I wish people of color would mentor like that here in the U.S. All a lot of people of color look for here is Money, bling and sex, all the while the children are running the streets and moms are heartbroken. People of Color in the U.S are spoiled and dont know real poverty.
The biggest problem in black society is Self Loathing. We reject each other because we reject ourselves, and when we look at each other, we see our selves, Mirror effect.
This is how a documentary should be made. This is excellent. Pure storytelling, no unnecessary commentary or dramatic music... Just beautifully authentic filming and interviewing.
Guilherme Lelis It actually is the raw reality of what communities in Brazil are. Idk what you’re complaining about to be honest, this comes from a fellow brazilian, by the way.
On my way to work i passed by the barber shop everyday for 3 years. I COULD NEVER IMAGINE the social work this guy did. All i saw was junkers, dealers, robers... it's sad, i fell ashamed to have think that. I always tought the place was a disguise to sell drugs. I thank you for the doc
This guy has done more for the Rio community with a tiny run-down barbershop than a cabinet of politicians will achieve in the entirety of their careers.
@Niel Coetzee I agree he's awesome with endless patience. His shop may be a little run down, but with 25 stations that's hardly tiny. I have seen that no where in Florida, not even the more expensive ones.
@@luanantunes8551 what pisses me off the most, is how the police bully the people of the favelas, they are supposed to help, but it sounds like they just make the violence worse.
The barber could have used his skills to make money for himself but he decided to share that knowledge with his community and to help them make a living for themselves. He is more than just a barber. I wish nothing but blessings to him and his barber shop.
Exactly bro. He couldve earned a lot of money and just move out the favela with his family and i wouldnt see a problem with that either if he didnt fuk up anyone. But he even decided to stay there even tho he have money. But the gangs are smart and they know that he didnt fuk them up just minding his business and thats why he is there alive.
As a Brazilian I can say, when he said "this is the olympic city" that was not a joke. The government spent tons of money for the futebol's infra but the city itself and its people rarely will benefit from that in a lifetime. I know, Rio is not the only city facing such issues and yes I know this documentary was highly focused on this (awesome) barber and Rio's community is WAY bigger than that, I know, but still, so lame! This man is doing more for his community than lots of other politicians. Congratulation to whoever did this documentary, better than some big TV channels we have here. +1 sub
Eu moro em Cachambi, bem do lado da bandeira2, do jacaré. Esse ultimo sabado (09/05) teve MUITO tiroteio na parte da manha. Durou a manha INTEIRA! Poucas horas depois do ocorrido, fiquei sabendo que foi uma troca de tiro entre os traficantes e policiais, cujo os mesmos queriam impedir traficantes que liberassem cestas basicas pros moradores do Jacaré. Em meio a toda essa pandemia, muitas pessoas praticamente passando fome, pois não conseguiram receber o auxílio e a polícia ainda faz uma vergonha dessa... As favelas do Rio estão jogadas. Isso é uma vergonha! Na barra se vê tudo organizado. Passou das áreas nobres do Rio, tudo jogado as cinzas... Vergonha desse estado...
@@cavalcs Caramba q complicado a realidade do Rio hein ... Por outro lado não sabia q eles tentam ajudar assim, muito maneiro! Pena q a polícia não tem colaborado
then i just stopped to think that i have a pc and a tv in my bedroom and there are people that just do anything to keep alive waiting for something to change the next day... =/
Hiiiii, I'm a Brazilian from Mato Grosso and uh... yes.. we do have favelas and this sort of environments, but, it's not all the Brazil, i could try to make a hugeeee explanation about how things are and the " two kinds " of political sides that we have in here.
I´m a portuguese guy sitting in front of my laptop,i`ve been a litlle depressed and lost this days trying to figure oit out my future,i had all the possibilites from my parents and i failure for my fault. Oh man i cried watching this doc thinking how bless am i... what is my depression compare to this?in Jacaré there`s no time for depressions for sure. Big up for Pedro(what an angel) and this people that born in Jacaré. Great doc. *****
@@RafaelArdilesLemke Pedro Vieira escreve que está com depressão e a única coisa que você tem para comentar é "Tu não se sente mal por Portugal ter explorado o Brasil por tantos anos?". O Brasil é independente há quase 200 anos, esquece isso, Pedro Vieira não tem NADA a ver com a exploração do Brasil por Portugal.
tens de definir pequenos e grandes objectivos. os grandes são pra definir o rumo, a direção da tua vida, os pequenos é pra te satisfazeres a nivel pessoal e pra te dar mais força pra continuar a lutar e chegares onde queres. tenta perceber o que gostas e aquilo que te imaginas a fazer daqui a 10 anos e pro resto da tua vida, quando o conseguires não penses duas vezes, simplesmente vai. se caires vais aprender com isso, levanta te e continua, a vida é pros fortes, não é para aqueles que desistem perante a primeira adversidade. Peace and good luck
Força mano! Quem ainda está vivo nunca diga nunca. Já estive psicologicamente na merda e sei bem como é. Nesses momentos, pensava em ser grato por ter um teto para dormir e um prato de comida à minha frente. Hoje em dia, estou mais forte e com mais foco para aquilo que realmente quero. Desejo-te o mesmo!
The harsh reality of this documentary is hauntingly beautiful. This footage needs to be seen by millions. The barber is doing an act of community service for his people and he needs to be funded in order to help more people.
And some of that money went into building walls on the roads that were against the favela’s direction so the busses driving the olympians didn’t see anything...
Seeing this makes me want to really take a look at my own life, im so fortunate I live in the UK, have an education and opportunity. This man is as close to a hero as you can get, respect and love to this great man.
yoo, my dream is to travel to UK, but now with this situation in brazil its impossible for me, i just want a good life, really you live in a good place and enjoy it
Congrats for realizing this. Brazil is a country of extremes: I live in Rio, too, But I have a comfortable life. I don’t struggle like these people in the video. Watching it makes me take a look at my own life, too.
Fr he has that artist touch more practice he can go to tattoos and damn he be making good money, that chaves cut was so god better then half of the people in the states.
This barbershop owner is very wise and has pure heart. World needs people like him. Someone who can inspire you to do great things. Ultimate Respects for him!!!
I have such a mad respect for Brazilian people, even though the situation in those places they seem that they are happy, dancing and smiling at everyone, being nice and friendly people, that’s the true human spirit
Brazilian people don't think like that. They just want someone to make money for them.... They don't care. Most of them think the same stupid thing... "Is nice to see you doing well but never better than me"
I am Brazilian, and in fact the political situation in our country is unfortunately the way that many of you think, often worse, here they don't really take politics seriously
And yet people want the same people who wasted billions on the Olympics commanding our country AGAIN. I live in São Paulo and when I see people relatively near me living in this kind of atmosphere makes me feel so bad.
the people starving applaused olympics and acording these people if you are against spend money in olympics you were a fascist who want maintein people in poverty...........this madness actually happen.............liberals being liberals
And as a brazillian i can assure you that every single aspect of this documentary is a perfectly accurate representation of what is the favela's daily life, specially in barbershops which is probably brazil's most loved profession lol
This whole barbershop is relatable because we literally have the same atmosphere here in North Africa watching this video I felt like this is no different of what we experience here.
People like him should be glorified and not those mainstream tv celebrities,gangsters,hot women and rich men.he's a true definition of hero and is the face you see when you search for the word "community"
I would not glorify him. If he rents only 18 of 25 chairs he has available he will make in 2 days what most people in that neighborhood will take the whole month on miminum wages. I don't say he is a good bussiness man because a good bussiness man would at least paint the walls so the place doesn't look like a war zone.
O Brasil me lembra meu país, a Colômbia, a situação da violência nas ruas é muito parecida, mas sempre tem gente boa com coração que só pensa em ficar bem, não pude deixar de chorar. um grande abraço para o brasil da colômbia... 🇧🇷🇨🇴
Isso que você falou é o real sentido de ser latino americano, é ver, saber e sentir o que seu irmão, vizinho está passando, seja na Argentina, Brasil, Bolívia, Colômbia, Venezuela, Equador, Nicarágua, México e todos os outros. Estamos sofrendo ainda reflexos da colonialismo e do imperialismo, principalmente dos EUA que prega uma ideologia burra contra países asiáticos e a Rússia. Esses mesmos EUA que impõe isso aos nossos governantes sem personalidade, são eles que pegam todos negócios que antes nós latino americanos tínhamos. É uma conta que nunca vai bater, nós sempre ficaremos no negativo.
