$. With that, if you exclude ranks, you will probably never have to buy gold again for (in my experience) at least a few months.
      The economy of RDO is set in a way that makes it extremely grindy, likely as motivation to purchase gold online, but I've been playing since launch and I've never bought gold. The grind is gratifying because bounty hunter jobs are actually fun. Free roam missions are like white noise; they're not boring, but you can do them to fill time. Etc, etc. Rockstar most definitely made the game so grindy to promote external purchases, but you don't need to. There is no benefit to buying gold.
      When you first join RDO, after you complete the main set of story missions, you should have almost enough gold to buy your first rank. You can do other missions to get the rest of the gold. But once you get enough for that first rank, you unlock bounty hunter, and that becomes your source of gold. It's simple and doesn't eat at your wallet because you don't have to buy shit all the time.
      RDO is definitely time consuming (for example, a round of the Collector, depending on what items I pick to collect, can take anywhere from 4-8+ hours) but I enjoy the fact that it's time consuming because I play so that I can forget everything except 'I have no problems, I am a cowboy.' The visuals are stunning, the content is somewhat dead but still enjoyable, posse vs. posse, trying to evade exploiters, shootouts... stuff like that. It's fun. You can DO stuff. SSO is just a pile of burning crap trying to eat its own leg. There is absolutely nothing you can do in that game that is gratifying. The last time I felt excitement in SSO is when I unlocked Dino valley on those ugly fucking North Swedish first gen models. Never after that. SSO is the craziest and most obvious money-eating portal of an 'MMO game' I have ever seen in my entire life. RDR2 has a beautiful story. RDO is pretty much neglected by Rockstar and dead. But it's still enjoyable. The shooting is great. I've played a LOT of MMO's - League, WOW, EVE, LOTRO, BDO, FF XIV - not like SSO. This game has no content whatsoever. Fucking Tetris has more story than SSO.

    • @Constellasaur
      @Constellasaur Рік тому

      ​​​​@@treehugger728 I feel like you might've missed the main point of my statement in regards to comparisons, which is fine but I'll elaborate a little bit more.
      I do get Red Dead Online eco, I played it almost daily for 2 years starting from from day 1 of Beta, it's was a mess.
      But something to note about Red Dead Online is that it was an addition to the main game as opposed to a stand alone Online MMO experience. Regardless of if you like/don't like or find it unfair, you pay a similar price to star stables lifetime star rider for the Red Dead, but you don't just get the Online, you /also/ get the entirety of the story mode for Red Dead Redemption 2 in return alongside Red Dead Online (I am aware you can buy just RDO by itself now, but it is significantly cheaper). The story is the main selling point where Red Dead Online feels like a tack on for the company to make additional money.
      I know well how the Online for the game works, but it wasn't really my point in relation to the comparisons.
      Star Stable Online is first and foremost a strictly MMO experience, which falls along the lines of Guild Wars 2, World of War craft, etc.
      Thus things like microtransations, additional purchases, purchasing the full game or "subscriptions", etc.
      For instance star stable is a free to play game with memberships tacked onto it then additional micro transactions.
      Then there's games like WOW, where it's free to play, but you also have to buy the full game then subscriptions on top of it with no option for any sort of "Pay once" lifetime membership or anything along those lines.
      Is there a comparison to be made between star stable and games lile Red Dead Online (or really any other game with microtransation models)? Of course, I never said that there wasn't!
      My point is that we've rehashed those comparisons so many times and I'm more interested in seeing comparisons between games also in the MMO space than not as it's an overall less common comparison those talking about the issues with Star Stables prices or in game economy make.
      I hope that makes more sense, have a lovely day! ❤

  • @AmeliaDreambell
    @AmeliaDreambell Рік тому +155

    Thank you for allowing me to be apart of this, Rattle! The video turned out amazing! Thank you for all you do for this community, can't wait for part two!

