@@th3-v0id-534 cosa l'immagine? Questo movimento è basato su un'ideologia politica già formata che non include la Turchia nella nazione europea. "Europa nazione, jean thiriart il cavaliere eurasiatico e la giovane europa".
Европа, объединённая в материальном, моральном, военном и дипломатическом ключе, и сильная сопряжением трёх элементов - западной цивилизации, германского мотора и славянских человеческих ресурсов - возродится на новом качественном уровне.
dear friend, the Slavs know how to work not only with their hands! The Slavs have made a significant contribution to European history and culture. Here are some key points: 1. Establishment of the Great Moravian Empire: During the 800s, the Slavs established the Great Moravian Empire, which united the peoples of central Europe for the first time. This empire played a crucial role in the development of European politics and culture. 2. Christianization: The Slavs were gradually Christianized, with the Eastern Slavs adopting Eastern Orthodox Christianity and the Western Slavs adopting Roman Catholicism. This had a profound impact on the cultural and religious landscape of Europe. 3. Pan-Slavic Movement: The Pan-Slavic Movement, which began in the mid-19th century, emphasized the common heritage and unity of all Slavic peoples. This movement had significant political and cultural implications, particularly in the Balkans. 4. Artistic and Cultural Achievements: The Slavs have made significant contributions to European art and culture. For example, the Czech artist Alphons Mucha created the Slav Epic, a cycle of twenty paintings celebrating the history and culture of the Slavic peoples. 5. Language and Literature: The Slavic languages belong to the Indo-European family and have played a significant role in the development of European literature. The Old Church Slavonic language, for instance, was used in the translation of Christian texts and had a profound impact on the development of Slavic literature. 6. Historical Influence: The Slavs have had a lasting impact on European history. The Eastern Slavs, in particular, played a crucial role in the development of the Byzantine Empire and the Russian Empire, while the Western Slavs contributed to the development of the Holy Roman Empire and the Kingdom of Poland.
If the EU could turn into a European Confederation - one in which the members advance nationalism whilst respecting the national sovereignty of the members, I'd support _that_ Europe in a heartbeat!
Europe is not racially homogenous Mediterraneans Germanics Slavs Are three distinct races As a Mediterranean i dont want to mix my blood with a ppl who descent from those the forest barbarians who destroyed rome
I'm not am eurofederalist but, glory to europe, glory to to our ideas, but also glory to our cultures an finaly, to our peuples and nations! That we will protect our freedoms!🇱🇺❤🇪🇺
the left , cultural marxism are traitors because any goverment should serve its population and not impose their laws or thinking onto others , when speech is curtailed democracy is curtailed , I hope Elon Musk will prevail because I fear that the left will try to sue him , bankrupt him or imprison him and impose restrictive laws on social media , what the left tried with Donald Trump illustrates this
Credo sia venuto il momento di unificare, perché i nostri concorrenti nel mondo sono giganti confronto a noi, se continuiamo così con questa comunità europea incompleta e acefala, verremo mangiati nel corso di un paio di secoli. Questo è quello che penso
Ci sono ancora troppe divergenze e poca solidarietà tra gli stati europei e bisogna riformare la commissione europea dando più potere al parlamento e rendere la BCE la banca privata vera banca europea in mano agli stati europei e come detto più solidarietà reale ( basta vedere come hanno ridotto alla fame la Grecia e i greci sia FMI che BCE. Comunque si una unica europa realmente unita di tipo federalista ci vorrebbe
Verremo? Siamo già stati mangiati, siamo già sotto influenza Americana, siamo già una loro colonia, siamo già per terra; sono stanco di vedere l’Europa trattata come un cagnolino da tutte le super-potenze, dobbiamo unirci e proporci come terzo polo mondiale, senza queste ideologie Americane che stanno distruggendo il mondo intero. EUROPA RISORGI.
the left , cultural marxism are traitors because any goverment should serve its population and not impose their laws or thinking onto others , when speech is curtailed democracy is curtailed , I hope Elon Musk will prevail because I fear that the left will try to sue him , bankrupt him or imprison him and impose restrictive laws on social media , what the left tried with Donald Trump illustrates this
If you're pride being European, then erase the cross from your comment. Christians belongs to Asians as Judaism, Islam, and another Abrahamic that comes from Asia continent. REAL EUROPEAN ARE PAGANISTS
@Filip7893 cry some more, just another miserable victim of hate propaganda against your brothers in blood and faith. 🇷🇺 ❤ 🇩🇪 🇫🇷 🇷🇸 🇸🇰 🇮🇹 🇬🇷 🇺🇸 🇵🇱 🇦🇹 🏴 🇫🇮 🇳🇴
@Filip7893 cry some more, just another miserable victim of hate propaganda against your brothers in blood and faith. 🇷🇺 ❤ 🇩🇪 🇫🇷 🇷🇸 🇸🇰 🇮🇹 🇬🇷 🇺🇸 🇵🇱 🇦🇹 🏴 🇫🇮 🇳🇴
@@shandarisрусские это последняя надежда Европы. Только русские еще как то справляются с бесконечными волнами мигрантов и леволиберальной пропагандой.
The eu is not inherently liberal leftist. It is a tool that is molded by the way Europeans vote. Note how the European union has recently become more and more right wing. And right wingers have mostly stopped calling for -xit. Its because The Eu already has all the building blocks in place for a great European nation but the liberals and leftist consistently fail to deliver and execute. Which is something that conservatism will succeed in. Establishing a free and democratic European nation that also protects and respects national identities. note how even now with open borders along with europeans there is not cultural death. Its only when we let outsiders from say the middle east in that things start to get difficult. We are not each others enemies because we are united in difference and in protecting that difference. That is what would make a european nation truly great. Not a slob of smashes together cultures but a union based on respect towards each other and each others struggles.
