I'm.. 50 a.n.d m.y. husband 54 we are both retired with over $3 million in net worth and no dept's. Currently living smart and frugal with our money.serving and investing life style in the stock market made it possible for us this early even till now we earn weekly. Thanks to fire movement.
You missed one going through the gulf of Mexico into manatee county. I live in Manatee and seen it being laid myself. Port Manatee is where it comes out from the gulf.
Oh sure, you "seen" it yourself? Lies. We can clearly see by the animated map and gay music that what you're talking about are lies. Quit telling your lies. Why do you feel it necessary to come to the comments and tell your lies about pipes and pennises? Please touch my pennis.
Can we invest in Natural gas as it's almost 2 years low as country or individual both can invest considering the fall of ng to dollar 2!! Win Win for Economy!!
almost out of oil when you have to drill north pole or refine Tar Sands, remember "theyll never use that dirty oil".. then population doubled 3 times...
If 99.999% of 14 billion barrels arrived safely, that means that 0.001% of 14B barrels did NOT arrive "safely". So 14,000,000 (14 million barrels) were spilled? Lost? 14. Milkion. Barrels. Leaking?? At least the numbers they chose for the documentary look nice. Albeit pipelines are probably the best way to transport this pollutant at this time in history.
Pricing it usually a flat rate per barrel from point to point. The farther it travels, the more it costs. Pipelines are quite a bit cheaper than trains. And they are vastly safer. Both for workers and the public. In order to cross an international boarder it requires the president to sign approval. Which is what the Keystone XL Pipeline suffered from; Lack of a signature. My previous company built the HH (Double H) from Dore ND to Guernsey, WY. Pretty Country out there, in the summer. Winter, whew. Never again. 😂
Our refineries are tuned for heavy crude oils, not the light sweet crude that we are getting more and more of here in the USA. So we import heavy crude and export light crude. It costs a lot to re-fit the refineries to accept the lighter crudes.
No it does NOT, liar. Canada straps tiny barrels of oil onto the backs of beavers and sends them through their many river systems. Canadia used to use oil trains until all those drunk Canucks kept crashing them and destroying small towns.
So I imagine it was easier to haul it thru trucks........Because water for me was like great job....with the new distileries in California.......but more drilling?????
Well you can say this is "Not green" or crap. But it is actually greener AND safer than trucks running on highways cross country all the time. And whether you like it or not, we'll be stuck with oil and gas for a llllooonnnngggg time. I live only a mile away from a major pipeline around D.C. (It runs UNDER MY SCHOOL), I feel safe. The one drawback is that truck drivers don't have as many jobs available :(
Too bad about the fact that of 14 billion barrels 99.999% made it safely unfortunately that means 14 Million barrels spilled into the environment contaminating the waterways and delicate flora and fauna! REPLY
Hate to tell you buddy but that pipeline doesn't RUN UNDER YOUR SCHOOL. I'm a pipeliner by trade and you're not allowed to build any structure on top of a pipeline, PERIOD.
Adventure guy: How is all the pipline coming along with the fires and earthquakes that have been going on.....and not to mention hurricaines. Since its been a year??????????? Any issues i mean you need to let people know we that vote want to be informed....
@@Alejandro-vb2fx I control the largest refined product pipeline in the US. And I can assure you they go through major cities,under interstates, near schools and neighborhoods.
ONE of the things you learn doing equity trading, is how to do research, and a lot of oil and gas research is done. All this pipe is old as well, and the stuff going in the ground is not welded properly, it's cheap steal, which has been purchased from overseas. it can't take a decent weld. It really is a ticking time bomb!
Talk to you state to better regulate interstate gathering lines. But you did not explain about other lines. Because transmission lines cross state lines so they are covered by DOT. Every weld on a transmission piping is visually inspected by a Certified Weld Inspector and then x-ray. The x-ray film is reviewed by a level 2 certified interpreter. As far as the cheep steel. There is a MTR for all material and heat numbers stamped or printed on the material. It also has the composition of metals and compliance with API 5L code. There are also weld procedures for the various grades, thickness diameter and carbon equivalencies.