    • @YTRattle
      @YTRattle  Рік тому +2

      Ahhh! It was my pleasure, and thank YOU, Amelia, for being willing to share your insights! ♥ You all had such wonderful points! Next video will up next week... I hope XD LOL

    • @Lenacometcastle
      @Lenacometcastle Рік тому


    • @denisedolphinpark
      @denisedolphinpark Рік тому +2

      and darn, i wish i knew where my mom's money went to, most likely into only their fun life and like... wHy are they so goddamn lazy with making the game good. new average horse price should be 500-700sc, no more unless its godsent. yw

  • @Parrotcat
    @Parrotcat Рік тому +19

    One part that wasnt brought up with the horses (maybe it will be later idk im not that far into the video yet):
    Time-limited horses!
    When the two tree lusitanos & texas bluebell came out together sso clearly stated all 3 would leave the game forever afterwards.
    I bought the texas bluebell bc i could only buy one but wanted all 3.
    And then they brought it back, I made a at the time difficult choice between 3 "will be gone forever" horses and they brought back the ONE I CHOSE! Yet they refuse to bring back the tree lusitanos or any of the old models.

  • @JackTheVulture
    @JackTheVulture 8 місяців тому +7

    this game does not seem like like its just a money spending scam at this point? fueled by fomo? like. its pseudo nft horses that dont do anything special? man theyre gonna be toast if a better competitor comes along

    • @v_doll
      @v_doll 2 місяці тому

      I'm not sure if you've played it based on that comment, but the best part of SSO was undeniably the plot as well as the open world aspect. Nowadays it's all pretty much gone to shit but back when I started playing discovering all the hidden locations (with the soundtrack on) and piecing the story together was THE shit. The plot used to genuinely be so gripping it made sense for day blockers to exist.

  • @helIokitti
    @helIokitti Рік тому +37

    I'm so looking forward for part 2!! When I saw this video in my feed I just had to sit down and watch it the whole way through, very detailed and amazing points made by these really lovely and talented content creators. ♡ this video gave me so much to think about, thank you so much for taking the time to make this!!! ♡

  • @Hamster_Joy
    @Hamster_Joy Рік тому +13

    They need to make things harder. Games become boring when they’re too easy/or everything is available. (Such as transport, locations, horses). Horse reputation quests to unlock breeds would be fun like the OG Fjord. The problem is basically everything is available to you after a few hours of playing

  • @myrasssoadventures1302
    @myrasssoadventures1302 Рік тому +16

    I've heard (and agree with) a lot of players saying they'd much prefer new quests than new horses. There are so many horses, which is cool, but they don't really make the game, they're just part of it. What makes the game are quests, and their just aren't enough.

  • @Moreoy
    @Moreoy Рік тому +13

    I have never even heard of this game before, but as a former Team Fortress 2 player (a game which is also facing a massive cheating problem atm) I have to say that I have never been happier to be able to spam the report button. oh my god my blood is boiling for you guys
    Also, congrats! The youtube algorithm is recommending your video to tf2 fans now. Stay strong you magnificent horse enthusiasts, here's to hoping the devs do something about our shared problem!
    Also the hats (horses). Too many fucking hats (horses).

    • @YTRattle
      @YTRattle  Рік тому +3
      I think you'll enjoy the opening XD ♥

  • @hors3g1rl94
    @hors3g1rl94 Рік тому +13

    I got really mad at sso today because the new quest they released had a clock thingy (where you need to wait a day) - this is all well and good, and even though I dont like it, its not the reason Im mad - it simply didnt work. The clock was still there even the next day. I finished the first part yesterday and got the clock yesterday aswell. Today I went on the game, and it remains. Its annoying because I was actually exited about being able to finally do another quest after so long - but the first part of the quest (befor the clock) itself was bugged anyways. Anne didnt follow you well like she was supposed to, I just ran along the pattern while she stood still on the first one, but on the second one I had to wait for her to actually start moving befor I could move to not fail - I had to go out of my way to prevent a bug from happening so I didnt fail the quest! Its just sad. A simple testing of the super short quest could at least prevent that part. Im really mad at sso about this.
    edit: is your name meant to be visible? cause I can see it... YOU FORGOT TO COVER IT

    • @YTRattle
      @YTRattle  Рік тому +6

      I've heard of this! Some people have actually paid to 'stay over night' and then lost SC as a result, and SSO is not issuing refunds. The amount of bugs in this game is crazy.