Respect to my European brothers from England. The only reason we voted for Brexit was because too many non Europeans were flooding our country. If it was just Europeans we would never vote for it. We are all facing the same demographic problems, we can solve them with European unity.
Id like to inform you that brexit was funded by a cabal of american globalists who want to destroy europe and make Britain state number 52. After brexit 700 thousand more migrants have crossed the english border no longer from your brother European nations even.
Mi piace il concetto di un'Europa unita, non mi piace il fatto che chi la pensa come me deve per forza abbinarci anche la reiezione di chi non è Europeo. La cultura non deve essere preservata ponendo muri di morte tra i popoli. So che è un'affermazione abbastanza banale ma effettivamente la cosa migliore per raggiungere il benessere mondiale è unire i popoli cessando tutte le guerre del mondo
@FarRight-tt5ny anche si invece. Deve interessarti il benessere umano ed il progresso anziché questi ideali cancro che ci affliggono da secoli ormai... Com'è possibile che avete come unico desiderio l'odio e la separazione dei popoli? Siamo tutti figli della terra,chi sei tu per dire che neri e persone di altri orientamenti sessuali non vadano bene? Ma prima di aprire bocca studiate un pò di storia,religione e biologia e capirete quanto vi siete sbagliati ed avete solo fatto il gioco di certuni che non volevano altro se non il potere. Fidati se ti dico che ci siamo tutti sbagliati.
@FarRight-tt5nyIo non sono di sinistra, sono semplicemente per la pace tra i popoli. Non ho nulla contro gli LGBT+, anche se alcune cose le trovo abbastanza indecenti, come le manifestazioni pubbliche in cui vengono fatte allusioni sessuali e con abbigliamento che mette in risalto i genitali, oppure come per l'episodio avvenuto in una scuola negli Stati Uniti in cui ai bambini vennero "insegnati" i generi con tanto di citazione del sesso anale. E ovviamente da persona con un cervello funzionante disapprovo il razzismo contro i bianchi, l'odio verso gli uomini da chi si definisce "femminista" e le rappresentazioni storiche fallaci. Non ho nulla contro neri o persone di altre etnie e non mi importa in che punto del pianeta si trovino, l'importante è che ognuno segua la legge e che nessuna cultura venga eliminata. Uno dei miei migliori amici ha origini marocchine (i suoi genitori sono nati in Marocco, lui in Italia) ed è più italiano di me, nel senso che oltre a condividere la mia stessa cultura personale sull'Italia è pure più informato di me (e di tutte le persone che conosco) sulla politica e sull'economia italiana, un fratello Dio bono. Purtroppo di gente più scura di lui non ne conosco.
Только представьте, какой силой был бы добровольный союз старого света. Население дононяющее Китай, однако каждый житель которой мог бы с легкостью получить любую, даже самую высокую должность в стране дракона, военная мощь, что посрамила бы США, ресурсы которых нет ни у кого, такое количество национальных достояний, история простирающаяся в самое зарождение человека, а учитывая относительно хорошие отношения с Америкой, можно считать всё человечество объединенном в едином порыве!!!
@@kirilll7806 были бы США чисто европейцами тогда с натяжкой это можно было бы назвать Европой, а так это каша из рас, и это перемешивание США навязывает Европе
Whats wrong with Cossacks? Cossacks were predominantly Slavs who adopted nomadic lifestyle. The only Cossack host that was not Slavic was Terek Cossacks, who were recruited from loyal Caucasians during Russo-Caucasian War.
This is beuatiful, i even felt a tear well in my eye, seeing exactly the best for our world and those who agrees and not to mention how amazing this song is
Ζήτω η Ευρώπη των Εθνών! Χαίρετε αδέλφια από την Ελλάδα, κοιτίδα του Δυτικού πολιτισμού, της κοινής μας ρίζας και κληρονομιάς 🇬🇷🇪🇺🇬🇷🇨🇾🇬🇷 ΖΗΤΩ ΤΑ ΕΘΝΗ ΤΗΣ ΕΥΡΩΠΗΣ!!! 🇪🇺🇪🇺🇪🇺 ΖΗΤΩ Η ΜΙΑ ΚΑΙ ΑΔΙΑΙΡΕΤΟΣ ΕΛΛΑΣ!!! 🇬🇷🇨🇾🇬🇷
the left , cultural marxism are traitors because any goverment should serve its population and not impose their laws or thinking onto others , when speech is curtailed democracy is curtailed , I hope Elon Musk will prevail because I fear that the left will try to sue him , bankrupt him or imprison him and impose restrictive laws on social media , what the left tried with Donald Trump illustrates this
@@iulianviorelmosteanu2800 Trash? Paganism was forgotten but it is still the spiritual root of Europe, Christ did not come from any tribe on our continent, Europeans have no debt to the king of the Jews.
@@lucasmunizalvesdecastro2001 , it is Christianity that has united Europe. We don't need somebody to be from our ethnicity in order to believe. God has no ethnicity or race.
@@maegor1897а я с ним согласен, Россия не европа, Россия лучше европы, больше европы. Зачем ассоциировать себя с ними. Там через одного русофобы. Которые носятся с дебильными идеями толерантности и равенства
At the moment when America is mentioned, you could put a picture of the Statue of Liberty, because it was made in Europe and the moment with the steppe Cossacks could put Ukraine (or even more accurately, the city where I live - Zaporozhye, there were based Cossacks) :)
You realise this song is saying „Americans go home!“ as in „yankies stay out of Europe“, yes? Why would they put American symbolism there? Yes, it was made by the French but this song doesn’t commemorate it.
