One Piece AMV/ASMV - 'Whitebeard' - The Legend I 白ひげ ᴴᴰ

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @baxi5689
    @baxi5689 7 років тому +479

    no joke. the best anime character ever

    • @edwartnewgate6743
      @edwartnewgate6743 4 роки тому +7

      one word can describe one piece and that is Magnificient

    • @Abi-qx2ft
      @Abi-qx2ft 4 роки тому +8

      It gets even better during the oden flashbacks 💓💓

    • @cultured8709
      @cultured8709 4 роки тому +1

      @Felix Hammerschmid hell no

    • @devilevil1958
      @devilevil1958 4 роки тому +1

      @@Abi-qx2ft yep bro

    • @hassanikhalil4300
      @hassanikhalil4300 3 роки тому

      @Felix Hammerschmid Nooo

  • @zachf.7854
    @zachf.7854 5 років тому +156

    Edward Newgate.
    A great father
    A great Capitan
    And such a badass that he called his mustace a beard and no one questioned him.
    You will be remembered

    • @siddharthdighe5908
      @siddharthdighe5908 4 роки тому +14

      Technically, in Japanese the word for moustache and beard is the same - 'hige' - meaning facial hair...
      But that doesn't make Whitebeard any less savage, so you're right

    • @MadaraUchihasz
      @MadaraUchihasz 2 роки тому +1

      @@siddharthdighe5908 well even if whitebeard did that everyone would probably just let it be and not argue with him 💀

  • @ashkhisty9524
    @ashkhisty9524 8 років тому +391

    Edward Newgate deserves anime best dad ever.

    • @xXLucWuvXx
      @xXLucWuvXx 7 років тому +10

      ash khisty Piccolo deserves one too. Best dad ever x2

    • @v-Lex-v
      @v-Lex-v 6 років тому +13

      xXLucWuvXx well whitebeared deserves it way more if you ask me

    • @redjohn44
      @redjohn44 5 років тому +10

      He was running an Orphanage on his ship LOL 😂

    • @bananacat5957
      @bananacat5957 4 роки тому

      @@redjohn44 😂😂😂

    • @whitebeardpiraten1653
      @whitebeardpiraten1653 4 роки тому +3

      Yes my son

  • @kylepessell1350
    @kylepessell1350 7 років тому +32

    3:36 That moment right there made me tear up. One of the noblest pirates to ever exist.

  • @the_nut_cracker4154
    @the_nut_cracker4154 6 років тому +189

    Only true one piece fans will cry at his Death

    • @TheDkapa1
      @TheDkapa1 5 років тому +1

      Im a true fan and o didn't cry. Asshole

    • @binodkumarsoren7610
      @binodkumarsoren7610 4 роки тому +7

      You are absolutely right only true fan will cry ..😭😭

    • @dzexii
      @dzexii 4 роки тому +7

      @@TheDkapa1 you are not

    • @jayden1602
      @jayden1602 4 роки тому +2

      why is no one talking about aces death? like ok.

    • @LizardGamingGamer
      @LizardGamingGamer 3 роки тому +6

      @@jayden1602 did ace announce that one piece was really? did he tank almost 50 cannonball shots, and was he a father of one of the biggest pirate crews to sail the new world? no? maybe that's why. ace's death was sad as hell to me, but when whitebeard died the entire world shook, this was the man who was second next to roger, they called whitebeard "The King of the Seas"! of course people are gonna freak out that he died. I mean, the man was a Yonko for crying out loud!!!

  • @SonofSoma108
    @SonofSoma108 4 роки тому +73

    The moment I hear ‘we have angered the king of seas’😱😱😱🤯🤯🤯

    • @siva9773
      @siva9773 4 роки тому +6

      That part was real crazy dude🔥🔥

  • @RandomGuyyyy
    @RandomGuyyyy 7 років тому +69

    2:07 that perfect sync. The music, the timing, and the scene were perfectly placed. That alone shows your talent, great work man

  • @7x100
    @7x100 5 років тому +55

    The moment at 1:00, proves that old Italian proverb: "It better to be a lion one day, than sheep thousand years".

    • @rogerbos4742
      @rogerbos4742 4 роки тому

      "We have angered... The King Of The Sea!!" What do you mean by that proverb?

    • @7x100
      @7x100 4 роки тому +5

      @@rogerbos4742 Because at that moment everyone fears and respects White Beard like a lion. That moment captures such great epicness, if you could have that power for one day, you would rather have that then thousand years of sheep-like life.

  • @ledbeck5364
    @ledbeck5364 4 роки тому +21

    If Oyaji smiles at you, you are on the right path. Respect his sacrifice and determination Luffy.

