He did. He gave examples with jungle, all the tips can be used with any role. Start thinking about what he says. Plat tip was "learn how to lane", but he was talking about how you should think about your team and teamwork. Help them help you type of thing. As an adc player I can say that this is really useful.
Bronze is about how to hard carry (almost) when you did a bad start at ranked. It’s about maximising every advantage because in 80% of games, your team’s playing an aram in mid lane for no reason and is literally running it down. They’re not farming, not warding, fighting for no reason, not applying pressure, etc... It’s about getting the mentality that you can’t always carry
If you’re in bronze, learn to get A LOT of ressources, and your stat will win the game for you. If you have 2x their items, there is no way they can outplay you.
This is absolute gold. Thanks to japanese Import for his amazing content. He seems so chill, too and is amazing at explaining - kudos and gratitude to him!
Can confirm, I had Japanese Import as my coach for a period of time and the dude is SUPER knowledgable. If you can afford it, it's very much worth your time to get sessions.
i played this game 12 years ago in the beat and season 1, it's insane how much it's changed and how big it is!!! crazy!! back then it was just elo and like bronze- plat i think, not as serious as it is today i imagine
Even Platin Player didn't understand the Gold Spend stuff you explained for Gold Elo. I have to tell my Adc so often to recall with me and spend our Gold before the enemy lane is back.
As an ADC, I always do the "Why would you do with their info", I get it right 60% of the time which honestly is not too bad for a Bronze 3. Learning this game has been one of the best choice I've made in late 2021 and I don't regret it at all even though it can be quite infuriating
As an ADC-focused player myself one of the main challenges I go through is dealing with a 1v2 when the ally support sometimes doesn't assist with CC or runs off when it's not appropriate. Then turns around and play the blame game when they fall short.
@@piercesable344 u dont fight 2v1's unless theyre running under ur tower or you can one shot one of them. learning to survive and not die in a 2v1 is invaluable
Tip (worked for me in low elo) Since most of the time u have no team go pick yi, tryndamere (a champ that can solo push and escape mobility) Don't gank when idiots ask u, play ur own game go farm up (yes it might be 2-10 teamscore) but hey u farmed up, can solo kill top and push after gold u have a good chance to get actual teams from here on pick champs that can gank good
yapp its good, i lost many matches cuz enemy Trundle perma pushed bot and toplane, and once while we get into their base, won a teamfight, he just went down on bot and get nexus alone so fast.... its only bad when your team dont realize that they just have to win some time for u to push into the base and get some inhib or nexus, and they just mindlessly run into the enemy team and all die.... enemy then tp back to u and kill u too.... very ofter happens with me
The truth is (advices for ranked solo/duo match): If you are ADC YOU HAVE TO ADAPT TO YOUR SUPPORT PLAY STYLE. If you are SUPPORT YOU HAVE TO PLAY RANGED ONES. if you are MID Lane, YOU'D BETTER HAVE A JUNGLER FRIEND. If you are TOP Lane, YOU'D BETTER PICK A TANKY ONE. If you are Jungler...You can do whatever you want no one is gonna help you..You will be flamed for every bad thing in game so avoid unless 10 Y.O playing the role.
i got very fast camps and end games like 15.4.6 most of the time but still lose in iron lobbys because my teammates doesnt know how to position for a gank opportunity
I played the game for 9 years on locked screen, and only last year started using unlocked screen. It was a struggle for the first couple days but holy was that a big improvement!
Similar for me, apart it was months to get used to unlocked. Eventually had to turn off center on champion as well to stop me constantly spamming space and using it as a crutch.
I hit d3 with locked camera as fizz main with a 70%wr in 100 games. I think its never good but on some champ its okay. But i will switch now after 8 years of locked cam. I also play Zed and i think there might be especially for those skillshot heavy champs a big improve.
ive been so frustrated being stuck in plat 4 (jg). I identify that I win when i value my laners. But i find they don't prepare the lane in a way that allows me to easily help them. I also can't communicate what i want to do / where the enemy jgler is which i track quite well. Basically its like trying to win a team game with no communication, which it is. I cant just win off getting fed anymore people know how to play around one fed person. It feels as if we were on mic i could win every game.
