Nice 2012 ICE DANCE FD -16/21- Meryl DAVIS Charlie WHITE - 29/03/2012

  • Опубліковано 5 вер 2024
  • Segment score: 70.98
    TUTTO in sezione SKATING de La Riserva forum
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  • @plas445
    @plas445 12 років тому +3

    A masterpiece! This free deserved the victory (as Takahashi in FP men)! Simply fantastic!
    I love V&M, but in this FP D&W are so amazing, insuperable!
    Plas 445

  • @pbetega1
    @pbetega1 11 років тому +5

    the best !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @Satellitegirl41
    @Satellitegirl41 12 років тому

    Who in the hell is disliking this? Grow up. They may not be your favorites, but they are wonderful dancers.

  • @FergusMcDopey
    @FergusMcDopey 12 років тому

    This is a superb waltz, which is often an underrated dance. They perform it beautifully, their legline was impeccable, better than ever before, and they were right on the beat the entire time. I love Virtue & Moir and have a hard time comparing these two dances because they are so similar in their make-you-smile capacity that it's really a toss up. IMHO, Meryl & Charlie shoulda had this a small margin. I'm just happy for two great dance teams. :)

  • @fineneighborhood
    @fineneighborhood 12 років тому

    OUTstanding! Their precision, artistry, grace, and athleticism are unmatched. Always breathtaking. I cannot wait to see them at the 2014 Olympics.

  • @Peach34000
    @Peach34000 12 років тому

    Delicate, fast, quite simply brilliant! They really deserved the gold, this program is just a masterpiece! It's just unbelievable, how can we place them second with this program?!

  • @Sassydoogie
    @Sassydoogie 12 років тому +2

    You can see Meryl saying to Marina that the scores seemed low, and I'd have to agree. Their performance was brilliant and while V/M were WONDERFUL as well, it should have been a closer margin.

  • @teresalongo2583
    @teresalongo2583 Рік тому


  • @starsmoon0216
    @starsmoon0216 9 років тому +5

    The judges really low-balled their scores. This was a fantastic performance. The 19 people giving this a thumbs down do not know anything about ice dancing and seriously need to grow up.

  • @rosiedebevc1952
    @rosiedebevc1952 3 роки тому

    Meryl and Charlie are elegant on the ice dancing

  • @warriorgr
    @warriorgr 12 років тому

    Being a figure skater myself, I may be biased. So I showed all top 3 free dances to a friend completely unaware of ice skating and its techniques. He was in an awe watching Vitrue/Moir and he couldn't take his eyes off of Bechalat/Pourzat. At the 2nd minute of this program, he was like "I'm totally bored, turn it off". That tells you that technical excellence is by no means enough to give you victory. You have to be innovative, you have to tell a story. And I'm sorry, those two don't.

  • @Peach34000
    @Peach34000 12 років тому +1

    Well, but your neophyte didn’t know the musical comedy program from Grischuk-Platov in 1995. Neither their oriental program on “The feeling begins” in 1997, no more the Navka-Kostomarov’s one in 2002. So, for V/M and P/B innovations, we’ve got another think coming! Today, D/W are the only pairs who can dance on Strauss without looking outdated and namby-pamby. That’s real talent!

  • @warriorgr
    @warriorgr 12 років тому

    Well, u r obviously a bit confused. First of all, innovative music is not the music that hasn't been used before, but music that is out of ordinary. Second, innovative isn't necessarily about music, it is also about choreography, movements and expressiveness. And I have to agree with my "neophyte" that in those terms both V/M and B/P are ahead of D/W.

  • @tokata1100
    @tokata1100 12 років тому

    exactly, well said.
    fast speed and frantic pace makes D/W look IMHO as they running and chasing. Certainly speed is a factor in FS but not so overwhelming.

  • @waihibeach09
    @waihibeach09 12 років тому

    Agree - superb waltz, catching all the nuances of the music just beautifully. Love it, love D/W! However, they didn't win because their rivals, V/M's program had more complex coreography, deeper edges, more difficult lifts, better skating skills, body lines - not to mention expression. If figure skating were just a "show" Plas 445, then possibly D/W might have won - same for Takahashi - but this is a SPORT judged on scoring criteria & thus, V/M, PC deserved their wins.

  • @sk8lvrnc
    @sk8lvrnc 12 років тому +1

    I wish I understood what the commentators were saying.