  • @FLawLesSTaStE
    @FLawLesSTaStE 7 років тому +36

    2:04 It was at this moment that " Akainu " knew he fucked up! LMAO

  • @Htbotaku101
    @Htbotaku101 4 роки тому +3

    it took one arc but this man has become a legend in one piece history

  • @christianwarrior3169
    @christianwarrior3169 2 роки тому +2

    I'm back again n watching this for the 100 + times now

  • @averageguyonthestreets
    @averageguyonthestreets 4 роки тому +1

    The manliest man to exist in any fiction.

  • @SoaringArtist
    @SoaringArtist 8 років тому +17

    CHILLS MAN!! Ah I got so many chills! This was amazing! Big Brother you are extremely talented I have watched every single ASMV of yours and I still continue to watch them today. I just wanted you to know how your work and characters like Whitebeard has inspired and reminded me of strength, greatness and the will to fight for what I believe in. everyday.

  • @edwardnox651
    @edwardnox651 4 роки тому +29

    72 years old, Hooked up to life support machines and uses a cane.. And even still, takes on the Entire Navy HQ alone. Haki? Haki can prevent a baby from being born for months, Haki can stop old age, Haki can even make Giant golems out of mountain's. Its a speculation that he used Haki to Pre-long his life in the battle as he was standing on the ship talking, and when he got angry for what they said when ace was on the platform he coughed blood like he was about to use it. it may also explain how he was still fighting after taking so much Injury. just a theory though 3:

    • @errantbonzer994
      @errantbonzer994 3 роки тому +1

      Haki wasn't used unless stated during this arc

    • @thegesheep8376
      @thegesheep8376 2 роки тому +1

      @@errantbonzer994 yeah no that isn’t true, Whitebeard wouldn’t have been able to hit akainu without haki , or Jozu hitting Aokiji wouldn’t have happened without haki. Haki just wasn’t shown visually the same way during that time.

    • @wissam-pe4eb
      @wissam-pe4eb Рік тому

      Actually the Whitebeard is 74 year old

  • @LiKEZzZ
    @LiKEZzZ 4 роки тому +5

    A Warrior ... 1:39 and Legend

  • @rajchowhan8132
    @rajchowhan8132 3 роки тому +3

    You are always a legend oyaji 😭😭😭🔥

  • @Beerguy431
    @Beerguy431 4 місяці тому +1

    Wow it was beautiful

  • @christianwarrior3169
    @christianwarrior3169 2 роки тому +1

    Gets better each time I watch this

  • @bym9504
    @bym9504 Рік тому +2

    GOOD JOB....

  • @edustep4383
    @edustep4383 2 роки тому +2

    One of the best tribute for the best father, best anime character in the anime. Great Work.

  • @hebmonge
    @hebmonge 6 років тому +2

    This video must persist between ages! Such a great character, anyone should know about him!

  • @mihawk2670
    @mihawk2670 4 роки тому +2

    Probebly the most respected anime charecter

  • @zunairjamil6623
    @zunairjamil6623 3 роки тому +1

    The best anime character, and the the best tribute video ever.

  • @tanott
    @tanott 8 років тому +9

    One of the best if not the best WhiteBeard tribute! Amazing work! Merry Christmas!

  • @RevengeAMVs
    @RevengeAMVs 8 років тому +4

    The song and the quotes fit so perfectly together.
    You did an awesome job here :)

  • @devilevil1958
    @devilevil1958 4 роки тому +1

    Bro I started crying when whitebread died and his last words was incredible

  • @kazuhiko531
    @kazuhiko531 3 роки тому +1

    One of the best anime legends 😭😭😭

  • @kaychouhi
    @kaychouhi 8 років тому +17

    this was awesome. You can really see the difference between ur way of editting the story and others who made an ASMV with the same theme

  • @trafalgar.dwaterlaw1422
    @trafalgar.dwaterlaw1422 4 роки тому +1

    Strongest man in the world 💪💪

  • @pedroribeiro7594
    @pedroribeiro7594 8 років тому +11

    i dont get why this guy has just 14k subs he deserves way more!! anyway awesome AMV

  • @arslanazeem9069
    @arslanazeem9069 5 років тому +3

    SARABADA mushko takki......!!!! the most saddest line i still miss this great character till now

  • @jeetchudasama2759
    @jeetchudasama2759 7 років тому +1

    lived as a legend
    died as a legend

  • @ibrahimunknown9808
    @ibrahimunknown9808 5 років тому +1

    Literally The Best anime Amv Is this

  • @ShiDaNawa-yy4zz
    @ShiDaNawa-yy4zz 6 місяців тому

    One of the greatest legend ❤❤❤❤

  • @waniemizuno3612
    @waniemizuno3612 7 років тому

    I couldn't understand for those who dislike this. it's a great piece! come on man! grow up!

