Here's the WEALTHIEST Neighborhood in Charlotte, North Carolina

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @nickyw.1634
    @nickyw.1634 2 роки тому +175

    As a born and raised Charlottean, Cornelius isn't Charlotte. Neither are Mooresville, Denver, or any of the far north lake communities. The wealthiest areas in Charlotte proper are Eastover, Myers Park, Quail Hollow, Piper Glen, Ballantyne, most neighboorhoods on the far south side of Providence Rd, and an honorable mention to Dilworth which isn't mega mega rich but still up there.
    Don't get me wrong, Cornelius is a beautiful area, as are a lot of the other communites surrounding Charlotte, but I tend to think of Charlotte as being inside of the 485 loop.

    • @ramonep7973
      @ramonep7973 2 роки тому +20

      Exactly! Eastover, Myers Park and Dilworth is what you call old wealth.

    • @WhiskeyBonnet
      @WhiskeyBonnet 2 роки тому +9

      You sound like someone living in the 5 borough of NYC telling Albany & surrounding areas they not New York. When I 1st moved to NC I lived in Mooresville 15 minutes outside Charlotte and it’s definitely apart of Charlotte. Lake Norman was right down the road & becoming quite wealthy. As with Lake Royal. Everyone don’t want that fast pace life and choose to commute

    • @tywon9622
      @tywon9622 2 роки тому


    • @nickyw.1634
      @nickyw.1634 2 роки тому +11

      ​@@WhiskeyBonnet Albany is like 2 1/2 hours from New York City. That's like saying Raleigh and Charlotte are the same place just because they're in the same state.
      If someone were to say "I'm from Albany, right outside of NYC", that would make complete sense. In the same way that if someone said "I'm from Mooresville, right outside of Charlotte" would make sense. Mooresville is 30 miles from town. Same with other surrounding cities. Gastonia? Not Charlotte. Monroe? Not Charlotte. Albemarle? Not Charlotte. Rock Hill? You get my point...
      I don't mean to sound like I'm gatekeeping. I could care less where anybody's from, whether they like to commute or not, what surrounding city they live in, etc. Hell, it's more economical to live outside of Charlotte in todays market. I'm just saying that for people who grew up in the metro area, more than a few miles outside of 485 was different territory.

    • @robp9746
      @robp9746 2 роки тому +3

      @@WhiskeyBonnet no it isn't

  • @redpilledbachelor7776
    @redpilledbachelor7776 2 роки тому +48

    This is actually refreshing to watch. I'm kind of fed up with all the darkness we are going through.

    • @sm040480
      @sm040480 2 роки тому

      Don't get lulled by the video. What he doesn't mention in the abnormally high levels of thyroid, testicular, ovarian cancer. Duke Energy use to dump (and probably still does) tons of coal ash and contaminated water.

  • @seanjohnson5209
    @seanjohnson5209 2 роки тому +63

    Definitely need more of these videos. A compare and contrast between the richest and poorest in each state would be a good idea.

    • @NickJohnson
      @NickJohnson  2 роки тому +26

      Yes I'm traveling right now doing just that Sean. You should see the mind blowing contrast in Palm Beach County FL

    • @bigmoney3020
      @bigmoney3020 2 роки тому +1

      @@NickJohnson hey come up north ny new Jersey pa ma

    • @JovansLorquet
      @JovansLorquet 2 роки тому +1

      @@NickJohnson lol I love palm beach county but yes, out west in Belle glades and pahokee it’s basically pure poverty

      @SUGAR_XYLER 2 роки тому

      @@NickJohnson I used to live in Palm Beach ⛱

    • @oliphauntsneverlie6227
      @oliphauntsneverlie6227 2 місяці тому

      It would highlight the choice between good decisions vs bad decisions in life.

  • @jillburkeen9553
    @jillburkeen9553 2 роки тому +141

    As a native Charlottean still living here I would have thought Piper glen, quail hollow, Myers Park and all of the South side would have been the most wealthiest homes. Cornelius is way outside of the city limits.

    • @kellystephens6933
      @kellystephens6933 2 роки тому +10

      I agree!!

    • @joanellis6249
      @joanellis6249 2 роки тому +7

      with less traffic it's far more desirable. Cornelius is in Mecklenburg county. (LKN resident here)

    • @thequietearthgardens
      @thequietearthgardens 2 роки тому +5

      I think Eastover is the wealthiest

    • @seanthompson9671
      @seanthompson9671 2 роки тому +7

      Anybody from Charlotte now Eastover is the wealthiest neighborhood. It has a old US Mint in the middle of the neighborhood !

    • @NotSunShinehere
      @NotSunShinehere 2 роки тому +11

      I agree! I’m a native to Charlotte as well, along with my parents and their parents. We live near Myers Park area and there’s so massive homes around there especially near queens road etc. I’d think those areas were the most wealthiest as well. ( we got lucky when we found our house lol ) I have friends in Cornelius area and they aren’t poor but they aren’t filthy rich by far. Interesting hearing this.
      I died when he said CONKERD… lololol it’s CON- CORD… 🤣🤣🤣

  • @garvinw
    @garvinw 2 роки тому +101

    While Cornilius is a very nice area, most us from Charlotte don't really consider that "Charlotte". There are million dollar homes in many areas of Charlotte proper. Myers Park/South Park, Ballentyne and even some in the Steele Creek/Palisades area (see The Sanctuary or the border next to Lake Wylie)

    • @AndrewLaMonica1
      @AndrewLaMonica1 2 роки тому +3

      Median houshold income is 90k how is that rich?

