Henry, why do you sound so... discouraged when describing your designs? you really give that "I´m not proud but people wanna see anyway" vibe. Be proud! You did a FANTASTIC job with updating and overhauling the Star Trek tech and looks, i think it suits the whole world very well and looks fantastic.
I absolutely would love to see something with Starliner-class UESP Enterprise. Discovery class ships, early Dedalus, Neptune's and good old DY-class. Though Romulan War is higher priority in my book. It could be interesting war movie take on Trek if we would fallow Yorktown-class Battleship.
Love this ship. It looks very "low tech" compared to other Star Trek ships but then its supposed to. This looks like something where the main hull could be sent into space on a rocket booster and the parts assembled like a modular kit while in orbit. That would allow the ships to be massed produced on Earth and boosted into orbit for final assembly freeing up the limited number of Spacedocks for larger ships.
During modern war, it is common with mass-produced small arms to take two or three inoperable weapons and combine the parts to make one functional weapon. I could easily see such a thing being done here with entire ships. Imagine, far away from any major ship repair facilities, a squadron of three of these ships is engaged in a skirmish. They win, but all three vessels are badly damaged. If these ships are as modular as they look, the crews, with minimal help, could reconfigure the modules to perhaps make one battle-worthy vessel that can stay on station, one that can limp home, perhaps some extra modules stacked on for salvage/repair, and a few leftover modules that are left behind with scuttling charges in place to thwart any enemy attempts at salvage by the enemy. In WW2, the US Navy would use obsolete ships for a variety of purposes. Some of these duties included being converted into repair ships; used to patch ships up enough that they could safely travel the long distances to a proper dry dock. I could see some of the older civilian ships being used for this and kept towards the rear, but still nearby, so they could assist if these patrol ships required repair after a battle. Imagine an old freighter fitted with a few upgraded warp coils, for extra speed, and the cargo bay fitted with workships and other equipment needed to repair damaged ships out in the field. Strap on a few low-yield weapons, just so they don't get destroyed by an enemy shuttle pilot shooting a pistol out the window, and they're ready to go. This modular design would also allow smaller orbital shipyards, ones that otherwise would be working on shuttles at most, to construct ship components that could then be assembled without having to involve the larger shipyards at all. Such small orbital shipyards could themselves be potentially be mass produced. They could even be deployed to forward operating areas to repair these damaged modular vessels. Making these ships easier to produce, as well as easy to repair/rebuild/salvage in the field, would greatly ease the logistics needed to otherwise have these ships travel great distances for repair. It would also allow more ships to be saved, rather than have to scuttle an otherwise salvageable ship. This would let the shipbuilding capabilities that they do have go much further than they otherwise could.
It is general Bonaventure Era ship design. During Romulan Wars Earth was cobbling up lot of weird designs like Marshall and Messier class, what didn't look nothing like we know. Though majority of forces were composed from new Ganges class escorts and old Discovery class ships restored from mothball into service. Core fleet was formed from Poseidon-class versions of NX (cheaper streamlined modular versions) and 400 meter Yorktown-class Battleships. I absolutely do see earth using something like that for short range defense, my only complain is that deflector dish was only on more costly long range ships like Columbia-class (NX refit). But it is minor nitpick.
THe deck layout idea is fine, gravity plating means that literally any orientation of "up" is possible. It'd also make sense it being an older ship, maybe the intertial dampeners aren't as sophisticated as the ones we see on even the NX, having your living space in line with the direction of thrust would make sense.
There is one argument against stacked "tower" configuration - a horizontal "airliner" configuration has less space spent on systems for vertical movement (elevators, ladders, etc.), so a bit better interior space utilization.
I love this design! And I especially love how you made it a fairly 'small' ship - it concurs with Spock's comments in BALANCE OF TERROR, how ships in the Earth-Romulan war were primitive and small, offering no room for prisoners, no quarter.
I love this. It perfectly evokes Spock's line of Romulan War-era ships being small and (comparatively) primitive, and makes use of real-life design elements to make a ship that for all it's simplicity, works well. I'd happily watch a show about a crew of one of these, balancing all the drama of being packed into a close space with a group of people that have to rely on each other, and where wartime duties ratchet up the already massive pressure of a cramped survival situation. What I also like is how this ship stands vis-a-vis the Daedalus and NX ships. If I remember right, a line in Star Trek said an NX cost as much as three Daedalus class vessels. That's a lot of money, material and skilled people to devote to one ship. I can see a Daedalus costing as much as three of the ships in Velocity's class. Take a simple modular tube design like this, slap on a couple torpedo modules, or missile pods, or even a module that's just a massed bank of phase cannons or a giant sensor pod... The design just makes sense, and that's awesome. Nowhere near the almost cruise liner accommodations we've come to expect of Federation ships. Nothing but stripped down and cost effective efficiency. I can see hordes of these being built and thrown into battle, all because they can carry ship-killer weapons on a fast and cheap platform. Tin Can Sailors in space.
I love it. It reminds me of Masao Okazaki's Romulan war designs. It works because it's practical, and the idea coming from multiple sources indicates that this is how ships will really be designed in the future.
Listening to the language and thought process is interesting. You blend sensibilities of engineering, historian and artistic. It's really cool to listen to.
This ship is beautiful. So heavily detailed, so much character. It's a nice cross between what we know and some of the older sci fi ideas for space travel.
I like how this is a nod to the ships of the same era from the Starfleet Museum, with your own design philosophy, you have come up with some really neat ideas.
Not gonna lie, I really love this ship. There is beauty in simplicity, as the saying goes and this ship certainly is a simpler design. It feels like a very real spacecraft. Great work!
@@solarisone1082 There is one argument against stacked "tower" configuration - a horizontal "airliner" configuration has less space spent on systems for vertical movement (elevators, ladders, etc.), so a bit better interior space utilization.
Liberties were cargo ships, not fighting vessels, and their armament was defensive. I’d say this is more along the lines of a Fletcher-class. Or, going to the TOS era, maybe a predecessor to the Oberth.
