怎么样判断茶叶的好坏?/How can you judge the quality of tea leaves?

  • Опубліковано 5 жов 2024
  • 很简单,三个字:开水泡。很多专业的品茶师都是用这种方法去品鉴这个茶叶的品质的,也就是我们俗话所说的“好茶不怕开水泡”。用这个开水,把这个茶叶在开水里面泡3到5分钟,然后我们再把这个茶喝到嘴里面去。首先入口,它会苦但是呢又能化开,它会涩但是呢它又会生津,不会辣嗓子,你整个舌头、嗓子还有口腔都是非常舒服的,就是那种浓浓的茶香的味道,不会像喝白开水那样寡淡无味。那么这样的茶叶就是品质的好茶。但是我还是不建议你用这种方法去泡茶喝啊,我们泡茶是为了好喝。刚才说用开水泡闷3-5分钟那种事主要是寻找茶叶的缺点。如果你想泡茶好喝,还是根据我之前讲的那种方法去泡茶,因为这些都是前人总结的经验。It's simple, three words: steep in hot water. Many professional tea tasters use this method to assess the quality of tea leaves, which is what we commonly say, "good tea isn't afraid of steeping in hot water." Using hot water, steep the tea leaves for 3 to 5 minutes, then taste the tea. When you first sip it, it may taste bitter, but it should quickly mellow out. It might have some astringency, but it should also create a mouth-watering sensation without leaving a dry or scratchy feeling in your throat. Your whole mouth, including the tongue and palate, should feel very comfortable, with a rich tea aroma lingering. Unlike drinking plain water, the tea should have a strong and flavorful taste. In this way, the tea leaves are of good quality.
    However, I still don't recommend using this method to brew tea for drinking purposes. We brew tea to enjoy it. The method of steeping tea in hot water for 3-5 minutes is mainly to identify any flaws in the tea leaves. If you want to brew delicious tea, it's best to follow the traditional methods I mentioned earlier, as they are based on the wisdom and experience of our predecessors.
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