    • @alexj4934
      @alexj4934 2 роки тому +3

      @@AndrewLaMonica1 I live right by the Sanctuary and some of them I’d say are even bigger than those in the South Park area

    • @pres4877
      @pres4877 2 роки тому +1

      And Marvin Creek, Waxhax NC

    • @EthericBladeworks
      @EthericBladeworks 2 роки тому +1

      @@alexj4934 ive delivered to many of those houses in the sanctuary and every time all i can do is shake my head and say WTF!! .. smh ridiculous how insanely huge MOST of those houses are

    • @Tina-mt9cl
      @Tina-mt9cl 2 роки тому +3

      No place in the Charlotte area has Mansions like you see on Lake Norman though.

  • @johnjacobs1776
    @johnjacobs1776 2 роки тому +176

    I dont know why anyone who was a millionaire would want to live in a McMansion with your neighbors 10 feet away. I'd want a few acres and a big house, pool, etc. Also Nick I thought the wealthiest area around CLT was Weddington area and some off lake Wylie?

    • @koreancardboard
      @koreancardboard 2 роки тому +21

      Agreed. If I'm going to spend that amount of money, wouldn't want a neighbor being able to look in my window from their house.

    • @johnjacobs1776
      @johnjacobs1776 2 роки тому +6

      Lol... looking in your window. Yeah like the row houses in big US cities up North where the neighbors are literally 3 feet away seperated by a little alley to walk to the backyard. Except on a larger scale.

    • @jokeemail2364
      @jokeemail2364 2 роки тому +3

      A lot of the backyards aren't shown, most are actually quite big

    • @pippysplaytime1234
      @pippysplaytime1234 2 роки тому +4

      I was just thinking too while re watching this that these people do this because they get more bang for their buck. 1.5 million is a regular house in log island not a mansion on a lake. So I see why they do this even more

    • @Rachelleluluful
      @Rachelleluluful 2 роки тому +9

      If I was wealthy, I’d live in a flat in Lisbon, Portugal but that’s just me. Lol. Everyone is different 🤷‍♀️

  • @rameseslabs7690
    @rameseslabs7690 2 роки тому +45

    Cornelius is where the second homes for homeowners in Myers Park, Marvin/Ballantyne, & Quail Hollow are.

    • @timothyabraham2997
      @timothyabraham2997 2 роки тому

      That Marvin area something nice I can dig it Waxhax as well Millbridge neighborhood

    • @travishoyt
      @travishoyt 2 роки тому

      Agreed with 3rd homes likely being in Asheville, Boone, or Blowing Rock.

    • @kevinlundy570
      @kevinlundy570 2 роки тому +1

      Longview in weddington should e on list

    • @bobwolff941
      @bobwolff941 2 роки тому

      And they like their Cornelius home more.

  • @1deep499
    @1deep499 2 роки тому +26

    NC is one of the best states to live, you have mountains to the west and beaches to the east

  • @chrism2042
    @chrism2042 2 роки тому +10

    We purchased a house at the NC coast. I was determined to get a home on the ICW, until! We were moving from central NC and selling our 32 acres. We starting coming down looking at homes and every available ICW or canal home had a neighboring house very close. One we really liked on the ICW, we walked through the house and my wife and I both thought, this is the one. We went out back to check out the pool, boat dock and lift to see the lady next door peaking through the bushes watching us the entire time we were in the back yard. We backed off the waterfront idea mainly because the ICW homes had houses very close, canal homes had neighbors with 15'-20' on each side. We kept checking and found a custom built house on several acres of land, a few miles inland. I would love to be on the water with the boat at the dock, but we both knew we would be miserable having neighbors that close when we had lived on 32 acres without a house in sight for 15 years.

  • @nyanko7568
    @nyanko7568 2 роки тому +17

    My mom does uber eats and I sit in the back seat and OH MY GOD I love looking at the nice houses! And they leave such good tips! Mom once got 40 dollar tip in cash.

    • @NickJohnson
      @NickJohnson  2 роки тому +2

      Aww ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @noahwalker8359
    @noahwalker8359 2 роки тому +26

    My ex-girlfriend lives in Charlotte and thinks that Ballantyne and Olde Providence according to her were the richest neighborhoods in Charlotte. I would also add Eastover in the mix just by what I saw on Google Maps.

    • @paulthomas1754
      @paulthomas1754 2 роки тому +3

      sounds about right

    • @tarynh7428
      @tarynh7428 2 роки тому +5

      Myers Park very wealthy, old money

    • @nathanpierce9191
      @nathanpierce9191 2 роки тому +2

      Definitely Ballantyne

    • @chrisfowler7405
      @chrisfowler7405 2 роки тому +3

      I was raised in the Providence road/HWY. 51 area. Definitely the most affluent in Charlotte is Eastover, with Myers Park following a close second.

    • @theadjuster151
      @theadjuster151 11 місяців тому +1

      Back around 20 years ago

  • @MR-ul6bc
    @MR-ul6bc 2 роки тому +29

    Thanks Nick. I grew up living on the Denver (NC) side of Lake Norman. There is a place on the lake where residents have a landing strip for their planes. It is a gated community. Thanks for sharing.

    • @RichardKelly
      @RichardKelly 2 роки тому +3

      Denver is a much nicer 'community' than Lake Norman/Cornelius. Just helped a buddy sell his house last year on the lake there that rented out for 10g a week. I live by Mt Island Lake/Overlook. Much less populated area, but who knows how long that'll last. Still it's the area of Charlotte that's been last to be tapped.