steve..... it matters not what you believe, humans make mistakes and we know that right. Pipes leak and placing them under rivers makes no sense...we don't need oil and gas for one thing, and if you do the research you quickly find that out. I was working in the patch and saw the exrays at work, and the welders as well, I weld and i was a welders helper, as well am a certified blacksmith. Just think about what your saying, I too had too. We don't need this tech, but it and our mentality to jobs and providing for our families has taked over the part of our minds that says this is just wrong. I have been in the most pristine place on this planet, and i am sure you have seen some incredible beauty as well, but can't you see we are ruining this planet. Can´t you see how the world is being ruined and taken over by a machine attitude. Can you do anything without your phone or computer? It's a question is all, and it is one I had to ask myself. Do you really think how we are living is first of all healthy and what you could call normal....what is normal..is there a starting base for normal..there are no more excuses for using oil. And there are no more excuses for keeping our heads in the sands of the tech it creates to keep us in the wheel of this rapidly increasing machine world that will swallow us finally and fairly soon. If you can't see it, then there is nothing we have to talk about, as your programming has as it was designed to do, completely taken over your logical mind and any wisdom that was handed down to you from previous generations within your family and colleagues despite thier conditioned programming they would have at first questioned. It has successfully replaced it with this machine intelligence you will defend until your last breath, couple with ego and an ever increasing mob mentality, it´s can be challenging to even have a safe debate anymore! As this mob can get very angry holding onto their beliefs. Not to worry though there is possibly much comfort in being controlled that way, always being told what to do, and when to do it. It´s safe...just as they say gmo food is safe, or vaccinations..who are they? Are these institutionalized, I should call them people, but are they... after spending so much time under so much pressure of this programming, and when does the body and mind finally just accept this mind control? but more to the point, we are indeed redefining what is safe anymore, we are securing this safe system we have created and yes shoving it in the safe and protecting it...and soon they key will be gone for the masses... Oil is there to grease the wheels of the machine be it military or corporate, institution or organization, it was there at birth and it held our hand and shaped our mind all the way to it´s goal, getting us to defend it's program and get you working the controls...Imagine you are the creation of this machine, and you are also a nut or a bolt in the cog of it's ever increasing ability to destroy that which is living.. and so it goes or finally leads to the banking system the head of the beast, which you are also being herded into and held in place. I could go on, but it is just my perspective, and it doesn't really matter to you, but I write with much concern for you, because I care for this world, and this is the same discussion I have with family, so, consider yourself part of the family.... eliminate these 2 things, to be clear, oil and gas and fracking, that industry as a whole is ending this game, and banking and war, as they are the coach of that team, a sort of offense and defense... and we may be able to convert this stadium, or ship to solar and have a fighting chance at sustainability, but we have to change the hearts and minds of the unconscious populace...and that starts with you.
Wind Omaha - If I place an order to buy a block of CVX at 112 and cover with Mar 120's. What is my strategy called and tell me about the order - to cover with Mar 120's. I challenge you because I think you're a fake. The vast majority of transportation pipeline is not foreign, but domestic and either way must meet or exceed DOT, MTR standards - source API.
The animation pretty much skips over Ohio, but if one looks close, the web of pipelines through Ohio is surprising. Several run within a mile of my property... The construction is not quick and shoddy - the crews work for many months to complete sections. They leave behind a smooth, wide swath of grass. Yes, there is a pipeline underneath that grass, BUT everyone who uses oil or natural gas or products thereof in any way is in part responsible for these pipelines. Rural property owners carry the burden.
Okay. That's one way to look at it. Another is that we discovered that it could provide a standard of comfortable living to the entire country as never before known, & then many people who either trained in the field or invested in it, got very rich - if we'd been one of those prescient people, we'd probably be pretty happy right now, & so would our families for many generations. Of course, this was before we knew how damaging to the overall environment the stuff is - & in spite of knowing how damaging it was locally. It has become a standard necessity of life, because of the level of comfort and ease it affords society, & because no one has come up with a more viable alternative that can affordably replace it. And now it's become so entrenched, & the powerful industries behind it so unwilling to budge, that it's become a terrible challenge to dislodge. Replace it we must at tremendous effort & expense, but perspective on the issue is important.
Fracking another reason......there might be large fishers that make it easier for earthquakes to destroy the land and lots of drought.............because wells become dry and yes contamination is another huge factor.
You sound like an idiot. Nobody cares about what you think about any of this. If you can't assemble a sentence properly to convey your thoughts, why would you expect anyone to care about anything you have to say? Your stupidity surprises me.
China still uses coal. Coal is much cheaper, easier to obtain, but much more hazardous. It's not that the US uses more energy, they just chose the "cleaner" alternative.
So when one breaks it creates havoc to the immediate area , but we will transport the oil one way or another , that I'm certain of . We thirst for oil . So when a tanker in the ocean breaks , it seems 100 times harder to clean up if even it can be done at all . I would pay a dollar more a gallon if it was used to make pipelines safer somehow . Detectors with rapid closing valves or something . We are in a pickle . But if the pipeline keeps us from depending on the looney tunes Middle East , and we can get away from there , I'm for it .
We should drill more and put a drill anywhere it can make a buck, I don't care where, people may own the surface but most don't know a drill can bore a hole in their backyard and they can't say nothing.
These are facts that everybody already knows. Why do you say them? If you're trying to troll, you're doing a terrible job. You should go slap your mother for me. Tell her I'm disappointed for her deciding to bring such a stupid person into the world when she could have aborted you with a coat hanger.
We lead the world in standards for producing oil and gas, with regulations out of the wazoo. While other countries burn 100% of natural gas and just get the oil. Put your smart phone down if you don't like oil and gas with pipelines.