  • @AnnsArts
    @AnnsArts 7 місяців тому +4

    Its funny how people who cheat sc are banned/suspended instantly, but other cheating, expecially races, nah, thats fine, its bad only if theyre losing profit.

  • @opaljessthegothdragon
    @opaljessthegothdragon Рік тому +28

    I think one of the changes that’ll be not only the best choice-the life saving choices are only release a new breed every few months and save the magic horses ONLY for holiday uses. Using that amount of time will surly allow the creators make the model and animations look so much better, even better-perhaps all them to have breaks inbetween and continue with the star rider quests and fix the already existing breeds that have absolute awful animations. I know this won’t likely happen, unfortunately. But hopefully if it does, it’s not too late.

    • @corvus734
      @corvus734 Рік тому +4

      We had it that way back when I began playing (2018). There was so much more hype and more ppl were actively playing and talking bout the horses. More people felt like they *had* to buy the horse because otherwise they might need to wait a year. It was better back then.

  • @bra1n-rot_egirl
    @bra1n-rot_egirl Рік тому +12

    About the pricing and the fact that most Players are, probably, kids, who don't know the value of money yet. I was wondering if content creators like you and the others in this video could somehow reach out to parents about the problem with spending too much money on SSO and inform them about this topic. Would something like this be possible? It's just a idea. I don't know if content creators can actually do that.
    Hope everyone has a nice day! :)

    • @Girly_Plop
      @Girly_Plop Рік тому +2

      “Star Stable: Parents Guide” from Rattle would be epic.

  • @LadySagitar
    @LadySagitar Рік тому +25

    I would love to see a video with everyone discussing what video game mechanics work well in horse themed video games. Give tips and ideas to game developers so they know what things the horse gaming community likes.

    • @YTRattle
      @YTRattle  Рік тому +6

      Keep an eye out! I'm kinda, sorta working on something in the same vein! :D

    • @rhythmandblues_alibi
      @rhythmandblues_alibi 6 місяців тому +1

      I honestly feel like if game developers genuinely care about playing games, and making good games, they should be able to come up with their own ideas for game mechanics. I studied game design at university and unique, interesting mechanics are *the thing that makes your game worth making* according to the majority of players. I would add story as being potentially even higher than mechanics for me personally, but most gamers prioritise mechanics. Otherwise you could read a book or watch a movie instead. Mechanics are what make games worth playing. If the SSO dev team have no ideas of their own that they are passionate about implementing, they really shouldn't be in game design.

  • @cursed_dove1372
    @cursed_dove1372 Рік тому +8

    As a player who is clubless and has no friends in SSO, all I do is level my horses while listening to music. Though it can be quite chill and cozy, I just wish they'd release more quests. If they do release one, it's not longer than 20 minutes and you just have to ride around a bit. I stopped paying for this game for years now and only buy Gen 1 or Gen 2 horses with the few free star coins you get, since they are so cheap (and way better than the new ones, but that's just my personal opinion).

  • @ruthnorton1883
    @ruthnorton1883 Рік тому +12

    On the whole fomo thing. I never had star rider as a kid because my parents didn’t like buying a $70 game for me. So I went 8 years without star rider, so I missed out on the “shiny new horses” and the “shiny new areas” so much that now these things just don’t have any leverage over me. I don’t need the newest horse or the best tack or anything, i buy what I want to and that’s it. In a way I’m glad I went without for so long because it taught me that I don’t need to have the newest thing to enjoy the game. I’ve also never brought star coins and I don’t think I ever will because it just isn’t something that I see worth it, I don’t make enough money to justify spending that much money on star coins.