  • @jokeemail2364
    @jokeemail2364 2 роки тому +8

    I actually live in the peninsula! I'm doing this on this account so that I don't leak any personal information that could lead to someone online finding where I live and all that, but I would like to share some insight on what a lot of people are saying, and clearing up some of the things he said in the video that aren't very true
    2:48 This is all about true, except for one big exception, public schools. Cornelius Elementary and JB Washam Elementary are extremely underfunded and apparently now are overcrowded. Cornelius elementary has an "agricultural" building from back when they taught that that has been caved in since they stopped teaching that, there are dozens of trailer classrooms around the school with broken ACs, and all their systems are still on windows 7. I don't know about JB but i'm guessing its in a similar place
    5:26 not a mistake said but a sad little story. The person who owned this house was a Romanian who was a national level dog breeder who made tons, and when I lived around the flying jib area(this street) we used to go play with his puppies he had before he got them bought. He had really bad depression since his business was slowly failing and I believe his own dog had recently died, and he killed himself. The bank still hasn't put the house on the market though.
    "I wouldn't want my millionaire neighbors 10 feet away from me"
    2 parts of this one, millionaire and 10 feet away. Just about everyone here is super nice except for some snobby kids around the front of the neighborhood(peninsula club drive is where all the trust fund kids are). I would say on any given day only about 2/3 to 3/4 of the houses are actually occupied, and many people here are workaholics and work very long hours, such as my mom who works about from 8-7ish, so many are barely home. As for the millionaire part, not everyone here is rich. If you look at the players ridge and east shore areas there are pretty middle classed sized homes.

    • @skyybutter1
      @skyybutter1 2 роки тому

      Nobody cares to find out where you or anyone else on LKN live or eat or sht tbh. It's not Malibu or Solebury, or Bal Harbor for shitz sake.. haha

  • @CheapCharlieChronicles
    @CheapCharlieChronicles 2 роки тому +59

    Charlotte is perhaps only second to Atlanta as the ultimate sprawl city. There was only 150,000 people in the city in 1950 now there are 3 million.

    • @CheapCharlieChronicles
      @CheapCharlieChronicles 2 роки тому +15

      @@blackcherry6877 metro Atlanta is about 6 million people much larger than Charlotte 2.7 million. The city limits are somewhat arbitrary and given to historical chance. For example inner city Charlotte has 300 square miles and Atlantas is only 130 square miles so of course it’s going to have a higher population. It’s better to consider the metro area when comparing cities size. Both are very sprawled cities with low density suburbs stretching dozens of miles in the distance, both really started to take off in growth in the 1960s after being somewhat small and inconsequential southern cities when taken at the national level.

    • @CheapCharlieChronicles
      @CheapCharlieChronicles 2 роки тому +13

      @@blackcherry6877 im not arguing with crime or quality of life which I don’t have any knowledge about. I’ve never lived in either city. But Atlanta is a much larger city and one of the largest in the United States. How fast Charlotte is growing it could catch up someday.

    • @deyoungyoung3059
      @deyoungyoung3059 2 роки тому +6

      @@CheapCharlieChronicles 6.1 million now. They recently surpassed Miami to be the 8th largest metro area. According to new Census.

    • @CheapCharlieChronicles
      @CheapCharlieChronicles 2 роки тому +5

      @@blackcherry6877 of course Chicago is on another level than either of these cities.

    • @deyoungyoung3059
      @deyoungyoung3059 2 роки тому

      @@CheapCharlieChronicles Charlotte is growing faster in percentage numbers but raw growth it’s Atlanta. Averaging 75,000 residents a year.

  • @DouglasUrantia
    @DouglasUrantia 2 роки тому +15

    Many of the mega mansions are 8 feet from their neighbor......weird.

  • @erocker78
    @erocker78 2 роки тому +1

    Great video Nick

  • @dcjohnson2490
    @dcjohnson2490 2 роки тому +6

    I drive Uber nights and weekends and dropped passengers off in this very neighborhood. I was blown away by these beautiful pieces of real estate surrounding the lake.

  • @MasterMalrubius
    @MasterMalrubius 2 роки тому +42

    “Even their dog park has a bar in it.” I laughed but should have cried at that.

  • @smittysalisbury4267
    @smittysalisbury4267 2 роки тому +8


  • @IndianaCrane
    @IndianaCrane 2 роки тому +7

    Amazing video as always!! BIG fan :)

  • @GeraldM_inNC
    @GeraldM_inNC 2 роки тому +8

    The center of Greenwich Connecticut is the wealthiest area I've ever seen. There's a strip in which adjacent to each other are a Maserati dealer, a Lancia dealer, and a Lamborghini dealer. Residents of downtown Greenwich sneer at Ferrari.

    • @crabbubbles1161
      @crabbubbles1161 2 роки тому +1

      Lol.... People are ludicrous. I'll take a Ferrari! Can't afford the insurance....registration....gas....upkeep.....but I'll take it!.

    • @DeaDiabola
      @DeaDiabola 2 роки тому

      I live clear across the country (and was raised in LA/OC, mind you, so I have met a lot of rich douchebags) and even I have heard about Greenwich. Even if I had the money, I ask myself if I would be able to tolerate other people like that because I was miserable in the OC and people are substantially less wealthy than this by and large.