All Stores Please Lower the price of all Military and Local for all Brands of Oil Pipe Line Products and Accessories and Accessories and Accessories and Production Cost Now That's too much $$ The Whole World Now 🙏🙏🙏
can we buy Natural Gas on every dip it's not going up for last 6 months stuck who can save us .seems every effort gone in vain🙏🙏God Bless us who all r stuck
All Stores Please Lower the price of all Military and Local for all Brands of Gas Pipe Line Products and Accessories and Production Cost Now That's too much $$ The Whole World Now 🙏🙏🙏
We Americans need all the oil because we are capitalist who build, invent and create. Commie China and EU can go green and give us all the energy we need. The worlds resources must be in the hands of the workers(capitalist).
ummm,by the looks of it you've missed the biggest pipelines in the world which are transporting unprocessed acidic oil through a very large waterway called the mississippi river due to law restrictions and health endangerment of millions the project was canceled then in 2016 treaties where broken by trump laws to allow this pipeline to go through housing areas in order to shorten the length and make it higher pressure speed tranportation which is more dangerous not to mention would'nt be a good idea without using titanium lined pipe which is not the case the president trump offered 15 million to a known for lying in order to cover its spills and worker deaths due to poisoning to continue the pipeline sadly it broke in a few spot and was slowed for repair in 2017,2018 it has been stalled and the water pipe is being lowered soon to make the biggest most dangerouse pipeline a thing.
It's absurdly easy to do what you just stated, Carl. You can avoid most waste my buying whole food products rather than processed (and you save money too), you can get an electric car that charges at home and comes with a solar/turbine kit (Tesla), and the list goes on... There is a green option for everything you just need to know where to look :)
Ryan Gunnip Oil is used to make plastics which is what is used to make Teslas, and most things people depend on in everyday life probably use an oil based product either in packaging or the product itself.
Ryan Gunnip Also another thing about Tesla is that they use a rare material in the production of their batteries, just digging these materials out of the ground creates around 1 year worth of pollution that a regular petroleum car would make so they aren't as green and clean as you may have thought... Though they are pretty cool cars to own no doubt.
Ochoaj300 you do realize that many of these were built far before the global warming crisis right? You can't just say anything involving oil is disgusting. It's the main energy source of the world, and it probably will be for at least 2045
This economic crisis is just a time that differentiate the wise from the others. The wise will invest right now either in stock or cryptocurrency just to hold some shares of something.
LOL! Cryptocurrency. The tool of scammers and criminals everywhere. I can't wait for the day when that crap gets shut down and the criminals have no way of holding your data hostage without exposing themselves to law enforcement.
Jesus Christ is the son of God who died and rose three days later and loves all of you. He died for everyone and wants you with Him, to know Him and live for His glory. Come be saved eternally and spend time with Him to know Him. Be saved, free, forgiven, healed, delivered, baptized, whole and let Him show you how He is everything you need. He alone can and will satisfy your soul. He is awesome. 💕 Live righteous and Holy because He said to and paid for our way to live like Him. Ask anything in His name and the Father will do it amen hallelujah praise God thank you Jesus . 🙏 I lift up everyone's prayers, wants and needs to You Jesus, please pour out blessings. May Your favor, grace and mercy be upon the world. In Jesus name come help us all. You know our needs and everything else about each of us. In Jesus name amen thank you Jesus praise God 🙏 Jesus, Help people to be rooted and grounded in Your love and to obey Your truth. That they are living in the truth being taught by You. That they know Your voice and word. Knowing truth from errors, discernment. 💕 We are ambassadors of Christ. We represent God, when we are seen Jesus should be seen, His ways not ours. We should be living for and showing God, living for His glory. We are to be an example of Jesus for the world to see Him and want to know Him and know Him more. 🙏 🔥 2 Chronicles 7:14 says, if My people humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways I will hear them from heaven and heal their land. 🙏 💖 People need to turn from their wicked ways, Jesus paid for it. That's God stating it in that verse and there are more verses. People need to repent, to be cleansed by His blood and live Holy because He's Holy and righteous because He's righteous. Our God said to stop sinning in many many scriptures and He paid for everyone to be cleansed of sin (Isaiah 53), and to live how He said. He dwells in the Holy temple (your body) and said not to defile the temple. He said to defile the temple is death. He's always serious about everything He said to do. He's just as serious about what He said not to do. We live in obedience to His law, every word if it! He dwells within us all to be with and lead us in His ways. 💕🙏🔥 🕊️ Deuteronomy 28 there are blessings for obedience and curses for disobedience. The whole chapter, and verse 46 is one example of generational curses. These go into the following generations, the 3 and 4th. Our children pay the price for our sin. Stop sinning you are sending consequences to yourself and to your loved ones, children. By God's law you are. If you don't believe me ask Him, in Jesus name may you see and know the truth in it's fullness. Love your neighbor as you love yourself. He's worthy of everything He said and paid for, so I implore you to do as God said. Jesus said If you love me you will obey my commands.Love Him with all your heart, mind, soul and strength. 💖🙏 Praise God🙏 🕊️ Hallelujah Yeshua 🙏💖 In Yeshua's powerful name🙏🔥🕊️ 💖
This economic crisis is just a time that differentiate the wise from the others. The wise will invest right now either in stock or cryptocurrency just to hold some shares of something.