@@VenourYT Yes, that's clearly evident judging by this comment section. Just a buch of crayon eating children in their feces-stained Batman underwear pinging from their mom's basement filled with anime figures and peebottles. I'm glad to finally say I found a place I belong with likeminded people who share the same lack of pesonal hygiene and limited mental capacity such as ourselves. The next dinosaur nuggie is for you guys! (as soon as my dum mother is done cooking them for me, no veggies ofc)
Mics with random strangers is awful. I didn't realize this till I started playing ranked overwatch. Sadly I climbed to diamond much quicker AFTER muting mics most of the time
I think junglers main issue is the same as other players its about seeing and not seeing. Your issue, here, is the fact you dont see opportunities. You "complain" about your laners not preparing anything but its definitly not your business. Mainly as low plat, there so many chances that you could take if you looked at your map properly (and look your lanes). Honestly, play top on a smurf it will really help. Junglers are boosted by their role in the sens that you dont need to learn lane to climb, no offense.
I'm a hard stuck gold player. I agree about what he says about time and money, but I believe people in this elo is just too afraid to take damage and/or fight/flight. Also if ur team is fed, they become arrogant and start running it down trying to 1v9. Instead of running it down, look at the map and find a pick. If they are no vision of the enemy team then dont go for the pick unless you have vision or it's more pushed towards your side of the map like under tower. It's okay if u cant land abilities, but please just dont go in by urself.
Its exactly a silver and bronze problem too, people very easily throw their advantage and mindlessly run into enemy jungle to just catch a running Fizz or something... very bad. Same as when we win a teamfight, could push or do something on map and no no, they TP back or go into jungle and start farming.... Another what comes in my mind, when we push mid, actually get inhibitor and they just dont retreat, standing still and fighting with the recovering enemy team.... of course they all die.
This is just me, but the biggest tip is to find a main based on firstly one that you can comfortably play first. Next, you should probably figure out whether or not you're an aggressive player. Then base runes build off the level of aggression. I've been playing for over 4 months in mostly bot games trying all sorts of champs. I look at their kits and see what I feel and don't feel. Choosing based on role first is probably the wrong strategy.
I've gotten out of gold but now I've been in emerald for two months now. I feel like these videos do help with my climbing. But now it's just getting harder😂. it's crazy how informational this is tho
Well early on I've taken 1 very important thing from this video... I've finally got decent at clearing on Hecarim, as if I'm not doing it by 3:20-25 I curse myself to being so slow.
I was thinking of play around my team in low elo, I kinda realise thats pretty bad. There's a reason why they'r hardstuck and I need to learn what is best for me.
Depends on what you consider low elo. I tend to just ignore my team in low gold and below. Once you reach g2-1 and up, you kind of have to play around your team to a certain extent, especially as an adc. I'll still try to prioritze farm and indicate it.
I am definitely always hungry to learn! This is the first year that I've made a conscious decision and effort to improve and I'm honestly aiming for challenger using skill capped. My highest previous rank was gold 1 (Plat promos) from just auto piloting. I'm certain I can get much higher with skill capped!
don’t want to discourage you, but getting to plat I from gold I is alraedy a HUGE improvement. You’ll have to put the same effort to go from plat I to D3 and then the same again from D2 to D1. Then if you wanna climb even more, you gotta play everyday and easily up to 7/8hours a day with a very good routine, sports to relax and have oxygenated brain, time for analysing game etc. If you’re in gold I, great you’re in the 10% of best league players. But Challenger is the 0.018% of best players just so you get the effort. Getting to diamond 4 (1.6% of best player would be already a VERY HUGE achievement). Anyway, good luck in your climb !!