    • @GeraldM_inNC
      @GeraldM_inNC 2 роки тому

      @@DeaDiabola OK, get this story. I had a middle-aged friend who teenage sons who attended the Greenwich school system. He himself was poor, his business having fallen to almost nothing due to cheaper competition. His kids DEMANDED all the top level designer clothing that their schoolmates had, but they could only wear those things once because that's what rich people do. I know this for a fact because he frequently gave me designer clothing his kids had refused to wear any more. His wife kept giving into the kids. After the kids moved out on their own, the man and his wife ended up homeless and the kids did nothing whatsoever to help their parents.

  • @AS-fu9jn
    @AS-fu9jn Рік тому +4

    I’m from union county in NC. lived in a small rural house surrounded by rich rich neighborhoods. A home in these new developments is like 1.5-3mil. The Marvin Ridge school district in union county is insanely wealthy. Neighborhoods like sedgefield…Longview.. so on.

  • @felynia
    @felynia Рік тому +2

    I lived in Lake Norman for most of my life. It is amazing there, a perfect place to grow up or raise a family even if you are lower or middle class. I love the area and hope to return someday.

  • @nautidogadventures8518
    @nautidogadventures8518 2 роки тому +7

    Born and raised Cornelius and I'm a realtor too. That being said.... in the comments, this town is being compared to Charlotte's affluent communities. Nick does a great job covering the area of Cornelius, a lot of people have moved here since the early 90's. Hwy. 77 was a dirt road, the only exit was 28 which was a Ham and Eggs truck stop. I remember when it took 5 mins to get from one Cashion's gas station to the other, now it takes 20 mins. without traffic. I'd have loved to be the person he bounced off of in this video. Nonetheless, leave it to people to critique great work because they're views are different, he wasn't in Charlotte! Nick call me when you cover Charlotte, I'd love to tour around with you..... Stephanie Suddeth ❤️

    • @2jcward
      @2jcward Рік тому

      👏👏 You are right. My mom lives on the “other side” of Cornelius as I’m sure you know where that is. Walkable to their downtown off School St. She used to love they are but now they are looking to develop on that side. With the new arts center and Antiquity, it’s not as quiet as it use to be. 😕

  • @cflores32097
    @cflores32097 2 роки тому +17

    I’m in this neighborhood it’s called the peninsula on a golf course called the peninsula club very quiet and friendly community within, and a bit rude to Insinuate that somebody would never be able to afford a home there… anything is possible for anybody as long as they put their mind to it

    • @LiyahM_
      @LiyahM_ 2 роки тому +4

      EXACTLY! limiting beliefs are not good !

    • @oliphauntsneverlie6227
      @oliphauntsneverlie6227 2 місяці тому +1

      Good decisions vs bad decisions. It's that simple for the most part.

  • @D2sforward
    @D2sforward 2 роки тому +4

    Marvin is the wealthiest has the highest median income, This city was incorporated on July 1, 1994, and is one of the fastest-growing cities in North Carolina, even though it only covers approximately 6 square miles. Additionally, it is close to Charlotte and Ballantyne. Yahoo! Has named the city the best town to live in North Carolina for two years running. Moreover, it has the highest median income for the state. Education in Marvin is something that also sets the village apart. It has three of the state’s best high schools: Cuthbertson High School and Marvin High School.

  • @joycebethel1570
    @joycebethel1570 2 роки тому +6

    That area is NASCAR county! I use to frequent that area twice a week from Fayetteville! It’s nice it’s beautiful! With insane traffic! However you can afford whatever you set your mind to! If you think you can’t! Your right!!!!!

  • @Nobleazure
    @Nobleazure 2 роки тому +4

    Jacksonville FL is out of control growing, building, housing costs skyrocking... I have been in NC for 19 years and absolutely love it.

    • @skyybutter1
      @skyybutter1 2 роки тому

      Jacksonville is terrible... like literally it smells bad... crime is horrific... but JAX has never grown as fast as Charlotte and is much smaller in comparison. I have family in St.Johns. Its similar to Cornelius and Davidson and Huntersville imo. They love it but no thx. Then again I cant live anywhere with alligators.. EVER

  • @JL-wf2wp
    @JL-wf2wp 2 роки тому

    Excellent content. You got yourself a humble subscriber

  • @wandahall4435
    @wandahall4435 2 роки тому +3

    Hey Nick and Mappy Love 💘 ❤ 💕 ♥ 😘 💖

  • @darklight9982
    @darklight9982 2 роки тому +5

    I live around Kannapolis and we dont need anyone esle on this side of Charlotte,thank you.

    • @chosenone9879
      @chosenone9879 2 роки тому +2

      Concord here and I agree

    • @skyybutter1
      @skyybutter1 2 роки тому +2

      Hahahha. Awesome! I live on the Concord/Harrisburg line and it is truly out of control. I mean homes that were 250k 20yrs ago are now selling for 5 and 600k!! What?!?

  • @americafkyeah8695
    @americafkyeah8695 2 роки тому +1

    I love this channel

  • @lindap.p.1337
    @lindap.p.1337 2 роки тому +2

    Charlotte’s traffic os terrible. When she sats it is a short hop onto I77, there is no quick driving there.

  • @cristisandu5808
    @cristisandu5808 Рік тому

    Love the slow driving.... it gives a nice view

  • @eurodoc6343
    @eurodoc6343 2 роки тому +3

    Even here in cold, mountainous norther New England, I've noticed bigger and fancier homes springing up amongst the old lake cottages, which one by one, get bulldozed and replaced by something much bigger and fancier. And I hardly see anyone when I walk by with my dogs during the colder months, which means these are almost all vacation homes.

  • @SaintLaurent9269
    @SaintLaurent9269 10 місяців тому

    @NickJohnson This is a great view of the Charlotte area. I will tour this area next time I am in Charlote. Thanks You for the detailed prospective.