    • @alvahasto3470
      @alvahasto3470 Рік тому +1

      Finally someone else with the same experience! I'm only star rider now because my account was given to me by a friend who stopped playing. I remember being stuck with my starter horse for months in the beginning, and I hated it then but I'm grateful for that experience now.

  • @blxpy6
    @blxpy6 Рік тому +10

    Thank you for making these deep dives. Im personally not affected by the "pressure to buy a new horse every month" simply because I do not like the gen 3, and a lot of the times gen2 models. Especially with gen3 horses a lot fo the time I cannot tell the difference between them because lets be honest, the breeds do look very similiar most of the time. What I take issue with is star stable saying they will not do any updates on older gen1 models which is fair, yet those old horses get broken by newer updates. For example the gen1 fjord horses tail gets kind of pushed out of its place when turning while standing still, an issue that certainly was not there a year ago. All I want from this game is to leave the horses as they are once I buy them (if there is no big bugs). Changing whole gaits or animations is frustrating because I want to have exactly what I paid for. One big hit for me was when they decided to completely withdraw the original starter horse model and remove it from all the breeds and coats that people had already bought and replace it with a new model that still, after all these years, feels half baked and like a quick solution. The costant erasure of the games qualities and mechanics is what gets to me too. The location tags, cold tolerance, horse sounds, the horse smiley system, no longer having to push W for the horse not to stop, making ferries obsolete by connecting all the trailer routes, making the night less dark is just a few of the engaging things that have been removed. Its just sad. There is no challenge in this game anymore and it becomes an issue when the main event of the month is esentially new cosmetics that change absolutely nothing about the game. The little there was is getting removed.
    Not even the interface style is consistent, newer additions such as the horse moodbar or the horse caring wheel do not fit in and look very "basic" with little to no thought put into icons, colors and designs, making them look like concepts rather than finished pieces that are ready to be implemented into the game. Seriously.

  • @firefly_the_rescue9308
    @firefly_the_rescue9308 Рік тому +3

    I’m pretty sure RDR2 is $60-$70. I know RDR2 ISNT mainly a horse game, but it damn well could be! 100% better than sso..

  • @Piparoodle
    @Piparoodle Рік тому +5

    At this point SSO has turned into a 3D model viewing software. I think their best bet is to make this single player so they can stop paying for servers and just start a whole new game in a whole new engine. They clearly don't like their story, the game is completely broken and it has just turned into an unhealthy addiction for players because people just waste their money paying for these useless 3D models. SSE would probably be best producing 3D horse assets on the unity store or something, people would be able to use those horses for something cool like a fun game or animation. Obviously this isn't going to happen and it would upset a lot of people to remove the online feature. Even just letting people have a mod-able single player version would be awesome (like RDR) so people can fix your game for you SSE!

  • @flufflewarrior
    @flufflewarrior Рік тому +8

    Uuuuuh this is gonna be good. Your SSO videos are always so entertaining. I like SSO, but I feel like the game could be so much more... We could have so many nice things, but all I get when I log in is daily tasks and races....
    I've played RDR2 for over what? 2 years now? I finished the story ages ago, but I've spent hundreds of hours just wandering around, exploring the world. And yes: The map is a lot bigger, but the difference is: It's alive. I see deer running around, wild horses grazing in the distance and have NPCs who don't just stand there like paper-cut-outs. I don't expect SSO to have the same quality, but it feels like they don't even try.
    I don't want new horses anymore... They are overpriviliged cars with no soul. Give me anything! Give them a little bit of personality. It' doesn't matter what their description says about them. It's whats shown in the actual game that matters. They are robots with a random idle animation. Maybe let us teach them small dressage tricks. Some of them already do, why not give them to all. (AND FFS PLEASE LET EVERY HORSE HAVE A BUCKING ANIMATION)
    Oh right, it's money -.-

    • @YTRattle
      @YTRattle  Рік тому +1

      Thank you Fluffle! ♥ Hope the video lives up to your expectactions! There are a lot of voices in there, so enjoy! As for the game, oh yes, it has a lot of potential, and deserves a lot more than the company is giving it!

