Rodrigo (Alexander VI) wasn't a bad looking guy in his youth: he was tall, handsome, strong, and apparently very affable, intelligent, and charming. In his youth, he got into a rivalry with a young bishop named Giuliano della Rovere over the same woman: that woman turned out to be Vanozza dei Cattanei, the future Borgia Matriarch.
The author of the Godfather books described Rodrigo Borgia as the original mafia don, but yes, the mother of his kids, Vanozza Cattenai, was considered the most beautiful woman in Rome, while she was in her 30's.
@@ladyv5655 Rodrigo himself probably looked liked Cesare and Juan when he was younger. Rodrigo was into blondes and while we can probably assume Lucrezia got the bulk of her looks from her mother, the fact that the Borgia brothers had dark hair probably means they looked a lot more like their pops. Though I imagine Rodrigo being more even-tempered than the infamously mercurial Cesare and the notoriously spoiled Juan.
It's from the Assassins Creed game series, which is famous for having amazing soundtracks. And since one of the games is set during the Borgia papacy period, quite adequate for this video.
I watched the series 'The Borgias' which I thought was brilliant. It is fascinating seeing these people as they would have appeared in real life. They certainly had good looks.
the Borgia family was among the most influential in Italy in the Renaissance period, but it was also the most scandalous and intricate for family faudes and plots to gain political status and full power over Rome with the relationship of the Vatican and other prominent kingdoms in Italy Renaissance. beauty and charm opened many doors to him. All Rodrigo's children were renowned for their beauty
The music is haunting I can see them seated at the table feasting and laughing and people dancing well if that's what u call it but I would imagine it was beautiful I will have to say it again another masterpiece thanks again
I just adore the way you make these historical figures come to life. I wonder if you ever came across a living person who resembled your creations. I would also love to see you make famous portraits like the girl with the pearl earring, mona lisa, and the lady with an ermin also by leonardo da Vinci...
@@xuanzongoftang7856 You are right we don't know but one thing we know for sure: if the portraits were less flattering than reality, they would have been rejected by the client and they would not have made it to the 21st Century.
@@annemurphy9339 That might well be (if it is not said explicitly to flatter these influential members of the family) but in general one can say that images of people who could afford to make portraits of themselves influenced the artistic values. The artists were paid for 'positive' portraits and not for images that were look-a likes I guess. Nothing changed in marketing except we can now verify portraits with photos and films.
Not quite. Lots of popes and clergy members fathered children during that age. They still do … In fact the Borgia’s were feared just because the power their father had.
@@theresahenderson3534 Sure Rodrigo Borgia was many things, many bad. but he sure was no satanist. he was actually quite pious, as widely acknowledged then and now. there were other popes in the satans department, though...
Great pictures but the characterizations of incest, murder and orgies came later as part of propaganda by Julius II who hated the borga’s. The tv series repeated the propaganda. Julius II was the same Giuliano della Rovere who was the enemy of Rodrigo in the series. Rodrigo had several issues which made him a target - he was Spanish, he was treasurer under Innocent 6th and knew where the cardinals filched money , and he acknowledged his children which the other cardinals and popes did not. I think the issue here was because clerical celibacy was to protect the church property and acknowledging children went against this and was bad form. I don,t say they were saints but it is interesting that the rumours did not start until Julius was on the papal throne. No evidence was produced.
Thanks for the history. One anecdote my Italian friends are fond of: a suburb of Rome started life as an estate provided to an illegitimate son of a nobleman. This suburb still bears the name "Bastardo." Politicians regularly move to change it, and just as regularly the inhabitants take to the streets chanting and waving signs saying 'Siempre Bastardi!' and it sticks.
By TV series, do you mean Showtime The Borgias (showrunner Neil Jordan, with Jeremy Irons)? The European co-production Borgia (with American showrunner Tom Fontana) portrayed the Borgias as no better or worse than any of the other powerful families in Rome at the time. No orgies, everyone is involved in bribery and corruption and occasional violence (Borgias or the rivals, it's all the same) and there ia some UST and a kiss between Cesare and Lucrezia but that's as far as anything incestuous goes. Juan and Lucrezia hate each other, and the accusation of Rodrigo's supposed incest with Lucrezia are portrayed as purely political slander/Giovanni Sforza getting back at the Pope for annulling his marriage to Lucrezia and embarrassing him publicly by claiming it was due to his impotence.