I think it was written as a political song by militant Salvatore Barone for the 'Campi Hobbit' between 1977 and 1981, which were basically far right demonstrations or meetings of the «Italian Social Movement»
While I'm not a fascist and I hate the fascists, this song is absolutely beautiful and the idea of a united Europe was always a thing I wanted so good job
@@derdude6214 In my opinion, even with nationalism, Europe will be able to unite. The author of this song was an Italian nationalist. In the country where I live, it is precisely among the right-wing that the idea of Intermarium is popular
Dal Portogallo alla Russia, da Capo Nord a Lampedusa.... sarebbe meraviglioso: la nazione più civile, colta, giusta, bella, ricca e varia al mondo. Ma è solo un sogno, per alcuni.... un incubo per altri!
Ricorda che le nazioni sono composte da persone, quindi in sé basta solo che la maggior parte della popolazione europea inizi a sognare la stessa cosa, per far si che questo accada. Mumford infondo diceva nella sua storia sull'utopia che le case che gli uomini sognano oggi, sono quelle in cui vivranno domani, a me piace ricordarmelo di tanto in tanto, tutto qua✨
@@rafexrafexowski4754 you want to explain an Italian song to an Italian. Cossacks refer to the Slavs, who invaded Europe in 800 AD. and return to the steppes we are referring to the Siberian steppes you bad ass considering that the Slavs are not a European people
@@rafexrafexowski4754 you want to explain an Italian song to an Italian. Cossacks refer to the Slavs, who invaded Europe in 800 AD. and return to the steppes we are referring to the Siberian steppes you bad ass considering that the Slavs are not a European people
@@lareclutaterrona03 The Slavs are a European people, as they originated and live (mostly) in Europe. And do not forget that Russians are not so much Slavs as Varangians (Scandinavians)
Представьте, что все страны Европы объеденятся в одно государство. У нового государства Европы будет армия в 5млн человек. Это будет самая сильная страна в мире.
I know all the propaganda plays up Western liberal values etc. But ultimately the Ukrainian people have proven themselves to be fellow Europeans and we will support you against the Asian hordes to eternity. SLAVA UKRAINI SLAVA EUROPA.
@GinEspa No they aren’t, they’re Eurasian at best, plus Putin is overwhelmingly sending his Siberian and Caucasian savages. Ukraine is everything Russia claims to be when wanting to be European and Slavic, Russia itself is just a bunch of Karelian swamps and Asian wasteland.
Vashe budushee eto libo liberalism, libo egalitarism, libo prosto demokratia, inache vas ozhidaet unichtozhenie, i odnogo Pakistana dla etogo dostatochno.
Il testo in italiano ogni tanto sta sopra invece che sotto ma vabbè,comunque si trovano video di due minuti e con altre bandiere di questa canzone,ormai non so quale sia quella giusta
@@lareclutaterrona03 Proprio per questo la ha, dato che molti partiti hanno una bandiera, specialmente questo. Basta cercare su Google ed è letteralmente nel video.
Europe for Slavs
Europe for Germanics
Europe for Latins
Europe for Finno Ugrics
Europe for Celts
Europe for Europeans!
finno ugrics are not from european
@@akabey1328финно угры с Урала, что тоже часть Европы.
@@akabey1328Hungary, Finland and Estonia are European.
@@akabey1328They have been here for so many years they are 99% european
I am American, but ethnically two of those things. What about Basques though?
*This song was written in 1977, therefore the line Against 'Cossacks' actually meant 'Bolsheviks'/'Soviets'
Viva il comunismo!✊✌️🚩
@@mrxstadt no
@@salvini2809 vabbè aspetto che te inizi a criticare il comunismo così poi ti posso prendere in giro
@@lorenzo4408 yo
@@mrxstadt Zitto, il socialismo democratico porterà libertà dove necessario
Europe has the right to defend their culture and traditions
It's not even a "right" only weak people ask þe question wheþer þey are allowed to exist or not.
It's not a right: it is a force of nature.
Is this a state against or for unity; cuz this statement can be viewed in 2 different ways lol.
why are you everywhere xaxaxaxaxaxa
absolute banger, we need more pan-European songs. Europe shall rise again!
Proud to be European 💪🏻
Yes, Long live Europe!
@@falerix U.S.A >> Europe
@@CarlosAlves-pr2eu Ah yes, The land of school shootings and the home of war criminals and idiots. Even North Korea is better than that.
Same, brother! Long live the brotherhood between our Nations along side with its peoples!
@@CarlosAlves-pr2eu ok torna alla sanità privata, al degrado, nella povertà, alle sparatorie nelle scuole e alla vostra democrazia poco democratica.
This is the european union i want
tell me more about it
@@qualquernome9652 Nationalist third position Europe.
@@JstZeldablackie interestingus
Same brother
@@JstZeldablackie What cringe.
Ho scoperto questa canzone solo oggi e me ne sono già innamorato
Portiamo l'impero in tutto il mondo
Guarda anche io
Viva la Federazione Europea! Viva l'Europa Unita! Viva l'Europa libera! 🇪🇺🇪🇺🇪🇺
>not including Turkey
Absolutely based.