  • @Churchcantor
    @Churchcantor 2 роки тому +22

    Wow, I have watched and enjoyed a few of your videos, and was watching the "worst ghettos" one just now, when lo and behold, you have posted a video on Charlotte, city I mainly grew up in, within the last minute, allowing me to be both the first to view and the first to comment. Our family came to Charlotte in 1974, when I was five. In the 70s, there was no downtown (Uptown) nightlife, and one could almost imagine tumbleweeds rolling down the empty streets. I grew up near Myers Park, though not in it; closer to Freedom Park actually, on Willow Oak Road. My dad got a great deal on a good house with 6 1/2 acres of land that at one time had been part of the Billy Graham family farm, in 1977 for $35,000 (!!!!). It was "grandfathered" in to an arrangement where we could own horses, right in the middle of Charlotte. Little Sugar Creek was the final boundary of the back field, and we camped out there and made rope swings and cooked on an open fire...good times. By the time we left, my parents in 1999 and I in 2007 (to be near them), Charlotte was getting too big for our tastes. That little farm we had got bought by a Heinz heiress and a few years later turned into an upscale condo sort of thing...We live in Kilmarnock, Virginia now (look that up), except for my brother who is a PhD Biologist working in Arkansas, and my sister who lives in Pittsburgh. Saw the street she lived on for a while in the worst ghetto video...she is doing fine though, if not exactly affluent...
    ...oh yes, you got a sub, just out of respect, for this.
    Funny thing is, I was working at getting the grammar and such in my comment right, and now that I am actually watching the video, I see that it is about the Lake Norman area and not about Myers Park, richest neighborhood in the city itself. Cornelius is NOT Charlotte! We of course visited Lake Norman, but it is not Charlotte proper.

    • @DeaDiabola
      @DeaDiabola 2 роки тому

      How is it out there? Might seem like an odd question, but what is medical care like out there? Mental health?

    • @Churchcantor
      @Churchcantor 2 роки тому +1

      @@DeaDiabola Well, on Lake Norman, you are still very close to Charlotte, which is a big city and has everything!

  • @gzfashions
    @gzfashions 2 роки тому +1

    Lake Life is amazing! Smith Mountain Lake in VA is amazing!

  • @demontrader1222
    @demontrader1222 2 роки тому +2

    I will hit you up for a property scouting consultancy in the next few months. I prefer good upmarket areas but not too tightly packed. I prefer a few acres and privacy.

  • @creepycrespi8180
    @creepycrespi8180 2 роки тому +12

    Michael Jordan built a house for his mother on Lake Norman. Beautiful place,

    • @tammystewart10
      @tammystewart10 2 роки тому +3

      Yeah his mom's house is on the lake at the Peninsula Club overlooking the the lake and golf course walking distance to the club. MJ visits often as he's a golfer. Grew up in the area from 1992 to 2020. I was young at 22 and it was fun partying and boating then tennis and brunch with the ladies on sundays. Still few friends in the neighborhood. Fond and fun memories.

    • @MagicalIsadore
      @MagicalIsadore 2 роки тому +1

      Ah, this must be the "NBA player" culture one of the commenters said was making these neighborhoods more dangerous. Darn those sketchy old ladies and their generous kids!

    • @2jcward
      @2jcward Рік тому

      I thought he sold it?

  • @jscivic
    @jscivic 2 роки тому +2

    This is NOT Charlotte. This is Cornelius - it is a CITY just as much as Charlotte is and it is seeing exponential growth. Also, you are absolutely wrong in thinking that other people from NC don’t know about the city or where it is.
    That being said, the video is well done other than not having a real understanding of the area.

  • @thatgardeninggirl2864
    @thatgardeninggirl2864 2 роки тому +6

    My aunt lived in Balentine for many years

    • @757-David
      @757-David 2 роки тому +4

      lived in Pineville walking distance from there

    • @skyybutter1
      @skyybutter1 2 роки тому +1


    • @skyybutter1
      @skyybutter1 2 роки тому +1

      @@757-David via what? 485? Not at all walking distance

  • @richardunderwood410
    @richardunderwood410 2 роки тому +5

    I live just south of Cornelius and it’s really a nice place to live. Moved here from Michigan where winter could stay way to long. Traffic just s sucks here now, Hwy77 should have at least 3 lanes when they redid it a couple of years ago so the toll lanes make the Spain co money while the regular lanes are stop and go daily. Friday’s on 77 are a nightmare.

    • @skyybutter1
      @skyybutter1 2 роки тому

      Spain? Thought it was Brazil or Chile maybe... either way yes 77 is still a hot mess. NCDOT can't get their heads out of their azzes long enough to worry about much outside of the precious Triangle.

  • @RajahHindustani
    @RajahHindustani 2 роки тому +7

    Nick- You asked a real estate agent what is a bad thing about the neighborhood. A real estate agent makes money by selling, she wont tell you what is bad about the place.

  • @willasage23240
    @willasage23240 2 роки тому

    I love watching your videos, they are so entertaining!

  • @carcer149
    @carcer149 2 роки тому

    We just moved from Sicily to Huntersville 6 months ago.... , we're 7 min' from Birkdale Village, we bought our home and paid it off ($570k). now it is worth over $800km, we are located in McIlwaine Rd.. so, do you consider Huntersville "a bunch of cairns and a bunch of kyles"?

  • @GiaBlinks
    @GiaBlinks 2 роки тому +11

    I can't imagine retiring to a large home. My dream is to sell our current house, and get a condo on the water somewhere. Nice views, no yard maintenance, a small community in the building...