@@Masterpouya I appreciate this so much! Yes, I am aware of how much commitment will be required for challenger but I am totally up for that since league is a passion of mine. When I get there I'll make sure to let you know 😎 Thank you so much!
i have to coach tons of players on it even well into diamond and above, everyone has different weaknesses, so just because its not something you personally struggle with it doesnt mean others dont
I was just referring to the fact that lane priority wasn't mentioned in the video until plat. I took this as "its good if you know about it and it will help you, but its better to focus on the basics first and then focus on developing awareness for lane prio"
What I'd always advise to get better is to accept being carried. Sometimes your lane will suck, you won't be able to do anything, then just stop. Let your team do their thing, and don't make their lives more difficult by giving 10 free kills. Don't feed, play ultra safe, farm your lane or others when they are dead / away, don't go in team fights, ward your side and just farm. It can get you back in game so fast but people don't understand and even in diamond I see laners just keep trying to fight when they are 0/4 and 50 cs behind.
I'm convinced the top players would be high level chess players as well. If you can manage a chess board like a pro, you can stomp low elo with macro. Chess and league are both sacrifice something to gain something you think is better.
Locked camera is without a doubt my most difficult habit to fix... I've been playing league since 2014 (albeit with breaks inbetween) and I've never bothered learning to use free cam. Not only is scrolling while moving awkward for me, so is using movement abilities on champions. I'm unconciously expecting the camera to move along with a dash and hitting any follow-up skills is difficult... On the other hand, playing champs with too many dashes (like Irelia) is nearly impossible in locked cam... I'm gonna have to suffer through learing to use free cam via brute force, aren't I?
@@Ninjer the function keys are definitely the fastest way to check what happening with your team mates if you can get used to using them. It's kind of similar to leveling up by keyboard instead of mouse.
F keys are a helpful tool but not a necessary one. Honestly I think they're not that massive of a difference until you get to high elo (D1+) and even then it depends on what your preference is. For example I don't use F keys but what I do is I click on the minimap and then use space to recenter the camera on my champion. I like it better this way because I came from SC2 and minimap usage was a huge skill in that game.
10:20 "how can you set them up to help them" I played Rammus, typed in chat to not push bot, took blue and gromp top side, took red after, and Vayne/Thresh constantly pushed the wave till the enemy tower. "They need to help each other to succeed" ok👍
That's one game. I don't know what elo you are but this is an issue that low elo players and lots of league players in general struggle with: They tunnel vision on each individual game instead of applying what they're learning to the overall games they play. Not every game is going to be perfect where you tell the lane you want to gank early to not afk push because chances are the other players on your team have their own ideas of what they need to do to win. Not saying they are always right, just saying that you have to keep in mind that while you have a gameplan in mind you won't always be able to convince your teammates to follow that plan. Also it's important to mention that when you're planning out plays to think what your lane matchups are, what they want to do, who the enemy JG is and do you guys win 3v3, etc. One last thing: The beauty of playing JG is that you can adapt your clear and pathing to the game state. While you are clearing your gromp you should be constantly watching the lanes, in your case watching bot, and looking to see how your bot is playing in comparison to what you want to do. If they are pushing the wave then you should start to reorient your path and try a mid gank after red into scuttle for example, etc.
@@YuYuYuna_ I'm with every word you said but I can't get out of jungle since there is alot of players who doesn't play like that especially when I get a troller before the game starts which could be the jungler
@Professor Thinker Even pro players lose in gold games sometimes. I hardly play the game as well. As any top players that look to just climb and they will say that they dodge games they think are unwinnable. Nice try tho.
@Professor Thinker God you are insufferable. How exactly did I contradict myself? The only thing you've done so far is insult me. Nothing of what you've said have been even the slightest bit constructive.
this whole time i thought skill capped narrators were calling someone 'japanese import' i didnt know it was actually a guy calling himself japanese import. i missed that LMAO
I have issue with the unlocked camera I just don't like it how it feels, I'm currently gold 3 with only 6 months playing the game, any advice on how to use it like settings and other stuff?