Bad news for you, it does
@@th3-v0id-534 non mi pare in realtà
@@blacknotecamp1076 guarda più attentamente
@@th3-v0id-534 cosa l'immagine? Questo movimento è basato su un'ideologia politica già formata che non include la Turchia nella nazione europea. "Europa nazione, jean thiriart il cavaliere eurasiatico e la giovane europa".
@@th3-v0id-534European part of Turkey isn't the whole Turkey
"Едины до конца,пока не умрём"
Glory to Europa ! Support Imperium Europae movement !
Это прекрасно, сильная экономически Европа без эмигрантов, левых ценностей и без войн меж друг другом
В этой песне говориться про Европу без Америки и России)
@@Ort-b9s Без России? Здесь буквально говорится о присоединении в том числе и русских к этой единой Европе...
0:55 - 1:00
@@Ort-b9s В песни как раз таки была Россия да и на карте нарисована Европейская часть России.
@user-ib8qd9rn1m Русофоб иди поспи.
Viele Grüße aus Deutschland 🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪Stolz aus diesem Kontinent zu kommen Proud German🇩🇪 | Proud European
Viva Europa !
De Lisbonne to Magadan !
Lisbon? Hell nah, Pátria sobre tudo.
Ну тогда уж до Камчатки
Европа, объединённая в материальном, моральном, военном и дипломатическом ключе, и сильная сопряжением трёх элементов - западной цивилизации, германского мотора и славянских человеческих ресурсов - возродится на новом качественном уровне.
dear friend, the Slavs know how to work not only with their hands!
The Slavs have made a significant contribution to European history and culture. Here are some key points:
1. Establishment of the Great Moravian Empire: During the 800s, the Slavs established the Great Moravian Empire, which united the peoples of central Europe for the first time. This empire played a crucial role in the development of European politics and culture.
2. Christianization: The Slavs were gradually Christianized, with the Eastern Slavs adopting Eastern Orthodox Christianity and the Western Slavs adopting Roman Catholicism. This had a profound impact on the cultural and religious landscape of Europe.
3. Pan-Slavic Movement: The Pan-Slavic Movement, which began in the mid-19th century, emphasized the common heritage and unity of all Slavic peoples. This movement had significant political and cultural implications, particularly in the Balkans.
4. Artistic and Cultural Achievements: The Slavs have made significant contributions to European art and culture. For example, the Czech artist Alphons Mucha created the Slav Epic, a cycle of twenty paintings celebrating the history and culture of the Slavic peoples.
5. Language and Literature: The Slavic languages belong to the Indo-European family and have played a significant role in the development of European literature. The Old Church Slavonic language, for instance, was used in the translation of Christian texts and had a profound impact on the development of Slavic literature.
6. Historical Influence: The Slavs have had a lasting impact on European history. The Eastern Slavs, in particular, played a crucial role in the development of the Byzantine Empire and the Russian Empire, while the Western Slavs contributed to the development of the Holy Roman Empire and the Kingdom of Poland.
потенциал только трех славянских народов мог бы уделать всю Европу, какой там германский мотор
@@NiclNameGamer 🤡
@@NiclNameGamerмы и есть Европа.
@@NiclNameGamerslavs are the blacks of Europe.
Hmm Pan-European nationalism interesting
Basically White nationalism but still good
@Juan-qu4oj No, nobody said anything about that. Gross.
@@SorrowAvenue whats wrong with that also White just means of European descent
@@Juan-qu4oj "White nationalism" sounds American and can incorporate the new world too. But yes, it basically is it.
European isn't a nation
“Americans go home!”
This is too good to be real
Most Americans are Europeans, Europe ought to welcome them
Wish that it was true
We Americans want to go home too. Europe relying on America is weak.
Америка это та же Европа, просто переселённая.
@@timoserb1984with completely different ideals tough
Long live Europe from the United States 🇺🇸❤️🇪🇺
Go home yanks
@ErichsvonMansteinn Stop responding to compliments with negative comments
Torna a casa statumerdoso
Go home ami, ami go home!
Spalten für Frieden dein Atom!
@@Nordbon1523 Communist country, immediately invalidated
Proud to be European 🇱🇻 greetings to my other European brothers 🫡
I am also proud to be a European! Glory to Europe and the Europeans! 🇷🇺❤🇱🇻
Europe Nazione will rise
The only european union id support 🇬🇧
If the EU could turn into a European Confederation - one in which the members advance nationalism whilst respecting the national sovereignty of the members, I'd support _that_ Europe in a heartbeat!
@@sakkra93 agreed
Europe is not racially homogenous
Are three distinct races
As a Mediterranean i dont want to mix my blood with a ppl who descent from those the forest barbarians who destroyed rome
@@PhoenicOlympia Isn't it theory of racial superiority?
@@PhoenicOlympia wtf you're talking about man lol, you sound like a nazi
This is what Mosley meant when he said he was pro EU
"Eurocentrico? Io preferisco il termine Normale"
Io sono pro europa ma non questa dei banchieri che fanno gli interessi della Germania,francia,ricchi
No, even that is trash. Keeping one’s culture and nationhood is better than for it to turn into a globalist world order, no matter this or the EU.
Seeeeee 🇪🇺
Тако је бре.