    • @flufflewarrior
      @flufflewarrior Рік тому

      @@YTRattle Thank you! I do so far and I have to agree with everything said.

  • @boombox469
    @boombox469 Рік тому +31

    love you're sso content Rattle. Watch them all the time.

    • @YTRattle
      @YTRattle  Рік тому +1

      Ahhh! Thank you Boom Box! ♥♥

  • @Tusieklol
    @Tusieklol Рік тому +8

    I remember being a sso kid before they changed horse releasing system feeling guilty asking my mom for money to buy new horse almost every 3 months. I cant imagine doing same thing now for every horse that comes out, especially since I cant even decide which horse should I buy nowadays

  • @SonicSpirit
    @SonicSpirit Рік тому +5

    I joined SSO in November. In playing pretty much every day, but still trying to make the content last, since I was aware it had the reputation for being thin on the ground, I exhausted the entire main quest, most of the side quests, and reached admired in all but a few factions in 4 MONTHS. This is a 10 year old game! That is absolutely WILD, that I got through 10 years of game in LESS THAN HALF A YEAR.
    Honestly, SSO as a company should be pretty embarrassed. I still enjoy their glitchy, buggy, ridiculous product, but WOW, they are running in their own little world because horse games are so far off on the sidelines.

  • @Deja_Yu
    @Deja_Yu Рік тому +4

    Your continuous use of big eye balls on your thumbnails pleases me greatly.

  • @RimFaxxe
    @RimFaxxe Рік тому +5

    29:30 WAIT WAIT WAIT. So this entire time, since 2019, I wasn't getting star coins when I didn't log in AND THEY NEVER SAID ANYTHING ANYWHERE? I rarely log in and recently I actually quit due to it being plain boring, and because of wanting to focus on my own projects and school, and them not handing out star coins for not logging in is the reason I to this day couldn't save up. They seriously did that? I'm not going crazy?

    • @YTRattle
      @YTRattle  Рік тому

      it is possible, a lot of players have been reporting missing SC. Just double check when you get a chance!

    • @RimFaxxe
      @RimFaxxe Рік тому

      @@YTRattle I'm gonna log in tommorow and on saturday, would you like to be an eye witness on these days?

    • @RimFaxxe
      @RimFaxxe Рік тому

      @@YTRattle my plan is to record my sc count tommorow, on saturday, then on sunday next week after NOT logging in on saturday

  • @sleepiiboiii
    @sleepiiboiii Рік тому +7

    One thing I wanted to talk about is how much of a disappointment the magical horses have become. I remember playing sso since like 2013 or 2014?? And when they added the magical horses they were presented as a "limited time only thing", the first horses being the almost pony sized horses in a nice blue, pandoria purple, and black and red. However, when sso released them they planned it to be a see once and never again type of situation, now they're bringing the same horses back practically every couple weeks. Not only that but I'm pretty sure they were also the most expensive horses at the time since they were supposed to be so rare. When the horses were first released it would be like once every year or half a year, and as a kid I felt like I had to get that horse because I was feared that I wouldn't be able to see it again. Imagine my disappointment as a kid when I saw the same horse brought back when they were not supposed to be.

    • @v3n0msp4rk
      @v3n0msp4rk Рік тому +1

      had the exact same reaction back then, I figured it'd be a "buy them now or never"
      few years later and I groan every time there's a new "SUPER EXCLUSIVE RARE MAGIC HORSE BUY NOW!!!" title on the news as if they aren't released what feels like every other update

  • @SpooksTheWitchh
    @SpooksTheWitchh Рік тому +3

    Dude even when they pump out horses we can't even enjoy the new ones that just came out! I want more quests, more stories! More map updates, do interactive things. I don't want to keep spending $70 a week trying to keep up with all these horses.