  • @christianwarrior3169
    @christianwarrior3169 2 роки тому

    Whitebeard literally is legendary

  • @Giano182-OnePieceAmvs
    @Giano182-OnePieceAmvs 8 років тому +73

    Somehow it turned out good :)
    Definetively a good tribute about Whitebeard. Even if to be honest I liked more the mark petrie song Kara Kul that you've picked for your teaser (It was more impactful in my opinion). However nevermind, it's me and my hard tastes to satisfy nowdays, so nothing to worry about that much bro. You're amazing, congraz for 14k fans. ;)

    • @scientist368
      @scientist368 8 років тому +1

      according to doctor hiluluk that sentecne in the end is wrong. you have to be remember to not die.
      and whitebeard did tell a lie in marineford. garp and roger are in the top of all the eras not him

    • @xXNewWorld25Xx
      @xXNewWorld25Xx 8 років тому +1

      I make Giano's words mine xD

    • @Putzarasvalanti
      @Putzarasvalanti 8 років тому +2

      so many amvs about the big dogs, but could someone make a kick ass amv about the awesome god usop

    • @ACertainAccelerator
      @ACertainAccelerator 7 років тому +1

      I can only agree Kara Kul would fit much better :)

  • @PhatToNhuLai8
    @PhatToNhuLai8 3 роки тому

    The very most painful line ever from WhiteBeard was .. Goodbye, My Sons.
    Fucking aye

  • @king.9442
    @king.9442 Рік тому +1

    اول مرة أعرف بلي عندك قناة ثانية خاصة ب amv

  • @عبدالرحمنعلىسعيد-ل3و

    One piece
    KING of see 🌊👑

  • @egilscorner2469
    @egilscorner2469 3 роки тому

    People say anime can’t be realistic. But WhiteBeard proves that there is nothing a kind man won’t do for his family

  • @arshiatavangar1671
    @arshiatavangar1671 4 роки тому +2

    Best anime character ever

  • @3zo_san
    @3zo_san 3 роки тому +2

    the best Character for ever

  • @surjalmallik
    @surjalmallik 3 роки тому

    Has to be the best edit ever god damn i got dust in my eyes.

  • @GolDAdi09
    @GolDAdi09 8 років тому +1

    u brought me to tears man!!!!
    Great work as u always do

  • @dzassault
    @dzassault 7 років тому

    What a legend
    R.I.P Whitebeard 🙏

  • @jabajaba15
    @jabajaba15 7 років тому

    Never stop making these please.

  • @phylicialawrence5238
    @phylicialawrence5238 3 роки тому

    most badass character..he takes more damages than others admirals

  • @hartworldamv664
    @hartworldamv664 4 роки тому +1

    I love your ASMV 🔥😍😭

  • @LiKEZzZ
    @LiKEZzZ 4 роки тому +1

    A Legend in Anime!!!

  • @smoxar1501
    @smoxar1501 5 років тому +3

    Rest In Peace Legend 🙏

  • @Ravenex2
    @Ravenex2 6 років тому +2

    I love this amv, so well synced and inspirational. Go Whitebeard, Plus Ultraaaaa!!

  • @binodkumarsoren7610
    @binodkumarsoren7610 4 роки тому +1

    Whenever I see about whitebeard it brings tears😭😭😭😭😭

  • @aswins1815
    @aswins1815 7 років тому

    I dont know if you would read this
    But you are the best asmv producer for me... I fucking cry everytime i watch this. Nobody has made me cry over a amv

  • @RandomGuyyyy
    @RandomGuyyyy 8 років тому +2

    One of the best amv ever! You matched the music and the timings so perfectly, great job bro. Enjoy the like and sub

  • @TheLastFlame
    @TheLastFlame 8 років тому +21

    Really a great work bro! i really enjoyed everything, storyline, editing and music. I know how it feels when you fail to decide the right song, always think about that it is not appropriate or does not fit and you continue to change it.
    But I think in the end you have picked the right songs for Whitebeard. xD
    A great tribute for a great character, different from the many asmv that have been made about Shirohige, you have your own editing style, original and very recognizable. Keep it up bro! ^^

    • @donmadara3492
      @donmadara3492 8 років тому +1

      Ace TheLastFlame your whitebeard amv was sick as well bro well done

  • @isse304
    @isse304 7 років тому +1

    White,beards voice is the coolest in any anime.