I don't understand how people can play LOL with locked camera. Like if you have played any sort of strategy games (AOE, CIV, Starcraft, ecc ) by default you play with unlocked camera.It is pretty much the same thing for LOL.
@@poisonvolkswagon9431 i used to play vainglory wich was a moba with locked camera and it was actually fine, you just got used o use Map a lot, which I do, in a way it helps me because I’m forced to look at the map
@@FernandoLucas48 if you've got any extra buttons on your mouse, you could use one of them as a sort of 'scroll' button. I personally use one of the buttons to drag my camera over, this means I don't have to move my cursor to each corner every 0.2 sec.
I feel like all the tips for every rank that you showed should be moved down a division lol. Golds should be familiar with prio and wave state at this point
I kid you not, when your in bronze and you lose to a team that took 3 smites and were 3 man counter jungling me, while my team couldnt push lane thats when I realized im never escaping bronze
We're the ONLY website to offer a RANK IMPROVEMENT GUARANTEE at www.skill-capped.com/lol/landing 👈👈👈
Okay now do this video for every other role
He did. He gave examples with jungle, all the tips can be used with any role. Start thinking about what he says. Plat tip was "learn how to lane", but he was talking about how you should think about your team and teamwork. Help them help you type of thing. As an adc player I can say that this is really useful.
Every tip is for every role. The EXAMPLES may be for jungle but the ADVICE is for everyone.
Okay now do this video for every champion
Just go play the game and use the info in any role.
This is a great video that everyone should watch. It provides more general tips as well as in game scenarios when these tips would be useful.
Bronze is about how to hard carry (almost) when you did a bad start at ranked. It’s about maximising every advantage because in 80% of games, your team’s playing an aram in mid lane for no reason and is literally running it down. They’re not farming, not warding, fighting for no reason, not applying pressure, etc... It’s about getting the mentality that you can’t always carry
If you’re in bronze, learn to get A LOT of ressources, and your stat will win the game for you.
If you have 2x their items, there is no way they can outplay you.
@@Masterpouya except when the enemy is smurf and he bonk you 🥵🥵🥵
Who play this game want to be carry lmao
You can easily get out of bronze just with fundamentals and mechanics. You should be able to nearly carry every game if you're good enough
If you are still low elo, i will boost you for cheap
I read your tips, I used the F key, now my flash is gone
At least you didn't use your combat summoner spell like a degenerate ;)
I am so insanely stuck in D3 its not even funny, I just cant get out myself, these videos really help understanding what to do better. Thank you.
Bronze: Do 1 thing and get really good at it.
Silver: You never try anything more and that is why you cant get out.
This is absolute gold. Thanks to japanese Import for his amazing content. He seems so chill, too and is amazing at explaining - kudos and gratitude to him!
As a hard stuck iron/bronze that finally made it to silver I appreciate this channel I’ve learned a lot the last month and a half
"You will be playing wrong to do the right thing. Solo queue is chaos..."
Perhaps the all time best line ever. Perfectly describes it too.
Actually climbed from beeing stuck in season 11 at g4 to allready beeing g1 50lp by following you guys and soaking your Guides
What u talking about man, climbing is not a thing
@@jax_wildguess jesus christ go be miserable somewhere else
I went from g4 to plat 1 in 2 days from learning to abuse udyr jngle lol
"don't get ego get on the way if learning" you taught me something precious
Can confirm, I had Japanese Import as my coach for a period of time and the dude is SUPER knowledgable. If you can afford it, it's very much worth your time to get sessions.
i played this game 12 years ago in the beat and season 1, it's insane how much it's changed and how big it is!!! crazy!! back then it was just elo and like bronze- plat i think, not as serious as it is today i imagine
Even Platin Player didn't understand the Gold Spend stuff you explained for Gold Elo. I have to tell my Adc so often to recall with me and spend our Gold before the enemy lane is back.