Long Live Europe From Argentina
Nosotros venimos en barco che 🤥🤥
May the European Empire emerge! ✋️🇪🇺
never 🇩🇪⚔🇪🇺
@@alfredill45 doch
@@KingPeterG. Scheiß auf "Evropa", sie waren niemals unsere Freunde, Deutschland soll allein Machtpolitik treiben
@@alfredill45 ur the reason we’re going to keep being puppets of America
The fact that this music is italian
Proud to be european🇦🇱🇪🇺 🇪🇺🔥
I'm not am eurofederalist but, glory to europe, glory to to our ideas, but also glory to our cultures an finaly, to our peuples and nations! That we will protect our freedoms!🇱🇺❤🇪🇺
the left , cultural marxism are traitors because any goverment should serve its population and not impose their laws or thinking onto others ,
when speech is curtailed democracy is curtailed , I hope Elon Musk will prevail because I fear that the left will try to sue him , bankrupt him or imprison him and impose restrictive laws on social media , what the left tried with Donald Trump illustrates this
Credo sia venuto il momento di unificare, perché i nostri concorrenti nel mondo sono giganti confronto a noi, se continuiamo così con questa comunità europea incompleta e acefala, verremo mangiati nel corso di un paio di secoli. Questo è quello che penso
Поздно, европейцы - вы уже стали американской колонией с повадками вегана-импотента.
Ci sono ancora troppe divergenze e poca solidarietà tra gli stati europei e bisogna riformare la commissione europea dando più potere al parlamento e rendere la BCE la banca privata vera banca europea in mano agli stati europei e come detto più solidarietà reale ( basta vedere come hanno ridotto alla fame la Grecia e i greci sia FMI che BCE. Comunque si una unica europa realmente unita di tipo federalista ci vorrebbe
Verremo? Siamo già stati mangiati, siamo già sotto influenza Americana, siamo già una loro colonia, siamo già per terra; sono stanco di vedere l’Europa trattata come un cagnolino da tutte le super-potenze, dobbiamo unirci e proporci come terzo polo mondiale, senza queste ideologie Americane che stanno distruggendo il mondo intero.
I don't think the USA or China have the strength to absorb Germany or France
Il momento per l'unità era duecento anni fa. Ogni giorno che passa è un giorno sprecato
I can hear the Roman spirit of the ancestors in this song
I only hear the spirit of an austrian individual from the 1940s in this song
@@Vasilis_Rant. Bro, even Churchill said that we have to form some sort of United States of Europe
Հռոմեացիները ջաղջախել են Եվրոպան, գերմանացիներին, գալլերին 😂😂😂
Ես եվրոպացիներից իրոք հարգում եմ երևի միայն հռոմեացիներին։
I just figured out my new favourite ideology.
the left , cultural marxism are traitors because any goverment should serve its population and not impose their laws or thinking onto others ,
when speech is curtailed democracy is curtailed , I hope Elon Musk will prevail because I fear that the left will try to sue him , bankrupt him or imprison him and impose restrictive laws on social media , what the left tried with Donald Trump illustrates this
Знайте что если приезжие к вам имеют защиты от государства больше чем те кто выросли здесь, то это называется коллаборационистское правительство.
Да здравствует свободная Европа наций! 🇷🇺 ☦️
If you're pride being European, then erase the cross from your comment. Christians belongs to Asians as Judaism, Islam, and another Abrahamic that comes from Asia continent. REAL EUROPEAN ARE PAGANISTS
Ovvero il contrario della Russia di putin
@Filip7893 cry some more, just another miserable victim of hate propaganda against your brothers in blood and faith.
🇷🇺 ❤ 🇩🇪 🇫🇷 🇷🇸 🇸🇰 🇮🇹 🇬🇷 🇺🇸 🇵🇱 🇦🇹 🏴 🇫🇮 🇳🇴
@Filip7893 cry some more, just another miserable victim of hate propaganda against your brothers in blood and faith.
🇷🇺 ❤ 🇩🇪 🇫🇷 🇷🇸 🇸🇰 🇮🇹 🇬🇷 🇺🇸 🇵🇱 🇦🇹 🏴 🇫🇮 🇳🇴
Europe will be united! From the Urals to Lisbon. Hello everyone from Moscow
@@shandarisрусские это последняя надежда Европы. Только русские еще как то справляются с бесконечными волнами мигрантов и леволиберальной пропагандой.
@@texgames2555 Да, да.
@@texgames2555Себя в начале от откровенной диктатуры спасите, а потом уж о других задумывайтесь. Спасители мне нашлись.
@@texgames2555Правительство РФ так не думает
Hello from Russia!
glory to Europe from Lisbon to Vladivostok!
You aren't european
@@Ganglo-Saxon- А ты не человек 🤡
@Ganglo-Saxon Yes he is. Long live Europe from Italy! 🇪🇺🇪🇺🇪🇺
@@Ganglo-Saxon Well, Russians are Slavs, so yes, they are Europeans.
@@Ganglo-Saxon минусы будут?
Super cringe EU Fan: 🤓💀
Super based Europe enjoyer: 🍷🗿
The eu is not inherently liberal leftist. It is a tool that is molded by the way Europeans vote. Note how the European union has recently become more and more right wing. And right wingers have mostly stopped calling for -xit. Its because The Eu already has all the building blocks in place for a great European nation but the liberals and leftist consistently fail to deliver and execute. Which is something that conservatism will succeed in. Establishing a free and democratic European nation that also protects and respects national identities. note how even now with open borders along with europeans there is not cultural death. Its only when we let outsiders from say the middle east in that things start to get difficult. We are not each others enemies because we are united in difference and in protecting that difference. That is what would make a european nation truly great. Not a slob of smashes together cultures but a union based on respect towards each other and each others struggles.
With love from Russia❤
Очень рад, что есть такие люди в моей стране🇷🇺❤🇪🇺
@@iamodysseyда только в той стране (🇪🇺) обычно им не очень рады
The unification is complete!
A new power is awaken!!!