I LOVE that you add the heat radiators. I'm attempting to enter the sci-fi story scene myself, and the story I wrote, they have an array of radiators that is a MAJOR weak point. Only creative criticism i have is to add a 3rd impulse engine on the bottom for balance. Right now it looks like it'd fly in circles.
Beautiful ship! The only thing I would suggest, in my humble opinion, because your going for a type of realism, your sub light engines look like they are above the center of mass. Kinda like having all the engines of a modern rocket slapped on the side of the rocket, rather then having them directly underneath the mass of the rocket. The rocket would flip out of control because the center of thrust isn't aligned with the center of mass. UNLESS ... however, you designed the warp engines to be somehow much heavier then the rest of the ship. But ether way, really awesome design! Love it!
US carriers NEVER light the numbers on the island when they are underway.it also seems top me that starfleet has never used lights AS markings, only to illuminate painted markings. second, you might consider some form of lattice or other type of bracing at the outer perimeter between the docked hull segments. if would greatly reduce the stresses on the coupling. and the extreme rush of its design and build would be why there isn't any skin applied. you could also put some of the consumables tanks in that area. water storage and reclamation tanks and related systems would be a good choice. water would be vital on long duration patrols for the crew and as coolant for the systems (to transfer heat to the radiators). and pushing the tanks into that convenient gap would free up a lot of internal volume.
EC Henry had a thought about your impulse drives and that nozzle. have you considered an afterburner? some form of boost or overboost function? now, I'm going off of memory, but I recall the enterprise-d in the tech manual listed that the saucer impulse drives could be boosted with antimatter and get very high accelerations from it. your extensions could even just simply be a way to control use an uncontrolled output from the impulse drives in a controlled manner. that is, the impulse drives normal control system can handles a specific max output, but if you open them further to the point where you can only control the output ("thrust"), but with the loss of getting attitude control, then the old fashioned thrust nozzles are used, perhaps with a simple electric or even hydraulic methods of physically moving the nozzle for limited attitude control. with two drives,you would retain a very modest attitude and roll control. as long as the nacelles are dense enough to balance the position of the impulse drives and the secondary hull, those drives could also be on the horizontal thrust plane. it would also lessen the need for oversized thrusters to go with such a mode for combat manuvering. if it's a romulan war design, it makes decent sense then in a purely a peace time design to have such a function on a ship's impulse drive. the only other item would be if you had a reverser function? see the early version engines on the 737 or md-80 family for the sort I mean. those would allow you to do it and not hit anything. very simple and could be part of the nozzle. hope you find any of this stuff useful. I really have been enjoying your designs.
I'd like to see a "Velocity" series for Star Trek. That design is cool, in a "hard-sci-fi" way, and a series set during wartime could throw up a whole new set of problems for the crew. We've seen series that feature wars, but not one that is just war. I'm thinking of something like "Space: Above & Beyond", but with the Star Trek atmosphere.
I love your designs. There is no element on the ship just because it would look cool, every part actually makes sense. The details are stunning, even behind the windows. It really looks like a ship one could build today, despite the warp drive. I just wondered how artificial gravity works, it was never explained in Star Trek and there are no rotating elements on the ship.
That's actually a good design for a warship. Traditionally, on a warship, the only one who has their own quarters is the C.O. and he/she only has it because he/she has to have a command safe. You don't want such located in a common area. Having the decks stacked is also a good idea. It allows more quarters/bunk rooms to exist than if the decks are situated end to end. I can see a lot of thought went into this. Good job.
Hard to say - a horizontal configuration has less space spent on systems for vertical movement (elevators, ladders, etc.), so a bit better interior space utilization.
It's an interesting design. It evokes both the cylindrical layout of Skylab and the modular construction used in modern nuclear submarines. Being able to eject the third segment (reactor and warp engines) would serve as both an emergency safety feature and allow the ship's drive system to be replaced or upgraded while reusing the other modules. This is definitely the approach that would be necessary if one had to crank out ships fast. One of the many problems I had with ST: Enterprise was how most of the episodes were interchangeable with the sort you saw on ST:Voyager. There was little sense that you were in an earlier era with different concerns and constraints. I have to wonder why they invented the Xindi -- an alien species that supposedly threatened Earth's very existence that nobody in any of the later eras even mentions -- when the history of the Romulan War was sitting there, waiting to be told. Your ambitious project thankfully will incorporate aspects of the aftermath of that conflict.
The deck layout makes more sense in a real world setting, Big fan of the Wasp Class, like add a ring between the three nacelles and you've got what I'd think is a more "realistic" Enterprise lol. A spaceship needs to utilize space well and the deck layout you have for this ship is what it would be.
The more the Merryier : I enjoy seeing them and hearing you talk about them and your thought processes in making them. If this was a DVD extra on a genre Motion Picture I'd love this short of thing - so I'm pleased to see it here.
These has got to be the best Star Fleet designs I ever seen.!! That and Axanar, but I suppose I just now blurted a 4 letter word 👀..... You will be making it harder for your actors to be on the level of excellence as your space craft.
I like it. It looks like you took some pieces off the international space station and slapped some Warp engines on it. And the deflector? I first thought that was the front door. Good job
I'm getting the sense that the entire design is a very modular design (which make sense when regarding the window strips). having several modules stacked on top of each other makes a lot of sense when you consider that this design is from the Romulan War era and you could literally just disconnect damaged sections and replace with a brand new module, without having to rebuild the entire ship from scratch again.
As I remember, in the original series, Balance of Terror, Spock commented about how during the Earth-Romulan war there was no ship-to-ship visual communication so they didn't really know what Romulans looked like.
I've screwing around with a sci-fi universe of my own for the past few years. Nothing serious, just some ship designs in my head, and a few notebook sketches, but this is very similar to what I thought one of our first space warships would look like, an angry tube with lasers on it, some rocket engines extended on pylons at the back, and few missles in there somewhere. I have to admit, I did not like this design when I saw it in Pacific, but after watching this it has really grown on me.
