Debate Jewish Rabbi Vs Minister Christian

  • Опубліковано 3 жов 2024
  • The Christian Minister is a Professor in Christianity that teach for 31 years in Christian University of Manhattan New York
    Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi Website: www.divineinfor...
    Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi Facebook:
    / rabbiyosefmizrachi
    Rabbi Yossi Mizrachi On TorahAnyTime:
    The Debate Jewish Rabbi Vs Minister Christian On TorahAnyTime:
    Debate Jewish Rabbi Vs Minister Christian


  • @matisfriedman9930
    @matisfriedman9930 10 років тому +5

    1. Jews seek out the truth. Jesus and christianity is not that.
    2. It goes against the Torah, it;s simply heretical
    3. Torah is law, not messianic romanticism. It's not congruent with messianism. We believe in the Messiah and wait for his arrival. until then, our focus is following the Torah, not debating if the Messiah came or if it was Jesus or not. Irrelevant, we are in exile until Mashiach comes.

    • @sonsofgalilee6638
      @sonsofgalilee6638 8 років тому +1

      Hi Matis! I hope you are well! let me take some time to explain the purpose of Messiah found in the Torah and the Writings and Prophets:
      "I will raise up a prophet from among their countrymen
      like you,
      and I will put My words in His mouth,
      and He shall speak to them all that I command Him.
      It shall come about that whoever will not listen to My words
      which He shall speak in My name,
      I Myself will require it of him"
      -Deuteronomy 18:18-19
      The Hebrew Scriptures are rife with explicit and implicit Messianic Prophesies. The Messiah was not only foretold as one who would be the bearer of Gods words but also be the bearer of sins. The Torah, the Writings and the Prophets are full of both explicit and implied Messianic Prophesies.
      In order to properly understand such prophesies, we must understand them as they were meant to be understood. The stories of the patriarchs were full of Messianic meaning, from the story of Adam and Eve to the story of Abraham and Isaac to the story of Moses and the Passover. We will visit the meanings of these stories in combination of the explicit prophesies to uncover the ultimate purpose of Messiah and use His own words to bring to light the meaning of the Old Testament metaphors.
      Let’s begin with the greatest example of them all, as the beginning contains both the ultimate meaning of the Sacrifice of Messiah with the story of human self-righteousness. This is ultimately the story of salvation in full.
      Adam and Eve:
      The story goes right back to the beginning. When God made man He made him for His own glory and for fellowship with Himself. Man enjoyed a pure, unfallen world and a perfect bride. He was given dominion over the world, and was allowed to eat from every tree except one.
      "The Lord God commanded the man, saying, “From any tree of the garden you may eat freely; but from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat from it you will surely die.” Genesis 2:16-17
      However, Eve was deceived by the serpent to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Through 3 things she was enticed: “When the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was desirable to make one wise, she took from its fruit and ate”
      In the New Testament, John the Apostle describes how evil comes from the world and not from the Father, and describes everything that comes from the world as: “all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life, is not from the Father, but is from the world” -1 John 2:16.
      Notice the parallels: Eve “saw that the tree was good for food” Parallels: “the lust of the flesh”
      And “it was a delight to the eyes” Parallels: “the lust of the eyes”
      And “the tree was desirable to make one wise” Parallels: “the boastful pride of life”
      So what came from this? Man desired to be independent from God. He decided to disobey God by directly violating the command, incurring the righteous judgement that God promised: “in the day that you eat from it you will surely die.” Gen. 2:16
      But God, out of His magnificent love, designed a way to restore them. He promised the coming of a redeemer, a hero, who would crush the serpent; “And I will put enmity between you and the woman and between your seed and her seed; He shall bruise you on the head, and you shall bruise him on the heel.” Genesis 3:15. Notice seed is singular, notice also the hero would incur a bruise through this triumph.
      Man was aware of his shortfall in the presence of God and went about making leaves as a way of covering his nakedness. But God knew the covering as insufficient, and instead designed them coverings from an animal skin. What this implies is that God killed an animal and clothed Adam and Eve with the skin of the animal. It was designed to reveal 2 things: man’s covering is insufficient[self-righteousness], and God would cover man’s need Himself by shedding the blood of an innocent one. This came to be ultimately fulfilled by Jesus Christ.
      “The Lord God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife, and clothed them.” Genesis 3:21
      So begins the very heart of the teaching of Scripture, revealed in the very first story that involves man. God made man, man disobeyed and desired to be separate from God by mistrust, man recognizes his need and covers himself insufficiently, and God provides adequate covering Himself. All found within the very first few verses of Holy Scripture.