Instructions unclear, I started to think of time as a resource and I stopped playing the game
Good decision
As an ADC, I always do the "Why would you do with their info", I get it right 60% of the time which honestly is not too bad for a Bronze 3. Learning this game has been one of the best choice I've made in late 2021 and I don't regret it at all even though it can be quite infuriating
As an ADC-focused player myself one of the main challenges I go through is dealing with a 1v2 when the ally support sometimes doesn't assist with CC or runs off when it's not appropriate. Then turns around and play the blame game when they fall short.
Actually enjoying league of legends??? We don’t do that here
@@piercesable344 u dont fight 2v1's unless theyre running under ur tower or you can one shot one of them. learning to survive and not die in a 2v1 is invaluable
I do cheap boosting
Great video! It would be great if you could do this for lanes as well.
11:39 "help mid or some other lane" junglers are so detached from top that they don't even know it's name ahahaha
its north for me
how do you escape challenger elo, it feels like it never ends
"Ah, Diamond. a cesspool or the actual promised land."
'never have I ever been offended by something that I 100% agree with!'
Hector in lowelo when!
I'm addicted
3:07 firsts advise
5:33 second advise
7:08 3 advise
10:26 10:50 4 advise
So I need to adapt my clear route as Jinx adc? Thanks! Will try it in a ranked game right now.
“Is it worth our time to do any of this stuff.” I ask myself this question every time I queue up.
Every single tip that was mentioned in this video is absolutely true. Once you learn 'How to Learn' it all makes sense.
Amazing video! Thanks for sharing 👍 I’m bronze 3 having only started recently so I’m off to spam some full clears in practice tool 😂
"ragging on hector or sometimes just inting like him" d e a d
Tip (worked for me in low elo)
Since most of the time u have no team go pick yi, tryndamere (a champ that can solo push and escape mobility)
Don't gank when idiots ask u, play ur own game go farm up (yes it might be 2-10 teamscore) but hey u farmed up, can solo kill top and push after gold u have a good chance to get actual teams from here on pick champs that can gank good
yapp its good, i lost many matches cuz enemy Trundle perma pushed bot and toplane, and once while we get into their base, won a teamfight, he just went down on bot and get nexus alone so fast.... its only bad when your team dont realize that they just have to win some time for u to push into the base and get some inhib or nexus, and they just mindlessly run into the enemy team and all die.... enemy then tp back to u and kill u too.... very ofter happens with me
i tried buying it but it just keeps popping up with an error message after loading for a bit
Outro quote kinda deep tho
When you're a one trick and the team bans both your main and your reserve champ. Pog
Could this also get role specific?
Gotta love a Japanese Import vid
It`s very hard to carry when whole team is bullshit every time on Iron rank. This strategy will not work.
This is so much better than many pro guides out there
The truth is (advices for ranked solo/duo match):
If you are Jungler...You can do whatever you want no one is gonna help you..You will be flamed for every bad thing in game so avoid unless 10 Y.O playing the role.
i got very fast camps and end games like 15.4.6 most of the time but still lose in iron lobbys because my teammates doesnt know how to position for a gank opportunity
Can you do this for the other roles?
I played the game for 9 years on locked screen, and only last year started using unlocked screen. It was a struggle for the first couple days but holy was that a big improvement!
Similar for me, apart it was months to get used to unlocked. Eventually had to turn off center on champion as well to stop me constantly spamming space and using it as a crutch.
thats a really helpfull video, I think that you helped alot of people with this!
Great guide, thank you.
I hit d3 with locked camera as fizz main with a 70%wr in 100 games. I think its never good but on some champ its okay. But i will switch now after 8 years of locked cam. I also play Zed and i think there might be especially for those skillshot heavy champs a big improve.