World had the creeps!
Respect to my European brothers from England. The only reason we voted for Brexit was because too many non Europeans were flooding our country. If it was just Europeans we would never vote for it. We are all facing the same demographic problems, we can solve them with European unity.
Come back in again, brothers
Let’s face this together
And treat the Scottish right plz
Id like to inform you that brexit was funded by a cabal of american globalists who want to destroy europe and make Britain state number 52. After brexit 700 thousand more migrants have crossed the english border no longer from your brother European nations even.
L'Europe est aux peuples européens !
Force à nous, et mort aux envahisseurs !
Viva Europa 🤚🏻from Serbia 🇷🇸
Из Сербии? Как, Европа вас ещё не всех истребила?
@@ДмитрийГепта будем надеяться, что братки останутся :(
Serbians arent european
@@ДмитрийГептану красных там нет, поэтому пока живут, так бы и так были серончане, по аналогии с россеянами
@@Kiraclaaw кто такие "россеяне"?
Когда национализировал с помощью модов всю европу :
Couldnt find anything about the origin nor the componist. Actual rare pepe song.
Quando realizzi che con le elezioni di ieri questo potrebbe diventare canonico
Deve diventarlo il più presto possibile.
Mi piace il concetto di un'Europa unita, non mi piace il fatto che chi la pensa come me deve per forza abbinarci anche la reiezione di chi non è Europeo.
La cultura non deve essere preservata ponendo muri di morte tra i popoli.
So che è un'affermazione abbastanza banale ma effettivamente la cosa migliore per raggiungere il benessere mondiale è unire i popoli cessando tutte le guerre del mondo
@FarRight-tt5ny anche si invece. Deve interessarti il benessere umano ed il progresso anziché questi ideali cancro che ci affliggono da secoli ormai...
Com'è possibile che avete come unico desiderio l'odio e la separazione dei popoli? Siamo tutti figli della terra,chi sei tu per dire che neri e persone di altri orientamenti sessuali non vadano bene? Ma prima di aprire bocca studiate un pò di storia,religione e biologia e capirete quanto vi siete sbagliati ed avete solo fatto il gioco di certuni che non volevano altro se non il potere.
Fidati se ti dico che ci siamo tutti sbagliati.
@@ricefields9121sarebbe un sogno. Addio barriere culturali, benvenuto popolo unito.
@FarRight-tt5nyIo non sono di sinistra, sono semplicemente per la pace tra i popoli. Non ho nulla contro gli LGBT+, anche se alcune cose le trovo abbastanza indecenti, come le manifestazioni pubbliche in cui vengono fatte allusioni sessuali e con abbigliamento che mette in risalto i genitali, oppure come per l'episodio avvenuto in una scuola negli Stati Uniti in cui ai bambini vennero "insegnati" i generi con tanto di citazione del sesso anale.
E ovviamente da persona con un cervello funzionante disapprovo il razzismo contro i bianchi, l'odio verso gli uomini da chi si definisce "femminista" e le rappresentazioni storiche fallaci.
Non ho nulla contro neri o persone di altre etnie e non mi importa in che punto del pianeta si trovino, l'importante è che ognuno segua la legge e che nessuna cultura venga eliminata.
Uno dei miei migliori amici ha origini marocchine (i suoi genitori sono nati in Marocco, lui in Italia) ed è più italiano di me, nel senso che oltre a condividere la mia stessa cultura personale sull'Italia è pure più informato di me (e di tutte le persone che conosco) sulla politica e sull'economia italiana, un fratello Dio bono.
Purtroppo di gente più scura di lui non ne conosco.
Только представьте, какой силой был бы добровольный союз старого света. Население дононяющее Китай, однако каждый житель которой мог бы с легкостью получить любую, даже самую высокую должность в стране дракона, военная мощь, что посрамила бы США, ресурсы которых нет ни у кого, такое количество национальных достояний, история простирающаяся в самое зарождение человека, а учитывая относительно хорошие отношения с Америкой, можно считать всё человечество объединенном в едином порыве!!!
америка это тоже европа кстати, все таки они же отсюда
@@kirilll7806 были бы США чисто европейцами тогда с натяжкой это можно было бы назвать Европой, а так это каша из рас, и это перемешивание США навязывает Европе
Горжусь быть европейцем
Proud to be European ✝️🗿🇵🇱🇪🇺
Whats wrong with Cossacks? Cossacks were predominantly Slavs who adopted nomadic lifestyle. The only Cossack host that was not Slavic was Terek Cossacks, who were recruited from loyal Caucasians during Russo-Caucasian War.
cossacks as in bolshevists/communists
I think it ment in a different context.
another you tube user on this page possibly gave the answer with cossacks the bolshewists were meant
Это скорее было про Тюрков и Кавказцев.
This song was written during the Cold War, and with cossack, the singer intended the soviets
Evropa Nazione
May and will regimes and ideologies change, but the idea of European brotherhood shall stay strong.
This is beuatiful, i even felt a tear well in my eye, seeing exactly the best for our world and those who agrees and not to mention how amazing this song is
Ζήτω η Ευρώπη των Εθνών! Χαίρετε αδέλφια από την Ελλάδα, κοιτίδα του Δυτικού πολιτισμού, της κοινής μας ρίζας και κληρονομιάς 🇬🇷🇪🇺🇬🇷🇨🇾🇬🇷
Γεια σου αδερφέ!
May out two countries, and the other 27 unite under One flag...🇪🇺!