I really like your modular design aspect. I was thinking of something similar for the fiction that I write (When I have time.) In my universe, much like yours, each ship is modular and it's nothing to go from a strike cruiser to an exploratory cruiser. Just replace the combat drop bay/ fighter module with the science module and there you go. lol.
@@weird-but-nice that becourse they where heavy refitted for war, the Galaxy class was a peace time exploration vessel.. the non-refitted Galaxy class was easly defeated by one Jemhadar figher vessel..
Hello there. Very nice video. I agree with your design choices. From a military viewpoint (former USMC Enlisted Weapons Instructor) it makes sense, and would be easy to both build and operate. Especially if Star Fleet was looking to build this design in large numbers. The orientation of the decks is logical and would enable the ship to operate at maximum thrust of the Impulse Drive without crewpersons being required to be belted in just keep them from falling or being thrust aft wards. Going from drifting along at a few hundred KPH to full Impulse would require said safety gear, but under way, with no expected sudden turns, a crewperson could un-belt and walk around normally. The layout of the ship's Sensors and Weaponry also 'makes sense', although I do note a distinct lack of rear ward weaponry. The time period was one where Star Fleet had not yet integrated multi-species into crews for single ships, but instead had ships which were crewed by various races individually. So, an all-Human crew isn't hard to see in this era. I could readily see Star Fleet using this same 'design philosophy', only enlarged, to create more capable, yet cheaply and quickly built 'stand ins' for later, more refined and costly ships. Personally, I've always had a bit of a problem with 'grav plating' for decks oritented Not on the 'thrust plane' of a star ship's design, like the Ncc 1701 Enterprise, and even Captain Archer's NX-01 class Enterprise. If you can generate such gravity fields and make the intersections between them seamless, then you have an ability to generate gravity and manipulate it in ways to do things not seen before in the Trek Universe. If memory serves me, 'Warp Cores' (matter/anti-matter reactors with ancillary and auxiliary equipment for control and distribution of the resultant energy released) were all 'horizontal', or in the case of this ship's design, 'vertical' to the deck plan. This might be why later cores were designed vertically in the first place. Such a 'vertical' core would be easier to access, repair, and maintain. The reaction of one gram of matter and one gram of anti-matter results in a release of approximately 43 Kilotons energy equivalent. So, I can only assume that to get the 'best results', that Star Fleet uses a method to 'draw out' the annihilation of the reaction over time, and then injects the plasma created into another chamber to react with standard matter, which can be anything, including Human wastes. This would produce a LOT of plasma that could be drawn upon for energy by making the plasma collapse into the desired wave forms, including electricity. Unused plasma could be contained and cycled into a 'storage ring' similar to a Tokamak fusion reactor until needed. Another method of obtaining energy from the primary and the later plasma producing reactors would be via Thermal bi-phase metals... somewhat like a much more energetic version of the Cassini Probe's uranium pebble bed 'reactor' and it's bi-phase metal devices to turn thermal energy into useful Electrical power. Sort of like running a computer chip in reverse. computer chips take in electrical energy and produce heat, all this would be doing is reversing the process to create electricity. And yes, I know, such a system would NOT be truly efficient, which is why the ship needs thermal radiators to get rid of excess heat. If the above is true, then the Fusion Reactors most ships also carry makes sense as well, since the fusion plasma can be tapped for power and it's thermal output also tapped for additional energy out of the system with the minimum of 'waste' heat to be ducted to the hull radiators to be disposed of. Oh, yes... a fraction of such 'waste' heat can be tapped for Environmental purposes as well. Since one gram of matter/anti-matter yields about 43 Kilotons equivalent, Photon Torpedoes probably have yields of up to 10 grams, which would be 430 Kilotons equivalent... roughly half a Megaton. More than enough to turn any decently sized ship into mostly plasma and very tiny pieces. I can only 'assume' that Hyper-Nuclear missiles are just very large nuclear devices, which use a nuclear explosion to 'spark' off an even larger nuclear explosion. Given the depicted size of the projectiles, and some knowledge of Physics, I would estimate that using a 10 Kt warhead to 'spark' a larger device, might yield explosions of up to and perhaps beyond the 500 Megaton range. Such an explosion on the surface of a planet would be devastating to say the least. Although no where near the kind of explosion of the asteroid that killed off the Dinosaurs. I don't know if you remember the Hale-Bop Comet impact on Jupiter, but some of the SMALLER chunks that impacted Jupiter's atmosphere resulted in plasmatic explosions larger than the diameter of Earth, and equivalent to thousands of times the total energy produced by Mankind since the discovery of fire, including all atomic weapons, power generators, burning of coal, oil, etc. The impacts upon Jupiter were caused by chunks of water ice the size of entire countries. So, we have witnessed the fact that such energy release is at least possible, although not achievable yet by our technology. This is why I mentioned the plasma reaction and storage facility as an adjunct to the 'Warp Core'. Warp Core... there is a misleading name... the Core is a reactor... it's the Nacelles that actually generate the Warp Field. Anyways, this post is quite long enough as is. Keep on making your videos. I am enjoying them. spoken, Frank-ly
Ok, I really like the look of this ship. Very reminiscent to the style used by Masao Okaziki's Romulan War era ships over on his Starfleet Museum site just hella more detailed. I'd love to see our take on some of his ships like the Pioneer or Krechet classes.
I think the Starfleet Museum might have subconsciously affected my process, since I was really struck my his choice to go for something very different-looking for that era. The cylindrical shape just makes sense overall - and it ties it to our technology so well, too.
Yes, very much. Take away the warp nacelles and it looks like some of the drafts I saw for cold war era orbital "battleships" that the pentagon was dreaming up. Keep up the good work man. I wish CBS would hire people like you to work on their Trek projects since this is the kind up updated look I think most people would be ok with if they would finally just go, "Alright, we're doing a full reboot guys." (Which is something I wish they would do and stop with this, "it's prime but timeline shift!" BS).