@@Nighthawk799 That is indeed interesting..I thought at that time it was understood the higher the hierarchy in the church(pope, cardinals etc)the more accepted it was they were not celibate. While priests celibacy had to be obeyed. I don't know much about it but I heard from my catholic friends that prior to the Middle Ages priests did not have to take a bow of celibacy. That that started as the church became prominent in politics
Her first portrait by Bartolomeo Veneziano is the prettiest i beleive. About the rumors, where is a smoke there is a fire, as you well know patrioti.Exquisite job, as always...
Not necessarily. I have been the subject of spiteful hatred spreading rumours. They proved to be lies over time. It did make life difficult for a while. There was a lot of dynastic jostling for power in that period. Ruthlessness would have been essential for survival. It isn't enough over several generations. Alliances and reliability were also needed. There is truth in the rumours. I suspect some details were additional. Probably useful too.
The doors of time open for us once again as we get a glimpse of some of those who were a part of the human story, their characters brought to life from the images artists left for us to treasure, all those centuries ago.
I’ve always been fascinated by the Borgia’s. They were a very powerful family during the renaissance period in Italy. Lot of the stories and myths surrounding them make them more infamous. Personally I think that lot of the stories are exaggerated. Lucretia was nothing more than a pon to put to use to increase the power of her father. She had to marry at a young age. In total she married 5 times during her life. She died when she was 39.
Oh my goodness !! Wow !! Beautiful ! Amazing ! Wonderful job ! One of the best ones ! Thank you so much, Panagiotis 🌷🌷🌷 It is also very interesting because from one hand, she has three absolutely different portraits. But from the other hand, if you have a very good eye (and you do) you could see that the third one a kind of unites the first and the second one. And I have to admit that this time you were even more creative than ever ! At least this is my personal opinion 😁 The funny thing is, when I read about her appearance I thought like " Hmmm, sounds like me." Then, when I saw the first portrait I was like " Oh ! She really reminds me in a way. The cheek bones, the shape of a face, the same lips especially the upper one." And then the third portrait came and you just killed me ! It was like " Oh my goodness !! Are you kidding me ?! This is me ! " I have a fair hair, white skin, absolutely proportional face and body, hazel eyes which change their colour. I have the same shape of a face and absolutely the same smile. Just my hair is a kind of curly and not straight... So basically I was looking at my own version. It is absolutely hilarious 😂😂😂 I've enjoyed this video a lot 😁😁😁 Greetings from Nana 🙏🙏🙏 You've made my day 💜💜💜
@@panagiotisconstantinou Well, I didn't missed any since I've discovered you here... By the way, is the world mate could be referred to women as well ?
Well done! The music was very nice too. I would have liked the text to be displayed longer, I didn’t have time to finish reading some of them and the faces displayed maybe slightly shorter.
Thank you. You wouldn’t blink an eye if you saw them walking down the street today. Handsome family. Makes you always wonder though, that history has portrayed them correctly
Agree but there should be a basic context that is true..I did my family tree and wow do people differ according to who's telling the story. Records don't lie(for the most part ;) so a person follows that. Will never be a fan of the Borgias but find these reconstructions extraordinary
gracias Constantinou pues aparte de aprender Historia nos acercas a las personas, famosas y las conocemos y los actualizas. Excelente video, felicidades y sigue dàndonos estos momentos increíbles¡¡¡
At her times, she was a woman of power loved by someones and hated by others, just like her father and brother (consider that political fights in Italy during the Renaissance were for our standards incredibly harsh and violent). After her death, as time went by her figure was admired much more than despised, her black legend was created in the XIX century by anglo-saxon protestants as part of the anti-catholic propaganda.
1. As a “mixed race” person this convo feels icky. 2. Most commissioned paintings were… enhanced… to flatter the subject. Photoshop didn’t start with photography.
