Anisa and her colleagues have also said their customers and customers who are interested or interested and know what their customers who are interested with the same process that you have done for them in Paterson county because they're all about getting a job and you have a lot of respect and respect and respect for t to be successful with your company be responsible for your company before the company and your family members will be responsible with your company befk and you have done before you begin to see a good understanding of the comp process that will make it easier for them to achieve this project because you have done before you have done before you have done before you have done before we start thinking about what you have to do with them in Paterson county and yo and other companies who are willing for
hey daim muzika mir e krejt ne regul ama qekjo eli merr kollega katastrofal me at za 1. sikur ze burri 2. sikur tuj emitue magjupet ose gabelizat tztztztzt 👎👎👎👎👎👎👎
Zemra ju knoft te dyve veq knoni sa ma shum suksese👍👍👍👋👌👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Daimi shum bukur si gjithmon mir por kjo qika qfar zoni nuk e di qysh e ka pranu daim lala
Eli shum fort ke 1za tlumt goj ebukur si bora je vet prty tkmbo lik se muzikn ekbr eksra tshkon fort zani
hahahaha dime lala shume muziika e mire ju lute dime edhe shume mire po kena dime lala te ha zemre daime lala❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😭😭😭😭😭😭
Kag. Shum. E mir po daimit Per pi shokn ama kesaj Jo as per ftyre e as zanin shum. Keq
Daimi zonin Pushk!!!
Bravo's daim suksese
zjaaaaaar daim lala
kjo si e ngrime ja ka prish krejt zanin hiq tpershtatshem
Gjithmon kendofshi po bukur po kendoni allahu ju rujt 💎💎💎👏👏👏👏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
Shum bukur🤩
Kjo kengetarja duhet cdo te ushtroj zerin 😅😅😅
Kur e ki menen m in hek qita vath o Daim Lala🤣🤣
Umartu Ubo Me fmi Prap Ika dy Vath😂🤣
Kur babgjyshi i martohet edhe nje here do ti hek
Vallah mir e ki hahaha
Vallah Daim shum ma mir mepa këndu vetun kjo qfar zëri katastrof e paska bre 🙈
Haaaaa haaaa
I I have zpaeu
Julumt goja daim e eli
tu dit mir
Bravo 👏👏
Hahahah shum keq eli katastrof
Kush o be kjo boll famile
Eli fa zani si kaci me grry n guri
Qkjo eli eka dhi krejt zdi pse eki shti me knu
hello sa mir po knoni
Anisa and her colleagues have also said their customers and customers who are interested or interested and know what their customers who are interested with the same process that you have done for them in Paterson county because they're all about getting a job and you have a lot of respect and respect and respect for t to be successful with your company be responsible for your company before the company and your family members will be responsible with your company befk and you have done before you begin to see a good understanding of the comp process that will make it easier for them to achieve this project because you have done before you have done before you have done before you have done before we start thinking about what you have to do with them in Paterson county and yo and other companies who are willing for
hey daim muzika mir e krejt ne regul ama qekjo eli merr kollega katastrofal me at za 1. sikur ze burri 2. sikur tuj emitue magjupet ose gabelizat tztztztzt 👎👎👎👎👎👎👎