@@sigmacademy There is a difference between "ready room" and quarters, however slight. Captain's Quarters are meant to sleep in, with provisions for command info. Ready Rooms are meant to work in, with provision to sleep in (if only a couch) ua-cam.com/video/dW83U4bkC_k/v-deo.html
Another nice ship! Again though you should add a shirt Montage of it firing weapons, going to warp, launching auxiliary craft, etc... PLEASE!! YOUR ships are awesome looking...
A beautiful design, and I don't want to sound like a major time jerk, but your scale reference (the airlock) deserves some special attention. An airlock, especially one with this level of technology, isn't just a small door to squeeze through; it's a pretty complicated structure that has to physically lock one vessel to another. As such, I really can't see it being anything less than ten feet (three meters) in diameter. Based on my screwball eyeballs, it looks like that'd make each hull section a good sixty five to seventy feet in length; overall length, including engines, of two hundred fifty feet or so.
This ship reminds me quite heavily of Masao Otazaki's ships designed for the Starfleet Museum, with the tube shape, the vertical decks and the Romulan War heritage. Was there any inspiration there?
What's funny is that a while ago I sketched out an "improved" NX-01 that could fit more between the Constitution and the tin cans we send up today, and it was basically something like this, maybe shorter with no secondary hull. Kind of like the Daedalus if you took off the sphere and neck. Mine was nowhere near as detailed or cool looking, though.
Was this ship by any chance inspired by the fan-designed DY-1200 (which canon, a display in TNG “Up the Long Ladder”, has launching around 2160)? 3:40 You mentioned that decks would be stacked like a tower, could not having windows help with any possible psychological effect of disorientation?
The effect on the ship of incoming fire would be interesting would people be knocked to the ground - rather than rocked backwards... Where is the control centre located Mr. Henry ?
Cool looking ship. If I was to add anything. Instead of so many dishes. I would have a spinning sensor on top like the AJAX airplane radar. Think it would be cooler to a spinning sensor dome like that. And I would maybe ditch the photons for a spacial torpedo that maybe carry's both HE rounds and torps with hyper atomic warheads.
btw, is there a video (small one) on the big shuttles coming up/available? Saw them in the trekyards video on the pacific, but I can't seem to find anything about them on your own channel...
Very nice design, simplistic but functional. One thing I'd change on the design, though: it's missing a "proper bridge module". The overall shape immediately reminds me of 2 or 3 ATV or Cygnus transporters for the ISS stacked on top of each other, so I'd imagine adding a distinct bridge module shaped like the Cupola on the ISS. You could just replace most of the Cupola's windows with armored panels, leaving only the top one and the one facing "forward" (along the ship's roll axis) which can be covered with reinforced hatches if necessary. If that module was placed on the side of the main hull facing the "top" (or front - the side where the main deflector dish is located, goddamnit! ^^), the shape of the module would break up the overall shape of the ship a bit, just adding that extra bit of complexity to make it look more interesting without the engineer in charge getting a heart attack from the bill for the extra cost. Greetings from a fellow 2D/3D artist. ;)
Henry, why do you sound so... discouraged when describing your designs? you really give that "I´m not proud but people wanna see anyway" vibe. Be proud! You did a FANTASTIC job with updating and overhauling the Star Trek tech and looks, i think it suits the whole world very well and looks fantastic.
@RamdomGuy1337, you're words of encouragement are very kind.
I am not kidding, I think Star Trek should be rebooted with your designs and head-canon. The naval/NASA aesthetic is perfect, just perfect.
Good idea!!!!
It already was a thing during pre-NX era. You mean you want series from early 22 century?
I absolutely would love to see something with Starliner-class UESP Enterprise. Discovery class ships, early Dedalus, Neptune's and good old DY-class. Though Romulan War is higher priority in my book. It could be interesting war movie take on Trek if we would fallow Yorktown-class Battleship.
@@TheRezro I'm saying a complete reboot.
Love this ship. It looks very "low tech" compared to other Star Trek ships but then its supposed to. This looks like something where the main hull could be sent into space on a rocket booster and the parts assembled like a modular kit while in orbit. That would allow the ships to be massed produced on Earth and boosted into orbit for final assembly freeing up the limited number of Spacedocks for larger ships.
During modern war, it is common with mass-produced small arms to take two or three inoperable weapons and combine the parts to make one functional weapon. I could easily see such a thing being done here with entire ships.
Imagine, far away from any major ship repair facilities, a squadron of three of these ships is engaged in a skirmish. They win, but all three vessels are badly damaged. If these ships are as modular as they look, the crews, with minimal help, could reconfigure the modules to perhaps make one battle-worthy vessel that can stay on station, one that can limp home, perhaps some extra modules stacked on for salvage/repair, and a few leftover modules that are left behind with scuttling charges in place to thwart any enemy attempts at salvage by the enemy.
In WW2, the US Navy would use obsolete ships for a variety of purposes. Some of these duties included being converted into repair ships; used to patch ships up enough that they could safely travel the long distances to a proper dry dock. I could see some of the older civilian ships being used for this and kept towards the rear, but still nearby, so they could assist if these patrol ships required repair after a battle. Imagine an old freighter fitted with a few upgraded warp coils, for extra speed, and the cargo bay fitted with workships and other equipment needed to repair damaged ships out in the field.
Strap on a few low-yield weapons, just so they don't get destroyed by an enemy shuttle pilot shooting a pistol out the window, and they're ready to go.
This modular design would also allow smaller orbital shipyards, ones that otherwise would be working on shuttles at most, to construct ship components that could then be assembled without having to involve the larger shipyards at all. Such small orbital shipyards could themselves be potentially be mass produced. They could even be deployed to forward operating areas to repair these damaged modular vessels.
Making these ships easier to produce, as well as easy to repair/rebuild/salvage in the field, would greatly ease the logistics needed to otherwise have these ships travel great distances for repair. It would also allow more ships to be saved, rather than have to scuttle an otherwise salvageable ship. This would let the shipbuilding capabilities that they do have go much further than they otherwise could.