@@Mauricio.Ramos75 Colonialismo americano no Brasil? Fala sério, brasileiro sempre querendo jogar a merda que eles mesmo fizeram nos outros, uma hora é nos portugueses pela cultura da corrupção, na outra é nos russos pelo comunismo, alguns jogam a culpa na China por ela estar comprando negócios brasileiros e agora até nos EUA, quando vão aceitar que a culpa de estarmos na completa desgraça é culpa do próprio povo brasileiro com seu dna sujo e sua impureza e desonestidade descontrolada? Um exemplo é o jeitinho brasileiro, o número de homicídios, o número de furtos e roubos, o brasileiro sempre busca a forma mais fácil e isso é refletido em nossa política. Quantos não apoiaram o FHC, o PT e até o Bolsonaro, um trio de incompetentes, um fez merda e era corrupto, o outro fodeu o país e era extremamente corrupto, o último só é um idiota inútil que toma 5 ações merdas para uma ação boa, no fim tudo isso reflete numa nação miserável e falida como o Brasil, fruto de uma série de incompetentes e de brasileiros idiotas que elegeram idiotas! Quer exemplos de nações que estão bem hoje em dia? Japão que tomou um pau dos EUA e hoje estão ótimos (aliás são até controlados pelos estadunidenses), Canadá, Países Nórdicos, Singapura, Coréia do Sul, Austrália, boa parte da Europa (destaque para Alemanha e França que foram destruídos nas duas guerras mundiais e até hoje são países bons para se viver... ou eram). O que o Brasil precisa é de um povo disposto a melhorar o país ou consertar a merda que fizeram durante séculos, um povo com mente forte, honestidade, capacidade mínima de escolher um bom candidato, isso sim colocaria o Brasil no lugar que deveria estar desde os primórdios.
@@Mauricio.Ramos75 E pegar negócios/oportunidades antes que nós latinos americanos termos pego? O mercado livre é da Argentina, agora eles são inimigos por roubar o mercado brasileiro? Apenas aproveitaram a oportunidade, coisa que o brasileiro mal pode fazer POR CULPA DO PRÓPRIO GOVERNO! Governo que enfia tanta burocracia que só político pode abrir uma empresa que dê certo nessa merda.
Na Colômbia ainda existe um cartel de controle de plantação de drogas, o Brasil não tem isso aqui eles compram dos carteis da Colômbia, México, Peru, Bolívia, Venezuela, Paraguai não temos uma organização igual a Farc no Brasil, aqui Comando Vermelho e Primeiro Comando da Capital não chega aos pés da Farc, mas pra clarear a mente de quem não sabe Farc e um grupo comunista revolucionário de narcotraficantes, aquele mesmo grupinho aonde a Federal do Brasil teve que ir até a Colômbia prender Beira Mar o mesmo Beira Mar que na época do governo Cabral e Lula dizia que existia uma grande sujeira na política e disse que era peixe pequeno mas não quis citar nomes pra não morrer com a língua queimada igual aconteceu com Celso Daniel. É o lindo e maravilhoso comunismo que é até hoje é a pior ideologia do mundo, continua dominando Colômbia, Brasil, Argentina, Venezuela tudo a mando do Foro de SP e com ordens de países que possuem ditadores eternos como Putin na Rússia e Xi Jinping na China. Por tanto não pense que Brasileiros ou Colombianos estão livres de virarem uma Venezuela.
13:42 The captions: "you want it thin?" "Yeah, but make sure it's a straight line, ok?" What he literally said: "you want it thin?" "Yeah but don't do shit in my hair"
as a brazilian this really means a lot to me, people don't really see how sad and poor the life in the favelas are, they only see the pretty part of rio. i was born and raised in rio too but there are things that even i didn't know that were happening and this documentary really catches it. thank you for that.
Sim cara, eu odeio aqueles comentários que descrevem nosso país como: "O melhor lugar para se viver" , é ridículo eles não ao menos falarem a respeito desse caos que é o verdadeiro Rio de Janeiro
@@akamanto-1585 sim, eu digo e repito que O meu RJ e o meu Jacarézinho não mudou nada mano. Só acha o Brasil perfeito quem tapa o olho pra realidade do Brasil
Aka Manto - 赤マント o Brasil nunca foi só o Rio de Janeiro ,eu sei que ninguém fica na merda por que quer,mas o Brasil é muito grande o povo acha que é só Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo , se esse povo pudesse morar em outras cidades do país para popularizar ,outras partes o Rio de Janeiro diminuiria as favelas.
“The Devil is trying to take your peace and your patience, don’t let him.” Wow that hit me 😢 I pray God continues to bless this man and protect him as he saves souls on his journey. 🙏🏾
I'm watching this from Joburg, South Africa! I don't have much but my heart cries out to help these people. I can relate to them. I love the Hope that this Barbara brings to his community
@@bernardofontes262Not so much the police brutality part, but drugs and crime are a major problem in South African townships (favelas). And it’s all due to our overly greedy and corrupt communist government called the ANC.
@@justjaay1203 Correct, but he's bringing them in, providing them with the equipment, teaching them, keeping them off the dangerous streets, and giving them a hope for the future like the kid 4:05
In these favelas is hard to a child survive, in some cases the kid is forced to work early because his family needs money. This make the child sell drugs and jobing for an mafia
I love how as a Mexican, I can kind of understand their language. I used to think it was definitely different in grammar and spelling but it really isn’t so contrast! Many times throughout this Doc I would look up from the subtitles and just watch life in Brazil listening to their language as if i was their. The doc made a great job with its cinematography, facts, and candid captures of the people living there. I hope everyone is safe and also hope more people in 1st world countries can see how privileged our lives are and can appreciate theirs.
Curioso porque eu também entendo melhor o espanhol falado por mexicanos. Acho mais limpo, já dos argentinos e paraguaios acho mais difícil mesmo estando mais próximo.
@@lolbadz430 Mais de 2 milhões de pessoas vivem nesses "locais abandonados" Isso só no nosso RJ É foda eu ver isso e ver que desde quando eu me mudei do jacaré em 2014 Não mudou nada.
O Meu Nick é justamente para explicar onde um suburbanocarioca pode chegar, conheço muito bem essas comunidades e sua realidade cruel, fruto de um desgoverno de DÉCADAS, que sempre usou o pobre como massa de votos! Não tem nada haver com o atual governo e sim como deixaram e nunca fizeram nada para ajudar essas pessoas sai GOVERNO e entra novo e nada muda
Now, you guys see what is the real Rio de janeiro. Rio isn’t soccer and samba, Rio is Corruption and inequality. I wish my city could be called again by: Cidade Maravilhosa.
@@Lucas_1902 não, NÃO ERA. Foi justamente nessa época que o governo começou a investir em propaganda, enquanto as favelas cresciam a todo vapor. Tiravam miseráveis no centro para construir quadras padronizadas, cheias de predinhos bregas e fora de época, copiando na maior cara de pau um modelo francês. Enquanto isso, os pobres e fudidos se aglomeravam nos morros. Foi justamente no século 20 que a merda começou, amigão. N caia nessa propagandinha tosca de "cidade maravilhosa". O rio é cruel, é triste. Uma cidade para poucos.
cuanta lucha y cuanto amor por ayudar a los necesitados , se parece a mi barrio callao .....un abrazo y bendiciones a los jovenes luchadores de brazil , desde callao / peru
Mick Burton sad to see the youths couldn’t give a fuck to clean up the hair they cut and he’s cleaning up after hem after giving each one of them an opportunity to work there
This video makes me feel happy and sad inside at the same time, Brazil is actually one of my favorite countries I plan to visit one day. I want to give Brazil a big hug I actually think they are the most nicest/sweetest people you will ever meet much much love from USA 🇧🇷x🇺🇸🙏🙏🙏🙏❤❤❤❤❤💙💙💙💙💚💚💚💚💚💚
yeaa, true. I'm from Rio city, and I approve the verity of this documentary, it's part of our history. I just wouldn't judge it as the 'sad history', because even in these places, we can find a lot of joy, happiness and union, than we'd in the richest sites of our city.
My parents were born In anopheles I think that’s how you spell it but they said to me that goi g to rio was a death trap and to never step foot there without someone who is expierienced there
I lived a few years in the northeast of Brazil. By all regards an economically challenged area. I didn’t know the language or the culture before moving there. I can honestly say that, before marrying my beautiful wife and having kids, living in Brazil was the best thing that had ever happened to me. Rich culture, samba, soccer, hard working people and feijuada (a stew of beans with beef and pork)... and that’s all you need! The people would be so much more prosperous if their corrupt government didn’t get in their way! Vivá Brasil!!
dam you definitely a gringo cuz you spelled both feijuada and vivá wrong but I appreaciate your efforts to write that without googling and such. thanks for appreciating our culture and our way of living, I wish you the best for your marriage.