  • @Tobias98ish
    @Tobias98ish 11 років тому +3

    I just have to say Mizrachi is such an intelligent person and has excellent arguments. As a raised catholic currrent agnostic, I have to say he has questions many of us cant answer.

    • @youshouldlovehashem7864
      @youshouldlovehashem7864 2 роки тому

      Rabbi Mizrachi exposing christianity:

      @HOWBAZARY Рік тому

      I have more answers than you have questions. From Roman Catholicism to Agnostic. You are lost. Seek after Jesus Christ. Your own knowing is not a substitute.

    • @proveren
      @proveren 9 місяців тому

      @@HOWBAZARY Run before it's too late :D

  • @mariaguadalupemendoza5444
    @mariaguadalupemendoza5444 Місяць тому


  • @mathiasmendoza6826
    @mathiasmendoza6826 11 років тому +1

    Acts 7:16 compare to Joshua 24:32
    Acts 7:14 states that "all his relatives" were 75 people, and "relatives" includes Joseph's surviving sisters-in-law.
    Thank you for you debate - there are really verses we have to study deeper - but I thank both because it takes us to a deeper understanding of where we stay. Prais Adonai for ever more.

    • @youshouldlovehashem7864
      @youshouldlovehashem7864 2 роки тому

      Rabbi Mizrachi exposing christianity:

  • @TheJewishTorah
    @TheJewishTorah  11 років тому

    Thank you for the comment! G-d Bless All The Best!

  • @windshearDK
    @windshearDK 11 років тому +2

    Dear Mathias
    The Torah states twice that Yaacov went down to Egypt with 70 people. Where does the author of Acts have these 5 people from? Your answer is not corresponding to scripture

    • @youshouldlovehashem7864
      @youshouldlovehashem7864 2 роки тому

      Rabbi Mizrachi exposing christianity:

  • @danieldeluna7929
    @danieldeluna7929 10 років тому +1

    The part in the book of Matthew that goes on to say how Joseph is a relative of king show how only a royal bloodline could be trusted to raise his son.

    • @youshouldlovehashem7864
      @youshouldlovehashem7864 2 роки тому

      Rabbi Mizrachi exposing christianity:

  • @richardcarr0555
    @richardcarr0555 11 років тому +2

    Even if the spelling of the modern hebrew text were correct (it's not the same as the original ancient hebrew) the definitions of individual words change with time.. only love is the true constant in the universe everything else shuffles around it.

    • @youshouldlovehashem7864
      @youshouldlovehashem7864 2 роки тому

      Rabbi Mizrachi exposing christianity:

  • @windshearDK
    @windshearDK 11 років тому

    Dear Mathias
    Acts 7:16:
    "Their bodies were brought back to Shechem and placed in the tomb that Abraham had bought from the sons of Hamor at Shechem for a certain sum of money."
    Joshua 24:32:
    "And the bones of Joseph, which the children of Israel brought up out of Egypt, buried they in Shechem, in the parcel of ground which Jacob bought of the sons of Hamor the father of Shechem..."
    The author of Acts wrote Avraham... Which is a clear confusion between Joseph's burial plot and Avraham's

    • @youshouldlovehashem7864
      @youshouldlovehashem7864 2 роки тому

      Rabbi Mizrachi exposing christianity:

  • @willwade8415
    @willwade8415 9 років тому +1

    The most blatant false teaching of this so called "Jew" is when he said that not "ONE" Jew has accepted "Y'ehsus" or what he taught. This is his first lie. Christ was a Jew. From the first century A world of Jews have accepted the Christ as their coming Messiah.
    A Jew who studies Bible "time" in the ancient languages and the awesome miracles of "set time events" that only a Jew can understand immediately they can see the awesome power of God to convince that is written in both the Old and New Testaments.