It is general Bonaventure Era ship design. During Romulan Wars Earth was cobbling up lot of weird designs like Marshall and Messier class, what didn't look nothing like we know. Though majority of forces were composed from new Ganges class escorts and old Discovery class ships restored from mothball into service. Core fleet was formed from Poseidon-class versions of NX (cheaper streamlined modular versions) and 400 meter Yorktown-class Battleships. I absolutely do see earth using something like that for short range defense, my only complain is that deflector dish was only on more costly long range ships like Columbia-class (NX refit). But it is minor nitpick.
THe deck layout idea is fine, gravity plating means that literally any orientation of "up" is possible. It'd also make sense it being an older ship, maybe the intertial dampeners aren't as sophisticated as the ones we see on even the NX, having your living space in line with the direction of thrust would make sense.
There is one argument against stacked "tower" configuration - a horizontal "airliner" configuration has less space spent on systems for vertical movement (elevators, ladders, etc.), so a bit better interior space utilization.
The vertical orientation would also be in line with the Rocinante from "The Expanse" with the gravity provided by Newtonian thrust
I love this design! And I especially love how you made it a fairly 'small' ship - it concurs with Spock's comments in BALANCE OF TERROR, how ships in the Earth-Romulan war were primitive and small, offering no room for prisoners, no quarter.
this is my favorite of the Pacific 201 Starfleet. it looks exactly like what Spock described in Ballance of Terror.
That's one of the best TOS episodes, and one of the best Star Trek episodes in general.
At first I wasn't sure about Pacific 201 but you really are a Star Trek fan and your original approach is very cool!
I love this. It perfectly evokes Spock's line of Romulan War-era ships being small and (comparatively) primitive, and makes use of real-life design elements to make a ship that for all it's simplicity, works well. I'd happily watch a show about a crew of one of these, balancing all the drama of being packed into a close space with a group of people that have to rely on each other, and where wartime duties ratchet up the already massive pressure of a cramped survival situation.
What I also like is how this ship stands vis-a-vis the Daedalus and NX ships. If I remember right, a line in Star Trek said an NX cost as much as three Daedalus class vessels. That's a lot of money, material and skilled people to devote to one ship. I can see a Daedalus costing as much as three of the ships in Velocity's class. Take a simple modular tube design like this, slap on a couple torpedo modules, or missile pods, or even a module that's just a massed bank of phase cannons or a giant sensor pod...
The design just makes sense, and that's awesome. Nowhere near the almost cruise liner accommodations we've come to expect of Federation ships. Nothing but stripped down and cost effective efficiency. I can see hordes of these being built and thrown into battle, all because they can carry ship-killer weapons on a fast and cheap platform. Tin Can Sailors in space.
I love it. It reminds me of Masao Okazaki's Romulan war designs. It works because it's practical, and the idea coming from multiple sources indicates that this is how ships will really be designed in the future.
Listening to the language and thought process is interesting. You blend sensibilities of engineering, historian and artistic. It's really cool to listen to.
This ship makes the Daedalus Class look elegant by comparison. But I guess that is exactly what you were going for.
It's like an ancient version of the Martian defence ships seen in All Good Things.
You're defining the Enterprise/TOS era for me with these ships. Thank you.
This ship is beautiful. So heavily detailed, so much character. It's a nice cross between what we know and some of the older sci fi ideas for space travel.
I like how this is a nod to the ships of the same era from the Starfleet Museum, with your own design philosophy, you have come up with some really neat ideas.
Not gonna lie, I really love this ship. There is beauty in simplicity, as the saying goes and this ship certainly is a simpler design. It feels like a very real spacecraft. Great work!
Eric..I was very critical of Pacific 201 at the start..
I am completely on board and am loving it now.
Keep up the good work.
The whole tower-like deck structure is reminescent of "the expanse" series. Love it!
An added benefit: you can use the regular AG field generators for inertial dampening--you don't need a whole separate system.
@@solarisone1082 There is one argument against stacked "tower" configuration - a horizontal "airliner" configuration has less space spent on systems for vertical movement (elevators, ladders, etc.), so a bit better interior space utilization.
Im enjoying these a lot. Can't get enough of it.
I really loved this ship.
The whole ”we’ll have to make do” design of it.
Very much like your sense of the aesthetics, very well thought out, also the longitudinal orientation and scale, great work
Thanks for making the effort to show us these fascinating models.
it's like the liberty ship of starfleet! Love it
Liberties were cargo ships, not fighting vessels, and their armament was defensive. I’d say this is more along the lines of a Fletcher-class. Or, going to the TOS era, maybe a predecessor to the Oberth.
@@TheEmeraldMenOfficial more like a Cannon class destroyer escort if anything. Fletchers were quite powerful and big for a ship of their class.
@@tntproductions1996 Maybe the Flower-class?
@@TheEmeraldMenOfficial good point actually
Please make more, these are fun to watch!
I keep missing your content that I'm enjoying more than I thought I would and I'm looking forward to Pacific 201
I really like this design. It feels very realistic, and close to our time.
I like it. It looks like something we could build now with the modular construction.
I'm in love with this design.
I LOVE that you add the heat radiators. I'm attempting to enter the sci-fi story scene myself, and the story I wrote, they have an array of radiators that is a MAJOR weak point.
Only creative criticism i have is to add a 3rd impulse engine on the bottom for balance. Right now it looks like it'd fly in circles.
Probably has one hell of an RCS thruster system.
Beautiful ship! The only thing I would suggest, in my humble opinion, because your going for a type of realism, your sub light engines look like they are above the center of mass. Kinda like having all the engines of a modern rocket slapped on the side of the rocket, rather then having them directly underneath the mass of the rocket. The rocket would flip out of control because the center of thrust isn't aligned with the center of mass. UNLESS ... however, you designed the warp engines to be somehow much heavier then the rest of the ship.