Oh shit I think I might know what dish your talking about. My grandma makes something like that called carne en su jugo. I love that shit so much it fill you up so much and is so delicious.
@@Victor-ol1zu Although this is a Mexican TV show from 70s to 80s, it reprises on TV since then till nowadays in Brazil. It is known in Brazil as Chaves. Literally EVERYONE knows or ever watched this TV show. This was the childhood of many people.
From India , it's a strange how the situation and people look similar. Situated on opposite end , joined by destiny, politicians and empty stomachs. Less drugs though. Here the drug is religion.
Politicians in Brazil pretend they don’t see people living in a bad situation because the amount of really poor people is relative small compared to India who has 1 billion people and having half of the population in a bad situation
Amal, we are not to diferent, the guy who rules that city is a preacher, his church was expelled from Angola by racism and thievery. The state of Rio de Janeiro was ruled by a judge under the christian political party. Bolsonaro is supported by these religious guys, too.
In Brazil, this places are fixed with the drug stigma, people think that all the drugs come from the favela, and that all the people there are drug dealers, addicteds and cartel faction members, actually has many humble workers
Brazil too bro, many times some guy is elected cuz he said more about Christ, if u add Christ to ur talking as a candidate, already a lot of christians will vote on you
Poor people, but here in Mexico the situation is very similar. Be strong Brazil and don’t wait for the government to make a change, fight for your dreams and take your destiny in your own hands.
What a fantastic documentary! I was on holiday in Brazil for 4 months, both in Rio and Sao Paulo. I got to experience everything that is possible to experience, and I just have to say that it is as sad as it gets. The streets, the drugs, the bandits, the beggars, prostitutes.. so sad to see all that because Brazil is a beautiful country with a lot of potential. I went through a hard period before I visited the country, and thank God I did, it made a big impression on me. There were periods where I feared for my life, because I am a "gringo" in their eyes even though I am just an ordinary foreigner. I never felt safe even though the police were there anyway, it was just extra fear.. I miss coxinha and pastel, seriously one of the best things I've eaten in my life. Long live Brazil, stay strong brothers💪🏻💪🏻 greetings from Norway🤙🏻
I am Brazilian and I have lived in Brazil for 40 years and I can tell you that Brazil goes beyond Rio and São Paulo. In 4 months you have known absolutely nothing. I’ve never been robbed and I’ve never had a problem with it. Brazil is like any other country in the world. All countries have problems with crime, especially in the capitals. Your country may be different, but this poverty and crime are also found in the USA, Canada, England, Europe, Australia... you need to face reality.
I was like “it’s your salon, and they don’t even clean their own workspace!?! Tell them to take a hike!” Realized towards the end that he’s such a good guy he’d rather accept people for who they are and give them an opportunity instead of letting them go over something so little, given the circumstances of their environment.
But the part of doing a job good is doing the whole job, every part of it. If you want to never be replaced in a job, do not make yourself replaceable. This may mean working yourself into the ground but you will always have a job.
@@ellenmcdaniel1550 it's not a job? I dont know why hes even complaining lol. He rents out the chair for the barbers, they pay HIM to use the chair and then make comissions, he really has no right to ask them to clean if he's gonna operate like that lol.
@@CalebBerman The Gospel in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 sums up our salvation in that it says we are saved by trusting in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of our sins. Ephesians 2:8-9 tells us how we are saved by grace through our faith and that our salvation is THE GIFT OF GOD.
@@ellenmcdaniel1550 i dont know about working yourself to the ground but yes making yourself ireaplaceable is very important in todays world along with making sure your employer is easily replaceable too
Yea this man comes off as a literal modern saint. I mean, what were the qualifications for sainthood back in the biblical/medieval times except the (very debatable and flimsy) miracle after death? I nominate him.
Lived in LATAM 4 years, 2 in Argentina ( Buenos Aires) and 2 in Brazil ( POA), I know perfectly the reality. This is a mentor and a guardian angel for those kids! Absolutely great video, this is a great report! Blessings!
I'm wondering why the fuck she left São Paulo to live in a Rio slum, even if she was already living in poverty in São Paulo the slums there are still much better than here lol. Why leave the state with the least violent crime, rates that are on par with some US states (the bad ones but still) to live in Rio? and a slum even, I'm guessing family or something like this otherwise she's bonkers.
I had seen this episode for like 3 times and it's inspirational for me because of the quality of the editing and integrity to reality, congratulations for being real with your watchers and for showing the reality as hard as it could be!
This is the most well shot, well lit, well sounding documentary I've ever seen. And I've seen a lot, UA-cam is practically where I live. Its no less than the best art film ever made, life affirming, honest, beautiful, musical and most importantly shows that love is wise and hate is just foolish.
I agree with both of you, but I believe the the first person meant that the figures of speech of people from those areas and social economic conditions have their own complexity, hard to be translated between languages.
i cant believe they dont clean up after themselves or show that they appreciate the opportunity to learn FOR FREEEEEE. but what he said about not being able to change someone is 100% true.
The youngsters are in the bevel of the criminality, In this situation any conflict can trigger the revolt and the acceptance to change to the side of the crime.
To my friend Pedro. I may have made a comment here before but I feel like I need to tell you again and remind everybody of how a special you are. You're a godsend to many people. You have given many people opportunities to change their life for the better. You may not be asking for any rewards or thinking of what somebody can do for you but I promise you brother God sees what you're doing and he's going to take care of you. One of my favorite quotes is "do good in the world, get good back." I will continue to pray for you and your family and all of Brazil. I wish that I could help you move your barber shop to a better area. Your friend from New York, USA Gary 🙏💪🇧🇷🇺🇸☦️🛐❤️
Excellent documentary! This is better quality than those on Netflix or even HBO. God bless that man. He is helping out his community so much. You can tell he is a good man.
I lived in Brazil (Sao Paul) ten years ago. My parents went there for work as expats ans we had a very comfortable life in a wealthy neighborhood. Still, you could see poverty right arround the corner. It felt like there were two Sao Paulos: one, a vibrant metropolitan city with all the things you would expect from a first world city; the other, a very poor and cruel society were people struggled to make a living. Brazilian people are amazing and they wilk Always be in my heart. I hope they can improve their situation soon, because Brazil is an amazing place with may way to go. Um abraço para todos os Brasileiros!!!
That's the same with Rio de Janeiro. I live in Rio de Janeiro, but not downtown. Where I live, I believe there is only one small favela on a hill. The rest of the city is buildings and houses, and when I visited the center on a school trip, it was like this, one side was extremely beautiful, elegant... And the other side was abandoned.
I'm in love with Brazil and I've got to say that I hadn't seen this side of Brazil before. Woww, it's emotional and sad to see that their government doesn't do anything to help these people!
The gov is the reason and origin of our problems we live what you gringos call Social democracy or assistencialist state.Sometimes I think brazil is one brink closer to socialism.The gov taxes and put regulations in imports exports we pay 100% to 50% taxes on the value of cars. It's almost impossible for an company to open here or even stay here without lobbyists in the government
Uma coisa que ninguém falou foi do cabelereiro humilde de mais que abriu as portas para muitos jovens e para moça que chegou de SP máximo respeito sei que não vai ver esse comentário mas que Deus abençoe e mais pessoas como esse rapaz!
The humanity of the barber owner really touches my soul... God bless him for taking the initiative to improve living conditions of those living in the favelas.
This is the 4th of 6 episodes of the series "Barber Shop". Click here to watch the other episodes: bit.ly/BarberShopSeries
Any contact with Pedro? Got something to say to him, got ideas i would like to discuss with him?
wocomoHUMANITY t
how can I contact pedro? is there any way to talk to him?
Go fund for the owner pleass o f the shop
the barbershop owner is a barber, a mentor, a teacher, a drug addiction counselor, and a preacher. all in one place place. only in brazil.
Y'all have soccer capoeira and soul get out that poverty shit and dont let the world tell your stories for you...Blessing from Kush empire Africa
I wish people of color would mentor like that here in the U.S. All a lot of people of color look for here is Money, bling and sex, all the while the children are running the streets and moms are heartbroken. People of Color in the U.S are spoiled and dont know real poverty.
@@zeusincoming282 the effects of poverty and anti-blackness are global.
The biggest problem in black society is Self Loathing. We reject each other because we reject ourselves, and when we look at each other, we see our selves, Mirror effect.
