Well a dipole works, so to a stub duckie. A Yagi is pretty simple to build too - it's based on the dipole with a driven and reflective element included. And my favorite outdoor event in amateur radio is fox hunting and field days. And what the presenter calls open wire is also known as ladder line.
Well a dipole works, so to a stub duckie. A Yagi is pretty simple to build too - it's based on the dipole with a driven and reflective element included. And my favorite outdoor event in amateur radio is fox hunting and field days. And what the presenter calls open wire is also known as ladder line.
Are the slides available?
I used to study on antenna theory, later built a wsn thats been running over 5 years. antennas are weird things.
Everyone worries about a Zombie apocalypse. What if zombies are just misunderstood and they really want to just be friends!
zombies? lol! This could be useful during another catastrophic event tho, I can't take it serious if you talk about zombies hahah