    • @daviedood2503
      @daviedood2503 3 роки тому

      Judiasm does NOT accept the new testament. Therefore does NOT accept JcPenny and his false "prophecy".
      Just bc he does magic isn't an indication of anything. Pharoah could also do magic. That's why he didn't take Moses seriously. 😂

    • @themosinguy6508
      @themosinguy6508 Місяць тому

      Judaism is the ONLY religion that studies the Bible in the ancient original language that it was written in, the NT is not scripture as it was not written by any prophets and is largely anonymous

  • @TheJewishTorah
    @TheJewishTorah  11 років тому

    Amen, G-d Bless All The Best!

    • @youshouldlovehashem7864
      @youshouldlovehashem7864 2 роки тому

      Rabbi Mizrachi exposing christianity:

  • @danieldeluna7929
    @danieldeluna7929 10 років тому +1

    God had to send a baby. To do a man's job. a baby who struck fear in the hearts of kings!! Why??. He hadn't proclaimed one thing. and yet king herod was threatened.

  • @soutsoon
    @soutsoon 11 років тому +2

    I love the Messiah!

    • @youshouldlovehashem7864
      @youshouldlovehashem7864 2 роки тому

      Rabbi Mizrachi exposing christianity:

  • @danieldeluna7929
    @danieldeluna7929 10 років тому

    And the Jewish people are still doing animal sacrifice.and burnt offerings?? No!!. So why do the very first parts of the old testament seem good enough to invalidate the Christ?

  • @rabinato
    @rabinato 10 років тому

    כעקרון מובן לי שהרב צודק ושיש לנו הרבה על מלדבר ומה לדרוש מכל אלה אשר עוותו את תורתנו. אבל ככל ישראלי מכובד, הרב לא נתן לכומר לענות או אפילו לדבר. לפחות לתת לא מילה, על מנת שנדע מה הטיעונים אשר יביא... יצאת כיהודי תוקש והוא כאדם נחמד אשר ניסה לענות וחתכו אותו בכל משפט שני. הרב סקובק מדבר יותר בשפת האמריקנים...

  • @computingprogramming3368
    @computingprogramming3368 10 років тому +1

    God said, that i give my commands, and you should go in these ways of these commands, and only if you will go in these ways i will be with you and you will be with me, and if you will not obey my commands i will punish you, God gave his commands only to the children of Jacob, to the 12 tribes of Israel, all others were not chosen to be given them all these commands, and if anyone else wants to join the Jewish nation he must accept all the commands, even if he neglects only one command he cannot convert to become Jewish and chosen to God, and God said many times in the Torah and many prophecy books that his commands and words are eternal, and not changeable even one letter, God said, every single of you are only my children only if you go with all my commands, and these words are eternal and not changeable
    Not one christian follower joined God's words, to accept all his commands

    • @youshouldlovehashem7864
      @youshouldlovehashem7864 2 роки тому

      Rabbi Mizrachi exposing christianity:

  • @danieldeluna7929
    @danieldeluna7929 10 років тому

    And why do u think real Christians. not catholics, or and other denominations.but those who only believe Jesus, is the sacrificial lamb , are persecuted??.

  • @chadsnyder33
    @chadsnyder33 2 роки тому

    No we don't claim we have another new prophet
    Canonical Seemes match.
    1 major theme
    God Saves

  • @danieldeluna7929
    @danieldeluna7929 10 років тому

    To say the relatives of Jesus were not his brother's who were born to Joseph and a lie.

    • @daviedood2503
      @daviedood2503 3 роки тому

      OK PROVE IT. 😂
      JcPenny was the result of a solider that forced himself on to Mary. She was to be stoned so SHE LIED to preserve her life. 😂 No witnesses, like there was when the Torah was given. Anyone can say anything with NO WITNESSES. 😂

  • @danieldeluna7929
    @danieldeluna7929 10 років тому

    And all the prophecy in the Bible have come true. Including all the parts that describe the how the hard hearts of men would rather stick to literal context. Rather than be what they were supposed to be doing and Love one another. ?