But ether way, really awesome design! Love it!
Looks like a comms satellite with nacelles. Love these modular/utilitarian designs
Awesome. Love your creative approach on this one!
I really like the large navy style numbers as well its perfect
US carriers NEVER light the numbers on the island when they are underway.it also seems top me that starfleet has never used lights AS markings, only to illuminate painted markings.
second, you might consider some form of lattice or other type of bracing at the outer perimeter between the docked hull segments. if would greatly reduce the stresses on the coupling. and the extreme rush of its design and build would be why there isn't any skin applied. you could also put some of the consumables tanks in that area. water storage and reclamation tanks and related systems would be a good choice.
water would be vital on long duration patrols for the crew and as coolant for the systems (to transfer heat to the radiators). and pushing the tanks into that convenient gap would free up a lot of internal volume.
Great feedback! Thanks!
EC Henry if it helps, the soyuz rockets have open interstage sections with the sort of lattice I am thinking of.
EC Henry had a thought about your impulse drives and that nozzle.
have you considered an afterburner? some form of boost or overboost function? now, I'm going off of memory, but I recall the enterprise-d in the tech manual listed that the saucer impulse drives could be boosted with antimatter and get very high accelerations from it.
your extensions could even just simply be a way to control use an uncontrolled output from the impulse drives in a controlled manner. that is, the impulse drives normal control system can handles a specific max output, but if you open them further to the point where you can only control the output ("thrust"), but with the loss of getting attitude control, then the old fashioned thrust nozzles are used, perhaps with a simple electric or even hydraulic methods of physically moving the nozzle for limited attitude control.
with two drives,you would retain a very modest attitude and roll control. as long as the nacelles are dense enough to balance the position of the impulse drives and the secondary hull, those drives could also be on the horizontal thrust plane. it would also lessen the need for oversized thrusters to go with such a mode for combat manuvering.
if it's a romulan war design, it makes decent sense then in a purely a peace time design to have such a function on a ship's impulse drive.
the only other item would be if you had a reverser function? see the early version engines on the 737 or md-80 family for the sort I mean. those would allow you to do it and not hit anything. very simple and could be part of the nozzle.
hope you find any of this stuff useful. I really have been enjoying your designs.
You are awesome dude. This is great. You never disappoint.
I'm honored to support your work. These designs just leap off the screen. You should see if Eaglemoss would like to produce desktop models for you.
"Well that didn't age well"
Great design, well thought out.
It definitely looks like it belongs in the time period of the Earth Romulan war! great design!
I'd like to see a "Velocity" series for Star Trek. That design is cool, in a "hard-sci-fi" way, and a series set during wartime could throw up a whole new set of problems for the crew. We've seen series that feature wars, but not one that is just war. I'm thinking of something like "Space: Above & Beyond", but with the Star Trek atmosphere.
I love your designs. There is no element on the ship just because it would look cool, every part actually makes sense. The details are stunning, even behind the windows. It really looks like a ship one could build today, despite the warp drive. I just wondered how artificial gravity works, it was never explained in Star Trek and there are no rotating elements on the ship.
Good design, this ship LOOKS like a weapon!
That's actually a good design for a warship. Traditionally, on a warship, the only one who has their own quarters is the C.O. and he/she only has it because he/she has to have a command safe. You don't want such located in a common area. Having the decks stacked is also a good idea. It allows more quarters/bunk rooms to exist than if the decks are situated end to end. I can see a lot of thought went into this. Good job.
Hard to say - a horizontal configuration has less space spent on systems for vertical movement (elevators, ladders, etc.), so a bit better interior space utilization.
It's an interesting design. It evokes both the cylindrical layout of Skylab and the modular construction used in modern nuclear submarines. Being able to eject the third segment (reactor and warp engines) would serve as both an emergency safety feature and allow the ship's drive system to be replaced or upgraded while reusing the other modules. This is definitely the approach that would be necessary if one had to crank out ships fast. One of the many problems I had with ST: Enterprise was how most of the episodes were interchangeable with the sort you saw on ST:Voyager. There was little sense that you were in an earlier era with different concerns and constraints.
I have to wonder why they invented the Xindi -- an alien species that supposedly threatened Earth's very existence that nobody in any of the later eras even mentions -- when the history of the Romulan War was sitting there, waiting to be told. Your ambitious project thankfully will incorporate aspects of the aftermath of that conflict.
No shit! The Xindi threat could easily have been the Romulans instead, being this huge looming threat and mystery.
I love this ship so much! Its beautiful!
I hope you realize that one of your creations will come to fruition in real life..Love the work..
I would love to see these ships on shapeways. Even colored to match what you have here. Insanely beautiful
The deck layout makes more sense in a real world setting, Big fan of the Wasp Class, like add a ring between the three nacelles and you've got what I'd think is a more "realistic" Enterprise lol. A spaceship needs to utilize space well and the deck layout you have for this ship is what it would be.
BINGO. Unless you're building a spaceplane, you want your decks perpendicular to the axis of thrust.
Very good models and ship designs. Better than discovery, and looks alike a legit storyline. Good work.
OMG! I love this! I really with this was a game so I can play it! Looking forward to the release. ^^
Love it! I'd like to see the "Pacific 201" NX. The Trekyards episode was cool, but I like this kind overview. Great work.
I think I could probably do that one too!
The more the Merryier : I enjoy seeing them and hearing you talk about them and your thought processes in making them.
If this was a DVD extra on a genre Motion Picture I'd love this short of thing - so I'm pleased to see it here.
These has got to be the best Star Fleet designs I ever seen.!! That and Axanar, but I suppose I just now blurted a 4 letter word 👀..... You will be making it harder for your actors to be on the level of excellence as your space craft.
I like it. It looks like you took some pieces off the international space station and slapped some Warp engines on it. And the deflector? I first thought that was the front door. Good job
I'm getting the sense that the entire design is a very modular design (which make sense when regarding the window strips). having several modules stacked on top of each other makes a lot of sense when you consider that this design is from the Romulan War era and you could literally just disconnect damaged sections and replace with a brand new module, without having to rebuild the entire ship from scratch again.