Some pro plays with camera semi lock, just try it
Thanks, great video
ive been so frustrated being stuck in plat 4 (jg). I identify that I win when i value my laners. But i find they don't prepare the lane in a way that allows me to easily help them. I also can't communicate what i want to do / where the enemy jgler is which i track quite well. Basically its like trying to win a team game with no communication, which it is. I cant just win off getting fed anymore people know how to play around one fed person. It feels as if we were on mic i could win every game.
pings, pings and, yea u guess'd it. PINGS
@@VenourYT Yes, that's clearly evident judging by this comment section. Just a buch of crayon eating children in their feces-stained Batman underwear pinging from their mom's basement filled with anime figures and peebottles. I'm glad to finally say I found a place I belong with likeminded people who share the same lack of pesonal hygiene and limited mental capacity such as ourselves. The next dinosaur nuggie is for you guys! (as soon as my dum mother is done cooking them for me, no veggies ofc)
Mics with random strangers is awful. I didn't realize this till I started playing ranked overwatch. Sadly I climbed to diamond much quicker AFTER muting mics most of the time
I think junglers main issue is the same as other players its about seeing and not seeing. Your issue, here, is the fact you dont see opportunities. You "complain" about your laners not preparing anything but its definitly not your business. Mainly as low plat, there so many chances that you could take if you looked at your map properly (and look your lanes).
Honestly, play top on a smurf it will really help. Junglers are boosted by their role in the sens that you dont need to learn lane to climb, no offense.
I've used locked camera for 8 years playing league, I have the unlock bound to the 's' key to move around but I've been able to make master tier.
I'm a hard stuck gold player. I agree about what he says about time and money, but I believe people in this elo is just too afraid to take damage and/or fight/flight. Also if ur team is fed, they become arrogant and start running it down trying to 1v9. Instead of running it down, look at the map and find a pick. If they are no vision of the enemy team then dont go for the pick unless you have vision or it's more pushed towards your side of the map like under tower. It's okay if u cant land abilities, but please just dont go in by urself.
Its exactly a silver and bronze problem too, people very easily throw their advantage and mindlessly run into enemy jungle to just catch a running Fizz or something... very bad. Same as when we win a teamfight, could push or do something on map and no no, they TP back or go into jungle and start farming.... Another what comes in my mind, when we push mid, actually get inhibitor and they just dont retreat, standing still and fighting with the recovering enemy team.... of course they all die.
"Always think up two things to do" life lessons with a league pro
This is just me, but the biggest tip is to find a main based on firstly one that you can comfortably play first. Next, you should probably figure out whether or not you're an aggressive player. Then base runes build off the level of aggression. I've been playing for over 4 months in mostly bot games trying all sorts of champs. I look at their kits and see what I feel and don't feel. Choosing based on role first is probably the wrong strategy.
I've gotten out of gold but now I've been in emerald for two months now. I feel like these videos do help with my climbing. But now it's just getting harder😂. it's crazy how informational this is tho
Well early on I've taken 1 very important thing from this video... I've finally got decent at clearing on Hecarim, as if I'm not doing it by 3:20-25 I curse myself to being so slow.
14:00 litterally me as Ashe and My usual Support in my lane
Can u make a support video of this?
14:01 is telling me enough to know what to do as ADC kekw
The one thing I refuse to believe about this video is that Japanese Import has ever been iron.
at one point i was level 1 and knew far less than an iron player
Great vid!
Those silver players really had a fun time against challenger smurfs like u
I love that in the first part of the video you don't identify how big of a problem specific stragies that riot intentionally breaks are
How did he get the champion icons on the minimap bigger? @2:28
I was thinking of play around my team in low elo, I kinda realise thats pretty bad. There's a reason why they'r hardstuck and I need to learn what is best for me.
Depends on what you consider low elo. I tend to just ignore my team in low gold and below. Once you reach g2-1 and up, you kind of have to play around your team to a certain extent, especially as an adc. I'll still try to prioritze farm and indicate it.
(crying in iron Senna support)
2:26 gotta be a script or hes just so good at spacing abilites on that ekko ult wow
im platinum in eune but cant reach a diamond...
I'm just starting up after a long break from SR, any champ you recommend 1-tricking in the jungle?
Valuable information❤
For anyone worried about unlocked camera don’t worry about that there are high elo players that play on locked
I am definitely always hungry to learn! This is the first year that I've made a conscious decision and effort to improve and I'm honestly aiming for challenger using skill capped. My highest previous rank was gold 1 (Plat promos) from just auto piloting. I'm certain I can get much higher with skill capped!
don’t want to discourage you, but getting to plat I from gold I is alraedy a HUGE improvement.
