I love how this music instantly makes you slow down and do what you do with intention and mindfulness. It’s like you become an authentic inhabitant of the earth - connected and whole - instead of a frantic creature scrambling to survive for no purpose or meaning to exist.
I have epilepsy and it keeps me from sleeping and relaxing the medicine is the route cause. This music helps me with the same, increasing dopamine levels and serotonin levels.
It's so nice to have something that isn't flute, piano or has rain or birds in it. These tend to stimulate me and keep me awake instead. Nice to take a break from Tibetan bowls for a change.
it's not often that I listen to actual music while attempting to sleep, as I find most of even the low-tempo soft stuff too harsh for my mind, but there's something borderline ethereal about this piece. I found myself smiling wide while I was trying to sleep last night. whether it was a fluke or not, I'm not sure, but it was a magical experience. keep on keeping on, everyone. things are going to be alright.
I love how these playlists are always about 8-9hrs long, so I know if I slept enough when the music ends (and hopefully it's not just from my phone dying 😂)
Ive been up late several nights in a row and still haven't caught up on my work. In the wee hours this morning I decided I definitely needed sleep. I did everything to ensure I was going to fall asleep as soon a my head hut the pillow and still, nothing. I got up and looked for some slow music to occupy the part of my brain that won't turn off. This is brilliant.❤ Like an auditory rocking of a cradle. Each pause in the music like my mother waiting to see if Im asleep yet, the resonance like her breathing telling me she's still there; Everything is ok. She sees me stirring, or my eyelids flutter a little, and she sings one more verse, rubs my back a little slower...both softer than before. I woke to feed the pets of the house as the sun came up and it's still playing. I only slept a few hours. Im rewinding it and laying back down. I still have much to do before im done. But, I don't think my mother would be ok knowing im mistreating my body and mind like this. Ill rest just a little longer.
Due to my Traumatic Brain Injury I only sleep a couple hours a night or day, I love your music so tonight I will give this a try. Update yes it really helped me to relax and sleep. Thank You!
@TBI-Firefighter-451. Hi. This is lovely music and it is good that it heals you for sleep. Also can I recommend that you listen to handpan music. Which is very very relaxing and really makes you fall asleep. I will find the one I listen to which is lovely and let you know which one it is.
@TBI-firefighter -451. Let me know if you like it. And whether it helps you. He has a few videos on his you tube channel. All different music he does using the handpan
@TBIFirefignter -451. Sorry it is Malte marten. Handpan music. It really will send U off to sleep. Just sit and listen to it. You will find that it relaxes you and you just want to sleep. Hope it will help you. Bless you.
This sound takes my soul back many, many lifetimes ago. I would always get these visions as a very small child (maybe 2-3 years old) of a place that I now believe were memories of a Mediterranean city. The memories feel so distant, but so real.
Whoa when I started to read ur comment, just couple words on I just had waves and feelings like I knew what u were talking about about.. not sure if maybe tapping into yours or if they're mine.. hey we're all connected so wouldn't be surprised either way.. or maybe just connecting to the music ... Now I'll just stop writing and let it all be🎉😂happy remembering and travels dear ones!!!!
As an American reading a translated comment from a German about a Japanese musician playing a beautiful oriental composition on the oud… I AGREE!! 😊 👍🏼 ✌🏼🌎
Fabulous mysterious music of ancient times, inspiring and expertly played. Transports you to places that you have never been, truly excellent in scope and tone.
I love your work so much! As I find myself in hospital once again,your beautiful sound soothes my weary spirit. Thank God for you! May you be blessed always!😇
this combined with rain ambiance... indescribably calm. like a solitary nomadic bard, waiting out a rare but indescribably cold rainstorm in a desert night, warming their hands by playing their music. (might make a d&d character inspired by this once i've woken up...)
We may never meet. But I just want you to know that your talent has touched me profoundly. My soul is at peace and my mind is transported to places I’ve never imagined. It’s true magic. Thank you for this gift. Appreciative doesn’t fully encapsulate how I feel. My heart is full.
I'm pretty sure this is on God's playlist, if it has one. I can imagine all the Prophets (pbut), Rumi, Al-Ghazali, Raabia Basri, Ibn Arabi, Mary mother of Yeshua, Ahmadou Bamba, Ahmed Tijani, and so many others of those God calls friends, hanging out, vibing with one another with this in the background. It's so soul soothing. Heavenly! Thank you.