Our cradle is the Danube but Greece is also great
Thank you for literally creating our nation, Greek brother. Three Rome will be united in New Europa☦✝Η Κωνσταντινούπολη θα είναι ελληνική ή έρημη
Ave Europa!💖🇪🇺💋
Stop USA and NATO/OTAN!⛔⛔⛔
as a Thai person 🥶 I can confirm we’re getting enslaved plus tormented for eternity if this comes true
Да здравствует великая Европа, от Москвы до Лиссабона!
I just discovered this song and I am already in love with this song
save europe
European empire🇪🇺⚡️
There are no based pro-Euro...
Based pro-Europeans:
¡Viva Europa!
За Европу и ее люд великий и амбициозный! Освободимся от оков политиков, коммунистов, американцев, капиталистов, олигархов и прочей швали!
the left , cultural marxism are traitors because any goverment should serve its population and not impose their laws or thinking onto others ,
when speech is curtailed democracy is curtailed , I hope Elon Musk will prevail because I fear that the left will try to sue him , bankrupt him or imprison him and impose restrictive laws on social media , what the left tried with Donald Trump illustrates this
Al posto di comunisti è meglio stalinisti
V chem eto velichie? Rossiiskaa Imperia sovershala chudovishnye prestuplenia, Ukraina po suti szhygala Arman v Artsakhe...
Hail Europe from Russia! Óðinn with us! 🇪🇺💪
Paganism belongs in the trash. Glory to Jesus, our King and savior.
Torna nella steppa
@@iulianviorelmosteanu2800 your god is jewish ahahah
Paganism was forgotten but it is still the spiritual root of Europe, Christ did not come from any tribe on our continent, Europeans have no debt to the king of the Jews.
@@lucasmunizalvesdecastro2001 , it is Christianity that has united Europe. We don't need somebody to be from our ethnicity in order to believe. God has no ethnicity or race.
Viva a Europa 🙋♂️🇵🇹♥️
EUROPE FIRST💪💪🇳🇱🇩🇪🇬🇧🇷🇺🇸🇪🇪🇸🇵🇹🇵🇱🇫🇮🇳🇴🇩🇰
Now this. This is a Europe I love. 🇬🇧🏴 🌍
This song is incredible and I'm not fascist or nationalist!
Wow tu qui!
@@amedeetsota420 che palle son sempre dappertutto
You should be
@@Nationalistic_Swede I'm sorry but I have a brain
@@Nationalistic_Swede Youll be out of the (edgy nazi=good phase) soon
Es lebe unser Vereintes Europa! 🇪🇺
Questa melodia mi ricorda troppo una marcia che cantavamo al Rav nel lontano 2009, però faceva “avanti dai tigri all’azione si va!”😊
6a compagnia "Tigre" :)
@@mirko1607che blocco eri?😂
@@BerettaF90 3° blocco 2022 😀
@@mirko1607 azz troppo giovane sei 😂 però mi fa piacere sapere che tuttora si usa per marciare . Ero anche io in 6^ tigre
@@BerettaF90 l'abbiamo cantata una sola volta, però ci stava
Recuperemos Europa, hermanos. Si no lo hacemos nosotros...
Triste la bassa qualità ed il fatto che duri così poco. Ne provo a scrivere una versione più lunga, magari la metto in un altro commento.
Grazie mille per l'iniziativa in anticipo
Non vedo l’ora
Poi ci sei riuscito?
Imagine the economical juggernaught it could be
Heil brothers and sisters from Greek national party Golden Dawn 🇬🇷✋🏻
Make European babies 👶🏻 👶🏻👶🏻👶🏻👶🏻👶🏻👶🏻👶🏻
Trente ans que je ne l'avais pas entendu. Merci du partage.
Europa Nazione✊
Да здравствует Европа от Лиссабона до Владивостока!
Владивосток Европа? 😂😂😂😂
@@dmytro4308 географически - нет.
Этнически, религиозно и культурно - да.
Russia isnt European
@@Ganglo-Saxon жду доказательства.
@@maegor1897а я с ним согласен, Россия не европа, Россия лучше европы, больше европы. Зачем ассоциировать себя с ними. Там через одного русофобы. Которые носятся с дебильными идеями толерантности и равенства
At the moment when America is mentioned, you could put a picture of the Statue of Liberty, because it was made in Europe and the moment with the steppe Cossacks could put Ukraine (or even more accurately, the city where I live - Zaporozhye, there were based Cossacks) :)
Death to the WEF, to NATO , to the IMF and to ‘globohomo’.
You realise this song is saying „Americans go home!“ as in „yankies stay out of Europe“, yes? Why would they put American symbolism there? Yes, it was made by the French but this song doesn’t commemorate it.
I cosacchi sono gli slavi
@@lareclutaterrona03 очевидно
Cossacks are Bolsheviks in this song, it's explained in a footnote by the creator.
If only Mosley won the elections😓
Im hoping you are joking
я включу это на гей-параде....
Или на митинге любителей суверенно лежать под Китаем...
Типо своих поддержать?
Niech powstanie Republika ✝️🇪🇺Europejska.
juz powstala w 1993
Senatus Populusque Europaeus
what is the origin of this song?
I think it was written as a political song by militant Salvatore Barone for the 'Campi Hobbit' between 1977 and 1981, which were basically far right demonstrations or meetings of the «Italian Social Movement»
I am grateful to god that i am European 🔥
Figlio della regione autonoma italiana
Albanians are Turks, not European.