This is how a documentary should be made. This is excellent. Pure storytelling, no unnecessary commentary or dramatic music... Just beautifully authentic filming and interviewing.
This is underrated
It was wonderful, I felt there.
@@___Guilherme___ What's the truth behind it then?
Guilherme Lelis It actually is the raw reality of what communities in Brazil are. Idk what you’re complaining about to be honest, this comes from a fellow brazilian, by the way.
Dude, you make honor to your name, damn
This documentary is underrated.
Ronnie G you should set up a go fund me for maintenance of interior of shop and equipment etc
@@elleJay-mb4yn just like the one they do for the indian barbers.
Brazil is a rich country but their system is not doing enough to help the poor.
Yeah, i'm brazillian and this is underrated
I watched it throughly very well made.
Dude getting shaved: "You're cutting me everywhere"
Barber: "That's part of it" 🤣
Life's rough
they are a happy people like my own Mexicans. i love how they smile the joy is easy to see
@@JR-em3mo He wasn't smiling though.
Looked for this comment
On my way to work i passed by the barber shop everyday for 3 years. I COULD NEVER IMAGINE the social work this guy did. All i saw was junkers, dealers, robers... it's sad, i fell ashamed to have think that. I always tought the place was a disguise to sell drugs. I thank you for the doc
Is it safe to live where you live for normal people who don't do drugs and stuff like that? Answer me please thanks
this kind of realitys are more commom on Rio, here were i live people dont even know about the life in favelas even if you are not rich
Maghreb Al 3arabi what u need a answer for? You plan on moving there?
@@juswolf22 No only wanted to know i'm just curious lol😊
This guy has done more for the Rio community with a tiny run-down barbershop than a cabinet of politicians will achieve in the entirety of their careers.
Do you know this guy ? C
I guess genuinely caring will make a difference
@Niel Coetzee I agree he's awesome with endless patience. His shop may be a little run down, but with 25 stations that's hardly tiny. I have seen that no where in Florida, not even the more expensive ones.
@@zoyalis1487 Cc cc. C cc cc. C. C. M
That's because he actually cares about the community.
The fact that no one helps him clean up at the salon pisses me off.
ikr? but he was right on saying that you can't teach them if they don't want to
is that what pisses you the most?
At least he's getting his cut when they rent out the seats. As long as money coming in then you're golden. No point kicking up a fuss.
@@luanantunes8551 what pisses me off the most, is how the police bully the people of the favelas, they are supposed to help, but it sounds like they just make the violence worse.
@@sayittomyfaceortapglassfar4392 like police pretty much everywhere in the world
The barber could have used his skills to make money for himself but he decided to share that knowledge with his community and to help them make a living for themselves. He is more than just a barber. I wish nothing but blessings to him and his barber shop.
Yeah he is amazing
Exactly bro. He couldve earned a lot of money and just move out the favela with his family and i wouldnt see a problem with that either if he didnt fuk up anyone. But he even decided to stay there even tho he have money. But the gangs are smart and they know that he didnt fuk them up just minding his business and thats why he is there alive.
As a Brazilian I can say, when he said "this is the olympic city" that was not a joke. The government spent tons of money for the futebol's infra but the city itself and its people rarely will benefit from that in a lifetime.
I know, Rio is not the only city facing such issues and yes I know this documentary was highly focused on this (awesome) barber and Rio's community is WAY bigger than that, I know, but still, so lame! This man is doing more for his community than lots of other politicians.
Congratulation to whoever did this documentary, better than some big TV channels we have here.
+1 sub
Eu moro em Cachambi, bem do lado da bandeira2, do jacaré. Esse ultimo sabado (09/05) teve MUITO tiroteio na parte da manha. Durou a manha INTEIRA! Poucas horas depois do ocorrido, fiquei sabendo que foi uma troca de tiro entre os traficantes e policiais, cujo os mesmos queriam impedir traficantes que liberassem cestas basicas pros moradores do Jacaré. Em meio a toda essa pandemia, muitas pessoas praticamente passando fome, pois não conseguiram receber o auxílio e a polícia ainda faz uma vergonha dessa... As favelas do Rio estão jogadas. Isso é uma vergonha! Na barra se vê tudo organizado. Passou das áreas nobres do Rio, tudo jogado as cinzas... Vergonha desse estado...
@@cavalcs Caramba q complicado a realidade do Rio hein ... Por outro lado não sabia q eles tentam ajudar assim, muito maneiro! Pena q a polícia não tem colaborado
Why do you think the governement don't care about these neightborhoods?
OverDose exactly and keep them treat each other like shit ...and pointing other by finger etc...
@OverDose for real , why the gov don't care about these neighbhoods?
I don’t have everything but I’m humble with what I have after watching this . Stay blessed if you reading this
Valeu !
then i just stopped to think that i have a pc and a tv in my bedroom and there are people that just do anything to keep alive waiting for something to change the next day... =/
@@leo.__ but you don’t have air con lol or a future. Or dignity. I prefer to have rights and future instead a dirty tv or obsolete computer.
@@leo.__ well if you became a lawyer keep writing NOW you’re no one and a poor sad guy with no future. When you get a title open your mouth.
They have such bad equipment but they do really good haircuts. Respect
I feel like theres a saying for that but I forget it....
@@picklejuice6699 a good craftman never blames his tools?
@@isardprat7900 , ooh yeah u got it ahaha
Hiiiii, I'm a Brazilian from Mato Grosso and uh... yes.. we do have favelas and this sort of environments, but, it's not all the Brazil, i could try to make a hugeeee explanation about how things are and the " two kinds " of political sides that we have in here.
@@Luccy_wq why are u being so random sayin this out of nowhere?
Esse homem merece um reconhecimento nacional , ou, melhor dito, mundial!
Demorei pra achar um comentário de brasileiro
I´m a portuguese guy sitting in front of my laptop,i`ve been a litlle depressed and lost this days trying to figure oit out my future,i had all the possibilites from my parents and i failure for my fault.
Oh man i cried watching this doc thinking how bless am i... what is my depression compare to this?in Jacaré there`s no time for depressions for sure. Big up for Pedro(what an angel) and this people that born in Jacaré. Great doc. *****
@@RafaelArdilesLemke calma aí CR kk
@@RafaelArdilesLemke Pedro Vieira escreve que está com depressão e a única coisa que você tem para comentar é "Tu não se sente mal por Portugal ter explorado o Brasil por tantos anos?". O Brasil é independente há quase 200 anos, esquece isso, Pedro Vieira não tem NADA a ver com a exploração do Brasil por Portugal.
força aí meu puto!
tens de definir pequenos e grandes objectivos. os grandes são pra definir o rumo, a direção da tua vida, os pequenos é pra te satisfazeres a nivel pessoal e pra te dar mais força pra continuar a lutar e chegares onde queres. tenta perceber o que gostas e aquilo que te imaginas a fazer daqui a 10 anos e pro resto da tua vida, quando o conseguires não penses duas vezes, simplesmente vai. se caires vais aprender com isso, levanta te e continua, a vida é pros fortes, não é para aqueles que desistem perante a primeira adversidade.
Peace and good luck
Força mano! Quem ainda está vivo nunca diga nunca. Já estive psicologicamente na merda e sei bem como é. Nesses momentos, pensava em ser grato por ter um teto para dormir e um prato de comida à minha frente. Hoje em dia, estou mais forte e com mais foco para aquilo que realmente quero. Desejo-te o mesmo!
The harsh reality of this documentary is hauntingly beautiful. This footage
needs to be seen by millions. The barber is doing an act of community service for his people and he needs to be funded in order to help more people.
Maybe we gotta edit a tik tok video. People way more active there on founding people like him 👍
@@goldsteinist 💀💀💀💀💀💀
@@milky.7219 it’s true, TikTok has a major influence.
@@CalebBerman god is my brother
@@Hermanator1124ello, brother. We meet again... Make sure you take your trash out in cloud 9.
Rio spent billions on the olympics but look at how these people are living.
Same here in indonesia
Rio is like this, you're a millionare or poor
@@andrehashimoto yes
And some of that money went into building walls on the roads that were against the favela’s direction so the busses driving the olympians didn’t see anything...
@@barrymccockner3683 There's a whole video on this that shows the wall and the both sides.