  • @jayd4ever
    @jayd4ever 11 років тому

    very nice some of these missionaries both from christianiy and islam are deceiving the people

  • @daviedood2503
    @daviedood2503 3 роки тому

    54:00 Alma means younge lady, that doesn't mean she IS a vrgn. Many young ladies aren't.
    Bitutla means vrgn. It was used in OTHER places but not in that particular section. Because they didn't KNOW if she was or NOT. 😂

    • @youshouldlovehashem7864
      @youshouldlovehashem7864 2 роки тому

      Rabbi Mizrachi exposing christianity:

    • @JoubertGiannechini
      @JoubertGiannechini 10 місяців тому

      Even if it was the word virgin they wouldn´t believe. The fact she was young and unmarried is obvious she was a virgin.

    • @themosinguy6508
      @themosinguy6508 Місяць тому

      @@JoubertGiannechiniif someone is pregnant its an obvious sign that she is NOT a virgin

  • @AllAllah777
    @AllAllah777 9 років тому


    • @daviedood2503
      @daviedood2503 3 роки тому +2

      The Torah is the ORIGINAL from G-d himself. The absolute truth. Anything that goes against it, or edited, modified, added to or deleted from, is an ERROR. 😂

    • @EndTimeNazerne
      @EndTimeNazerne 6 місяців тому


  • @carloserodriguez5716
    @carloserodriguez5716 9 років тому

    there is a not real debate, It is a waste of time talking some one who reject the truth.

  • @carloserodriguez5716
    @carloserodriguez5716 9 років тому

    listen rabbi you want an answer, please the next time let the people talk and keep silent.

    • @daviedood2503
      @daviedood2503 3 роки тому

      He did, the guy kept dancing around it. 😂 Yosef is TOUGH. Very strong and DIRECT. The guy even said afterwards he KNOWS it's wrong, but he can't leave Christianity because his heart wouldn't allow it. His church would close and how could he stand I front of all those people at his church and tell them everything he's preached for 20+ years was a lie. 😂 He KNEW it was, but is too embarrassed and scared to do it. Lose all that church money. More important to him than the TRUTH. 😂 This is why I bebr trusted Christian pastors as a kid. 😂

  • @danieldeluna7929
    @danieldeluna7929 10 років тому

    Young lady or Ahlma can be seen as a way to describe her you think its possible that a young jewish girl in those days might be a virgin??. Or is that not possible??

    • @daviedood2503
      @daviedood2503 3 роки тому

      Yes it's possible that a young Jewish girl was a virgin. What's your point. Alhma means young lady. Do you think a 5 year old is a young virgin? Exactly. Someone who's NOT a virgin is called something else. 😂

  • @AllAllah777
    @AllAllah777 9 років тому


    • @Ehadassa62
      @Ehadassa62 5 років тому +1

      if your life does not go any were and you ask as why? you just answered as why of the emptiness of your long as you persist, the emptier it will become,, until you get to old age perhaps, and will meet with God on the other side....are you certain is it wise to take excuses to reject the truth ? there is a reason why you are watching this video

  • @jtan2010
    @jtan2010 10 років тому

    What 25 errors is he talking about? Please post..

    • @daviedood2503
      @daviedood2503 3 роки тому

      25 names in the descendants of king David. All those Names were WRONG. Didn't you even watch? He literally just said it. 😂 34:00

  • @johngotti299
    @johngotti299 Рік тому

    God bless and protect all the Christians, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists and Hindus in the name of Jesus amen

  • @priyarajkumar3680
    @priyarajkumar3680 4 роки тому +1

    Rabbi, It takes a revelation from the Holy Spirit to know who Jesus is and understand the truth the Bible talks about. Your questions and arguments are not difficult to be answered. We read about someone like you in the Bible, a Pharisee called Paul who after a single encounter with Christ, turned his life around and became the greatest apologist of the gospel. It is not all about letters in a literal sense, but the Spirit behind it. If you genuinely want to know the truth and seek it, you will find Jesus, the Messiah. Or rather He will find you.