I love this arabian instrument, but i never found the name. Now I'm very surprised when i found this beatiful channel and this instrument God bless you!
Its been a long day. Its late and Ive just showered and now sitting alone in living room in the dark with this playing. Its just what I need before I fall asleep.
Il y a déja tellement de beauté en l'instrument lui même , un travail de lutherie extraordinaire . Cette musique me plonge ailleur , il y a le son que j'écoute, les varations et il y a l'histoire comme des paroles qui s'envolent sous chaque note que j'entends .. Merci a vous, c'est magnifique. La musique est la plus belle langue qui soit..❤
Another fantastic piece from you as always Mr. Nao Sogabe. Something about the style of your oud playing and the oud build tone reminds me of Tunisian oud player Anouar Brahmen. l am a oud lover and whenever l hear it played well, l feel magnetized you just did that my dear friend. Thank you for the music
The heart and the artistic genius of man share a common language: the harmony of sound and music. It's a legacy from the dawn of time that will live on into eternity Yé Lassina Coulibaly❤❤❤
Las notas y las melodías.. Sin ninguna duda, la música es la ventana del alma. Hasta me parece recordar mi vida pasada. Por cierto, hay un artista belga-egipcio que compone música con este tipo de relieve, también en algunas canciones usa el laúd o "Oud" árabe. Su nombre es Tamino Amir, es muy completo. Otro dato capcioso; Su abuelo fue un cantante muy reconocido quién fue "Moharam Fouad". Exquisitas pistas Naochika!
Thank you for your wonderful talent and beautiful music. I slept very peaceful. Are you able to play music for the Twirling Dervish and if you are able please create such a video. Again thank for helping me to relax and then sleep because of this video 🎉.
Peace and Blessings to the Artist
I love how this music instantly makes you slow down and do what you do with intention and mindfulness. It’s like you become an authentic inhabitant of the earth - connected and whole - instead of a frantic creature scrambling to survive for no purpose or meaning to exist.
Thank you so much for your great feedback! I'm glad to know that my music actually works!
@@kathyriemersma6434 Tyvm for putting my same thoughts into words, I didn't know them. ❤
This is good for people like me who have Parkinson’s Disease. It actually helps increase the dopamine levels in the brain.
That is very gratifying to hear!
@@stanleybarton Chlorine Dioxide(CDS) would work better, trust me
I have epilepsy and it keeps me from sleeping and relaxing the medicine is the route cause.
This music helps me with the same, increasing dopamine levels and serotonin levels.
Oh? More dopamine helps Parkinson's?
It's so nice to have something that isn't flute, piano or has rain or birds in it. These tend to stimulate me and keep me awake instead. Nice to take a break from Tibetan bowls for a change.
And doesn't repeat itself every 5 seconds!
@@Songe467 I was thinking the same thing
I did the trans-siberian railway ..with rain ..for a month 😇
it's not often that I listen to actual music while attempting to sleep, as I find most of even the low-tempo soft stuff too harsh for my mind, but there's something borderline ethereal about this piece. I found myself smiling wide while I was trying to sleep last night. whether it was a fluke or not, I'm not sure, but it was a magical experience.
keep on keeping on, everyone. things are going to be alright.
The music has an Eastern feel. Lots of space, like the desert.
@@giovanna722A very lovely way of wording it. Not as busy and crowded as some other kinds. ❤
I've searched all my life for THIS sound. Thank you for speaking to my soul!
Thank you so much! Your words are encouraging to continue my work.
I love how these playlists are always about 8-9hrs long, so I know if I slept enough when the music ends (and hopefully it's not just from my phone dying 😂)
No ads? Tnx,
I like the 8 hour + programs because they help me with my Parkinson’s symptoms. I can actually reduce the amount of carbo-docs/levo that I need.
You're so funny. And I can relate lol. Sending love from Cape Town, South Africa ❤
You can put youtube vids on loop and keep your phone on the charger..............
I can't believe people sleep more than 4 or 5 hours.
This is lovely, after the first five seconds my breathing changed. So relaxing
I feel this sound has been waiting for me since the day I was born.
I feel honored.
May those hands continue to bring many more blessings to all. Thank you for this. 😙🤌🏽🎼
I continue working to be able to play even better.