I wish there were a series of this. We don't need fake shows like Kardashians we need real people like this
Seeing this makes me want to really take a look at my own life, im so fortunate I live in the UK, have an education and opportunity. This man is as close to a hero as you can get, respect and love to this great man.
yes u are
iBocks no shit captain obvious no need to sassy replies
yoo, my dream is to travel to UK, but now with this situation in brazil its impossible for me, i just want a good life, really you live in a good place and enjoy it
Congrats for realizing this. Brazil is a country of extremes: I live in Rio, too, But I have a comfortable life. I don’t struggle like these people in the video. Watching it makes me take a look at my own life, too.
Well, your country is partially to be blamed. They ate up and exploited most of these countries and left them in ruins.
The man doing art on the head would be making bank in the states....shit was clean....way better than most tattoos
Fr he has that artist touch more practice he can go to tattoos and damn he be making good money, that chaves cut was so god better then half of the people in the states.
Ong bro. I'd love him to give me a fly cut with some nice art on the back of my head
Right I was thinking the same thing
This man is an angel to his community...hope these younglings value the opportunity they are given
Amen! 🙏😊
I agree, man like this are angels and they’re everywhere
I cried like a baby
This man is a gift from God
@@MegaNicolemarie where you from
This man should get international recognition for his work of helping those young guys.
They don’t have top name products but they are Thankful for what they got and don’t complain and get to work. Wish them much success
Thanks to this video I think im rich now
huntersaw1 we are very fortunate
They get down
God bless America boys
Literally the entire time they are complaining lol what video did you watch?
The owner is actually a good guy. There aren’t many people in the world who are this gracious and understanding.
Think of the struggle that is living in Brazil's favelas. The richer the city, the bigger the social gap. It's anguishing, trust me
Craziest part is the although their country does not care for them, they are some of the proudest people to be from where they are from...
We hate our government, but we love our country, people and culture
the only 2 things i dont like about my country are predatory capitalism and the government, love the culture tho
I meant in general. Lower class/poor people in any country are the proudest people to be where they are from...🙂
@@antrax5.745 that's true, most of the time the lower class is very proud of the country but clueless about politics.
@@dflrz123 Yes, as someone already said "Ignorance is a blessing".
This barbershop owner is very wise and has pure heart. World needs people like him. Someone who can inspire you to do great things. Ultimate Respects for him!!!
I have such a mad respect for Brazilian people, even though the situation in those places they seem that they are happy, dancing and smiling at everyone, being nice and friendly people, that’s the true human spirit
Thanks mate,as a Brazilian,i appreciate your kind words !
It's in our blood. We see happiness in struggle and are used to it, for bad or for good.
As a brasileiro nato, I thank you.
It's true like even tho the houses are not fancy everyone knows each other and they know they can count on one another
And also thank u as a Brazilian I'm glad to hear u like our culture
@@claricecastro4657 that respect is really cool tho,also Clarice,do you have an instagram ?
20:15 "I want you to learn and leave my shop and start your own salon", we should all have a boss like this.
I know right.
Exactly except people in life don’t want you to even have the chance to Become something better than them.
Brazilian people don't think like that.
They just want someone to make money for them.... They don't care. Most of them think the same stupid thing...
"Is nice to see you doing well but never better than me"
he aint the boss, he rents out the chairs...he's the owner
Logan Stroganoff if you’re dedicated you will do it. And it’s not expensive there’s other methods like e-commerce
Feels bad for brazil their government wasted billions of dollars on the olympics stadium while the people starve
I am Brazilian, and in fact the political situation in our country is unfortunately the way that many of you think, often worse, here they don't really take politics seriously
brazil or rio? don't blame yourself, we have 26 states, but only Rio is selled as Brazil
The rio don't represent all the country...
And yet people want the same people who wasted billions on the Olympics commanding our country AGAIN. I live in São Paulo and when I see people relatively near me living in this kind of atmosphere makes me feel so bad.
the people starving applaused olympics and acording these people if you are against spend money in olympics you were a fascist who want maintein people in poverty...........this madness actually happen.............liberals being liberals
this is one of the most heartbreaking, most uplifting, most haunting, most beautiful pieces of media i have literally ever seen
"You need to embrace and give opportunities to guys like him. He could die at any moment."
Yikes, this sentence really gave me a goosebumps
What a cruel world we are living in
This is Brazil
This is sadly true :/
The problem is not that he dies, the problem is that he kills another person, remember that he is a bandit!
This guy needs donations towards his shop tbh he’s doing a great thing
everybody on brasil needs a donation
Yes someone should open donation tab for this salon
Do you really think he doesn’t profit of this this is basically a rent the barbers pay him aswell too keep being there
Donations only goes to video games streamers
true friend, i'm also brazilian.
it is good to see that you have humble Americans, although most are ignorant and sow.
This documentary is so well put together you truly feel like a discrete spectator in everyone's lives. Great journalism
1234five truly wonderful
I want more, it was so well done.
@@sayittomyfaceortapglassfar4392 if you want more then see the next episode, this is the forth one of six.
And as a brazillian i can assure you that every single aspect of this documentary is a perfectly accurate representation of what is the favela's daily life, specially in barbershops which is probably brazil's most loved profession lol
You what is speaking,I am brazilian,can translation
Que trabalho fantástico desse homem, com pouco ajuda tanta gente... Que Deus o recompense !
I’m a barber from Newcastle, England , up most respect to these guys in Brazil they have the fade game on down to a T
The fade cut is extremely popular here in brazil, so these guys are literally masters of the fade
At least in Rio barber shops are OPEN! England sucks lol
@@mattg4019 facts
i'm an indonesian, may god bless you all dear brazillian, wish all of u success and get what u want.. Don't give up brothers
🖐 Gob bless you to
I'm indonesian too
I thank you 🙏🏽
Great message! Just a heads up say God with a capital “G” please next time. God bless you too.
I thing he ia the real rich man.
Dude's wearing Lacoste T-shirts, he's not poor, lol.
@@sanchitkumar3377 hahaha you're so naive.
@@Allexish_ Ever heard of *Sarcasm* ?
@@sanchitkumar3377 No.
This whole barbershop is relatable because we literally have the same atmosphere here in North Africa watching this video I felt like this is no different of what we experience here.
People like him should be glorified and not those mainstream tv celebrities,gangsters,hot women and rich men.he's a true definition of hero and is the face you see when you search for the word "community"
I like Kanye west
I would not glorify him. If he rents only 18 of 25 chairs he has available he will make in 2 days what most people in that neighborhood will take the whole month on miminum wages. I don't say he is a good bussiness man because a good bussiness man would at least paint the walls so the place doesn't look like a war zone.
@@lucasrodrigo1983 he probably doesnt have very little money himself, you can tell
I believe he’s someone admirable, let’s not glorify or romanticize anyone
"tá me cortando todo"
"faz parte"
KKK aonde fica essa parte ?
@@juliassss4112 4:51 KKKKKK
@@TRAPLAND1402 e não kkk
O Brasil me lembra meu país, a Colômbia, a situação da violência nas ruas é muito parecida, mas sempre tem gente boa com coração que só pensa em ficar bem, não pude deixar de chorar. um grande abraço para o brasil da colômbia... 🇧🇷🇨🇴
Isso que você falou é o real sentido de ser latino americano, é ver, saber e sentir o que seu irmão, vizinho está passando, seja na Argentina, Brasil, Bolívia, Colômbia, Venezuela, Equador, Nicarágua, México e todos os outros. Estamos sofrendo ainda reflexos da colonialismo e do imperialismo, principalmente dos EUA que prega uma ideologia burra contra países asiáticos e a Rússia. Esses mesmos EUA que impõe isso aos nossos governantes sem personalidade, são eles que pegam todos negócios que antes nós latino americanos tínhamos. É uma conta que nunca vai bater, nós sempre ficaremos no negativo.
@@Mauricio.Ramos75 Colonialismo americano no Brasil? Fala sério, brasileiro sempre querendo jogar a merda que eles mesmo fizeram nos outros, uma hora é nos portugueses pela cultura da corrupção, na outra é nos russos pelo comunismo, alguns jogam a culpa na China por ela estar comprando negócios brasileiros e agora até nos EUA, quando vão aceitar que a culpa de estarmos na completa desgraça é culpa do próprio povo brasileiro com seu dna sujo e sua impureza e desonestidade descontrolada? Um exemplo é o jeitinho brasileiro, o número de homicídios, o número de furtos e roubos, o brasileiro sempre busca a forma mais fácil e isso é refletido em nossa política. Quantos não apoiaram o FHC, o PT e até o Bolsonaro, um trio de incompetentes, um fez merda e era corrupto, o outro fodeu o país e era extremamente corrupto, o último só é um idiota inútil que toma 5 ações merdas para uma ação boa, no fim tudo isso reflete numa nação miserável e falida como o Brasil, fruto de uma série de incompetentes e de brasileiros idiotas que elegeram idiotas! Quer exemplos de nações que estão bem hoje em dia? Japão que tomou um pau dos EUA e hoje estão ótimos (aliás são até controlados pelos estadunidenses), Canadá, Países Nórdicos, Singapura, Coréia do Sul, Austrália, boa parte da Europa (destaque para Alemanha e França que foram destruídos nas duas guerras mundiais e até hoje são países bons para se viver... ou eram). O que o Brasil precisa é de um povo disposto a melhorar o país ou consertar a merda que fizeram durante séculos, um povo com mente forte, honestidade, capacidade mínima de escolher um bom candidato, isso sim colocaria o Brasil no lugar que deveria estar desde os primórdios.