The Borgias could compete handily with the Romanovs in a beauty contest for royals! Nothing like the gruesome, incest-bred Hapsburgs. Some of your viewers are being snooty about Lucrezia not being beautiful enough. They forget there was no plastic surgery in those days, so facial flaws were just a fact of life. She still had a lovely face. I love the background music. Please post the name of the group and the name of the song. I also loved the background music in your Catherine of Aragon piece and I would love to know the group and song that was played.
Ellos eran bellos, un poco más clara la piel de lo que aquí se ve,Lucrecia era rubia y cesar tenía ojos verdes, los crímenes y horrores que se les atribuyen, eran comunes a toda la sociedad de la época, no por eso menos censurables obviamente,no eran los únicos ambiciosos y terribles pero como no eran italianos ( o Romanos a la época ) los soportaban menos
Beautiful work, as always. But I'm surprised you remodeled Lucrezia's infamously bleached blonde hair to brown. I'm also curious as to why you didn't use the fresco from the Borgia apartments that is definitely her.
Wonderful depiction of the Borgias. A bit more historical information and context would have benefited this. Lucretia Borgia is often considered one of the great beauties and temptresses of the late 15th and early 16th centuries and the first depiction of her was, I think, the most compelling. The music is entrancing but as said, more information about the Borgias would make this even more illuminating. Well done!
This is amazing! I mean AMAZING! I couldn’t have even imagined that something like this can be possible! The human faces are not the Holy Graal for VFX artists anymore! I recently saw the short movie : The Hunted based on the EA and Lucasfilm video game: Star Wars Squadrons and was unpleasantly surprised ( if not shocked ) by the fact how rude the game characters’ faces had been worked out! The faces look pretty rubber-like, ultimately non-vivid! It’s really odd how the multi billion corporation like Disney, and its subsidiaries Lucasfilm and EA did a way worse than a work of an independent freelancer that we’re seeing here! The Greek artist should’ve definitely been hired by aforesaid companies: no one can do more vivid and realistic faces and expressions like him !!! Hollywood is blind!
@@jesney0842 she was pretty much a “princess of Rome.” Since her father was pope, that held considerable power and influence making her almost equal to a princes
@@jesney0842 the Pope in that period had more authority than royalty. Both parents came from aristocratic families and she married Alphonso 1. That promotion would have given her a legitimate, permanent title.
@@jesney0842 the catholic church is an universal state, not only a faith but an universal big power and at those times , the papacy has more power and legitimacy than kings or emperors, it was the church and the cardinals and pope who legitimated and confirmed the election or rising to the thrones of newly elected monarchs, princes or rulers, the leaders of this important economical, spiritual, political and societal organization, state and church, community, society, faith, ideals, teachings, creeds had a very important place on the societies of western European nations and they were named the princes of the church , a church that supposedly was founded by saint peter and saint Paul .........
Lucrezia was truly a beautiful woman, considering one portrait or another..... 👏 Only you could give her blonde curly hair as she clearly had on the portraits
I ara vas i et despertes del somni que estás tenint. "Catalans de Valencia", no et pot lletgir major estupidesa. Qui te ho ha ensenyat? TV3 o en l' escola nacionalista?
Great video. I find the Borgias a very fascinating family. The only downfall was their corruption to benefit themselves. I’d like to see you do a video on the Medici’s, another very interesting and corrupt family.
Panagiotis, First of all, Thank you for making my dad's descendants come to life. If my dad was still alive, I think he would enjoy seeing what his descendants looked like in real life. Will you create the Hapsburg Dynasty? They're not any of my descendants, your work is very interesting to see what the past royals really looked like.
Interesting, the infamous family as the actually looked like. I, for one, believe the stories. It was necessary to be ruthless and capable and willing to commit corrupt acts to rise to positions of power as they achieved.
Heavens above, the wonderful images portrayed on this video especially make the subjects appear to rival later Hollywood icons ! So well-researched, indeed...
Amazing research and stunning results! One of the best if not THE best video you have made!!!
Ahahahahahahabahahahahahahahahahahah this is clearly a zombie joke.
Sapere aude
Yes very👌💖
Agreed. This is awesome work. And the Borgias were scary.
@@m.f.hopkins8728 Yeah, and hard to kill in Assassins Creed Brotherhood.