You’ll have to put the same effort to go from plat I to D3 and then the same again from D2 to D1.
Then if you wanna climb even more, you gotta play everyday and easily up to 7/8hours a day with a very good routine, sports to relax and have oxygenated brain, time for analysing game etc.
If you’re in gold I, great you’re in the 10% of best league players.
But Challenger is the 0.018% of best players just so you get the effort.
Getting to diamond 4 (1.6% of best player would be already a VERY HUGE achievement).
Anyway, good luck in your climb !!
@@Masterpouya I appreciate this so much! Yes, I am aware of how much commitment will be required for challenger but I am totally up for that since league is a passion of mine. When I get there I'll make sure to let you know 😎 Thank you so much!
@@josepvaz10 let me know too i wanna know someday
@@kentjaye5025 You got it! 😎👌
I find it strange that Japanese import seems to think it's possible to get to platnium as a jungle without understanding Lane priority.
It is, i hit plat a couple years back without having a single clue how waves and prio works. (as a mid main)
i have to coach tons of players on it even well into diamond and above, everyone has different weaknesses, so just because its not something you personally struggle with it doesnt mean others dont
I was just referring to the fact that lane priority wasn't mentioned in the video until plat. I took this as "its good if you know about it and it will help you, but its better to focus on the basics first and then focus on developing awareness for lane prio"
very precious information. i consider donating. please do similar materials for other roles too.
i have watched like 7 videos of skill capped.. im a bot then supp then mid peep every since..but now im considering jg to be the only lane to carry.
can you do this one for top lane?
Bring it on
How do you climb out when you have a jungle that is a bot and a support that is a bot as well as an AFK top lane?
What I'd always advise to get better is to accept being carried. Sometimes your lane will suck, you won't be able to do anything, then just stop. Let your team do their thing, and don't make their lives more difficult by giving 10 free kills. Don't feed, play ultra safe, farm your lane or others when they are dead / away, don't go in team fights, ward your side and just farm. It can get you back in game so fast but people don't understand and even in diamond I see laners just keep trying to fight when they are 0/4 and 50 cs behind.
but what if i +14 -17
same happened to me. just learn to 1v9 and close games, and if that happens search a duoq you can trust on
@@asier1323 influences of 2people in a 5v5 game is limited i guess,this elo system is just bullshit
I'm convinced the top players would be high level chess players as well. If you can manage a chess board like a pro, you can stomp low elo with macro. Chess and league are both sacrifice something to gain something you think is better.
Does anybody know how can i make my minimap icons so big like in 5:47?
lower the size of your minimap
Locked camera is without a doubt my most difficult habit to fix... I've been playing league since 2014 (albeit with breaks inbetween) and I've never bothered learning to use free cam. Not only is scrolling while moving awkward for me, so is using movement abilities on champions. I'm unconciously expecting the camera to move along with a dash and hitting any follow-up skills is difficult... On the other hand, playing champs with too many dashes (like Irelia) is nearly impossible in locked cam... I'm gonna have to suffer through learing to use free cam via brute force, aren't I?
banger how to climb video from japimport
where i find the video that who´s mented in the youtube video
I tend to do that Kayn tactic with a ctrl ward on my own red it provides too much info ))
bro im challenger , how to carry them ? :) as adc
There's pro players that still can't use F keys, I don't think anyone in Iron or Bronze would be able to either lol
It comes down to preference anyway
@@Ninjer the function keys are definitely the fastest way to check what happening with your team mates if you can get used to using them. It's kind of similar to leveling up by keyboard instead of mouse.
F keys are a helpful tool but not a necessary one. Honestly I think they're not that massive of a difference until you get to high elo (D1+) and even then it depends on what your preference is. For example I don't use F keys but what I do is I click on the minimap and then use space to recenter the camera on my champion. I like it better this way because I came from SC2 and minimap usage was a huge skill in that game.