  • @dimz2208
    @dimz2208 3 роки тому

    *sigh* if whitebeard still alive is gonna epic

  • @MultiQais123
    @MultiQais123 6 років тому

    Best amv i ever saw in my life

  • @ythn---4760
    @ythn---4760 8 років тому

    all of your amv/asmv are awesome, thank you

  • @thepresence5041
    @thepresence5041 2 роки тому

    When whitebeard hugged squardo after squadro stabbed wb, made me tear up. Wb is really legendary. Easily the most respect worthy character ever

  • @rxparthi6766
    @rxparthi6766 2 роки тому +2

    Ace : Oyajee 💔

  • @aymanfourati5033
    @aymanfourati5033 8 років тому +2

    you're great man, amazing video especially the song :D

  • @livethe-moment2867
    @livethe-moment2867 7 років тому

    I was crying my eyes out. Thank you

  • @donmadara3492
    @donmadara3492 8 років тому +2

    As always you didnt dissapoint man, great work!

  • @kuriko17
    @kuriko17 6 років тому +3

    the legend who wants to end his era ...

  • @luffydroger3852
    @luffydroger3852 8 років тому

    This is amazing Big Brother

  • @naseemarafa7628
    @naseemarafa7628 7 років тому +3

    احلى شخصية ون ببس. اسطورية

  • @bp19964
    @bp19964 8 років тому +1

    your work is out of this world my man!

  • @brook712
    @brook712 8 років тому +1

    مبدع شعيب

  • @smittywerbenjaegermanjense4016
    @smittywerbenjaegermanjense4016 7 років тому +1

    This is amazing!

  • @MrODST57
    @MrODST57 8 років тому +1

    Great video man.Keep on making these if that's not a problem for you.

  • @MohammedALdhaif
    @MohammedALdhaif 8 років тому +2

    You are the best 😍❤

  • @mudassirsyed2266
    @mudassirsyed2266 3 роки тому

    the anime character who give me chills everytime i see him

  • @resher6666
    @resher6666 8 років тому

    very good asmv bro !!

  • @grid6874
    @grid6874 5 років тому

    Whitebeard is the most bad ass...he grew a mustache and called it beard...but no one questioned him 😂

  • @6aloolq8
    @6aloolq8 8 років тому

    Yes akhi, absolutely amazing ! 👍 10/10

  • @gauravchakradhari5060
    @gauravchakradhari5060 3 роки тому

    One-piece does exist ❤️

  • @MArc14hc
    @MArc14hc 7 років тому

    Nice work! Beautiful AMV

  • @doflamingo2854
    @doflamingo2854 4 роки тому

    One piece wa .. Itsumarizuuu 💓

  • @DarkLord-kk3cp
    @DarkLord-kk3cp 8 років тому

    Great job this is so cool. Keep up your work

  • @bossp4762
    @bossp4762 3 роки тому

    Thats why I watched one piece it's because of whitebeard the strongest man in the world 😭😭😭😭

  • @HypnoticFrog
    @HypnoticFrog 6 років тому +1

    Told myself I wouldn't cry.
    I said "pffft I won't cry".

  • @SonofSoma108
    @SonofSoma108 4 роки тому

    I got goosebumps through out the video

  • @albertothebigboss
    @albertothebigboss 7 років тому +1

    its been probably the 15th time ive watched this video and every time i watch it makes me so wet its soo good keep it up fam ur amvs are sooooo goooood.

  • @yyyp30
    @yyyp30 Рік тому +1

    Family ❤

  • @AkashSingh-yp8rt
    @AkashSingh-yp8rt 4 роки тому +1

    2:05 gave me chills

  • @zachschulz7147
    @zachschulz7147 8 років тому

    This makes me tear up every time I watch it.

  • @Ahlawy507
    @Ahlawy507 7 років тому

    White-beard .. what a fucking legend

  • @drakokingofbeastcentral2981
    @drakokingofbeastcentral2981 8 років тому

    very awesome I always love amv about whitebeard

  • @v-Lex-v
    @v-Lex-v 6 років тому

    He died like he a legend i wished he was still alive ...why didnt that fool just let his sons help him but he was the most respectable man there is even more than shanks if you ask me but even after death i still respect him...carrying his crew on his back getting hurt over and over and got 2 giant holes in his body so big even a head could fit through but still he fought till the end...died standing and didnt have a single wound in his life from running away and showing his back to the enemy what a legend

  • @AngryShotMVS
    @AngryShotMVS 8 років тому

    Great video man!

  • @glennquagmire8331
    @glennquagmire8331 3 роки тому

    I cried after watching this

  • @aivarashi
    @aivarashi 8 років тому

    holy crap dude you earned a sub your amv's are the best ive seen in a while huge respects.

  • @Mrnothing1777
    @Mrnothing1777 8 років тому

    well done awesome amv

  • @MrODST57
    @MrODST57 8 років тому

    1st fuck yeah good ass amv dude

  • @Smophyr
    @Smophyr 8 років тому

    amazing dude your are always the best keep it up

  • @AkataOP
    @AkataOP 8 років тому

    amazing work!!

  • @shahyawar3709
    @shahyawar3709 4 роки тому +1

    you will be a fool to disagree with the fact that is a role model to many.... for many from our generation...