Ok these Borgia kids were quite the lookers. Must be mum's genes.
Rodrigo (Alexander VI) wasn't a bad looking guy in his youth: he was tall, handsome, strong, and apparently very affable, intelligent, and charming.
In his youth, he got into a rivalry with a young bishop named Giuliano della Rovere over the same woman: that woman turned out to be Vanozza dei Cattanei, the future Borgia Matriarch.
The author of the Godfather books described Rodrigo Borgia as the original mafia don, but yes, the mother of his kids, Vanozza Cattenai, was considered the most beautiful woman in Rome, while she was in her 30's.
@@ladyv5655 Rodrigo himself probably looked liked Cesare and Juan when he was younger. Rodrigo was into blondes and while we can probably assume Lucrezia got the bulk of her looks from her mother, the fact that the Borgia brothers had dark hair probably means they looked a lot more like their pops.
Though I imagine Rodrigo being more even-tempered than the infamously mercurial Cesare and the notoriously spoiled Juan.
Beauty fades. The soul is immortal.
Contemporary said Lucrezia be a true beatiful woman
As always, the music you choose is marvelous.
It's from the Assassins Creed game series, which is famous for having amazing soundtracks. And since one of the games is set during the Borgia papacy period, quite adequate for this video.
@@Palmieres Thanks!
I don't know about Assassins Creed but the piece is called Stella Splendens.
@@JB-rl4ik Thanks to you too!
I watched the series 'The Borgias' which I thought was brilliant. It is fascinating seeing these people as they would have appeared in real life. They certainly had good looks.
I’m in the process of watching that, it’s fantastic.
Rodrigo Borgias partner must have brought the good looks in because his sons had more refined features than him
Well, good looks up until the syphilis. lol
@@RJLbwb Nothing wrong with a little syphilis.
@@LindseyN1223 I have the DVD set, and should watch it again. It's just too bad the the series was never completed due to its cost.
Both Cesare and Giovanni are stunning! Even as a man, I might say that your reconstitution portraits are strangely beautiful...! WoW
Please consider doing the De Medici family???
Yes please, my family.
Yes, please
And the Auditore family next
@@NoName-yw1pt hmh
Medici is on Netflix
the Borgia family was among the most influential in Italy in the Renaissance period, but it was also the most scandalous and intricate for family faudes and plots to gain political status and full power over Rome with the relationship of the Vatican and other prominent kingdoms in Italy Renaissance. beauty and charm opened many doors to him. All Rodrigo's children were renowned for their beauty
The music is haunting I can see them seated at the table feasting and laughing and people dancing well if that's what u call it but I would imagine it was beautiful I will have to say it again another masterpiece thanks again
Wow fantastic faces! And I loved the mideaval music you chose!
Ah if only to see a portrait of their mother as her children were so attractive.
I just adore the way you make these historical figures come to life. I wonder if you ever came across a living person who resembled your creations.
I would also love to see you make famous portraits like the girl with the pearl earring, mona lisa, and the lady with an ermin also by leonardo da Vinci...
I have to say, they were a handsome family.
The artists are paid well to make them look better than in reality of course
@@HarpsichordVinylGallery who knows if they irl potrait actually good
@@xuanzongoftang7856 You are right we don't know but one thing we know for sure: if the portraits were less flattering than reality, they would have been rejected by the client and they would not have made it to the 21st Century.
@@HarpsichordVinylGallery Historical accounts say they were very attractive people.
@@annemurphy9339 That might well be (if it is not said explicitly to flatter these influential members of the family) but in general one can say that images of people who could afford to make portraits of themselves influenced the artistic values.
The artists were paid for 'positive' portraits and not for images that were look-a likes I guess. Nothing changed in marketing except we can now verify portraits with photos and films.
The most gansta thing to say in the Renaissance was: "The Pope is my daddy ".
Not quite. Lots of popes and clergy members fathered children during that age. They still do … In fact the Borgia’s were feared just because the power their father had.
....and a Satanist.
@@theresahenderson3534 Sure Rodrigo Borgia was many things, many bad. but he sure was no satanist. he was actually quite pious, as widely acknowledged then and now. there were other popes in the satans department, though...