  • @rongniadek1691
    @rongniadek1691 2 роки тому +2

    Any flipping opportunities ? Ron.

  • @garymcaleer6112
    @garymcaleer6112 2 роки тому +4

    Great post, Nick. First post I've seen of yours for quite a while. No cookie cutter homes here, bro! (:^D Born in the 50's & raised in the 60's our community was the same, although not nearly as flashy! But our yards were larger and you couldn't hear your neighbors party music or their arguing. (:^D

  • @bradklingensmith
    @bradklingensmith 2 роки тому +1

    As an appraiser I'd hate to measure 95% of those homes.

  • @joanellis6249
    @joanellis6249 2 роки тому +2

    There are tons of reasons to live here. Pro sports, proximity to the beach and the mountains, cultural outings in uptown Charlotte which is only 30min away

  • @Will_Morand
    @Will_Morand 2 роки тому +1

    As someone who grew up in Cornelius, the rich area is commonly referred to as the Peninsula, for obvious reasons if you look at the map. The rest of Cornelius is nowhere near as rich as that area.

  • @breakingthechainusa1007
    @breakingthechainusa1007 2 роки тому +13

    The South Carolina side of Charlotte is the most affordable and underrated. Rock Hill is nice and only 18 mins from Downtown Charlotte

    • @DarkShark96
      @DarkShark96 2 роки тому +5

      Please no lol rent and property tax is starting to go up here we don't need anymore people.

    • @jennifergalvez99
      @jennifergalvez99 2 роки тому +2

      Yes please keep this a secret we don’t want people moving here….

  • @ricardorodriguez1784
    @ricardorodriguez1784 9 місяців тому

    Hello Nick, we are planning to move to NC by July 2024, we need to rent or by a place, in a good area, can you be of help?

  • @evanww
    @evanww 2 роки тому +1

    $2M house with 10% down is around a $12,000/mn mortgage payment.

  • @nathanielovaughn2145
    @nathanielovaughn2145 2 роки тому +24

    I used to party in Lake Norman every chance I got. That was 35 years ago, before a lot of those neighborhoods popped up.
    The town Cornelius should change its name to Cornelius Vanderbilt. 🤣🤣🤣

  • @8BitNaptime
    @8BitNaptime 2 роки тому +5

    Are these the types of houses that split open in a strong breeze?

    • @MagicalIsadore
      @MagicalIsadore 2 роки тому

      You know it!

    • @8BitNaptime
      @8BitNaptime 2 роки тому

      @@TheTallMan50 You'd think by now there would be tornado-resistant housing. Oh wait, there is, they just don't bother building that way... As long as it's bigger than the next house, that's what counts!

    • @8BitNaptime
      @8BitNaptime 2 роки тому

      @@TheTallMan50 I prefer a huge castle made of recycled corrugated pasteboard. I'm the king until it rains.

    • @8BitNaptime
      @8BitNaptime 2 роки тому

      @@TheTallMan50 Or the South Pole.

  • @RichardKelly
    @RichardKelly 2 роки тому +18

    Worked on quite a few of these houses back in the day. Commuting was horrendous till they opened the I-77 toll lane. On the plus side u can be neighbors with DaBaby these days!🤣

    • @mikellehicks6199
      @mikellehicks6199 2 роки тому

      Traffic is still awful even with the toll roads

  • @skyybutter1
    @skyybutter1 2 роки тому +6

    HOLD UP!! He knows Jack about Charlotte and even less about the metro. He pronounced CON-chord , CON-curd. That's death.

    • @reddfoxx2601
      @reddfoxx2601 2 роки тому +1

      Right!!! I was thinking the same thing. It is CON- CORD for heavens sakes lol

  • @aribasmajian18
    @aribasmajian18 2 роки тому

    Nice conversation and nice meighborhood.

  • @Palmer2189
    @Palmer2189 2 роки тому +5

    Used to live in Cornelius. Beautiful place.

  • @thatgirlPAIGE94
    @thatgirlPAIGE94 2 роки тому +1

    Beautiful houses

  • @Nick-wc2mb
    @Nick-wc2mb 2 роки тому +2

    Can you do the most wealthiest neighborhood in South Carolina?

    • @NickJohnson
      @NickJohnson  2 роки тому +2

      Clearly Charleston area

    • @Nick-wc2mb
      @Nick-wc2mb 2 роки тому

      @@NickJohnson Oh that would make sense.

  • @carmenmonoxide7459
    @carmenmonoxide7459 2 роки тому +8

    Hi, Nick! One way of living that type of lifestyle... vicariously, was working in those residences. My forte was housecleaning and landscaping. Something to do after my retirement from law enforcement and the military reserves. On the cusp of starting a business, I became physically disabled. Meh. Life goes on with or without me.

  • @jamesconnolly3042
    @jamesconnolly3042 2 роки тому +9

    The western side of the lake, places like Denver, has exploded as well. Busy, congested, and expensive….by NC standards IMO.

  • @SnowManGoBye
    @SnowManGoBye 2 роки тому +2

    3:56 I'm working on the castle in the background lol

    • @ironfist458
      @ironfist458 2 роки тому

      Lol, did you finish in a timely manner? 🤣😂

    • @SnowManGoBye
      @SnowManGoBye 2 роки тому

      @@ironfist458 If I remember right, the house has been in construction for 5+ years now, so hell no

  • @literallyjustjames7217
    @literallyjustjames7217 11 місяців тому

    We rented Airbnbs here for family reunions in the summer. This place is totally worth living in, it isnt all that expensive compared to new england honestly. Food is cheaper groceries, are cheaper, and the homes that are being shown are around the same price as an unmaintained equivalent with no water access in the north.