Has a very International Space Station feel to it. :)
As I remember, in the original series, Balance of Terror, Spock commented about how during the Earth-Romulan war there was no ship-to-ship visual communication so they didn't really know what Romulans looked like.
I've screwing around with a sci-fi universe of my own for the past few years. Nothing serious, just some ship designs in my head, and a few notebook sketches, but this is very similar to what I thought one of our first space warships would look like, an angry tube with lasers on it, some rocket engines extended on pylons at the back, and few missles in there somewhere. I have to admit, I did not like this design when I saw it in Pacific, but after watching this it has really grown on me.
I thoroughly enjoyed these two short films. I am curious as to why you went with these designs, and uniforms? I did enjoy what you did with them.
I really like your modular design aspect. I was thinking of something similar for the fiction that I write (When I have time.) In my universe, much like yours, each ship is modular and it's nothing to go from a strike cruiser to an exploratory cruiser. Just replace the combat drop bay/ fighter module with the science module and there you go. lol.
@@weird-but-nice that becourse they where heavy refitted for war, the Galaxy class was a peace time exploration vessel.. the non-refitted Galaxy class was easly defeated by one Jemhadar figher vessel..
I love it. great ship.
Very much like your approach to design sir.
Hello there.
Very nice video. I agree with your design choices. From a military viewpoint (former USMC Enlisted Weapons Instructor) it makes sense, and would be easy to both build and operate. Especially if Star Fleet was looking to build this design in large numbers.
The orientation of the decks is logical and would enable the ship to operate at maximum thrust of the Impulse Drive without crewpersons being required to be belted in just keep them from falling or being thrust aft wards. Going from drifting along at a few hundred KPH to full Impulse would require said safety gear, but under way, with no expected sudden turns, a crewperson could un-belt and walk around normally.
The layout of the ship's Sensors and Weaponry also 'makes sense', although I do note a distinct lack of rear ward weaponry.
The time period was one where Star Fleet had not yet integrated multi-species into crews for single ships, but instead had ships which were crewed by various races individually. So, an all-Human crew isn't hard to see in this era.
I could readily see Star Fleet using this same 'design philosophy', only enlarged, to create more capable, yet cheaply and quickly built 'stand ins' for later, more refined and costly ships.
Personally, I've always had a bit of a problem with 'grav plating' for decks oritented Not on the 'thrust plane' of a star ship's design, like the Ncc 1701 Enterprise, and even Captain Archer's NX-01 class Enterprise. If you can generate such gravity fields and make the intersections between them seamless, then you have an ability to generate gravity and manipulate it in ways to do things not seen before in the Trek Universe.
If memory serves me, 'Warp Cores' (matter/anti-matter reactors with ancillary and auxiliary equipment for control and distribution of the resultant energy released) were all 'horizontal', or in the case of this ship's design, 'vertical' to the deck plan. This might be why later cores were designed vertically in the first place. Such a 'vertical' core would be easier to access, repair, and maintain.
The reaction of one gram of matter and one gram of anti-matter results in a release of approximately 43 Kilotons energy equivalent. So, I can only assume that to get the 'best results', that Star Fleet uses a method to 'draw out' the annihilation of the reaction over time, and then injects the plasma created into another chamber to react with standard matter, which can be anything, including Human wastes. This would produce a LOT of plasma that could be drawn upon for energy by making the plasma collapse into the desired wave forms, including electricity.
Unused plasma could be contained and cycled into a 'storage ring' similar to a Tokamak fusion reactor until needed. Another method of obtaining energy from the primary and the later plasma producing reactors would be via Thermal bi-phase metals... somewhat like a much more energetic version of the Cassini Probe's uranium pebble bed 'reactor' and it's bi-phase metal devices to turn thermal energy into useful Electrical power. Sort of like running a computer chip in reverse. computer chips take in electrical energy and produce heat, all this would be doing is reversing the process to create electricity. And yes, I know, such a system would NOT be truly efficient, which is why the ship needs thermal radiators to get rid of excess heat.
If the above is true, then the Fusion Reactors most ships also carry makes sense as well, since the fusion plasma can be tapped for power and it's thermal output also tapped for additional energy out of the system with the minimum of 'waste' heat to be ducted to the hull radiators to be disposed of.
Oh, yes... a fraction of such 'waste' heat can be tapped for Environmental purposes as well.
Since one gram of matter/anti-matter yields about 43 Kilotons equivalent, Photon Torpedoes probably have yields of up to 10 grams, which would be 430 Kilotons equivalent... roughly half a Megaton. More than enough to turn any decently sized ship into mostly plasma and very tiny pieces.
I can only 'assume' that Hyper-Nuclear missiles are just very large nuclear devices, which use a nuclear explosion to 'spark' off an even larger nuclear explosion. Given the depicted size of the projectiles, and some knowledge of Physics, I would estimate that using a 10 Kt warhead to 'spark' a larger device, might yield explosions of up to and perhaps beyond the 500 Megaton range. Such an explosion on the surface of a planet would be devastating to say the least. Although no where near the kind of explosion of the asteroid that killed off the Dinosaurs.
I don't know if you remember the Hale-Bop Comet impact on Jupiter, but some of the SMALLER chunks that impacted Jupiter's atmosphere resulted in plasmatic explosions larger than the diameter of Earth, and equivalent to thousands of times the total energy produced by Mankind since the discovery of fire, including all atomic weapons, power generators, burning of coal, oil, etc. The impacts upon Jupiter were caused by chunks of water ice the size of entire countries. So, we have witnessed the fact that such energy release is at least possible, although not achievable yet by our technology.
This is why I mentioned the plasma reaction and storage facility as an adjunct to the 'Warp Core'. Warp Core... there is a misleading name... the Core is a reactor... it's the Nacelles that actually generate the Warp Field.