@@frankmaeder4358 They're all Satanic. That entire organization is Satanic.
Ne-pope baby.
Great pictures but the characterizations of incest, murder and orgies came later as part of propaganda by Julius II who hated the borga’s. The tv series repeated the propaganda. Julius II was the same Giuliano della Rovere who was the enemy of Rodrigo in the series. Rodrigo had several issues which made him a target - he was Spanish, he was treasurer under Innocent 6th and knew where the cardinals filched money , and he acknowledged his children which the other cardinals and popes did not. I think the issue here was because clerical celibacy was to protect the church property and acknowledging children went against this and was bad form. I don,t say they were saints but it is interesting that the rumours did not start until Julius was on the papal throne. No evidence was produced.
Thanks for the history. One anecdote my Italian friends are fond of: a suburb of Rome started life as an estate provided to an illegitimate son of a nobleman. This suburb still bears the name "Bastardo." Politicians regularly move to change it, and just as regularly the inhabitants take to the streets chanting and waving signs saying 'Siempre Bastardi!' and it sticks.
Very interesting!👍
By TV series, do you mean Showtime The Borgias (showrunner Neil Jordan, with Jeremy Irons)? The European co-production Borgia (with American showrunner Tom Fontana) portrayed the Borgias as no better or worse than any of the other powerful families in Rome at the time. No orgies, everyone is involved in bribery and corruption and occasional violence (Borgias or the rivals, it's all the same) and there ia some UST and a kiss between Cesare and Lucrezia but that's as far as anything incestuous goes. Juan and Lucrezia hate each other, and the accusation of Rodrigo's supposed incest with Lucrezia are portrayed as purely political slander/Giovanni Sforza getting back at the Pope for annulling his marriage to Lucrezia and embarrassing him publicly by claiming it was due to his impotence.
I found very interesting your thoughts about clerical celibacy, to protect the church property. It makes totally sense.
@@Nighthawk799 That is indeed interesting..I thought at that time it was understood the higher the hierarchy in the church(pope, cardinals etc)the more accepted it was they were not celibate. While priests celibacy had to be obeyed. I don't know much about it but I heard from my catholic friends that prior to the Middle Ages priests did not have to take a bow of celibacy. That that started as the church became prominent in politics
Her first portrait by Bartolomeo Veneziano is the prettiest i beleive. About the rumors, where is a smoke there is a fire, as you well know patrioti.Exquisite job, as always...
Not necessarily. I have been the subject of spiteful hatred spreading rumours. They proved to be lies over time. It did make life difficult for a while.
There was a lot of dynastic jostling for power in that period. Ruthlessness would have been essential for survival. It isn't enough over several generations. Alliances and reliability were also needed.
There is truth in the rumours. I suspect some details were additional. Probably useful too.
The doors of time open for us once again as we get a glimpse of some of those who were a part of the human story, their characters brought to life from the images artists left for us to treasure, all those centuries ago.
I’ve always been fascinated by the Borgia’s. They were a very powerful family during the renaissance period in Italy. Lot of the stories and myths surrounding them make them more infamous. Personally I think that lot of the stories are exaggerated. Lucretia was nothing more than a pon to put to use to increase the power of her father. She had to marry at a young age. In total she married 5 times during her life. She died when she was 39.
Actually she died when we was 39- I think from childbed fever
@@jennybean1998 yes, I made a typo 😕. Thanks for pointing out. I’ll correct it.
I think Cesar was overly possessive of her - maybe he did the poisoning.
@@EmoBearRightsCesar died before she did.
I love the way they do the portraits to live faces! I love the choice of music as well. Thanx for sharing.
I was expecting this one for a long time!! Thank you!!!
Gorgeous music! Exquisite computer modeling art work, thank you.🌹🌹
Always good content but this is one of the best!
Thanks mate!
I believe she looked more like Holliday Grainger, the actress who played her in The Borgias!🤫
Truly amazing! You outdid yourself. It is an emotion to watch your videos. Thank you and greetings from Italy .