  • @jjramos46
    @jjramos46 2 роки тому +7

    Western NC is so beautiful

  • @FindingBalance7
    @FindingBalance7 2 роки тому +2

    These house are basically right on top of one another, hopefully you get along with your neighbor, I’ve seen in both Oregon & Utah neighborhoods that would blow your mind! When you have a home that big or bigger but add 15-50 Acres of land then you seen the real deal

  • @fannyalexander5906
    @fannyalexander5906 2 роки тому +1

    Never thought of NC before but this area is gorgeous. IMO Greenwich CT, Darien CT, Short Hills NJ, Alpine NJ and Great Falls VA are some of the best neighbourhoods ever. Dreaming to live in one of them one day.

  • @npsmel
    @npsmel 2 роки тому +2

    I lived in Cornelius in a very inexpensive apartment. I was always under the impression the money was in Davidson OR lakefront

  • @jamiewhite1515
    @jamiewhite1515 2 роки тому +11

    I came to NC in 1997 from WV. Flat broke with new wife and 2 kids. In 1999 started a business and now own a 2.5 mil home in Davidson NC right next to Cornelius. This area is really nice but getting really busy. Charlotte and surrounding area needs infrastructure upgrades fast. Traffic is so bad in this area. Business is good here.

    • @sashaa6175
      @sashaa6175 2 роки тому

      May I ask what kind of business you started?

    • @jamiewhite1515
      @jamiewhite1515 2 роки тому +1

      @@sashaa6175 I worked in communications since I was a young adult. I mean wireless networks. Started my own and it blew up. This area is good for start ups.

    • @jamiewhite1515
      @jamiewhite1515 2 роки тому +1

      @@sashaa6175 I had friends start waste companies. Blew up.
      I had friends start trucking companies. Blew up.
      Coffee shops.
      On and on. This area is vibrant.

    • @rosemarywacera2576
      @rosemarywacera2576 2 роки тому +1

      Good to note that there are places in the US that favours start ups .

    • @jamiewhite1515
      @jamiewhite1515 2 роки тому

      @@rosemarywacera2576 if your business fails here it’s not because of its location.

  • @ajbarton5
    @ajbarton5 2 роки тому +2

    The Pointe in Mooresville is debatably nicer than the Peninsula, the neighborhood you were driving through here

    • @skyybutter1
      @skyybutter1 2 роки тому

      The Pointe is a TRUMP property and one day that will sink that area. But it is nicer then The Peninsula.

  • @g.t.g1111
    @g.t.g1111 2 роки тому +1

    Beautiful homes 🏡… Hugh different from the lakes I’m uses to!!!

  • @marshville01
    @marshville01 2 роки тому

    How does Myers Park compare with Cornelius?

  • @laoch5658
    @laoch5658 2 роки тому +1

    its amazing how money can magically make a place look nicer

  • @aurelienmatthews6511
    @aurelienmatthews6511 2 роки тому +2

    Beautiful houses out there :)

  • @nicksylvester7546
    @nicksylvester7546 2 роки тому +2

    Wow I just put a deposit on a property right there on the lake in Cornelius.... you were sounding a little bitter about the area and "rich people ". Brother we ain't rich.... a few million for a big lake house is nothing compared to NYC, Miami, Beverly Hills, SoCal, Chicago, palm Beach, Greenwich. And so on.... that is rich

  • @mikeyt80
    @mikeyt80 2 роки тому +1

    Lots of million plus homes just south of the border in Lake Wylie area of SC... The SC Charlotte burbs are growing fast!

  • @davidbethea8186
    @davidbethea8186 2 роки тому +2

    This is a great place. I can afford one of these homes. Thank you. I am looking for a good place to live...

  • @travelinggirl6681
    @travelinggirl6681 2 роки тому +11

    I used to live in Huntersville, which is the next town south from Cornelius. We grocery shopped in Cornelius and went to a park on Lake Norman every week. It is definitely a sprawling city that has lost its character and personality. Now it is just about one-upping everyone else. My kids went to a private school in a nearby town that had kids from Nascar drivers in attendance. The school kissed up to the Nascar drivers and so they had one day every school year that was "Race Day" where the kids were taught all about being a race car driver. Woop dee do! I worked at the school as a substitute teacher for a while. I had Mario Andretti's grandson in a class that I subbed in. My kids were in the grades on both sides of Dale Earnhardt's daughter the time that he was killed in that race. There were some very down to earth parents there but most had a definite "I am better than you," persona. I loved being in that area for a few years but since I am not one to feel like keeping up with competing with others, I grew tired of the fake people with attitudes and after living there for 18 years, we decided to move. I really got to get up close and personal with the have and have nots. I learned a lot from living there. I love your videos, thank you!

    • @fluffnpi
      @fluffnpi 2 роки тому +3

      My friend had to move down to Cornelius and works as a TA for 16 bucks an hour. She has to live with family as she cannot afford rent

    • @travelinggirl6681
      @travelinggirl6681 2 роки тому +3

      @@fluffnpi I can imagine the rent has gotten really high. It is a pretty area if you don't mind a lot of congestion and people with big attitudes.

    • @leebomccool8997
      @leebomccool8997 2 роки тому +4

      I find it hilarious it took you 18 years to get tired of the "fake" people.