@@Mauricio.Ramos75 E pegar negócios/oportunidades antes que nós latinos americanos termos pego? O mercado livre é da Argentina, agora eles são inimigos por roubar o mercado brasileiro? Apenas aproveitaram a oportunidade, coisa que o brasileiro mal pode fazer POR CULPA DO PRÓPRIO GOVERNO! Governo que enfia tanta burocracia que só político pode abrir uma empresa que dê certo nessa merda.
Na Colômbia ainda existe um cartel de controle de plantação de drogas, o Brasil não tem isso aqui eles compram dos carteis da Colômbia, México, Peru, Bolívia, Venezuela, Paraguai não temos uma organização igual a Farc no Brasil, aqui Comando Vermelho e Primeiro Comando da Capital não chega aos pés da Farc, mas pra clarear a mente de quem não sabe Farc e um grupo comunista revolucionário de narcotraficantes, aquele mesmo grupinho aonde a Federal do Brasil teve que ir até a Colômbia prender Beira Mar o mesmo Beira Mar que na época do governo Cabral e Lula dizia que existia uma grande sujeira na política e disse que era peixe pequeno mas não quis citar nomes pra não morrer com a língua queimada igual aconteceu com Celso Daniel. É o lindo e maravilhoso comunismo que é até hoje é a pior ideologia do mundo, continua dominando Colômbia, Brasil, Argentina, Venezuela tudo a mando do Foro de SP e com ordens de países que possuem ditadores eternos como Putin na Rússia e Xi Jinping na China. Por tanto não pense que Brasileiros ou Colombianos estão livres de virarem uma Venezuela.
igor Teixeira eu concordo totalmente com você 👏👏👏👏👏👏🔥
I am Brazilian and this video is a exact reality of Rio de Janeiro. It is a fantastic job.
The captions: "you want it thin?" "Yeah, but make sure it's a straight line, ok?"
What he literally said: "you want it thin?" "Yeah but don't do shit in my hair"
It's probably he change that because youtube rules or something
@@heitorsb21 portuguese
" don't fuck my hair up'
as a brazilian this really means a lot to me, people don't really see how sad and poor the life in the favelas are, they only see the pretty part of rio. i was born and raised in rio too but there are things that even i didn't know that were happening and this documentary really catches it. thank you for that.
camila vitória crazy to think that how different the rich and poor gap is in a country that have this much potential
I disagree with you, not all those people are sad maybe disappointed with the government but they're happy and proud....
Sim cara, eu odeio aqueles comentários que descrevem nosso país como: "O melhor lugar para se viver" , é ridículo eles não ao menos falarem a respeito desse caos que é o verdadeiro Rio de Janeiro
@@akamanto-1585 sim, eu digo e repito que O meu RJ e o meu Jacarézinho não mudou nada mano.
Só acha o Brasil perfeito quem tapa o olho pra realidade do Brasil
Aka Manto - 赤マント o Brasil nunca foi só o Rio de Janeiro ,eu sei que ninguém fica na merda por que quer,mas o Brasil é muito grande o povo acha que é só Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo , se esse povo pudesse morar em outras cidades do país para popularizar ,outras partes o Rio de Janeiro diminuiria as favelas.
“The Devil is trying to take your peace and your patience, don’t let him.” Wow that hit me 😢 I pray God continues to bless this man and protect him as he saves souls on his journey. 🙏🏾
I'm watching this from Joburg, South Africa! I don't have much but my heart cries out to help these people. I can relate to them. I love the Hope that this Barbara brings to his community
Soweto in your country is very similar to this? I'm from Rio and heard a lot about this favela in south africa
@@bernardofontes262Not so much the police brutality part, but drugs and crime are a major problem in South African townships (favelas). And it’s all due to our overly greedy and corrupt communist government called the ANC.
I was expecting something very different coming in, but I got hooked and stayed till the end. Did not regret a second watching, quality content.
lol same here
This video was a much needed break from the usual brain cell killing content
Digiorno Pizza - fully agree
Faria is a hero, saving those kids lives, he doesn't care about any money, he wants other kids to be successful.
@@justjaay1203 Correct, but he's bringing them in, providing them with the equipment, teaching them, keeping them off the dangerous streets, and giving them a hope for the future like the kid 4:05
not trying to make a profit Money. just trying to keep things going Money.
it just looks like he's trying to Survive and not trying to get Rich is what I meant.
In these favelas is hard to a child survive, in some cases the kid is forced to work early because his family needs money. This make the child sell drugs and jobing for an mafia
@@justjaay1203 oh shut the hell up!
"You're cutting me everywhere boy"
"That's part of it" 😂
Best part of this entire video!😂🤣😂🤣
Hahaha damn the barber is aggressive
I love how as a Mexican, I can kind of understand their language. I used to think it was definitely different in grammar and spelling but it really isn’t so contrast! Many times throughout this Doc I would look up from the subtitles and just watch life in Brazil listening to their language as if i was their. The doc made a great job with its cinematography, facts, and candid captures of the people living there. I hope everyone is safe and also hope more people in 1st world countries can see how privileged our lives are and can appreciate theirs.
I ain't Mexican but as a Spanish speaker I smiled when they spoke:)
Right . I thought my Mexican ah was the only one
Soy brasileño, la similitud del portugués y español es de unos 80%. Yo aún estoy aprendiendo el idioma, solo hablaba portuñol 😅. Saludos
Curioso porque eu também entendo melhor o espanhol falado por mexicanos. Acho mais limpo, já dos argentinos e paraguaios acho mais difícil mesmo estando mais próximo.
I'm brazilian and I have never been in a place like showed in this video. It's very sad to see the how unfair is our country.
Moro perto dai, é foda mano, rj tem seus locais abandonados pelo governo
@@lolbadz430 Mais de 2 milhões de pessoas vivem nesses "locais abandonados"
Isso só no nosso RJ
É foda eu ver isso e ver que desde quando eu me mudei do jacaré em 2014 Não mudou nada.
O Meu Nick é justamente para explicar onde um suburbanocarioca pode chegar, conheço muito bem essas comunidades e sua realidade cruel, fruto de um desgoverno de DÉCADAS, que sempre usou o pobre como massa de votos! Não tem nada haver com o atual governo e sim como deixaram e nunca fizeram nada para ajudar essas pessoas sai GOVERNO e entra novo e nada muda
Not just your country bro almost all developing countries are like this
Now, you guys see what is the real Rio de janeiro. Rio isn’t soccer and samba, Rio is Corruption and inequality.
I wish my city could be called again by: Cidade Maravilhosa.
your city never were a Wonderful City tbh. It all was a propaganda.
@@thiagoklock5064 A propaganda that everybody believed
@@thiagoklock5064 It was in the 20th century
Isso é verdade eu passava em frente dessa barbearia e naquele lugar todo dia pra ir pra escola e lá é bem feio cheio de drogado na rua e tauz
@@Lucas_1902 não, NÃO ERA. Foi justamente nessa época que o governo começou a investir em propaganda, enquanto as favelas cresciam a todo vapor. Tiravam miseráveis no centro para construir quadras padronizadas, cheias de predinhos bregas e fora de época, copiando na maior cara de pau um modelo francês. Enquanto isso, os pobres e fudidos se aglomeravam nos morros. Foi justamente no século 20 que a merda começou, amigão. N caia nessa propagandinha tosca de "cidade maravilhosa". O rio é cruel, é triste. Uma cidade para poucos.
Wow the guy who drew El Chavo del Ocho on his customer's head has talent.