Oh my goodness !! Wow !! Beautiful ! Amazing ! Wonderful job ! One of the best ones ! Thank you so much, Panagiotis 🌷🌷🌷 It is also very interesting because from one hand, she has three absolutely different portraits. But from the other hand, if you have a very good eye (and you do) you could see that the third one a kind of unites the first and the second one. And I have to admit that this time you were even more creative than ever ! At least this is my personal opinion 😁 The funny thing is, when I read about her appearance I thought like " Hmmm, sounds like me." Then, when I saw the first portrait I was like " Oh ! She really reminds me in a way. The cheek bones, the shape of a face, the same lips especially the upper one." And then the third portrait came and you just killed me ! It was like " Oh my goodness !! Are you kidding me ?! This is me ! " I have a fair hair, white skin, absolutely proportional face and body, hazel eyes which change their colour. I have the same shape of a face and absolutely the same smile. Just my hair is a kind of curly and not straight... So basically I was looking at my own version. It is absolutely hilarious 😂😂😂 I've enjoyed this video a lot 😁😁😁 Greetings from Nana 🙏🙏🙏 You've made my day 💜💜💜
Thx a lot mate. I m so glad that people watch these videos to spend their time happily and relax!
@@panagiotisconstantinou Well, I didn't missed any since I've discovered you here... By the way, is the world mate could be referred to women as well ?
@@user-ru1ki it is being used as a more general term by millenials.
@@michellebyrom6551 I understand. It's just I had never been called like that before 😁
So amazing how they favor each other especially the eyes. They had it all but died so young.
That's why they seemed to all have teeth still. Not much dental hygiene going on back then
Also interesting, none of the children survived to age 40! They were elite class and still died before reaching 40 years old, much less age 50.
Well Lucrezia had like 8 kids, none easy births the last one killed her.
A lot of the men were murdered.
@@lagatita1623 Also it wasn't uncommon to die fairly young during that time period, poor or rich.
Are there any of you commenting more recently?
Well done! The music was very nice too. I would have liked the text to be displayed longer, I didn’t have time to finish reading some of them and the faces displayed maybe slightly shorter.
Thank you. You wouldn’t blink an eye if you saw them walking down the street today. Handsome family. Makes you always wonder though, that history has portrayed them correctly
*All three siblings had handsome faces (yes and I mean the girl too because she wasn't delicately pretty), but they eyes were very....sly.*
All history is warped over time, who really knows how good or bad these people were, in the context of the time in which they lived.
Agree but there should be a basic context that is true..I did my family tree and wow do people differ according to who's telling the story. Records don't lie(for the most part ;) so a person follows that.
Will never be a fan of the Borgias but find these reconstructions extraordinary
gracias Constantinou pues aparte de aprender Historia nos acercas a las personas, famosas y las conocemos y los actualizas. Excelente video, felicidades y sigue dàndonos estos momentos increíbles¡¡¡
I wonder of Lucrezia was wicked or just a maligned victim.?
She was said to have strawberry blonde hair and light green or gray eyes.
Couldn't she have been a little bit of both?
At her times, she was a woman of power loved by someones and hated by others, just like her father and brother (consider that political fights in Italy during the Renaissance were for our standards incredibly harsh and violent). After her death, as time went by her figure was admired much more than despised, her black legend was created in the XIX century by anglo-saxon protestants as part of the anti-catholic propaganda.
@@danielevilone ah, thanks
these are fascinating, thank you so much for creating and sharing them
My pleasure!
Your work is amazing indeed! Brilliant!
Borgias men are hot AF.
Spanish/Italian mix, it works always well when you're into the "dark handsome stranger" type... 😋
fan2jnrc, I totally agree. Another fantastic mix Irish and Italian. The offspring usually are very, very good looking
1. As a “mixed race” person this convo feels icky. 2. Most commissioned paintings were… enhanced… to flatter the subject. Photoshop didn’t start with photography.
@@mixedviews3536 1. huh? 2. Good point.
The Borgias could compete handily with the Romanovs in a beauty contest for royals! Nothing like the gruesome, incest-bred Hapsburgs. Some of your viewers are being snooty about Lucrezia not being beautiful enough. They forget there was no plastic surgery in those days, so facial flaws were just a fact of life. She still had a lovely face. I love the background music. Please post the name of the group and the name of the song. I also loved the background music in your Catherine of Aragon piece and I would love to know the group and song that was played.