I can tell you now, there are more gas pipes in the ground than anyone knows.
Very illuminating.
You mom WHAT?
I'm.. 50 a.n.d m.y. husband 54 we are both retired with over $3 million in net worth and no dept's. Currently living smart and frugal with our money.serving and investing life style in the stock market made it possible for us this early even till now we earn weekly. Thanks to fire movement.
I'm a young dad, I'm really glad to hear your story it inspires me.
What is fire movement please.?
@@olivianoah9495 Fire means Financial Independence Retire Early.
It's been a movement teaching people financial independence and how to retire debt free through solid investment and frugal lifestyle.
@@Amanda-yx3hu Thanks for replying I will read more about fire movement.
You missed one going through the gulf of Mexico into manatee county. I live in Manatee and seen it being laid myself. Port Manatee is where it comes out from the gulf.
Oh sure, you "seen" it yourself? Lies. We can clearly see by the animated map and gay music that what you're talking about are lies. Quit telling your lies. Why do you feel it necessary to come to the comments and tell your lies about pipes and pennises? Please touch my pennis.
Natural gas price is at 2 years low...can we keep accumulating on dips?
So if this is true, our price at the pump should be .89 cents a gallon right ?
Let that oil flow... I enjoy a warm comfortable home.
Sounds selfish...
you mean natural gas lmao,oil is for fossil fuel and gasoline bro...
You're so sped
Can we invest in Natural gas as it's almost 2 years low as country or individual both can invest considering the fall of ng to dollar 2!! Win Win for Economy!!
It is progressing very quickly here, OH, MI, WV, PA, other areas Many oversize loads taking these pieces to their destinations.
Dude. You need to shut up. Find a man who will correct your errant behavior with a stiff whack to the face and learn your place. Shut up.
Natural gas again in buy zone?? Can we add on dips?
Damn this video is relevant now??
No. Why would you think something that monumentally stupid?
Natural gas again in buy zone?? Can we add on dips?
Natural gas price is at 2 years low...can we keep accumulating on dips?
Interesting video.
@Hello Robert, How are you doing?
Natural gas again in buy zone? Should we accumulate small qty on dips?
Hi Robert how are you doing, nice to meet you here 😊
BUILD MORE PIPELINES “I’m a pipeliner and need the money😅😂”
Natural gas again in buy zone? Should we accumulate small qty on dips? Pl advise!!
Who gets to deal with the pipelines from bankrupt companies when the energy markets drop ever 2-10 years. ?
A quick Google will answer your stupid question, genius.
Natural gas again in buy zone? Should we accumulate small qty on dips?
and they say a water pipeline is not possible due to the cost from MS to colorado river... how many BILLIONS have been spent on those for profit???
Natural gas again in buy zone? Should we accumulate small qty on dips?
Texas how many pipelines do you want
Texas - yes
Natural gas again in buy zone? Should we accumulate small qty on dips?
Why can’t this be done with water? They complain about the cost but sure did find the money to build international oil/gas pipelines.
Wait what? Did you just said that America don't have pipelines for water?😮? How?!!!
Oil/gas pipeline makes more money than any water one will
Natural gas again in buy zone? Should we accumulate small qty on dips?
almost out of oil when you have to drill north pole or refine Tar Sands, remember "theyll never use that dirty oil".. then population doubled 3 times...
The world will never run out of oil. Stop spreading your lies.
Natural gas again in buy zone? Should we accumulate small qty on dips?
Is it possible to use this for educational and presentation purposes? If so, who would I need to contact. Thanks
Hello sir?
No, it is not, because it is 100% lies.
Good Info but It need to be updated.
Natural gas again in buy zone? Should we accumulate small qty on dips?
I live near Kalamazoo, and I never heard about that.
yeah i know
That should be disturbing to you. Very, very toxic.
@@MrForestExplorer LOLOL! Toxic. The favourite buzz word of uneducated vegans everywhere. Bet you have blue hair, too.
Natural gas again in buy zone? Should we accumulate small qty on dips?
starke Visionen, Kindheit und vorsehen, wenn die Welt wird vereinen, luxuriöse Attitud und Performances, spezielle und mächtige Intellekt, etc.
Texas do be having a ton of pipelines tho
No, they's do be not, bruh.
Natural gas again in buy zone?? Can we add on dips?
God Damn my home state Nevada has the least of these pipelines!!
