Their supported devices list is shorter. I discovered Tuya Local first, but it didn't get all my sensors working properly, so I had to look for alternatives, which led me to stumble upon Local Tuya.
Really nice video! I was considering getting myself some smart light bulbs, but didn't want them to ping the cloud as well. I've tried to flash an open-source firmware to the devices, but they were patched, and I sent the light bulbs back. But now with your guide, I might catch on it again!
For the GitHub documentation, could you maybe add the colour sequence for the different modes? Or if you could provide a screenshot from the apps view for the sequences
So you say it’s an “Ultimate Guide” and proceed to follow up with an answer including: “I’m not going to show you how to get that”. I believe the definition of ultimate is being ultimately altered.
Sorry HACS is such a common thing with Home Assistant installation’s I, maybe incorrectly, assumed that most already have it or could just use the docs to add it real quick.
Tuya Local (very similar name but different) is also worth looking at. It has auto discovery based on what devices are linked to your tuya account
Their supported devices list is shorter.
I discovered Tuya Local first, but it didn't get all my sensors working properly, so I had to look for alternatives, which led me to stumble upon Local Tuya.
Great video! The only cloud device on my HA was a Heat Storm Infrared Wall Heater. Used your video as a guide to move it to localhost. Thanks so much!
The audio on your latest videos has improved a lot!
Really nice video! I was considering getting myself some smart light bulbs, but didn't want them to ping the cloud as well.
I've tried to flash an open-source firmware to the devices, but they were patched, and I sent the light bulbs back.
But now with your guide, I might catch on it again!
For the GitHub documentation, could you maybe add the colour sequence for the different modes? Or if you could provide a screenshot from the apps view for the sequences
I’ll try to get all the scenes in my custom stuff added by end of day today
loved the guide. i will try it. How adding or renaming/removing things gets updated to the local machine, is it automatically?
So you say it’s an “Ultimate Guide” and proceed to follow up with an answer including: “I’m not going to show you how to get that”.
I believe the definition of ultimate is being ultimately altered.
Sorry HACS is such a common thing with Home Assistant installation’s I, maybe incorrectly, assumed that most already have it or could just use the docs to add it real quick.
You mean Christmas lights?
Any holiday. Christmas, Thanksgiving, Valentine’s Day, Super Bowl, anything