I actually think she is stunning! Natural beauty we are not used to see these days, very sad times...
Incredibly done!!! I can't get enough of the Renaissance, let alone the Borgias. 🥰
Never expected for this video but great video
Ellos eran bellos, un poco más clara la piel de lo que aquí se ve,Lucrecia era rubia y cesar tenía ojos verdes, los crímenes y horrores que se les atribuyen, eran comunes a toda la sociedad de la época, no por eso menos censurables obviamente,no eran los únicos ambiciosos y terribles pero como no eran italianos ( o Romanos a la época ) los soportaban menos
Excellent Work! Bravo!
Lovvvvve this channel!! Thank you 🙏🙏
Love your videos, but can you keep the words on the screen a little longer?
Agree! They move way too fast!
Moc se mi líbí, že těm lidem fandíte a ukazujete je hezčí než asi ve skutečnosti byli. Jen tak dále! Dobrá práce.👍
Beautiful work, as always. But I'm surprised you remodeled Lucrezia's infamously bleached blonde hair to brown. I'm also curious as to why you didn't use the fresco from the Borgia apartments that is definitely her.
Really a beautiful family. Wonderful effects editing too. Bravo.👌🏻
Thank you so much 🤗
1st portrait, Lucretia looks like her brothers.
Just wish the text could stay up longer
You can pause it? That's what I did :)
Rodrigo looks straight out of the Sopranos
LOL exactly
@@homelesshannah50 Exactly for you, americans... ahahahaha.
This is so amazing, thank you so much for bringing these intriguing people to life!!!!!!
Wonderful depiction of the Borgias. A bit more historical information and context would have benefited this. Lucretia Borgia is often considered one of the great beauties and temptresses of the late 15th and early 16th centuries and the first depiction of her was, I think, the most compelling. The music is entrancing but as said, more information about the Borgias would make this even more illuminating. Well done!
Wonderful again. Thank you.🙂
Absolutely fantastic as always
Her protrait in Pinturicchio's frescoe is a contemporany portrait of her teens
I love this one! The Borgia tv show is one of my favorites as well!
Which one? I watched the one with Jeremy Irons, but it got cancelled. Is the other one good?
WOW. I had no idea they were such a good-looking family.
This is amazing!
I mean AMAZING! I couldn’t have even imagined that something like this can be possible! The human faces are not the Holy Graal for VFX artists anymore!
I recently saw the short movie : The Hunted based on the EA and Lucasfilm video game: Star Wars Squadrons and was unpleasantly surprised ( if not shocked ) by the fact how rude the game characters’ faces had been worked out! The faces look pretty rubber-like, ultimately non-vivid!
It’s really odd how the multi billion corporation like Disney, and its subsidiaries Lucasfilm and EA did a way worse than a work of an independent freelancer that we’re seeing here!
The Greek artist should’ve definitely been hired by aforesaid companies: no one can do more vivid and realistic faces and expressions like him !!!
Hollywood is blind!
Amazing. Thank you!!
Amazing! Thank you! Please, which are the songs in this video? The music is so beautiful....
Can you do it with Henry II of France, his wife Catherine of Medici and his mistress Diane of Poitiers??
I could give it a shot!😉
Yes, please!
I would like to see that.
Me too, please. X
And me as well. Thank you 🦘🦘🦘🇦🇺🇦🇺
And Nostradamus!
I recognize Lucrecia Wright away, even before reading the title. Good job, megale !
Another excellent episode! Thank you.
I mentioned it before too. I just pause read and play when I’m ready.
Lucrezia was considered the most beautiful princes in Europe, t
he beauty of this is not uncomparable
@@jesney0842 she was pretty much a “princess of Rome.” Since her father was pope, that held considerable power and influence making her almost equal to a princes
@@jesney0842 the Pope in that period had more authority than royalty. Both parents came from aristocratic families and she married Alphonso 1. That promotion would have given her a legitimate, permanent title.
@@jesney0842 vatican was a state (still is) bigger than it is now...