Thats good
I'm happy about that
Hello sir?
Natural gas again in buy zone? Should we accumulate small qty on dips?
weres the cities hmm thanks
Natural gas again in buy zone? Should we accumulate small qty on dips? Pl advise!!
If 99.999% of 14 billion barrels arrived safely, that means that 0.001% of 14B barrels did NOT arrive "safely". So 14,000,000 (14 million barrels) were spilled? Lost? 14. Milkion. Barrels. Leaking?? At least the numbers they chose for the documentary look nice. Albeit pipelines are probably the best way to transport this pollutant at this time in history.
Natural gas again in buy zone? Should we accumulate small qty on dips?
Let's connect more oil gas pipeline throughout the world
Natural gas again in buy zone? Should we accumulate small qty on dips?
Wow so many pipelines cross outside the US and such over borders I wonder how affects pricing.
Pricing it usually a flat rate per barrel from point to point. The farther it travels, the more it costs. Pipelines are quite a bit cheaper than trains. And they are vastly safer. Both for workers and the public. In order to cross an international boarder it requires the president to sign approval. Which is what the Keystone XL Pipeline suffered from; Lack of a signature.
My previous company built the HH (Double H) from Dore ND to Guernsey, WY. Pretty Country out there, in the summer. Winter, whew. Never again. 😂
Natural gas again in buy zone? Should we accumulate small qty on dips?
Why does this video only have 15 comments
UA-cam algorithm
Natural gas again in buy zone?? Can we add on dips?
@@vishalkhanna1476 haha a reply on a 6yo comment how crazy
My comment is old enough to be in its third year of primary school
Does anyone know what program was used to make this animated map?
Mario Paint and a stop motion camera.
When the US imports oil is it already refined?
+Mike shook Sometimes. But often crude producing countries don't have well developed refinery industries, so crude is shipped and then refined here.
Our refineries are tuned for heavy crude oils, not the light sweet crude that we are getting more and more of here in the USA. So we import heavy crude and export light crude. It costs a lot to re-fit the refineries to accept the lighter crudes.
No. It's offloaded in place like Loop offshore oil port in Louisiana. Then it's transported via pipeline to caverns or tanks then sent to refineries.
Natural gas again in buy zone? Should we accumulate small qty on dips? Pl advise!!
why is it always us and europe in these videos do south america or asia or africa
Natural gas again in buy zone? Should we accumulate small qty on dips?
Canada has pipelines. See the pipeline that goes through Ontario
No it does NOT, liar. Canada straps tiny barrels of oil onto the backs of beavers and sends them through their many river systems. Canadia used to use oil trains until all those drunk Canucks kept crashing them and destroying small towns.
Natural gas again in buy zone? Should we accumulate small qty on dips?
Greenland is actually green in this video
So I imagine it was easier to haul it thru trucks........Because water for me was like great job....with the new distileries in California.......but more drilling?????
Why isnt this comment getting plenty of likes lol.
Ha ha it was hardly noticeable
And the northern Canadian islands are also green.
Natural gas again in buy zone? Should we accumulate small qty on dips?
If I had a gender for every type of crude oil pipeline
Tom Tom there's two?
Billyharris110 :D no
I don't get it. Is there a joke in there somewhere? Is this what regular people consider funny? You sound like an idiot.
You missed so many natural gas lines it’s embarrassing
I agree!
Natural gas again in buy zone? Should we accumulate small qty on dips?
So, no Florida Gas, well nice try! 5300 mile complete global transmission capabilities, andon
I'm down because they vanishing my oil gas pipeline without my permission and profit
Honestly I really love this oil business...Hi ,what do you think about this business??
Natural gas again in buy zone? Should we accumulate small qty on dips?
Well you can say this is "Not green" or crap. But it is actually greener AND safer than trucks running on highways cross country all the time. And whether you like it or not, we'll be stuck with oil and gas for a llllooonnnngggg time. I live only a mile away from a major pipeline around D.C. (It runs UNDER MY SCHOOL), I feel safe. The one drawback is that truck drivers don't have as many jobs available :(
Too bad about the fact that of 14 billion barrels 99.999% made it safely unfortunately that means 14 Million barrels spilled into the environment contaminating the waterways and delicate flora and fauna!
Hate to tell you buddy but that pipeline doesn't RUN UNDER YOUR SCHOOL. I'm a pipeliner by trade and you're not allowed to build any structure on top of a pipeline, PERIOD.
Adventure Guy I find it Ironic that you have a pic of a tree and clean snow for your profile.
Adventure guy: How is all the pipline coming along with the fires and earthquakes that have been going on.....and not to mention hurricaines. Since its been a year??????????? Any issues i mean you need to let people know we that vote want to be informed....
@@Alejandro-vb2fx I control the largest refined product pipeline in the US. And I can assure you they go through major cities,under interstates, near schools and neighborhoods.