@@ablorenz talks the Greeco Serb west asian descent dude 🇷🇸🇬🇷👳🏿♂️
While I'm not a fascist and I hate the fascists, this song is absolutely beautiful and the idea of a united Europe was always a thing I wanted so good job
Under the french banner :)
@@leguman5289 honhonhonhon france strong, no, france was basically conquered by the germans for centuries
@@leguman5289 Under the Yellow Stars
@@NoName-hg6cc you mean the fourth reich? I don't think so...
@@leguman5289 It's not the Fourth Reich. Alternatively, if you prefer Italy to lead as it did in Ancient Times, fine by me 🤷♂️😉
Vereint durch unsere einzigartigen und vielfältigen Kulturen 🇪🇺🇩🇪
Abbiamo poco da condividere tedeschi con portoghesi, olandesi con italiani ecc ecc
@@smash630Not the same language not the same culture but the same enemys inside and outside we have alot in common.
when we getting a proto indo european translation???
Europa a nation
Хай живе націоналістична європа.Нахуй лібералів і США
Europe being united is probably the most liberal idea of all time dude.
@@derdude6214 In my opinion, even with nationalism, Europe will be able to unite. The author of this song was an Italian nationalist. In the country where I live, it is precisely among the right-wing that the idea of Intermarium is popular
база, брат. если ты, конечно, не хуесосишь Россию
Слава Европе и Европейцам! 🇺🇦❤🇷🇺❤🇪🇺
perfect map -> from iceland to the ural mountains and from lapland to constantinople
constantinople is ours 🇹🇷
@@akabey1328не надолго.
@@gasterproject навсегда 🇹🇷
Dal Portogallo alla Russia, da Capo Nord a Lampedusa.... sarebbe meraviglioso: la nazione più civile, colta, giusta, bella, ricca e varia al mondo.
Ma è solo un sogno, per alcuni.... un incubo per altri!
Ricorda che le nazioni sono composte da persone, quindi in sé basta solo che la maggior parte della popolazione europea inizi a sognare la stessa cosa, per far si che questo accada. Mumford infondo diceva nella sua storia sull'utopia che le case che gli uomini sognano oggi, sono quelle in cui vivranno domani, a me piace ricordarmelo di tanto in tanto, tutto qua✨
Me: Mom, can we have European union?
Mom: We have European union at home
European union at home:
Me: Its perfect....
🇷🇺♥️🇪🇺 Great Europe, I love you!
Slavo torna nella steppa
@@lareclutaterrona03 The Cossacks in the song are communists, not all Slavs. Slavs come from western Belarus and eastern Poland, not the steppe.
@@rafexrafexowski4754 you want to explain an Italian song to an Italian. Cossacks refer to the Slavs, who invaded Europe in 800 AD. and return to the steppes we are referring to the Siberian steppes you bad ass considering that the Slavs are not a European people
@@rafexrafexowski4754 you want to explain an Italian song to an Italian. Cossacks refer to the Slavs, who invaded Europe in 800 AD. and return to the steppes we are referring to the Siberian steppes you bad ass considering that the Slavs are not a European people
@@lareclutaterrona03 The Slavs are a European people, as they originated and live (mostly) in Europe. And do not forget that Russians are not so much Slavs as Varangians (Scandinavians)
At 1:21 they sing "Cossaks to the steppes "
But in this Map Russia is included?!?!?
I guess they want to colonize it?
They meant Bolsheviks and communists. As a Russian I agree, fuck commies, they bring only disasters
Cossacks is a term used in Italy to identify the Soviets 👍
it referrs to communists. another version says "comrades to the steppes"
I thought it was for Hungarians and Finnss
Представьте, что все страны Европы объеденятся в одно государство. У нового государства Европы будет армия в 5млн человек. Это будет самая сильная страна в мире.
Gloria to Europe from Ukraine! 🇪🇺🇺🇦
@Anty-Marksistahello Little kid
@@Pizza-69 That sounds creepy ...
I know all the propaganda plays up Western liberal values etc. But ultimately the Ukrainian people have proven themselves to be fellow Europeans and we will support you against the Asian hordes to eternity. SLAVA UKRAINI SLAVA EUROPA.
They said Cossacks to the steppe lol.
@GinEspa No they aren’t, they’re Eurasian at best, plus Putin is overwhelmingly sending his Siberian and Caucasian savages. Ukraine is everything Russia claims to be when wanting to be European and Slavic, Russia itself is just a bunch of Karelian swamps and Asian wasteland.
Safe Europe 💪⚡⚡
NDWP!For White Europe!!!Support from Russia!
European Union for Healthy Persons
Думаю, это наше будущее
Я на это очень надеюсь
A pochemu po fashemu tako khorosho?
Vashe budushee eto libo liberalism, libo egalitarism, libo prosto demokratia, inache vas ozhidaet unichtozhenie, i odnogo Pakistana dla etogo dostatochno.
Heil Europe! ¡Viva Cristo Rey! ✋🏻🇪🇸✝️☦️
Prima canzone di destra che è "ascoltabile"
Europe for Europeans! 🇪🇺
Il testo in italiano ogni tanto sta sopra invece che sotto ma vabbè,comunque si trovano video di due minuti e con altre bandiere di questa canzone,ormai non so quale sia quella giusta
È questa quella giusta.
@@elisabettabarassi2048 la bandiera è quasi uguale ma ê giusta quell'altra
Non ha una bandiera questa canzone, poiché solo una canzone di estrema destra italiana
@@lareclutaterrona03 Proprio per questo la ha, dato che molti partiti hanno una bandiera, specialmente questo. Basta cercare su Google ed è letteralmente nel video.
Cosa cazzo ho appena scoperto, bellissima canzone 🔥🔥🇪🇺🇪🇺