Anyways, this post is quite long enough as is. Keep on making your videos. I am enjoying them.
spoken, Frank-ly
A work of beauty.
Ok, I really like the look of this ship. Very reminiscent to the style used by Masao Okaziki's Romulan War era ships over on his Starfleet Museum site just hella more detailed.
I'd love to see our take on some of his ships like the Pioneer or Krechet classes.
I think the Starfleet Museum might have subconsciously affected my process, since I was really struck my his choice to go for something very different-looking for that era.
The cylindrical shape just makes sense overall - and it ties it to our technology so well, too.
Yes, very much. Take away the warp nacelles and it looks like some of the drafts I saw for cold war era orbital "battleships" that the pentagon was dreaming up.
Keep up the good work man. I wish CBS would hire people like you to work on their Trek projects since this is the kind up updated look I think most people would be ok with if they would finally just go, "Alright, we're doing a full reboot guys." (Which is something I wish they would do and stop with this, "it's prime but timeline shift!" BS).
So much better than anything CBS has shown us.
The captain would always have his own quarter! No matter the limited space.
Alone to be able to make calls about classified information makes that relevant indeed.
Weren't ready rooms a standard feature to all bridges?
@@sigmacademy There is a difference between "ready room" and quarters, however slight. Captain's Quarters are meant to sleep in, with provisions for command info. Ready Rooms are meant to work in, with provision to sleep in (if only a couch) ua-cam.com/video/dW83U4bkC_k/v-deo.html
10/10 would serve on this space submarine.
Space submarine, a really good description for this ship. Probably closer to reality than the saucer ships.
Your Daedalus recreation was awesome.
"Sorry for this model being so undetailed"
Model is 20x more detailed than anything TOS.
Its also better looking them most I've seen :)
Why no red Bussard Collectors?
wow i am impressed its and odd star ship but i can see this ship being built during that war something easy and fast to build
A curious design. Where is the bridge?
Buried in the middle of the ship, everything is done with sensors and hard wired cameras.
Wow! I love it ❤️
Another nice ship! Again though you should add a shirt Montage of it firing weapons, going to warp, launching auxiliary craft, etc... PLEASE!! YOUR ships are awesome looking...
Very cool ship. Looks a bit like a submarine and a starship had a baby.
Love it. Can we get an internal layout?
The hypersonic atomic missiles,do they have any punch?can they breach shields?or are they used for orbitial bombardment?
A beautiful design, and I don't want to sound like a major time jerk, but your scale reference (the airlock) deserves some special attention.
An airlock, especially one with this level of technology, isn't just a small door to squeeze through; it's a pretty complicated structure that has to physically lock one vessel to another. As such, I really can't see it being anything less than ten feet (three meters) in diameter.
Based on my screwball eyeballs, it looks like that'd make each hull section a good sixty five to seventy feet in length; overall length, including engines, of two hundred fifty feet or so.
This ship reminds me quite heavily of Masao Otazaki's ships designed for the Starfleet Museum, with the tube shape, the vertical decks and the Romulan War heritage. Was there any inspiration there?
What's funny is that a while ago I sketched out an "improved" NX-01 that could fit more between the Constitution and the tin cans we send up today, and it was basically something like this, maybe shorter with no secondary hull. Kind of like the Daedalus if you took off the sphere and neck. Mine was nowhere near as detailed or cool looking, though.
Well done awesome ship
Is there anyway to see this film?
Was this ship by any chance inspired by the fan-designed DY-1200 (which canon, a display in TNG “Up the Long Ladder”, has launching around 2160)?
3:40 You mentioned that decks would be stacked like a tower, could not having windows help with any possible psychological effect of disorientation?
I like this design alot, it feels like a 'what if' The Expanse Universe got their hands on warp tect
Great design. Unexpected.
Your deck orientation reminds me of the ships from The Expanse. Good choice.
The effect on the ship of incoming fire would be interesting would people be knocked to the ground - rather than rocked backwards...
Where is the control centre located Mr. Henry ?
hard scifi elements, in my trek? i like.
Amazing job :D
What are the dimensions and mass of this ship? Trying to guess what would be the needed size of the launcher for this thing's modules
Cool looking ship. If I was to add anything. Instead of so many dishes. I would have a spinning sensor on top like the AJAX airplane radar. Think it would be cooler to a spinning sensor dome like that. And I would maybe ditch the photons for a spacial torpedo that maybe carry's both HE rounds and torps with hyper atomic warheads.
Nice design and layout (external and internal).
Dose it have artificial gravity or rely on constant thrust principal?
btw, is there a video (small one) on the big shuttles coming up/available? Saw them in the trekyards video on the pacific, but I can't seem to find anything about them on your own channel...
great work
Agree on lighting up the ship's ID#.
Very, very cool!
So...where is the Bridge/Control room?
I dig it but I have just one question..........where's the bridge?
Hopefully in the most protected part of the ship, instead of right where anyone can use it for target practice at will. ;-)
Why do the decks have a vertical orientation instead of the traditional layout?
Because that's the only realistic design for any ship that's not a spaceplane, whether the universe in question has AG generators not.
Very nice design, simplistic but functional.
One thing I'd change on the design, though: it's missing a "proper bridge module". The overall shape immediately reminds me of 2 or 3 ATV or Cygnus transporters for the ISS stacked on top of each other, so I'd imagine adding a distinct bridge module shaped like the Cupola on the ISS. You could just replace most of the Cupola's windows with armored panels, leaving only the top one and the one facing "forward" (along the ship's roll axis) which can be covered with reinforced hatches if necessary. If that module was placed on the side of the main hull facing the "top" (or front - the side where the main deflector dish is located, goddamnit! ^^), the shape of the module would break up the overall shape of the ship a bit, just adding that extra bit of complexity to make it look more interesting without the engineer in charge getting a heart attack from the bill for the extra cost.
Greetings from a fellow 2D/3D artist. ;)
good god please make more ships like this!