ONE of the things you learn doing equity trading, is how to do research, and a lot of oil and gas research is done. All this pipe is old as well, and the stuff going in the ground is not welded properly, it's cheap steal, which has been purchased from overseas. it can't take a decent weld. It really is a ticking time bomb!
Talk to you state to better regulate interstate gathering lines. But you did not explain about other lines. Because transmission lines cross state lines so they are covered by DOT. Every weld on a transmission piping is visually inspected by a Certified Weld Inspector and then x-ray. The x-ray film is reviewed by a level 2 certified interpreter. As far as the cheep steel. There is a MTR for all material and heat numbers stamped or printed on the material. It also has the composition of metals and compliance with API 5L code. There are also weld procedures for the various grades, thickness diameter and carbon equivalencies.
steve..... it matters not what you believe, humans make mistakes and we know that right. Pipes leak and placing them under rivers makes no sense...we don't need oil and gas for one thing, and if you do the research you quickly find that out. I was working in the patch and saw the exrays at work, and the welders as well, I weld and i was a welders helper, as well am a certified blacksmith. Just think about what your saying, I too had too. We don't need this tech, but it and our mentality to jobs and providing for our families has taked over the part of our minds that says this is just wrong.
I have been in the most pristine place on this planet, and i am sure you have seen some incredible beauty as well, but can't you see we are ruining this planet. Can´t you see how the world is being ruined and taken over by a machine attitude. Can you do anything without your phone or computer? It's a question is all, and it is one I had to ask myself.
Do you really think how we are living is first of all healthy and what you could call normal....what is normal..is there a starting base for normal..there are no more excuses for using oil. And there are no more excuses for keeping our heads in the sands of the tech it creates to keep us in the wheel of this rapidly increasing machine world that will swallow us finally and fairly soon.
If you can't see it, then there is nothing we have to talk about, as your programming has as it was designed to do, completely taken over your logical mind and any wisdom that was handed down to you from previous generations within your family and colleagues despite thier conditioned programming they would have at first questioned. It has successfully replaced it with this machine intelligence you will defend until your last breath, couple with ego and an ever increasing mob mentality, it´s can be challenging to even have a safe debate anymore! As this mob can get very angry holding onto their beliefs. Not to worry though there is possibly much comfort in being controlled that way, always being told what to do, and when to do it. It´s safe...just as they say gmo food is safe, or vaccinations..who are they? Are these institutionalized, I should call them people, but are they... after spending so much time under so much pressure of this programming, and when does the body and mind finally just accept this mind control? but more to the point, we are indeed redefining what is safe anymore, we are securing this safe system we have created and yes shoving it in the safe and protecting it...and soon they key will be gone for the masses...
Oil is there to grease the wheels of the machine be it military or corporate, institution or organization, it was there at birth and it held our hand and shaped our mind all the way to it´s goal, getting us to defend it's program and get you working the controls...Imagine you are the creation of this machine, and you are also a nut or a bolt in the cog of it's ever increasing ability to destroy that which is living.. and so it goes or finally leads to the banking system the head of the beast, which you are also being herded into and held in place. I could go on, but it is just my perspective, and it doesn't really matter to you, but I write with much concern for you, because I care for this world, and this is the same discussion I have with family, so, consider yourself part of the family....
eliminate these 2 things, to be clear, oil and gas and fracking, that industry as a whole is ending this game, and banking and war, as they are the coach of that team, a sort of offense and defense... and we may be able to convert this stadium, or ship to solar and have a fighting chance at sustainability, but we have to change the hearts and minds of the unconscious populace...and that starts with you.
Wind Omaha - If I place an order to buy a block of CVX at 112 and cover with Mar 120's. What is my strategy called and tell me about the order - to cover with Mar 120's. I challenge you because I think you're a fake. The vast majority of transportation pipeline is not foreign, but domestic and either way must meet or exceed DOT, MTR standards - source API.
Natural gas again in buy zone?? Can we add on dips?
Natural gas again in buy zone? Should we accumulate small qty on dips?
I've been searching for a good broker to trade with!!!
Please 🙏 sir how can i find one??
Natural gas again in buy zone? Should we accumulate small qty on dips?
I like oil. I like cheap oil better.
Natural gas again in buy zone? Should we accumulate small qty on dips?
California could use some more lines coming in. The whole state's on the verge of becoming San Francisco
The animation pretty much skips over Ohio, but if one looks close, the web of pipelines through Ohio is surprising. Several run within a mile of my property... The construction is not quick and shoddy - the crews work for many months to complete sections. They leave behind a smooth, wide swath of grass. Yes, there is a pipeline underneath that grass, BUT everyone who uses oil or natural gas or products thereof in any way is in part responsible for these pipelines. Rural property owners carry the burden.
Fossil fuel dependence was forced upon us by the power elite a century ago. We are not to blame; THEY are.