Ive been up late several nights in a row and still haven't caught up on my work. In the wee hours this morning I decided I definitely needed sleep. I did everything to ensure I was going to fall asleep as soon a my head hut the pillow and still, nothing. I got up and looked for some slow music to occupy the part of my brain that won't turn off.
This is brilliant.❤ Like an auditory rocking of a cradle. Each pause in the music like my mother waiting to see if Im asleep yet, the resonance like her breathing telling me she's still there; Everything is ok. She sees me stirring, or my eyelids flutter a little, and she sings one more verse, rubs my back a little slower...both softer than before.
I woke to feed the pets of the house as the sun came up and it's still playing. I only slept a few hours. Im rewinding it and laying back down. I still have much to do before im done. But, I don't think my mother would be ok knowing im mistreating my body and mind like this. Ill rest just a little longer.
Love your comment. I miss my Mother so very much.
beautifully described and accurate
beautiful 😭
So beautiful.
Your words flow like truth singing poetry... I LOOOVE that!!!
WOW = Such ancient music = Almost like a past life regression = BEAUTIFUL 🌴🐪🌴🌴🐪🌴🐪
Thanks to you, I'm having a very relaxing and peaceful night. Regards from Florida, U.S.
I don’t know what to say… this is so good!! 🤍
Due to my Traumatic Brain Injury I only sleep a couple hours a night or day, I love your music so tonight I will give this a try. Update yes it really helped me to relax and sleep. Thank You!
I am delighted that my music can support you!
Brother you should try quran recitation, those vibrations will heal your injury, give it a try ❤may Lord heal you
@TBI-Firefighter-451. Hi. This is lovely music and it is good that it heals you for sleep. Also can I recommend that you listen to handpan music. Which is very very relaxing and really makes you fall asleep. I will find the one I listen to which is lovely and let you know which one it is.
@TBI-firefighter -451. Let me know if you like it. And whether it helps you. He has a few videos on his you tube channel. All different music he does using the handpan
@TBIFirefignter -451. Sorry it is Malte marten. Handpan music. It really will send U off to sleep. Just sit and listen to it. You will find that it relaxes you and you just want to sleep. Hope it will help you. Bless you.
This is beautiful.
I enjoyed it very much.
Many blessings to you all.
This sound takes my soul back many, many lifetimes ago. I would always get these visions as a very small child (maybe 2-3 years old) of a place that I now believe were memories of a Mediterranean city. The memories feel so distant, but so real.
Whoa when I started to read ur comment, just couple words on I just had waves and feelings like I knew what u were talking about about.. not sure if maybe tapping into yours or if they're mine.. hey we're all connected so wouldn't be surprised either way.. or maybe just connecting to the music ... Now I'll just stop writing and let it all be🎉😂happy remembering and travels dear ones!!!!
That rhythmic consistent base note balances the treble strings Like a slow deep breathing. I❤
Wow, thanks a lot!
crazy how we get INSTANT arabic feelings, i can almost hear the wind on the desert LOL
The instrument
@@FreePalestineFalasteen I am eating it right now! Free Palestine bro
The modes of harmonic minor will do that to you
@@UA-camrr285 ana dammi falast̩īnī
Beautiful persian oud in the hands of a master japanese player, very soothing!
@@abdollahgilani4119 هادا عود عربي وليس فارسي
@@abdollahgilani4119 arabic oud music must be transcending. I love it and Im not arab.
Amazing Artist! God bless your talent
Es gibt nichts mehr was mich überraschen kann. Ein Japaner der orientalische Musik auf der Oud spielt. Grüße aus Berlin :)
As an American reading a translated comment from a German about a Japanese musician playing a beautiful oriental composition on the oud… I AGREE!! 😊 👍🏼 ✌🏼🌎
real music is where the rhythm never repeats.. all from the heart every time
SImply the best. You deserve an A+ on originality, tone, quality, and beautiful video production. Keep the videos coming.
Wow, thank you so much for your great feedback about the production!
Fabulous mysterious music of ancient times, inspiring and expertly played. Transports you to places that you have never been, truly excellent in scope and tone.
Thank you so much! I will keep working to match my music to your words.
This is such good music to listen to while working.
I love your work so much! As I find myself in hospital once again,your beautiful sound soothes my weary spirit. Thank God for you! May you be blessed always!😇
I am grateful that my music can accompany you!