    • @daviedood2503
      @daviedood2503 3 роки тому +2

      You still didn't give an answer as to WHY Hahsem says the cave is in one area and the Nt says a different area. 😂 That's a MISTAKE. 😂 👌

    • @youshouldlovehashem7864
      @youshouldlovehashem7864 2 роки тому

      Rabbi Mizrachi exposing christianity:

    • @themosinguy6508
      @themosinguy6508 Місяць тому

      paul openly admits to lying about being a Pharisee in
      1 Corinthians 9:20-22

  • @AllAllah777
    @AllAllah777 9 років тому


    • @daviedood2503
      @daviedood2503 3 роки тому

      No the quran, even says if you doubt your religion, turn to the Torah for explanation and proof. Research before speaking. You sound very stupid with all these comments. 😂

  • @JoubertGiannechini
    @JoubertGiannechini 10 місяців тому

    Parabéns ao irmão cristão (ele não é padre) que foi chamado para um ambiente parcializado, com um oponente que é não só debatedor como também o moderator (muito conveniente para o judeu) e fez um ótimo trabalho.
    Vemos como ele se saiu bem. Gostaria de estudar com ele. Gostaria de ver um debate entre os dois hoje, mas com um moderador justo e imparcial.
    Congrats to the christian brother called to a biased environment, against one who is not only his debater but also the moderator of the debate (very convenient to the jewish side) and did a great job.
    Notice how well he did. I would like to study with him. I would like to watch another debate between them both today, but with a just and impartial moderator.

  • @iansmith9474
    @iansmith9474 3 роки тому

    God is not the physical father of Jesus. Yes, he did intervene in such a way that he could be considered the 'spiritual' father - however, God has no physical form, he is spirit. Every human has 46 chromosomes, 23 chromosomes are inherited from the mother, and the other half from the father. We know Jesus had 23 from his mother, but what about the other half? Where did the remaining 23 chromosomes come from? From his father Joseph. God could have taken sperm or DNA from Joseph and placed it within Mary. This makes Joseph a sperm donor. Joseph was the biological father while God was his spiritual father.

  • @massey904
    @massey904 10 років тому

    Why is is so hard for Jews to see Jesus Christ as the Messiah?

    • @massey904
      @massey904 10 років тому

      Sakuragi Rokurouta You have too much faith in science, you believe sciene can teach you everything.

    • @massey904
      @massey904 10 років тому

      Sakuragi Rokurouta Ever heard the saying nothing new under the sun? penicillin,airplanes computers ect has always been around, it was just waiting for the right people to come along to reveal it to the world. Kind of like how Jesus Christ has revealed God to the world.

    • @massey904
      @massey904 10 років тому

      Sakuragi Rokurouta You seem to think your words are more important than the words of Jesus Christ, Do you actually believe that?

    • @GoodAvatar
      @GoodAvatar 10 років тому

      Chris M "your words are more important than the words of Jesus Christ"
      Well, given that Jesus didn't write anything, and the Bible was crafted by committee by anonymous authors.... Yes. Yes, his words ARE more important than your fictional demi-god.

    • @Maxwelljordan97
      @Maxwelljordan97 10 років тому +2

      Chris M jews dont believe in Jesus because the Torah says what the messiah must do or who will he be , and Jesus doesnt match with it ,, btw im christian

  • @rosag7386
    @rosag7386 3 роки тому

    Rabbi is so calm and The Christian Preacher seems to be loosing his cool temper

  • @PerthesExercises
    @PerthesExercises 9 років тому

    Regarding the Torah as an everlasting commandment, Yeshua and I side with the Rabbi! The christian church has missinterpreted the teaching from Yeshua in the sermon of the Mount in Mattityahu 5 and 6, changing the meaning of fulfilled the Torah (have executed the Torah faithfully) to done away with the Torah.

    • @youshouldlovehashem7864
      @youshouldlovehashem7864 2 роки тому

      Rabbi Mizrachi exposing christianity:

  • @jtan2010
    @jtan2010 10 років тому

    Where did all my comments go?! The fraud Rabbi is only concern with falsehood and not seeking the truth. Where did all my rebuttals comments go?!!!