  • @grumpysketch5607
    @grumpysketch5607 Рік тому +5

    A bug that really makes me not wanna play anymore when it happens is a bug regarding
    the pinboard? at Starshine Ranch where you can pick up to four races at a time. Well... if you were to
    pick those options too fast the last race you select will not be selected. As for some reason you can't
    pick it anymore. Sometimes it happens randomly as well, even if I try to select the races slow. It's only fixable by logging off and on again, which
    I just can't be bothered to do. It just ruins my mood to play the game.

  • @Carla_flowerlord
    @Carla_flowerlord Рік тому +2

    I had to turn off my notifications to Sharky, and just another pixel because the spoilers, and just all that is so overwhelming, and I liked it when. They would just say a little thing about it in the Jorvik news, and we just had to wait until the next Wednesday and see what it was but now (like you said) after a update ,maybe even the same day, you get spoilers. For that reason, I feel I’m becoming uninterested in the game bc it just takes away all the excitement and surprise from the game.

  • @lawliet8396
    @lawliet8396 Рік тому +6

    Lol, i remember when Stacy used to be just an "innocent" little player at SSO HQ, the irony.

  • @majapiekielnik6652
    @majapiekielnik6652 Рік тому +6

    The problem of first gen 3 horses feel so out of place compared to newest gen 3 is SO REAL! I am so scared that one day we will get like, gen 4 of horses and we will have to repeat that buying horse breeds cycle all over again... Its so annoying, that sso is not trying to be consistent with graphic design and style, like most game do.

    • @Fee1st0ra
      @Fee1st0ra Рік тому +3

      I’m a player since 2012 and for example I have the Friesian in EVERY generation,
      To be fair I don’t really play since 2016 so the gen 3 Friesian I did just bought cuz I had many star coins due to being lifetime and idk what to do with them since you can’t spend them on something original, but if I were a consistent player I would be so mad that the same horse exists in different versions and you have to buy them each time, other games when they update their animation,style, whatever update the old mount and you don’t have to buy a new one but that wouldn’t make as much money so sso ofc rather releases the same horse a thousand times as „updated“
      Not to mention that the horses IMO don’t have any charm or character anymore and are just dull but that’s preference I guess

  • @dragu_la
    @dragu_la Рік тому +6

    what i find crazy is that the morgans came out a month ago and there's already been magic horses, spoilers of lipizzaners, spoilers of pintabians, spoilers of new morgans, and spoilers of more magic horses. it's insane.

    • @Girly_Plop
      @Girly_Plop Рік тому +2

      And they couldn’t even follow the “high white rule” for Morgan’s. No purebred Morgan is painted. They botched the coats so bad. Should’ve stuck to the originals.

  • @celinev8690
    @celinev8690 Рік тому +3

    This, right here. 37:32 *Where is the money going?* I have been asking myself that for years. And she's right, the merchandise and advertising/promoting around it doesn't reflect the actual game. Imo the main product should be better than the merchandise, not the other way around.

    • @randomperson748
      @randomperson748 Рік тому

      They're obviously extremely capable of creating amazing stories and merchandise yet they keep tossing it to the side the second they get people's money. Mistfall could have been a fun side quest as the series could lead the main character to us and we continue their story from there as a secondary storyline, yet they just seem to have abandoned the project all together after the hype died down.