Maravillosas melodias, es impecable su armonía con el instrumento. Amo su música.
Thank you so much!
this combined with rain ambiance... indescribably calm. like a solitary nomadic bard, waiting out a rare but indescribably cold rainstorm in a desert night, warming their hands by playing their music. (might make a d&d character inspired by this once i've woken up...)
Thank you for your music - very beautiful and so restful
Thank you❤ love from Saginaw Michigan USA
Hi Neighbor🤗 from Midland
Hi from Ann Arbor
Hi from Grand Rapids and Petoskey, MI!!
Love the Oud!
Hello from Brownstown MI 😊
This sound has definitely a therapy effect. It's so soothing. I always loved the Oud. Arigato gozaimasu Sogabesan.
Thank you so much for your lovely feedback!
Music for the soul ❤
The oud is so beautiful and his playing is perfection
Love this. I don't have preconceived ideation here.
The video game when you enter the desert part of the map:
Yes Assassin's creed mirage
how can you possibly compare this to a video game?
@babthegreat not sure if you know this, but video games have music in them.
@@babthegreat It's beautiful and i love the sound, i was merely making a joke, sorry your stoic brain could not see past my mystical shenanigans
Gentlemen... welcome to Dubai.
This was very relaxing, thank you
I love it. It magical
Thank you for helping me with chronic pain. Using your music when I can't sleep and to meditate.❤❤❤
I am grateful that my music can support you.
We may never meet. But I just want you to know that your talent has touched me profoundly. My soul is at peace and my mind is transported to places I’ve never imagined. It’s true magic. Thank you for this gift. Appreciative doesn’t fully encapsulate how I feel. My heart is full.
Thank you very much! Your words give me strength to continue my creative work.
Ahhh... Gratitude to the tune of calm, tranquil, serene sleep
💤😴 💤
These pieces are so exquisite and peaceful, what a gift!
A real master of the ART. Reminds me of Esteban.
Thank you so much!
This guy is a million times better than Esteban.
I'm pretty sure this is on God's playlist, if it has one. I can imagine all the Prophets (pbut), Rumi, Al-Ghazali, Raabia Basri, Ibn Arabi, Mary mother of Yeshua, Ahmadou Bamba, Ahmed Tijani, and so many others of those God calls friends, hanging out, vibing with one another with this in the background. It's so soul soothing. Heavenly! Thank you.
Thank you so much for your wonderful feedback! I will keep working hard to create music that can support our minds.
Best wishes all around . Thank you for this ray of sunshine that warms us
Your music is wonderful.
Thanks for sharing.
Health and peace to you.
Greetings from Brazil
I also wish you health and inner peace.
@@NaoSogabe 🌻🌻🌻
I love this arabian instrument, but i never found the name.
Now I'm very surprised when i found this beatiful channel and this instrument God bless you!
its called oud search for naseer shamma playing you will love it
Its been a long day. Its late and Ive just showered and now sitting alone in living room in the dark with this playing. Its just what I need before I fall asleep.
Hello Again!... Buddha's blessings... I've been enjoying playing clarinette along to your music. Thank you very much. May you be at peace.
We need a collaboration for you both🙏🏻
Thank you. Greetings from Australia. 🩵🇦🇺. Persia, Armenia, paradisa,..
Instantly brought me delivered me to some past lives...
I'm glad you experienced it through my music!
As a guitar player my self I appreciate his talent. In guitar universe it's hiw fast you play. This shows otherwise . Thumbs up
Unless it's doom metal, slow and dense guitars
Profoundly beautiful, spiritual and relaxing. Also played with so much soul. Sincerest blessings and gratitude. ❤
Thank you so much!
Thank you for your beautiful music I listen to you every day❤❤❤
Thank you so much for listening!
What a wonderful sounding instrument and beautifully played too.
Просто великолепно мне спать вообще не хочется, хочется слышать этот шедевр
Thank you so much!
Thank you for this beautiful video of restful music. I love oud.
Thank you for your astonishing art. Kind regards from Chile
Thank you so much for listening!