10:20 "how can you set them up to help them" I played Rammus, typed in chat to not push bot, took blue and gromp top side, took red after, and Vayne/Thresh constantly pushed the wave till the enemy tower. "They need to help each other to succeed" ok👍
That's one game. I don't know what elo you are but this is an issue that low elo players and lots of league players in general struggle with: They tunnel vision on each individual game instead of applying what they're learning to the overall games they play. Not every game is going to be perfect where you tell the lane you want to gank early to not afk push because chances are the other players on your team have their own ideas of what they need to do to win. Not saying they are always right, just saying that you have to keep in mind that while you have a gameplan in mind you won't always be able to convince your teammates to follow that plan. Also it's important to mention that when you're planning out plays to think what your lane matchups are, what they want to do, who the enemy JG is and do you guys win 3v3, etc.
One last thing: The beauty of playing JG is that you can adapt your clear and pathing to the game state. While you are clearing your gromp you should be constantly watching the lanes, in your case watching bot, and looking to see how your bot is playing in comparison to what you want to do. If they are pushing the wave then you should start to reorient your path and try a mid gank after red into scuttle for example, etc.
@@YuYuYuna_ I'm with every word you said but I can't get out of jungle since there is alot of players who doesn't play like that especially when I get a troller before the game starts which could be the jungler
@@YuYuYuna_ this is one game I typed but I play alot of these with even worse gameplay
Games: rank=skill
Teamgames: rank=luck with mates
10:50 where the fuck are that zeds Q's going?
“Use F keys”
My keyboard:😅🙅♂️
Do it for midlane
Same video for ADC?
Watching this makes me realize how boosted i really am, no adaptation just abuse mechanics
Japanese Import always showing us the same kha zix game and thinks we won't notice lmao
im pretty sure i bought like a coaching lesson from you 3 years ago lol
I just play adc and do mediocre and dodge when I know my team will lose. Most adcs are absolute ass in gold and below.
@Professor Thinker Even pro players lose in gold games sometimes. I hardly play the game as well. As any top players that look to just climb and they will say that they dodge games they think are unwinnable. Nice try tho.
@Professor Thinker God you are insufferable. How exactly did I contradict myself? The only thing you've done so far is insult me. Nothing of what you've said have been even the slightest bit constructive.
@Professor Thinker Good talk. 👍
this whole time i thought skill capped narrators were calling someone 'japanese import' i didnt know it was actually a guy calling himself japanese import. i missed that LMAO
I have issue with the unlocked camera I just don't like it how it feels, I'm currently gold 3 with only 6 months playing the game, any advice on how to use it like settings and other stuff?
I don't understand how people can play LOL with locked camera. Like if you have played any sort of strategy games (AOE, CIV, Starcraft, ecc ) by default you play with unlocked camera.It is pretty much the same thing for LOL.
@@poisonvolkswagon9431 i used to play vainglory wich was a moba with locked camera and it was actually fine, you just got used o use Map a lot, which I do, in a way it helps me because I’m forced to look at the map
@@FernandoLucas48 Go and play some RTS, they will massively help with LOL. AOE4 is pretty recent nice and chill.
@@FernandoLucas48 if you've got any extra buttons on your mouse, you could use one of them as a sort of 'scroll' button. I personally use one of the buttons to drag my camera over, this means I don't have to move my cursor to each corner every 0.2 sec.
@@nexius02 thanks man, i will try it
I think this is only possible with champs like amumu, shyvanna and mundo with basic abilities that have aoe and dps burning abilities.
I feel like all the tips for every rank that you showed should be moved down a division lol. Golds should be familiar with prio and wave state at this point
Why is it Jungle specific?
I was on a winstreak. Then my next games. Teemo farm. Like bruh? We lost so hard.
I kid you not, when your in bronze and you lose to a team that took 3 smites and were 3 man counter jungling me, while my team couldnt push lane thats when I realized im never escaping bronze