  • @wintershock
    @wintershock Рік тому +2

    I quit this game in 2021. Part of the reason was because there is no way to entertain yourself without spending money. I have paid $75 CAD for the game but found myself bored after I have discovered other games, especially ones where I am able to have my character represent me. An issue I have with star stable is I can’t feel connected with my character because it doesn’t represent me. I’m a guy, a character that has no dialogue and no personality has no way to connect with me. I play games where our characters don’t have dialogue but the main difference is I can make my character look like me or look really ridiculous. Anyways, back to the money thing. I payed $40 for a game it it’s demo release. This was before beta and before alpha, I was among the first players of this game. In the 3 years that it has been worked on, it has been worth more in content than star stable. It’s not a horse game, but it’s a game that I am fond of and I think that since it’s also an indie game, it’s comparable.
    In year 1 of this game, we got fighting mechanisms, map expansions, precise movements, about 10 new creatures to play as and a questing system. In the second year we got a growth system, 5 new creatures and got to see development on a new map, as well as community servers. In the third year, aka 2022 to august of this year, we got a new map, 5 new creatures again with more on the way. These updates came out slowly, unlike star stable, but also unlike star stable, they were refined and came with very few bugs. It’s much less content coming out each month but it’s better content. Sso needs to remember quality over quantity.

  • @Zaakiiee
    @Zaakiiee 9 місяців тому +2

    I think if Starstable did stop doing horses so frequently and back to the one horse every 3 months, maybe every 2 months it would actually give players a breather. I like the horses that come out I just don’t have time to train them let alone sometimes afford them, after buying 2 horses and maxing them they come out with another horse and you don’t want to miss out so eventually stop wanting the horse from the previous release. A slow down would be worth it, ngl people would still buy stations but spend them on anything else but horses

  • @ElinePanda
    @ElinePanda Рік тому +2

    it's actually fake that you dont accumulate star coins when you don't log in every week.
    I'm not a big SSO player (well not anymore) but sometime i can replay like every 1 month or maybe 3 month max... (around 400 - 1200 star coins if you do the math) and i still accumulate them.

  • @RainbowdashLT
    @RainbowdashLT Рік тому +3

    the fact they said there would be too many reports if they did a proper reporting system that is a bare minimum for an online game.
    jeez.. then hire people. doesn't look like you are struggling seeing as how much shit you have in your studios and how you all live in well decorated houses with expensive chairs and setups, doesn't look like any of these greedy AH are struggling

  • @ArabellaSoott
    @ArabellaSoott Рік тому +6

    I’d also like to add to the factor of weekly updates.
    I feel like with this company mindset they have it hurts the workers that work on the game in a way. Like imagine how stressful it can be to get everything done for the update that is coming out Wednesday. Probably why the updates are so lackluster because some of the other portions of future updates are taking up way to much time to finish the weekly updates with a lot of content. I would support 100% if they moved updates to once a month just to give the people that work on the game time to work on much bigger updates that could feed the play base what they want/need.
    As someone who is part of a group working on games giving the workers time to be able to do things for the game is a lot more important that pumping it out as quick as possible (both for workers and consumers). It can get frustrating perhaps and I definitely don’t support the continuation of pushing back updates/games and taking forever like cyberpunk 2077 because that was disappointing but that means setting a goal that’s achievable is that much more important. They have a decently large team but I feel like (from an outsider pov) their management don’t give their workers enough time and I think that’s generally where that issue comes from. This and the workers that enable it.

  • @JustFeathers
    @JustFeathers Рік тому +2

    Bc of cheaters, there's no reason to do champs even when the chanps were updated so eh why play for someone like me who has all the rep maxed out

  • @Snoopyismyhorse
    @Snoopyismyhorse Рік тому +5

    Even as a kid playing back in 2012 I remember feeling quite underwhelmed with the game. It was boring. The target audience is kids but…where in the questlines is there true gameplay for kids?? It’s literally JUST reading and I had no attention span for it. I got bored and played SSO similar to how I play the Sims 4 NOW. I’d obsess for a week, then drop it for months at a time.
    I might be in the minority there, but really I don’t see SSO’s current approach as something maintainable. New players feel intimidated to play catch-up which makes them not want to keep playing, and older players are bored out of their minds bc really, what gameplay is there other than spending money?

    • @VivianaSilverback
      @VivianaSilverback Рік тому

      I absolutely agree with you. I really don't see how "old sso is better" when it was literally the same crap as it was now. The difference is that nowdays the older players are, well, old enough to understand their scummy tactics, something that they couldn't grasp when they were younger.