  • @5879coco
    @5879coco 12 років тому

    While I am a fan of V/M and their chemistry on ice and Scott is just plain sexy. I think D/W are good - I agree with the comment that at times their speed makes them like they are chasing. Where I think they lost this competition was in the twizzles - the first turns traveled however the end of the second ones looked like they were spinning. It is hard to tell in this video however twizzles are to move across the ice - not stay in place

  • @warriorgr
    @warriorgr 12 років тому

    Well, I'm a skater myself for the last 10 years and I happen to completely agree with my "neophyte". I find D/W completely boring and V/M and B/P absolutely entertaining and electrifying. I have to say though that B/P have improved very much and it's in the last two years that I find them extremely interesting. But I found V/M magnificent since the very first time I saw them on ice, whereas D/W always left me with a sense of something missing.

  • @fiaso93
    @fiaso93 12 років тому

    Choreography. V/M and D/W have the same choreographers and complex choreography, with precise timing. To each their own and you prefer V/M, who are a very nice team, but there's no need to criticize D/W, if you don't like them just don't watch them.

  • @warriorgr
    @warriorgr 12 років тому

    The same old story? Really? What is the connection between V/M's program in 2010 with the one in 2011 and 2012? 3 completely different programs, not repetitive at all and with many innovative elemements in every single one of them. In 2010 they were the dramatic and romantic lovers, in 2011 they were the sexy latin dancers and in 2012 the sweet and cute - almost cartoonish - characters. Not many pairs can do that in ice dance and those two are certainly worthy of everything they earned so far.

  • @signorinakitty
    @signorinakitty 12 років тому

    due libellule! due piume che sfiorano il ghiaccio! leggeri e leggiadri....volavano! per me i veri vincitori.

  • @GioMariatex97
    @GioMariatex97 12 років тому

    Beautiful speed, edges, flow over the ice, brilliant choreography and interpretation, I love them! But my question is: where is something new?? This was really classical, it seemed to watch a dance from the 90's, no new theme, no new style, nothing more than a lot of other beautiful dances we have watched hundreds of times. If they want to remain in ice dancing history (as they deserve) they have to find something that we will remember as "Davis-White style"! For now, V/M are better, I'm sorry

  • @tranejoan
    @tranejoan 12 років тому

    I love both D/W and V/M, although it's weird because I think D/W have more athleticism in their programme (although both teams are technically incredibly superior!), but it's usually V/M that seems to tell more of a story in their programmes, perhaps that's the edge they have? :S
    It's almost like comparing Fred Astaire to Gene Kelly in some ways!

    • @carey579
      @carey579 3 роки тому

      Please Charlie could dance circles around Scott Moir on and off ice ✋

  • @5879coco
    @5879coco 12 років тому

    Oops went to ay "looks like they are chasing the music"

  • @nataliarosru
    @nataliarosru 12 років тому


  • @waihibeach09
    @waihibeach09 12 років тому

    LOL! Here we go again with the same old arguments about who's "better". Both pairs R simply amazing! I prefer V/M as did the judges by quite a wide margin. As some of the European commentators say, V/M are the best skaters ever. Not to take anything away from D/W -love their programs too since I'm a FS. If ChachouMiaou sees beautiful romance & connection as "cheesy" those are his/her optics. Speed? I think the sometimes frantic pace of D/W has actually been their downfall. But, love them both.

  • @warriorgr
    @warriorgr 12 років тому

    U r entitled to your opininon and I'm entitled to mine. D/W are excellent technicians (their last year's program was probably their pick in terms of technical excellence), but IMO that's just about it. Both V/M and D/W are electrifying and they can make you melt on your screen, whereas D/W are repetitive and without any real innovation in their programs. You can admire them for their skating and that's the end. The other two have way more charisma and they are way more interesting to watch.

  • @sk8lvrnc
    @sk8lvrnc 12 років тому +1

    I don't see V/M creating anything new....

  • @lauracento9649
    @lauracento9649 9 років тому +5

    They should've won

  • @duplajatek
    @duplajatek 12 років тому

    lol 7:40 - Not so bad! :) Agreed.

  • @Satellitegirl41
    @Satellitegirl41 12 років тому

    Actually speed is a factor :P

  • @waihibeach09
    @waihibeach09 12 років тому

    LOL, ChachouMiaou -- get over yourself! Of course people have opinions about what they "see", but while your's may be subjective, some of us are skaters/judges who see all the tiny details in programs that the untrained eye cannot discern. Since you didn't see any mistakes in D/W's skate, I suspect you don't understand the sport aspect of ice dance and how it is scored. Both of the wonderful top couples had small errors but the best team won.

  • @carotorrens
    @carotorrens 12 років тому


  • @Bnizzofashizzo
    @Bnizzofashizzo 12 років тому

    CHarlie is not as good at this waltz as Scott is with his fred Astare