    • @fluffnpi
      @fluffnpi 2 роки тому +2

      @@travelinggirl6681 yeah the rural counties like Iredell require TAs to drive buses. She can't get a CDL at her age. In WI where she used to live pay was 30 percent higher and rent was 30 percent lower. Less traffic even in a major metro area. She is also an ethnic minority feeling completely out of place among the Starbucks/SUV soccer mom crowd.

    • @fluffnpi
      @fluffnpi 2 роки тому +3

      @@leebomccool8997 I lived in Waco TX as a preteen and attended a private school on a scholarship. Lake Waco had a similar vibe, with mansions all around. Fortunately the kids were friendly. All the Moms drove Suburbans back in the 90s

  • @myrtlebeachsara
    @myrtlebeachsara 2 роки тому +2

    I live in Charlotte but close to the Huntersville line, we are in Cornelius a lot. it's a nice place, there's still some middle class families but they've been here a while! you have to have money to live here now, that's for sure! lovely area though.

  • @scottcoleman2876
    @scottcoleman2876 2 роки тому +1

    You have to go through the city before 6am to beat the traffic. Got crazy.

  • @bestchannelintheworld
    @bestchannelintheworld 2 роки тому +9

    This whole place looks so tasteless. The architecture in New England is like 10000 times better. You can't buy taste apparently.

    • @pippysplaytime1234
      @pippysplaytime1234 2 роки тому +1

      You can’t buy antiquity .. New England has old historical
      Homes. That’s the difference here Alex. These are modern homes without history. And to each their own right

    • @southernhippie9058
      @southernhippie9058 2 роки тому

      I was comparing it to Park Slope in Brooklyn or The Hamptons and if I was going to spend that kind of money it would be there or the Upper East Side. Some of these neighborhoods just look kind of tacky If I had that kind of money I would want to live somewhere that has something to keep me from getting bored. My idea of fun is not hitting a little ball around 18 holes with a stick. To each their own though.

    • @pippysplaytime1234
      @pippysplaytime1234 2 роки тому

      @@southernhippie9058 right so you love old money. That’s good. But I think these are also these peoples second homes. And living on Long Island my entire life once you leave the Hamptons you’re in not so nice areas. Once you’re out of park slope Brooklyn you’re in incredibly crowded not so nice areas. North Carolina appeal is that it’s generally good all over and a slower paced life. I get you though. But these people also love lake life not just 18 holes

    • @mcfrisko834
      @mcfrisko834 2 роки тому +2

      These houses are VERY tasteful...taste just isn't your thing lol

  • @nateh2665
    @nateh2665 2 роки тому +1

    whoever bought property on that lake early on lucked out.

  • @sk8ingthemystery
    @sk8ingthemystery 2 роки тому +1

    As a realtor in NC & SC I had never heard of these!

    • @2jcward
      @2jcward Рік тому

      Well that’s not good 😂

  • @tinawhite3307
    @tinawhite3307 2 роки тому +1

    This beautiful place is by the water but when the storms and hurricanes come tornadoes come does it destroy the houses

    • @pippysplaytime1234
      @pippysplaytime1234 2 роки тому

      The homes not on the beach are generally fine

    • @sm040480
      @sm040480 2 роки тому

      Hurricanes are not going to affect that far inland. Tornadoes are few & far between.

  • @Nobleazure
    @Nobleazure 2 роки тому +1

    I like the comment of "fancy shopping" at 21:05 as you pass a Goodwill.

    • @robp9746
      @robp9746 2 роки тому +2

      There's one in every town. That's where the ultra rich shop.

    • @skyybutter1
      @skyybutter1 2 роки тому


  • @adamfrench8735
    @adamfrench8735 2 роки тому

    When did Lake Norman become part of the Charlotte metro area ?

  • @joealpha5682
    @joealpha5682 2 роки тому +3

    Con”curd”? The town is pronounced Con”Cord”. Like a cord. Myers Park and Eastover has the highest concentration of wealth in Charlotte.

  • @Jbo2000
    @Jbo2000 2 роки тому +3

    One of the lake houses has a 2 story gazebo. And I mean the second floor was a enclosed room with electricity

  • @susieblanco2722
    @susieblanco2722 2 роки тому

    Thank you!! I live him & going to assume Ballentyne or providence road area before I watch

  • @JDs_RandomHandle
    @JDs_RandomHandle Рік тому +1

    Drive down south to Lake Wylie and Fort Mill. There are some massive homes that are amazing.

  • @StarrSigmon
    @StarrSigmon 2 роки тому +1

    Everything is expanding. Many are moving down to York, SC to keep up.. it's considered to be apart of the Greater Charlotte area in NC.

  • @chosenone9879
    @chosenone9879 2 роки тому +3

    Michael Jordan has a home in Cornelius.

  • @vonfields6889
    @vonfields6889 2 роки тому

    Thanks...great job u do!

  • @Leo-ws1id
    @Leo-ws1id 2 роки тому +2

    I wish I had a house there.😢

  • @EugenieJustine
    @EugenieJustine 2 роки тому +2

    That neighborhood is what dreams are made of

    • @arresthillary9502
      @arresthillary9502 Рік тому

      its more than a neighborhood. Lake Norman is the largest manmade lake in NC. it has 500 MILES of shoreline that look like that "neighborhood"

  • @11Kslingshot
    @11Kslingshot 2 роки тому

    Are you the voiceover for the "honey badger" documentary?

  • @Gamecocks2023
    @Gamecocks2023 2 роки тому +2

    Born and raised and still live in the Peninsula in Cornelius hahah thanks for the publicity