I use this music for painting, crafting and falling asleep..THANK YOU FOR THIS BEAUTIFUL MAGIC my brother ❤ 🤘😎🤘
one of my favorite instruments to have ever blessed my ears ❤️ so timeless
Sogabe Sensei... 😊 hontô ni shinjirarenai... miigoto ! 🙏 🌿 💙
Thank You for sharing this beautiful music 🕊 Yo are generous and kind
Beautiful , love this Oud it reminds me of my great grandfather use to play this and great grandmother use to sing .
Thank you so much!
@@NaoSogabethank you for sharing your talent ✨
Il y a déja tellement de beauté en l'instrument lui même , un travail de lutherie extraordinaire .
Cette musique me plonge ailleur , il y a le son que j'écoute, les varations et il y a l'histoire comme des paroles qui s'envolent sous chaque note que j'entends ..
Merci a vous, c'est magnifique.
La musique est la plus belle langue qui soit..❤
Merci beaucoup pour vos merveilleux mots !
Another fantastic piece from you as always Mr. Nao Sogabe. Something about the style of your oud playing and the oud build tone reminds me of Tunisian oud player Anouar Brahmen. l am a oud lover and whenever l hear it played well, l feel magnetized you just did that my dear friend. Thank you for the music
Thank you so much for listening!
Vielen Dank! Ich hätte auch gerne eine Oud...wirklich magisch. Dein Spiel bringt mich zum Träumen...mit geöffneten Augen! ;)
VIelen herzlichen Dank!
Got addicted to this one, such a peace of mind and heart. Thank you Mr. Sogabe
Thank You ❤
Love this unusual instruments, they sound so soothing. Thank you so much for your work! ❤
This is nice, relaxes my spinal cord
Thank you for listening!
@@NaoSogabe Thank you for your talent 😊
Such good music. Thank you and God bless you and the gift you have been given.
Thank you so much for your words!
Beautiful Oud music❤
Such a beautiful instrument.
❤🎉❤🎉❤🎉 happy Ramadan 🌙
Really soulful❤ music , it heals my pain.
I am very grateful that my music can support you!
Oud- beautiful Music❤
It's wonderful, and thank you kindly for sharing your gift. 🎧🎶
Thanks for listening!
Love this. Been dreaming that I’m in Assassin’s Creed ❤
So beautiful ❤thank you and God bless you 🕊
Thank you very much for your support!
This is really beautiful and calming. my 12 yo kid just fell asleep to this in the middle of the day :) Thanks
I'm very pleased! My wife, who works in a kindergarten, also reports that the children immediately become quiet when she plays my music.
@@NaoSogabe That is so lovely. Thanks for sharing your beautiful music :)
Best sleep I’ve had in days! Just subscribed ❤❤
Wow . I get this vibration
The heart and the artistic genius of man share a common language: the harmony of sound and music. It's a legacy from the dawn of time that will live on into eternity Yé Lassina Coulibaly❤❤❤
Wow this is beautiful. Thank you.
Beautiful night music, thank you.
Thanks for listening!
Las notas y las melodías.. Sin ninguna duda, la música es la ventana del alma. Hasta me parece recordar mi vida pasada.
Por cierto, hay un artista belga-egipcio que compone música con este tipo de relieve, también en algunas canciones usa el laúd o "Oud" árabe. Su nombre es Tamino Amir, es muy completo.
Otro dato capcioso; Su abuelo fue un cantante muy reconocido quién fue "Moharam Fouad".
Exquisitas pistas Naochika!
I actually love how dark you’ve made the screen. It really helps when the only charger I have props the phone face-up!
Spectacular. Thank you for sharing this beautiful music with us. I’ll do what I can to support you, Nao Sogabe.
Thank you very much! I would be grateful for any support from you.
Yes, real people playing real instruments. My rooster has settled himself behind me for sleep. He likes this too.
Thanks for your lovely feedback!
Great job! ماشاء الله 🎉
Just like a great game background music,
Arigato gozaimasu, Sogabe san.
This is a calming tune, very relaxing and meditative.
Really beautiful playing, thank you
What an incredible piece of work.
Put this on and layed my head down, next thing you know it's the morning and this video is still playing.. 😆
Thank you, I loved it. Subscribed!
Thank you for your wonderful talent and beautiful music.
I slept very peaceful.
Are you able to play music for the Twirling Dervish and if you are able please create such a video.
Again thank for helping me to relax and then sleep because of this video 🎉.
Vielen Dank!
This man played his guitar for 8h for us.