💯💯 on the real note bro , I was shocked when the camera pan to the design ,
A true artist
@@chanderkala6078 is meaningles after 1 week it will be gone probably
@@dan7892 even if it stays only 1 minute it's still an art
cuanta lucha y cuanto amor por ayudar a los necesitados , se parece a mi barrio callao .....un abrazo y bendiciones a los jovenes luchadores de brazil , desde callao / peru
This man has a heart of gold
Mick Burton sad to see the youths couldn’t give a fuck to clean up the hair they cut and he’s cleaning up after hem after giving each one of them an opportunity to work there
@@hippo4g93 Well he is teaching them and maybe with time they too will learn to clean after themselves!
Mario Bastidas true .... did not think of it in the long run
Mick Burton thats the parents
@@mariobastidas3102 He literally said hes given up on trying to get them to clean lol
That guy who does faces in hair, what a talent hes got
Cool design
This guy should earn our utmost respect... He is literally teaching everyone to fish so they can survive..
No, he is literally teaching people to cut hair.
Johnnie Wasr 🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️
Johnnie Wasr 🤦🏽♂️🤦🏽♂️🤦🏽♂️
I guess you folks don't know what the word "literally" means.
Johnnie Wasr lmfao
This video makes me feel happy and sad inside at the same time, Brazil is actually one of my favorite countries I plan to visit one day. I want to give Brazil a big hug I actually think they are the most nicest/sweetest people you will ever meet much much love from USA 🇧🇷x🇺🇸🙏🙏🙏🙏❤❤❤❤❤💙💙💙💙💚💚💚💚💚💚
vem conhecer a favela da rocinha .... eu moro aqui, eu levo você pra conhecer o lado rico e o lado pobre do Rio de Janeiro
I use to go often. Got into a situation over there. I may go back but will be much more careful if I do.
@@negaodusenegal9335 negão tá bobo não, já tá indo na gringa kkkkkkkkk
Come to Brazil one day 🇧🇷 Our country is amazing! You'll be welcome.
This mans shop is an island, a refuge for the young god bless him.
yeaa, true. I'm from Rio city, and I approve the verity of this documentary, it's part of our history. I just wouldn't judge it as the 'sad history', because even in these places, we can find a lot of joy, happiness and union, than we'd in the richest sites of our city.
My parents were born In anopheles I think that’s how you spell it but they said to me that goi g to rio was a death trap and to never step foot there without someone who is expierienced there
I lived a few years in the northeast of Brazil. By all regards an economically challenged area. I didn’t know the language or the culture before moving there. I can honestly say that, before marrying my beautiful wife and having kids, living in Brazil was the best thing that had ever happened to me. Rich culture, samba, soccer, hard working people and feijuada (a stew of beans with beef and pork)... and that’s all you need! The people would be so much more prosperous if their corrupt government didn’t get in their way!
Vivá Brasil!!
Very well said👏🏼
dam you definitely a gringo cuz you spelled both feijuada and vivá wrong
but I appreaciate your efforts to write that without googling and such.
thanks for appreciating our culture and our way of living, I wish you the best for your marriage.
Which city?
@@Trickster1995 As a baiano I write (and speak) feijuada and felt sexually ofended lol
Oh shit I think I might know what dish your talking about. My grandma makes something like that called carne en su jugo. I love that shit so much it fill you up so much and is so delicious.
14:04 he is an artist, he did exactly like the photo😲
The famous chavo del 8 !!!!!
@@Victor-ol1zu Although this is a Mexican TV show from 70s to 80s, it reprises on TV since then till nowadays in Brazil. It is known in Brazil as Chaves. Literally EVERYONE knows or ever watched this TV show. This was the childhood of many people.
ZELKAMEL1 wow 😲!!!!!
egosirius Same in Peru, I think is More famous in Many latin countries than in Mexico
@@egosirius He is really famous in all latin america from mexico to here argentina.
From India , it's a strange how the situation and people look similar. Situated on opposite end , joined by destiny, politicians and empty stomachs. Less drugs though. Here the drug is religion.
Politicians in Brazil pretend they don’t see people living in a bad situation because the amount of really poor people is relative small compared to India who has 1 billion people and having half of the population in a bad situation
Amal, we are not to diferent, the guy who rules that city is a preacher, his church was expelled from Angola by racism and thievery. The state of Rio de Janeiro was ruled by a judge under the christian political party. Bolsonaro is supported by these religious guys, too.
In Brazil, this places are fixed with the drug stigma, people think that all the drugs come from the favela, and that all the people there are drug dealers, addicteds and cartel faction members, actually has many humble workers
Brazil too bro, many times some guy is elected cuz he said more about Christ, if u add Christ to ur talking as a candidate, already a lot of christians will vote on you
Determinism isnt a large believe here, some people can get out of the favelas and change your lifes.
Menininho: vai fazer merda no meu cabelo não ein
tradução: certifique -se de que vai ficar reto o corte
Melhor parte kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
mano que mancada traduzirem desse jeito, bonitinho. tem que ser realista pô kkkkk
é pq era o menozinho e devem ter ficado escaldados de botar a real kkkkk
Little kid: "tu não vai fazer merda no meu cabelo não hein"
Legenda: make sure it's a straight line
E o lerdao que nao gosta do chaves mais lança na cabeça kkkk
@@exploradormarciano6619 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 pior zé
Very surprised how much I enjoyed this one. This barbershop is hope for a lot of people. What a selfless act of kindness from this man
Poor people, but here in Mexico the situation is very similar.
Be strong Brazil and don’t wait for the government to make a change, fight for your dreams and take your destiny in your own hands.
Mexico is much much worse that Brazil.
@@kyloren9972 tbh I'm not sure what to think, both are just as terrible :/
@@kyloren9972 Brazil is more dangerous
@@kyloren9972 no it’s not😭💀y’all believe every stereotype about Mexico. In Mexico as long as you mind your business you live a peaceful life
@@kup6659 no it’s not Brasil don’t got cartels lol not with guns like Mexico they get they guns from USA way way better
Po me emocionei com o que esse cara faz, dá oportunidade pra pessoas que ninguém mais daria, esse tem o meu respeito.
Quem são eles ?
"You need to embrace and give opportunities to guys like him.
He could die at any moment."
God, I won't ever forget these words.
What a fantastic documentary! I was on holiday in Brazil for 4 months, both in Rio and Sao Paulo. I got to experience everything that is possible to experience, and I just have to say that it is as sad as it gets. The streets, the drugs, the bandits, the beggars, prostitutes.. so sad to see all that because Brazil is a beautiful country with a lot of potential. I went through a hard period before I visited the country, and thank God I did, it made a big impression on me. There were periods where I feared for my life, because I am a "gringo" in their eyes even though I am just an ordinary foreigner. I never felt safe even though the police were there anyway, it was just extra fear.. I miss coxinha and pastel, seriously one of the best things I've eaten in my life. Long live Brazil, stay strong brothers💪🏻💪🏻 greetings from Norway🤙🏻
"I got to experience everything that is possible to experience". In four months? Hahaha You gringos are so arrogant 😅
It’s an unspoken rule to always go with a Brazilian person. Maybe a guide or a friend. They’ll keep you out of trouble,
I am Brazilian and I have lived in Brazil for 40 years and I can tell you that Brazil goes beyond Rio and São Paulo. In 4 months you have known absolutely nothing. I’ve never been robbed and I’ve never had a problem with it. Brazil is like any other country in the world. All countries have problems with crime, especially in the capitals. Your country may be different, but this poverty and crime are also found in the USA, Canada, England, Europe, Australia... you need to face reality.
é isso, e não liga pra comentarios, que brasileiro nao sabe interpretar texto
Próxima vez que vier ao Brasil, conheça Porto seguro, porto de galinhas ou qualquer outra região litorânea do nordeste.
the dude that made el chavo design just shows to prove how much talent there really is but poverty makes it harder for them to really show it off
El ? who taught you that ? ahahahah
@@amai-w8f that's how it is in Spanish, teacher. Besides that, who taught you to put spaces before "?"?.
@@vitor-hc3os Who taught you to put a full stop after a question mark?
It's a cheracter from a show called El Chavo del ocho it's popular all over Latin America so it's raight how he said it
I was like “it’s your salon, and they don’t even clean their own workspace!?! Tell them to take a hike!” Realized towards the end that he’s such a good guy he’d rather accept people for who they are and give them an opportunity instead of letting them go over something so little, given the circumstances of their environment.
But the part of doing a job good is doing the whole job, every part of it. If you want to never be replaced in a job, do not make yourself replaceable. This may mean working yourself into the ground but you will always have a job.
@@ellenmcdaniel1550 it's not a job? I dont know why hes even complaining lol. He rents out the chair for the barbers, they pay HIM to use the chair and then make comissions, he really has no right to ask them to clean if he's gonna operate like that lol.