Okay. That's one way to look at it. Another is that we discovered that it could provide a standard of comfortable living to the entire country as never before known, & then many people who either trained in the field or invested in it, got very rich - if we'd been one of those prescient people, we'd probably be pretty happy right now, & so would our families for many generations. Of course, this was before we knew how damaging to the overall environment the stuff is - & in spite of knowing how damaging it was locally. It has become a standard necessity of life, because of the level of comfort and ease it affords society, & because no one has come up with a more viable alternative that can affordably replace it. And now it's become so entrenched, & the powerful industries behind it so unwilling to budge, that it's become a terrible challenge to dislodge. Replace it we must at tremendous effort & expense, but perspective on the issue is important.
Natural gas again in buy zone? Should we accumulate small qty on dips?
Fracking another reason......there might be large fishers that make it easier for earthquakes to destroy the land and lots of drought.............because wells become dry and yes contamination is another huge factor.
You sound like an idiot. Nobody cares about what you think about any of this. If you can't assemble a sentence properly to convey your thoughts, why would you expect anyone to care about anything you have to say? Your stupidity surprises me.
Natural gas again in buy zone?? Can we add on dips?
Could someone please explain why the US uses more oil than China yet they are the one's having lots and lots of issues with car pollution.
China still uses coal. Coal is much cheaper, easier to obtain, but much more hazardous. It's not that the US uses more energy, they just chose the "cleaner" alternative.
It's not car pollution they're having problems with. :)
ForgottenSouI China also doesn't have as many regulations for coal power production if I recall correctly.
US has emmission standards China and india will have some in 2035 according to the Paris accord. Which is why the Paris accord is a bad joke.
Not to mention alot of manufacturing that gets done in China are in harmful Industries that haven't been in the US for decades.
Fuckin cancer is out of control..
Bless be upon Gaya..🙏
Good USA need milk pipelines now
That's Saudi Arabia you're thinking about, pal. (no, seriously)
Natural gas again in buy zone? Should we accumulate small qty on dips?
So when one breaks it creates havoc to the immediate area , but we will transport the oil one way or another , that I'm certain of . We thirst for oil . So when a tanker in the ocean breaks , it seems 100 times harder to clean up if even it can be done at all . I would pay a dollar more a gallon if it was used to make pipelines safer somehow . Detectors with rapid closing valves or something . We are in a pickle . But if the pipeline keeps us from depending on the looney tunes Middle East , and we can get away from there , I'm for it .
We should drill more and put a drill anywhere it can make a buck, I don't care where, people may own the surface but most don't know a drill can bore a hole in their backyard and they can't say nothing.
These are facts that everybody already knows. Why do you say them? If you're trying to troll, you're doing a terrible job. You should go slap your mother for me. Tell her I'm disappointed for her deciding to bring such a stupid person into the world when she could have aborted you with a coat hanger.
Natural gas again in buy zone? Should we accumulate small qty on dips?
2:40 made no sense to someone that studies graphs
I don't "study" graphs for a living, but I understood it perfectly. I'd be happy to answer any questions you might have. Lemme know. :)
The red bar graph is deaths th e blue bar graph is injuries and the yellow e line graph is property damage
We need to be leading the world in green energy & the future but we’re stuck in the past
We lead the world in standards for producing oil and gas, with regulations out of the wazoo. While other countries burn 100% of natural gas and just get the oil. Put your smart phone down if you don't like oil and gas with pipelines.
Natural gas again in buy zone? Should we accumulate small qty on dips? Pl advise!!
i know, right?????
Natural gas again in buy zone? Should we accumulate small qty on dips?
Joe Biden is still killin my pocketbook with all the inflation
To all who have seen this video: Mr. Eddie Page also takes his work seriously you can see his Videos.📣📯
Natural gas again in buy zone? Should we accumulate small qty on dips?
All Stores Please Lower the price of all Military and Local for all Brands of Oil Pipe Line Products and Accessories and Accessories and Accessories and Production Cost Now That's too much $$ The Whole World Now 🙏🙏🙏
More crack down on climate activism.
Natural gas again in buy zone? Should we accumulate small qty on dips?
Natural gas again in buy zone? Should we accumulate small qty on dips?
can we buy Natural Gas on every dip it's not going up for last 6 months stuck who can save us .seems every effort gone in vain🙏🙏God Bless us who all r stuck
All Stores Please Lower the price of all Military and Local for all Brands of Gas Pipe Line Products and Accessories and Production Cost Now That's too much $$ The Whole World Now 🙏🙏🙏
We Americans need all the oil because we are capitalist who build, invent and create. Commie China and EU can go green and give us all the energy we need. The worlds resources must be in the hands of the workers(capitalist).
