The Gravity of Sins Against Marriage - SSPX Sermons

  • Опубліковано 11 вер 2024
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  • @consuelobeccarvarela1199
    @consuelobeccarvarela1199 Місяць тому +14

    Good sermon. A bit tough with those who have fallen but the truth has to be said. Matrimony’s a blessing and the pathway to Heaven for those who have not been called to religious life. Thank you father. God bless you.

  • @XoScottXo
    @XoScottXo Місяць тому +7

    Thank you Father. A strong homily with an important message.
    I thank God daily for my amazing wife and our beautiful children.
    I intend to instill the values heard in this homily in them. I pray the Lord will keep them pure.

  • @kimberlyanderson1916
    @kimberlyanderson1916 Місяць тому +10

    Thank you Father for your excellent homily. I wanted to make a suggestion not use the term “dating.” You should teach and explain “courting.”

    • @getdown650
      @getdown650 Місяць тому +8

      You can give the sermon next time

  • @oliviamedina9413
    @oliviamedina9413 Місяць тому


  • @catherinemariemontgomery7420
    @catherinemariemontgomery7420 Місяць тому +3

    I was just wondering who is the delightful priest who is doing this sermon please?

  • @vinnyv949
    @vinnyv949 Місяць тому +4

    I’m going through a tough situation right now where my step daughter is having a second marriage after being civilly married and divorced (she’s Protestant). All my family is going but I don’t see how I can since this violates the natural law (from my research and reason) because she was married before. I don’t like going to Protestant weddings to begin with but that goes double if either of the couple were previously married. I know this will cause a lot of anger to come my way. I’m praying for strength and guidance.

    • @consuelobeccarvarela1199
      @consuelobeccarvarela1199 Місяць тому +2

      @@vinnyv949 I’ll pray for you. But unfortunately the only valid Marriage is the Catholic one. If she marries only civilly, it’s like she continued to live in sin… something alike happened when one of our nephews “married” that way, so my husband and I, decided not to go to the “wedding”. It was hard for us and our children, but we must set the example, with God’s grace, even though they criticize us. We have to be salty!!!

  • @janetr5693
    @janetr5693 Місяць тому +1

    Marriage is God's design.

  • @philcortens5214
    @philcortens5214 Місяць тому

    When Father refers to an unmarried couple does he mean a man and a woman not married to each other where there are no romantic feelings or does he mean a man and a woman with romantic feelings for each other?

    • @marccrotty8447
      @marccrotty8447 Місяць тому +2

      Phil. Try restarting your question in a way that is understandable.

  • @larstiranos
    @larstiranos Місяць тому +1

    Wait, so after an honest confession with a contrite heart, one's soul can still be left with corruption and difficulty seaking Heaven? This preaching implies that confession of mortal sin does not repair your relationship with God and that his grace is still in a way restricted. I dont understand...

    • @LaserFace23
      @LaserFace23 Місяць тому +8

      I would liken it to the relationship between original sin and baptism. Even after baptism removes original sin from the soul, its effects will always be felt in this life; we'll always have that draw towards things which are not God or do not help our relationship with Him, we'll always have that lingering imperfect trust of God, and we'll always have an imperfect control over our faculties. So even though our relationship with God is repaired by baptism and His grace is always fully available, we ourselves have more trouble accessing it than if we had never been stained by original sin.
      So in a similar way, if a couple fornicates before marriage (as an example) but then both sacramentally confess and repent of it, God has forgiven the sin and no longer remembers it. Yet the relationship between the couple and the relationship they have with the sacrament of matrimony is permanently altered. That knowledge that they didn't do things as they were supposed to will have an effect on their potential marriage/marriages going forward. But I wouldn't say this is all doom and gloom or that mistakes regarding marriage are akin to "sorry, you messed up once, it's all over for you now in regards to having a fully happy and holy marriage." The analogy the priest uses of a broken vase is an accurate one -- it would be better if the vase hadn't been broken, but that doesn't mean it cannot be repaired or that it's no longer good for anything even after being repaired, or that it's simply ugly because of the repair and should be ignored. There's a Japanese art called "kintsugi", where broken ceramics are repaired with gold dust in the glue, resulting in a beautiful and unique pattern of golden veins that now tells a story of what the object has been through and the loving care by which it was repaired. God's grace works in the same way, if we allow it.
      For example, I'm guilty of a number of sins regarding marriage, and though they stemmed from me not really understanding what marriage was, I'm still responsible for them, and still am dealing with some consequences of these sins, though those consequences are excessively merciful compared to what I've seen others go through for far less. With that in mind, if God blesses my marriage with children, you can bet I'll be teaching them not to do as I did, and I now have the personal experience to back up that teaching, contrasting the mistakes I made with the results God can yield if we follow His commandments. So even though I'm a "broken vase", I can use that brokenness alongside God's grace to better preserve the chastity of others, especially any children I may have, and the result would glorify God and be a great testament to the nature of His mercy. Also, remember the morally bankrupt age we live in -- this age is NOT at the heights of piety or chastity that society at one point was. We're very similar to the city of Ninevah, we don't even know our left hand from our right, so many people commit sins of impurity and have no idea the gravity of the sin, and are left to wonder why their lives are so unfulfilled. God was exceedingly merciful to the Ninevites who heard the prophetic words of Jonah and immediately repented and did penance. He's also exceedingly patient and merciful with us, knowing full-well the moral wasteland we've inherited, and He's beyond compassionate to those who earnestly try to repent of and work against the moral failings of our time, even if they themselves fail repeatedly while doing so.
      This was a very long comment, so I apologize, but I hope it was helpful in some way.

    • @RainyGryphon
      @RainyGryphon Місяць тому +2

      Forgiveness (mercy) and loss of grace is different I believe.

    • @larstiranos
      @larstiranos Місяць тому

      Absolution in confession restores grace. ​@@RainyGryphon