@@jesney0842 the catholic church is an universal state, not only a faith but an universal big power and at those times , the papacy has more power and legitimacy than kings or emperors, it was the church and the cardinals and pope who legitimated and confirmed the election or rising to the thrones of newly elected monarchs, princes or rulers, the leaders of this important economical, spiritual, political and societal organization, state and church, community, society, faith, ideals, teachings, creeds had a very important place on the societies of western European nations and they were named the princes of the church , a church that supposedly was founded by saint peter and saint Paul .........
Wow amazing!!! And my daughter’s name is Lucrezia, also because the first woman who got a phd in the whole world was Elena Lucrezia Cornaro Piscopia
House of Borgia always amazement and this UT video brings them to life~
Lucrezia was truly a beautiful woman, considering one portrait or another..... 👏 Only you could give her blonde curly hair as she clearly had on the portraits
Wow! Love these. Can't stop watching.
Amazing!Thank you for posting
Extraordinary!! Beautiful family for such evil history!!
Which just goes to prove that good looks do not make one a good person.
It doesn't keep you from being one, but it doesn't make you one.
Interesting and worthwhile video.
You read my mind...I have been wishing for this.
The Borjas called themselves Catalans from the Kingdom of Valencia.
I ara vas i et despertes del somni que estás tenint. "Catalans de Valencia", no et pot lletgir major estupidesa. Qui te ho ha ensenyat? TV3 o en l' escola nacionalista?
@Jorgete T do your own research if you dare...
@@kikebautista2110 tot arribarà, no passis ànsies...
@Jorgete T do a serious research, c'mon... Even YOU can do it 😂
I LOVE your videos!!!
My cat is named Lucrezia Borgia. Strong woman 👏👏
phenomenal!!! Bravo!!!!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Wow another awesome video...
Great video. I find the Borgias a very fascinating family. The only downfall was their corruption to benefit themselves. I’d like to see you do a video on the Medici’s, another very interesting and corrupt family.
Stunning, j'adore. Cela donne envie de se replonger dans la saga des Borgia. Merci Monsieur!🙏🙏🙏🙏
Is that the music from Assassin's Creed? Nice touch
Caesare is Keanu Reeves xD
I thought the same!!!;)
In the reconstruction he rather reminded me of Orlando Bloom.
Lucrezia was blonde. We have a lock of her hair in a museum in Milan
Handsome mobsters at this or any age.
Panagiotis, First of all, Thank you for making my dad's descendants come to life. If my dad was still alive, I think he would enjoy seeing what his descendants looked like in real life. Will you create the Hapsburg Dynasty? They're not any of my descendants, your work is very interesting to see what the past royals really looked like.
You mean ancestors?
Dude, you are their descendant, they are your ancestors
@@paolonevermore My bad, I had to go look up the differences. Thank you for correcting me.
Wooow really well done!!!
What stunningly good looking people the Borgias were
Another great video!
Hello everyone. Spectacular video thank you for it lucrezia was really beautiful
Would love to see the Medici family. I'm fascinated by them as well! Cesare is cute: looks better than his father. And who is the second son? Wow!
You didn't keep the hairdos on lucrezia.
So this is what Ezio saw
I love Ezio ❤❤❤... long live the assassins.
Interesting, the infamous family as the actually looked like. I, for one, believe the stories. It was necessary to be ruthless and capable and willing to commit corrupt acts to rise to positions of power as they achieved.
What is the soundtrack, please!?
most fond of the first portrait of lucrezia. if she looked like that she was a real stunner.
Thank you sooooo much!!!!!
It's so awe inspiring to see these long dead faces. I guess now they know the greatest mystery of life.💫 Bravo, my dear.
Oh wow, I always assumed they were Italian. Dont know how I missed that part😮. Great job btw!
They were italian too
Well done…Excellent…You give them real relevance, and a familial resemblance is striking
Heavens above, the wonderful images portrayed on this video especially make the subjects appear to rival later Hollywood icons !
So well-researched, indeed...
Very cool but what happened to Lucrezia’s hazel eyes?
This never happens but they look almost exactly like I imagine them to look.
great work