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
shut up.
ummm,by the looks of it you've missed the biggest pipelines in the world which are transporting unprocessed acidic oil through a very large waterway called the mississippi river due to law restrictions and health endangerment of millions the project was canceled then in 2016 treaties where broken by trump laws to allow this pipeline to go through housing areas in order to shorten the length and make it higher pressure speed tranportation which is more dangerous not to mention would'nt be a good idea without using titanium lined pipe which is not the case the president trump offered 15 million to a known for lying in order to cover its spills and worker deaths due to poisoning to continue the pipeline sadly it broke in a few spot and was slowed for repair in 2017,2018 it has been stalled and the water pipe is being lowered soon to make the biggest most dangerouse pipeline a thing.
Anyone else notice something major always happens in the US (media distraction) as events in Palestine and the Israeli Occupation start to rupture
This is just disgusting. #renewableenergy
You ride your bike and walk to work???
It's absurdly easy to do what you just stated, Carl. You can avoid most waste my buying whole food products rather than processed (and you save money too), you can get an electric car that charges at home and comes with a solar/turbine kit (Tesla), and the list goes on... There is a green option for everything you just need to know where to look :)
Ryan Gunnip Oil is used to make plastics which is what is used to make Teslas, and most things people depend on in everyday life probably use an oil based product either in packaging or the product itself.
Ryan Gunnip Also another thing about Tesla is that they use a rare material in the production of their batteries, just digging these materials out of the ground creates around 1 year worth of pollution that a regular petroleum car would make so they aren't as green and clean as you may have thought... Though they are pretty cool cars to own no doubt.
Ochoaj300 you do realize that many of these were built far before the global warming crisis right? You can't just say anything involving oil is disgusting. It's the main energy source of the world, and it probably will be for at least 2045
This economic crisis is just a time that differentiate the wise from the others. The wise will invest right now either in stock or cryptocurrency just to hold some shares of something.
LOL! Cryptocurrency. The tool of scammers and criminals everywhere. I can't wait for the day when that crap gets shut down and the criminals have no way of holding your data hostage without exposing themselves to law enforcement.
This is all fake.
Only for viwe and subscribe.
No proper details of pipe line project.
Natural gas again in buy zone? Should we accumulate small qty on dips? Pl advise!!
We many are stuck pl keep asking everyone n everyday to buy NATURAL GAS 🙏🙏🙏
How dare you.
Jesus Christ is the son of God who died and rose three days later and loves all of you. He died for everyone and wants you with Him, to know Him and live for His glory. Come be saved eternally and spend time with Him to know Him. Be saved, free, forgiven, healed, delivered, baptized, whole and let Him show you how He is everything you need. He alone can and will satisfy your soul. He is awesome. 💕
Live righteous and Holy because He said to and paid for our way to live like Him. Ask anything in His name and the Father will do it amen hallelujah praise God thank you Jesus . 🙏
I lift up everyone's prayers, wants and needs to You Jesus, please pour out blessings. May Your favor, grace and mercy be upon the world. In Jesus name come help us all. You know our needs and everything else about each of us. In Jesus name amen thank you Jesus praise God 🙏
Jesus, Help people to be rooted and grounded in Your love and to obey Your truth. That they are living in the truth being taught by You. That they know Your voice and word. Knowing truth from errors, discernment. 💕
We are ambassadors of Christ. We represent God, when we are seen Jesus should be seen, His ways not ours. We should be living for and showing God, living for His glory. We are to be an example of Jesus for the world to see Him and want to know Him and know Him more. 🙏 🔥
2 Chronicles 7:14 says, if My people humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways I will hear them from heaven and heal their land. 🙏 💖
People need to turn from their wicked ways, Jesus paid for it. That's God stating it in that verse and there are more verses. People need to repent, to be cleansed by His blood and live Holy because He's Holy and righteous because He's righteous. Our God said to stop sinning in many many scriptures and He paid for everyone to be cleansed of sin (Isaiah 53), and to live how He said. He dwells in the Holy temple (your body) and said not to defile the temple. He said to defile the temple is death. He's always serious about everything He said to do. He's just as serious about what He said not to do. We live in obedience to His law, every word if it! He dwells within us all to be with and lead us in His ways. 💕🙏🔥 🕊️
Deuteronomy 28 there are blessings for obedience and curses for disobedience. The whole chapter, and verse 46 is one example of generational curses. These go into the following generations, the 3 and 4th. Our children pay the price for our sin. Stop sinning you are sending consequences to yourself and to your loved ones, children. By God's law you are. If you don't believe me ask Him, in Jesus name may you see and know the truth in it's fullness. Love your neighbor as you love yourself.
He's worthy of everything He said and paid for, so I implore you to do as God said.
Jesus said If you love me you will obey my commands.Love Him with all your heart, mind, soul and strength. 💖🙏
Praise God🙏 🕊️
Hallelujah Yeshua 🙏💖
In Yeshua's powerful name🙏🔥🕊️ 💖
This economic crisis is just a time that differentiate the wise from the others. The wise will invest right now either in stock or cryptocurrency just to hold some shares of something.
It's a scam.