The Gospel in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 sums up our salvation in that it says we are saved by trusting in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of our sins.
Ephesians 2:8-9 tells us how we are saved by grace through our faith and that our salvation is THE GIFT OF GOD.
@@ellenmcdaniel1550 i dont know about working yourself to the ground but yes making yourself ireaplaceable is very important in todays world along with making sure your employer is easily replaceable too
Yea this man comes off as a literal modern saint. I mean, what were the qualifications for sainthood back in the biblical/medieval times except the (very debatable and flimsy) miracle after death? I nominate him.
Customer: You're cutting me everywhere, boy.
The boy: That's part of it.
I couldn't imagine him trying to draw blood 😂
"You are poking me everywhere boy"
"That's part of it"..
@@drizzy6302 Dude giving the haircut was extra rough the entire time
The answer should have been, well you ant dead
Lived in LATAM 4 years, 2 in Argentina ( Buenos Aires) and 2 in Brazil ( POA), I know perfectly the reality.
This is a mentor and a guardian angel for those kids! Absolutely great video, this is a great report! Blessings!
Natalia: I'm unemployed and I really need a job.
Pedro: "Start Now"
@@9786-e1e this isn't funny bro
@@felixsilky213 who said it was?
That's not how it works fam
I'm wondering why the fuck she left São Paulo to live in a Rio slum, even if she was already living in poverty in São Paulo the slums there are still much better than here lol.
Why leave the state with the least violent crime, rates that are on par with some US states (the bad ones but still) to live in Rio? and a slum even, I'm guessing family or something like this otherwise she's bonkers.
@@stefanymelo4071 stfu, SP is horrible.
U speak as if São Paulo was incredible, surely you dont live here.
Bring this man to TED Talks or something. His message needs to be heard all over the world.
ted is only for mtf oligarchs
who’s gonna wanna listen-in though
I loved each and every second of this documentary. Well narrated and well captured. It's raw and honest, and that's what makes it so intimate.
I had seen this episode for like 3 times and it's inspirational for me because of the quality of the editing and integrity to reality, congratulations for being real with your watchers and for showing the reality as hard as it could be!
Fantastic documentary.
"I think it's a gift from God. Wanting to help others."
--that's some perspective, what a guy.
"Love your neighbour as yourself"
When God bless you you bless others
This is the most well shot, well lit, well sounding documentary I've ever seen. And I've seen a lot, UA-cam is practically where I live.
Its no less than the best art film ever made, life affirming, honest, beautiful, musical and most importantly shows that love is wise and hate is just foolish.
You're a cool dude
@@gametime5414 beautiful words
5:32 whos dat guy?
And man, as a brazillian i can assure you - that's the best portrayl of the favela's daily life i've ever seen - it's just extremely accurate.
I love how the subtitles can't capture everything people are saying
It's actually focusing on the message rather than picking every single word. That's a good subtitle by the way
I agree with both of you, but I believe the the first person meant that the figures of speech of people from those areas and social economic conditions have their own complexity, hard to be translated between languages.
@@StingnB Not really, it losts meaning and it makes it fake.
@@PedroBaleeiro I didn't get that at first. Now reading his comment for a second time, it might be it.
You lost a lot of jokes, as a brazilian im saying
Lost a LOT of our jokes hahaha
Best documentary, I lived for four years in Brazil and this is what exactly I experienced.
Eu nasci e continuo no Brasil, apenas vi essa realidade das favelas pela tv e por documentarios da internet, o Brasil não se resume so em favelas
Gente e a sensibilidade dessa produção? O tratamento de áudio é tudo pra mim. Obra prima!
realmente muito bom!
isso é mt raro né, geralmente eles n têm essa sensibilidade pra retratar problemas da América Latina
Eu tô assistindo aqui tô curtindo
@@gabrielaaaascar na verdade eles só relatam “problemas da América Latina”
Rio is kinda like Gotham, but without the Batman
Dnt even compare, it’s worst
Perfect bro! I always say this to my hands here in Brazil!
@@yes2hvn WTF not even close
With 3 joker
@@yes2hvn our inner cities are less poor. Not as violent I don’t think l. I’m from New York so. Our crime rate is high though.
i cant believe they dont clean up after themselves or show that they appreciate the opportunity to learn FOR FREEEEEE. but what he said about not being able to change someone is 100% true.
deborah tran thats exactly why they're in that situation
The youngsters are in the bevel of the criminality, In this situation any conflict can trigger the revolt and the acceptance to change to the side of the crime.
thats cultural. generations of apathy cant change in one lifetime.
It's their nature. No hope for this place.
deborah tran can’t change people mind just like can’t change the stupid people who write all the hate they can into the comment section of UA-cam
These documentaries helps you be humbled while inspiring you at the same time.
To my friend Pedro. I may have made a comment here before but I feel like I need to tell you again and remind everybody of how a special you are. You're a godsend to many people. You have given many people opportunities to change their life for the better. You may not be asking for any rewards or thinking of what somebody can do for you but I promise you brother God sees what you're doing and he's going to take care of you. One of my favorite quotes is "do good in the world, get good back." I will continue to pray for you and your family and all of Brazil. I wish that I could help you move your barber shop to a better area.
Your friend from New York, USA
Gary 🙏💪🇧🇷🇺🇸☦️🛐❤️
Wtf that chavo haircut was dope asf
Time stamp
Leaked 14:00
People pay 500 for sum worse then that and thoes people don’t get paid more then 20 us it’s just sad
The barber inspiring the young ones one haircut at a time. He seems like a genuine, good, and honorable man.
Excellent documentary! This is better quality than those on Netflix or even HBO. God bless that man. He is helping out his community so much. You can tell he is a good man.
I lived in Brazil (Sao Paul) ten years ago. My parents went there for work as expats ans we had a very comfortable life in a wealthy neighborhood. Still, you could see poverty right arround the corner. It felt like there were two Sao Paulos: one, a vibrant metropolitan city with all the things you would expect from a first world city; the other, a very poor and cruel society were people struggled to make a living. Brazilian people are amazing and they wilk Always be in my heart. I hope they can improve their situation soon, because Brazil is an amazing place with may way to go.
Um abraço para todos os Brasileiros!!!
That's the same with Rio de Janeiro. I live in Rio de Janeiro, but not downtown. Where I live, I believe there is only one small favela on a hill. The rest of the city is buildings and houses, and when I visited the center on a school trip, it was like this, one side was extremely beautiful, elegant... And the other side was abandoned.
Where are you from, cu de apertar linguiça?
14:00 cmom, this guy is an artist!
Igor C B Great artist 👨🎤
I'm in love with Brazil and I've got to say that I hadn't seen this side of Brazil before. Woww, it's emotional and sad to see that their government doesn't do anything to help these people!
The gov is the reason and origin of our problems we live what you gringos call Social democracy or assistencialist state.Sometimes I think brazil is one brink closer to socialism.The gov taxes and put regulations in imports exports we pay 100% to 50% taxes on the value of cars. It's almost impossible for an company to open here or even stay here without lobbyists in the government
Our government just matter for politicians matters .
The nobles that eat lobsters while the people eat nothing.
Publicamos também uma versão em português deste documentário: ua-cam.com/video/kywVGbYwMmA/v-deo.html
Brazil had always had a nice and generous community even though I am not Brazilian, I love Brazil.
Muchas Bendiciones a mis hermanos Brasileños. Saludos de un Colombiano.
Saudações, hermano colombiano! Muito obrigado
tamo junto parceiro
It warms my heart to see people like this willing to help kids out to give them a future and skills to help them in life no matter how hard it seems.
This was such a well filmed documentary... Gosh this is brilliant. No dramatic music, no unnecessary commentary. Just pure reality shown. Loved it
11:12 kid whistling the Kill Bill theme with all those razors around is just slightly unsettling.. lol
youre cutting me everywhere boy
strong people, do not set themselves before difficulties! Take care of your loved ones. Hello from Russia
Uma coisa que ninguém falou foi do cabelereiro humilde de mais que abriu as portas para muitos jovens e para moça que chegou de SP máximo respeito sei que não vai ver esse comentário mas que Deus abençoe e mais pessoas como esse rapaz!
Como assim ninguém falou, os comentários só são sobre isso kkkk bro
@@nadyamam3176 kkkkk
@@nadyamam3176 kkkkk sacanage com o cr mn mas esse bagulh q cabeleireiro é zoado é barbeiro
@@Ofc_andrade021 kkkkkkkkkkk real
The humanity of the barber owner really touches my soul... God bless him for taking the initiative to improve living conditions of those living in the favelas.